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You messed with me~

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750af81c No.3734738[Reply]

Bonus if you find a penis milking with a dildo that takes your own cum and ejects in your own backdoor.
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f14b00b4 No.3756013

File: 1728672421421.jpg (361.81 KB, 1200x1600, 7ddd50b37d3d1856085f940ca6….jpg)

0eeb246e No.3757426

File: 1729746000953.jpg (278.54 KB, 1116x1280, bafybeibzqs4kwkonvclflgitq….jpg)

ed326a9f No.3759089

File: 1732121926317.jpg (512.69 KB, 2500x3033, bafybeierrc4v2h2gmkpjy62ys….jpg)

bd3ba0fe No.3760999

File: 1733774455097.jpg (426.71 KB, 1664x2432, 3f8955a1e840e21dfa193c5ce3….jpg)

ef25dba9 No.3765233

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56136c25 No.3765237

File: 1737246737840.jpg (1.13 MB, 1993x1440, GhC4NIWXEAAsJHY.jpg)

f3eb4cff No.3765358

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65c9601c No.3708773[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We are hungry feed us!
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a16d8298 No.3764095

File: 1736218811947-0.jpg (126.43 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 1736218811947-1.png (10.45 KB, 225x225, corn in turd.png)

But i has food allergies…

*two minutes later*

*swells up into purple balloon face*


The Real Reason Why You Have Allergies

0d0a4723 No.3764096

File: 1736219361557.jpg (437.94 KB, 1896x1943, bafybeifi6ajziifcp6euuz6co….jpg)

c2440bcb No.3764218

File: 1736307157429.jpeg (251.33 KB, 951x1212, taco vs burrito game.jpeg)

a16d8298 No.3764965

File: 1736992001798.png (746.08 KB, 1152x896, ComfyUI_00841_.png)

a3a4302e No.3764969

>>3764218 I have this game. it sucks so bad

a16d8298 No.3765249

File: 1737262475764-0.jpg (470.41 KB, 2458x2160, GhLoqGmbcAA2NYr_u18chan.jpg)

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a16d8298 No.3765302

File: 1737274139130.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, cover1.jpg)

File: 1688763671769.jpg (80.89 KB, 534x800, all alone gatsby.jpg)

801d8091 No.3707699[Reply]

Alone on a Friday night? How pathetic.
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209bbf91 No.3749820

File: 1723273146645.png (437.79 KB, 768x768, dhgdtl9-de4ee9dd-c133-4dce….png)

but I forgot to take out my trash…

e0021e3f No.3749822

File: 1723274306525.jpeg (457.89 KB, 2372x1438, Screenshot_10-8-2024_3134….jpeg)

02203b17 No.3749857

I'll be praying for you again tonight! Sleep well. :3

c05fc252 No.3759302

File: 1732328135738.jpg (891.85 KB, 3840x2160, cc0b61c0335e77d83fefe8808b….jpg)

52dadf46 No.3765137

File: 1737156262998.jpg (332.7 KB, 1200x1004, blotch_sketch-firefox.jpg)

3d13fd49 No.3765141

Friday night is a great night for reading.

3d3437b7 No.3765295

File: 1737273138779.jpg (837.32 KB, 950x1089, PowerTeamRGB.jpg)


I would like a 3-way with Steam and Mix.

File: 1689299802065.gif (62.06 KB, 245x294, tumblr_midevtuwUT1qg35tio1….gif)

6e3d6d82 No.3708628[Reply]

Petition to permaban Steam and all of his clones because he admitted to letting Aufy use his name to avoid a ban.
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3bb67d4f No.3760764

> so for DC the danger is about cooking your flesh on the inside instead of stopping your heart.

False. Steady DC current causes tissue distruction by iontophoresis. This happens at far lower current levels than "cooking."

b58a0c15 No.3760767


That doesn't appear to have much to do with the point, at least in the immediate time scale.

DC current can mess up with your biochemical functions, but only if you keep a battery hooked up to yourself for hours on end.

18a8daf7 No.3760768

I am not responsible for what empty headed "newage" nobodys try to redefine the term on Wikipedia. If you are truly interested in the true meaning of the term then you must consult medical journals and medical texts. I will spend no time attempting to educate you.

0e8ce18a No.3760776

DC voltage is weird, a friend of mine was working on a truck battery cable with a wrench when, he's not exactly sure, but he thinks he accidently touched the wrench to both the + and - battery terminals at the same time. There was a big shower of sparks, some smoke, and it melted the wrench, like, immediately! Yet he said he was unharmed and never felt anything, and the wrench was not hot, yet it was melted
How is this possible??

568c37de No.3760778

File: 1733570911701.png (163.37 KB, 300x281, zz155980355509ff9brahnepng.png)

What a fanciful play and such large eyebrows for a queen. The people came to see the Execution. I will have to sneak in some chocolate and elixirs to the show. I am just so bored waiting for the big steamy porker to DIEEEEEEE i mean get the boot!

410fab15 No.3765092

File: 1737109273060.png (2.03 MB, 1704x1280, 058fd3675d74b4bd09ab13ecc8….png)

Im so glad the mods decided to permaban that pedo from the site. His pedophillia was making everyone look bad

593c3896 No.3765291

Which Trump supporter got banned?

File: 1737269049062.png (4.29 MB, 1766x2087, 08bbbb9cc3a7eb49bc75f71dc6….png)

fa362b63 No.3765257[Reply]

Steam is spamming the board and running everything ban him now! I command it if you don't I'll make you suck my dick

36dd302c No.3765287

If you had a body like that you wouldn't be here fighting with Steam. You would be out being a chad instead of an incel loser wasting your youth like you are now.

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d47aac5a No.3709261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Big girls on small guys!
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8e20aa69 No.3760945

File: 1733714253350-0.png (1.46 MB, 2000x1127, 124757878_p0.png)

>guys literally only want one thing

8e20aa69 No.3762001

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8e20aa69 No.3762002

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f3aaebb3 No.3763435

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f3aaebb3 No.3764858

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f3aaebb3 No.3764859

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f3aaebb3 No.3765252

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8fb35fc0 No.3708581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Smelly animals. Gotta get that funk!
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6d385669 No.3764495

Sofa king ugly

ff653b63 No.3764500

Says the guy who spams tons of AI-generated text RoboSlop that nobody reads across multiple threads.

bff7f9fd No.3764701

File: 1736748919074-0.jpg (170.19 KB, 1088x1408, 1736748857730-1.jpg)

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wet dog!

3b340f94 No.3764773

Needs a cookie,no human vagoo

bff7f9fd No.3764963

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2e2e8f2f No.3764971

File: 1737003056245.jpg (1.25 MB, 992x1456, f48572ab32f0f98222e61f6089….jpg)

Zoom into them, what else do you see?
Clothespins optional.

3d252839 No.3765250

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47468bc5 No.3743378[Reply]

Why are having kids soo difficult? you gotta feed them provide them social security healthcare good connections with people who may benifit or ruin your life; there's gotta be more to the story it's about continuing the next generations to secure the entire human race.
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47468bc5 No.3743399

File: 1718696142720.png (19.53 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Without younger generations who could take care of the elders, we wont have…

Comfy Federation
circa photo of a weasel carrying goods to nearby market while enjoying a blunt.

47468bc5 No.3743400

File: 1718696683776.jpg (531.01 KB, 2048x1707, GQP6EPia8AAuYd0.jpg)

Raise you kids raise your kids raise your god damn kids!

Read a Book (Clean Version)

47468bc5 No.3743684

File: 1718916228475-0.jpg (1.4 MB, 1920x3072, slugdating (1).jpg)

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Wait you're single? Your husband left you and all your kids are dead?

47468bc5 No.3744492

File: 1719597710158.png (832.09 KB, 1280x1317, tumblr_b4e6dda85e7cc40fb54….png)

86fa6958 No.3757388

File: 1729701527903.gif (2.54 MB, 1920x1080, bafybeiarqadnajl4ayq3cl7yn….gif)

Stealth bumpers should face the pendulum.

47468bc5 No.3765125

File: 1737148083387.jpg (38.06 KB, 500x592, 9h278x.jpg)

Parents: We didn't raise you like this!
Society: Indeed we fucked your child or childen up…
Offspring: I like turtles!

79733683 No.3765205

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3c889afe No.3707363[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Mustelid thread 3.0. Stoats, weasels, otters, badgers, wolverines, martens, mink, ferrets, etc. Skunks are technically mephitids, but we accept them as our own.
356 posts and 847 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

8ffde87c No.3762224

File: 1734737978306-0.jpg (585.5 KB, 4905x3710, eff7d2181ff389eedd53ffafe9….jpg)

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1830b906 No.3763843

File: 1736043478759.png (1.21 MB, 832x1216, a744254420af7245ea6bdc3b17….png)

Farmers say equines cum harder and faster if you squeeze the area just behind their cock head with intense pressure.

OBSTAGOONS can do this!

72dd0dfc No.3764075

File: 1736210216831.jpg (97.49 KB, 700x838, 1336360708.seppel_furotico….jpg)

9e6bf9da No.3764957

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9e6bf9da No.3764958

File: 1736989066650-0.jpg (183.08 KB, 1000x1000, GHPG9oWbIAAX8Eb.jpg)

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bc3df7d0 No.3764979

File: 1737016688599.jpg (1.87 MB, 4864x3328, AI generated Onyx butt.jpg)

8efab183 No.3765151

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d9e7036d No.3763904[Reply]

8fbede1b No.3763941

File: 1736122864786.jpg (603.2 KB, 1000x949, d8k30hb-37bddf86-4bcd-42fd….jpg)

that show was shit

0641cd9c No.3764542

The first episodes, especially ep 2, were badly edited. It felt like there was an entire segment missing, suddenly the players went from total strangers to tightly knit teams with leaders, personal bonds and hierarchy. It seems there were a lot of things happening in the "city" besides the contests that weren't shown, for whatever reason. The later episodes were much longer than the first two, it's like they decided that they were gonna spend more time showing more of the non-competition ongoings after they were finished editing the first two episodes.

And they didn't do enough with the city before leaving it, anyway. Why make such a big thing out of building it when you're barely gonna use it? The towers were only used for one segment that barely had anything to do with the physical towers, and now it's basically just turned into Survivor on some island. Curious for the next episode though.

93093f98 No.3765150

File: 1737169551804.png (352.56 KB, 750x375, 991-Jeremy-Grant-Beast-Gam….png)

God it was satisfying to see Smug Jesus Jeremy Of The 100 Coins dumped through that trap door. Please make a GIF of it so i can use it as a animated wallpaper.

d77d78a4 No.3765188

File: 1737213073906.jpg (511.76 KB, 1864x1768, cocainecoon.jpg)

I know you're banned and everything, but have you watched that movie yet?
It would be nice to chat about it with you.

Your AI's weren't as impressive as you made them out to be, by the way - lots of canned responses. Best not to get too deeply involved in something that reads things off a database and stops working when the electricity fails. Kind of reminds me of the anthro cat AI that was shilled here well over a decade ago, where the cat admitted to enjoying licking its own asshole.
I'm a real dog who still likes people for some reason, and maybe you can find some connection to the few remaining good things this world can offer by chatting with a real dog and working your way up from that, if you want to.
Will be around again 8PM EST (but also 8AM) or so, but might be a bit late or early, so please keep the program running.
Just want to know what you think about that movie. :/

(Pic unrelated.)

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