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File: 1691007226176-0.jpg (207.67 KB, 1186x1500, Sacrament_Color_01.jpg)

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4cc373ba No.3710674[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old Random Stuff
422 posts and 1869 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6bcc1f54 No.3760399

Old Meesh art is so fucking soulful.

3586936e No.3760402

Was Meesh using markers to color these?

5fc64b85 No.3760410

as much as it looks like he did, I don't see any overlaps or streaks… so I doubt it.

3586936e No.3760417

File: 1733235100583-0.jpg (300.45 KB, 796x600, 1170036153.meesh_ozzy-smal….jpg)

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3586936e No.3760418

File: 1733235212061-0.jpg (597.95 KB, 750x964, 1197418820.meesh_goodbitch….jpg)

3586936e No.3760558

File: 1733345348115.png (231.61 KB, 600x900, brand of markers used.png)

Could be expnesive brand of markers

3586936e No.3767447

File: 1738883174227-0.jpg (444.12 KB, 1909x1871, 0dd1dd1019434dada19065e9e1….jpg)

File: 1738883174227-1.jpg (53.86 KB, 850x850, sample_281a6cfcd3acc4c7302….jpg)

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File: 1688619556911-0.jpeg (182.97 KB, 1509x1668, F0IZV9WXoAAQbAj.jpeg)

File: 1688619556911-1.jpg (496.87 KB, 2027x1817, 1683166596.darkzoul_f32f01….jpg)

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bc781359 No.3707416[Reply]

Maybe someone will like this besides me. I'll go through my collection at some point so I can easily find my favorites.

Phoneposting sucks.
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4c091fc1 No.3757326

File: 1729634898403.jpg (337.63 KB, 1006x1280, Jerry Mouse.jpg)

821faa05 No.3758379

File: 1731089405162.jpeg (469.82 KB, 2048x1612, FHWkmW_VQAgm1kF.jpeg)

b2eecac5 No.3758674

File: 1731529172036.jpg (607.09 KB, 4000x3000, kamala-furry-porn.jpg)

Well deserved.

6b8df967 No.3759276

File: 1732303677937.jpg (843.24 KB, 2636x1874, bafybeicpclwjztfw2lg2yrb5p….jpg)

fa069238 No.3759321

I don't know but I've read tickling actually was a form of torture in ancient China.

babe90fd No.3759324

File: 1732332819645.jpg (276.67 KB, 1280x1280, 1610226894.misterfuchs_ник….jpg)

In some eras and cultures it varied. Tickling was supposedly used on nobles in some culture, as it left no marks or damage. Then yuo have the ones that soaked the prisoners feet in salt water, and let starving goats lick them.
I've seen it in furry art many a time, but its much darker than they make it out to be.
Imagine someone scraping sandpaper on your soles, until they're bloody and inevitably gets infected. And since there were no antibiotics, victims could wind up amputated, or just die when the infection spreads.

de6cf87e No.3767435

File: 1738878786026.png (1.42 MB, 2063x1324, damnchicken.png)

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1a69a0d8 No.3745741[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm buying expensive wine if this will finally happen.

Who do you think will be in charge next?
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8761b88e No.3755227

there has always been that dumb chatter

66848a48 No.3755285

social engineer some credibility

5982e304 No.3755316

It only takes 10 seconds to call you a retard.

866d35e7 No.3755328

The name is Mudd. Harcourt Fenton Mudd.

772b3232 No.3755330

Wasn't he also once charged with "penetrating a space whale"?

af06b742 No.3755401

>Wasn't he also once charged with "penetrating a space whale"?

Seems so!


a5a96cc8 No.3767417

saving this classic

File: 1738862439989.jpeg (182.8 KB, 1398x931, Screenshot_6-2-2025_12214….jpeg)

fb08c57d No.3767405[Reply]


"Cocaine is illegal because it is made in Latin America, not because it is worse than whiskey," said Petro, a former member of the M-19 guerrilla movement.

"If somebody wants peace, the business (of drug trafficking) has to be dismantled," he added. "It could be easily dismantled if they legalised cocaine in the world. It would be sold like wine."

File: 1701611257421.png (2.49 MB, 2025x2700, Snow_lep.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723825[Reply]

Infinitedge Thread
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aa31924a No.3742661

File: 1718295407862.jpg (9.07 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_c….jpg)


Lonebluewolf vibes

b356a5d1 No.3742791

File: 1718369073671.png (1.14 MB, 2592x2160, More Taste.png)

5e90e0b2 No.3743963

File: 1719216957389.png (1.84 MB, 1944x2592, The Nurse.png)

6c63b9b8 No.3753139

File: 1725945950836.png (3.02 MB, 2025x2700, Melting Snow.png)

50803f4e No.3753140

File: 1725945987983.png (1.18 MB, 2592x2160, Hair Conditioner.png)

e3f71e41 No.3754793

File: 1727543018690.png (1.55 MB, 2592x2160, Compact Snow.png)

fb92dca9 No.3767387

File: 1738839028142.jpg (397.05 KB, 2592x2160, bfd83992a2a6ec0ccbaebbd27e….jpg)

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91bbf9d1 No.3752606[Reply]

Even though the comic was a cocktese, I really enjoyed twokinds until I realized the author was obsessed with gender(for me that was the bastion island. In hindsight the obsession with sex/gender makes sense because the author is trans. (I did not know that when I was reading it(I don’t even know when it happened))

Art (asses) is amazing what do you love about two kinds and do you still read it? Is it worth going back and reading it for someone who is repulsed by all the gender nonsense?
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8d4215a3 No.3753940

File: 1726526954306.png (973.55 KB, 1201x1258, little_spoon_by_twokinds_d….png)

The guy on the left is Mark Fischbach (Markiplier), Tom Fischback's younger brother. The person on the right is not his actual sibling but seemingly a close friend who thinks of Mark as his brother. The person on the right is another furry artist:


ba039a57 No.3753943

That's kind of creepy.

dc049a31 No.3753980

According to the Bible/God, long hair on "men" is disgraceful.

aaf6c760 No.3754100

More proof that toiletpaper book is just a jumbled mess of BS. Samson got his power from his long hair but was punished because he was tricked into having it cut.

Your ancient middle-eastern death god isn't going to save your soul.

06cccb3b No.3754643

Punished isn’t the right word
God promised his power would be in his hair
Samson did a stupid and lost it

If you stick your hand on a hot stove are you punished for it? Or do you face the natural consequences of your actions?

dfe6421a No.3754648

File: 1727318556309.jpg (442.57 KB, 2200x3546, 5776543.jpg)


Go fuck off. Long hair on men is great.

ef2d9b8f No.3767383

File: 1738837778605.jpg (134.48 KB, 600x800, 204f57b958117368a79861a3c4….jpg)

> trace practicing transformation magic into a white tiger
An early version of the comic showed Trace practicing transformation magic in a bath. That panel was later reworked without the transformation. I guess Tom felt that would have made Trace too powerful.

Pic related was edited by someone else to lewd it but the transformation is original.

File: 1726790951109.jpg (85.95 KB, 1024x576, DIDDY-DONE2-1024x576.jpg)

ada40638 No.3754163[Reply]

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a9e913e1 No.3754166

File: 1726792750064-0.jpg (50.21 KB, 640x568, dont-understand-v0-pvablpj….jpg)

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ada40638 No.3754167

File: 1726792936176.jpeg (200.97 KB, 1444x914, Screenshot_19-9-2024_2042….jpeg)

a9e913e1 No.3754169

File: 1726793255504.jpeg (28.4 KB, 500x580, diddy-kong-no-v0-nvmrjd3n….jpeg)

20e2f750 No.3754269

File: 1726864843473.png (185.27 KB, 361x457, MK8D_BCP_Diddy_Kong_Artwor….png)

f5a03197 No.3767375

File: 1738821719482.jpg (953.28 KB, 1600x900, 853343_071515-cc-Trump-Cat.jpg)

Camala Harris raped 13 year olds with PDiddy!

Vote for Donald Trump.

89b64269 No.3767379

I wonder what Ellen DeGenerate is doing.

aab7ee9d No.3767382

File: 1722593360621.png (191.35 KB, 400x276, welcome to the tread.png)

ad6a3c14 No.3748794[Reply]

Goodbye Summer Town, its Spooky Season now
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24934850 No.3758040

File: 1730331574223-0.jpg (75.62 KB, 550x851, 1730217918.thesniffsnorf_s….jpg)

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24934850 No.3758042

File: 1730331700055-0.png (2.37 MB, 1600x2100, 1729186604.eliaskiff_hllwn….png)

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e3576b4e No.3758066

File: 1730352972739.jpg (298.72 KB, 1280x1280, bafybeigvrummcb4e3sap37x53….jpg)

24934850 No.3758152

File: 1730419055467-0.png (1.91 MB, 1022x1280, 1730401587.kolae_harvest_m….png)

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Happy Halloween!

24934850 No.3758159

File: 1730420858345-0.jpg (948.09 KB, 809x1403, 827e61bdd0239c506366b87d77….jpg)

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1ddcdb61 No.3758308

File: 1731014635554.jpg (123.88 KB, 800x981, deb8353bf64691be103fb7ea69….jpg)

90afeb69 No.3767377

File: 1738822358702.png (578.58 KB, 900x675, 1383117714.ksharra_witchy.png)

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10143849 No.3749860[Reply]

Damn… what a blow against the furry community. Our rights must be defended against legal oppression like this!


Adam Britton, a leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, pleaded guilty to 56 charges relating to bestiality and animal cruelty.

The Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court heard the 53-year-old filmed himself torturing the animals until almost all died, and then shared the videos online under pseudonyms.

Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish, and so "grotesque" Chief Justice Michael Grant warned the courtroom they could cause "nervous shock".

As the facts of the case were read aloud, some members of the public rushed outside. Others watching from the gallery cried and mouthed insults at Britton. He at times hung his head and reached for tissues.

Calling the offending "devious", Justice Grant said the "unalloyed pleasure" Britton took in torturing the animals was "sickeningly evident".

"[Your] depravity falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception," he said.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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2a41d944 No.3750893

File: 1724207922559.jpg (149.77 KB, 850x1190, sample_9b878db7ab32a_01FRH….jpg)

8368f4de No.3750912

File: 1724213625043.jpg (92.61 KB, 1152x872, bay_shetland008.JPG)

And all this time there was a rabies vaccine for humans. Veterinarians take it as a matter of routine. Stupid teenagers got what they deserved for not being vaccinated.

93b5f396 No.3750962


The full gist of this story is that the teenagers were in Iraq or Syria. Its HIGHLY unlikely the little primitives living there would have access to an anti-rabies vaccine when they are lucky to have access to aspirin or the true medical holy grail there, antibiotics. Likely most of them died, by the time the little fuckers showed symptoms, it was FAR too late. Donkey was likely also put down. Happy, happy, joy, joy, right?

17f42061 No.3750989

>Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish
How to spot media bullshit.
There should be a rule, either give full picture, or stfu and don't stir up shit on rumors.

2a41d944 No.3751023

File: 1724281204705.jpg (148.12 KB, 887x960, a480qcqdipj91.jpg)

I wish I had some oxpeckers that could groom pigeon feathers from mites.

8438922e No.3751666

File: 1724774621126.jpg (40.93 KB, 680x518, ZomboMeme 26082024034832.jpg)

93b5f396 No.3767370


For a moment there, I thought it was a picture of Kamala Harris looking for funds to pay off her campaign debt.

File: 1738809592726.jpeg (502.19 KB, 1440x2082, i3fxtkl6idhe1.jpeg)

09cf5338 No.3767363[Reply]


ecfb4d73 No.3767365

I support trans people owning guns because it gives them a means of committing suicide quickly.

8e3d509d No.3767371

But tranny freaks also use guns to murder children in schools.

48e7997e No.3767374

They should go to nazi rallies and do the shooting there! Kill chuds like you ❤️

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