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You messed with me~

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File: 1738862439989.jpeg (182.8 KB, 1398x931, Screenshot_6-2-2025_12214….jpeg)

fb08c57d No.3767405[Reply]


"Cocaine is illegal because it is made in Latin America, not because it is worse than whiskey," said Petro, a former member of the M-19 guerrilla movement.

"If somebody wants peace, the business (of drug trafficking) has to be dismantled," he added. "It could be easily dismantled if they legalised cocaine in the world. It would be sold like wine."

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ada40638 No.3754163[Reply]

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a9e913e1 No.3754166

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ada40638 No.3754167

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a9e913e1 No.3754169

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20e2f750 No.3754269

File: 1726864843473.png (185.27 KB, 361x457, MK8D_BCP_Diddy_Kong_Artwor….png)

f5a03197 No.3767375

File: 1738821719482.jpg (953.28 KB, 1600x900, 853343_071515-cc-Trump-Cat.jpg)

Camala Harris raped 13 year olds with PDiddy!

Vote for Donald Trump.

89b64269 No.3767379

I wonder what Ellen DeGenerate is doing.

aab7ee9d No.3767382

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ad6a3c14 No.3748794[Reply]

Goodbye Summer Town, its Spooky Season now
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24934850 No.3758040

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24934850 No.3758042

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e3576b4e No.3758066

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24934850 No.3758152

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Happy Halloween!

24934850 No.3758159

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1ddcdb61 No.3758308

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90afeb69 No.3767377

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10143849 No.3749860[Reply]

Damn… what a blow against the furry community. Our rights must be defended against legal oppression like this!


Adam Britton, a leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, pleaded guilty to 56 charges relating to bestiality and animal cruelty.

The Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court heard the 53-year-old filmed himself torturing the animals until almost all died, and then shared the videos online under pseudonyms.

Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish, and so "grotesque" Chief Justice Michael Grant warned the courtroom they could cause "nervous shock".

As the facts of the case were read aloud, some members of the public rushed outside. Others watching from the gallery cried and mouthed insults at Britton. He at times hung his head and reached for tissues.

Calling the offending "devious", Justice Grant said the "unalloyed pleasure" Britton took in torturing the animals was "sickeningly evident".

"[Your] depravity falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception," he said.
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2a41d944 No.3750893

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8368f4de No.3750912

File: 1724213625043.jpg (92.61 KB, 1152x872, bay_shetland008.JPG)

And all this time there was a rabies vaccine for humans. Veterinarians take it as a matter of routine. Stupid teenagers got what they deserved for not being vaccinated.

93b5f396 No.3750962


The full gist of this story is that the teenagers were in Iraq or Syria. Its HIGHLY unlikely the little primitives living there would have access to an anti-rabies vaccine when they are lucky to have access to aspirin or the true medical holy grail there, antibiotics. Likely most of them died, by the time the little fuckers showed symptoms, it was FAR too late. Donkey was likely also put down. Happy, happy, joy, joy, right?

17f42061 No.3750989

>Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish
How to spot media bullshit.
There should be a rule, either give full picture, or stfu and don't stir up shit on rumors.

2a41d944 No.3751023

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I wish I had some oxpeckers that could groom pigeon feathers from mites.

8438922e No.3751666

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93b5f396 No.3767370


For a moment there, I thought it was a picture of Kamala Harris looking for funds to pay off her campaign debt.

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09cf5338 No.3767363[Reply]


ecfb4d73 No.3767365

I support trans people owning guns because it gives them a means of committing suicide quickly.

8e3d509d No.3767371

But tranny freaks also use guns to murder children in schools.

48e7997e No.3767374

They should go to nazi rallies and do the shooting there! Kill chuds like you ❤️

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96f62162 No.3767348[Reply]

You don't have to keep your /pol/ threads here, but its better than nothing, and you'll get more responses.

cbd21c79 No.3767350

File: 1738802248066.jpg (117.95 KB, 1069x720, pacifiedlab.jpg)

Is that really you?!
I thought I had scared you off with my Christianity!
Did you watch that movie yet?
Wanna watch it with me nao?!

cbd21c79 No.3767351

File: 1738802497685.jpg (58.28 KB, 688x670, pacifiedlabexpert.jpg)

By the way, I've got a much higher quality version of that movie nao, and can link you to it.

3683d2d4 No.3767359

File: 1738804418904.jpg (13.44 KB, 283x178, images (1).jpg)

All these republican Nazis keep trying to murder all the lbtq+ community they're pure evil. Plus they're trying to deport hard working people… fuck republicans.

566d0871 No.3767364

File: 1738809813456-0.jpeg (110.01 KB, 603x1024, IMG_0150.jpeg)

You are castrating your selves.
We aren’t stopping you we just want you to keep off of children.

f52fc4dd No.3767366

you don't have children incel

566d0871 No.3767369

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So people who don’t have children should stay away from children?
Good idea!!👍

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a562ae4e No.3767356[Reply]

IT's opposite wensday. Pol thread is a go.

abad260d No.3767360

Sold my car for some meth and I'm fucking tripping like a star, im inside but i can feel the stars telling me shit and stuff

abad260d No.3767361

I bought it on a lease for just 40k, doesn't matter, since the dealer took it, its their problem now, I got 10g of awesome and it didn't cost me a thing

abad260d No.3767362

I got paid chash MONEYYY too 75 fucking dollahs~ you are jelly

a54eda84 No.3767368

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Working seventy hours a week to pay for my action figure habit….

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4124f9e0 No.3767319[Reply]

This should be our background music.

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e47cf5c6 No.3767355

Ban anyone who posts images of fat characters. Instant 10x quality improvement.

e291e6d6 No.3767358

File: 1738804344589.jpg (153.01 KB, 901x1280, 1667754298.siekfried_img-2….jpg)

I have cut him out of my life like 2 days ago. Please quit being so aggressive towards me.
I'm still clinging on to being gay, which is fundamentally incompatible with Scripture.
I didn't intentionally lie about leaving, I guess I'm just not ready to move on, as bad as that sounds.

695e56ad No.3767367

Well, I appreciate the honesty and hope that you'll manage it one day soon.
I might not be around for too long due to the Internet changing in bad ways quite quickly now, but to the best of my abilities I'll be accurate and open with you about Christian matters.
It's not necessarily a certain fate for gay people etc., some will make it according to everything I know, but the path is indeed quite narrow. If you'd like someone to do his best to help out, you know a good boy to ask when you're ready.

Anyway… doggie work nao. :/

0ba1b1e9 No.3767457

File: 1738886210195.png (201.87 KB, 1400x1400, 1_jjRg-iI8dtUFKIIYHRkqmg.png)

Creating a searchbar with #hashtag filters for art content and Pol larping

if it's pol add a #pol; if it's scumbags add #scumbags.

I lost my yiff videos because there's a lack of #search bar.

6de03b15 No.3767482

Can anyone explain the whole story with what's happening with the board? And why are there no working invites to the Discord server?

8ae722b0 No.3767486

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I quit and came back, another mod appears to have quit too.
Came to realize the pol containment needed to die, in the spirit of the old days. Looks like that' may be what we needed the whole time.

fwiw, sorry.

8ae722b0 No.3767488

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2252786e No.3767334[Reply]

Using the powers the Aliens gave to me, I'm starting a new Aerospace company that will desensitize needles in exchange for cans. With this an mie new cash back credet card, I'll be rich

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e33f5e09 No.3767300[Reply]

Spread joy
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6b4b20f1 No.3767314

File: 1738778758790.jpg (11.6 KB, 473x355, yall done hoofed.jpg)

how i feel after my lulz enema

495bab4b No.3767317

nazis like their fan fiction about nazis not like actual facts and history shhhh tell them how powerful and great they were!

8105ed35 No.3767329

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8105ed35 No.3767330

File: 1738789609097.png (22.16 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

I felt as if the "people" around me are attacking my masculinity…

A simp whispers his message to a malnurished jackal.

8105ed35 No.3767331

File: 1738789734885.jpg (145.9 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b2732696a91d42….jpg)

this is a feast for the beast!

7d98c275 No.3767341

>the Nazi army had more self-reported cases of Gonorrhea than America as an entire nation had. Our army + our civilians.

Now go ahead and tell the class why. You do know the reason why, don't you?

038e3ba6 No.3767372

> >Nazis didn't have a disease that didn't exist
Exactly. NAZIs in Germany gassed their faggots so there, of course, there were no German queers who could go to Africa and fuck n⁣⁣⁣⁣ig⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣e⁣⁣⁣⁣r⁣⁣⁣⁣s⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ and other African apes. Thus no gay plague.

Too bad America had no NAZIs.

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