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You messed with me~

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976cae31 No.3767197[Reply]

Rule 9, faggots.

f01578f2 No.3767268

File: 1738720035205.png (4.53 KB, 236x236, CRvaGKPUEAA4sHb.png)

No more /pol/ thread.

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7fc1d86f No.3708972[Reply]

Bats are too good to not have a thread for them.
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3583ef01 No.3755040

File: 1727846805772.png (4.44 MB, 1412x2000, cb0f58522181fe5b1d91a8145d….png)

It's spooky season…

15fff5cb No.3755205

File: 1727992396990-0.jpg (187.63 KB, 1080x1400, Nawka-Kayla-1.jpg)

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My favorite time of the year

9cc85fde No.3761872

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9cc85fde No.3761874

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22875130 No.3763242

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9daa70f5 No.3763248

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9daa70f5 No.3768557

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160f7deb No.3715419[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ever search any monsters hiding in your closet or under the bed to slap your dick on them?
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1bec415b No.3760050

no one wants to meet you

1bec415b No.3760059

yeah lol

ba43f064 No.3760070

File: 1732912384710.gif (397.8 KB, 994x994, 0b748f57603e6cadc840959862….gif)

Sounds like you all really like Mix, how about meet up in person, shoot up some heroine, and hate fuck?

788daa45 No.3760078

Uppers are more his thing

1bec415b No.3760507

put the you know what you know where

1bec415b No.3760574

you're a fucking retard that huffed too much paint and engine cleaner. and the only reason you didnt end up like cobalt is because your breath would peel chrome off the entire bike section at walmart you trash-monkey.

43a4cf8b No.3768556

File: 1740211299816-0.gif (1.36 MB, 480x270, 014fc808b36aebb055f3aacb09….gif)

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2ca82ade No.3726813[Reply]

Hoomins have their own thread.
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0bf1f12d No.3768454

Just stop watching porn for a month, then resume again with only porn hub irl vids.

17eb250d No.3768456

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

a9b8c5b3 No.3768469

Honestly I'm into a lot of crazy vore/etc. shit and don't have any problem getting an erection while engaging in perfectly vanilla sex stuff. Then again some people take stuff so far that it becomes all of the fetishes combined at once and I can see that happening.
But also if you're just sitting around jerking off all day you're probably fat and out of shape and that's gonna cause problems. Probably why they're jerking off to all of that weird shit to start with because they have to go to extremes to get hard enough to overcome all the fat and weight pressing against their vascular system.

dd09f1a2 No.3768512

>>3768456 Can anyone here that's blind tell me what this translates to from braille? Thanks!

19ee562f No.3768551

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9c12026c No.3768552


This is drawn in Braille-8 which is a kind of weird 8-dot Braille system (vs the normal 6-dot Braille). I don't think it is used much.

From what I can tell it includes upper and lower case letters as well as numbers without any kind of 'mode switch' characters – There are a bunch of symbols as well.

An FYI.. Braille is a lot more than just the alphabet tables you often see .. there are mode-shift characters like ⠼⠙⠰⠁(4a) the first symbol switches to 'numbers' and the third symbol switches back to letters. Several 'diphthong' characters ⠩ (sh) and ⠽ (you) and a bunch of shortcuts like
⠁⠋⠺ ⟨afw⟩ meaning 'afterward'

This is also just for 'English' Braille. There are apparently Braille encodings for several languages (even Chinese where it often takes 3 symbols to make one character)

Being blind is complicated

dd09f1a2 No.3768555

>>3768552 I'm lazy, can someone comprehend this for me?

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6b3a5936 No.3768553[Reply]

File: 1739476079371.png (1.39 MB, 1040x748, SPOILER_16112029267301.png)

6cc556a3 No.3767952[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Should I bring back the politics containment thread?
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06933f89 No.3768541

>buy you a ticket to the communist paradise of your choice…
That's not a bad idea if Republicans ever want to win an election again after the Trump shit-show. Imagine the millions of people who would flee Trump-Land for Canada, or Europe where they could get real healthcare.

You could finally have the country you dream of! Just stupid people like you!

4fc4b1bb No.3768542

File: 1740195484548.jpeg (527.97 KB, 1170x1146, IMG_0498.jpeg)

Let’s check in on the left and see if they are moving back to the center to reclaim their voter base…

Oh my

06933f89 No.3768544

File: 1740196647942.jpeg (50.18 KB, 512x768, anthro_Low_angle_perspect….jpeg)

Low IQ conservatives think this is some radical woke agenda shit but states have been passing these kind of legal edits since the time Bill Clinton was president and it had nothing to do with gender politics.

It's the legal system and in the legal system words have specific meaning. "Mother" is a general term which can include step parents, adopted parents and so forth.

When they want a law to only apply to the people who made the baby they have to remove generic terms like mother and father for more specific terms.

This isn't being woke, it's just how the law works. It's how the law has always worked. You are seeing conspiracy where there is just normal life.

db59f1b1 No.3768545

No joke, I just filled out and printed out a passport application form. Seriously thinking about jumping ship. I didn't make this goddamn mess! Canada? Ireland? One of the Scandinavian countries? I need to do more research, but any port in a storm. My home country has become so hateful, arrogant, and psychopathic thanks to these maga assholes, I just don't fit in. I want compassionate, polite, friendly people as neighbors. God help me. Please don't let my escape plane crash because the vengeful dictator gutted the FAA!

4fc4b1bb No.3768548

File: 1740203826707.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x2201, IMG_0501.jpeg)

It was indeed trumps fault, and definitely not Biden FAA diversity efforts, naturally a room temperature IQ traffic controller told the pilot to crash the plane and the pilot of course complied.

ad1e570a No.3768549

File: 1740204361421.png (4.79 KB, 225x225, images.png)

We won everything.

The USA is being fundamentally transformed to our liking.

Tell us again how smart you are.

Now go kill yourself

06933f89 No.3768550

File: 1740205013710.jpeg (52.26 KB, 512x768, anthro_nude_female_bunny_….jpeg)

>Fox News reporting on a story from Brietbart whose source was something they read on facebook, reported from an anonymous source.

Seems legit.

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5f2e2cdc No.3760851[Reply]

Minnie Mouse was running around in her birthday suit and go hot cum sprayed on her nakey little pussy.
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f60a5320 No.3764989

Minnie Mouse makes the perfect pet for pedo sex

074783a8 No.3765745

File: 1737569542309.jpeg (282.37 KB, 1182x1568, MsChokesondik.jpeg)

Cum on this you perv.

ebe84bd3 No.3765839

I'll bet you cum on that, kek.

074783a8 No.3765861


ISorry, I'm not a plushophile.

472c2f32 No.3767467

A pretty girl in the nude with cum in her pussy

5fb823d7 No.3768546

Based thread

16f6d236 No.3768547

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Based Shaman

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39197828 No.3768543[Reply]

Amazon needs to add this to their rules about refund policy.

If at any time a consumer doesn't like the item/items they bought after the 30 day return policy is closed they can contact Amazon Consumer Services about the refund/refunds even if the item is bought 15 years ago will recieve a check by mail within 2 buisness days. This includes the following

Any game system that brakes or fails after 30 days.

Items that don't work after 30 days electronics, PC, laptop, Apple devies, Android devices, health gummies, & items that can break after 30 days.

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23c58600 No.3766242[Reply]

Whaddup "Lulz Dot Net" – I was wondering if you furry smut hoarders might be able to help me track down some old drawings that FriskeCrisps had done by Wolfblade.

There was one in particular I remember seeing where Friske is laying on his back, and Roni is laying on top of him, grinding his erection into Friske's crotch as the young pup stares back with a nervous look on his face.

Another art piece that I remember is one where Friske has magic shoes on him that talk to him and tease hi and insult him while he gets an erection from all the trash talk…

I sadly can't find most of my good furry cub art stash anymore, and it also looks as though Friske has purged most of his e621 galleries and Inkbunny galleries in some misguided effort to try to "sweep his past under the rug."

Cuz apparently having "Cub Yiff" as part of your personal internet backstory makes you "persona-non-grata" to the bitchy snobby stuck-up Normies & Puritan Furs….

I honestly hate it when Artists & Popu-Furs do this… like bruh, it's just a drawing, and the people who are gunna be mad at you for it AREN'T WORTH HAVING AS YOUR FRIEND ANYWAY….

Any-whoo, help me find the weird shoe-fetish guy's art…
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4aa89e2e No.3768443

> I hate it when Artists do a big dumb PURGE and they try to "distance themselves from their Cub past."
I can understand it concerning very old time artists, back when the web was new. No one knew to use separate identities to keep everything separate. But anyone entering the web within the last twenty or so years has no excuse for not knowing that. Just plain stupidity.

92f428ea No.3768465


Even when Wolfblade started doing "cute gore" and really really weird art under the name of "Kuma-kun" he still had the sense to make that stuff under a totally separate name than his main name.

Bleh, I am just annoyed to see that not only has Friske Crisps gone on a full purge and gone "anti cub" for the purpose of pleasing puritans, but now I find out that Friske and Sammy were the same person this whole time and Sammy done purged their InkBunny page and every other gallery they were connected to. It's lame and dumb.

What happened to Furry Artists having some actual COURAGE AND BALLS?

Just draw what makes you happy and tell the haterz to go kick rocks.

It's drawings, not real life.
Who gives a flying fuck.

5ad48f71 No.3768471

File: 1740097139238.png (5.4 MB, 3600x2616, Fat_26-transformed(2).png)

Actually there was a whole gang of established artists using pseudonyms to post copywrited characters on Jab back when companies used to DMCA artists for making rule34 (before there was a rule34). Fatalis, DesLee, TDK, think a few others.

919c6393 No.3768473

>for the purpose of pleasing puritans
You can't know the reasons why anyone decides to move on from a phase in their lives, even when they say why, and especially not from an anonymous distance.

79d693db No.3768523

File: 1740160301777.jpg (102.77 KB, 850x606, ece509fa361a4231145e548825….jpg)





AI (An Idiot) Output Image:

f6f65b91 No.3768539

I thought you never posted porn.

79d693db No.3768540

nudity isn't porn

File: 1739733109925.jpg (879.57 KB, 2560x1024, touch grass.jpg)

c614c664 No.3768196[Reply]

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c614c664 No.3768260

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c614c664 No.3768261

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godly beauty extreme perspective high quality forest photography

4a9eedae No.3768270

tms? That's not you, is it?

af953c7e No.3768301

glad these can inspire you, it's not like i have places to post them and have people actually look at it, ironically it's here, on /furi/. i feel like doin this

c614c664 No.3768507

File: 1740138044395.jpg (57.94 KB, 200x260, treehugger_200.jpg)

I feel depressed because there's not enough users here posting good stuff all you need someone to hug you.

c614c664 No.3768530

File: 1740168250059.jpg (1.96 MB, 3840x2160, Green-fields-trees-hill-cl….jpg)

“Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.” was a famous line. When I was a 7yo, I told my mom I was bored. She made me clean out a closet. I don’t remember being hugged or told that I was loved. I remember being told, “you don’t know what a burden you are”. We were expected to be perfect, emotionless, and to work hard at everything we were told to do.

c614c664 No.3768531

File: 1740168497388.jpg (3.54 MB, 3840x2160, Hills-road-grass-clouds-tr….jpg)

My grandmother used to hate that I had so many ideas and opinions. She would smack me and say children are to be seen, not heard. And I would get so mad and talk right back to her. She always told my mom I was a spoiled little brat. But now I’m 26 and getting married, I can’t wait to hear my children’s ideas and opinions because children ask the best questions.

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