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You messed with me~

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File: 1738633767093.jpg (70.24 KB, 750x473, photo_2023-08-30_20-22-05.jpg)

976cae31 No.3767197[Reply]

Rule 9, faggots.

f01578f2 No.3767268

File: 1738720035205.png (4.53 KB, 236x236, CRvaGKPUEAA4sHb.png)

No more /pol/ thread.

File: 1732233233811.jpeg (478.08 KB, 1448x2048, FTewgIfX0AAkPP-.jpeg)

027c8337 No.3759202[Reply]

Official IRC: irc.furnet.org #lulz (HexChat reccomended)
Unofficial Discord: https://discord.gg/TDrdEQFpHe

Paysite rips:
FurAffinity archive: http://g6jy5jkx466lrqojcngbnksugrcfxsl562bzuikrka5rv7srgguqbjid.onion/fa/ [add artists name]
The Permanent Boroo:
Old lulz dot net:

8fc49aa9 No.3765219

File: 1737234367121.png (381.75 KB, 1080x1349, soyposs.png)

Email [email protected] if you feel you have been unfairly banned.

File: 1703536191651-0.jpg (1.26 MB, 2494x1403, MemeLoveTriangle_297886754.jpg)

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2ca82ade No.3726813[Reply]

Hoomins have their own thread.
64 posts and 233 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

0d5151cd No.3767336

why? there's 30 pages here, who cares. its content

7571790e No.3767354

File: 1738803167020.jpg (1.45 MB, 1440x1080, Eternal-Death.jpg)

←- Unless of course you're a Christian, in which case you're already living in Heaven Places and a mere sojourner here on this dying planet. :3

9c12026c No.3767357

17eb250d No.3767410

File: 1738863410860-0.png (281.37 KB, 1200x1800, 686.png)

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17eb250d No.3767411

File: 1738863447775-0.jpg (155.51 KB, 850x1015, 1671151636277.jpg)

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55da1b50 No.3767429

File: 1738876944835.jpg (68.8 KB, 1024x709, 20d00fc8f4a2bf113f0f2b7754….jpg)

> Why are there still threads on the server from 2023?
> Clean your house.
Tell us much more about how you are harmed by being exposed to old threads. I enjoy hearing nutjobs, like you, try to explain their irrational phobia of old threads.

17eb250d No.3767679

File: 1739118619054.png (15.18 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Had a short hour nap dream about watching a rated R movie with an older friend he said watch this best part I couldn't tell the title of the movie but there was a scene where people are fully nude in their adult age of all races color and sex were all abducted in a pitch black chamber they are chained on their ankles and wists covered in sticky vacline all nearly bunched up like sardines and there was this guy who was also covered in vacline wearing a headlight who was anal raping all them only showing their buttocks gasping each on of them it was a black muscle guy he was screaming that its just only showing a white dude's penis and then cutscened to another one were this other guy anal rape another adult female individual and then it cutscened to another room where it was covered in sticky webs and another scene were the whole planet was being destroyed by a massive vines of plants. woke up.

File: 1738520195346.jpg (139.4 KB, 1200x800, Eurosong 2025 @ EMG (Vilvo….jpg)

9842500c No.3767022[Reply]

67fed2f5 No.3767678

File: 1739117282477.jpg (173.03 KB, 1000x1000, bafkreiaomnb6wjjk67vv5los6….jpg)

58d7a41b No.3767676[Reply]

Shit hole country

File: 1739086788797.jpeg (86.76 KB, 640x950, 1960s-literacy-test-v0-dd….jpeg)

0574efdc No.3767650[Reply]

You hate them, they hate you. Prove me wrong
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0676eec0 No.3767663

> I would love to see the people of Lulz take this test.
Question 12 seems poorly written. No doubt written by a nigger.

ca93b558 No.3767664

File: 1739111984058.jpeg (41.13 KB, 720x623, xblee8c7d4ie1.jpeg)

Kkk cluck hillbilly whites are the new nigs

ad2490f7 No.3767666

It's not an indifference to education; it's active hostility towards all things intellectual. They want the death of the mind nearly as much as they want the death of those different from them.

142c8ef6 No.3767669

File: 1739113831069.jpg (126.36 KB, 1600x840, how-to-use-nigger-in-a-sen….jpg)

LOL, nigger can't even spell nigger.

ca93b558 No.3767671

File: 1739114000707.jpg (430.36 KB, 970x1291, Screenshot_20250209_071411….jpg)

It's ur gf while you are at work

Jk you don't have a gf incel white bitch

ca93b558 No.3767673

File: 1739115252303.png (61 KB, 393x601, c21f2d70-e9e4-49eb-8e3a-f7….png)

9a8a3e12 No.3767675

File: 1739115669163.jpg (100.47 KB, 1000x708, nigger.jpg)

> things I read on Facebook

File: 1738988156608.png (3.3 MB, 1800x1800, 1738988117.paul.j.h.conner….png)

8d416dd9 No.3767533[Reply]

Post your favorite pics! Only the best!

68519f4b No.3767534

File: 1738988270232.png (2.16 MB, 2256x1633, 1738986822.~synful~_sadie_….png)

8d416dd9 No.3767535

File: 1738988551042.jpg (295.74 KB, 1909x1930, 1738973956.heileejoe_1fusc….jpg)

96f3ddbd No.3767536

File: 1738989677067-0.jpg (73.2 KB, 960x1012, helluva-boss-has-fallen-bi….jpg)

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ae1b38b7 No.3767656

File: 1739096727799-0.jpg (141.31 KB, 1280x1065, 75724 - Aeris Leo perverte….jpg)

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f9c6debb No.3717706[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Regardless of culture, race, sex, gender or creed; humanity survives on it.

The Story of (almost) All Numbers
296 posts and 218 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

755ceff6 No.3766186

Nuclear cars?

The chart is about NOx pollution. No cars, no pollution. Paris achieved this by removing parking, closing off roads, and introducing a 30 kph speed limit everywhere else to discourage people attempting to drive into the city.

The problem with walk-only cities though is that people rarely like to walk for more than a quarter mile, especially when carrying stuff, so you need a dense network of metro and bus stops with more vehicles all around the clock. This reduces average ridership per vehicle, which makes the transit system less efficient and economically unsustainable on passengers fees alone. That means the government has to step in and subsidize the public transit system for the city folks using money they take from everywhere else - a highly regressive move.

The public transit costs money and introduces waiting times, and often impossible transit schedules switching from vehicle to vehicle for people attempting to travel in and out of the city, so it reduces all kinds of inbound traffic to the city centers and business starts dying. The people living in the city live off of trade, so they start to move out and get replaced by people living on government subsidies, which the property owners invite in to keep receiving rent somehow. Taxes on the remaining working people increase as the city starts losing revenue. In a couple decades, your city becomes downtown Detroit.

1ef8677d No.3766312

Breadman and BaguetteBoy save Us, its the migrants trying to turn us into some sort of armenian version of detroit. sacra blues

5d53053b No.3766809

File: 1738368388831.png (375.95 KB, 858x376, sales are cheaper this mon….png)

5d53053b No.3767648

File: 1739073520868-0.png (542.95 KB, 1024x1024, Ychan - ot - space - 14409….png)

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9505c93e No.3767649

why's there a hole?

5d53053b No.3767651

File: 1739093159030-0.jpg (9.58 KB, 284x177, images_001.jpg)

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9b82eac5 No.3767654

File: 1739094906956.jpg (63.81 KB, 930x450, Schmidt-Cassegrain telesco….jpg)

> why's there a hole?
Because holes feel so good.

File: 1701739056876.png (57.8 KB, 423x1251, f917afac9828e2c235d413512f….png)

ca995bdd No.3724059[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

253 posts and 330 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

862da409 No.3764624

File: 1736684672071-0.png (3.64 MB, 2508x3541, a1d081c44e83d6a7ad6fe2b8c4….png)

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862da409 No.3764625

File: 1736684700076-0.jpg (1.3 MB, 2499x3376, 03ea0fee62cfabf3c198d4d9bd….jpg)

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fe9542c1 No.3766950

File: 1738493254630.png (909.5 KB, 635x810, nopeekingscreen.png)

972f6a17 No.3767041

File: 1738554331325.jpg (153.79 KB, 768x1280, 0021e842dd93b24ddaee1e9bf2….jpg)

8fa1bb16 No.3767116

File: 1738599560173.jpg (168.33 KB, 1536x1024, 5135807_Xerberus0_00001-39….jpg)

a60de778 No.3767131

File: 1738608021188-0.png (1.24 MB, 3376x3712, fe58f6e57173560fa406de15ae….png)

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630fade9 No.3767652

File: 1739094062642.jpg (98.73 KB, 238x349, 1268366171.sneakerfox_skol….jpg)

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29272134 No.3707302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Bondage thread.
103 posts and 129 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

a300af46 No.3764087

File: 1736215129314.png (288.28 KB, 1353x831, epic games.png)

c3571ba1 No.3764315

File: 1736426936559.jpg (874.99 KB, 1432x2160, 7978503808625d1d1da0382622….jpg)

9eaa827b No.3764605

File: 1736663041664.jpg (210.04 KB, 769x800, c2a60a1bbaa25ce30cfe7018ce….jpg)

fb61753d No.3764628

File: 1736685499206.jpg (129.73 KB, 850x811, 0379f5d525981b56175cf817c5….jpg)

9b402334 No.3767513

File: 1738969867975.jpg (198.05 KB, 929x1070, fc082cbb887d0971d05aa8cc1d….jpg)

d287eee1 No.3767585

File: 1739031566250.png (831.34 KB, 1500x1000, bafybeigbdthtxup42zjvew6th….png)

I don't know why they're worrying about a lost key. It wouldn't do either of them any good unless one can first get his arms out of his straightjacket.

c308f0ac No.3767647

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