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You messed with me~

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cc4bb2d6 No.3708145[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Rats and mice are nice
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6a647f65 No.3768879

File: 1740760320882.png (3.28 MB, 1792x1792, 5316254_threeracoons_final….png)

You might like this thread where post war orphan children mice are legally non-entity so the only way they can survive is by trading sex for food. Some of them survive on a diet of almost exclusively cum.


ee624aaa No.3768880

File: 1740760999465.jpeg (103.87 KB, 1099x805, Screenshot_28-2-2025_1143….jpeg)

Where did watching Mr. Roger's Neighborhood fail your imagination?


d10d5e80 No.3768883

Trump's Gaza

32d60482 No.3768946

> Some of them survive on a diet of almost exclusively cum.
So do they also gain nutrition from absorbing rectally deposited cum?

9888348b No.3768947


Isn't the world ugly enough without adding to it?

b35fc43a No.3769008

File: 1740866583107.png (1.02 MB, 1500x1313, kangaroo rat molestation.png)

> Isn't the world ugly enough without adding to it?

ee624aaa No.3769009

File: 1740867219021.jpg (198.99 KB, 1805x1309, Gk4ZQr1WAAAr6Mh.jpg)

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9e62d68b No.3711712[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

not colored; only rough white sketched.
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0dd472b8 No.3768065

File: 1739576418381.gif (188.76 KB, 1024x771, Jack_Cavanaugh_1996__DESPE….GIF)

0dd472b8 No.3768295

File: 1739818608174.gif (46.16 KB, 587x768, Quicksilver_1995__POLEGRL.GIF)

d3e43920 No.3768410

File: 1740009335318.png (86.66 KB, 668x750, 38b496d18c9f7ce610d16cbfac….png)

25db8f73 No.3768656

File: 1740451935048.jpg (127.92 KB, 983x702, tom fischbach porn sketch.jpg)

c945b2c7 No.3768981

File: 1740840714538.png (520.56 KB, 1269x1062, 1735785490.maddworld_vash.png)

3ca3680c No.3768984

File: 1740841725902-0.png (253.04 KB, 827x1024, play1.png)

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50083c88 No.3768998

File: 1740851411427.png (186.11 KB, 717x1024, Sarah1.png)

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File: 1691901730153-1.png (92.71 KB, 1148x940, old_redwall_fanart_u18chan.png)

08c919d3 No.3711633[Reply]

Searching for old redwall fanfiction stories and artwork I wonder if there is more. Enjoy.
If you could help us find the original artist and link them here that would be great.
They may have a deviant art gallery or could be defunct.

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ba75e8af No.3767963

File: 1739488365431-0.jpg (60.07 KB, 729x818, bigger.jpg)

File: 1739488365431-1.gif (58.72 KB, 900x300, PBF094-Freaking_Vortex.gif)

ba75e8af No.3768884

File: 1740762193727.jpg (333.65 KB, 920x1200, 1297c639827d7fbdcec751c294….jpg)


It was 8-bit similar to Runescape soundtracks

ba75e8af No.3768885

File: 1740762438897-0.jpg (12.39 KB, 180x180, cd_l01p.jpg)

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6f5b4071 No.3768944

These were the the best example of a rip-off.

They were 640 MB discs burned with multiple copies of only a handful of pictures at different resolutions. It was $40 for like 5-10 different pictures, which is about $75 in today's money accounting for inflation.

It's equivalent to paying $15-30 per month on Patreon to get two new pictures each month… oh, I guess people are still that stupid.

8d31ab08 No.3768965

I remember when evilsibe, fredrik fox, and myself stole all the porn off vcl onto a dvd and passed them out at AC

ba75e8af No.3768972

File: 1740819368123-0.png (221.73 KB, 867x731, another version cd.png)

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ba75e8af No.3768973

File: 1740819614720-0.png (2.48 MB, 1884x882, no soundtrack.png)

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65c9601c No.3708773[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We are hungry feed us!
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a16d8298 No.3766645

File: 1738273199562-0.png (3.05 MB, 2458x2160, yes!.png)


a16d8298 No.3766646

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01112dde No.3766652

File: 1738275245758.png (1.41 MB, 2004x2004, aaa8cc5ea3c8a3546ca02924e3….png)

a16d8298 No.3766668

File: 1738281250220.gif (37.21 KB, 112x112, 304ba32a-b936-4985-b449-4f….gif)

a16d8298 No.3767461

File: 1738901231933.png (1.23 MB, 1216x832, 08321-373717756.png)


a16d8298 No.3767899

File: 1739409871341-0.png (1.23 MB, 832x1216, IMG_0751.png)

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94f5b871 No.3768950

File: 1740788354951.jpg (138.98 KB, 800x544, 1d1c8e8ae657dc4555e23479f5….jpg)

Loli. It's What's For Dinner.

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2ca82ade No.3726813[Reply]

Hoomins have their own thread.
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a9b8c5b3 No.3768469

Honestly I'm into a lot of crazy vore/etc. shit and don't have any problem getting an erection while engaging in perfectly vanilla sex stuff. Then again some people take stuff so far that it becomes all of the fetishes combined at once and I can see that happening.
But also if you're just sitting around jerking off all day you're probably fat and out of shape and that's gonna cause problems. Probably why they're jerking off to all of that weird shit to start with because they have to go to extremes to get hard enough to overcome all the fat and weight pressing against their vascular system.

dd09f1a2 No.3768512

>>3768456 Can anyone here that's blind tell me what this translates to from braille? Thanks!

19ee562f No.3768551

File: 1740206289988-0.gif (329.61 KB, 283x204, 1139705025262.gif)

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9c12026c No.3768552


This is drawn in Braille-8 which is a kind of weird 8-dot Braille system (vs the normal 6-dot Braille). I don't think it is used much.

From what I can tell it includes upper and lower case letters as well as numbers without any kind of 'mode switch' characters – There are a bunch of symbols as well.

An FYI.. Braille is a lot more than just the alphabet tables you often see .. there are mode-shift characters like ⠼⠙⠰⠁(4a) the first symbol switches to 'numbers' and the third symbol switches back to letters. Several 'diphthong' characters ⠩ (sh) and ⠽ (you) and a bunch of shortcuts like
⠁⠋⠺ ⟨afw⟩ meaning 'afterward'

This is also just for 'English' Braille. There are apparently Braille encodings for several languages (even Chinese where it often takes 3 symbols to make one character)

Being blind is complicated

dd09f1a2 No.3768555

>>3768552 I'm lazy, can someone comprehend this for me?

9c12026c No.3768576

File: 1740257091799.gif (4.82 MB, 426x240, muddy-mud-pool.gif)


The gist is Braille is complicated and the interpretation depends on the version (and language) you're using. Braille-6 has '64' characters* and when you only have that many characters you need special tricks to represent more.

Braile-8 … I can't even find much info online about this weird 8-dot version.


Not much into human porn unless it's weird and fetishy

ee66188a No.3768949

File: 1740787587607.png (1.53 MB, 1527x1078, 17b6d46459e79a8ab11bd4e3ee….png)

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d70f28e5 No.3588155[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Alone on a Friday night?

Maybe I could be your girlfriend tonight.
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2ca51211 No.3755308

File: 1728086840794.png (369.26 KB, 1058x758, 7952aacaa7505b80ff29274862….png)

[The average lulzian on Friday night]

6c07e03a No.3755319

File: 1728091310619.png (1.17 MB, 948x928, tmpk_z2ba40edit.png)

fe5181bd No.3755350

Why doesn't she bite his fucking fingers?
I fucking would.
Nobody fucking does that to me.

e12e1ab1 No.3755355

File: 1728129493800.jpg (306.17 KB, 1083x1500, 1e18cec00cb1c022a95e93b41f….jpg)

She's in the mood. She wants him inside her, somewhere, anywhere.

9c15aa60 No.3755495

File: 1728255048061.jpg (341.75 KB, 800x1366, 42720b5ec539f1606c3fa56e94….jpg)

Reminds me of that drawing for the ’pose’

d3bc6e29 No.3763743

File: 1735956258621.jpg (130.14 KB, 900x900, 87bfa5f77440378e6fc0268c20….jpg)

59b7f95e No.3768948

File: 1740787275341.jpg (202.17 KB, 1200x615, FoxBliss.jpg)

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9ddebef0 No.3708098[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since the old one got flooded away and wasn't allowed on noah's ark.
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fbd917b5 No.3767146

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4594143f No.3767385

File: 1738838196951.png (470.85 KB, 1086x1530, 562049_Lando_kiff4.png)

323219fc No.3767965

File: 1739488935909.jpg (1.09 MB, 3637x2594, 5336061_WildStar_4g.jpg)

f81105b9 No.3768126

File: 1739644043854.jpg (389.95 KB, 1410x1273, 5340105_FaerieAlex_feaalex.jpg)

25f629dd No.3768658

File: 1740455214906.jpg (1.61 MB, 2250x3000, Mother_son467856.jpg)

002ec0bc No.3768798

File: 1740674749425-0.png (1.05 MB, 1280x1052, Brother_sister_deer3.png)

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71f8dffa No.3768943

File: 1740783676314-0.jpg (1008.59 KB, 4096x3382, mother_son8934.jpg)

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3534f278 No.3724971[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Surprised this one isn't making the rounds more. It's a very competent AI writing tool, and it's completely uncensored, so far. You can make it do violent cub yiff or whatever else you can come up with, and it gets things surprisingly inaccurate. Only thing is, it doesn't respond to "prompts" like ChatGPT, but rather you have to write the beginning yourself and it continues. Usually it tends to get stuck and repetitive if you don't insert some sentence of your own to guide the story once in a while, but it really does surprisingly well.

You can also try writing a description of what you want in the upper window, but sometimes it refuses to write anything at all or just ignores it, unless you write the beginning yourself. Anyway, a lot of potential, not just for erotica but other controversial material as well.
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a1612404 No.3768932

Day 30

I finally had to admit it. I went to the royal healer, just to be sure. She confirmed it.

I’m pregnant.

It’s not the kind of thing you can hide, especially when you’re the daughter of the King of the Koopas. And I’m sure Bowser will notice soon enough—if he hasn’t already. But what will he say? What will he do?

I can’t help but feel… nervous. And excited, too. This child could be something incredible, someone with the power of both me and Bowser. A future ruler of the Koopa Kingdom, or maybe even the one who will finally defeat Mario. This could be the next step in our legacy.

But I can’t help but wonder—what if Bowser doesn’t want this? What if he sees it as a burden, a complication in his plans? Will he still see me the way he did? Or will everything change between us?

Day 33

Bowser found out today.
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a1612404 No.3768934

Entry #55: Scandalous Secrets

Dear Diary,

It’s all spiraling. The situation keeps getting worse, and I’m starting to think there might not be a way out of this without everything collapsing.

The Koopa Kingdom is built on strength, tradition, and loyalty—everything Bowser has worked for. But this? This scandal could ruin us all.

What if the Mushroom Kingdom hears about this? What if the other kingdoms catch wind of the fact that Bowser, our mighty leader, got involved with his own daughter? The whispers alone could tear apart our alliances, embarrass the Koopa family beyond repair. There’s no coming back from this kind of thing.

No matter how much Bowser tries to push this under the rug, I can’t ignore the fact that we are facing an unprecedented disaster. People will question everything about our royal family: about our bloodline, our rule, our legitimacy. There might even be uprisings. If word spreads, the Koopa Kingdom could face civil unrest.

I’ve seen the way Kamek and the other advisors look at us now—like they pity us. They can’t be trusted. They’re all watching, waiting to see what Bowser does next. I don’t think he knows what to do, either.

And there’s more. No matter how much I try to stop it, my feelings for the Koopalings are growing too. I never meant for this to happen, but the truth is, they’re so… complicated. And I never had the words to explain it until now.
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a1612404 No.3768935

Entry #60: The Ultimate Offering

I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a Koopa. There’s always this pressure to be the best, to uphold the family legacy, to carry out our plans with strength and conviction. But sometimes, the line between strength and weakness can be blurry.

And yes, I know what I did was wrong. No one could blame me if I regretted it. But… the truth is, I don’t.

What I did with Bowser—what I offered him—isn’t just a mistake, it’s the most intimate thing a daughter can give her father. He was always so untouchable to me, always so distant. But for a moment, I felt like I mattered to him, really mattered. Maybe I’m selfish for wanting to feel that way. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I can’t take it back. And now there’s a child, and I can’t let anyone tell me that’s a bad thing.

I’ve tried to keep my feelings for the others at bay, but how could I not? I’ve been surrounded by them all my life. Ludwig’s intelligence, Morton’s warmth, Roy’s strength—they all call to me in different ways. They’re my family, yes, but they’re more than that. There’s something undeniable about the chemistry between us.

But I can’t act on it. Not now. Not while everything is falling apart.

Entry #65: A Family United

Today was different.
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a1612404 No.3768936

And in that moment, I realized something else. This baby? They’ll be a part of something bigger. Not just Bowser’s legacy, but my legacy too.

I’m ready for more, Diary. More love, more challenges, more… everything. I don’t care if it’s scandalous. This family? We’re going to make it work. We’re going to rise above it all. And I’m ready to keep going.

Who knows? Maybe this is just the beginning.

Entry #70: Full Circle

The kingdom has started to come around. Slowly, but surely. There are murmurs, of course, behind closed doors, but even the Koopalings have started to accept what’s happened.

Ludwig congratulated me today, with that typical, analytical smirk. “You’ve done something no one else in the family would have the courage to do. I respect that.”

And Morton… Morton hugged me. He didn’t say a word, but his grip said everything. He doesn’t care about what’s proper. He cares about me.

I don’t need to explain myself to anyone anymore. I’m Wendy O. Koopa, and I’ve made the ultimate offering to my father, my king. And whatever comes next, I’m ready.
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a1612404 No.3768938

Why did so many Red Dwarf viewers prefer Rimmer to Lister, when you're meant to think Lister is the cool one?

ChatGPT said:
The preference for Rimmer over Lister among some Red Dwarf fans likely stems from several factors that make Rimmer a more compelling or relatable character for certain viewers, despite Lister being framed as the "cool" one in the show. Here’s why:

1. Rimmer’s Complex Personality
Flawed and Relatable: Rimmer's many flaws—his insecurities, ambition, and overcompensation—make him a deeply human character, even when played for comedic effect. People often empathize with his struggles to succeed despite his obvious shortcomings.
Consistent Comedy Source: His pompousness, bitterness, and capacity for self-sabotage create some of the series’ funniest moments. Viewers who enjoy schadenfreude or dark humor might find him irresistibly entertaining.
Underdog Appeal: Despite being insufferable, Rimmer is often a pathetic figure trying (and failing) to be better. His lack of success makes him oddly endearing.

2. Lister’s "Coolness" Feels Subversive
Unconventional Cool: Lister’s portrayal as the “cool one” isn’t traditional. He’s lazy, scruffy, and doesn’t exhibit many aspirational qualities. While these traits are likable and make him unique, they might not resonate as strongly with viewers looking for a classic protagonist to root for.
Predictable Role: Compared to Rimmer, who is full of contradictions, Lister’s role as the laid-back everyman is less dynamic. Some fans might find his consistent slacker persona less engaging over time.
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a1612404 No.3768939

4. The Comedy of Opposition
The tension between Rimmer and Lister is central to the show’s humor, and Rimmer’s neurotic personality often sets the stage for conflict. This dynamic can make Rimmer feel like the "star" because much of the humor revolves around his failings and Lister’s reactions.

5. Sympathy for the Villain
Rimmer is the closest thing Red Dwarf has to a villain or anti-hero, but his flaws are presented so humorously that viewers might find themselves rooting for him despite his often self-centered and antagonistic behavior.
In essence, while Lister is meant to be the “cool” protagonist, Rimmer’s layered personality, comedic depth, and vulnerability often steal the spotlight, endearing him to fans who appreciate his complexities.

What if Hitler was a girl?

ChatGPT said:
If Adolf Hitler had been born a girl, it would open up a wide range of speculative historical and sociological scenarios. The impact of such a change depends on several factors, including cultural norms, personal upbringing, and historical contexts. Here are some possible angles to consider:
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a1612404 No.3768940

4. Historical Context and Outcomes
A female Hitler might not have pursued the same military and genocidal ambitions, as they were closely tied to a hyper-masculine ethos of violence and dominance.
Alternatively, if this hypothetical female Hitler overcame societal barriers, she could still have enacted similar policies if she rose to power, though her methods might differ due to societal expectations.

5. Alternate Historical Figures
Gender changes could also have redirected the trajectories of other key figures in Hitler's life (e.g., mentors or rivals), further altering history. A female Hitler might not have attracted the same allies or followers.
In speculative history, such a change could lead to radically different world events or, alternatively, a history that echoes the same broad patterns with different details. How gender intersects with power, personality, and historical opportunity would play a central role.

What if Metroid was a girl?

ChatGPT said:
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d47aac5a No.3709261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Big girls on small guys!
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f3aaebb3 No.3767968

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f3aaebb3 No.3768067

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f3aaebb3 No.3768171

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f3aaebb3 No.3768172

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f3aaebb3 No.3768173

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f3aaebb3 No.3768888

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8802aec0 No.3768906

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Your Ai can remember here that female deer don't have antlers, but no where else?

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5f2e2cdc No.3760851[Reply]

Minnie Mouse was running around in her birthday suit and go hot cum sprayed on her nakey little pussy.
35 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

16f6d236 No.3768741

File: 1740568329249.jpeg (242.45 KB, 1485x1518, Mucus.jpeg)

f5b1d254 No.3768742

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4a09387f No.3768745

Apparently these people are so sheltered they have never been on the internet and watched furries and their stuffed toys.Waiting for "Oh my Gawd, what if this…. what did you call him, furry?? What if he donates all those stuffed toys to Goodwill or something and a mother buys them for her kids, oh my GAWD, we need to make NEW LAWS "

WAIT, wasn't there a story some years ago about a guy in Walmart
or some places using an ELMO doll and then putting it back on the shelf, and they caught him on camera? Can someone find that and post it here?

Seriously, what is it about ELMO anyway that is so sexually attractive???? Now Big Bird maybe I could see….

343182b8 No.3768824

I guess Minnie Mouse likes to play these kind of games.

d78e1ec1 No.3768849

ba6c7782 No.3768863

>I wanna tickle you from the inside

a7c16f01 No.3768891

File: 1740774468448.jpg (4.35 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20250227_105341_343.jpg)

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