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ca995bdd No.3724059[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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fe9542c1 No.3766950

File: 1738493254630.png (909.5 KB, 635x810, nopeekingscreen.png)

972f6a17 No.3767041

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8fa1bb16 No.3767116

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a60de778 No.3767131

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630fade9 No.3767652

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79212ac8 No.3767757

File: 1739203702383.png (207.49 KB, 673x900, housegunsketch.png)

What was that noise?

6ec1c4f4 No.3768317

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1fe1be66 No.3768296[Reply]

WTF is with Discord nowadays, they'll ban or suspend your account just for BEING IN a server where someone posted cub yiff, even though you had nothing to do with it.

Yet they'll do nothing about the open displays of extreme racism, anti-LGBT hatred and pro-MAGA violence incitements. Gotta stay on the right side if the Trump regime decides to crack down on them, I guess. Better go after anyone posting a drawing of Cream the Rabbit nude, there's the real threat to society!

fdf062c1 No.3768312

File: 1739840544716.jpg (160.22 KB, 800x800, Chicago-Bears-On-fire-towe….jpg)

>Chicago Cubs
I sure love me some hockey.

9cbb6793 No.3768314

Maybe you're on the wrong platform.

Perhaps you should find a different one, based in another country or something.

You know, just sayin'

fc383b31 No.3768331

File: 1739862567997.png (37.22 KB, 632x772, 998787.png)

Is discord shit? Yes, but not for the reasons you list.

Its shit because it wants your phone number, when it has no business at all having it. And it sells your data, records you, censors you, etc.

And so many retard gamers/game devs use it.

File: 1739792932984.png (2.03 MB, 1600x1044, image-8.png)

39a6c9f7 No.3768269[Reply]

Rules of thread:

-Don't post the same site that's already been posted.
-Include t.me/ channels or other messenger groups.

f8875239 No.3768277

your mom's secret onlyfans

39a6c9f7 No.3768279

wtf is that? cp? can some mod delete this crap?

97d17a81 No.3768281


45c9fac4 No.3768282

Ask a stupid question…

458f8041 No.3768286

File: 1739816006606.jpg (228.39 KB, 1000x685, 03ec80a432c9977cad60588171….jpg)

> wtf is that? cp?
CP is not allowed on lulz.

39a6c9f7 No.3768293

its the same fucking link posted earlier with cp thumbnails. MODS DELETE THIS SHIT

File: 1688539482331.jpg (102.65 KB, 1024x768, 1517154679.egger_ych_014_e….jpg)

29272134 No.3707302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Bondage thread.
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9b402334 No.3767513

File: 1738969867975.jpg (198.05 KB, 929x1070, fc082cbb887d0971d05aa8cc1d….jpg)

d287eee1 No.3767585

File: 1739031566250.png (831.34 KB, 1500x1000, bafybeigbdthtxup42zjvew6th….png)

I don't know why they're worrying about a lost key. It wouldn't do either of them any good unless one can first get his arms out of his straightjacket.

c308f0ac No.3767647

1022fac1 No.3767859

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a300af46 No.3767866

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f5a93d08 No.3768128

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8ceec609 No.3768291

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9f000544 No.3768268[Reply]

_m_ _m_, [2/17/25 5:26 AM]
just woke up from the perfect dream i'll call ceceilia where i had a trained rottie mount me till my mom walked in from a shower and i had to run to get a beer. the friend was trying to show me the secret parties till we realized we were still stuck in a dream that was collapsing, and one of the zoos ran back into the blackening ether to live out his remaining time

_m_ _m_, [2/17/25 5:26 AM]
the rottie knew how to pucker up to 'taste'/kiss me… just a huge dream of fucking behind the couch

_m_ _m_, [2/17/25 5:26 AM]
then running to grab a beer and throwing a blanket on the dude jacking it as she walked in

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e9ea2581 No.3716787[Reply]

Fidget the Nimbat - Sorcerers
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258adc4d No.3750059

File: 1723534719720.png (508.67 KB, 1202x1373, d8d86d884e6e19aecf79201fe6….png)

115c0f68 No.3750060

Could you make AI Fidget foot stuff?

1828af20 No.3750062

File: 1723538702424.jpeg (431.04 KB, 2200x1467, GT_i5hzWsAA3Ffp.jpeg)

0d860da0 No.3750102

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f050d34d No.3752093

File: 1725140563647.jpg (170.52 KB, 875x1250, f13c40d2c775e2ab0d0fcfd413….jpg)

This is the proper way to pick up a nimbat.

4f499145 No.3764175

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15d71220 No.3768228

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3b75360b No.3768215[Reply]


FEMA is hit hard by DHS as recent massive flooding in four states had FEMA workers bragging on facebook about how they're making it had hard as possible for Trump supporters to get aid or rescues, often putting their applications in the trash, sending paperwork to the wrong departments, or requesting extensive historic recorords for emergency services.
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13ebd2ef No.3768236

File: 1739762821256.jpeg (378.78 KB, 1595x917, IMG_0476.jpeg)

The correct phrase is I want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub

cf640943 No.3768239

FEMA should send everyone in those red states a pair of bootstraps with a letter explaining that Trump cut their funding. It would be an epic troll.

daad72e8 No.3768244

Every Department.
Defund The Government.
Kill yourself now if you disagree.


38bb86c4 No.3768245

Defund MAGA, transfer all finances to the Left.

daad72e8 No.3768252

MAGA is not something you can defund, it lives in the heart and soul of every true American, in the majority of Americans.
Money is not required for it to exist.

Now go kill yourself, across the board election losing leftist Nazi.
You lost everything

b4a98aec No.3768264

File: 1739783141502.png (571.53 KB, 725x725, An-example-of-a-doge-meme.png)

MAGA is just a big a republican scam as DOGE your all just too stupid to see that all the money is being used to fuel maga

cf640943 No.3768306

I hope all those red States getting hit by this winter storm enjoy the lack of FEMA response because of Trump.

You sure got what you voted for! Smaller government!
Now enjoy freezing to death.

File: 1689576744129-0.webm (488.65 KB, 873x480, yiffing_in_hell.webm)

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558b2eb4 No.3709047[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your demons, devils, hell hounds and devil dogs here.
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e9d608d4 No.3763275

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5c0c1a76 No.3763958

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54f4e107 No.3767044

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810d3f61 No.3767157

7ff90d8b No.3767384

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7ff90d8b No.3767946

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9092d10c No.3768223

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3c889afe No.3707363[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Mustelid thread 3.0. Stoats, weasels, otters, badgers, wolverines, martens, mink, ferrets, etc. Skunks are technically mephitids, but we accept them as our own.
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9e6bf9da No.3765935

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9e6bf9da No.3765936

File: 1737681634669-0.webm (4.94 MB, 1080x1920, Thorny devil lizards drin….webm)

8454c0bc No.3767130

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9e77aed9 No.3767297

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8ffde87c No.3767443

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8ffde87c No.3767444

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8ffde87c No.3768204

File: 1739735112981.webm (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, otter 3d ai.webm)

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3534f278 No.3724971[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Surprised this one isn't making the rounds more. It's a very competent AI writing tool, and it's completely uncensored, so far. You can make it do violent cub yiff or whatever else you can come up with, and it gets things surprisingly inaccurate. Only thing is, it doesn't respond to "prompts" like ChatGPT, but rather you have to write the beginning yourself and it continues. Usually it tends to get stuck and repetitive if you don't insert some sentence of your own to guide the story once in a while, but it really does surprisingly well.

You can also try writing a description of what you want in the upper window, but sometimes it refuses to write anything at all or just ignores it, unless you write the beginning yourself. Anyway, a lot of potential, not just for erotica but other controversial material as well.
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e3df9e1d No.3767753

explain this

11083848 No.3768055

File: 1739564689780.jpeg (273.5 KB, 1248x832, a-cartoon-of-robert-f-ken….jpeg)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Brain Worm Agenda: A Disturbing Medical Analysis
by Adolph I. Schlopp

For years, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been at the forefront of medical controversy, questioning vaccines, promoting alternative health views, and challenging mainstream scientific consensus. While many have speculated about the origins of his beliefs, one chilling possibility has been largely ignored: Kennedy is under the control of a parasitic brain worm—and he wants you to be, too.
The Evidence: Behavioral Patterns Consistent with Neural Parasite Influence

Parasitic brain worms, such as Toxoplasma gondii and Spirometra mansoni, are known to alter the behavior of their hosts, often making them more reckless, less able to process risk, and prone to obsessive fixations. Symptoms include:
✅ Resistance to medical science
✅ Obsessive spread of misinformation
✅ Unwavering commitment to a cause despite overwhelming evidence against it

Kennedy’s career trajectory aligns disturbingly well with known cases of neuroparasitic infection. Once a respected environmental advocate, his increasing focus on anti-vaccine rhetoric and medical conspiracies suggests a neurological shift—one that coincides eerily with symptoms observed in animal studies of parasitic infections.
A Parasitic Mission: Spreading the Infection

A core trait of many neural parasites is their drive to propagate. The Ophiocordyceps fungus compels infected ants to climb to high places and release spores, spreading the infection. Similarly, Kennedy tirelessly campaigns against vaccines, modern medicine’s best defense against infectious agents, effectively encouraging the spread of disease.

11083848 No.3768056

But what if a more advanced, human-targeting neural parasite had emerged? A parasite that doesn’t just seek to survive, but to dominate?

The Kennedy Brain Worm (Hypothetical Variant X, or HVX-24) appears to have an agenda:

Weaken immunity worldwide – By promoting vaccine skepticism, the parasite ensures that human bodies are weaker and more vulnerable to infection.
Break down trust in medical science – If people reject mainstream medicine, they’ll be less likely to receive treatments that could eradicate the worm.
Encourage unscientific “natural” remedies – Many “natural” health movements involve raw, unregulated diets, exposure to soil and untreated water, and avoiding medical deworming agents—all of which help parasites thrive.
Provoke mass hysteria and social chaos – Confusion, conspiracy, and fear destabilize societies, making mass infection easier.

RFK Jr.: The Worm’s Unwitting Prophet?

Kennedy’s actions align eerily with these objectives. He has:
✔️ Promoted anti-vaccine rhetoric, helping infectious diseases spread
✔️ Encouraged distrust in doctors, ensuring fewer people seek medical treatment
✔️ Emphasized "natural immunity"—which just so happens to favor parasites
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11083848 No.3768057

Kennedy’s recent public embrace of raw dairy consumption and exposure to unfiltered natural water sources coincides with HVX-24’s suspected transmission methods. Could the parasite be guiding him to unknowingly encourage behaviors that lead to mass infection?

One leaked memo, allegedly authored by Dr. Marshall E. Thorne, a parasitologist formerly employed at the NIH, states:

“The behavioral patterns exhibited by select public figures align too perfectly with known neuroparasitic symptoms to be coincidental. The absence of self-correction in the face of contradictory evidence suggests an external, possibly parasitic influence.”

The report was reportedly buried after Thorne’s mysterious resignation. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Adding credibility to the leaked documents, a previously suppressed study from the Nordhausen Institute of Parasitology, titled “Neuroparasitic Influence in Human Hosts: Behavioral Aberrations and Sociopolitical Consequences”, was recently rediscovered in an online archive.

The study, authored by Dr. Franz Heidenreich, examined 12 high-profile figures known for extreme anti-medical positions. It found that:

83% exhibited abnormal neural activity patterns consistent with parasitic interference.
All had publicly opposed vaccines and modern medical treatments.
One subject, referred to only as “Case RFK-7,” displayed an abnormally high resistance to contradictory evidence and exhibited a compulsive need to spread anti-science rhetoric.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

11083848 No.3768058

The Worm’s Geopolitical Agenda: An International Crisis in the Making

HVX-24 isn’t just playing the long game on health—it is engineering a worldwide power shift. Here’s how:
1. Weakening Global Superpowers

If the U.S. and Europe experience widespread public health crises, they will be distracted by domestic chaos. The worm could strategically cripple economies and undermine defense systems, making nations more vulnerable to both parasitic and political takeover.

RFK Jr.’s views conveniently align with this strategy. He has stated:

“America is being run by corporate overlords who manipulate science.”

A classic anti-medicine, pro-worm talking point.
2. Creating Mass Public Distrust in Government

A key part of parasite strategy is turning hosts against their own institutions. If people lose faith in democracy, healthcare, and science, the worm’s influence can spread unchecked.
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11083848 No.3768060

A Parasitic Drive to Convert the Masses

Neuroparasitic organisms have one directive: expand their reach. Kennedy’s behavior suggests a mind consumed by this impulse. Just as Ophiocordyceps forces ants to spread its spores, Kennedy tirelessly spreads his message, urging others to reject vaccines and embrace “natural” health practices that could facilitate parasitic transmission.

His public advocacy, lawsuits, and relentless campaigning are textbook parasitic reproduction behavior—an infected host driven to spread the condition to as many others as possible.

Expert Testimony: The Science Speaks

Dr. Amelia Forsythe, a neurologist, noted, “Parasitic infections of the brain can cause significant behavioral changes. It’s not impossible that an unknown parasite could influence human decision-making.”

Dr. Leonard P. Grant, an epidemiologist, added, “I haven’t seen any evidence of a brain worm controlling Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but that’s exactly what the brain worm would want me to say.”

Conclusion: Humanity Must Remain Vigilant

While mainstream media remains silent, the evidence continues to mount. Kennedy’s medical positions are not simply contrarian—they bear all the hallmarks of a parasite manipulating its host for survival and expansion.
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2e1a8030 No.3768194

File: 1739731123620-0.png (335.77 KB, 813x2434, What would happen if canad….png)

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