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You messed with me~

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82f59838 No.3748945[Reply]

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

82f59838 No.3749002

Great job covering up what actually happened. We all know they had so much buttsex, the feces/semen mix destroyed the plumbing.

0700acc0 No.3749058


And the stink coming out of the place had nothing to do with sewage.

8547e970 No.3749124

File: 1722832831335-0.jpeg (30.61 KB, 474x761, th (23).jpeg)

File: 1722832831335-1.jpeg (27.87 KB, 474x767, th (22).jpeg)

Thanks for the info. Now we know why the fundraiser got a low attention. >>3748962 Raiders individual never really bother to help others but only themself for fun. Considering how much "fun" they have over there with all the condoms being flushed into the toilet bowl, no wonder the sewer got blocked
that bad.

769f5d1b No.3749137

>acquire commercial lease where only 8 months later the major plumbing goes tits up and for no fucking reason it is the tenant's responsibility to fix
god furries are so fucking retarded to sign that

8547e970 No.3749145

File: 1722843153913-0.jpg (76.48 KB, 500x559, 8zarjk.jpg)

Foxler is a retarded bottom Siamese wannabe with that Thai ladyboy heritage of his. Dude been attached with that fantasy of his being a part of Axis of WW2, but we all know Thai is practically the Axis bottom and a cumdump, just like Foxler with his foxxy public use of his ass.

I wish I could say more about how these group finally got fully called out during Trump administration, but that should be in the pol thread.

2f08db57 No.3749219

File: 1722951490346.jpg (785.04 KB, 1075x2209, 20240806_213518.jpg)

Make sense. With that craving of BBC for being a Siam ladyboy, that is the only way he could "make love" to a guy with a BBC.

07f1897a No.3761130

File: 1733862127054.png (132.23 KB, 512x512, Foxler2b.png)

You know, that's total bullshit.

Foxler doesn't have a problem with finding black people sexy, he has a problem with finding people sexy.

Can relate. The suit stays on, boys.

Also Kody is a very sweet and creative person. And all around fun guy to talk to. A bit hard to get to know maybe, but once you do, you'll like him and geek out over lots of stuff. And the idea that Foxler has a fucking problem with his BOYFRIEND being black is so ridiculous that it doesn't need addressing.

Oh and who the fuck cares that he's doing some kinda-looks-like-a-nazi-but-isn't "nazi" edgelordery, big whoop. 10 years ago nobody would have given two shits. Why does anyone care?

Also a couple stupid right wingers saying stupid right wing shit isn't representative of the Raiders as a whole.

Not that christtard "sfw fur" smooth brains would want to hang around cause Foxler is a very kinky fox and they've been told to stay away. Most do.

File: 1688636997952.png (1.45 MB, 1024x1024, 00040-4576539155.png)

043010b6 No.3707439[Reply]

just post sergals and sergal-like specimens here.
content must be at least 50% sergal
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b747f4d1 No.3753969

File: 1726545337008-0.jpg (166.31 KB, 1024x1024, 00532-furryrock_V70-by mis….jpg)

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17ef760c No.3754054

File: 1726664335961-0.jpg (212.57 KB, 1024x1024, 66e4a3fd654e01fe1a52aa8a.jpg)

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17ef760c No.3754055

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17ef760c No.3754118

File: 1726714761316-0.jpg (140.45 KB, 1024x1024, 66e4ea2d68b84595d92a60e0.jpg)

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17ef760c No.3754119

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b747f4d1 No.3760892

File: 1733689503060-0.jpg (139.38 KB, 1024x1024, 01558-furryModelMerging_di….jpg)

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words in a blender

17ef760c No.3761095

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c211efda No.3761029[Reply]

So now we got:
R Kelly
P Diddy
Michael Jackson
Gary Glitter
Rolf Harris

Who else is on your all-nonce playlist? Who is the most patrician?

c37acdb8 No.3761034

File: 1733787865367.jpg (34.75 KB, 445x556, 1975.jpg)

This one fucked a 12 year old girl with Epstein

3e0a6e6c No.3761040

File: 1733789090748.jpg (200.72 KB, 851x1200, mowgli drawn by sparker -….jpg)

And Vice President Kamala Harris raped 13 year olds with Pdiddy.

976fde15 No.3761048

Beez Zabinski is a pedophile.

e52cfae2 No.3761054

Yet you have no evidence, none.
Isn't that strange?
Stuck to the /POL,/ thread for your lies, 3B.

File: 1695721702808.png (4.69 MB, 1536x2020, 99da9d0f092c07cfcd7b25ecf1….png)

284862cf No.3717202[Reply]

Other thread died with massive board deletion.
Here you have a fox doing two tasks at once:
Preparing dinner and showing you where the dinner will be exiting from the following day.
18 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

a0aa0a6b No.3754683

File: 1727394754148.png (251.34 KB, 1000x750, 1566697386497.png)

32cd8297 No.3754880

File: 1727651264966.jpg (1.3 MB, 849x1200, 1696518362.evenstevenh_b4_….jpg)

1ae2d706 No.3759681

File: 1732646754190.jpg (405.14 KB, 1600x1029, df82d423a74b7f0d06470890db….jpg)

2214ab9f No.3759929

File: 1732809546650.jpg (1.38 MB, 3508x2480, 6c752c4256ce749d0bdd5ecbfc….jpg)

Walking home from school.

fcf192ee No.3760634

File: 1733421923185.jpg (1.01 MB, 2296x2129, 5327749_Unawarey_thai_clai….jpg)

Furry girl going out for Thai food after the rain.

18e66f8f No.3760772

File: 1733552488898.jpeg (194.67 KB, 1138x866, E8DtfVfX0AA9ZMy.jpeg)

Kitchen stuff

f06b5f5c No.3761051

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750af81c No.3734738[Reply]

Bonus if you find a penis milking with a dildo that takes your own cum and ejects in your own backdoor.
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93fa7344 No.3742180

File: 1717879893021.jpg (272.56 KB, 572x1280, acf6cc224410409347070ffda3….jpg)

677cc8b1 No.3742895

File: 1718429831118.jpg (225.22 KB, 1686x1451, 54efba3ace8e8f7bb879e8de82….jpg)

67972c3c No.3750351

File: 1723758020784.jpg (412.89 KB, 1024x1536, 5154060_GhostFoxOCS_stripe….jpg)

f14b00b4 No.3756013

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0eeb246e No.3757426

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ed326a9f No.3759089

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bd3ba0fe No.3760999

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fa276fe0 No.2038[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

found some old meme files of her.
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e6ac67d4 No.3746429

File: 1720906036399.png (610.22 KB, 1254x1195, 736f28ddc599e54083551f92db….png)

0c0487a9 No.3746831


The one thing the woke left did with its stupidity was remove all ethnic mascots from common household products. Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, the Land o Lakes Indian Princess…. all gone. Along with the positive 'comfort food' association that made them both positive representations and iconic advertising standards. Good job, you liberal mutherfuckers.

905f7ce8 No.3749938

File: 1723392806376-0.png (6.54 KB, 600x600, 5923210_1060498_sicklr_meh….png)

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Requesting Katia be given a body type like this: https://files.catbox.moe/m64270.png
Other refs that might help: https://files.catbox.moe/b30r6u.png
Artist of pic related is sicklr, artist of refs is hexteknik

Couldn't get what exactly you wanted so…
Slightly bigger Booba silhouette, reshaped pussy, changed pose a bit, and a wider & shapely ass.
Plus a fun coquettish face for the lawls with artistic liberties to exaggerate a few features.

Reminds me of an idea I had about a pornographic "Input Comic" here on U18 like Prequel/Homestuck
based off of Rajirra needing to pay off some debts she owes, right after she betrayed Katia .

Would had been a dumb story where she'd be crying to her appointment later that night to a POV-Insert character
to dish out whatever reaction to losing all the items she "borrowed" and her need to pay the POV back.

36a23893 No.3758603

File: 1731426457957.jpg (405.09 KB, 1758x2173, 90264af2d132a8b80dfac76ff5….jpg)

905f7ce8 No.3758635

File: 1731460751794.png (1.17 MB, 717x999, spongebob_s_pineapple_hous….png)


905f7ce8 No.3759206

Skyrim Blunderbuss-Musket Mod showcase (actual musket reloading)
I Turned Skyrim into a City Building Simulator

2feeb434 No.3760997

File: 1733774143065.png (28.73 KB, 447x851, bafkreif2hjko3xm4zp7az5pxq….png)

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cc4bb2d6 No.3708145[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Rats and mice are nice
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4db44025 No.3750840

File: 1724165352076-0.jpg (529.23 KB, 2026x3600, fa04f972f1496ee45a2c7d4955….jpg)

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4db44025 No.3750841

File: 1724165478436-0.jpg (130.4 KB, 1564x2000, 4fd128953c1b6bc41e59ed82ee….jpg)

4db44025 No.3751573

File: 1724688679720.png (3.67 MB, 1648x2236, 81e42abbe46c88ece62049659a….png)

74279cbb No.3753590

File: 1726217712941.png (396.96 KB, 707x1026, mous.png)

12ba8a8a No.3753783

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83ba0533 No.3760923

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41a72973 No.3760964

File: 1733734613411.jpg (31.73 KB, 512x463, GeB158saAAE1h1y.jpg)

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558b2eb4 No.3709047[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your demons, devils, hell hounds and devil dogs here.
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10bf7062 No.3759428

File: 1732396450254.png (2.6 MB, 1536x1536, 0428266f1e755251edb2a4f5a4….png)

Its going to get hacked horrifically, guarantee it.

02121922 No.3760388

File: 1733191572078.jpeg (115.09 KB, 1341x737, Screenshot_2-12-2024_2151….jpeg)



READ MORE: I created a 'Death Clock' that predicts when you'll die
An AI-powered death clock promises to predict the exact day you'll die, right down to the second.

The Death Clock app, available for download in Google and Apple stores, analyzes life choices users regularly make, their past habits, health conditions and family history of disease to 'accurately' determine when they will die.

7ff90d8b No.3760398

File: 1733198640071.jpg (308.5 KB, 1999x1999, Wheel of Power and Privile….jpg)

Sounds like an excellent tool to collect comprehensible personal data from gullible people to sell.

267564e3 No.3760439

How is being fat anything other than privilege? Being fat is privileged, regardless of any era throughout history. In the past, it meant you hunted the best, had the most wealth, while others starved; today it means you live in such a state that you are able to completely ignore the health consequences of gouging your fucking face 24/7, be it through healthcare funded by your own wealth or healthcare funded by others.

Fuck you, you fat fuck. Put down the fork and stop blaming others for your lack of self control.

7ff90d8b No.3760442

File: 1733256725921.jpg (668.33 KB, 2500x2206, les sataniques.jpg)

Diabolic diagram, isn't it.

02121922 No.3760446

File: 1733258871052.jpeg (387.46 KB, 2000x1130, Screenshot_3-12-2024_1547….jpeg)

7e6ea40b No.3760916

File: 1733708121071.jpg (1.77 MB, 3584x4608, 2bb8c958f3d69a7de6d560e2bc….jpg)

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7821be9e No.3760472[Reply]

Who's going and what shenanigans will you get up to?
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7821be9e No.3760818

File: 1733614291792.jpeg (141.02 KB, 1201x1195, Screenshot_7-12-2024_1830….jpeg)

7821be9e No.3760852

File: 1733664753163.jpeg (260.82 KB, 1186x1125, Screenshot_8-12-2024_8314….jpeg)

Extra sketchy people at MFF

7821be9e No.3760853

File: 1733664941245.jpeg (158.23 KB, 1223x1317, Screenshot_8-12-2024_8345….jpeg)

Giant breadstick at the rave.

7821be9e No.3760854

File: 1733665074681.jpeg (284.01 KB, 1189x1008, Screenshot_8-12-2024_8373….jpeg)

7821be9e No.3760855

File: 1733665231608.jpeg (275.62 KB, 2017x1193, Screenshot_8-12-2024_8392….jpeg)

Patrick Starfish returns bringing along Spongebob Squarepants to MFF.

7821be9e No.3760856

File: 1733665388992.jpeg (113.78 KB, 1202x1296, Screenshot_8-12-2024_8427….jpeg)

Sneaking a bottle of hooch into the rave at MFF.

7821be9e No.3760889

File: 1733688335461-0.jpeg (287 KB, 1148x1324, Screenshot_8-12-2024_1449….jpeg)

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6e3d6d82 No.3708628[Reply]

Petition to permaban Steam and all of his clones because he admitted to letting Aufy use his name to avoid a ban.
32 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

b58a0c15 No.3760743

There's a 20 fold difference in the amount of current you will feel as painful, and the amount that can potentially kill you.

Most electrostimulation devices limit the current at 5-6 milliamps, which is enough to cause extremely painful and uncontrollable muscle cramps. The danger limit for sticking electrodes across your chest is 20 milliamps.

b58a0c15 No.3760744

And, if we're talking about DC current from a battery, the limit for danger is above 500 milliamps. That's because the current is not pulsing, so it's not messing up with the rhythm of your heart. Nerves only respond to pulses of current, not to steady current flow, so for DC the danger is about cooking your flesh on the inside instead of stopping your heart.

Technically, DC current will polarize the ion channels in the nerves and stop them from operating, so you can paralyze your heart temporarily by running enough current through it, but it takes a lot.

3bb67d4f No.3760764

> so for DC the danger is about cooking your flesh on the inside instead of stopping your heart.

False. Steady DC current causes tissue distruction by iontophoresis. This happens at far lower current levels than "cooking."

b58a0c15 No.3760767


That doesn't appear to have much to do with the point, at least in the immediate time scale.

DC current can mess up with your biochemical functions, but only if you keep a battery hooked up to yourself for hours on end.

18a8daf7 No.3760768

I am not responsible for what empty headed "newage" nobodys try to redefine the term on Wikipedia. If you are truly interested in the true meaning of the term then you must consult medical journals and medical texts. I will spend no time attempting to educate you.

0e8ce18a No.3760776

DC voltage is weird, a friend of mine was working on a truck battery cable with a wrench when, he's not exactly sure, but he thinks he accidently touched the wrench to both the + and - battery terminals at the same time. There was a big shower of sparks, some smoke, and it melted the wrench, like, immediately! Yet he said he was unharmed and never felt anything, and the wrench was not hot, yet it was melted
How is this possible??

568c37de No.3760778

File: 1733570911701.png (163.37 KB, 300x281, zz155980355509ff9brahnepng.png)

What a fanciful play and such large eyebrows for a queen. The people came to see the Execution. I will have to sneak in some chocolate and elixirs to the show. I am just so bored waiting for the big steamy porker to DIEEEEEEE i mean get the boot!

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