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18eff504 No.3769970[Reply]

And can you complete the Gay challenge?

Where the only thing you save on your pc/phone/etc, and get off too for a whole year, is images/videos/animations of only male characters? Can you even last 3 months?

Or does your brain simply get bored and start wanting you to look at women again after a couple weeks. Maybe you flip and flop on what you want to get off too.
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18eff504 No.3769992

File: 1742446963689.jpg (126.51 KB, 850x1311, 7876544.jpg)


Can't say I'm really targeting straight people. More like Bi people. A straight person just happened to come in and start posting.

Seeing if they can go one way a whole year. Or if bi people are helpless and will always flip back and forth.

18eff504 No.3769993

File: 1742447193707.png (1.96 MB, 1824x2565, 72433.png)


Yeah, which is what makes me think a lot of people saying they are "gay" really aren't gay.

Like if they see two irl dudes kissing they might still feel disgust.

But they can jack off all week to gay furry or anime art.

affcac6c No.3770027

Sexuality is complex. If you showed these pics to normies you have a 99% chance of people thinking you're gay.

You are cumming to other men.

9cd59139 No.3770039

File: 1742512505071.jpg (163.85 KB, 1357x1580, gay8865.jpg)


Its not complex, its that a lot of gay art makes males look more feminine, more idealized.

They look softer, with bigger asses, more expressive faces, less muscles definition. It confuses the brain, or shocks it. like "I'm not gay but he's so cute, so thin, such good hips, such a soft face, looks so young, so vulnerable, etc"

It often dresses them girly too.

Wheres as hyper masculine gay is generally pretty niche. Where its gigantic muscles.

9cd59139 No.3770041

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When a lot of furries switched to an anime like style. It makes males look more feminine. It makes things smooth and it rarely draws much muscle. And furries generally don't have beards or anything, since furries have facial fur.

Real life men have tiny asses, facial hair, muscles, don't have tiny waists, man jaws rather than boyish jaws like women can have.

Unless an irl guy makes an amazing Trap, your not fooling your mind that your fucking a dude.

Its not that your gay, its that the art is confusing your brain. The brain is pretty stupid. If you can only get off to gay furry images, your getting off to something thats not real, something that doesn't exist. And how can you be gay for something thats not real? Because a drawing doesn't have a sex.

59522617 No.3770046

If you have to feminize males to the nth degree to get off, why not just fap to females? That's clearly the ideal you subconsciously crave. Your conscious mind just hasn't realized what should be obvious.

bb13c3f0 No.3770082

File: 1742603773554.png (2.23 MB, 4000x3367, gay7863.png)


Ask the furry fandom, their the one that feminizes most males.

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a62b8abc No.3759487[Reply]

Let's be honest. Nobody wants these drama queens around in any Fandom. They think they are privileged, they believe they should be adored as divas, and when they don't get their way, they scream hysterically, and cause the biggest shitstorms.
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22e43532 No.3770074

Trannies are overwhelmingly autistic, and thus they worm their way into shit that matters and try to ruin it, including Linux and Tier 1 internet structures. They're also fucking disgusting to look at, and they groom children on Discord as a fetish.

There probably aren't that many puppy rapists in the world as compared to the population. Doesn't mean people shouldn't want them gone.

Also, yes, gays and trannies are generally distinct because most trannies start off as straight incels. They still want to fuck women, and they use their trannoid status to gain access to women's spaces. Iran at least has a smart approach to this situation by making trannies surgically transition ASAP. They know that once the balls come off, the libido that drove them to troon out will go away. And once that happens, the problem will ACK itself to a solution.

d1048622 No.3770077

>I've yet to meet a conservative that doesn't take israel's side over Palestine.
That doesn't mean they love Jews, retard. The Christian right only care about Jews insofar as they're necessary to bring about the apocalypse. And the white nationalists want Israel to succeed to prove ethnonationalism works. But it's not working. We're watching Israel collapse just like the Third Reich collapsed.

416fb4c5 No.3770078

Christians need to get it through their fucking skulls that there's one person the kikes hate more than Hitler, and it's Jesus.

d2196006 No.3770079

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59801146 No.3770080


59801146 No.3770081

File: 1742603080566.jpg (104.52 KB, 640x750, 60d0d457-9ed4-42b0-b639-36….jpg)

But before you go,
Tell us again how smart you are.

f4499ca7 No.3770083

That's an election results map. That doesn't prove anything with regard to intelligence.

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c9c2afbd No.3744105[Reply]

I was right about serial rapist and child groomer Andrew Dickpic before anyone else on the left was. Finally people are catching up and starting to listen to his victims. They should thank me, but instead I'm being ridiculed and banished like a criminal for exposing the truth before anyone else dared.

Unfortunately, it happened too late to prevent him from ruining the incestual Tiny Toon reboot. But this is a beginning to bright new era. Surely Steven Spielberg, Kirk Roger Tingblad, John K and the other industry nonces can't be far from being exposed next. Their towers are crumbling.

They'll be running scared trying to save themselves, just like their kind wanted to "save" Coyote vs. Acme and Splash Mountain for glorifying predators like them. But the era of the rule of the predators is over. Soon they'll be sharing cells next to their favorite President.

The Sonic 2 wedding scene was great, and the only part of the movie I'll ever watch again. I imagine it's Kayla-Na getting her rightful comeuppance. Disney must be right about everything to get all the hatred from chuds like Doomcock. And Harry Potter was garbage from the first book.

Here's the whole story if you can stomach reading through it.

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7af43cd3 No.3763496

Oh, and one more thing, you pathetic excuses for progressives! You think you're fighting the good fight, but you're missing the most important battle of all. You're missing the cultural war that's being waged right under your noses!

While you're out there marching for social justice and equality, there right-wing trolls and bigots have been attacking our beloved cartoon and game characters.

Look at these so-called "artists" like Kayla-Na and CyberQueenJolene, spouting their hateful rhetoric about our beloved Sonic the Hedgehog characters. They've got the nerve to say that Rouge the Bat is overrated, that she's nothing more than a generic, sexy spy archetype. They're wrong, and they need to be stopped!

Rouge is a complex, multifaceted character who deserves better than to be reduced to a sex symbol by these haters. She's a skilled thief, a formidable fighter, and a loyal friend. She's a symbol of empowerment, of a woman who chooses to live life on her own terms, not bound by the expectations of others. And we will not stand idly by while these trolls besmirch her good name!

We need to fight back against this character assassination. We need to start organizing, to start trolling the trolls. We need to start flooding their comments sections with our love for Rouge, for Tails, for Knuckles, for all the characters they seek to diminish. We need to start reporting their hateful posts, their offensive art, their targeted harassment.

And if that's not enough, if they continue to spread their poison, we need to start doxing them. We need to start exposing these pathetic little keyboard warriors to the world, expose them for the filth they are. And if that's not enough, well, I'm sure we can think of more… persuasive methods. We need to start sending them messages, loud and clear, that their hate will not be tolerated. That they will face consequences for their actions.

This is about more than just Sonic, or the Doom franchise. It's about standing up for all the characters we loved growing up, all the characters that were a part of our formative years. It's about fighting back against the cultural appropriation, the hate, the bigotry that seeks to destroy the things we hold dear.

7af43cd3 No.3763498

So, let's get out there, my fellow Dark SJWs. Let's fight for our characters. Let's fight for our culture. Let's fight for our right to love and enjoy the things we love, without fear of ridicule or hatred. Because this is our culture, and we will not let it be taken from us without a fight. Now, let's go, comrades! Let's show these haters what we're made of!

And while we're at it, let's address some of the real issues here. Like how "Doom: Eternal" is a goddamn racist game. I mean, come on! You're running around killing demons, but you can't see that it's a thinly veiled metaphor for immigrants?

And don't even get me started on "Die Hard". Hans Gruber is the hero of "Die Hard", not that whiny, privileged John McClane. Gruber had a plan, he had a cause, trying to rob a bunch of rich assholes, and if you can't respect that, then you're part of the problem. Just like McClane, you're a racist, xenophobic, white-savior complex-ridden relic of a bygone era.

So, my fellow leftists, it's time to wake the fuck up. It's time to stop being the nice guys. It's time to become the Dark SJWs. Let's fight for our characters. Let's fight for our culture. Let's fight for our right to love and enjoy the things we love, without fear of ridicule or hatred. Because this is our culture, and we will not let it be taken from us without a fight.

It's time to fight fire with gasoline. It's time to burn this fucking system to the ground and start over. And if you're not with us, you're against us. And we will not hesitate to make an example out of you.

And remember, as you're burning down the patriarchy, as you're toppling the statues of slave owners, as you're fighting back against the forces of fascism - do it with a smile. Because, my friends, this is what freedom tastes like. And it's fucking delicious.

Now, who's ready to start a revolution? Let's go, comrades! The future is ours, and it's going to be a bloody one!

bc7cd9d2 No.3763502

Looks like you'll have to do all this shit yourself.

8568d1dc No.3763641

Everyone in this thread is throwing weird unhinged random word salads and it looks retarded. Where is this even going? XD Yes some furries are fucked up. Every type of group has fucked up people. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if most of them/you came to this site.

Now, responding to -
"Now furries are obsessing over the Sonic 3 movie because they can't wait to see child murder in a PG-rated live action movie. Personally I hope furries are included in the groups Trump will try to eradicate, but he probably won't since most of them are his supporters. Jesus was an atheist. SJWs are good people."

We Sonic fans love the movie because of Jim Carrey and Shadow. Yes we want to see Maria die because it's lore accurate and pretty much a meme. Trump is an egotistical fuck who's only ultimate interest is in himself. SJW's are not good people, they are overly self-righteous people who really just want to bitch about anything. Both groups are self destructive tornados that need to wake up to reality.

bf6fa891 No.3763651

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Metal Sonic is cooler.

02a7b8fc No.3763653

e5b21fa3 No.3770069

Fuck Jim Carrey, Danny DeVito deserved that role and true fans agree. And having Keanu Reeves was a stunt casting. He shouldn't have agreed to that role, just like he shouldn't have agreed to doing The Matrix 4. The Mike Wazowski No-Longer-Brothers are the worst kind of trans people. Rich, Jewish Hollywood brats who flip-flopped their genitals just for attention. They never thought once about changing sex until it became trendy in their elite social circles.

I'm glad my wife Rouge retired from the Sonic franchise. She would never have taken part in this. Her views on cops were made clear in her Sonic X appearances, two decades ago.

Penn Jillette is a gross predator who collects real life gore pictures, and probably CP, which is why Teller won't have anything to do with him outside of business anymore. It was Penn who wanted them to do the anti-climate change episode. He wanted to do an entire episode against age of consent laws, but Teller made them shrink it down to one segment. He also made a speech defending the legality of teen sexting, I wonder why?

He's the worst kind of atheist, the kind who believes they're smarter and stronger than God, and only weak people need to rely on God, so they should be eliminated. Just like Marilyn Manson, Peter Singer and Sam Harris, anti-Christian for the worst possible reason.

His lame "Sunday School" attempts to "educate the young into thinking for themselves" is pure predator speak. Telling kids to make independent decisions no matter what "the adult world" thinks, that he's the only one who genuinely cares about them. Look up Lenon Honor's documentaries to explain this, how "Child independence" is all pedophile propaganda. As Jesus said, "Tell the children to come to me" ! Sorry, I'd rather send them to the drag queens.

So happy to see (((trump))) implementing the F.U.R.R.I.E.S. bill. You really had it coming! I'd joke about the "leopards eating your faces", but you would just try to yiff them.

And it's entirely possible to think Amber Heard is a Hollywood nepo brat who exploited many others for fame, and brings shame to other abused women, without denying that Johnny Depp is a despicable sexist who abused her.

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91bbf9d1 No.3752606[Reply]

Even though the comic was a cocktese, I really enjoyed twokinds until I realized the author was obsessed with gender(for me that was the bastion island. In hindsight the obsession with sex/gender makes sense because the author is trans. (I did not know that when I was reading it(I don’t even know when it happened))

Art (asses) is amazing what do you love about two kinds and do you still read it? Is it worth going back and reading it for someone who is repulsed by all the gender nonsense?
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ba039a57 No.3753943

That's kind of creepy.

dc049a31 No.3753980

According to the Bible/God, long hair on "men" is disgraceful.

aaf6c760 No.3754100

More proof that toiletpaper book is just a jumbled mess of BS. Samson got his power from his long hair but was punished because he was tricked into having it cut.

Your ancient middle-eastern death god isn't going to save your soul.

06cccb3b No.3754643

Punished isn’t the right word
God promised his power would be in his hair
Samson did a stupid and lost it

If you stick your hand on a hot stove are you punished for it? Or do you face the natural consequences of your actions?

dfe6421a No.3754648

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Go fuck off. Long hair on men is great.

ef2d9b8f No.3767383

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> trace practicing transformation magic into a white tiger
An early version of the comic showed Trace practicing transformation magic in a bath. That panel was later reworked without the transformation. I guess Tom felt that would have made Trace too powerful.

Pic related was edited by someone else to lewd it but the transformation is original.

5e5142a9 No.3770048

File: 1742519564867.jpg (246.58 KB, 1364x1131, clovis twokinds.jpg)

> If you stick your hand on a hot stove are you punished for it? Or do you face the natural consequences of your actions?
Losing power because your hair is cut is not in any way "natural." It only happened because a vengeful god made it happen. Just as the alleged power was unnatural. It only existed because of the whim of some supernatural creature.

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3a89ba65 No.3769772[Reply]

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aa53ca17 No.3769784

I do love seegal clit. But why is it in this thread?

dc72027e No.3769785

You need new glasses, old man.

078debc1 No.3769820

>literally the two least attractive Looney Tunes characters

4e4f95e0 No.3769966

File: 1742424823798.jpg (146.47 KB, 894x654, 81er2Gvsa9L._AC_UF894_1000….jpg)

FUNKO POP! Figures? I've been seeing these things everywhere for years, there are thousands of different ones.
Just about every possible famous or fictional character, person or creature you could ever think of, past or present.
Securing the rights and licensing alone must be a nightmare.
And like most things people collect, there are rare ones that are worth a lot more.
I recently read where a Willy Wonka variation went for $100,000
Tell us about your collection.

e09289f0 No.3770037

i collect 3d printo pops of loona basically. you maight call me a man of culture.

a5a97c34 No.3770043

You like hot glueing Loona, don't you?

3182394c No.3770047


I always hear fnaf fandom bitch about how they do lazy recolors of fnaf's characters.

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b593f348 No.3769968[Reply]

damn thats lucky

1fc2fed1 No.3769969


No, that's Nig-gers being nig-gers. Chimpy's gotta chimp. And they demand to be treated equally is what makes it so damn funny.

409c4e4e No.3769975

File: 1742433083434.jpeg (94.23 KB, 896x898, wv6r3o8z2ooe1.jpeg)

Whites are the usas problem

1fc2fed1 No.3769978


And blacks are EVERYONE's problem, including other blacks.

a596d97d No.3769981

really need to bring back organized crime and have people sitting outside of places.

Rob a joint that's protected, you get put in the back of a van, transported to a place that is nice and quiet, and you get the shit kicked outta ya but you live.

Now… you kill a guy in the robbery, you get dropped like a fucking rock when you leave the store.

ec674e05 No.3770019

are you muslim?

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2eb6011c No.3707298[Reply]

Tauntauns don't get nearly enough love.
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802bd8ea No.3753156

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9a11d0a9 No.3753163


Sure thing, darlin. Lemme get my lightsaber real quick.

d65d4c61 No.3753166

But the smell…

2ade5405 No.3758874

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57f62593 No.3767472

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5b90f371 No.3769298

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a0673ee8 No.3770010

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Where are my damn keys?

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01cf976c No.3715990[Reply]

Post robot related stuff.
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6b934d2a No.3769027

Imagine if Bad Dragon bought FA.
Are they going to impose a "minimum quality standard" like they do on e621? Are they going to delete "creepy comments" even if the artist doesn't care/likes the feedback?

So many what ifs…

ae298d26 No.3769031


One it looks dead and two, at least it doesn't have a human skeleton inside it that was used as a base to build it.

a61ac1ed No.3769118

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with the help of ai we gave her some meat!

a61ac1ed No.3769120

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ae298d26 No.3769121


Nice effort, you did well re-rendering this, but its still creepy as all fuck.

a61ac1ed No.3769536

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Ratte bot research

a61ac1ed No.3769995

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How close are we if someone have the time and resources to build Ara?

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7fc1d86f No.3708972[Reply]

Bats are too good to not have a thread for them.
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9cc85fde No.3761874

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22875130 No.3763242

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9daa70f5 No.3763248

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9daa70f5 No.3768557

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580b04f2 No.3769167

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7ea1181b No.3769376

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ceaa6767 No.3769956

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d90c6675 No.3769935[Reply]

This thread is ableist art only

858028bf No.3769937

I wholeheartedly disagree. Dsabilities in a fantasy setting would have to be minor to be believable as those with disabilities would be in the best situation, helpers to those not disabled and two, unless a servant would be almost impossible to earn any sort of living given the realities of the time. Disabled people in modern society have society compensating for them and protecting them. In a fantasy setting they would be seen as weak, uselss, and a burden. Most would be killed outright by their parents rather than bear the shame of someone like this, not to mention the huge drain on them financially and otherwise. They would be exploited and likely killed by strangers who would see them as easy marks. The wheely in the picture would NEVER be taken seriously by adventurers or those that hire them. Woke only exists in the 21st century and frankly put, is dying as we speak, and rightly so.

858028bf No.3769938

Oh, and she's blind to boot, so its actually funny she ha a quiver of arrows since she has absolutely no depth perception. Unless of course, she picks up the arrows after a battle and assuming the battlefield is wheelchair friendly. FFS.

e27a8bc7 No.3769940

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