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You messed with me~

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File: 1722642328493-0.png (286.61 KB, 989x934, Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 1….png)

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35548f01 No.3748863[Reply]

10 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

c2844b71 No.3759103

File: 1732131134301-0.jpg (34.41 KB, 565x834, aab16ffaff22083b7da4883551….jpg)

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File: 1732131134301-4.jpg (54.9 KB, 440x800, 1dff30683883c5f9733cd9b34b….jpg)

he was a based artist, really he's got his style and it's intemporal and when you find out he was already drawing furry babes since the eighties, dam.
I remember I had saved his entire gallery as his style -really- inspired me, but idk where.

c2844b71 No.3759104

File: 1732131472625-0.jpg (248.01 KB, 732x1000, 17456ccc169f7ad15c8257db75….jpg)

File: 1732131472625-1.jpg (78.95 KB, 617x800, d430688f1e479c1828008c2721….jpg)

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File: 1732131472625-3.jpg (49.41 KB, 541x800, ac16861dfa5f3cdbdf7a073a18….jpg)


yeah he was a bit more active on FB as of late but he fought for a while against his disease ;-;

3398602d No.3762053

File: 1734638665164.jpg (172.92 KB, 598x768, 57a61f74439a62c5c7f087119e….jpg)

9682d5b2 No.3762081

File: 1734650391509.jpeg (232.75 KB, 1444x805, Screenshot_19-12-2024_181….jpeg)

Wasn't Taral friends with Squnq who used to post on this board.

032ef44a No.3765954

File: 1737687396773.jpg (75.56 KB, 499x768, d0d429d81bf7b4566323037c4e….jpg)

Was he?

d62907c7 No.3767541

File: 1738993549289.gif (83.12 KB, 520x768, 5ad58b22846a1c2cb736707c1a….gif)

cd6dc57a No.3768189

File: 1739727113453.gif (34.95 KB, 1237x949, Taral_Wayne_1995__FNGRPNT.GIF)

File: 1739707424637.jpg (100.01 KB, 798x1000, capitalism.jpg)

48934be5 No.3768174[Reply]

For days now Republicans and conservatives have been cheering the fact that Elon musk shut down usaid. Now they are starting to find that those juicy government contracts that kept their forms in business we're from the same agency. Turns out, the crops that the government were buying was being shipped overseas and thanks to musk cutting the programs there is no one to buy their crops. Now they are just rotting in the field with no one left to sell it to and no money to pay anyone to harvest it if they could find a buyer.
It turns out, MAGA farmers were the DEI hires all along!
Whomp whomp whaaa whaaaah!

57bf3fd6 No.3768182

File: 1739716832980.jpg (62.94 KB, 750x648, 1636568839806.jpg)

Why was USAID(s) doing the job that the USDA was supposed to be doing? Unless, of course, that food was being utilized by the glowies to manipulate desperate and starving populations in which case HOORAY!

67242970 No.3768183


a148230c No.3768185

Is this really the first time you've heard about farm subsidies?

Maybe sit down and listen to people who have been talking publicly about this huge issue for decades before throwing your six minute old opinion on the pile.

748368c7 No.3768186

Once millions of Americans are starving that will show the libs.

0fe57bed No.3768187

American Holodomor to own the libs.

File: 1689729924273-0.jpg (672.75 KB, 1642x2376, 12_1189_u18chan.jpg)

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d47aac5a No.3709261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Big girls on small guys!
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f3aaebb3 No.3764859

File: 1736884384093.png (3.99 MB, 1885x1346, 41277c0d3a223aadd625fb51d0….png)

f3aaebb3 No.3765252

File: 1737266831191-0.jpg (313.92 KB, 2176x2944, 00159-1995089927.jpg)

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f3aaebb3 No.3767968

File: 1739490202956-0.jpg (164.16 KB, 750x529, 270574.jpg)

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f3aaebb3 No.3768067

File: 1739578379266.png (354.65 KB, 977x1000, 1739578145.xaviouswolffe_r….png)

f3aaebb3 No.3768171

File: 1739705982659-0.jpg (173.75 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_04879_.jpg)

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f3aaebb3 No.3768172

File: 1739706015804-0.jpg (143.78 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_05326_.jpg)

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f3aaebb3 No.3768173

File: 1739706045583-0.jpg (238.07 KB, 1536x1536, Z8V61HMTWTDEBYF8EAK8FXZ2K0.jpg)

File: 1739706045583-1.jpg (109.79 KB, 977x1000, 1739578145.xaviouswolffe_r….jpg)

File: 1739706045583-2.jpg (244.56 KB, 1664x2816, 91353-4284195918-masterpie….jpg)

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File: 1689281176447.jpg (32.2 KB, 432x576, 1580103023358.jpg)

26cfffdf No.3708545[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post up them sexy wolfs, you know the hottest female wolfess
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43bedb90 No.3764973

File: 1737006644800-0.jpg (166.22 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_00015_.jpg)

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43bedb90 No.3764978

File: 1737014458396-0.jpg (76.36 KB, 768x1152, 819152977773346017.jpg)

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43bedb90 No.3765940

File: 1737682831490-0.jpg (58.34 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_4060.jpg)

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43bedb90 No.3765950

File: 1737685990981.gif (1.02 MB, 1280x914, 1722709262057-0.gif)

f31d3eff No.3767296

File: 1738758452697.jpg (422.77 KB, 675x680, 04fd4143330366ca6993bb19e4….jpg)

43bedb90 No.3768169

File: 1739705540034-0.jpg (88.58 KB, 1024x1536, 00010-3087879237.jpg)

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43bedb90 No.3768170

File: 1739705568300-0.jpg (200.13 KB, 1304x1664, 00007-1706599903.jpg)

File: 1739705568300-1.jpg (723.87 KB, 2676x3237, Gjl2BTAaIAENw6t_u18chan.jpg)

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File: 1703357711629-0.jpg (124.3 KB, 870x1538, d9xunal-c53a029a-7760-48b5….jpg)

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File: 1703357711629-4.jpg (112.48 KB, 687x918, c45a6c4d45613438ae93381469….jpg)

a3e816ad No.3726525[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), also known as the North American opossum, is the only opossum living north of Mexico, its range extending south into Central America. It is the northernmost marsupial in the world. In the United States and Canada, it is typically called a possum.[5] It is a solitary nocturnal animal about the size of a domestic cat, and a successful opportunist.

Opossums are familiar to many North Americans as they frequently inhabit settled areas near food sources like trash cans, pet food, compost piles, gardens or housemice. Their slow, nocturnal nature and their attraction to roadside carrion make opossums more likely to become roadkill.
202 posts and 662 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

752b5522 No.3767736

File: 1739184995356.jpg (2.31 MB, 2048x3072, female virginia opossum we….jpg)

752b5522 No.3767748

File: 1739195709118-0.jpg (223.6 KB, 1854x1600, ffd7b6187de2419365081c4a25….jpg)

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752b5522 No.3767749

File: 1739195797358-0.jpg (183.31 KB, 1600x2200, 5613dcba5d8838442aacb37a49….jpg)

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b472cdc6 No.3767874

File: 1739371838963.jpg (178.25 KB, 779x1024, FH-L2y4UYAAuvmn.jpg)

752b5522 No.3768164

File: 1739701827235-0.jpg (139.34 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_05018_.jpg)

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752b5522 No.3768165

File: 1739701848539-0.jpg (357.75 KB, 1532x2405, 50fe900a11c161fb7eabcaedc7….jpg)

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752b5522 No.3768166

File: 1739701871703-0.jpg (250.73 KB, 1840x1840, 00011-3843310972.jpg)

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File: 1691944444434-0.png (3.62 MB, 1641x2048, toon_1633333690049_ENzPVcJ….png)

File: 1691944444434-1.jpg (354.17 KB, 1050x1400, 1690736891.hacatiko_renamo….jpg)

File: 1691944444434-2.png (698.9 KB, 1500x1066, renaass6res_u18chan.png)

30dcb50f No.3711669[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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68b9e166 No.3767008

File: 1738513226955-0.jpg (544.08 KB, 2760x1626, renomoooon (1).jpg)

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68b9e166 No.3767015

File: 1738514404952.jpg (216.33 KB, 1344x1920, 190926451-DDPM-17-4-896x12….jpg)

68b9e166 No.3767455

File: 1738885704453.jpg (207.07 KB, 1632x1440, 00128-3805225682.jpg)

68b9e166 No.3767604

File: 1739042306978.jpg (245.15 KB, 1536x2048, 00285-3896595167.jpg)

68b9e166 No.3767892

File: 1739398180149.webm (558.71 KB, 768x768, ComfyUI_12149_ [MConverte….webm)

68b9e166 No.3768162

File: 1739700816221-0.jpg (354.29 KB, 2496x2896, 00922.jpg)

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68b9e166 No.3768163

File: 1739700945193-0.jpg (2.3 MB, 7680x7680, 1000351809.jpg)

File: 1739700945193-1.jpg (2.06 MB, 7680x7680, 1000351810.jpg)

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File: 1727933858492-0.jpg (880.37 KB, 1300x1788, 3ae9a1973b427482bce9eb1ffb….jpg)

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f48b9949 No.3755120[Reply]

Any and all edits are welcome, so don't hold back!
56 posts and 228 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

f48b9949 No.3765124

File: 1737147108597-0.jpg (367.11 KB, 1300x1788, 1736982498_Bruunasslappedb….jpg)

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f48b9949 No.3765905

File: 1737668503412-0.jpg (400.64 KB, 1300x1788, 707facf86edc53d8c29df21e8b….jpg)

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f48b9949 No.3765906

File: 1737668581270-0.jpg (421.61 KB, 1300x1788, f6cea0b858ed87a07fc0265e04….jpg)

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f48b9949 No.3767142

File: 1738612402039-0.jpg (373.55 KB, 1300x1788, ccf0aab06199ce8b3aaf5d2c37….jpg)

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f48b9949 No.3768159

File: 1739700456695-0.jpg (401.18 KB, 1300x1788, ccf0aab06199ce8b3aaf5d2c37….jpg)

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File: 1739700456695-2.jpg (323.69 KB, 1788x1300, IMG_4739_u18chan.jpg)

f48b9949 No.3768160

File: 1739700481964-0.jpg (357.01 KB, 1788x1300, IMG_4741_0_u18chan.jpg)

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f48b9949 No.3768161

File: 1739700511559-0.jpg (292.66 KB, 1788x1300, IMG_5080_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1739700511559-1.jpg (295.86 KB, 1788x1300, IMG_5081_u18chan.jpg)

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File: 1739667443844.jpg (25.39 KB, 391x366, c2c.jpg)

592424d0 No.3768142[Reply]

Quit posting dead dogs you twisted fuck.

0fb5132b No.3768143

Maybe post DEAD FOXES instead?

0fb5132b No.3768144

That was actually a thing here at one time.
The hosting provider loved it.

8380c145 No.3768146

If the hosting provider doesn't like that, then they really won't like photos of animal torture. I will never understand why anyone would SAVE that to their disk, let alone POST it.

Some people on this board are beyond help.

02ea522a No.3768148

> If the hosting provider doesn't like that, then they really won't like photos of animal torture
That is your opinion. The federal law banning animal crush videos, and the expanded law banning pics or vids of animals being killed for sexual gratification are well known.

Your personal idea of "torture" may or may not fit any federal law.

File: 1697866220626.jpg (308.63 KB, 1216x1566, James M Hardiman anus exam….jpg)

c48cd974 No.3719428[Reply]

Which furry artist draws the best anus? You are encouraged to post examples of your choice. :)
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a185b69d No.3766159

File: 1737869769559-0.jpg (160.73 KB, 1344x1728, IMG_20250124_224448_723.jpg)

File: 1737869769559-1.jpg (182.63 KB, 1344x1728, IMG_20250124_224447_875.jpg)


a185b69d No.3767505

File: 1738958061169.jpg (686.35 KB, 1280x1000, fe9332303917ec45882b6cfa5e….jpg)

a185b69d No.3767506

File: 1738959823930.jpg (428.1 KB, 3000x3800, c07fc1476ce59d78805abb1405….jpg)

2c122d51 No.3767507

File: 1738960314797-0.png (2.36 MB, 1680x1200, 5267279_Narse_red_butt.png)

File: 1738960314797-1.jpg (1.78 MB, 1793x1127, narse_ash.jpg)

File: 1738960314797-2.jpg (653.03 KB, 1516x1236, narse_dinosaucers_2024.jpg)

File: 1738960314797-3.jpg (238.26 KB, 1280x1136, narse_tauntaun_2015_web.jpg)

Anyone know what the original non-singing version of this was – or was this AI from it's inception.

Also – was always a bit of a Narsehole fan.

aaf299ce No.3767519

File: 1738973235395-0.jpg (80.88 KB, 800x640, 2927349_darkmare_breakfast.jpg)

File: 1738973235395-1.jpg (261.93 KB, 800x800, 3602428_darkmare_airtight.jpg)

File: 1738973235395-2.jpg (172.48 KB, 800x700, 2871819_darkmare_midnights….jpg)

File: 1738973235395-3.jpg (353.42 KB, 1000x928, 1896279_darkmare_puckerup.jpg)

File: 1738973235395-4.jpg (360.08 KB, 800x800, 2580535_darkmare_tailwind_….jpg)

> Anyone know what the original non-singing version of this was
I don't know but it reminds me of Darkmare's art.

a185b69d No.3768068

File: 1739578447200.png (1.38 MB, 960x1280, 1739112621.toots_full_moon….png)

moonmoonthewerewolf of his OC but as a female! She's ready for you~

da939097 No.3768147

File: 1739670390856.jpg (1.04 MB, 2500x1800, r66_unknown.jpg)

File: 1689009646504.jpg (2.51 MB, 1416x2006, Bro_sis.jpg)

9ddebef0 No.3708098[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since the old one got flooded away and wasn't allowed on noah's ark.
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fa6becc4 No.3767045

File: 1738557747378.png (146.2 KB, 619x765, selflovesketch.png)

Does this count as incest?

8739f007 No.3767059


87683857 No.3767122

File: 1738602105110.jpg (532.71 KB, 1360x1926, the-dam-porn-comic-picture….jpg)

fbd917b5 No.3767146

File: 1738615559711-0.png (4 MB, 1280x1692, Lavender_Coffee_Page_15_Si….png)

File: 1738615559711-1.jpg (1.85 MB, 3840x2160, Brother_sister4865776566.jpg)

File: 1738615559711-2.jpg (1.03 MB, 3840x2160, Brother_sister48656566.jpg)

4594143f No.3767385

File: 1738838196951.png (470.85 KB, 1086x1530, 562049_Lando_kiff4.png)

323219fc No.3767965

File: 1739488935909.jpg (1.09 MB, 3637x2594, 5336061_WildStar_4g.jpg)

f81105b9 No.3768126

File: 1739644043854.jpg (389.95 KB, 1410x1273, 5340105_FaerieAlex_feaalex.jpg)

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