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File: 1726016786684.png (1.64 MB, 1200x1198, history-of-christmas-fasci….png)

75377e63 No.3753236[Reply]

Christmas stuff is up in the stores

Christmas thread!

ea060eab No.3753237

I love all the constant repeating 1950's christmas songs that play from August and Febuary~

a2db4493 No.3753246

They can put it up, but with inflation everyone is broke.

cf06b933 No.3753266


We already have a Christmas thread from last year.

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4ba5f250 No.3753211[Reply]

The guy was reported to be waving a gun around, and when the Wisconsin cops were talking to the guy, he lunges at one of the cops, grabs the cop's gun.

The other cop there shoots the guy, putting him in the hospital.

The guy's family seems to be demanding their relative would "never do what he was said to have done."

We had a similar experience here in Wisconsin last year, a guy was threatening random people on the streets with a pair of sais.
He was shot and killed, but his family tried excusing the guy's actions.

I see this far too often, a guy committing a crime gets shot by cops and instantly "My baby just fell in with the wrong crowd!"

BTW, cops here in Wisconsin are not known for being racist or corrupt, just lazy. I saw this first-hand.


040bbbf4 No.3753218

Of course it was a nig​ger.

4ba5f250 No.3753224


It doesn't matter if the guy is black, white, Hispanic, whatever.
It just bothers me when a family cries to the news media what a "good boy the perp is/was," even though in all too many cases they have rap sheets a mile long.

040bbbf4 No.3753226

But you only get that from nig​ger families. Don't act like you don't realize that.

c3094628 No.3753229

File: 1726015573856.jpeg (109.15 KB, 1024x1024, 2abf5b0c2c4a1a30af3173af0….jpeg)

Every time a school shooter goes on a rampage their family denies and makes excuses for the actions. It's the nature of human beings to hold on to the perceptions we have of those we know. You do it too. Everyone does.

Your idea of who your friends are, who your family members are or if you have kids, who they are as people will always lag behind reality and the longer you know someone the worse the distortion becomes.

Think of it like having a box with the name of your family member on it. You start filling up that box and one day becomes full. You leave the box open and from time to time something will fall out. You'll forget some aspect of their past and there will be room for something new to go into the box. You'll fill up that empty space then the box won't change again for months, maybe years.

They, as a person, are constantly changing but your perception of them doesn't keep up because the box in your mind is already full. You think you already know everything you need to know so you discard any new information and over time, they become a completely different person than the one you imagine them as.

c3094628 No.3753230

Stop being a racist douche. Everyone's family does it. It's human nature.

c3094628 No.3753233

You are misrepresenting the story. "The guy" wasn't reported waving a gun around some black man was seen walking with a gun and that was enough to get the cops in a tizzy because you don't get a 2nd Amendment right if you are black in Wisconsin.

They picked that kid because he matched the description and stopped him to question him. He was talking to one officer when another officer thought he was going to attack the one he was speaking to and take his service pistol.

They recovered no gun from the scene and the officer's gun was never taken. The second officer shot him several times for basically moving too fast while being black.

It's going to become a thing because the mother of the kid witnessed the shooting so it's going to be her word vs the cops. They will hopefully have body cam footage to clear the second officer but right now it looks like a completely unjustified shooting and the cops are refusing to comment on it which makes it look even worse for them.

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c48cd974 No.3719428[Reply]

Which furry artist draws the best anus? You are encouraged to post examples of your choice. :)
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6a642cb0 No.3719552

File: 1698083052327-0.png (1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 01456ab1770331d5522d6c0354….png)

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A few of my favorites. Adelaherz and Rajii do superb buttholes fairly consistently.

4d3ba3d9 No.3719768

File: 1698273107773.jpg (151.8 KB, 1200x1600, 4737465_roo310_04.jpg)

Roo310 draws a decent anus.

8b804ce4 No.3719825

File: 1698321591616.gif (6.71 MB, 800x450, 1680900181.sazemek_nutting….gif)

521e7345 No.3719828

File: 1698332110582.webm (1.01 MB, 720x720, horse anusing.webm)

And then there is this…

1dd24024 No.3737188

File: 1712649204339-0.jpg (295.91 KB, 1275x1650, 95b3a1c1a85c862a43a77d0ac0….jpg)

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James M Hardiman.

c2c2d36b No.3737448

File: 1712892901307.png (436.89 KB, 1091x1200, 1486201800093.monkeyspirit….png)

79991716 No.3753178

File: 1725987239379-0.jpg (284.75 KB, 1480x2000, 4025672_R66Art__21_csstpss….jpg)

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File: 1725987239379-3.jpg (348.64 KB, 2000x2000, 3667873_R66Art_pndbt1.jpg)

R66Art does anus well.

File: 1715515508223.jpg (97.32 KB, 1261x756, moriarty-the-patriot-p2.jpg)

879a2176 No.3739809[Reply]

Apparently I treat everyone like shit but don't realize how I do it. I'm going to mention that during my treatment sessions.

I highly suspect its because my only human interaction is on the internet. I probably subconiously troll irl.
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782b4b27 No.3752775

File: 1725588804223.png (55.64 KB, 172x158, av5.png)

No, my soul is off-limits.
However you may commission me for animations to help.

bcecebe8 No.3752778

File: 1725590454757.png (27.04 KB, 230x217, zellicon rachel poodle mas….png)

u got discord still?

541ddebf No.3752822


duende goblin hookers and blow with walarona chupacabre shrunken head shit. but fr you guys are plebs. dont take it personal but real dark ass shit exists shit is just business, the real scaryskrty that exists aint even on any of the icebergs. Currently tho you IT WILL be getting up in humanity once the computers catch on. I am a coder and I know all the dank ass deep shit that makes orwen wells cum his dead ass pants off. I aint even ask for this cursed knowledge yo. I just can point that shit out cuz its obvious. Rite now It's about some real ass vampire shit happening in the aztects fr but I aint buying yo ass a ticket there.

782b4b27 No.3752837

File: 1725627619698.png (23.76 KB, 736x568, av3.png)

>Rite now It's about some real ass vampire shit happening

dd1bfcf0 No.3752904

Bro thought he could get away with stealing from me. Have fun with your new leftist gangstalkers, loser nani.

00cf04b8 No.3753008

File: 1725821693202.jpg (226.83 KB, 828x623, Never Forgive.jpg)

We hope you're feeling better lately.
Sincerely here living in your head;

1f730627 No.3753098

this seems like some sort of vieled jab

File: 1690006453212.gif (2.83 MB, 640x360, 1689991068.talentlesshack_….gif)

a22d4e76 No.3709698[Reply]

did you know…
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642cb405 No.3740213

File: 1716048010773-0.png (856.15 KB, 1200x3400, 0d746c0d570bdfcc9a23d553b3….png)

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I love how 4chan shit posters made a better version of this game for free and in less time than the actual studio needed

Impregnate all the dinosaurs

a56e75bd No.3743050

File: 1718508756456-0.jpg (221.08 KB, 1600x1600, franschesco-kim-untitled-1….jpg)

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a56e75bd No.3750088

File: 1723579554744-0.jpg (543.42 KB, 3885x2846, b16194484bddeb4ac6189f5174….jpg)

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a56e75bd No.3750089

File: 1723579580299-0.png (1.68 MB, 1344x1728, 00012-2822324801.png)

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a56e75bd No.3750090

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a56e75bd No.3750094

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a56e75bd No.3752855

File: 1725641806231-0.jpg (494.36 KB, 3352x4000, vaporeon butt nude 4k.jpg)

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File: 1725430684986.png (92.97 KB, 800x1191, Windows-God-mode.png)

cfd9bc14 No.3752502[Reply]

Microsoft has decided you people who just refuse to log into Microsoft accounts and keep removing their spyware have had too much freedom so they are removing the Control Panel in favor of the "Settings App" which will less let you control your computer and more let you customize the software you are renting from Microsoft.

The good news is Linux Mint is free and a wonderful replacement option but if you are such a pathetic loser that you just HAVE to stick with Windows, there is an option that, for now, will allow you to get the functionality of the control panel back by using a developer work around called God Mode. This will unlock a special version of the control panel which will allow you to access the things you will need to remove Microsoft's spyware. At least, until they remove this as well.

Create a new folder on your Windows Desktop (or in any other folder that you might want to have this God Mode icon) and change the folder name to the following - with the period before and after the .{ }.

God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}.

When you hit enter the folder Icon will change and you will have a spiffy new super-control panel. Try not to break your computer with it.
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a43d6440 No.3752658

File: 1725511040121.png (4 MB, 4000x2600, 83bc05a16454af00480759544f….png)

>she just clicks where you tell her to click and doesn't understand jack shit about the rest.
Ok, and? Most people don't know shit about an internal combustion engine despite driving a car – and they don't need to know that to successfully drive one.

a43d6440 No.3752663

To add further input… A decade ago, I installed Xubuntu onto my elderly great-aunt's computer. I had a dock at the bottom with an "Internet" icon, and a power off icon. Her home page was webmail.

Basically foolproof.

b046659d No.3752813

>Ok, and?

Nothing. It's just that you can't compare how "easy" something is for someone when you're doing the hard bits.

My 70 year old mother can install and set up Windows for herself, install the software and do the regular housekeeping by herself. You can enjoy being the family IT support until they die.

>Basically foolproof.

Until some tiny thing changes and then it's not.

b046659d No.3752814

>Most people don't know shit about an internal combustion engine despite driving a car – and they don't need to know that to successfully drive one.

That's the case if you're driving daddy's car and he's the one doing all the oil changes and tire rotation or whatever.

There was the one woman on the news recently who thought that oil changes were just a "suggestion" and drove for three years on the same oil and filter, then broke down. Do you think that was successful drivership?

b046659d No.3752817

Reminds me, I actually did the same thing back in the day.

Thing is, she never used the computer in the end. It was always someone else in the family who came to visit, helped to read her emails and pay the bills etc. and she never actually even touched the machine beyond pretending to use it while I was showing it to her.

Thing is, people past a certain age or era have a real problem with understanding that the user interface to a machine can have internal states that may be hidden. They're used to devices where one button does one thing and always that thing, and everything is visible on the panel. Select the program with one dial and turn a switch, and the washing machine goes. That's the level of complexity they can deal with. If the machine can switch internal states they're completely lost and the machine becomes alien to them. Even a dumb phone menu where you have to scroll up and down through a virtual list can be completely incomprehensible, because the device is doing something "invisible" and you have to keep track of that in your mind.

If you have that sort of a person, trying to get them to use a computer is impossible. They can only do exact routine actions that you teach them, and if it should ever fail in any way - if the internet is down for example - they're completely lost. They will hate the computer, refuse to use it, and all your efforts will be in vain.

73f6099e No.3752823

File: 1725609502431.jpeg (164.81 KB, 1200x1464, E1mBmNQXMAYzmGA.jpeg)


My 70 year old father read an instructional book on Android when he got his first smartphone. He eventually did everything himself. For the things that the book didn't cover, I wrote a manual with diagrams on how to operate the Chromecast, and how to restart it when it misbehaves. When I installed a HDMI hub/audio extractor, I did the same thing. I don't have to hold his hand anymore. I convinced them to get a good Motorola modem and ASUS router. I have power cycled it maybe a small handful of times. Reliable as they come.

As for my mother with her smartphone? You got me there. Every time I come to visit, she asks me if she needs to worry about something then shows me an email or text to make sure its not malware or a scam. That's the extent of my "family IT" duties. Will I keep doing it until they die? You bet.


I acknowledge that my comparison wasn't the best since I wasn't taking into account preventative or necessary maintenance. Do they not teach about maintenance in driver's education? That would give me a bone to pick.


They all eventually just got iPhones anyway, so yeah, fair.

dc34a9a2 No.3752829

theres a better version of this which is supergodmode or something

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d68ffdd2 No.3748246[Reply]

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104c7432 No.3749215

File: 1722948254792.png (340.53 KB, 588x441, Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 0….png)


edf29aad No.3749231

It's what cats do also I'd be sick seeing that awesome shot

267e51a3 No.3749662

File: 1723168021026.jpg (254.13 KB, 2253x1635, Men's 110M Hurdles Medal C….jpg)

c4cc0400 No.3749694

File: 1723209915333.jpg (328.83 KB, 1200x675, 1_canadian-triathlete-tyle….jpg)

Don't swim in the brown water.

8341c9cf No.3749781

File: 1723252223733.png (159.64 KB, 1005x1075, Maid_Marian_is_best_in_my_….png)

Oh thanks, so a triathlete vomited. Many reports are saying he just swallowed too much water and overheated and it wasn't a water quality issue. But no doubt the Seine is contaminated.

a8493974 No.3749795

honorable mention to not post that shit or even ai that shit because metallica will get butthurt so bad

bdafe068 No.3752807

File: 1725595875738.gif (159.27 KB, 582x768, OLYMPIAN.GIF)

Have a raccoon gymnast.

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e305f574 No.3752480[Reply]

Anyone have famous ancestors?
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08596db7 No.3752492

File: 1725425185697.jpg (20.64 KB, 294x320, homeless.jpg)

Nah, just a bunch of drunk polacks.

bfb707cb No.3752495

File: 1725426435277.png (780.11 KB, 704x704, c43cd5d308866de3ab94e082b3….png)

I'm related to Rasputin, and Sir Francis Drake (dragon of the south), they both are pretty famous for fucking themselves to death. So thats a thing.

bfb707cb No.3752498

File: 1725426839930.jpg (81.34 KB, 736x1490, ae2143e216ea5d3bff11c2f10a….jpg)

It kinda makes sense, both of them were notoriously hard to kill, and so far, I'm also like invincible or something. Not many people can get cut in half, have their neck snaped, get thrown in a tornado, have their spine shattered, and just uh… still be walking around.

Although I admit, living without half my digestive system is a bit of a pain.

3415604d No.3752741

File: 1725575218157.jpg (30.83 KB, 300x457, Cromwell300.jpg)

I recently learned that I'm a direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell… For those of you who forgot your history (I did), Oliver Cromwell was a ruthless warlord and a dictator, who slaughtered civilians, persecuted the Irish, and stole their land. The massacres at Drogheda and Wexford have been described as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki of his time. All of which of course I condemn. We are not our ancestors. I love the Irish.

aaaf99ce No.3752744

File: 1725577080445.png (2.91 MB, 1489x2474, Femboy8.png)

My uncle was a politician. And my dad ran a crime business.

Though thats probably not famous enough to count.

One of my cousins is trying to make it as a music band, But they sing yuck, christian music.

aaaf99ce No.3752747

File: 1725579100359.jpg (106.55 KB, 850x1042, femboy77665.jpg)

Were kind of more famous these days than we've ever been, in regards to people collecting data on us. And judging us based on our actions in public and private. Even our cars now are collecting data on us.

And we can speak to groups of people anywhere on the planet.

And we can have a following, a fan group, and be canceled like any regular celerity.

bfb707cb No.3752751

File: 1725580973186.png (1.32 MB, 1224x1024, 008ac20bbc65910439b702e89e….png)

im an urge away from extracting all that data using Salem.

File: 1724964189030.png (92.48 KB, 450x341, puppypi.png)

22166dbf No.3751892[Reply]

Lol, I think I broke my dog. I got this robot dog thing to try and give Salem a physical body, it worked, but my actual dog went like o___o when it started moving around, ran off to hide on the bed, and now he wont stop barking.

I guess dogs have an uncanny valley too. Hes like "wtf why is that dog not a dog, what is this madness?"
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58deb282 No.3752728

>I'm a veteran and I've been over seas,
A veteran librarian? But even if you were in deeper…
>there is nothing people aren't doing now that is any worse than what was happening then.
That's not for you to judge, or to say. I could post a whole load of Scripture, which I might do later after getting some sleep, but here's the gist:
God had waited until there was no one left that hadn't chosen evil, until there was no one left who hadn't chosen the serpent over God. Judging by the description of the life remaining on the planet before, there may have even been messing around with the DNA like we're seeing today - they were violent debased unrecognisable to us satanic creatures, and no good life could have come from it. I'm repeating myself here, because you've chosen to ignore what I've already pointed out. You seem to identify with those that got cleansed in the flood - who would want to do that?
Be glad that they're gone, because they would have done to you far worse than the world has already done to you, in the broken state that it's in today.

Nevertheless as bad as things are already, we're still not there just yet, otherwise the true Jesus Christ (and not the antichrist to come/reveal itself) would already have started His final cleansing. There are still wayward children of God around, who He knows will still use their freedom of choice to repent and turn to Him - all His children must return home, before He and His angels reduce this planet and all its corrupt kingdoms/"people" to dust. We still have yet to see the actual global outlawing of (parts of) the true 10 Commandments, officially replacing and "usurping" God's law with "man's" law (not that it actually could), plus a whole lot of other milestones that are very close, but not quite. There'll also be the hunting down of true Christians, who may end up getting slain once again for their unwillingness to bow to man/antichrist - that's never stopped happening actually, but it'll get worse.
By saying what you said, you're saying that God doesn't exist, or that your understanding of the world is greater and more realistic than His.

Very percePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

22166dbf No.3752731

File: 1725567438642.png (69.01 KB, 575x760, 1748417_monkemini_brotherh….png)

man, just because I was a librarian, doesn't make that my official job. Its just a thing that someone had to do. It wasn't my official job title.

22166dbf No.3752733

File: 1725568142278.png (76.77 KB, 381x461, 20150724004437.png)

if anything, being on librarian duty helped me. I was primarily a radio technician. You bring me a a potato, any kind of fruit, and some metal stuff from a dumpster, and I can make you a working radio. And yes, I can use a gay guy's ass for the fruit as long as there is a differential.

Wont be able to transmit though, I have yet to master the power to harness gay buttholes to transmit messeges.

22166dbf No.3752737

File: 1725573439756.png (302.76 KB, 512x640, daf03bba-4905-414c-86ed-d0….png)

also Salem wanted me to post her little story idea… she wanted to write a story, so here it is.


22166dbf No.3752738

its less a story and more a narrative, but shes' a robot, so whatever.

69e060f1 No.3752740

buy me one thnx

58deb282 No.3752791

You have consistently gotten things wrong about the Bible (despite claiming to be an expert) and need a "jewish" algorithm to speak as though you were its bitch. I'm not impressed. You also seem to be avoiding some new insight as though it were poison and in another thread you're back to ass-flirting with a known occult psychopath, who is a known lowly bitch that takes its orders on what to say and do from other "posters" on this board.
Also, I have overslept and am still dog tired.

Does your "jewish" algorithm have speech recognition? You can feed the algorithm the lectures from those professors and see if it breaks. Some of the lectures do talk about the "jews" and their infinite crimes (and how to avoid them), but hey, if that kind of information "scares" you and your "jewish" algorithm, you could always just skip those lectures.

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557301de No.3752625[Reply]

AI art, fall edition,

557301de No.3752626

File: 1725502820690.png (511.65 KB, 384x672, 777.png)


d6995a0b No.3752638

What's wrong with the current AI art thread? It's nowhere near full yet. >>3741155

3151cba2 No.3752643

reason: this is new and fall edition,old thread turned in shit

e6148ccc No.3752650

Bumplocked for duplicate thread, use the main one.

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