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You messed with me~

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3eb5e82b No.3736546[Reply]

Lately, the furry fandom has had a big problem with its reputation. Furry culture has become associated with zoophilia, pedophilia, plushophilia, miscegenation, drugs, violence, crime, prostitution and general social upheaval such as BLM. This board is frequently singled out as one of the worst strongholds of furry debauchery, and all of us are suffering for it. It's time to clean house.

It's time to put an end to the smutty shit clogging up our message board. Yeah, you heard me right. I'm sick and tired of seeing dicks and tits plastered all over the place like it's some kind of zoo exhibit. This isn't a porn site, it's a community for people who appreciate anthropomorphic animals - not perverts looking to get their rocks off.

As of today, April 1st, 12:00 GMT, we will no longer allow any sexually explicit or suggestive material to be posted on these boards. This was an unanimous decision made by all of us, the moderators.

This ban includes, but is not limited to:

Graphic drawings of sexual activity, of any kind
Graphic drawings of nudity, whether genitals are visible or not
Graphic photos of any kind (needless to say)
Descriptions of sexual acts
Links to any such material, or websites that contain it
Sexually suggestive imagery, such as females in bikinis or one-piece swimsuits, males wearing only shorts, or images featuring any visible underwear, or god forbid, diapers
Images that suggest sexual acts have taken place, or are about to take place, such as two furries flirting, picking each other up, eating together, or lying next to each other in bed
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81 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

092668ce No.3750540

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"""He only banned cub porn because he was forced to by his payment processor."""

Uh huh… read the chat log text.


Clearly these debates were sparked – more by the Userbase of F.A. itself than it was to do with Payment Processors, Advertisers, or Business Affiliates…

"Payment Processors" is really just a super convenient excuse, just like it was a useful excuse for E6. (((And if it really was that – then why not get better Payment Processors, Better Advertisers and Better Business Affiliates?)))

All it takes is one, or a handful of shitty Mods to mess a place up and send it down a Purity Spiral – I mean, look at what Sage Nadia did with Fchan… discourse and drama destroyed them… it's a Ghost Town now.

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595e02c9 No.3750544

File: 1723912444278.png (36.09 KB, 848x678, SLFC_BLACKLIST_BLOCKED_TAG….png)

Damaratus – """Proper working filters will solve the problem."""

'Neer – """And we have ~no~ filters right now."""

Myr – """The new system will have filters, but when will they be coded and when will it be done? Jeeze, it was supposed to be ready MONTHS ago. We're in November already."""

Marthaen – """Filters only work if the user puts the proper tags on it in the first place…. I'll enforce any policy laid down, whether I like it or not… But I'd prefer to ban cub if possible."""

595e02c9 No.3750579

File: 1723935075335.jpg (193.2 KB, 748x1280, DRAGONEER.jpg)

It seems they ~were~ in the process of adding a Tagging & Blacklist System similar to E621's, but they eventually just said "Fuckitall" and went with a Total Sitewide Cub Ban, because it was easier than it was to completely overhaul the website….


37461149 No.3750987

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Update – a Kiwi Farms troll decided to hack the main F.A. page and also hack Dragoneer's Twitter and now KF is disowning them for implicating them… also wtf is a "Null Bulge?"


37461149 No.3750988

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dc9811a0 No.3765961

so what became of this?

f6af50f8 No.3765963

it was a script kiddie that hated furries and wanted clout and usual.

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47468bc5 No.3743378[Reply]

Why are having kids soo difficult? you gotta feed them provide them social security healthcare good connections with people who may benifit or ruin your life; there's gotta be more to the story it's about continuing the next generations to secure the entire human race.
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79733683 No.3765205

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aef406fd No.3765844

Civilized nations (Not America) make it easier to be a parent by providing healthcare, daycare so that the parent can work, and free education so the child can grow up to be a valuable worker.

America is just a shithole where short-term profit is more important than long-term stability.

3f12eead No.3765857

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When very young children start to draw pictures of genitals and sexual activity, that they could likely never have known about otherwise, it means most of the time they have been molested at some point, says the author of the book A Child's Garden of Sex, who analyzed over 11, 000 drawings made at home and school in everything from pencil to pen to crayons, by children aged 3 to 12.

c2f2ede7 No.3765886

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‘‘This is my OC pony, Keiser making babies to my favorite pony, Aryanne.’’

c2f2ede7 No.3765887

but really when i see the drawings on some boorus that are posted, I know and I affirm a good part of them are not even 18. Yes yes I'm not going to blame anjything I started drawing furfag stuff young too but hmm., we didn't had an internet accessible with a tablet or whatever = that's the parents buying their kids an iphone or some crap that gets them into this.

645ec131 No.3765902

645ec131 No.3765919


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5b4b3fcb No.3765848[Reply]

Wrongly Convicted Death Row Inmate Exonerated Mere Hours After Execution


423fea70 No.3765882

Dumbass too stupid to realize it's a parody site.

8dcda231 No.3765908

it's hard to tell the difference in 2025
the onion often seems more plausible than reality

8424ce9a No.3765910

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The world is now obsessed with finding sticks, as internet super stars show off stuff they find in the woods.

2ae4d6a2 No.3765912

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7266aff9 No.3750901[Reply]

Is this the kind of Christian tradwife you are looking for?
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17635f31 No.3758560

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You keep posting those horrible images, and appear to be morphing into something more closely resembling 3Broken. He'll be the first to admit (in his moments of false arrogance and hubris) that he's filled with demons.

I can help, if you want. I know who and what will free you from the demons plaguing you. You don't have to make monsters into your friend, if you don't want to. There's someone I know, who will chase them away for good.

f95f1191 No.3758567

Choosing to only date a Christian is like saying, "I only want to date people with IQs so low it is border line retardation."

d61a9296 No.3758573


Another failed Harris voter. When are you moving out of the country?

584ca5e4 No.3765803

I hope she's Catholic.

ac6caf5a No.3765837

>>3758573 I can't wait till the Musk/Clinton 2028 election

ac6caf5a No.3765842


15064aa7 No.3765851

either post furry pr0n or leave thread, your argument is invalid.

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091f0610 No.3765645[Reply]

one time I took kids to a kid meetup on fetlife

well then.

bed7c300 No.3765782

did you bad touch them too?

091f0610 No.3765788

I reported them missing.

23ff1fe6 No.3765789

Did you tell the Cops where you buried them?

9839cbba No.3765798

So you endangered children… yes very lulzi epik troll bro

091f0610 No.3765811

Seven ate nine…

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1a581329 No.3765787[Reply]

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f1bc2d85 No.3765599[Reply]

dabc750b No.3765609

Fediverse lets facebook use your computer to host threads instead of paying for their own servers.

That's why "it's the future". You're a digital slave now, like it or not.

114a9165 No.3765686

Is this another one of those cheese pizza apps?

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2783a20d No.3765580[Reply]

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71ba92b4 No.3764940[Reply]

Further Confusion appears to be implementing even stricter policies. In addition to the mask mandate (mentioned on the previous page of this thread), they’ve announced on their website that there will be security checkpoints and metal detectors. They’ve also canceled the fursuit parade entirely.
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71ba92b4 No.3765410

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8d381576 No.3765416

no one important cares

71ba92b4 No.3765435

You cared enough to post a retarded reply.

71ba92b4 No.3765466

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de20fe2c No.3765512

I've never understood why painting the tip of your gun orange makes it safe. Like you could never paint the tip of an actual gun orange and then shoot someone with it. Where did this retarded idea come from?

8d381576 No.3765553

i care less than you think

71ba92b4 No.3765562

Again you felt compelled to post another reply, so it's obvious that you do.

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772cddf9 No.3765444[Reply]

What do you miss?

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