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You messed with me~

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47468bc5 No.3743378[Reply]

Why are having kids soo difficult? you gotta feed them provide them social security healthcare good connections with people who may benifit or ruin your life; there's gotta be more to the story it's about continuing the next generations to secure the entire human race.
8 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

79733683 No.3765205

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aef406fd No.3765844

Civilized nations (Not America) make it easier to be a parent by providing healthcare, daycare so that the parent can work, and free education so the child can grow up to be a valuable worker.

America is just a shithole where short-term profit is more important than long-term stability.

3f12eead No.3765857

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When very young children start to draw pictures of genitals and sexual activity, that they could likely never have known about otherwise, it means most of the time they have been molested at some point, says the author of the book A Child's Garden of Sex, who analyzed over 11, 000 drawings made at home and school in everything from pencil to pen to crayons, by children aged 3 to 12.

c2f2ede7 No.3765886

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‘‘This is my OC pony, Keiser making babies to my favorite pony, Aryanne.’’

c2f2ede7 No.3765887

but really when i see the drawings on some boorus that are posted, I know and I affirm a good part of them are not even 18. Yes yes I'm not going to blame anjything I started drawing furfag stuff young too but hmm., we didn't had an internet accessible with a tablet or whatever = that's the parents buying their kids an iphone or some crap that gets them into this.

645ec131 No.3765902

645ec131 No.3765919


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5b4b3fcb No.3765848[Reply]

Wrongly Convicted Death Row Inmate Exonerated Mere Hours After Execution


423fea70 No.3765882

Dumbass too stupid to realize it's a parody site.

8dcda231 No.3765908

it's hard to tell the difference in 2025
the onion often seems more plausible than reality

8424ce9a No.3765910

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The world is now obsessed with finding sticks, as internet super stars show off stuff they find in the woods.

2ae4d6a2 No.3765912

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043010b6 No.3707439[Reply]

just post sergals and sergal-like specimens here.
content must be at least 50% sergal
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17ef760c No.3754119

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b747f4d1 No.3760892

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words in a blender

17ef760c No.3761095

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9fc59ca9 No.3765484

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Which one of you post this comment years ago?

9fc59ca9 No.3765485

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17ef760c No.3765509


Its been my experience that sergals are an acquired taste and interest. People either love them or hate them, those that hate them cannot give a reasonable explanation as to why. Those that love them enjoy their exotic natures and bodies. Doesn't seem to be much middle ground. I haven't encountered anyone that 'sort of ' likes or hates sergals.

b747f4d1 No.3765859

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Not really sergals all the time but here are some genetic experiments

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7266aff9 No.3750901[Reply]

Is this the kind of Christian tradwife you are looking for?
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17635f31 No.3758560

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You keep posting those horrible images, and appear to be morphing into something more closely resembling 3Broken. He'll be the first to admit (in his moments of false arrogance and hubris) that he's filled with demons.

I can help, if you want. I know who and what will free you from the demons plaguing you. You don't have to make monsters into your friend, if you don't want to. There's someone I know, who will chase them away for good.

f95f1191 No.3758567

Choosing to only date a Christian is like saying, "I only want to date people with IQs so low it is border line retardation."

d61a9296 No.3758573


Another failed Harris voter. When are you moving out of the country?

584ca5e4 No.3765803

I hope she's Catholic.

ac6caf5a No.3765837

>>3758573 I can't wait till the Musk/Clinton 2028 election

ac6caf5a No.3765842


15064aa7 No.3765851

either post furry pr0n or leave thread, your argument is invalid.

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091f0610 No.3765645[Reply]

one time I took kids to a kid meetup on fetlife

well then.

bed7c300 No.3765782

did you bad touch them too?

091f0610 No.3765788

I reported them missing.

23ff1fe6 No.3765789

Did you tell the Cops where you buried them?

9839cbba No.3765798

So you endangered children… yes very lulzi epik troll bro

091f0610 No.3765811

Seven ate nine…

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1a581329 No.3765787[Reply]

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f1bc2d85 No.3765599[Reply]

dabc750b No.3765609

Fediverse lets facebook use your computer to host threads instead of paying for their own servers.

That's why "it's the future". You're a digital slave now, like it or not.

114a9165 No.3765686

Is this another one of those cheese pizza apps?

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bddbab25 No.3712887[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/lit/ 2.0

Recommend literature, discuss literature, quotes from wherever. Philosophy. What do you consider recommended reading? For furries in particular? What are you reading now or the last thing you read? (besides tms shitposts)

Finished binge reading all the released Pack Street chapters the other day:


According to TV Tropes, "In 2023, Weaver announced Pack Street to be going on hiatus, possibly indefinitely, as a result of real life troubles relating to the people he wrote the story with."

That's a shame, because Pack Street is very compelling storytelling. TV Tropes also gives a good description:
>You know Zootopia? A Shining City of interspecies cooperation in a World of Funny Animals, where "anyone can be anything"? Well, there's a Wrong Side of the Tracks there, too, and if you didn't already know there were predator/prey tensions, that's where you'll find out.

Pack Street is in the same world as Zootopia; but the author created his own characters, and the story centers around them. The protagonist is a sheep, Remmy Cormo. Here's an excerpt of him at the local burger joint that uses bug meat, accompanied by his mates Ozzy the hyena and Wolter and Anneke the aardwolves:

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eb2b92b8 No.3764298

Felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature,
An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature;
Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses
Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
A singular development of cat communications
That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.

A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion,
It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.

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9ba70965 No.3764478

Is it true that using an ellipsis is a passive-aggressive attack on zoomers? Should it be banned or…

65154350 No.3764481

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Interesting. Been doing the left-edge deletion thing without knowing what it's called. I knew it wasn't proper English, but it's more efficient.

Nice cat poem.

Didn't know this was a thing…

65154350 No.3765677

Being Visited

One morning not long ago I woke up with the memory of my father richly pulsating inside my cranium. For a shining moment my dreaming mind seemed to have brought him back to life in the most vivid fashion, even though “he” had had to float in the rarefied medium of my brain’s stage. It felt, nonetheless, like he was really back again for a short while, and then, sadly, all at once he just went poof. How is this bittersweet kind of experience, so familiar to every adult human being, to be understood? What degree of reality do these software beings that inhabit us have? Why did I put “he” in quotation marks, a few lines up? Why the caution, why
the hedging?

What is really going on when you dream or think more than fleetingly about someone you love (whether that person died many years ago or is right now on the other end of a phone conversation with you)? In the terminology of this book, there is no ambiguity about what is going on. The symbol for that person has been activated inside your skull, lurched out of dormancy, as surely as if it had an icon that someone had double-clicked. And the moment this happens, much as with a game that has opened up on your screen, your mind starts acting differently from how it acts in a “normal” context. You have allowed yourself to be invaded by an “alien universal being”, and to some extent the alien takes charge inside your skull, starts pushing things around in its own fashion, making words, ideas, memories, and associations bubble up inside your brain that ordinarily would not do so. The activation of the symbol for the loved person swivels into action whole sets of coordinated tendencies that represent that person’s cherished style, their idiosyncratic way of being embedded in the world and looking out at it. As a consequence, during this visitation of your cranium, you will surprise yourself by coming out with different jokes from those you would normally make, seeing things in a different emotional light, making different value judgments, and so forth.


65154350 No.3765678


But the crux of the matter for us right now is the following question: Is your symbol for another person actually an “I”? Can that symbol have inner experiences? Or is it as unalive as is your symbol for a stick or a stone or a playground swing? I chose the example of a playground swing for a reason. The moment I suggest it to you, no matter what playground you have located it in, no matter what you imagine its seat to be made of, no matter how high you imagine the bar it is dangling from, you can see it swinging back and forth, wiggling slightly in that funny way that swings wiggle, losing energy unless pushed, and you can also hear its softly clinking chains. Though no one would call the swing itself alive, there is no doubt that its mental proxy is dancing in the seething substrate of your brain. After all, that is what a brain is made for — to be a stage for the dance of active symbols.

If you seriously believe, as I do and have been asserting for most of this book, that concepts are active symbols in a brain, and if furthermore you seriously believe that people, no less than objects, are represented by symbols in the brain (in other words, that each person that one knows is internally mirrored by a concept, albeit a very complicated one, in one’s brain), and if lastly you seriously believe that a self is also a concept, just an even more complicated one (namely, an “I”, a “personal gemma”, a rock-solid “marble”), then it is a necessary and unavoidable consequence of this set of beliefs that your brain is inhabited to varying extents by other I’s, other souls, the extent of each one depending on the degree to which you faithfully represent, and resonate with, the individual in question. I include the proviso “and resonate with” because one can’t just slip into any old soul, no more than one can slip into any old piece of clothing; some souls and some suits simply “fit” better than others do.

[Excerpt from I am a Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter.]

8832ba96 No.3765679

A Mouse Reading “Fifty Whiskers of Cheese”


Once upon a time in a cozy little burrow beneath an old oak tree, there lived a curious mouse named Mortimer. Mortimer was not just any ordinary mouse; he had an insatiable love for reading. His favorite pastime was to explore the world of books, and one day, he stumbled upon a peculiar title: “Fifty Whiskers of Cheese.” Intrigued by the name, Mortimer decided it was time to dive into this new adventure.

The Discovery

As Mortimer opened the book, he was greeted by vibrant illustrations of various cheeses from around the world. Each page turned revealed a new type of cheese, accompanied by delightful stories about its origins and unique characteristics. There were creamy Brie from France, sharp Cheddar from England, and even exotic varieties like Roquefort and Gouda. The book promised not only to educate but also to entertain with whimsical tales about each cheese’s journey from farm to table.

The Journey Begins

Mortimer found himself whisked away on a journey through the pages. He imagined himself as a brave explorer traveling through lush green fields where cows grazed peacefully, producing milk for the finest cheeses. With every story he read, he could almost taste the flavors described—rich and nutty Parmigiano-Reggiano or tangy blue cheese that crumbled perfectly over salads.

As he read about the different cheesemakers who crafted these delicious treats, Mortimer learned about their dedication and passion. He admired how they used traditional methods passed down through generations to create their masterpieces. Inspired by their stories, Mortimer began to dream of becoming a cheese connoisseur himself.

8832ba96 No.3765680

A Culinary Challenge

One day while reading about a famous cheese festival in his favorite book, Mortimer felt a spark of inspiration. The festival featured competitions for the best cheese dishes made by local chefs. Determined to participate, Mortimer decided he would create his own special dish using his newfound knowledge from “Fifty Whiskers of Cheese.”

He gathered ingredients from his surroundings: fresh herbs from the garden above ground and nuts that fell from nearby trees. With great care and creativity, Mortimer concocted a delightful cheese platter featuring tiny morsels of various cheeses paired with fruits and nuts—a true homage to what he had learned.

The Festival Day

On the day of the festival, Mortimer nervously set up his booth among other talented chefs. As mice gathered around to sample his creation, they were enchanted by the flavors and presentation. The combination of textures and tastes delighted everyone who tried it.

To his surprise, Mortimer won first prize! The judges praised him for his creativity and understanding of cheese pairings. Overjoyed with his success, he realized that reading “Fifty Whiskers of Cheese” had not only expanded his knowledge but also ignited his passion for culinary arts.


From that day forward, Mortimer continued to read voraciously about food and cooking while experimenting with different recipes inspired by what he learned in books like “Fifty Whiskers of Cheese.” His love for literature transformed into a love for gastronomy as he shared his creations with friends in their cozy little burrow under the oak tree.
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2783a20d No.3765580[Reply]

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71ba92b4 No.3764940[Reply]

Further Confusion appears to be implementing even stricter policies. In addition to the mask mandate (mentioned on the previous page of this thread), they’ve announced on their website that there will be security checkpoints and metal detectors. They’ve also canceled the fursuit parade entirely.
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71ba92b4 No.3765410

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8d381576 No.3765416

no one important cares

71ba92b4 No.3765435

You cared enough to post a retarded reply.

71ba92b4 No.3765466

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de20fe2c No.3765512

I've never understood why painting the tip of your gun orange makes it safe. Like you could never paint the tip of an actual gun orange and then shoot someone with it. Where did this retarded idea come from?

8d381576 No.3765553

i care less than you think

71ba92b4 No.3765562

Again you felt compelled to post another reply, so it's obvious that you do.

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