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You messed with me~

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File: 1738348615064.png (3.18 KB, 1200x1200, 41e6d9f36c3f373.png)

63655f72 No.3766782[Reply]

What's the cutest thing that you do together with your pet?

fed75a2d No.3766800

File: 1738363629893.png (313.74 KB, 500x262, melting_doggo.png)

me and my dog both randomly do this deep inhale and snort at the same time. He picked up a lot of my behaviors, but I'm pretty sure I picked that habit up from him.

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64a8c8fa No.3732901[Reply]

Have you ever stare at an artist's style and compare them to other animated television series stair at their faces eyes lips body etc. Ask yourself meh I gave up and turned them down unwatched them and find something new taste.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

920df487 No.3732962


So many artist that said "Support me on Patreon, I'll be more productive if I don't have to worry about money and the stress of filling commissions every day"

*Artists After getting a patreon

Lets only make a couple images a month so people keep their sub going. And lets DMCA any site that hosts my Patreon stuff.

64a8c8fa No.3732963

File: 1708639117544-0.jpg (3.35 MB, 4230x3031, ValentinesDay2024_2_HD_u18….jpg)

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Kmanicart/T-kay art style reminds me of Avatar Last Air Bender the faces just makes them uncanny for reasons ugh!

64a8c8fa No.3732964

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Imagine Kmanicart/T-kay art were base on Avatar Last airbender series and ohh my god you lose you boner and stormed off mad.

b50ec354 No.3750573

File: 1723924732535-0.jpg (679.92 KB, 2400x2400, AUniqueBikini-HD-1_u18chan.jpg)

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b50ec354 No.3750580

File: 1723935783619.jpg (1.66 MB, 2400x2400, Illustration2_u18chan.jpg)

b50ec354 No.3750892

File: 1724207388634-0.jpg (175.34 KB, 1200x856, 427928613b8b3ef91e408ad641….jpg)

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Elton pot looks to cartoonish wacked it just loony toon style porn

b50ec354 No.3766762

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1d85874b No.3766709[Reply]

Watch out, there has been a string of liberal moms having their children suddenly jump next on the laps or next to conservative men in public places and making sexual gestures for fake *gotcha* moments.

1862263b No.3766711

File: 1738303396698.jpg (4.72 KB, 257x196, images.jpg)

what better way to eliminate your enemies than to make everyone think they're pedos. Even if they're proven innocent, the stigma stays.

a17d2093 No.3766722

Republicans are pedophiles who want to marry twelve year old girls.

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3e37ba20 No.3766631[Reply]

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mike Banks reported a 55 percent drop in migrants encountered along the border during the past week. Migrant apprehensions fell from more than 10,000 during the previous week to less than 5,000 during the past seven days. While potential undocumented citizens begin suing border patrol for causing psychological trauma and using unfair enforcement methods.

2e0c37cf No.3766639

When you make skinwalkers resort to doing lawsuits

fc05e6ad No.3766712

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> When you make skinwalkers resort to doing lawsuits

In Navajo culture, a skin-walker is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal.

5abbe5c6 No.3766717

when you post pedo shit and get raided

9dd4ef53 No.3766719

File: 1738316367003.jpg (215.8 KB, 1713x1211, billy maximoff and tommy m….jpg)

So what do you think was meant by the word "skinwalkers"?

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9c23f579 No.3766674[Reply]

Because all your stupid little bitching is fucking with the porn!!

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ee010608 No.3766647[Reply]

Who else is super stoked about the new Dog Man movie? I love those books!

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65a017fd No.3766578[Reply]

WHO is demanding new industry regulations to combat human caused global cooling. Saying that because of Trump's sweeping executive demands may cause a new Ice Age. The world turns to China to increase carbon output.


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a486a2b8 No.3766331[Reply]

What would you do if you went out with a girl and it didnt have a penis i d kick its ass it is fucking disgusting when girls don tell you they dont havea penis

66002d8f No.3766336

File: 1738016015542.png (19.87 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

I shove ice cubes with a funnel in their starfish and beat their booties with a titanium paddle.

66002d8f No.3766337

File: 1738017490949.png (28.99 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

a full bag of… ice cubes and a large funnel…

66002d8f No.3766338

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Brrrr it's cold! >_<

66002d8f No.3766339

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mmm gag harder!

66002d8f No.3766340

The human ruffles her tummy full of ice.
The human clutches both of his hands on the paddle.
The human beats her buttocks as she discharges the ice cubes to the floor slimy and sticky to the touch as the human picks one ice cube and places it into an empty wine glass and pours vodka and drank it.

The Human: A toast to our dead couples; if society can't give us girls then you can become a girl! >:D

2d4b024f No.3766502

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20577688 No.3766489[Reply]

20577688 No.3766490

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db06bfbe No.3766501

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4700499f No.3766321[Reply]

Trump is an obvious example of why men should be illegal. They bring nothing but violence and destruction. Within days rich men have quadruppled inflation and halved the value of USD.

ca2bf775 No.3766394

blatant sexism through victim complexing

0d5a00bd No.3766437

While you're not wrong, keep it in the /pol thread.

90643637 No.3766444

File: 1738111999228.jpeg (96.44 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0904.jpeg)

He just got back into office!!!😳
Stupid pink haired tranny!🤬

95a2cce6 No.3766445

File: 1738112195103.jpeg (405.05 KB, 1067x1558, Screenshot_28-1-2025_1957….jpeg)

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