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12c9b7b3 No.3719839[Reply]

The CP has returned. Brace ye selves for we be facing choppy weather.
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eb73c6ad No.3728841

File: 1705153008557.png (672.53 KB, 1245x700, lulz's first logical state….png)

This is my thread and I pronounce Trump talkable. But only historically accurate and non-political talk.

Such as Trump is a white guy who bravely became orange, much like how Michael Jackson was a black guy who became white, as all black men should strive for. He was a true hero, orange or black, but preferably mostly white on the inside.

eb73c6ad No.3728842

File: 1705153194572.jpg (39.57 KB, 657x657, 0012569931_20.jpg)

Also fuck asians. They're just white people who look good in drag and extended periods in bath houses caused genetic adaptation to make their eyes all squinty, to avoid direct visual contact to genitalia. This is a scientific fact.

4d2170ac No.3740403

File: 1716335954006.jpg (57.09 KB, 800x705, IMG_20230116_184002_631.jpg)

They're starting to change their tactics.

I now have to review all recent posts in the mod panel, since the links are starting to be spammed in threads, where they might get buried.

Oh noes.

4d2170ac No.3740411

File: 1716340923678.png (79.55 KB, 1200x884, 1200px-Dreamcast_logo.svg.png)


If you see CP spam or any suspicious link hidden in an old thread, please use the board's report feature. We would all appreciate it. Last thing we want is for some to get hidden in the back pages.

591c8516 No.3740414

>Gonz posting the NAMBLA logo

4d2170ac No.3740415

File: 1716342640950.jpg (201.49 KB, 848x1200, IMG_20211218_020715_121.jpg)


Are you for real?

99d61f7f No.3755095

File: 1727914075990.jpg (51.21 KB, 818x621, 1284704489.alexspastic_kyp….jpg)

> you can thank Trump for that
Post a link to the exact Federal law Trump was responsible for.

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6542bc98 No.3744244[Reply]

Working on a game? or game related stuff like 3D models pixelart, music and other, share your works and progress here
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c150f786 No.3751098

File: 1724322617045.gif (2.07 MB, 482x271, dd.gif)

Fuck This Fuck That Fuck Everything

c937f31a No.3751165

File: 1724357373931-0.webm (2.67 MB, 544x448, AssTroys (1).webm)

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c937f31a No.3751167

File: 1724358331349-0.webm (4.86 MB, 544x400, fishy.webm)

528143df No.3752022

File: 1725088732908.jpg (21.4 KB, 828x367, 3d_model_by_murrrrri_dhkml….jpg)

Hail to The Boar, baby!

528143df No.3754767

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ba78640a No.3754873

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Slope walk for potatoes

ba78640a No.3755075

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eb39aaca No.3751290[Reply]

Someone was asking about gravity in the /pol/ thread, so I'm making a /sci/ thread. No stupid questions. Please be patient with those less knowledgeable. So let's start off with the familiar yet mysterious phenomenon of gravity. Came across this video by Sabine Hossenfelder today, and she does a pretty good job explaining how gravity is different from forces.

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25fe7c43 No.3755025

> it's so much better now
You only think that because you haven't been flooded with jeets yet. Traffic circles are miniature IQ and dexterity tests.

99529338 No.3755050

having mostly only driven in the small town I grew up on, straight highways, country roads, and stuff… I find driving in cities extremely stressful. Not just the weird way the roads work, but the idea of "keeping up with traffic" if the speed limit is 55, I'm not going past 55, even if everyone ese is going 90.

West Virginia and my part of Ohio have a lot of "kiss your ass bends" where you pray to god someone isn't drunk and going to slam into you, or some deer is just chilling on the road as you turn, but thats nothing compared to the weirdness, speed, and road rage you get in cities.

03bee17f No.3755054

File: 1727870766448.jpg (464.38 KB, 1751x1400, goodadvice.jpg)

I'll be on Tox for a bit tonight.

aeceb0ab No.3755060

People's opinions on roundabouts is an IQ test, shows whether you have functioning braincells or just exist as a stimulus-bitch response organism. The only reason people get into accidents on them is because they aren't used to them, because of the chimp-out response whenever they're proposed. The accidents that do happen have way better outcomes than stoplight intersections where people get T-boned because the other driver ran a red light at full speed. A roundabout is basically a huge chicane, it forces the driver to slow down on approach, and it's really no different from a 4-way yield, it just has a better flow so that if there isn't traffic you can keep going instead of having to stop or get stuck idling at a red light. But if you want to waste gas and time then go ahead keep the bitching. You can come to a complete stop and sit there for no reason in solidarity.

8c68562e No.3755061

Can you stack them?
For extra heavy traffic?

1f8490c2 No.3755063

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Here's the problem but there should be more to explain -
you are the average enourage to buy more cars 3-4 that takes your garage space.
out of some countries dont have enough "mixed" transportation cost that would balance car, truck, bus, trams transpotation cost.
dont forget about parking lot spaces that took tons of asphalt and space.

maybe someday we would see the whole data forcast the maps of asphalt on world maps to calculate the cost to maintain these roads.

in 2050 our sattilites would scan the whole surface of earth's roads showing the cost of asphalt usage.

numbers of traffic and car accidents would be pinned on map and registered by date.


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

8c68562e No.3755070

All those global cities and sidewalks and asphalt roads contribute significantly to global warming, did you realize that?

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7e7badb4 No.3755005[Reply]

I can't believe this site still exists.

f13bba26 No.3755006

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333e7024 No.3755007

File: 1727818256968.png (18.49 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Cool lemme know if you find good stuff here 3d models, art, games, music, stories, etc.

e5b97730 No.3755008

drug addict grandpa that refuses to die

6edc0653 No.3755020

File: 1727825173735.jpg (91.38 KB, 1023x887, BlSOq.jpg)

Good,stay away another 10 years.

41879752 No.3755053

File: 1727870463882.jpg (156.43 KB, 1142x766, fukninterwebs.jpg)

Your instinct to stay away was correct. This place is run by and monitored by treasonous commie fedscum. I hope for you that you're not "vaxxed" and that you're a KJV New Testament Christian, because very bad things are afoot and will kick up a notch soon, and it may end up being too late to make your choice between heaven and hell - the default choice is hell, BTW.
Stay away from this viper's nest, and most online "places" - almost all are fully owned/monitored by the enemy now.
Take it from a real life dog, who cares and is trying to save those who'll listen. If you want Jesus-advice I'll still be here for a while, but don't ever get comfortable.

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fb5cad82 No.3737530[Reply]

Just a reminder, snakes are now called draconcopodes, to be politically correct. If you misname them as something offensive like "sneks" or "nope_ropes", you are a biggot.
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f527dd58 No.3737584

a nig + a faggot

b3d2182e No.3737604

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That's like saying you can't say human, you have to say biped. Draconopode is an equivalent descriptor to biped or quadruped.

6afadcf3 No.3754970

posr noodles

f8f92104 No.3754971

File: 1727774170585.jpg (24.21 KB, 360x271, Dragon_horse.jpg)

>> Just a reminder, snakes are now called draconcopodes.

draconcopodes sounds similar to dragons or draconequus.

c2de10a5 No.3754978

Snakes are not for fucking

2ec43cdf No.3754979


Well, of course REAL ONES aren't, but sexually provocative fantasy SNEK gals like Torque from Xcom and the SNEK princess from Zummeng's comics certainly would be candidates for a solid ravenous fuck if they were real. I'm a SNEK bigot, I want to fuck hot sexy fantasy SNEK gals, preferably with big tits and curvy as fuck.

f8f92104 No.3754984

draconcopodes / dra-con-co-podes
dra / con-co-po / des = drades

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2e5493d0 No.3723825[Reply]

Infinitedge Thread
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b356a5d1 No.3742649

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aa31924a No.3742661

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Lonebluewolf vibes

b356a5d1 No.3742791

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5e90e0b2 No.3743963

File: 1719216957389.png (1.84 MB, 1944x2592, The Nurse.png)

6c63b9b8 No.3753139

File: 1725945950836.png (3.02 MB, 2025x2700, Melting Snow.png)

50803f4e No.3753140

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e3f71e41 No.3754793

File: 1727543018690.png (1.55 MB, 2592x2160, Compact Snow.png)

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5ab83a8f No.3754765[Reply]

31143c03 No.3754771

What this article doesn't mention is that the guy with a sword was a MUSLIM
and shouted "BY ALLAH, NO! THIS IS WRONG!!"
Before attacking Furries there with his sword.

Of course, that wouldn't be LeftTard-correct to mention that little detail.
But you can look it up.

96ce4d30 No.3754786

sword was bigg cuz eyes bigg was only knife legal knife size in eyes of allah

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55a695d5 No.3754551[Reply]

I have a mostly liquid diet, not referring to the alcohol. Nutritional shakes, meal replacement shakes, breakfast shakes, fruit smoothies ect. I'm looking to add real vegetables into it. Anyone have suggestions on powdered vegetable shakes that aren't mostly apple juice, and don't taste like a pig ass?
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55a695d5 No.3754645

File: 1727317899525.png (283.12 KB, 631x635, bp00u1ex4de81.png)

yeah, no I was in the military and got fucked up.

6f416f38 No.3754665

You previously said it was from getting fisted by an adult when you were 5 years old.

55a695d5 No.3754668

uh no, pretty sure I didn't. I got raped when I was 5 multiple times by multiple people, and it made my ass loose, but the digestive problems were from a botched surgery after getting microwaved in the military.

f2f19f97 No.3754685

>I was in the military
Even gayer than I suspected…

ea47dc1d No.3754755

File: 1727483677615.jpg (133.09 KB, 1280x688, MobileInfantry.jpg)

>yeah, no I was in the military and got fucked up.
Mobile infantry made me the man I am today.

ef905a9f No.3754762

File: 1727496692607.jpg (118.79 KB, 800x450, starshiptroopers077.jpg)

Starship Troopers.

9a62f699 No.3754763

Starship Troopers (1997) I think. One of the great and hilarious Verhooven scifi flics. (Others are Robocob and Total Recall). Not suitable for people without sense of humor.

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78607c5c No.3754653[Reply]

Look, I discovered time travel, I am able to also see things you would not believe, percieve things you cannot fathom in your normal iq range. Basically I am not going to say I am a genieus because there might be things smarter than even myself. But I am powerful enough to crush your solar system with a single particle per sae. TBH I just don't want to. Infact, this is more of an invitation to be part of my time travel club, where you can visit the future. And of course, the secrets of travelling through time. Not like some PEABODY and Friends bullshit, but real freedom, nothing more nothing less. Some of you won't be allowed in.

3970c6a3 No.3754657

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0c9ab622 No.3754658

so weird, how come none of you know how to shoot lightning from your hands but claim to be higher dimensional beings.

3970c6a3 No.3754669

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That is because none of them have a giant alien spider on their backs.


3970c6a3 No.3754687

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0c9ab622 No.3754713

i forgot i posted this thread here, lol damn.
Kemicool-Krunch-Cereal Obesoletion Beam Activate.
My work here is done.

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077a1445 No.3754667[Reply]

Fraud government criminals planning the shootings in Ottawa and other cities.Hit lists.Thousands of names.Planning hits all the time.They know the time and place people are going to be at.People are being watched.They're sending messages to the past and to the future.They're sending people they control to do the shootings.To get what people have and have coming.The land,house and the money.They're butting into peoples private lives.

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