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You messed with me~

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File: 1688998114942.jpg (652.47 KB, 2731x4096, f21caf3234dcb20f9dab0306c9….jpg)

c505827c No.3708074[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post all types of scales here.

Bonus points for slits and cloacas.
104 posts and 174 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

eab52f15 No.3758514

File: 1731308541729.png (527.21 KB, 969x951, 1f430dc515aa67292db7d35d26….png)

a4121ebe No.3759044

File: 1732066375247.png (5.93 MB, 2732x2048, 1666646352.barlu_2b860211-….png)

Big strong handsome scaly men in lingerie

84536072 No.3763306

File: 1735513008302.jpg (158.58 KB, 1024x768, 1434040524.chochi_jurassic….jpg)

f2af1b21 No.3763448

File: 1735651321157-0.png (2.68 MB, 1536x1024, 327f0a944268e10149b9f13203….png)

File: 1735651321157-1.png (2.68 MB, 1536x1024, 22799b9649bd5b1aed3734277f….png)

Did she lose her keys or something?

Did you want to help her look?

fc232805 No.3767437

File: 1738879576808-0.jpg (172 KB, 1280x1856, EM09YTQQ3P1CYQ36PC1WGRBNV0.jpg)

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fc232805 No.3768077

File: 1739583641060-0.jpg (1.49 MB, 5000x6000, ef15359858f056c4e7bf56b63e….jpg)

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65dad29e No.3768122

Anyone know what model / snapshot was used here?

File: 1739599154893.webm (4.77 MB, 288x512, WE-TOLD-YOU-SO.webm)

1c969323 No.3768087[Reply]

The Republican budget proposal is out and it is everything we warned you about but MAGA ignored us.

Congratulations, Retards! Republicans are doing exactly what everyone with an IQ over 20 expected them to do - Make themselves richer by using our tax dollars.
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98d6487d No.3768116

Because of crafty messaging by Republicans and the stupidity of Republican voters. No offense to any reasonable Republicans on here, but you vote alongside dumbshits. It's amazing to see the kind of bullshit lies and conspiracy theories so many Republicans eat up as facts. Lies that push the country even further right or further into fantasy land. You can't have a legitimate, good-faith political discussion with people who don't believe in the most basic of facts. It's the political equivalent of trying to have a rational discussion with flat-Earthers or people who think the bogeyman is real. You're wasting your time, so why even try.

And a lot of these folks, outside of politics, are very intelligent. My father is a classic example. Incredibly smart man–master's degree in special education; speaks German fluently and is functional in two others; after retiring from teaching, he successfully started his own small business, so he's very business savvy. He's also a musician. Again, very smart guy. But once the conversation turns to politics, he turns into an idiot, gullible of the most insane conspiracy theories and conservative hot-takes. It's gotten so bad that my mother has called me to complain about him.

The point is, when so many conservatives are so far gone, it's impossible to reach them, and the goal no longer is progress or improvement; it's just…normalcy and trying to hang on to things we've already got. We're trying to hang on to things we've taken for granted as basic rights.

98d6487d No.3768121

File: 1739633018029.png (2.69 MB, 1440x1355, jjjpjqp8bbje1.png)

1c969323 No.3768131

Yes, the wealthy were getting massive tax breaks compared to the majority of America and now Trump is making that gap even wider. He and his goons are adding even MORE inequality while Elon Musk steals money from the working class and gives it to the 0.1%.

1c969323 No.3768132

Trump is replacing people with a clue how to do their job with unqualified morons whose only qualification is that they are loyal to Trump.

So what happens when Trump dies? He is old as fuck and wildly unhealthy. He could go any day now. What do you imagine will happen then?

d83e1a85 No.3768137


b5711bce No.3768138

File: 1739658858443.jpeg (450.99 KB, 1170x1325, IMG_0471.jpeg)

Democrats trying to pretend “republicans are corrupt too”

3e2e981d No.3768141

Oh no, Trump will destroy the USA ! (again)

There won't be lockdown this time to fuck everything up so we'll see in 4 years wether he succeeds or not.

File: 1737608382328.jpg (310.76 KB, 1024x1024, hMGJuqTGjr.jpg)

b62a313b No.3765804[Reply]

The golden age of America begins right now.
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e5c693df No.3768076

File: 1739582716700.png (335.77 KB, 813x2434, What would happen if canad….png)

any questions?

957f5b3d No.3768082

This is more patriotic than the OP without even trying.

c32436da No.3768083

File: 1739595317882.jpeg (69.57 KB, 600x750, 4khlsdw9p6je1.jpeg)

b5f1413c No.3768086

Trannies, the name of water, all this bullshit is so irrelevant. Trump needs to Make Groceries Affordable Again instead of clowning nonstop. But he won't because incompetence. And he's only concerned with enriching Elon, his puppeteer. It was a good run America. 🫡

6648eaeb No.3768098


c32436da No.3768120

File: 1739632649727.jpeg (65.61 KB, 811x846, z4aah2kl0bje1.jpeg)

e5c693df No.3768158

File: 1739700247968-0.png (456.73 KB, 660x647, cybertruck stop.png)

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edf804a5 No.3768032[Reply]

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5cb94b3d No.3768104

Then if it's fake news,
Complain to CNN.
They're the ones who reported it.

5cb94b3d No.3768108

File: 1739612106094.jpg (151.45 KB, 900x1125, regular (1).jpg)

05104db6 No.3768109


Because the faggots, nıggers, and tr00ns on here are on an'hero watch.

It's awesome! Please KYS

eca4d777 No.3768114

Nazis please also kill yourself

eca4d777 No.3768115

File: 1739630211307.jpeg (3.34 MB, 4000x3000, 671g3wmxu0je1.jpeg)

How bout that living in capitalism

5cb94b3d No.3768118

More on the way.
Supply and demand.
That's the very definition of Capitalism.

You don't realize it but you just endorsed and promoted it, LOL

eca4d777 No.3768119

File: 1739632571184.jpeg (58.28 KB, 682x426, mg4lthzqq6je1.jpeg)

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dd970f59 No.3759166[Reply]

Why did the bejeweled furries thread get deleted?
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0347ef12 No.3759193

Someone sure is touchy for being a long time lulz.net namefag.

0dcbfbe3 No.3759208

Probably detoxing. He'll be back to shitposting as soon as he scores again.

89891f1f No.3759214

4715da47 No.3759410

File: 1732380935788.jpg (821.79 KB, 1616x2160, 764db6d14679a1c2379b13ab9f….jpg)

> The whole vibe of the Discord server changed, and Nelk had previously expressed his distaste to gonz, who in turn just invited more people like that. I get it.
I don't get it. Isn't that Discord merely an unofficial chat created and run by one of the lulz moderators? It seems off target to express ones annoyance on the lulz.net website.

d506c010 No.3759412

File: 1732384486058.png (822.67 KB, 768x1024, b09c938981e0806bfa06813919….png)

Hmm, I should be scared, but… *drools*

ee49000a No.3759414

Prepare your anus!

2a8804cd No.3768079

File: 1739591007569.jpg (389.68 KB, 1536x2048, yj99ik8_-_Copy_AI_generate….jpg)

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76c457cd No.3760037[Reply]

i am racist and not very bright

9c5a32cf No.3768061

File: 1739570713397.jpg (1.7 MB, 1500x6257, 5110619_e254e_color.jpg)

I believe you.

e8a93674 No.3768062

File: 1739572476274.jpg (1.34 MB, 2000x2000, bafkreiho3xmjspv2hz45nntks….jpg)

And here's to you, Mx. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know

3a07ae4c No.3768063

>They only drew a pussy on the cat being executed
Really makes you think.

5cf481f1 No.3768124

It's a public execution so humiliation may be part of the punishment. The executioners have fur hiding their genitals and are wearing jackets. The condemned prisoner is nude. They probably trimmed the fur around her pussy and nipples for more humiliation.

I approve. :)

File: 1698459844248.jpg (134.63 KB, 1021x534, riiip.jpg)

e6e0d6c5 No.3720022[Reply]

>barely usable after an almost two month down time
>admins could give less of a fuck and refuses to hand over reigns
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236a4ac3 No.3758922

Except that it sporadically decides to stop allowing people to upload pictures, I guess.

Also apparently all the content was coming from kemono.su, so now that that's gone there are virtually no updates across the board.

1db83c1a No.3758948

Huh, I don't post there so I wouldn't know. Interesting.
And yeah, the golden days are over and its more of an archive then anything now imo

44c22404 No.3768003

File: 1739517415011.png (359.18 KB, 998x614, 2c13ccac516ab22b8cac4b09d0….png)

5b70e23d No.3768024

U18 is letting itself die
Too many bugs to reliably post
Ai is restricted to a single thread (ai is not going away but keeping to to one thread is pretending exactly that)
harsh criticism of anything or anyone is not allowed because it NEEDS to be a hugbox/safespace
The moderation is spineless, bending the knee to crybabys.
They are killing the anonymous site in favor of the discord server with usernames

e9e3681b No.3768035

File: 1739552240603.png (535.74 KB, 1023x912, d9171f1d96e099f222518cb987….png)

511f6b00 No.3768040

File: 1739554902214.jpg (716.81 KB, 2816x2738, e443e932d5920cf78a9833a33a….jpg)

> U18 is letting itself die
booru.org is also winding down its operation. They don't upgrade their software anymore and they've disabled new booru creation. Also, they're reducing the resources used.

I'm beginning to wonder if the furry.booru.org "hack" was committed by the booru.org owners just so they could reduce what is spent running the thing.

dd3fc22e No.3768050

File: 1739562064524-0.png (1.1 MB, 1280x1043, 4ff0d4d18df82e4b35e4cd7906….png)

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48535824 No.3768023[Reply]

Fake Historry thread

0c8faf6f No.3768025

File: 1739539002572.jpeg (358.09 KB, 943x1200, IMG_0056.jpeg)

Technically it was Muslims who moved the slaves within Africa selling them to the Jewish slaveboat owners who in turn auctioned them to the primarily Jewish plantation owners

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38f603d9 No.3732998[Reply]

Gun thread? Gun thread.

Or "How I stopped worrying and learned to love the third hole."

(remember to blur the serial numbers if you post your own shit, retards)
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3ded41d6 No.3744121

File: 1719344996597.png (53.02 KB, 400x400, Byrna_LE_400x.png)

I've posted this before. Although I refuse to own a gun, because I know I'm super unstable, I do pack a byrna. A glorified paintball gun might not seem all that menacing, but you do not want to get hit by one of these things. You'll have a bad day.


Mine is the LE pistol, modded with the extended barrel that lets you use a higher pressured cartridge, and a green under laser, because why not.

An actual firearm and a super mysanthropic alcoholic do not mix.

3ded41d6 No.3744132

File: 1719350044975.png (310.67 KB, 700x560, Alucardanddcasull.png)

Also every time I see a gun thread, or people start getting gun boners, I think of this.


1dbf166a No.3759682

File: 1732647408250.png (1.17 MB, 2048x2024, a2dc6c16e60088fd2ba3dbf38b….png)

a4a10a5a No.3760692

File: 1733497313933.jpg (115.18 KB, 1100x777, 9b67fd99db4ed679445f0c6c3f….jpg)

> The only good bullpup is a 50 cal recoil operated bullpup.

208e66e4 No.3765957

File: 1737687959425-0.jpg (120.24 KB, 1024x633, 1669086144469.jpg)

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208e66e4 No.3765958

File: 1737689282254.png (37.09 KB, 482x379, switched.png)

has time masheen

1df2372b No.3767988

File: 1739502266776.jpg (504.33 KB, 800x1000, 1280026999.sneakerfox_swif….jpg)

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32489944 No.3767703[Reply]

It's time to step up.

This board has went from years of little activity to chaos. While the reasons are beyond my control, and much of it is out of our view, it's clear that we're suffering from a lack of leadership. We need a leader wiith the right methods, and the right values.

There is great potential, but it needs the right man to steer this board back into glory. I am that man.

I've been active in the furry culture for over 25 years. I know its history, the ins and outs of every subculture and faction. Starting at the tail end of Usenet's popularity, i've seen each platform and trend come and go. And i've been a part of running it from the start.

I've had a part in running forums like Furry Sanctuary, Lemmy's Land, Starfox Online, sonicanime.net, sonichentai.net, Sonic Stadium, Sonic Passion (yes, that one - it wasn't that bad, don't believe everything you hear) and most of them stayed without major conflicts or incidents, from the day i was promoted, until the owners just decided not to run them anymore.

As well as a dozen Yahoo Groups and two of the most popular channels on Furnet IRC. Including a cubfur one that was consantly assaulted by masses of spammers, that we somehow managed to defeat with no collateral damages, while most other channels were helpless.

Not to mention, way too many Facebook groups, including a Avatar: The Last Airbender group with 100,000 members that somehow avoided any major conflicts though i ran it almost all by myself, until it was deleted because of some anti-spam algorithm. Yes, i'm still pissed.

I'm a man of action. A man of wisdom. Of integrity and consistency.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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23d65014 No.3767822

> sonicanime.net, sonichentai.net, Sonic Stadium, Sonic Passion

You're not furry, you're just autistic.

270f23eb No.3767886

Actually run it, for one thing.

Sorry, i don't speak GPT.

I'm blue, dabadeedabadee

Brutus was a hero, a threat only to tyrants.

Pro, extremely pro. In fact i'm damn near wanting to make it mandatory.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

6e4fedc7 No.3767887

File: 1739388635019.png (1.8 MB, 1408x1024, 1690190773418 (1).png)

Damn you got my vote.

0106536f No.3767888

Go advertise this site and pull in more traffic, and then we'll talk.

fc0b5430 No.3767890

>Funny how you use "autistic" as an insult while you probably have no problem with one illegally taking over your government and hacking your entire nation's funds to presumably steal it.

Not my country, not my problem.

c10b62f4 No.3767897

You're one of the ones that nearly got the board shut down because of your posting of naked human children AI porn, and that alone is reason to not have you anywhere near a position of "authority".

be33d033 No.3767985

the chineese will never get over their xenophobia
why do we entertain them? why have any dealings at all?

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