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c34c75e8 No.3740745[Reply]

51 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

c34c75e8 No.3759860

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c34c75e8 No.3759861

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c34c75e8 No.3759862

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c34c75e8 No.3759863

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c34c75e8 No.3759864

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c34c75e8 No.3765304

File: 1737274349351.png (23.24 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Could Ai use or draw in Oekaki?

afeac635 No.3765429

Our resident AI guy Steam was banned for being a scary nerd, so we will never know.

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54b8f829 No.3764887[Reply]

AI art thread VIII.
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bb227ff6 No.3764970

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d822a3fd No.3765046

File: 1737072065539.jpg (559.98 KB, 2048x2048, fbe521dbf60be80188af423410….jpg)

854195c1 No.3765048

File: 1737073629767-0.jpg (60.57 KB, 768x512, hot spring.jpg)

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56647acd No.3765263

not gonna post in there cause there's a hoomin in it lol!

7bfbf57c No.3765336

File: 1737280928857-0.jpg (65.5 KB, 1024x1024, 00091-1505778646.jpg)

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8abffc60 No.3765386

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384f0cf3 No.3765436

We already have an AI thread here: >>3765254

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6e3d6d82 No.3708628[Reply]

Petition to permaban Steam and all of his clones because he admitted to letting Aufy use his name to avoid a ban.
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3bb67d4f No.3760764

> so for DC the danger is about cooking your flesh on the inside instead of stopping your heart.

False. Steady DC current causes tissue distruction by iontophoresis. This happens at far lower current levels than "cooking."

b58a0c15 No.3760767


That doesn't appear to have much to do with the point, at least in the immediate time scale.

DC current can mess up with your biochemical functions, but only if you keep a battery hooked up to yourself for hours on end.

18a8daf7 No.3760768

I am not responsible for what empty headed "newage" nobodys try to redefine the term on Wikipedia. If you are truly interested in the true meaning of the term then you must consult medical journals and medical texts. I will spend no time attempting to educate you.

0e8ce18a No.3760776

DC voltage is weird, a friend of mine was working on a truck battery cable with a wrench when, he's not exactly sure, but he thinks he accidently touched the wrench to both the + and - battery terminals at the same time. There was a big shower of sparks, some smoke, and it melted the wrench, like, immediately! Yet he said he was unharmed and never felt anything, and the wrench was not hot, yet it was melted
How is this possible??

568c37de No.3760778

File: 1733570911701.png (163.37 KB, 300x281, zz155980355509ff9brahnepng.png)

What a fanciful play and such large eyebrows for a queen. The people came to see the Execution. I will have to sneak in some chocolate and elixirs to the show. I am just so bored waiting for the big steamy porker to DIEEEEEEE i mean get the boot!

410fab15 No.3765092

File: 1737109273060.png (2.03 MB, 1704x1280, 058fd3675d74b4bd09ab13ecc8….png)

Im so glad the mods decided to permaban that pedo from the site. His pedophillia was making everyone look bad

593c3896 No.3765291

Which Trump supporter got banned?

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fa362b63 No.3765257[Reply]

Steam is spamming the board and running everything ban him now! I command it if you don't I'll make you suck my dick

36dd302c No.3765287

If you had a body like that you wouldn't be here fighting with Steam. You would be out being a chad instead of an incel loser wasting your youth like you are now.

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25022f6c No.3765217[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3763213

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
995 posts and 510 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

482c2db3 No.3767025

RFK's brain worm wants everyone else to have one.

64506ff3 No.3767026

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a8bfd41f No.3767031

That's a wild conspiracy. Where did you hear it?

2cc77f7f No.3767033

White or (((white)))?

2cc77f7f No.3767034

>They chose to identify her last, days later

64506ff3 No.3767035



8ce8587b No.3767036

Gonz is gone, and nobody else wants to deal with this. So congrats, its now a free for all. Maybe that will completely kill this site.

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450f3980 No.3765096[Reply]

LOLOL homeowner insurance is to become madatory due to the california fires, and insurance companies will not be obliged to cover anything that wasn't an "act of god" which as we all know our lord and savior gives and takes and all things are an "act of god." Insurance companies will not have to take responsibility for anything that is an "act of god" or "the fault of the home owner," or a "3rd party cause."

31fb5bc3 No.3765112


b60aa583 No.3765965

that's the only way because californians in particular are a special kind of retards. like screaming i am racist and not very bright kind of IDGAF that will then complain, i'm surprised it wasn't done before.
you got it, tards!

by necessity, because when a population is retarded as fuck, like in a sandi am racist and not very bright country, the only solution is autoritarianism.

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67f143cd No.3711107[Reply]

To celebrate the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem animated movie, this mursuiter decided to dust off his Noblewolf made mursuit and get together with his furry daddy and do a mursuit video featuring Master Splinter. https://murrtube.net/videos/catching-a-rat
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a48735e7 No.3717567

File: 1696058337893.jpeg (356.65 KB, 1366x2048, Fwq8tN7XoAEdP6d.jpeg)


Bless you. Couldn't find the source before.

7c7805d7 No.3717576

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9bcf9573 No.3735543

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a58e5db9 No.3751907

Mursuits are gay.

a157c89c No.3751951

anything without a suit is a disgusting act

a157c89c No.3764916

thats what i said

34379251 No.3764920

this is why we fuck dogs

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a5526cdd No.3764860[Reply]

My three favorites are:

Spyro from "Reignited"
Krystal from "Starfox Adventures"
Animaniacs from "The Great Edgar Hunt"

83d81767 No.3764875

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391bf7e3 No.3764840[Reply]

I fucked up Kiwi Farms and I'll fuck up Lulz too, don't fuck with me, no one fucks with me

ca750ae6 No.3764842

File: 1736870548210.jpg (324.09 KB, 1280x1856, 0140ccc03a3e4c8663b0cf1962….jpg)

I make my own threads Im not some little dipshit like you waiting for other people do make threads Im a real man

a9e8d7aa No.3764844

Quit making threads using my name i am racist and not very bright ffs why does everyone insist on bullying me?

3260d345 No.3765495

>fucked up kiwi
ok redditor

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0d82e84d No.3764838[Reply]


Reminder that I made my own thread on Kiwi Farms. You kikes need to stop bullying me cuz I bully myself.

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