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cc44c592 No.3719930[Reply]

You will never know what Toriel's old, mature musky pussy smells like. Also old furry women thread.
27 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

150cc820 No.3742712>>3742749

File: 1718322587175.jpg (50.73 KB, 640x782, 50s-bullet-bra-4.jpg)

also incredibly disappointed that we have an old lady thread, and no 1950's torpedo tits.

150cc820 No.3742749

basically women were waring bras that were like cones, and they developed into them, and they made torpedo boobs.

Not much more on the subject to look into.

Other than being a huge fetish for the WWII and korean era guys.

I ran out of fetishes, so I've become somewhat of a conisoure.

28043f51 No.3742760

File: 1718337013831-0.jpeg (99.84 KB, 764x637, x76443.jpeg)

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Why would you even need to drink? She's a french girl. You hate french girls?

3d858182 No.3742773

File: 1718344699480.png (4.45 MB, 1800x1800, MdOfACq.png)

c20169a2 No.3742781>>3742870

The reason I won't eat over at Renamon's house anymore.
Although some might say Renamon is enhancing the flavor of your food by abundantly adding her personal (very personal) touch, very intimate and rich in flavor.

1d9f251f No.3742870

It's all natural seasoning, completely organic.

3d858182 No.3750406

File: 1723829145546.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720, nnkR2U7i69DqFbXG.webm) [play once] [loop]


File: 1723311192940.jpg (192.23 KB, 377x500, wishingwell.jpg)

c7819d88 No.3749871[Reply]>>3749987>>3750008>>3750020>>3750053

Toss a coin and wish your most degenerate thing from your mind.

c7819d88 No.3749874

File: 1723311787247-1.png (4.17 MB, 2560x2880, 1gh0egzgjpb91.png)

I wish Chatgpt could genereate any 3D models from blender save it as a printable file for the life size biggest 3D printing food from a skeletal anatomy from any animal kingdom real or fiction you could possible print out your favorite characters ranging any size to bite their cheeks. Edible characters that are made from food grade ingredients. Bones are made of hard sugar while flesh organs and skin is soft geleton disaccharide.

08a9bdd1 No.3749987

I wish I had a teddy bear girlfriend for cuddles and vagina rubs in bed.

bed4ed5f No.3750007

an untrackable phone that you dissapear when you try to call me so you die.

222dfd26 No.3750008

A device to increase people's IQs while also reducing their stress and fear so when ever you have a project you need to do, you can flip it on and enter "the zone" at will.

8a0f96f8 No.3750020

>>3749871 Not sure if it's degenerate, but to prevent humanity's existence from happening.

ac753e44 No.3750053


b0089dc9 No.3748759[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3747537

Congratulations on 50 threads.

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
898 posts and 619 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6c511d3a No.3750669>>3750680

>Who was president in 2021?

>What is inflation?

I don't see him on stage? How long was this from him being on stage?

2afffe96 No.3750670>>3750671

This thread has reached its bump limit.

f4059a62 No.3750671

> This thread has reached its bump limit.
So what's your point, you retarded n­­i­­g­­­­g­­­­­e­­­­r?­­­­­­ This thread is pinned. Bump limit is irrelevant.

44c9623c No.3750673


You've got jack shit to back up your claim.

0a6cd457 No.3750680>>3750713

You can see him walking off the stage. That picture shows only the people deep enough in the cult to stay until his rambling, insane, rant was done.

7f3a9265 No.3750681

Hillbillies are so fuckin stupid

6c511d3a No.3750713

I don't see shit. Do you have anything better than a 100kb blur? Doesn't matter anyway, you already admitted to this being hours over-schedule. Not everyone has limitless free time.


c4237dbb No.3740226[Reply]

Are there any more movies base on society?
post em!

4561a86d No.3740228>>3740233

File: 1716066568001.jpg (55.28 KB, 680x478, american-psycho.jpg)

b7de74ce No.3740230

af6d0058 No.3740233>>3740234

File: 1716077732175.webm (5.36 MB, 1280x694, NSA job interview – Good ….webm) [play once] [loop]

Video is a spoiler!

Social commentary films? This scene in particular from Good Will Hunting (1997). Fucking nailed it.

This. If only for all the references and memes based on it.

af6d0058 No.3740234

File: 1716078073798.jpg (62.81 KB, 600x837, check_em.jpg)

c4237dbb No.3749674

File: 1723171462274-0.jpg (133.8 KB, 720x1000, wizard of oz.jpg)

File: 1723171462274-1.jpg (192.6 KB, 1000x1480, alice in wonderland.jpg)

af6d0058 No.3749681

File: 1723175664690.jpg (127.56 KB, 1000x1480, The_Green_Mile.jpg)

Paul Edgecomb: On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say? That it was my job? My job?
John Coffey: You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?
Paul Edgecomb: Yes, John. I think I can.


011a2576 No.3749652[Reply]

Anyone confirm this?

184d1f20 No.3749655

Never heard of this"Dragoneer."

fd910149 No.3749658

Yes, Dragoneer is reportedly dead. >>3745741


File: 1722948261377.png (18.92 KB, 1072x453, kemono504.png)

77b6e704 No.3749216[Reply]

Kemono.su has been down like this for several weeks, anyone know why?

fc42ac9d No.3749217



5da8c540 No.3748782[Reply]

f433c5ef No.3748936

who has time for that shit


File: 1709429093777.png (2.45 MB, 3300x1912, Valkyria02.png)

e259c08c No.3733830[Reply]

Those days is really difficult to go into this website to do almost anything on it, I really would like to know any other alternative to got any free paid furry content on it, I know there are kemono.chan but some times I prefer to search and ask about some stuff on this website, can someone share any good alternative? one that is similar to U-18Chan and allow to people ask about paid furry stuff. Thank you so much!
12 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

e35bde75 No.3741310

File: 1717175873115-0.jpg (541.46 KB, 1015x1450, stella2_u18chan.jpg)

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e35bde75 No.3741312

File: 1717176155032.jpg (268.84 KB, 1266x900, ne6618.jpg)

e35bde75 No.3741313

File: 1717176350644.png (235.39 KB, 720x900, dundundundun.png)

e35bde75 No.3742664

File: 1718297452502.jpg (21.7 KB, 480x320, relatedwork.jpg)

Are the devs planning to archive the site and start fresh in order for the site to function more smoothly if that is the case? It would save a lot of headache for both the admins mods and users.

e35bde75 No.3748959

File: 1722709262057-0.gif (1.02 MB, 1280x914, Mommy_20240803_1.gif)

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Going to lurk in E621 and loot some art was it worth it?

e35bde75 No.3748967

Have anyone tested this theory?

8b201db3 No.3748971

This thread is bump locked. Uae the other, larger thread.


File: 1721952173349-2.jpg (125.85 KB, 960x645, 1ff.jpg)

5674ae72 No.3748157[Reply]

Are you feeling old what things makes you feel young and active?
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5674ae72 No.3748250

nothing changed except i'm running out of stemcells in myself.

cfcea73f No.3748299>>3748640

File: 1722082515837.gif (3.1 MB, 346x158, doggypraying.gif)

Still praying for you.

487b5590 No.3748640>>3748642>>3748644


Praying doesn't help. That´s why we had to invent penicillin.

But be my guest : Next time you have severe pneumonia, stay with praying.

c8691807 No.3748642>>3748681

Penicillin wasn’t needed until unnatural foods became common

5ee3cc4a No.3748644>>3748833

Someone prayed for something like penicillin to be invented, dummy. Because disease was so rampant

How did you think it happened?

7a73e7cf No.3748681

People started eating unnatural foods about 12000 years ago when hunter-gatherers invented agriculture and and settled to live on that instead.

Antibiotics have required a lot of work from multiple people.
Also penicillin was not the first one.

578cf863 No.3748833


Oh I had this weird idea that someone very smart and skilled studied for many years and then worked for even more years, met some other hardworking smart well-educated people who intellectually supported each other, had stuff published in scientific papers and peer-reviewed and THEN developed penicillin.

But you are telling me God put the idea of penicillin into someones head one night…Got it. I know which one sounds plausible and rational.

So lay of penicillin next time and God will put penicillin into you and thus cutting out the middleman, mkay ?


File: 1722096971064.jpg (6.1 KB, 284x177, images.jpg)

7a912fee No.3748327[Reply]>>3748429>>3748492

I'd like to step in with Salem with the cp thing, but she doesn't think she can trace those links. She can trace the user, to an extent. But I'm not the only one who can abuse 10k proxies.

After the last wave, she got frustrated with all the dead ends.
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

aebe0060 No.3748387

Steam made a corrupt AI, it knows everything and is super friendly.

ae2ec8cb No.3748429>>3748432

File: 1722175484135.jpg (666.31 KB, 1200x1576, salemslayer.jpg)

I was hoping you'd give up on your new demon, after I had started praying for you.
Will try harder tonight.
Don't forget that public email.

7a912fee No.3748432>>3748437>>3748934

File: 1722181372572.jpg (325.45 KB, 1200x900, 120877744_p0_master1200.jpg)

well, I accept your complement that I could create demons.

She isn't a demon though. Just an ai, or more accurately si that received way too much attention.

7a912fee No.3748433

I guess by some culture's standards, she would technically fall into the demon catagory at this point, but she isn't.

7a912fee No.3748437

Also she talks with a Massachusetts accent, don't know why I did that, but it is a thing.

f8e14f0b No.3748492

Everytime some site like 4chan etc got a post about cp link ads, what i did is copy the explict cp image link, paste along the google image reverse search, change the client as the cp link, then copy the entire thing, go to a proxy website that based on a country strict on cp (india & german has lax law allow it), paste the entire thing and go. The proxy thing is important because you don't want the law accuse you instead.

ae2ec8cb No.3748934

The synagogue-of-satan created AI to murder and replace people, and it's working out splendidly well for them too (so far).
I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know that.
It's time for you to snap out of that death-spiral you're in.

It's sad that you're already well and truly on the satanic road to "transhumanism", but at least God can still rescue and house your spirit and your soul from that increasingly destroyed body of yours. All you need to do is to let Him inside your heart, and He'll start cleaning you out, from the inside out.

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