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File: 1736412953469.png (1.54 MB, 1664x1120, Screen Shot 2025-01-08 at ….png)

438be586 No.3764304[Reply]


63e2c39b No.3764792


I personally don't give a fuck about Georgio.
Never heard of him before, and I most likely will forget his name after replying to this.
Anyone with a mindset like this person has deeply rooted problems, they need to seek professional counseling before they make a decision that will ruin their life or someone else's.
Part of the reason society is fucked right now is so many people have made up their mind that their biggest ambition is to put their life and opinions into everyone's faces using social media.
They start off by lying to themselves, they think their opinions are important, that they can further the causes they believe in, but what they're really seeking is attention. The unfortunate thing is, it's not your average type of attention seeking, it's the sociopathic almost border line psychopathic kind of attention seeking.
These kinds of people create a secondary issue with society…followers. Followers look at people like Georgio and they want the life and the attention that he has, and an innumerable amount of issues arise when followers can't get what they think Georgio has.

And as far as the furry fandom goes, and quitting it? Ask yourself what a fandom is…
Think what the furry fandom means to you…
Keep in mind that a fandom is made up of people with a core common interest and is open to everyone…
Are there people you're not going to like in a fandom? Of course there will be, it's open to everyone…
Are there ideas and concepts that you're not going to like in a fandom, of course there are, it's open to everyone…
It's a whole lot less stress for yourself and everyone else if everyone stopped pulling the "Stop liking what I don't like" meme out of their asses every time they don't agree with something. Just walk away, find others that share your interests, mind your own fucking business and stop thinking that your opinion matters.

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6e14cb41 No.3751861[Reply]

People are being discriminated against because their parents have different skin colours or eye colors.The crosses and mixes.Reproductive harm.Murders.

44b54d31 No.3764791

File: 1736825959548.jpg (59.71 KB, 600x783, 901760784b39999f309c848ac8….jpg)

That's nice.

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55f4c743 No.3707234[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

If I'm going to do all this work cleaning up the spam, might as well sticky a cub thread while I'm at it.
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77147ef0 No.3762835

File: 1735108589308.jpg (860.92 KB, 1879x1500, 5486314.jpg)

af002d73 No.3762975

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6e6951c2 No.3763638

File: 1735831845483.png (153.19 KB, 845x894, 4386571_HalcyonWinter_2201….png)

9987f2eb No.3764434

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08daa2ec No.3764779

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08daa2ec No.3764807

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08daa2ec No.3764808

And the thread is now past the bump limit.

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b259c0f5 No.3764534[Reply]

transformation thread
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895d5cc1 No.3764694

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895d5cc1 No.3764695

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895d5cc1 No.3764749

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895d5cc1 No.3764750

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895d5cc1 No.3764751

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895d5cc1 No.3764756

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895d5cc1 No.3764768

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95150ef8 No.3764514[Reply]

Whites need to be exterminated

bfda1328 No.3764519

LOL negros!

4babbf03 No.3764535

i am racist and not very brights

81f094cc No.3764539

File: 1736618908403.jpeg (234.78 KB, 1005x1346, nu0l3q8w0bce1.jpeg)

Based and true thread!

Ukraine kills more whites than any!

33a51642 No.3764549

Russian Vodka Production chart from 3B, trying to claim it is something else.

cab94801 No.3764595

> niggers
Exactly, lazy niggers.

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08de9a43 No.3764025[Reply]

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b2dcc4e4 No.3764073

> It's actually very basic science called the greenhouse effect.
Go ahead and rant all you want about your pseudo science "greenhouse effect." That nonsense only shows how far gone you are in your whacky belief system.

While you're at it, tell us how "creation science" proves the earth is only 7,000 years old.

3d4958ad No.3764499

There is no bar too low for stupid people on the right-wing. Right now they are claiming that the U.S. government set California on fire and destroyed the east cost with hurricanes because they want to "buy the land cheap"

They are so stupid they don't understand that the government already owns the land and can take it back any time they want.

Taxes on land is the fee you pay to the government to rent the rights to that land. They can revoke it at any time. It's called immanent domain.

4fa45d30 No.3764504

Historically, science is wrong more than not, and continues to be wrong.
And much of the time they won't admit they're wrong.
Would you like some examples? Is there enough room on Lulz?

So is it global warming or global cooling?
I will give you the answer.
Pardon me while I flip a coin.

45b0cbc3 No.3764505

The government set California on fire to offset Global Warming.

2c536a05 No.3764551

The point of science is to be less wrong as time goes by and more information is gained to get better predictions. The older time-tested science is more likely to produce accurate answers than the latest breaking news. That's why Newton's laws are still valid for describing most everyday matters, while quantum mechanics has troubles extrapolating away from the scale of individual atoms - because nobody understands quantum mechanics enough to derive accurate large scale predictions out of it. It's why looking at the history of nations is better at predicting the future of societies than the latest theories of social science.

When fresh science like climate change is pushed to support politics, it is reduced to pseudo-religious dogma that breaks within one election cycle. The predictions turn out to be false, but the politicians can't admit it so they will continue to push a false narrative decade after decade.

3d4958ad No.3764553

Conservatives are too stupid to understand that winters being more severe is an effect of global warming.

They look at the world with the IQ of a child. They can't fathom complex ideas like how hot air and cold air interact or even that cold air can exist if other parts of the world are warm.

They might know that the earth rotates and half the planet is always cooling because half the planet is always facing away from the sun but they can't comprehend it. They are too simple to understand what the words actually mean.

80140122 No.3764563

File: 1736645647794.png (447.87 KB, 1000x500, Gintama-stupid-anime.png)

The world getting colder is proof that global warming is happening because of people not recycling.

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ecf6ce45 No.3764496[Reply]

False flag?

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54fe844b No.3746574[Reply]

I don't care if it's male or female or which incarnation of Tails it is, it could be "Nine (Inch Tailz) for all I care… just post Tails porn and also tell me how much you despise e621.
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d0610a47 No.3746678

File: 1721034771910.png (7.17 MB, 3000x4000, Mechanic_tails6_u18chan.png)

d0610a47 No.3747161

File: 1721295964940.png (5.89 MB, 2880x1620, 60b379f32f6c1b2469116aefd1….png)

How do you compare e621 to Tumblr?

Why Tumblr Died So Quickly

surprise Moon does not make any videos on E621

57c5de46 No.3750621

File: 1723989889231.jpg (188.71 KB, 1428x2000, TAILS_WITH_TITS.jpg)


378a693a No.3760921

File: 1733708992920.png (5.06 KB, 600x450, bafkreicp6ijlkz24xqdaht455….png)

a8f259e3 No.3761476

File: 1734179263234.jpg (388.09 KB, 1536x1048, 5342593_JhJ_tails_present.jpg)

be572455 No.3764395

File: 1736477438401.jpg (130.64 KB, 803x556, never4get.jpg)

Gotta love the hypocrisy of how a website owned by a confirmed former zoophile porn distributor only just now started to find lolisho×kemono problematic whilst coincidentally all the zoomers raised on Tumblr's feminazi&LGBT blogs are slowly turning 18+

a3ef8565 No.3764492

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1946d4cf No.3741155[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

AI art thread VII.
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29d0651a No.3764466

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29d0651a No.3764467

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29d0651a No.3764468

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29d0651a No.3764469

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29d0651a No.3764470

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29d0651a No.3764471

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a476cf45 No.3764483

Sofa king ugly every fuckin thread is this

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a27d2231 No.3764459[Reply]

Cold War History Offers the Solution to the Looming Global Race for Critical Minerals


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