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You messed with me~

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File: 1739405054236.png (672.65 KB, 920x1227, 5291839_RoareyRaccoon_roar….png)

d71df992 No.3767895[Reply]


"Farewell, Inkbunny
by RoareyRaccoon
+ Watch
Private Message
Just got my account back from a suspension that happened back in November, so that's where I've been. Doesn't matter why, it's just the usual pointless pettiness. Given time to reflect, alongside my partner's account here being outright deleted, principle and common sense dictate I go. Whatever passes for mainstream in this fandom has not been a place where I am welcome or where I belong for several years, so what's in it for me?

I wanted to try and change things or at least let other furs like myself know they weren't alone in all the insanity that has overtaken western culture and our subculture too, but really, what a daft idea that was. My only joy is in seeing the feedback from my drawings, which I don't have to share here anyway. I'm honestly just tired of it all, I'm too ill to fight with people either way. I've had enough of other peoples' spite and hatred, I don't need nor want it in my life. I no longer want to be part of places in this fandom that are swamped in ideological nonsense.

I'll leave my gallery up here for people who care about that sort of thing, but I won't be posting here anymore, I'm done. Thanks for the memories, truly, but I can't do this anymore. The loss of all the years I've put in. Fuck it. I have a telegram group and a Discord server where I'll be posting future art and where people can interact with me, the links are below."

So, think he'll stay gone this time? My mopney is he'll be back in under a month with a whole speech about how people NEED his opinions or some shit. Like clockwork. Fallen Hero storyline.

43e46c57 No.3767902

Nothing of value was lost.

File: 1739363576275.png (1.01 MB, 846x960, s180epkh2nie1.png)

d124fb9d No.3767865[Reply]

Are we stupid?
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bd672bc2 No.3767909

You know what wasn't documented until Elon exposed everything? How they were using USAID To direct federal funds to "totally legit bro" nonprofits run by their children and grandchildren–who usually ran four or five of them at the same time. Bill Gates' kid runs about a dozen.

56943a2d No.3767910

Now, let’s talk about this scandal—apparently, USAID is just a front for political elites to funnel money to their kids’ “totally legit bro” nonprofits. Wild claim, except for the tiny little issue of zero actual evidence. Like, where’s the list of all these shadowy nepotism organizations? Where are the receipts? Did someone’s uncle’s Facebook post count as proof now?

And Bill Gates’ kid supposedly runs a dozen of these? That’s adorable, except for the fact that his oldest daughter is a medical student and not exactly out here embezzling foreign aid. But sure, let’s pretend the real crime is happening in imaginary family-run nonprofits and not, say, billionaires dodging taxes while lecturing us about government waste.

The best part? The people screaming about USAID fraud never seem to care when actual billions go missing from defense budgets or when corporations vacuum up subsidies like a Roomba on steroids. But yeah, tell me more about how the real enemy is charities helping poor people. Sounds super convincing.

e41c9057 No.3767911

File: 1739418424738-0.jpeg (776.16 KB, 1170x830, IMG_0455.jpeg)

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e41c9057 No.3767912

File: 1739418745227-0.jpeg (330.38 KB, 1170x1353, IMG_0457.jpeg)

606a768e No.3767917

File: 1739453050347.jpg (88.41 KB, 640x640, 1ce812637332113fd7004b07d4….jpg)


Here you go. Search to your heart's content.

c853baee No.3767936

>Here is proof from this conspiracy web page run by racists.

ca48b61c No.3767997

No, they are victims and the only way for them not to be exploited is sending them back.

The farmers can bring them back legally during harvest season if they are so needed ; but there's a catch : they'll have to pay them correctly.

The left is sucking the capitalists dick as usual, been going on for decades now. Still defending the capitalists as they import their reserve army of labour to fuck american workers.

File: 1732218172661.webm (3.08 MB, 720x720, Saveoneself.webm)

08708b7c No.3759172[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

When did you find Christ?
When did you leave?
116 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

1e1ae945 No.3767587

File: 1739033102540.jpg (134.07 KB, 944x720, puppylab.jpg)

I'll post here once I've had my doggie sleep the Scripture that proves just how easy it is to become a Christian and not end up in hell.

All you need to do is to believe in Jesus Christ, and only in Him for your salvation.
You only need to "bear your cross and follow Him" if you want to be a disciple of His, but if you want to be a self-centered dick but still go to Heaven, then that's going to work as well.
I don't want you going to hell. It's not a good place.

(Pic unrelated.)

d4550c97 No.3767595

Is that some kind of Masonic apron?

1e1ae945 No.3767816

File: 1739281247209-0.jpg (23.39 KB, 525x600, salvation.jpg)

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I'm tired, dude. Plus I don't want to "torture" you with things that you'll likely never be able to grasp either. We live in a world, with so much history of evildoing by evil people, and there are ( going to be) a whole lot of victims because of it, who are too injured to ever recover enough and be able to hear Christ's voice.

Included are a few random redpill images I've collected over time, but they don't begin to scratch the surface. You clearly can't grasp the scale of evil you're messing around with.
Here are some posts of me trying to help save Steam's soul, that'll have a bit more info on getting saved:
I won't wish you Godspeed, because you reject Him, but I honestly don't want you to be destroyed and further, despite your past sins and all. I hope you manage to get it together enough to make some right and good choices in life.
Look for the Roman's Road if you're feeling down.

1e1ae945 No.3767817

File: 1739281333183-0.jpg (780.15 KB, 1536x2048, getyourboosters.jpg)

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5ad920c0 No.3767840

They're always so confident they'll be the one to finally master the left hand path.

2f371815 No.3767847

File: 1739325782344.jpg (4.87 MB, 4000x3000, Farvahar.JPG)

>I'm back to being a magus.
Like the three wise men? What does that mean, in your words?

39b1b7ac No.3767889

> When did you find Christ?

In 2018 after a year of reading the Bible (incl. OT). And I started reading it because of Youtube, when I found a really awesome music and thought "there must be a god".

> When did you leave?


My take on christianity:

It's all about pride and glory. God has an economy of Glory.
Original sin is pride : Adam and Eve wanted to be like God.
Cain killed his brother just because his sacrifice was rejected by God and he got angry, again pride.

Joseph's dreams were he had the upper hand on his brother excited their jealousy, again pride, and they sold him as a slave. They had to kneel in front of him later without recognising him as an authority in Egypt.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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b0286337 No.3732727[Reply]


I haven't got any email from you that I know of. If you still know your Discord login, that is the best place to reach me. If not, that's fine. I can whip up a burner email.

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42dc0d0d No.3747365

File: 1721398003135.jpg (206.59 KB, 2048x2048, FmQPKJaaAAEis5M.jpg)

Confused why this thread is still bumping, but there's my address in the email field if you wanna send me secret messages.

1e1ff4d0 No.3763208

File: 1735433380220.jpg (336.8 KB, 1024x1280, 8026caee4ad92b5cec22b9b6cd….jpg)

889fa41f No.3763210

File: 1735435327563.jpeg (54.42 KB, 470x469, Screenshot_28-12-2024_202….jpeg)

58d0728e No.3763229

File: 1735455940853.jpeg (89.71 KB, 975x967, photo_2024-12-28 12.56.51.jpeg)

dude, just unblock me and treat me like a human, not a troll. jesus fuck. let me fit in for once, jerk. give me mod status for once so I can snipe the CP when I see it

I wanna be fren

efead003 No.3763241

Block and ban his ass

73abaf69 No.3763308

File: 1735514149753.jpg (66.47 KB, 720x720, IMG_20210818_225934_506.jpg)

I accepted your request.

b975677f No.3767882

File: 1739376145601.jpg (341.89 KB, 1536x1536, 1738684748319.jpg)

So why did tms flake off?

I know he likes loli porn art so pic related.

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221ee405 No.3767869[Reply]

bdf4b7c2 No.3767879

This is some innovative ragebait

221ee405 No.3767880

File: 1739375645653.jpeg (189.98 KB, 1203x1267, Screenshot_12-2-2025_1055….jpeg)

f099b1e9 No.3767881

That would leave what, like 10 people in the fandom?
How would you know what race they were anyway if they never took their fursuit off and used a voice changer like a lot of them do.

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5a9b0886 No.3767873[Reply]

Thinks lulz is an image board

File: 1712855337943.png (376.97 KB, 623x902, c50caa7dbeb10f8fecc8bf225c….png)

4bc38cd7 No.3737371[Reply]

We need to have a shaved thread, because for some reason I'm in to that now.
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e3f96df5 No.3756622

File: 1729112990564.png (726.13 KB, 1759x1080, TAILS__KISS.png)


Tails, I need you to call me the Hard F!


9ed5c56e No.3757813

File: 1730088469993-0.png (692.43 KB, 1863x2887, Leggy Lamb before.png)

File: 1730088469993-1.png (771.75 KB, 1863x2887, Leggy Lamb after.png)

d57a1e93 No.3757930

File: 1730209006051.png (23.42 KB, 891x1200, PATACHU completely shaved.….png)

e2a30498 No.3761145

File: 1733873607226.jpg (100.46 KB, 588x768, c1842ff7914324047977787267….jpg)

0761c5da No.3763419

File: 1735617563353.jpg (80.15 KB, 1280x691, Mirage shaving.jpg)

fd1dd2f4 No.3766947

File: 1738488419391.jpg (231.86 KB, 850x1100, fc1c45b2534ef7cdc8399054cb….jpg)

051f6a6e No.3767842

File: 1739321113108.png (41.64 KB, 427x320, CloseShave.png)

How long till Steam deletes this?

File: 1727404834809-0.jpeg (234.71 KB, 1204x1465, Screenshot_26-9-2024_2232….jpeg)

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File: 1727404834809-2.jpeg (231.46 KB, 1448x1247, Screenshot_26-9-2024_2235….jpeg)

88fd594c No.3754694[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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17f5251a No.3758665

To whomever is reposting Kiwi Farms content
Thank you for saving me from going there

34f2930a No.3758669

Does she even have a job? How did she cough up $1000? Something doesn't add up here

c293a37f No.3758673

She gets a ton of money from curries buying her shitty art and stickers.
She's going to need every penny for court costs when the father of her children initiates a custody battle.

799506ca No.3758675

Good on her for actually making money off of furries. Too bad she's a mentally ill trainwreck of a person.

c293a37f No.3758718

File: 1731586135105-0.jpeg (99.65 KB, 1545x964, Screenshot_14-11-2024_787….jpeg)

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c293a37f No.3758719

File: 1731586257738-0.jpeg (273.26 KB, 2154x1150, Screenshot_14-11-2024_773….jpeg)


5141e6d6 No.3767823

snot bubbles

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3ce312d3 No.3723371[Reply]

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89faea33 No.3758564

File: 1731373769319.jpeg (61.93 KB, 961x660, Screenshot_11-11-2024_208….jpeg)

He's waiting for you Steam.

6b62346a No.3758565

File: 1731373805221.png (2.07 MB, 750x1130, Dryad.png)

I believe in you. I know you're strong enough to overcome anything. And I know you're worthy of love and happiness.

6b62346a No.3758566

File: 1731373948806.png (4.95 MB, 1318x1920, dryad2.png)

Even if you don't have anyone else to hold you close tonight, know that I'll always be here for you ❤️

359c4fb9 No.3758582

it says jenova on the headplate. just fyi.

359c4fb9 No.3758583

File: 1731407149361.jpg (50.46 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

89faea33 No.3758588

File: 1731415633294.jpg (308.87 KB, 1508x1054, nmbc-boogeyman.jpg)

5d5ebbd4 No.3767809

File: 1739270703678-0.png (20.86 KB, 500x412, Mojo_Jojo.png)

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ae93e6bc No.3767804[Reply]

shitting myself rn

901205c3 No.3767821

3B is mad because his playground was removed.

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