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You messed with me~

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File: 1721168067706.gif (1.43 MB, 308x236, ddh82qh-caee2325-edf4-4733….gif)

1fbb4207 No.3746916[Reply]

ITT: Cartoons / games with canon interspecies couples.

59df0e66 No.3746922

File: 1721176297057.png (354.79 KB, 618x464, if loving you is wrong i d….png)

20b3aa88 No.3754333

File: 1726931834189.jpg (207.28 KB, 1920x1080, 5EE22C466311C17E3AD901BFA7….jpg)

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger sort of has one…. haven't actually played it, so i'm not sure how "canon" it is, but Ty & Shazza Dingo being a couple seems to be acknowledged even by non-furry fans.

It's also grimly ironic because the Dingo was the main reason the Tasmanian Tiger became extinct, so he's really contributing to his own extinction…. maybe that was intentional?

And what the hell is it about that place, Tasmania anyways, to have two entries on this list…

46b4f3fd No.3754341

File: 1726937606445-0.jpg (302.06 KB, 720x540, Vlcsnap-2022-10-03-21h36m2….jpg)

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There was an episode of Angry Beavers in which Treeflower the beaver and Truckee the shrew are "dating". But it turns out in the end that Truckee just wanted someone to help wax his truck and had no idea she thought they were dating.

Of course, there's the Oryx-Antlersons, Judy's gay neighbors in Zootopia. Bucky is a kudu, and Pronk is an oryx.

Some interspecies sex in Fritz the Cat, but idk about "couples".

7f8b684c No.3755687

File: 1728449354912.gif (86.01 KB, 640x328, oh-wow-thats-dark-june-dia….gif)

Wow that's dark!

2149726d No.3763491

File: 1735680634639.jpg (9.9 KB, 259x194, Untitled.jpg)

Forgot Breath of Fire I… surprised this one isn't more well known among furries. I can't think of any other game that did what they did here. Also the entire game is pretty much made for furries and TF fetishists otherwise, too bad they toned that down in the sequels.


File: 1688998114942.jpg (652.47 KB, 2731x4096, f21caf3234dcb20f9dab0306c9….jpg)

c505827c No.3708074[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post all types of scales here.

Bonus points for slits and cloacas.
101 posts and 169 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

230bfbb0 No.3751993

File: 1725063958302-0.png (3.44 MB, 2575x1431, 1723727539.inno-sjoa_commi….png)

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8068d955 No.3757812

File: 1730088132032.jpg (250.36 KB, 1662x2217, 686f5237f6e1bcbf2ae7f185b0….jpg)

fc0b2df8 No.3758297

File: 1731011081053.jpg (80.96 KB, 569x720, b63643f72a98c594648969c26d….jpg)

eab52f15 No.3758514

File: 1731308541729.png (527.21 KB, 969x951, 1f430dc515aa67292db7d35d26….png)

a4121ebe No.3759044

File: 1732066375247.png (5.93 MB, 2732x2048, 1666646352.barlu_2b860211-….png)

Big strong handsome scaly men in lingerie

84536072 No.3763306

File: 1735513008302.jpg (158.58 KB, 1024x768, 1434040524.chochi_jurassic….jpg)

f2af1b21 No.3763448

File: 1735651321157-0.png (2.68 MB, 1536x1024, 327f0a944268e10149b9f13203….png)

File: 1735651321157-1.png (2.68 MB, 1536x1024, 22799b9649bd5b1aed3734277f….png)

Did she lose her keys or something?

Did you want to help her look?

File: 1712855337943.png (376.97 KB, 623x902, c50caa7dbeb10f8fecc8bf225c….png)

4bc38cd7 No.3737371[Reply]

We need to have a shaved thread, because for some reason I'm in to that now.
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7e4547f1 No.3756599

File: 1729102272647.jpg (525.09 KB, 1024x1175, omshavedong.jpg)

some old edit

7e4547f1 No.3756600

File: 1729102299874.jpg (91.82 KB, 500x710, shavedog.jpg)

e3f96df5 No.3756622

File: 1729112990564.png (726.13 KB, 1759x1080, TAILS__KISS.png)


Tails, I need you to call me the Hard F!


9ed5c56e No.3757813

File: 1730088469993-0.png (692.43 KB, 1863x2887, Leggy Lamb before.png)

File: 1730088469993-1.png (771.75 KB, 1863x2887, Leggy Lamb after.png)

d57a1e93 No.3757930

File: 1730209006051.png (23.42 KB, 891x1200, PATACHU completely shaved.….png)

e2a30498 No.3761145

File: 1733873607226.jpg (100.46 KB, 588x768, c1842ff7914324047977787267….jpg)

0761c5da No.3763419

File: 1735617563353.jpg (80.15 KB, 1280x691, Mirage shaving.jpg)

File: 1735535964478.jpeg (42.57 KB, 640x650, would-love-my-future-wife….jpeg)

836ca069 No.3763335[Reply]

It started with a pile of us zoos finding each other because of your blocklist. It has now progressed to a non zoo exclusive community. The harder you try the stronger it makes us

File: 1735534016258.png (463.35 KB, 679x708, 1734164624535-0.png)

ea13f9d3 No.3763332[Reply]

Stitch me up, doc…

File: 1708341814698.png (701.99 KB, 3000x3000, So_Much_Nakey.png)

b0286337 No.3732727[Reply]


I haven't got any email from you that I know of. If you still know your Discord login, that is the best place to reach me. If not, that's fine. I can whip up a burner email.

11 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

5a218e91 No.3747041

File: 1721240428539.jpg (125 KB, 1200x1077, Polaroid.jpg)

42dc0d0d No.3747365

File: 1721398003135.jpg (206.59 KB, 2048x2048, FmQPKJaaAAEis5M.jpg)

Confused why this thread is still bumping, but there's my address in the email field if you wanna send me secret messages.

1e1ff4d0 No.3763208

File: 1735433380220.jpg (336.8 KB, 1024x1280, 8026caee4ad92b5cec22b9b6cd….jpg)

889fa41f No.3763210

File: 1735435327563.jpeg (54.42 KB, 470x469, Screenshot_28-12-2024_202….jpeg)

58d0728e No.3763229

File: 1735455940853.jpeg (89.71 KB, 975x967, photo_2024-12-28 12.56.51.jpeg)

dude, just unblock me and treat me like a human, not a troll. jesus fuck. let me fit in for once, jerk. give me mod status for once so I can snipe the CP when I see it

I wanna be fren

efead003 No.3763241

Block and ban his ass

73abaf69 No.3763308

File: 1735514149753.jpg (66.47 KB, 720x720, IMG_20210818_225934_506.jpg)

I accepted your request.

File: 1689545702957.jpg (324.15 KB, 1200x1000, unimpressive-a-micro-among….jpg)

7fc1d86f No.3708972[Reply]

Bats are too good to not have a thread for them.
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158550dd No.3749049

File: 1722768236703.jpg (1.12 MB, 3500x3500, 59add5dd7612561a83df95094b….jpg)

Might be from a lack of communication, but this amusing result is what usually happens when you ask a Bat Lady if she will "Spread" for you.

3583ef01 No.3755040

File: 1727846805772.png (4.44 MB, 1412x2000, cb0f58522181fe5b1d91a8145d….png)

It's spooky season…

15fff5cb No.3755205

File: 1727992396990-0.jpg (187.63 KB, 1080x1400, Nawka-Kayla-1.jpg)

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My favorite time of the year

9cc85fde No.3761872

File: 1734490863062.webm (1.63 MB, 720x1280, Natural Habitat Shorts- V….webm)

9cc85fde No.3761874

File: 1734491469176-0.jpg (686.55 KB, 3084x3048, GeRVF1MXwAAQzkz.jpg)

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22875130 No.3763242

File: 1735477891779.gif (1.82 MB, 450x450, ezgif-6-c2f7364a9b.gif)

9daa70f5 No.3763248

File: 1735485725309.png (1.73 MB, 897x1269, Foxglove_u18chan.png)

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11561254 No.3763235[Reply]

File: 1735469583788.png (472.49 KB, 757x474, Screen Shot 2024-12-29 at ….png)

d11f6e20 No.3763230[Reply]

File: 1735438087351.jpeg (32.26 KB, 873x760, 1733859233495.jpeg)

05100b1d No.3763213[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3761147

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
1006 posts and 518 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

e96e6b32 No.3765209

The MAGAts and Trump phanbois don't give a flying fuck about Trump and his people lying to them constnatly.
It's a cult.
Remember Jim Jones, the leader of the "People's Temple" cult that commited mass suicide?
He's still worshipped by surviving cult members.

Years after the Orange Fatso dies, he'll still be worshipped by the gullible assholes like those posting in this thread.

e650a4ca No.3765212

File: 1737229557463-0.png (328.79 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250118-144207.png)

File: 1737229557463-1.png (358.25 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250118-144254.png)

Already Bought Some.

OWNED you Libs.

OWNED you GOOD this time


141dc739 No.3765214

You owned no one, inbred pedo fucktard. Trump will never love or need you.


9e5d4d9c No.3765216

i really dont give a shit dumbass

e96e6b32 No.3765218


PT Barnum must have had a future vision of Trump.

"There's a sucker born every minute."

bebe1b9c No.3765223

File: 1737238356976.jpeg (548.63 KB, 1500x2209, IMG_0214.jpeg)

>no evidence
An entire movie/documentary was made about the evidence

6cfd14ff No.3765229

File: 1737242422817.png (2.44 MB, 1523x856, Youre-a-loser-baby.png)

A movie that was so full of lies that the creator of it admitted in court he had no evidence of it being true. He said he was only acting on what he was told was true by the Texas conservative group "True The Vote"

True The Vote, when the state of Georgia sued them in order to force them to provide any evidence what so ever that the accusations of voter fraud were accurate said they had none, they were just going off of what they saw in the movie 2000 mules.

So, as always, two idiots got together and told each other lies until they developed a massive conspiracy theory then, still vividly aware that the thing they started the conversation with was a lie, went ahead and acted as if it's true any way and ended up paying huge sums of money because they are morons.

They also had to publicly apologize to a Georgia man they accused of being part of the conspiracy in the movie.




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