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You messed with me~

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File: 1742168681164.jpg (85.59 KB, 979x701, photo_2025-03-16_18-41-25.jpg)

1c052381 No.3769794[Reply]

no rule 34
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a9d25f76 No.3769806

File: 1742191697794-0.jpg (112.83 KB, 746x1200, penny -inspector gadget- d….jpg)

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a9d25f76 No.3769807

File: 1742191760340-0.jpg (87.96 KB, 1200x746, penny -inspector gadget- d….jpg)

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a9d25f76 No.3769808

File: 1742191802137-0.jpg (202.3 KB, 832x1216, 52fd4e727248161a9fa19edf6c….jpg)

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be2520e2 No.3769826

File: 1742236072503.jpg (76.51 KB, 640x480, what-was-your-fav-cree-sum….jpg)

Never forget who voiced her.

526cbcc1 No.3769828

File: 1742239051631.jpg (113.8 KB, 1000x1487, June Foray.jpg)

I always liked the way June Foray voiced Rocky the Flying Squirrel.

34a67835 No.3769850

On the other hand, Corinne Orr sucked as the English voice of Marine Boy.

f2eb7b5d No.3770154

1 of my fav male voice actors is Charlie Adler.


The only male voice actor who sounds funny is Richard Steven Horvitz.


File: 1742143485637.jpg (74.42 KB, 972x652, Green Reaper.jpg)

f0279d00 No.3769786[Reply]

How rampant is Autism within the Furry Fandom? Please discuss.

3a0567dd No.3769787

File: 1742148716061.jpg (82.34 KB, 983x1024, 43201678_1780516418732645_….jpg)

I think a better question is "why are so many furries profoundly mentally ill"

t. mentally ill furry

0a20db90 No.3769797

You'd get a more sustainable statistical pool asking the question, "What is the rate of mental disfunction in Furry Fandom. You'd get a 99.99% rate and the only reason there is a 0.01% variance is that in statistical analysis, there is never a 100% chance of anything.

380fe534 No.3769817

autism is some made up term for people to get cut a disability check over having to deal with people and hving anxiety over it.

i've literally never met a 'real autistic', as this shit was made up in the last 20 years, but GR (op pic) would take the cake. just look at this crazy fuck. Not a wrinke or split hair as wikifur just went insane.

I remember when this tard wouldn't simply delete my article, still won't. saying the histpry about me, though made up by bullies from 20 years ago, is his fabfric of furrydom that he likely uses as his cumsock.

I even finally figured out how to use IRC one night just got him to call me a Nazi and ban me. Dunno why this guy seethes so much, I've had dinner with him every fucking con, but i'm breaking his fucking eye socket next time and cutting that hair so he can finally look like the filth he is.

File: 1688613435940.jpg (111.75 KB, 967x1230, Fx0Kb4dX0AEPoC7.jpg)

86959f6c No.3707391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A place for your favorite non-porn art, furry is optional
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14b82098 No.3769652

File: 1741928674025-0.jpg (128.06 KB, 1172x1800, qop5KKS.jpg)

File: 1741928674025-1.jpg (358.03 KB, 1600x2000, 00103-3797730314.jpg)

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14b82098 No.3769653

File: 1741928912046-0.jpg (166.73 KB, 1802x2044, 1735927419.afallenwolf_tav.jpg)

File: 1741928912046-1.jpg (73.84 KB, 1100x1100, 1736009293.ritts_tilswarmu….jpg)

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14b82098 No.3769655

File: 1741929259251-0.jpg (329.47 KB, 2116x1741, 1732550624.quangdoann_eris….jpg)

File: 1741929259251-1.jpg (114.57 KB, 1024x1344, view.jpg)

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14b82098 No.3769656

File: 1741929581854-0.jpg (101.36 KB, 900x1286, 1735166398.yasmil_freebie_….jpg)

File: 1741929581854-1.jpg (232.81 KB, 1663x2160, 1736138027.kehushka_chese.jpg)

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File: 1741929581854-4.jpg (194.52 KB, 1344x1824, generated_1-159.jpg)

7a15a4be No.3769764

File: 1742092643859.jpg (314.6 KB, 1413x2000, yV1aXrJ.jpg)

d609ab89 No.3769777

File: 1742119034303.jpeg (151.15 KB, 1001x1328, Screenshot_16-3-2025_5564….jpeg)

7a15a4be No.3769782

File: 1742137899062.jpg (351.43 KB, 1664x2432, 2025-03-12_2025-03-12-1334….jpg)

Waste of a get.

File: 1741955111561.jpeg (55.72 KB, 600x800, photo_2025-03-14 07.23.59.jpeg)

442f688a No.3769672[Reply]

Yiff Heil!
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34efe167 No.3769732

File: 1742065771453.png (376 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250315-150646.png)

1bfd51fd No.3769733

Trump Derangement Syndrome = unquestioning worship of Trump as your cult leader

Trump Derangement Syndrome != criticizing Trump's incessant bullshit

1180d29d No.3769738

File: 1742071961549.jpeg (56.51 KB, 650x680, EYj4cOBUEAEjYp2.jpeg)

Backseat moderation ITT.
If you don't like it, collapse the thread and move on. Simple as.

9eefa330 No.3769752

File: 1742079797321.jpg (4.26 MB, 2000x4800, darkdoomer_aryanne012.jpg)

Nuke the moderators!

d4954b3a No.3769760


Ziggy Heil, baby.

d4954b3a No.3769780


See?! You have it! Poor mentally unstable lib-turd.

e4660e2b No.3770055

File: 1742531198569.png (332.68 KB, 2000x2000, 6491080.png)

File: 1742062180152-0.jpg (103.21 KB, 600x332, Wicked_Island_WereWolf.jpg)

e5d78364 No.3769727[Reply]

Steam has had a recent run of new survival games that look like really fun games and then you start playing them and it's just porn!

The Parasites, and now Wicked Island and many others are in the pipeline for release. I blame furries for this!

No one ever thought they should make a game where you have a character creation with 6 boob related sliders so people can get the jiggle physics just the way they want it or promote a game with "features" like getting raped by monsters if you lose a fight, getting pregnant, and giving birth before Furries became main stream!

This is your fault!
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53f35fc7 No.3769742

File: 1742073159147.jpg (116.98 KB, 960x1280, 1594588343.xenoforge_viden….jpg)

Did they not warn you of the game being porn?
Read the comments on the game's Steam page and tell me you didn't get exactly what you paid for.

0df03468 No.3769744

I dont get it. did the female hyena cut their penis off too?

aren't trannies just legalized druggy emo kids with scissors instead of razors?

53f35fc7 No.3769747

File: 1742073918974.jpg (104.9 KB, 1280x516, 1603139936.liuthekitty775_….jpg)

My dad is an FBI agent. He's going to shut this place down if all this hate speech continues.

67212a14 No.3769750

pozzed thread

a03fe1b8 No.3769759

File: 1742084511082.jpg (237.61 KB, 1200x848, foxwisdom.jpg)

That reminds me… HEY STEAM!!!!!! I'll be around in 12 to 13 hours from now! Don't be a stranger, mmkay? :3

(Pic unrelated.)

a03fe1b8 No.3769781

File: 1742133602841.jpg (247.89 KB, 2577x1828, crayonfetiches.jpg)

Hmm, okay. 22 hours from now? Hope you've got that AI fetiche of yours under control.

The Ausjailian gov had a big "health" program over here once, where they suggested that instead of giving up your fetiches, you simply swapped them for better and healthier ones. Not the worst advice they've given to people by any means.
How about swapping that AI fetiche for a furry porno fetiche, then? :3 You could do worse!

Anyhoo, doggie bed. :3

a03fe1b8 No.3769809

File: 1742212619103.jpg (202.5 KB, 1280x1024, whatinthehay.jpg)

Was that photo of the fat Steam guy fucking a raccoon plushie real? Reminds me of that photo of that Mythbastards guy showing his gaping anus and jewdick - that was probably real.

(2 hours to doggie bed tiem.)

File: 1742073896132.png (373.21 KB, 339x942, Screen Shot 2025-03-15 at ….png)

7335d842 No.3769746[Reply]

No trannies allowed


583ec06e No.3769748

File: 1742074069472.jpg (13.41 KB, 220x184, StalkingCat.jpg)

905aba23 No.3769749

Don't these people have the same suicide rate as trannies?
There is no going back. No professional jobs. People always staring. Then they take a look at their lives and realize they're ruined.

29545523 No.3769755

Reminds me of an interview with an ex-con gangbanger. He had many gang tattoos including a large "TRY ME" tattooed on his forehead. The stupid cholo complained he couldn't get any work after prison.

1fa85fbe No.3769771

File: 1742100135213.jpeg (202.46 KB, 1274x752, Screenshot_16-3-2025_0427….jpeg)

File: 1688655657019.jpg (747.72 KB, 3600x2025, rainbow-trout.jpg)

8ee738ce No.3707478[Reply]

The title says it all, what the heck happened to all the forum postings? Was there a glitch with the database? A mod shitting themselves and deleting all the posts? Hacked? What happened?
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f7655466 No.3755099

File: 1727916602409.jpg (363.78 KB, 1024x1024, bafkreibmulttnoqaq7ngl2rsq….jpg)

4a5e4a59 No.3755130

4a5e4a59 No.3755167

File: 1727943212727.jpg (344.83 KB, 1023x1014, 1727916602409.jpg)

1f180540 No.3755187

But she fukkin loved it.

5e09879c No.3756992

File: 1729395452343-0.jpg (695.27 KB, 2192x2500, what's for dinner 1.jpg)

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deba424d No.3765116

File: 1737135272340.jpg (368.1 KB, 1833x1517, 2814decf0b80f4f3f4651dbb01….jpg)

8e350091 No.3769753

File: 1742080166452.jpg (552.41 KB, 2500x2725, 5475839_SeaDewGin_gancho_g….jpg)

File: 1576718829620-0.png (17.98 KB, 703x600, 1516848192768.png)

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File: 1576718829620-4.png (16.23 KB, 703x600, Katia headless.png)

fa276fe0 No.2038[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

found some old meme files of her.
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cb68441a No.3766946

File: 1738488317397.jpg (228.98 KB, 1280x1063, feff43ba937087dc52b2403d13….jpg)

66c6fada No.3767791

only one could dream.

cd1666bd No.3767858

File: 1739345976153.jpg (878.24 KB, 3000x3000, 89b97af20896a12ab55e5272f8….jpg)

905f7ce8 No.3768384

File: 1739939098561.png (1.48 MB, 1000x7500, cn5uoyqjn8sc1.png)

905f7ce8 No.3768854

File: 1740743367720-0.jpg (592.35 KB, 3000x3756, Colarix-Milfnir01_u18chan.jpg)

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File: 1740743367720-4.jpg (718.13 KB, 2700x3756, Colarix-Milfnir05_u18chan.jpg)


0c0487a9 No.3768875


I like Milfnir, but the artist is such a fucking cock-tease. FFS, show her off, she's gorgeous and hiding her charms is a frustrating pain in the ass.

905f7ce8 No.3769739

File: 1742072298703-0.jpg (725.56 KB, 3000x2654, 1738648263010_u18chan_001.jpg)

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File: 1701611257421.png (2.49 MB, 2025x2700, Snow_lep.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723825[Reply]

Infinitedge Thread
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39665da3 No.3769709

File: 1742017761054.png (1.41 MB, 2160x2592, Snepard Pref.png)

39665da3 No.3769710

File: 1742017817413.png (2.01 MB, 2592x2160, DoggyStuff.png)

39665da3 No.3769711

File: 1742017900253.png (1.63 MB, 2160x2592, onomatopoeia.png)

39665da3 No.3769712

File: 1742017932900.png (1.7 MB, 2160x2592, two wolves.png)

39665da3 No.3769713

File: 1742018040482-0.png (906.08 KB, 2160x2592, Bare.png)

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File: 1742018040482-3.png (999.68 KB, 2160x2592, Bare4.png)

f6793b75 No.3769714

This is really hot. Lucky guy.

6c174653 No.3769715

Yes indeed

File: 1689729924273-0.jpg (672.75 KB, 1642x2376, 12_1189_u18chan.jpg)

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d47aac5a No.3709261[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Big girls on small guys!
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f3aaebb3 No.3769641

File: 1741924671674-0.jpg (180.5 KB, 1856x1280, 8HPJ11YBR5F3Z6GKM9YQXDFXW0.jpg)

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f3aaebb3 No.3769642

File: 1741924695694-0.jpg (154.1 KB, 1584x1152, 00047-771451600.jpg)

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f3aaebb3 No.3769643

File: 1741924727644-0.jpg (219.2 KB, 1280x1856, NB28G1EX3BQV1CBGEQWH8JZH20.jpg)

File: 1741924727644-1.jpg (99.74 KB, 920x660, Ychan - r - large females ….jpg)

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f3aaebb3 No.3769678

File: 1741974132882-0.jpg (175.33 KB, 1280x1856, B9Q1FVAWRAM9GPVEC128G0BN90….jpg)

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2dfd9d0e No.3769698

Reindeer do

ea99e9d0 No.3769701

File: 1742006656983.webm (2.1 MB, 320x426, Fox Circus.webm)

48550ea0 No.3769702

Oh Christ, why is Aufy's bimbo faggotry being posted itt? This site is so cursed.

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