0a20db90 No.3769797
You'd get a more sustainable statistical pool asking the question, "What is the rate of mental disfunction in Furry Fandom. You'd get a 99.99% rate and the only reason there is a 0.01% variance is that in statistical analysis, there is never a 100% chance of anything.
380fe534 No.3769817
autism is some made up term for people to get cut a disability check over having to deal with people and hving anxiety over it.
i've literally never met a 'real autistic', as this shit was made up in the last 20 years, but GR (op pic) would take the cake. just look at this crazy fuck. Not a wrinke or split hair as wikifur just went insane.
I remember when this tard wouldn't simply delete my article, still won't. saying the histpry about me, though made up by bullies from 20 years ago, is his fabfric of furrydom that he likely uses as his cumsock.
I even finally figured out how to use IRC one night just got him to call me a Nazi and ban me. Dunno why this guy seethes so much, I've had dinner with him every fucking con, but i'm breaking his fucking eye socket next time and cutting that hair so he can finally look like the filth he is.