It's time to step up.
This board has went from years of little activity to chaos. While the reasons are beyond my control, and much of it is out of our view, it's clear that we're suffering from a lack of leadership. We need a leader wiith the right methods, and the right values.
There is great potential, but it needs the right man to steer this board back into glory. I am that man.
I've been active in the furry culture for over 25 years. I know its history, the ins and outs of every subculture and faction. Starting at the tail end of Usenet's popularity, i've seen each platform and trend come and go. And i've been a part of running it from the start.
I've had a part in running forums like Furry Sanctuary, Lemmy's Land, Starfox Online,,, Sonic Stadium, Sonic Passion (yes, that one - it wasn't that bad, don't believe everything you hear) and most of them stayed without major conflicts or incidents, from the day i was promoted, until the owners just decided not to run them anymore.
As well as a dozen Yahoo Groups and two of the most popular channels on Furnet IRC. Including a cubfur one that was consantly assaulted by masses of spammers, that we somehow managed to defeat with no collateral damages, while most other channels were helpless.
Not to mention, way too many Facebook groups, including a Avatar: The Last Airbender group with 100,000 members that somehow avoided any major conflicts though i ran it almost all by myself, until it was deleted because of some anti-spam algorithm. Yes, i'm still pissed.
I'm a man of action. A man of wisdom. Of integrity and consistency.
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