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f9c6debb No.3717706[View All]

Regardless of culture, race, sex, gender or creed; humanity survives on it.

The Story of (almost) All Numbers
185 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

aa87e9dc No.3736673

He just copying "n⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣i⁣g⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ge⁣⁣r⁣⁣"⁣⁣⁣ from the previous post.

78c29b2b No.3736774

File: 1712285433686.png (748.49 KB, 964x1070, slylock fox.png)

Your comic was missing the last two panels. I re-added them for you.

5d53053b No.3736776

File: 1712287526104.png (11.21 KB, 600x800, Slylock pron.png)

It's always the loud one… Right Steam? :3

5d53053b No.3736784

File: 1712302232850.png (249.23 KB, 1200x1600, slylock pron full.png)

Have sum moar!

f6f57eb8 No.3737114

File: 1712589184117.jpg (6.3 MB, 3840x2160, f23cfa2b60c986233f442951ed….jpg)

Monday puzzle time! >>3736535 and >>3736576 got last week's puzzles. No fooling you! Now for the new puzzle.


Puzzle #37: Transparent Poker

You and I will play a variant of poker. We will spread out the entire deck of 52 cards face up. You will pick any five cards you want, and then I will pick any five cards I want from the remaining deck. Then you have a chance to discard any number of cards you want from your hand (including discarding no cards), place them permanently out of the game, and replace them with any cards of your choice from the remaining deck. I then get to do the same. Whoever has the best five-card poker hand after the replacements wins. What cards should you pick on your first turn to guarantee that you win the game? If we end with the same hand, then I win.

The puzzle has more than one solution, but one stands out as the most natural. As a bonus, what is the worst five-card poker hand that you can start with to still guarantee a win? Find the ranking of poker hands here* if you need a refresher.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_poker_hands

d71b90b5 No.3737342

File: 1712814982170.png (1.07 MB, 1920x1080, hellhounds_playing_poker.png)

Reckon the best hand to pick on the first turn is four 10s and a king. But the king can be any other card really. This should guarantee a win with at worst a 10-high straight flush. And I suppose the worst poker hand to guarantee a win is a jack and a 6 of the same suit and the three 10s of the other suits.


b3bb47de No.3737669

File: 1713203569206.jpg (4.83 MB, 3840x2160, 4eb725af7935d12b4dac09f0a2….jpg)

Happy Tax Evasion Day! Just kidding. We all need to contribute our fair share to keep society running. Anyway, >>3737342 got last week's puzzles. Now on to this week's new puzzle.


Puzzle #38: Tax Evasion

You and a Tax Collector sit across a table with 12 paychecks on it. The paychecks are worth every whole dollar amount between 1 and 12 ($1, $2, $3, …, $12). You select paychecks for yourself one at a time, but every time you take a paycheck, the Tax Collector immediately takes all remaining checks whose values are factors of the number you chose. For example, if you choose the $8 check, then the Tax Collector will take the $1, $2, and $4 checks because 1, 2, and 4 are factors of 8. If the $2 check had already been claimed on a prior turn, then the Tax Collector would only take the $1 and $4 checks.

The Tax Collector must be able to take some paycheck on every turn. If you run out of legal moves (for example, if only paychecks $8 and $9 remain, then you can’t take either of them because their factors aren’t available to your opponent) then the Tax Collector takes all remaining paychecks. What is the largest amount of money you can claim for yourself in this game?

75ca45e8 No.3737695

File: 1713235503454.jpg (24.25 KB, 474x280, th-1646375370.jpg)

Me Tax
11 1
9 3
8 2,4
10 5
12 6

5d53053b No.3737799


That is 86,400 cents a day,
That is $864 dollars a day,
That is $6,048 dollars a week,
That is $25,920 dollars a month,
That is $311,040 dollars a year.

62dc62e5 No.3737860

File: 1713367635871.png (1.26 KB, 120x126, solution.png)

Site mucked up my formatting. Image made.

d71b90b5 No.3737990

File: 1713531504638.webm (2.28 MB, 926x1080, a417c7c8d3df879914616490d….webm)

This. $50 is the most you can get from this game.

4aae236d No.3737995

File: 1713536439523.png (1.31 KB, 120x126, real.png)

Eat the rich!

Only government should have wealth. Everyone else needs to be poor. True equality.

4a685aa0 No.3737996

File: 1713537684597.webm (2.46 MB, 1500x1200, OoP_Kassen_meme.webm)

Wasn't expecting Nick to join in, that's wild. 😹

I didn't think much of this meme at first, but it's slowly grown on me ever since this one (and a few others) got me into Out of Placers.

dde23a54 No.3738299

File: 1713801150648.jpg (4.17 MB, 3840x2160, 3a7504de1e774564a6ae0662c3….jpg)

Math Puzzle Monday! Congrats to >>3737860 for adroitly dealing with the taxman. Now for this week's new challenge.


Puzzle #39: A Self-Referential Number

Only one 10-digit number has the following property. Its left-most digit is the number of 0s in the number, the next digit is the number of 1s in the number, the next is the number of 2s, and so on until the right-most digit, which is the number of 9s in the number. Find the number. Numbers can’t begin with a zero.

An example of a four-digit number with this property is 2020. The first digit indicates that the number contains two 0s, the next indicates zero 1s, the next indicates two 2s, and the final indicates zero 3s.

Bonus: you can seed the look-and-say sequence with any whole number. For example, if you started with 39, then the next entry would be 1319 (one three, one nine). Conway proved that all seeds yield a sequence whose entries grow to infinity, with only one exception. Find the exception.

2eaf8c79 No.3738303

File: 1713802282097.jpg (579 KB, 1007x1515, drawn by minilove - 57e6e1….jpg)

> Site mucked up my formatting. Image made.
Lulz badly needs <code> </code> formatting.

d71b90b5 No.3738309

File: 1713813793076.png (1.28 MB, 848x1200, malO_self-reference.png)


Bonus: 22

df1f0316 No.3738895

File: 1714401031288.jpg (2.97 MB, 3840x2160, 2fcff86ad57a5ac5e9ae733d47….jpg)

Monday puzzler! Last week's challenges were solved by >>3738309. Now on to this week's new challenges.


Puzzle #40: 1% Questions

Bonus challenge: Players on the show only get 30 seconds to solve each puzzle, so pull out a stopwatch if you want to simulate the real experience. I expect most people will need more time than that.

Question 1: In the following sequence, what do the letters V and C stand for?


Question 2: On a digital 24-hour clock (military time) that displays hours, minutes, and seconds, how many times in each 24-hour period do all six digits change simultaneously?

Question 3:

Jamaica + Japan = 124

Argentina + Armenia = 1245

France + Brazil = 23

England + Germany = ?

d71b90b5 No.3739033

File: 1714518340117.png (518.86 KB, 1000x1000, 71bfd27aac9a8ac011931c9caa….png)

Q1: vowel and consonant labels going through the alphabet

Q2: 3

Q3: 56

5b0a0105 No.3739436

File: 1715004100037.jpg (1 MB, 1315x740, 5ea27a2039915303230294d845….jpg)

Monday puzzler! >>3739033 got the three challenges from last week. Now on to this week's new challenge.

Puzzle #41: Time Warp

If you swap the hour hand and the minute hand on an analog clock, how many possible valid times can it still display? For example, typical clocks sometimes have both hands pointing at the 12 (corresponding to noon) and sometimes have the long hand pointing at the 12 while the short hand points directly at the 6 (corresponding to 6:00), but only the former example will occur on our modified clock—what time would be displayed if you swapped the hands at 6:00? It almost looks like 12:30, but the hour hand should be halfway to the 1.

Clarifications: The valid times don’t have to be the correct time. Ignore AM and PM, just count the number of valid times once around the clock. The hands move continuously (not discretely) around the clock face. The clock has no second hand.

5b0a0105 No.3739437

5d53053b No.3739638

File: 1715281644127.png (228.76 KB, 800x600, abacus beds.png)

What if you tape a whole strip of numbers on an abacus bead and rotate them into a biger or smaller number?

If you were to tape a whole strip of numbers onto an abacus bead and rotate them to create a bigger or smaller number, it would essentially defeat the purpose of using an abacus. The purpose of an abacus is to visually represent and manipulate numbers through the movement of beads on the rods, allowing for quick and accurate calculations.

By taping a strip of numbers onto a bead and manipulating them to create different numbers, you would be relying on the static representation of the numbers rather than the dynamic process of physically moving the beads to perform calculations. This would likely be more cumbersome and less efficient than using the traditional method of manipulating the beads on the abacus.

In conclusion, taping a strip of numbers onto an abacus bead and rotating them may not be a practical or effective way to use an abacus for calculations. It is best to stick to the traditional method of using the beads on the rods for accurate and efficient calculations.

5d53053b No.3739639

File: 1715281952878-0.png (101.36 KB, 800x819, 800px-Regular_polygon_10_a….png)

File: 1715281952878-1.png (396.86 KB, 645x361, z0sqliyomt8usrhmsi4j.png)

In order for the strips to fit on the beads on the abacus it should look like this.
think of it of a spin the wheel game.

d71b90b5 No.3739799

File: 1715496404749.png (624.89 KB, 1082x1380, 1577589919.mirlinthloth_ro….png)


The soroban abacus, such as in pic related (top of her staff), uses bi-quinary coded decimal. Per column, the lone bead holds a value five times that of those grouped together.

5d53053b No.3739800

File: 1715497019245.png (250.9 KB, 762x426, digitalabacus abacus.png)

5d53053b No.3739801

File: 1715497318631.png (699.19 KB, 952x505, Abacus2.png)

What are the applications if an abacus were a quantum computing level?

If an abacus were at a quantum computing level, its applications would be significantly different from a traditional abacus. Quantum computing utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations much faster and more efficiently than classical computing. Some potential applications of a quantum abacus could include:

1. Quantum cryptography: Using the quantum properties of superposition and entanglement, a quantum abacus could be used to securely encrypt and decrypt sensitive information.

2. Quantum simulations: Quantum computers are particularly well-suited for simulating complex quantum systems, such as chemical reactions or materials at the atomic level. A quantum abacus could be used for high-fidelity simulations in various scientific fields.

3. Optimization problems: Quantum computing excels at solving optimization problems, where the goal is to find the best solution out of a large number of possibilities. A quantum abacus could be used to optimize processes in areas such as logistics, finance, and supply chain management.

4. Machine learning: Quantum computing has the potential to significantly improve machine learning algorithms by processing and analyzing data more efficiently. A quantum abacus could be used to develop more advanced artificial intelligence systems.

5. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology: Quantum computing has the potential to disrupt the field of cryptography, which underpins secure digital transactions. A quantum abacus could be used to enhance the security and efficiency of blockchain networks and cryptocurrencies.

Overall, a quantum abacus would open up a wide range of new possibilities for computation and problem-solving in various fields, leading to significant advancements in technology and science.

d71b90b5 No.3739829

File: 1715545826175-0.jpg (1.66 MB, 4032x3024, 20240512_154706.jpg)

File: 1715545826175-1.png (46.92 KB, 740x320, BOOBS.png)

Here's my chicken scratch calculation. I figured the next hand position to give a valid hand-swap after 12:00 is 12:05:02. Then I realized by the same logic, adding 5 minutes and 2 seconds onto that gives the next valid hand-swap position and so on. x is the duration in hours between valid hand-swap times (12/143), which is the same as exactly 720/143 minutes. Exactly 13 of these intervals lie between times when the hands are aligned, which of course are themselves valid hand-swap times. This means there are 11 times when the hands are aligned, spaced by equal intervals of exactly 1 hour, 5 minutes, 27 3/11 seconds.

dede0014 No.3739869

File: 1715608271040.jpg (6.66 MB, 3840x2160, 0a6c81ef14333212e62e9dd7cf….jpg)

Monday puzzler! Kudos to >>3739799 for solving last week's puzzle. Now for this week's new challenge.


Puzzle #42: Grammatically Correct

Some of these are famous questions, so if you’ve seen them before, then please refrain from answering in the comments to give newcomers a shot.

Punctuate the following so that they make sense:

that that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher

Below, fill in the three blanks with the same letters in the same order so that the resulting sentence makes sense. You may add spaces between letters as needed:

The ____ doctor was ____ to operate on the patient because there was ____.

For example, “I ____ wish my doctor would tell me ____ when she was free for an appointment” could be completed with “sometimes” and “some times,” respectively.

5d53053b No.3740161

File: 1715974803887.png (526.14 KB, 790x401, bad at math.png)

A single jar of nectar price $5.400 Lindens and bought it for $400 Lindens = 74 nectar.

Calculator says 5.4 x 400 = 2160 this is an example of bad math

How much nectar would I earn to spend $2000 Lindens on a jar of $5.400 Lindens?

d71b90b5 No.3740168

File: 1715978850765.jpg (143.42 KB, 1920x1080, D9g2yHCUcAEoaDJ.jpg)

If you have 400L$ to spend on "flash nectar" (5.400L$ each), then you can purchase 400/5.4 = 74.074 units. If you have 2000L$, then you can purchase 2000/5.4 = 370.370 units of flash nectar.

5d53053b No.3740169

File: 1715978898140-0.png (7.3 KB, 322x550, oops calculator.png)

File: 1715978898140-1.png (8.17 KB, 322x550, oops calculator2.png)

Work around.

5d53053b No.3740170

File: 1715979161654-0.png (34.64 KB, 738x537, worth it.png)

Worth it thanks!

5d53053b No.3740171

File: 1715979657759-0.jpeg (63.67 KB, 512x768, anthropomorphic_scientist….jpeg)


The flash nectar single one is worth 5.4 and if you sold each 2000 of them you earned 10,800 Lindens that is worth 33.7500 in United States Dollars.

anthropomorphic scientist officer busty female ferret looking at papers

5d53053b No.3740172

File: 1715980390586-0.jpeg (60.98 KB, 512x768, anthropomorphic_financial….jpeg)

File: 1715980390586-1.png (7.85 KB, 322x550, math 01.png)

File: 1715980390586-2.png (33.6 KB, 724x520, math 02.png)

calculation sucess!

anthropomorphic financial adviser sexy busty female ferret looking at papers

5d53053b No.3740218

File: 1716051439256.png (809.34 KB, 1297x1039, price for nectar.png)

2f75063b No.3740313

File: 1716216832581.jpg (2.25 MB, 3840x2160, fef63c7826573ecaac9e6ee20d….jpg)

Puzzler Monday! No one got last week's challenge. This week's new challenge awaits.


Puzzle #43: Anarchy Tic-Tac-Toe

You and I will play a game of tic-tac-toe, and you’ll go first. Instead of you always placing an X and me always placing an O, we’re both free to place either symbol in any open cell on our turns. The first person to create a three-in-a-row of either type (XXX or OOO) wins the game.

Which one of us can force a win and how?

Most tic-tac-toe puzzles can at least be solved through extensive trial and error, but the good ones don’t require it. While tinkering with diagrams will help you gain intuition, you shouldn’t need to fill your notebook with them.

5d53053b No.3740327

File: 1716242531060.jpg (81.9 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Can you solve this 4th grade problem?

52dc3e70 No.3740333


Man, that is sad.

508d3cd1 No.3740380

Not bothering to watch. Shade triangular corner half of each small square leaving a square area in middle?

d71b90b5 No.3740416

File: 1716346475520.png (52.92 KB, 1080x1080, Super_tic-tac-toe_rules_ex….png)

If I go first, then I can force a win by placing an X in the center square. That forces you to place an O somewhere along the perimeter. Otherwise, I can place an X in the opposite square on my move thereby winning. But if you place an O instead, then my strategy is to place an O in the opposite square to yours. I keep doing this until the opportunity to complete a row of Os arises, guaranteeing me victory!

5d53053b No.3740856

File: 1716786839349-0.jpg (337.59 KB, 525x525, MothGrove Stump 10%.jpg)

File: 1716786839349-1.jpg (118.68 KB, 455x296, unnamed.jpg)

5,000 tranquil nectars and you have to sit near a stump for 75 seconds = 375,000 seconds is 4.34 days of play.

2737f89f No.3740877

File: 1716821004679.jpg (2.45 MB, 3840x2160, 832c8bfeca4a43bedd0b9f01d3….jpg)

Puzzler Monday! >>3740416 toppled last week's challenge like a good anarchist toppling a rogue regime. New weekly challenge!


Puzzle #44: Blank Dice

Amazon interview question: If you roll two typical dice and sum their results, you’ll get a number between 2 and 12. However, not every number is equally likely (e.g. you’ll only get a 2 if you roll snake eyes, whereas 7s will come up often). Suppose you have one normal die and one blank die (a small cube with no numbers on it). Label the blank die with some subset of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 so that when you roll both dice, all sums from 1 to 12 are equally likely. You must label every face of the blank die, and you may repeat numbers.

Bonus questions about blank dice, courtesy of Dmitry Kamenetsky: Given two blank dice A and B, label them with the digits 1 through 12 once each (no repeats) so that when you roll them, there is a 50% chance that A rolls higher than B and a 50% chance that B rolls higher than A.

Label three blank dice using the digits 1 through 18 once each (no repeats) so that when you roll them, each die has an equal chance of being the highest.

Although these might seem like a tedious exercise in trial and error, they all have pretty intuitive solutions. I found the last problem particularly satisfying, but you have to work up to it by solving the smaller case first.

dbbbfe05 No.3741012

File: 1716950519666.jpg (856.5 KB, 3840x2160, Thiết kế chưa có tên (11).jpg)

ChatGPT Nederlands is een taalmodel ontwikkeld door OpenAI dat getraind is om natuurlijke taal te begrijpen en te genereren. Het is gebaseerd op de GPT-3-architectuur en is specifiek ontworpen om Nederlandse tekst te verwerken. Dit maakt het een waardevol hulpmiddel voor Nederlandse schrijvers en contentcreators die op zoek zijn naar ondersteuning bij het creëren van hoogwaardige content.
Registreer je nu bij ChatGPTOpenAI.nl: https://chatgptopenai.nl/

5d53053b No.3741527

Facts: A single tranquil nectar takes 75 seconds. If you have 100,000 tranquil nectars it would take 7,500,000 seconds; that is 2 months, 25 days, 19 hours and 20 minutes to finish them all.


4cf8b748 No.3741585

I saw someone wearing a t-shirt with the following

x = A \ b

The fact that the 'A" is capitalized and that a backslash was used instead of a forward-slash makes me think this is either some kind of programming or formal logic equation but I don't know what the significance is.

Any ideas?

4cf8b748 No.3741590


Wups.. I figured it out. It's a MATLAB expression for solving a system of equations in the form A*x=b

5d53053b No.3741596

File: 1717394308139.png (71.15 KB, 1005x814, 7500000sec.png)

0d8c32fe No.3741763

Fucking useless. The stupid thing doesn't even convert into fortnights.

5d53053b No.3741778

A fortnight is a unit of time equal to 14 days (two weeks). The word derives from the Old English term fēowertīene niht, meaning "fourteen nights" (or "fourteen days", since the Anglo-Saxons counted by nights).


5d53053b No.3743596

File: 1718829549351-0.jpg (161.99 KB, 620x582, mri-image.jpg)

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An MRI scanner equipped with a superconducting magnet strong enough to lift a 60-metric-ton battle tank will offer unprecedented images of the human brain when it comes on line a little more than a year from now, say its builders.

5d53053b No.3746074

File: 1720542874464.jpg (142.96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Why did the United States failed to build a modern functional railway system?

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