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You messed with me~

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File: 1738957075557.jpg (133.88 KB, 566x640, T26184_WP.jpg)

d03bf053 No.3767504[Reply]

Decided to start doing good deeds. I'm taking tickets off people's windows as I go down the street so they don't have to pay them. It just takes a little effort to help make the world a better place
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

90a6a4d2 No.3767515

File: 1738971006394.png (164.81 KB, 1280x720, Doc_Magnus_BTBATB_002 (1).png)

90a6a4d2 No.3767523

File: 1738975972245.png (88.76 KB, 210x240, BTBTB-WillMagnus (1).png)

90a6a4d2 No.3767527

File: 1738981492569.jpg (53.47 KB, 400x400, 3638.jpg)

90a6a4d2 No.3767537

File: 1738991581191.jpg (103.94 KB, 400x600, Will_Magnus_001.jpg)

90a6a4d2 No.3767543

File: 1738999628940.jpg (1.79 MB, 3024x4032, cosplay-i-went-as-dr-will-….jpg)

90a6a4d2 No.3767582

File: 1739030554812.jpg (87.74 KB, 423x654, metal_men_cv1_5d2ca02ea361….jpg)

05270ab8 No.3767685

File: 1739122680328.jpg (636.13 KB, 1988x3056, 01.jpg)

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File: 1689184871182-2.png (1.86 MB, 1440x1024, 109780900_p0.png)

7059aeac No.3708403[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

101 posts and 120 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

cf21de2d No.3758901

File: 1731878821829.jpg (139.54 KB, 800x1200, 1655870026.horimont_img_98….jpg)

1317feef No.3765117

File: 1737135761354.jpg (651.41 KB, 4635x5139, bafybeiahe4xckopk5tpsxqupw….jpg)

ef33358b No.3765145

File: 1737161498037.jpg (713.15 KB, 5112x5436, d144c2c671168f6f57867c58d4….jpg)

6cc01dab No.3767539

File: 1738992818333.webm (992.66 KB, 720x720, 311fc1b4de8088e874cea96b8….webm)

6cc01dab No.3767544

File: 1738999727511.jpg (197.38 KB, 832x1216, 94402353b72fa0689d0cb283b8….jpg)

b4058787 No.3767550

Ugly nigger

99d18967 No.3767552

File: 1739002567624.jpg (33.32 KB, 655x819, typical nigger 705.jpg)

Yes, n⁣i⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣⁣e⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣r⁣⁣⁣s⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ are ugly.

File: 1689183018375.jpg (957.41 KB, 2054x3000, 65665566.jpg)

0c9176ea No.3708394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since theres already a gay thread. How about a thread on guys acting, dressing, or looking really girly? They don't have to be gay.

"Warm and soft, for boys" -Hoodie
189 posts and 590 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6e913029 No.3760673

File: 1733455677994.jpg (184.23 KB, 1435x1080, hipster wedding.jpg)

506d8815 No.3762995

File: 1735255091448.jpg (1.55 MB, 1024x1280, 77b095b9847e4d5e1edea7da6f….jpg)

5ac41cd7 No.3764672

File: 1736721483576.jpg (149.16 KB, 648x533, 1233015410.waterbug_skyeip….jpg)

76167968 No.3764681

File: 1736730670980.jpg (311.19 KB, 1983x1858, bafybeidegpgwcyhjvq7flsnxb….jpg)

b9f0ea6f No.3766077

File: 1737800897701.jpeg (113.22 KB, 900x1300, Bugs_bunny343.jpeg)

c00c275d No.3766112

File: 1737835936069-0.jpg (75.92 KB, 526x733, 1223004990.caliosidhe_kalf….jpg)

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ac100102 No.3767551

File: 1739002376906.jpg (399.78 KB, 646x960, 1278906373.sneakerfox_synt….jpg)

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1871ab7f No.3767546[Reply]

"No more /pol/ thread."

Pol threads appear all over the place, just like a few years back when it was decided to make one thread. How is this better ?

3745f326 No.3767549

It's SOLELY 3B doing it, the POL thread was created to keep him contained but he abused the hell of that too until it became ridiculous. He's the worst garbage spammer this place has ever seen.

He needs more than banned, he needs a nuclear bomb dropped on him. His only purpose is to keep you and all other users here from enjoying this board.

175791f9 No.3767564

I thought that was you with all the nazi bullshit

73ee90c3 No.3767586

Problem with getting rid of "nazi bullshit" is that if you ask a leftist, everything right of communism is "nazi bullshit".

fad72532 No.3767609

>How is this better?
No one said it is. Mods are just done polishing this turd. Go fuck yourself.

8e6ba441 No.3767612

This is what deregulation looks like.
This is why Democrats don't like it.

File: 1738874630520.jpg (63.72 KB, 779x767, rnbdbp1gwbhe1.jpg)

8b73c393 No.3767426[Reply]

My office has one vocal Trump supporter. He claims he's an "independent" with no party affiliation, but you know the type. Despite being an independent he always seems to defend anything Trump does and chuckle to himself about any "Sleepy Joe" or "I did that" right wing meme bullshit.

When he tries to discuss politics I typically politely disengage. I don't have the mental energy to deal with it and I know I'll get too heated for the work place. Today he comes in and get's real close to me, his typically "I'm about to say some old man boomer nonsense" move he doesn't want other people to hear. To me surprise. "Can you believe this Musk guy with his hands in the treasury. I didn't vote for Musk. I don't trust him. He's a bandit". I'm in shock. I've never heard him say anything bad about any Republican decision in the years I've known him. And it kept going. "And these cabinet appointees. Alcoholics, drug addicts, rapists, woman beaters. It's disgusting."

I know there will be plenty of Trump supporters still holding on, doing mental gymnastics, will defend anything that happens, but it's clear that whatever almost magical hold Trump has over people does not extend to Musk and his cronies. Refuses to believe Trump is a rapist or a criminal, but everyone else around him is seen for what they are. In his words "If musk's touches my SS I'm going to go down there myself and drag him out".

It may be small, but every person who sees at least Musk for what he is is a win.

a0f2e2c5 No.3767428

File: 1738875177243.jpg (521.6 KB, 2048x1894, FvSUcaQXwBYOfIC.jpg)

Nice blog post retard.

2ed0cdd5 No.3767430


83ea8608 No.3767542

File: 1738994516560.jpg (279.61 KB, 1480x1344, The-department-of-dumb.jpg)

768c15f4 No.3767563

File: 1738983797686.png (61.84 KB, 503x500, 2f30c153-d82b-468f-a681-9a….png)

4adbe906 No.3767530[Reply]


3737dc1b No.3767532

the left can't meme

4adbe906 No.3767565

Republicans are pedophiles.

File: 1738986772604.jpg (206.4 KB, 1280x1336, absol_with_glasses_by_eryz….jpg)

24f7e0c2 No.3767531[Reply]

23 year old aspiring artist awarded 12 million in a legal case after punching a nazi. The transgendered jewish vegan obese black woman punched a fedex delivery driver wearing a brown button up shirt, and suffered severe damage to the bones in her right hand. The driver suffered no injuries, and was thus found at fault in the violent exchange. The driver complained that he only lost the trial because he was in jail for the incident as the trial took place, and was judged guilty by default.

File: 1738978028380.webm (1.84 MB, 360x448, BearDown.webm)

318a302b No.3767526[Reply]

In what is an all time epic troll, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker made an announcement on social media that he’s going to rename Lake Michigan to "Lake Illinois."

I guess if President Musk is just going to run around being lawless he wants to get in on the fun too!

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b33a1571 No.3715085[Reply]

Eat small furries!
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17269fef No.3757949

File: 1730218325863.jpeg (689.04 KB, 2472x1446, Screenshot_29-10-2024_121….jpeg)

5ce04a44 No.3757952

File: 1730222063998.png (2.93 MB, 1280x1856, b7b1dfe41926bd4c504f81dd7d….png)

I vant to suck your….

17269fef No.3757955

File: 1730223683375.jpeg (362.83 KB, 824x1186, Screenshot_29-10-2024_134….jpeg)

e38b3749 No.3757977

File: 1730254722375.jpg (1.88 MB, 2896x4096, E8LT1auX0AUy4ID.jpg)


Some are just peril fans.

17269fef No.3757985

I'm surprised they haven't drawn a reverse vote where someone is swallowed and the prey eats their way out from the predator by chewing though them from their insides.

17269fef No.3757986

File: 1730266957710.jpg (655.92 KB, 1440x1682, Pitcher-Plants-Nepenthes-r….jpg)

Also draw curries falling into Pitcher plants.

3f4c06e7 No.3767508

File: 1738961267603-0.jpg (273.37 KB, 921x720, egyptspiderscol1.jpg)

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File: 1701016340279.jpg (58.22 KB, 500x500, alone_on_a_friday_night.jpg)

260a4108 No.3722900[Reply]

Alone On a Friday Night? God, You're Pathetic
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6178d889 No.3754583

File: 1727223663915.jpeg (159.88 KB, 1621x970, Screenshot_24-9-2024_2021….jpeg)

f6069723 No.3761437

File: 1734131821800.jpg (574.61 KB, 2424x1751, 5291418_MinnoSimmins_senth….jpg)

777af926 No.3761458

File: 1734154845200.jpg (183.61 KB, 1500x1050, 5342733_Th3Geo_26-09-2024.jpg)

dd1e82d3 No.3762087

File: 1734665873575.png (769.5 KB, 968x1280, honk_the_penis.png)

Bump because someone is too lazy to Ctrl+F in the catalog.

357f92d9 No.3763146

File: 1735360543985.jpeg (116.55 KB, 1719x882, Screenshot_27-12-2024_233….jpeg)

61293648 No.3763169

How was everyone's friday? Spend it alone on Telegram like the losers you are?

acec4876 No.3767498

File: 1738953917046.jpg (117.02 KB, 1000x1000, 1187978438.mishakun_070824….jpg)

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