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File: 1701016340279.jpg (58.22 KB, 500x500, alone_on_a_friday_night.jpg)

260a4108 No.3722900[Reply]

Alone On a Friday Night? God, You're Pathetic
30 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

e769a13b No.3754578

i know im pathetic i should kms

6178d889 No.3754583

File: 1727223663915.jpeg (159.88 KB, 1621x970, Screenshot_24-9-2024_2021….jpeg)

f6069723 No.3761437

File: 1734131821800.jpg (574.61 KB, 2424x1751, 5291418_MinnoSimmins_senth….jpg)

777af926 No.3761458

File: 1734154845200.jpg (183.61 KB, 1500x1050, 5342733_Th3Geo_26-09-2024.jpg)

dd1e82d3 No.3762087

File: 1734665873575.png (769.5 KB, 968x1280, honk_the_penis.png)

Bump because someone is too lazy to Ctrl+F in the catalog.

357f92d9 No.3763146

File: 1735360543985.jpeg (116.55 KB, 1719x882, Screenshot_27-12-2024_233….jpeg)

61293648 No.3763169

How was everyone's friday? Spend it alone on Telegram like the losers you are?

File: 1735310919331.png (3.12 MB, 1447x1611, IMG_0068.png)

69617da4 No.3763047[Reply]

Is anyone keeping a list of artist who use AI and pass it off a real?

This one from butterchalk doesn’t look right.
Post your examples

9da013cd No.3763051

It's all AI now and anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

251bda88 No.3763053

This is an AI spambot: >>3763051

ca5c18ef No.3763137

We live in the Matrix and anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

File: 1677881422519-0.jpg (262.93 KB, 1200x675, 1592491996.ipoke_warm_up_2….jpg)

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8cedd192 No.3693131[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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29906007 No.3763119

Man, I thought people watermarking their AI art was bad, but this nignog's putting a motherfucking PATREON link on that shit.

995367fc No.3763135

I'm pretty sure the characters were all drawn by the artist. At most he may have used AI assistance to create the backgrounds. But then, artists have been using photographs and other things as backgrounds for decades.

995367fc No.3763140

> An empty mcdonald's cup should do.
But what if mom and daughter can only find one cup. As soon as one begins, the sound etc., will make the other have to go immediately. The result of two females trying to use the same cup would surely be spectacular and messy.

I demand video!

18157c85 No.3763144

File: 1735360021946.jpg (61.66 KB, 710x1000, 5109dr2pQkL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg)

Unless he comes over and just drink it all.

7c380526 No.3763145

File: 1735360208160-0.png (1.13 MB, 1089x1702, 1734992339.b-epon_adra_fin….png)

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File: 1735360208160-4.jpg (484.85 KB, 666x1000, 1734383211.miles-df_tiny_f….jpg)

Last Fox Friday of the year.

995367fc No.3763147

And we killed this thread. RIP

18157c85 No.3764320

File: 1736430908001-0.jpg (310.23 KB, 2480x2230, GgyTHHlaMAYeMim_u18chan.jpg)

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5149e347 No.3763046[Reply]

It's time to talk about PizzaGate, morons.


Grab a plate, cuz we're dishing it out so you can chew on this!

f9846f28 No.3763093

maybe just fuck off instead

f83686e7 No.3763105

File: 1735340149337.png (18.21 KB, 411x188, Quality-sourcing.png)

>Stephen Colbert is a pedophile!
>Source: Crazy Nazi on the internet.

File: 1735264794411.jpeg (47.68 KB, 657x566, Screenshot_26-12-2024_205….jpeg)

9f759bfb No.3763021[Reply]

Fuck you Mix, I'm Michael Hirtes and I've been the one impersonating you on here and at the farms.

c41994fd No.3763022

Mike Hirtes? I heard about you. I heard you were dead.

988e2cf6 No.3763032

Someone poor woman from lulz went on a date with him, and regaled us with a first hand account. I wish I knew where it was saved.

a5af641f No.3763035

File: 1735284158926.jpeg (5.76 KB, 310x163, Unknown.jpeg)

who is he?

a woman? on lulz?


File: 1735250681679-0.jpg (282.45 KB, 1130x1413, a95c3.jpg)

2fae2bd9 No.3762986[Reply]

>furries are effectively fully independent from the mainstream entertainment industry
>they have their own ecosystem of artists, writers, animators, game devs, and so on
>they can get everything they want from other furries and have it be specifically tailored to their exact fetishes
How true is this? Do you agree or not?
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c94a3d7e No.3763012

you must be new here. you realise several high profile murders have happened in the community in orer to start cons

8d62d61b No.3763016

File: 1735263795091.jpg (134.81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

How long do you think it will be before we all read in the news about how Connor Goodwolf went crazy with a gun at a furcon?

8d62d61b No.3763018

File: 1735264334837.jpg (61.44 KB, 669x356, nsmwr.jpg)

>enjoy your cellphone raid.

c94a3d7e No.3763025

Ohio has no furcons. Let alone telegram chats that dont belong to him.

8d62d61b No.3763027

File: 1735266488466.jpg (189.16 KB, 1530x1980, Opencarry.jpg)

David Ross owns a car you know.

c94a3d7e No.3763029

-loses 10% of market share
-wonders why alcoholics are pissed off

Maybe because you made their beer feel bad.

c94a3d7e No.3763030

ooh ooh me too 773-669-6639

File: 1732449542540.png (119 KB, 894x894, no_transgeder_symbol_by_to….png)

a62b8abc No.3759487[Reply]

Let's be honest. Nobody wants these drama queens around in any Fandom. They think they are privileged, they believe they should be adored as divas, and when they don't get their way, they scream hysterically, and cause the biggest shitstorms.
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83209b5f No.3762983

imagine thinking you are part of anything

a62b8abc No.3762996

File: 1735255497806.jpeg (390.22 KB, 2054x1552, Screenshot_26-12-2024_182….jpeg)

There are too many Mrs. Doubtfire's in the furry Fandom.

f3e1edec No.3762999

t'was part of your mother last night. stuffing her stockings, ho

a62b8abc No.3763000

File: 1735258796428.jpeg (83.62 KB, 945x537, Screenshot_26-12-2024_192….jpeg)

742a5387 No.3763003

says the guy disowned by his own mother for being an incest baby.

f3e1edec No.3763024

yet she came over for xmas

83209b5f No.3763028

then she went home and bodyblocked the door with two big black men. no more mix and mommy time.

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d26fd71c No.3761620[Reply]

Heya Mix. How are you? Long time no speak eh?
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907eac99 No.3762899

Kill yourself

a68b5809 No.3762907

File: 1735168347407.png (373.05 KB, 840x708, SPOILER_.png)

Kill yourself

7fb4febd No.3762909

>>3762890 How dare I file taxes every year!?

You're a special kind of retard.

054f6497 No.3762977

I can tell you're fake because the real Mix would be calling taxes a Jewish concept and getting audited for it.

7fb4febd No.3762982

…that already happened though.

I pay 0 and am happy with that.

d103afc0 No.3762990

I cannot believe you're admitting to committing tax fraud under Mixes name, he worked so hard for a 0 income life style

d26fd71c No.3763013

File: 1735263424421.jpeg (446.82 KB, 750x931, ea5.jpeg)

>I cannot believe you're admitting to committing tax fraud under Mixes name

File: 1735200038788.jpeg (195.69 KB, 1771x1267, Screenshot_26-12-2024_259….jpeg)

4a178595 No.3762947[Reply]

27a08347 No.3762948

File: 1735200751629.jpeg (105.83 KB, 1032x1280, photo_2024-12-26 02.11.02.jpeg)

24-font Comic Sans
Cant zoom out
Microsoft Sway be like

4a178595 No.3763008

File: 1735262703176.jpeg (303.33 KB, 1490x1154, Screenshot_26-12-2024_202….jpeg)

4a178595 No.3763009

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b39a08e4 No.3762804[Reply]

If you could penis an anal riot would you rather burrito or Kansas slice?
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4d394a16 No.3762857

shh. I was playing. im just bored and horny and mad. you should take care of one of those issues for me. @w@~

4d394a16 No.3762858

so lolicon is allowed? ew.

4d394a16 No.3762859

isnt that shit banned in countries/states and shit?

5fde46b5 No.3762861

File: 1735137355364.png (901.58 KB, 1200x1359, 0de125742be600a22bddb2ea02….png)

Stop trying to make me look bad, fuck don't you have something better to do on Christmas?

4d394a16 No.3762911

I came down your mom's chimney last night and left you a present. Too bad it's going to take 9 more months to open. Knowing you, you'll prolly peek with a rusty coat hanger.

ac7b2035 No.3762913

File: 1735172421351.jpg (1.07 MB, 973x1200, 122069004_p0_master1200.jpg)

My mom is a post-menopausal lesbian, or well she at least hates men and all her friends are lesbians. My parents sleep in separate rooms.

Also their chimneys' are roofed over, they increase taxes, working or not.

So unless you're basically saying that you're a fast food worker, and licked her cup to give her herpes.

4d394a16 No.3762917

>>3762913 sexy sexy herpes

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