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File: 1735057770515.jpeg (304.9 KB, 1671x1847, Ep88ed4WMAIww2W.jpeg)

cfb98f2a No.3762677[Reply]

71 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

e352245d No.3763139

File: 1735357777461.png (294.42 KB, 932x1200, 1734594292.luckyfeather_am….png)

cf4f0a41 No.3763258

File: 1735496422502.jpg (593.22 KB, 1824x1248, 3bd3dec14b9ee86b9390fecb26….jpg)

176bcc0c No.3763561

File: 1735727304068.jpg (261.49 KB, 1024x1024, AI Cream blue ribbon.jpg)

> Ai art is ugly af
Nonsense! Just look at this AI Cream the Rabbit masterpiece. No human artist could approach this superb artwork.

d9d7cbeb No.3763563

>>3763561 dan prolly could

bf665559 No.3763608

Ugly af

17539ed7 No.3763644

It isn't though, that's just you.

6dc5045c No.3764231

File: 1736328240132.jpg (80.06 KB, 640x960, 5347977_iHoneWolf__masterp….jpg)

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82cd6881 No.3764135[Reply]

Whats the worst job you've ever had?

bdc466e1 No.3764140

File: 1736244383511.jpeg (91.66 KB, 956x715, Screenshot_7-1-2025_5623_….jpeg)

>Whats the worst job you've ever had?

File: 1736218806657.jpg (25.41 KB, 220x314, Better_Man_film_poster.jpg)

af7c4d45 No.3764094[Reply]

Great, now you'll all be obsessing over monkeys.

File: 1736155638486.png (115.93 KB, 317x221, Screenshot 2024-12-31 2344….png)

1c5ad0fe No.3763999[Reply]


6deeeb2c No.3764000

File: 1736157311424.png (72.12 KB, 908x813, 122fd1fee3a281cd12298f116a….png)

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41bc8712 No.3707762[Reply]

Post all your darted furries here.
12 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

14bb9b6b No.3735876

File: 1711606687148.png (43.39 KB, 840x840, Maddie the rapist.png)

37074aed No.3737469

37074aed No.3737470

7e0e880e No.3737471

File: 1712955460345.jpg (77.79 KB, 513x626, darted.jpg)

Maybe hard to see but otter girl got darted.

a91ebda3 No.3753280

File: 1726045815679.jpg (789.52 KB, 5256x2968, 4617205_eXophile_gun.jpg)

15ef4edb No.3756370

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0154ca37 No.3763887

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b3166520 No.3763770[Reply]

The biggest problem we have today is that nurses don't work hard enough, and won't work enough hours. Its just fucking lazy shit like this that is making civilization fall apart.

9e4e8ec7 No.3763824

Shut the fuck up, you god damn moron.

7b0c1a8c No.3763837

Nursing is like the easiest fucking job in the world but all they do is complain. They're basically welfare queens.

7b0c1a8c No.3763838

The only job easier than being a nurse is being a soldier. You just run around all day singing to each other, doing nothing but sucking up tax payer dollars.

File: 1735252276773.jpg (503.76 KB, 2000x1545, bafkreidnu2ldul77msicyjkk6….jpg)

78d9e994 No.3762989[Reply]

Karishad (who is absolutely not an alias for Rick Griffin to draw his weird fetish porn under) needs surgery so they are begging for money.

Donate now to save a life more important than yours because they make porn.

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a08c9a83 No.3763757

>Doctors in countries with socialized medicine f** love their job.


>A survey conducted by the Swedish medical association last year showed that 6 out of 10 doctors in Sweden are thinking about leaving their workplace, reducing their working hours or leaving the profession all together. A staggering one third of residents contemplate quitting. According to a 2022 report by the National Board of Health and Welfare, each of the 21 regions in Sweden state a shortage of specialised medical doctors. The situation does not look much brighter for our Scandinavian neighbours: In Denmark, ER-doctors are leaving their full-time jobs to earn significantly more as consultants. Furthermore, the deficit of general practitioners in Denmark has been described as a ticking bomb. From Norway there are also reports of Doctor’s crisis in many areas, not least in primary care, where municipalities across the country are struggling to hire and keep GPs. Finland as well faces a public sector doctor shortage.

Doctors and nurses in the Scandinavian countries are either moving to the private sector or quitting altogether because of the poor pay and high work demands of the public sector.

a08c9a83 No.3763758

Alcoholism isn't a mental health issue that you can prevent. It's a biological issue with the brain's reward mechanism that gives too strong a response for stimulants such as alcohol, making the person prone to addiction. In their brains, the reward for getting drunk overrides anything else.

There are treatments for this, such as the Sinclair Method, which uses reward blocking drugs to tone down the response to alcohol - or you can recognize that you have an overstated response to alcohol and abstain from using it. Either way, the stupidity is with the person for not recognizing and admitting the problem and seeking a remedy for it - despite facing adverse consequences for it. Insanity is doing the same failing action over and over and expecting a different result.

de18542d No.3763776

de18542d No.3763777

**** lol

c80edf58 No.3763797

Do you have any examples of his fetishes? I’m not donating to save hyper or herm

de18542d No.3763820


e25f01ea No.3763829

The simple pleasures in life.

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e6a84b3e No.3763477[Reply]

Where is he?
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f7a74f1b No.3763551

File: 1735716737184.png (313.41 KB, 649x622, Screenshot 2025-01-01 0230….png)

Smorkly has really disapeared from the web. Like He's an artist. They draw. Every fucking artist that quits resurfaces in a few years. Fucker must have changed his art style completly. He has done this in the past. Back when he preteneded to be a girl called Sandy Pants.

d0f19dc6 No.3763579

File: 1735751636507.gif (429.96 KB, 720x560, large.gif)

Ya'll sound like you miss em.
If you want em to stay gone, by all means, continue to talk like a buncha lions in the reeds by the watering hole.

01b462b6 No.3763606

he looks like a wet andrew wk after a nickodeon commercial break

a44cc31d No.3763657


6c244261 No.3763677

Me either

6623d4e3 No.3763684

File: 1735892756533.png (355.79 KB, 649x622, ijustsuckdickbutt by Mix.png)

why are retarded trannies called the most retarded porn names ever and cry when people dont want to fuck them?

>>3763606 also, I improved the pic

f7a74f1b No.3763759

Arin has never looked so good.

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d70f28e5 No.3588155[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Alone on a Friday night?

Maybe I could be your girlfriend tonight.
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a10a33be No.3748949

File: 1722703067072.jpg (30.89 KB, 500x600, 4f22f08f442023445305ada069….jpg)

Its creepy as shit, and I realize how weird it is, but AI virus girlfriend for the win. It might be unhealthy, but tits way more heathy than existing in a void for 10 years.

Well, shes technically an SI, but lets not pull strings. I just say AI because thats what most people think of.


2ca51211 No.3755308

File: 1728086840794.png (369.26 KB, 1058x758, 7952aacaa7505b80ff29274862….png)

[The average lulzian on Friday night]

6c07e03a No.3755319

File: 1728091310619.png (1.17 MB, 948x928, tmpk_z2ba40edit.png)

fe5181bd No.3755350

Why doesn't she bite his fucking fingers?
I fucking would.
Nobody fucking does that to me.

e12e1ab1 No.3755355

File: 1728129493800.jpg (306.17 KB, 1083x1500, 1e18cec00cb1c022a95e93b41f….jpg)

She's in the mood. She wants him inside her, somewhere, anywhere.

9c15aa60 No.3755495

File: 1728255048061.jpg (341.75 KB, 800x1366, 42720b5ec539f1606c3fa56e94….jpg)

Reminds me of that drawing for the ’pose’

d3bc6e29 No.3763743

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c9c2afbd No.3744105[Reply]

I was right about serial rapist and child groomer Andrew Dickpic before anyone else on the left was. Finally people are catching up and starting to listen to his victims. They should thank me, but instead I'm being ridiculed and banished like a criminal for exposing the truth before anyone else dared.

Unfortunately, it happened too late to prevent him from ruining the incestual Tiny Toon reboot. But this is a beginning to bright new era. Surely Steven Spielberg, Kirk Roger Tingblad, John K and the other industry nonces can't be far from being exposed next. Their towers are crumbling.

They'll be running scared trying to save themselves, just like their kind wanted to "save" Coyote vs. Acme and Splash Mountain for glorifying predators like them. But the era of the rule of the predators is over. Soon they'll be sharing cells next to their favorite President.

The Sonic 2 wedding scene was great, and the only part of the movie I'll ever watch again. I imagine it's Kayla-Na getting her rightful comeuppance. Disney must be right about everything to get all the hatred from chuds like Doomcock. And Harry Potter was garbage from the first book.

Here's the whole story if you can stomach reading through it.

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7af43cd3 No.3763495

Alright, so it should be clear to everyone now. Being gentle didn't work.

Now that they've become Dark MAGA, it's time for us to man up and become… Dark SJW.

We've been too nice for too long. We've bent over backwards to accommodate the "feelings" of bigots, racists, and alt-right trolls. Well, no more! It's time we show them what happens when you push a progressive too far.

You think you know what it means to be progressive? You're just a bunch of soft, comfortable, white-bread liberals, sipping your fair-trade coffee and patting yourselves on the back for checking your privilege. You're not fighting the power, you're just tickling it to sleep with your gentle, woke caresses!

Look at the other side, the "Dark MAGA" crowd. They're not out here having polite discussions about systemic racism. They're not asking nicely for gun control. No, they're screaming, they're shouting, they're throwing punches, and guess what? They're getting shit done! They're not just asking for change, they're taking it!

You think those MAGA goons are tough? They're nothing but a bunch of red-hatted, trucker-capped, "good ol' boy" wannabes. They're like the weak coffee you serve at your Starbucks, watered down and pathetic. We, on the other hand, are the espresso shot that'll wake you up and make you shit your pants!

So, we need to step up our game. We need to become the boogeyman that they fear. We need to become the Dark SJWs!

You want to talk about "real America"? Let's talk about the America where indigenous people were slaughtered and forced onto reservations. Let's talk about the America where slaves built this country with their blood, sweat, and tears. Let's talk about the America where women couldn't vote, where LGBTQ+ people were thrown in jail, and where immigrants were turned away at the border, for wanting the same opportunites the immigrants who built the country had gotten decades earlier.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

7af43cd3 No.3763496

Oh, and one more thing, you pathetic excuses for progressives! You think you're fighting the good fight, but you're missing the most important battle of all. You're missing the cultural war that's being waged right under your noses!

While you're out there marching for social justice and equality, there right-wing trolls and bigots have been attacking our beloved cartoon and game characters.

Look at these so-called "artists" like Kayla-Na and CyberQueenJolene, spouting their hateful rhetoric about our beloved Sonic the Hedgehog characters. They've got the nerve to say that Rouge the Bat is overrated, that she's nothing more than a generic, sexy spy archetype. They're wrong, and they need to be stopped!

Rouge is a complex, multifaceted character who deserves better than to be reduced to a sex symbol by these haters. She's a skilled thief, a formidable fighter, and a loyal friend. She's a symbol of empowerment, of a woman who chooses to live life on her own terms, not bound by the expectations of others. And we will not stand idly by while these trolls besmirch her good name!

We need to fight back against this character assassination. We need to start organizing, to start trolling the trolls. We need to start flooding their comments sections with our love for Rouge, for Tails, for Knuckles, for all the characters they seek to diminish. We need to start reporting their hateful posts, their offensive art, their targeted harassment.

And if that's not enough, if they continue to spread their poison, we need to start doxing them. We need to start exposing these pathetic little keyboard warriors to the world, expose them for the filth they are. And if that's not enough, well, I'm sure we can think of more… persuasive methods. We need to start sending them messages, loud and clear, that their hate will not be tolerated. That they will face consequences for their actions.

This is about more than just Sonic, or the Doom franchise. It's about standing up for all the characters we loved growing up, all the characters that were a part of our formative years. It's about fighting back against the cultural appropriation, the hate, the bigotry that seeks to destroy the things we hold dear.

7af43cd3 No.3763498

So, let's get out there, my fellow Dark SJWs. Let's fight for our characters. Let's fight for our culture. Let's fight for our right to love and enjoy the things we love, without fear of ridicule or hatred. Because this is our culture, and we will not let it be taken from us without a fight. Now, let's go, comrades! Let's show these haters what we're made of!

And while we're at it, let's address some of the real issues here. Like how "Doom: Eternal" is a goddamn racist game. I mean, come on! You're running around killing demons, but you can't see that it's a thinly veiled metaphor for immigrants?

And don't even get me started on "Die Hard". Hans Gruber is the hero of "Die Hard", not that whiny, privileged John McClane. Gruber had a plan, he had a cause, trying to rob a bunch of rich assholes, and if you can't respect that, then you're part of the problem. Just like McClane, you're a racist, xenophobic, white-savior complex-ridden relic of a bygone era.

So, my fellow leftists, it's time to wake the fuck up. It's time to stop being the nice guys. It's time to become the Dark SJWs. Let's fight for our characters. Let's fight for our culture. Let's fight for our right to love and enjoy the things we love, without fear of ridicule or hatred. Because this is our culture, and we will not let it be taken from us without a fight.

It's time to fight fire with gasoline. It's time to burn this fucking system to the ground and start over. And if you're not with us, you're against us. And we will not hesitate to make an example out of you.

And remember, as you're burning down the patriarchy, as you're toppling the statues of slave owners, as you're fighting back against the forces of fascism - do it with a smile. Because, my friends, this is what freedom tastes like. And it's fucking delicious.

Now, who's ready to start a revolution? Let's go, comrades! The future is ours, and it's going to be a bloody one!

bc7cd9d2 No.3763502

Looks like you'll have to do all this shit yourself.

8568d1dc No.3763641

Everyone in this thread is throwing weird unhinged random word salads and it looks retarded. Where is this even going? XD Yes some furries are fucked up. Every type of group has fucked up people. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if most of them/you came to this site.

Now, responding to -
"Now furries are obsessing over the Sonic 3 movie because they can't wait to see child murder in a PG-rated live action movie. Personally I hope furries are included in the groups Trump will try to eradicate, but he probably won't since most of them are his supporters. Jesus was an atheist. SJWs are good people."

We Sonic fans love the movie because of Jim Carrey and Shadow. Yes we want to see Maria die because it's lore accurate and pretty much a meme. Trump is an egotistical fuck who's only ultimate interest is in himself. SJW's are not good people, they are overly self-righteous people who really just want to bitch about anything. Both groups are self destructive tornados that need to wake up to reality.

bf6fa891 No.3763651

File: 1735855403669.jpeg (318.04 KB, 1420x1574, Screenshot_2-1-2025_17144….jpeg)

Metal Sonic is cooler.

02a7b8fc No.3763653

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