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File: 1688588821921.jpg (407.5 KB, 1629x1200, 4549087_DragonFU_sm2_patre….jpg)

37ead915 No.3707352[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post beans.
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f4d264f2 No.3746314

File: 1720760897187.jpeg (171.32 KB, 1241x2048, FtHz9cjWcAAu9KJ.jpeg)

922d071f No.3746369

File: 1720823600539.jpg (100.38 KB, 500x694, baboon.jpg)

Each caveat of his FOOTIES has its own dry sweet & musk savings. And all of the caveats are going to be cleaned by a man. By man's tongue, precisely.
They are so dirty! If KINKAJOU stomped 1000 times per day on grass, would dirt texture become more black? And how will it smell like?

Here is the MALE BABOON footsole and footprint.
Perfect for human penis' rubbing.
Soft texture with strong musk makes good landing for emitting precum onto it. And mixing it even further. A male baboon's happily masturbating while you are serve him!

0e670a85 No.3746411

File: 1720883704510.jpg (165.07 KB, 1200x1150, be0fd2e309d218fd4f71ecfc60….jpg)

7bff4781 No.3746708

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2235a329 No.3747198

File: 1721311837516.png (467.4 KB, 1175x1400, 176f28a5de016a57574c296d1b….png)

15e7efcc No.3748196

File: 1721979020083.jpeg (132.82 KB, 1257x1280, EYhmqXcU0AEm-YN.jpeg)

9635fd45 No.3748213

File: 1721999469661.png (556.88 KB, 1900x1250, a478c2be71e4429d69f0e85a31….png)

Paws are for sniff and lick

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4288a8fa No.3746827[Reply]

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801d218a No.3747790


There are no bugs in Windows.

Windows IS the bug!

5b223ad1 No.3747791

File: 1721687037960.jpg (70.1 KB, 960x720, 0_cIfuKuBz1Mx--J6m.jpg)

What specs you got?

e405d831 No.3747793

> There are no bugs in Windows.
That is sort of true, according to Microsoft. Before Microsquat got involved, the universally known term for a program flaw was "bug." Microsoft insists on using the term "issue" instead.

65d0503e No.3747806

File: 1721691795277.jpg (71.81 KB, 500x385, MV5BNzc4ZDc2ODYtZDczMi00M2….jpg)

Windows has worlds of bugs, but as far as security issues go, as long as you stay up to date you should be ok. fuck the hell out. Windows Defender is pretty ok at what it does, but people keep turning it off.

oh, bring it on me. I have defenses up to military standards.

never either physically or electronically assume that your defenses are secure, always be on the watch… or don't.

The choice is yours to be paranoid or not… I chose paranoid.

45673522 No.3747980

File: 1721831391678.jpg (177.17 KB, 1013x1200, doggieprayers.jpg)

Still praying for you every night. Hope you're doing better. Get in touch some time.

6c97c0e3 No.3748183

> Windows has worlds of bugs
QUIT YOUR LIES Steam-the-liar. Windows has no bugs what so ever. Windows only has issues.

07ab414b No.3748203

windows will have bugs again

File: 1721197645807.jpg (216.51 KB, 952x1421, gun_reform.jpg)

1a88153d No.3746978[Reply]

First, the how-to:
The definitive guide for getting started with 3d printed guns is theguide.ctrlpew.com

Second, where to get your 3d print files:
Most creators upload them to "Odysee", but that site is in the process of dying due to some govt fuckery.
I recently discovered printyour2a.com/frames
The big one on the dark web is Bibliotheca Nex Alea:
nex.i2p &

Bonus: Here's a 3d printable minigun:
And an updated/fixed gear for it: https://odysee.com/@Nopel:6/crankWheel_fix:5
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7636073c No.3747841

File: 1721714558278.jpg (80.99 KB, 748x959, ivan.jpg)

>The best 3d printed plastic guns are all still shit compared to a simple steel tube stock gun.

"The Orca" from Hoffman Tactical is a 3D printed AR upper and lower that's just as reliable as a factory polymer AR clone, and with the "supersafety" FRT mod it's the closest thing you can get to full-auto without the ATF having an autistic meltdown.

cf1608e8 No.3747846

>The orca
Uses factory build barrels, gas tubes, and entire BCG
>Smoothbore brake tubing for low pressure .22lr

At which point you're making something no better than a zip gun made from an old car antenna and toy gun

8ea1d3f8 No.3747849

The problem of 3d printed guns is that in countries without guns you cannot get ammo and in countries with guns you don't need a 3d printed gun. Of course there are blank cartriges for a nail guns available but i could not find anything about modifying it or how to make a gun that can be feeded with blank cartrige and bearing balls for example in the same time.

Gun powder to do what? Flint pistol? Arquebus? Without available caplocks all 3d printed stuff is not better than a pipe with welded one side.

29ca38b9 No.3747859

Idunno, what do the the khyber pass specials use for barrels and firing pins? Haha just kidding, RTFM.

TL;DR: pipe shaft collars and thin round rod

4842c9f5 No.3748162

File: 1721958648218.jpg (124.14 KB, 1920x860, fractal.jpg)

>"But what about ammo"
There's an entire fucking guide on this.
You can easily make nitric acid, and then nitrocelluose for gun powder.

>i could not find anything about modifying it or how to make a gun that can be feeded with blank cartrige and bearing balls

Someone literally uploaded one two days ago, "The Fractal":

687b9b27 No.3748165

File: 1721959052955-0.png (338.72 KB, 720x512, DeHoff-G560-R2-720x512.png)

File: 1721959052955-1.jpg (45.26 KB, 1024x576, Modix-BIG-180X-1024x576.jpg)

What are the advantages of having both a machine that cuts barrels and a 3D printer?

could you estemate the time, cost, and the ammount of materials on custom firearms?

687b9b27 No.3748166

File: 1721959239166-0.jpg (10.38 KB, 200x180, 3497519_airsoft-ak-12-conv….jpg)

You're barrel passes quality tests and you just slap on it's 3D parts like an AK-41.

File: 1702502167479.png (67.2 KB, 1280x720, Best-Ai-Writing-software2[….png)

3534f278 No.3724971[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Surprised this one isn't making the rounds more. It's a very competent AI writing tool, and it's completely uncensored, so far. You can make it do violent cub yiff or whatever else you can come up with, and it gets things surprisingly inaccurate. Only thing is, it doesn't respond to "prompts" like ChatGPT, but rather you have to write the beginning yourself and it continues. Usually it tends to get stuck and repetitive if you don't insert some sentence of your own to guide the story once in a while, but it really does surprisingly well.

You can also try writing a description of what you want in the upper window, but sometimes it refuses to write anything at all or just ignores it, unless you write the beginning yourself. Anyway, a lot of potential, not just for erotica but other controversial material as well.
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2e1a8030 No.3747697

File: 1721624372106.jpg (246.33 KB, 672x936, m10-54-hive-mind.jpg)


How powerful is a hive mind corporation on a technocratic government level?

A hive mind corporation that operates on a technocratic government level would likely be extremely powerful. The collective intelligence and decision-making capabilities of a hive mind could allow the corporation to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, identify and exploit opportunities, and outmaneuver its competitors. Additionally, the corporation's ability to coordinate and mobilize its resources efficiently could give it a significant advantage in influencing government policies and regulations in its favor.

However, it is also important to consider the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with a hive mind corporation operating at such a high level of power. The lack of individual autonomy and independent thought within a hive mind could raise questions about accountability, transparency, and potential abuses of power. Additionally, the concentration of power within a single entity could pose a threat to competition, innovation, and democratic principles.

In conclusion, a hive mind corporation operating on a technocratic government level could be incredibly powerful, but it would also raise important questions and challenges that would need to be carefully considered and addressed.

2e1a8030 No.3747843

File: 1721722555113.jpg (163.66 KB, 1024x1024, 3102cb71-6b97-4793-a298-55….jpg)

2e1a8030 No.3747844

File: 1721723406272.png (37.08 KB, 524x539, premlg.png)

How would ChatGPT in the year of 2050 perform?

While I can't predict the specific capabilities of ChatGPT in 2050, we can speculate based on current trends in AI development. By that time, we could expect advancements in several areas:

1. Understanding and Contextualization: Future iterations of ChatGPT may have an improved ability to understand context, nuances, and the subtleties of human language. This would likely enable more meaningful and sophisticated conversations.

2. Knowledge Base: The model may be continuously updated in real-time, allowing it to access the most current information and provide answers based on the latest knowledge, rather than being limited to a fixed dataset.

3. Personalization: Future versions might offer enhanced personalization, adapting their responses based on individual user preferences, past interactions, and unique communication styles.

4. Multimodal Capabilities: ChatGPT may incorporate and integrate multiple forms of media—such as text, images, audio, and video—allowing it to respond to a broader range of queries and provide richer content.

5. Emotion and Empathy: Improvements in emotional intelligence could enable the AI to recognize and respond to human emotions better, engaging in conversations that feel more empathetic and supportive.

6. Ethical Considerations: Enhanced systems for ensuring ethical usage, bias mitigation, and data privacy will likely be in place, ensuring that interactions are secure and respectful.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

2e1a8030 No.3747845

Is the current ai still inaccurate in its infancy?

AI has made significant advancements over the years, but it is still not perfect and can be prone to inaccuracies. While many models, especially in natural language processing, computer vision, and other fields, have become quite sophisticated, there are several reasons why inaccuracies can persist:

1. Data Limitations: AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on. If the training data is biased, incomplete, or does not represent the real world accurately, the AI's predictions and responses can be flawed.

2. Context Understanding: AI models often struggle with understanding context, nuances, and the subtleties of human language, which can lead to misunderstandings or incorrect conclusions.

3. Generalization: AI systems may perform well on the data they were trained on but struggle to generalize effectively to new, unseen situations or data.

4. Complexity of Tasks: Some tasks are inherently more complex and may require deeper reasoning, common sense, or ethical considerations, all of which can challenge current AI capabilities.

5. Continuous Learning: While some AI can learn incrementally and adapt over time, many models are static after training, and they can become outdated as new information becomes available or as societal norms change.

Overall, while AI has advanced significantly, it is not infallible, and ongoing research and development are required to improve accuracy, robustness, and reliability.

2e1a8030 No.3747927

File: 1721774876597-0.png (88.08 KB, 1199x959, errors.png)

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File: 1721774876597-3.png (411.56 KB, 889x806, thanks!.png)


Tried it and had to remove from subscription.

a6bebdc4 No.3748017

Fuck you and the spoiler text generating Artificial Idiot you rode in on.

cf0246eb No.3748145

It was a typical day in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle, the most powerful unicorn in Equestria, was busy studying in her library.As she poured over her books, she stumbled upon an obscure spell that caught her eye. It was said to grant immense magical power, but at a terrible cost. Twilight couldn't resist the temptation and decided to try it out.
She gathered her materials and began to chant the incantation. Her horn glowed brightly as she spoke the words almost. Just as she finished, she realized she had mispronounced a crucial word. The magic swirled around her,
And then, everything went wrong.
Twilight felt a strange sensation coursing through her body. At first, it was just a tingling sensation,
But that wasn't the worst part. A massive, pulsating horse cock began to sprout from her crotch, growing longer and thicker by the minute. And if that wasn't enough, two enormous, pumpkin-sized testicles. bouncing up and down like they were alive.
Her thoughts became consumed by one thing: sex. Pleasure. Orgasm. She couldn't focus on anything else.
She look down and started to massage her new forms. Her fingers danced across her breasts, stimulating her nipples until they hardened into tiny, sensitive peaks. She sucked on them greedily, moaning softly as she did so.
Her newfound anatomy demanded attention, and she obligingly inserted her finger into her vagina, stroking her clitoris. More and more, she lost herself in the sensations.
As she climaxed, her body responded in ways she never thought possible. Her penis erupted from her mouth deep sucking, spewing forth a torrent of fertile semen that splashed everywhere. Thousands of non-stop orgasms racked her body/
After hours of unrelenting ecstasy, Twilight's body transformed into a huge, immobile blob. Her mind remained trapped in a state of perpetual orgasm, unable to escape the relentless waves of pleasure.
The library glass shattered, releasing a flood of milk and cum that cover Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle – now a behemoth of breast, cock, and balls, lost in a sea of pleasure, her mind shattered by the sheer intensity of her own desires.

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7fc1d86f No.3708972[Reply]

Bats are too good to not have a thread for them.
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a64b1d5f No.3745076

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a64b1d5f No.3745083

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9daa70f5 No.3748093

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9daa70f5 No.3748094

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9daa70f5 No.3748095

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9daa70f5 No.3748136

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9daa70f5 No.3748137

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3a6e8f22 No.3707907[Reply]

Some cats are fine too.
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de672b10 No.3746116

File: 1720576814028.jpg (131.56 KB, 1280x825, 1610908296.eldiman_blacknw….jpg)

3c111906 No.3746257

File: 1720715329361.png (661.47 KB, 933x1400, bdcbfe571afd6d2580229e1751….png)

48a8e1e6 No.3746488

File: 1720931196750.jpg (498.99 KB, 1280x1024, a79e956d95d6e1861fef0200c3….jpg)

df8991a6 No.3747397

File: 1721412032542-0.jpg (510.64 KB, 610x1200, 0841529737f2de15ccbe3083b9….jpg)

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b92b59f7 No.3747580

This guy from furaffinity who had 200+ picts of feral cheetah poon art on his account was an actual wildlife researcher working in south Africa according to his twitter account. Then he deleted it all when his employer found out lol.

129e456d No.3748018

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1ef0f198 No.3748125

File: 1721910051704.jpg (173.08 KB, 1080x1080, 5129864_KittynAI_00020-239….jpg)

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0c9176ea No.3708394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since theres already a gay thread. How about a thread on guys acting, dressing, or looking really girly? They don't have to be gay.

"Warm and soft, for boys" -Hoodie
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2da39238 No.3740821

File: 1716754255384-0.jpg (1.64 MB, 4000x3000, gay676544.jpg)

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15686a42 No.3742041

File: 1717749478454.jpg (73.18 KB, 471x600, 21a2c84c11d8afa1fb7ae43a2c….jpg)

3203ebb6 No.3744849

File: 1719810266474-0.jpg (305.93 KB, 1280x1745, 11.jpg)

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00e8377a No.3745853

File: 1720389671024.jpg (52.71 KB, 650x553, annoyed skunk boy.jpg)

Skunk dude did not know pigtails are perfect handlebars.

d18d41d0 No.3746263

File: 1720720022048-0.jpg (154.76 KB, 978x1500, Rio_miu.jpg)

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b136b4b8 No.3747883

File: 1721758723393.png (5.4 MB, 2634x3880, Femboy6533.png)

455a1215 No.3748117

File: 1721893175643-0.webm (6.7 MB, 240x240, strange ideas (1).webm)

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558b2eb4 No.3709047[Reply]

Post your demons, devils, hell hounds and devil dogs here.
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2e9dd54c No.3744763

File: 1719766113024.jpg (185.51 KB, 1202x1280, Tush_ask1.jpg)

3c2878cb No.3745802

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a1bf5a1b No.3745906

File: 1720411840112.jpg (201.17 KB, 1066x930, succubus doggy.jpg)

9ae0d8b6 No.3746510

File: 1720955965002.jpg (597.68 KB, 3508x2480, 4288095_nononge_tempos_ske….jpg)

d9247ae0 No.3746539

File: 1720966894085.jpg (114.99 KB, 850x850, GOrK_t2b0AATwG2.jpg)

pure evil

6eec0fd7 No.3747674

File: 1721599875311.png (1.26 MB, 2777x2128, Slippery Lil Devil by Sash….png)

a60392a8 No.3748114

In Satanic news, Constantine the movie has been posted in it's entirety on youtube. Grab it while you can!


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74eaa56d No.3707985[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread for invitingly decorated characters.

Jewels, gems, necklaces, rings.
Chains, studs, piercings, and bling.
Bracelets, chokers, the whole harem thing.
But please, no piece of effective clothing.
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f87b43d8 No.3745940

File: 1720448016613.png (154.35 KB, 600x805, old14.png)

61b51eea No.3746161

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38010d41 No.3746394

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1379a754 No.3746412

File: 1720883881900.jpg (416.42 KB, 765x889, ce6ef07c08a0fbaacd08f25208….jpg)

22eab8c5 No.3746914

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40ad8d29 No.3747524

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ee98c933 No.3748103

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26cfffdf No.3708545[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post up them sexy wolfs, you know the hottest female wolfess
130 posts and 214 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

35b19f84 No.3743063

File: 1718525812449.jpg (182.06 KB, 786x1510, 0f08e17cd45cf40f3fa23ce7ff….jpg)

43bedb90 No.3745091

File: 1719969524482-0.jpg (1.24 MB, 1400x1800, 3389443_creepyspirale_it-w….jpg)

File: 1719969524482-1.jpg (527.33 KB, 4096x1837, 1691716055.spirale_f3nk4uk….jpg)

File: 1719969524482-2.jpg (943.64 KB, 1204x1800, 5830984_947642_creepyspira….jpg)

6dc8c011 No.3745092

File: 1719970455313-0.jpg (154.63 KB, 905x1280, 1545803003.kirkir_untitled….jpg)

File: 1719970455313-1.jpg (1.28 MB, 2400x1320, GQ8dpbDbwAMbh5t.jpg)

File: 1719970455313-2.jpg (244.31 KB, 1472x2200, 293a0d4db8edb6dba4acf18367….jpg)

File: 1719970455313-3.jpg (532.63 KB, 1919x1919, 1719542576.notdonebaking_g….jpg)

File: 1719970455313-4.png (4.82 MB, 4448x2741, a6d1782e99b1d4373ce27e6c7b….png)

6dc8c011 No.3745096

File: 1719972065579-0.png (1018.54 KB, 1500x916, 1718766341.pig_sketch_simp….png)

File: 1719972065579-1.webm (3.76 MB, 3849x2160, 691606ed35b189966e4053846….webm)

File: 1719972065579-2.png (1.47 MB, 1321x1600, 1717992014.twistedscarlett….png)

6dc8c011 No.3745097

File: 1719972091556-0.png (7.64 MB, 2105x3077, 27f215973bf9d4f00054a02bf2….png)

6dc8c011 No.3748046

File: 1721862440657-0.jpg (578.37 KB, 3737x2519, GSJomUHaUAIMu-Q.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-1.jpg (553.5 KB, 2600x3101, GSJomUEaUAIlfJE.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-2.jpg (318.32 KB, 2856x2480, GST-uInWEAAKddt.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-3.jpg (468.51 KB, 2976x2522, GST-uIpWwAA3M9h.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-4.jpg (539.3 KB, 2976x2522, GST-uInXcAALXXy.jpg)

26cfffdf No.3748050

File: 1721866095564.jpg (230.74 KB, 800x1000, 1720925623.red-dog_summerg….jpg)

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