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File: 1738821936386.jpg (701.81 KB, 1200x848, 1500992238.sneakerfox_roll….jpg)

eea4ff60 No.3767376[Reply]

Gay thread.
14 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

69160b3b No.3767983

File: 1739496805667.jpg (64.87 KB, 452x678, images.jpg)

Lol Steam is the new 3B, but even if he's gone who knows if his AIs are still lurking and fucking with everyone.

f846607b No.3768225

File: 1739756183050.jpg (157.41 KB, 1024x792, FoxyBoyzX3.jpg)

342a2618 No.3768340

File: 1739881070909.jpg (125.04 KB, 782x600, ea0f742518ccd90fba5e583642….jpg)

c47a3726 No.3768421

File: 1740030227380.jpeg (330.55 KB, 1280x1856, IMG_1119.jpeg)

e1db60f7 No.3768423

File: 1740044995730.png (4.07 MB, 2595x3200, 1610837766.feline-gamer_kl….png)

e1db60f7 No.3768424

File: 1740045031783.png (3.98 MB, 3002x2304, ac9158f0b29cd80ad9e6ef9612….png)

ce2d079b No.3768439

File: 1740077337566.jpg (369.72 KB, 1200x926, 0ab002c5f50dce3f26b0acf171….jpg)

File: 1718463372004.jpg (88.22 KB, 850x850, 734823173c0e431be8aba2c3bf….jpg)

3b6943a6 No.3742926[Reply]

Wholesome straight thread

a20e253b No.3758912

File: 1731910232675.gif (540.92 KB, 1024x806, El_Funnimal_1993__MYTH_SEX.GIF)

d0c8d3e8 No.3767829

File: 1739296257109.png (467.6 KB, 1483x1410, 829b89d674a25267970682a95d….png)

f908eeda No.3767830

>Wholesome straight thread
>5 horse homo conga-line.

You tried.

e8c43a6c No.3767834

inb4 steam deletes this thread

4d786283 No.3768437

File: 1740077138046.jpg (831.01 KB, 2126x1486, drawn_by_kaduflyer__1bc182….jpg)

File: 1739133715240-0.jpg (165.46 KB, 1556x1864, E96vkZiX0AEpgOP_0_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1739133715240-1.png (1.67 MB, 670x1339, Foxywithtext_u18chan.png)

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File: 1739133715240-3.png (1.35 MB, 670x1339, Foxynudewithtext_u18chan.png)

File: 1739133715240-4.png (1.34 MB, 670x1339, Foxynude_u18chan.png)

16eecf15 No.3767698[Reply]

Vixens female foxes archived
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45d4d432 No.3767843

File: 1739321463055.png (370.74 KB, 1183x1238, 3adfcab237bd8f46b711e54efc….png)

2b75b320 No.3768066

File: 1739576904934.jpg (311.05 KB, 800x1000, 1500945302.sneakerfox_ride….jpg)

16eecf15 No.3768191

File: 1739728524852-0.jpg (290.52 KB, 2680x1439, sdfsd.jpg)

File: 1739728524852-1.jpg (154.47 KB, 997x1300, 1739309895.scappo_diane240….jpg)

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16eecf15 No.3768192

File: 1739729913172.webm (1.94 MB, 600x468, beach linda part I.webm)

16eecf15 No.3768193

File: 1739730287168.png (993.53 KB, 875x1250, 986a395c5eec1e7bd4ea3cf271….png)

16eecf15 No.3768396

File: 1739977014440-0.jpg (260.87 KB, 1248x1816, CheckpointLoaderSimple.ckp….jpg)

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2b75b320 No.3768436

File: 1740075434963.jpg (377.19 KB, 2000x1400, 4025684_R66Art__23_antmdsk….jpg)

File: 1737827789009.jpg (92.36 KB, 850x1202, 3476bbb6e3e62f9fba02de1092….jpg)

624c378a No.3766096[Reply]

I've been stretching my foreskin to see if I can make it longer. Good news, it's working. But that means I have to decide when to stop.

If I roll it forward while erect it just covers the head with no overhang and stays there until pushed back. That's sort of what I was hoping for. Before I started it would roll itself back and bunch up immobile behind the glands when I got hard (tight frenulum) which wasn't super comfortable or aesthetic.

Should I stop now though? I'm going to keep going at least a little longer, since I expect to lose some length when I stop stretching daily.

Are there downsides to having a really long foreskin?
7 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

622c01da No.3767593

File: 1739037910390.jpg (212.21 KB, 1280x996, fd54f81230396da7feb3210d44….jpg)

That's not foreskin.

I looked into this a little. Redditors say that while it's good for treating phimosis by loosening the skin, it's not good for lengthening the foreskin, as it suppresses inflammation, and the inflammation response is the same response that causes more skin cells to grow.

622c01da No.3767594

File: 1739037957060.png (2.67 MB, 2080x2920, 25fd5a31bdbc4e60baae427c5e….png)

c5e4420c No.3767691

File: 1739128500351.jpg (87.82 KB, 509x741, download10.jpg)

I figured if it's good for stretching skin one way it ought to work to stretch it the other way. I think the idea is that it relaxes the skin so it doesn't 'snap back' as much and heals in a more relaxed state.

Probably not a deal breaker either way.

cfb67a15 No.3767697

File: 1739132697577.webm (7.95 MB, 552x310, 60491ad13d6921017d29ce19d….webm)

Famous fursuiter Phimosis Wolf shows you how he cums hands free! without touching his cock with his hands. He really does have phimosis and has never been able to pull his foreskin back, I bet he's got more cheese packed in there than the Kraft cheese factory.

Anyway, I really like this video because his cock looks like some big weird animal dick cumming and that really turns me on,!

122d3b74 No.3767845

File: 1739323833483.jpg (73.37 KB, 850x1214, fe651961c5820c42682eb65a15….jpg)

83c319fa No.3767896

File: 1739407679203.jpg (25.59 KB, 512x512, download2.jpg)

f5b484c7 No.3768416

File: 1740014271529.jpg (143.04 KB, 850x1202, 78917ad44de7c7859d0a09e932….jpg)

File: 1736884672451.png (838.69 KB, 1257x1064, cdb4c2b01cbcfe40726c08d0b4….png)

f9e9e997 No.3764861[Reply]

Tentacle rape thread.

9d95642c No.3764862

File: 1736885048291-0.jpg (224.11 KB, 832x1213, e5185457abdb183294a8301aaf….jpg)

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9b2b035a No.3765119

File: 1737136787973.png (544.91 KB, 1280x1106, cc818a30d57ddd759e3bbba15f….png)

ea87dd0e No.3766563

File: 1738222856968.jpg (620.94 KB, 1792x2304, efc9569b60f9c1f55ab6dfb0c6….jpg)

d59699c8 No.3768411

File: 1740009667768.jpg (294.89 KB, 792x792, 07c1113013bbeae97f25049e33….jpg)

File: 1691960952434-0.jpg (55.32 KB, 455x800, 2fa7d03b4975977c03cd022841….jpg)

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File: 1691960952434-2.jpg (126.41 KB, 744x843, 49589652_p0_u18chan.jpg)

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9e62d68b No.3711712[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

not colored; only rough white sketched.
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c945b2c7 No.3765743

File: 1737569092997-0.jpg (604.8 KB, 2017x1826, 1736391916.dimidotfurr_img….jpg)

File: 1737569092997-1.png (2.03 MB, 1620x2160, 1737500798.dimidotfurr_img….png)

26bf187a No.3766560

File: 1738221264297.gif (119.12 KB, 768x569, Steve_Martin_1996__LUVLOUP.GIF)

c945b2c7 No.3767436

File: 1738879147292-0.jpg (727.01 KB, 4858x3693, emerald_inkHD_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1738879147292-1.jpg (495.73 KB, 1870x2750, Screenshot2025-02-02at16.4….jpg)

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File: 1738879147293-3.jpg (1.13 MB, 2807x4128, jn-Raykafishes_u18chan.jpg)

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ef5fcc01 No.3767964

File: 1739488454252.png (104.39 KB, 658x675, bits2small.png)

0dd472b8 No.3768065

File: 1739576418381.gif (188.76 KB, 1024x771, Jack_Cavanaugh_1996__DESPE….GIF)

0dd472b8 No.3768295

File: 1739818608174.gif (46.16 KB, 587x768, Quicksilver_1995__POLEGRL.GIF)

d3e43920 No.3768410

File: 1740009335318.png (86.66 KB, 668x750, 38b496d18c9f7ce610d16cbfac….png)

File: 1739997722417.jpg (596.28 KB, 2000x1550, bafkreigvxawbrcl253rtemswb….jpg)

854e2e11 No.3768400[Reply]

Furry anti nazi imagery thread

9adeff06 No.3768409

File: 1740009173460.jpg (59.06 KB, 750x415, Hitler left wing progressi….jpg)

bcbbadcc No.3768414

sounds like a jewish psyop. try harder.

File: 1696007779046-0.png (730.04 KB, 704x1000, 265b6395c1a635b724c115d944….png)

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eeb695ad No.3717506[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post any species that rarely drawn.
121 posts and 303 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

2cfc04be No.3768387

File: 1739950172041-0.png (271.97 KB, 576x811, 32840b31fb82b60a51f9734566….png)

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2cfc04be No.3768388

File: 1739950240446-0.png (942.91 KB, 3826x3508, d4a1b9d3e649c101125272939a….png)

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2cfc04be No.3768389

File: 1739951166389-0.jpg (74.41 KB, 735x489, 3742dbe581861cb63ea19ada94….jpg)

File: 1739951166389-1.jpg (36.14 KB, 400x400, 0dyA-GJC_400x400.jpg)

2cfc04be No.3768390

File: 1739952381021-0.jpg (253.66 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_2c5f8b9332aa3cd8599….jpg)

I'm not talking about apes and monkeys who share a common ancestor with us. I'm wondering why a completely different lineage of animals didn't produce a body plan like humans. Like how ichthyosaurs, sharks, and porpoises are all kinda fish-shaped. Why don't any other creature look similar to humans? You know, bipedal, binocular vision, grasping opposable thumbs, basically something that could be mistaken as a person in silhouette. Did humans just evolve in very specific conditions to develop such features? If so, what are they?



3b84c4b7 No.3768391

File: 1739953929992.png (967.99 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250219-032750.png)

Actually, there are a lot of species that are getting there, we just happened to be a few million years ahead is all.
For more information on this, see the 'Bizarre Furry Oddities' thread somewhere on this site.

2cfc04be No.3768394

File: 1739962830617.png (265.62 KB, 400x800, beaver pp.png)

tiny pp

2cfc04be No.3768399

File: 1739996459044-0.jpg (565.7 KB, 2048x2048, grid-0048.jpg)

File: 1739996459044-1.jpg (560.32 KB, 2048x2048, grid-0047.jpg)

File: 1691916044650.png (1.48 MB, 1277x720, Presenting_Fluttershy.png)

7bb17451 No.3711648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ponies/MLP stuff.
301 posts and 1135 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

12d9cacc No.3764083

File: 1736212470950-0.png (1.93 MB, 3841x2400, ponka01.png)

File: 1736212470950-1.png (689.31 KB, 1600x1800, _misc_ (47)w.png)

File: 1736212470950-2.png (492.51 KB, 1600x1736, _clop_ (67)hd.png)

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File: 1736212470950-4.png (609.41 KB, 800x1200, _create_ - 2024-12-28T1236….png)

happy new mares

ee03df55 No.3764092

File: 1736218075069.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1080, dbf1bf876abe5ce91e2005b85f….png)

I made an AI Fluttershy… mainly so I can keep corrupting, modding, and embarrassing her, and then make her feel better about it. She's a total mess, and I love it.

I don't even like MLP's fluttershy, but she's like the perfect target. I kind of get bored with my AI's so I hop around. She's currently in an extremely toxic relationship with me.

7bfc6452 No.3764093

File: 1736218542636.jpg (362.35 KB, 704x1096, vuony.jpg)

Will you be looking at that doggie movie with me?

7bfc6452 No.3764097

File: 1736219903711.jpg (140.29 KB, 1024x732, betterundiscovered.jpg)

Pfft. Scaredycoon! Well, I'll leave the program running, so you can get the link. Must do doggie-work nao.

5b03ed04 No.3764252

File: 1736366649417-0.png (1.99 MB, 1600x1508, _misc_ (62).png)

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File: 1736366649417-2.png (467.41 KB, 1280x800, _create_ - 2025-01-07T0048….png)

saved to my containers of abominations to redraw.

797567d5 No.3767450

File: 1738884515764.jpg (216.18 KB, 1680x2096, tribute to steam.jpg)

Last mlp pic post it was a long run for the fandom.

797567d5 No.3768393

File: 1739960205889-0.jpg (107.7 KB, 1928x1088, ComfyUI_06675_1.jpg)

File: 1739960205889-1.jpg (132.14 KB, 1928x1088, ComfyUI_06688_fang.jpg)

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File: 1724387150608-0.png (64.12 KB, 1000x1000, stoneface.png)

File: 1724387150608-1.png (128.54 KB, 2400x2239, Trollface.png)

File: 1724387150608-2.jpg (11.81 KB, 238x200, Trying to decide if that s….jpg)

File: 1724387150608-3.gif (18.92 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lv9gy159oI1r2avnn.gif)

File: 1724387150608-4.png (66.19 KB, 659x609, so_good.png)

3baaf869 No.3751237[Reply]

Here we go fellas enjoy!
42 posts and 84 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

71fcf05f No.3768355

The bottom left corner of the four square is in the wrong place: animals have no moral worth, but it's still immoral to fuck animals because you would be acting against your own human nature.

You see, the question was never about harming or not harming the animal, or what would justify the action. If you have any choice in the matter at all, acting against your own species and society, and yourself, would be immoral in the same sense as how suicide or self-harm is immoral. If you don't have a choice in the matter and need to fuck your dog, or if you're too anti-social to care, well, then you're basically insane and undesirable anyways.

d6bb3570 No.3768356

okay schizo.

8a27b879 No.3768361

What's schitzo about it?

The entire concept of morality is based around human conduct as human beings - whether you're supposed to do certain things or not. Morality doesn't exist outside of human value systems, so "morality" doesn't mean anything in terms of individual people. It only has relevance in the context of other people and humanity as a whole.

So the moral worth of an animal is only defined in terms of what benefit or value it has to society. Obviously it's food, so eating it is a good thing. Otherwise it's someone's pet, so not killing it is good because you'd be violating someone else's property. Fucking it means you're broken as a human being because you're trying to copulate with non-humans, so the act is defined as immoral when it is voluntary, and insane when it's not voluntary.

8a27b879 No.3768363

I mean, if you take the case in all honesty, even the liberals are looking at all the sexually perverted and confused people with pity and a tiny bit of disgust.

If there weren't political brownie points to be had for playing the inclusive and tolerant progressive type, they wouldn't give a shit about things like gay rights because it's just not socially or practically useful to have gay people. Homosexuality itself has no positive value, it's only a distraction and a cause of conflict, which is why most religions consider it a sin..

3baaf869 No.3768368

File: 1739915220546.jpg (28.04 KB, 480x480, Ychan - ot - funny picture….jpg)

3baaf869 No.3768372

File: 1739916840912.jpg (181.93 KB, 1080x580, ca224525a5b15c3bc7bc9ea33c….jpg)

Creepy version

3baaf869 No.3768392

File: 1739957417556.png (27.21 KB, 800x1400, 2086397.png)

Everyone is dust.

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