3bb67d4f No.3760764
> so for DC the danger is about cooking your flesh on the inside instead of stopping your heart.
False. Steady DC current causes tissue distruction by iontophoresis. This happens at far lower current levels than "cooking."
b58a0c15 No.3760767
>>3760764https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IontophoresisThat doesn't appear to have much to do with the point, at least in the immediate time scale.
DC current can mess up with your biochemical functions, but only if you keep a battery hooked up to yourself for hours on end.
18a8daf7 No.3760768
I am not responsible for what empty headed "newage" nobodys try to redefine the term on Wikipedia. If you are truly interested in the true meaning of the term then you must consult medical journals and medical texts. I will spend no time attempting to educate you.
0e8ce18a No.3760776
DC voltage is weird, a friend of mine was working on a truck battery cable with a wrench when, he's not exactly sure, but he thinks he accidently touched the wrench to both the + and - battery terminals at the same time. There was a big shower of sparks, some smoke, and it melted the wrench, like, immediately! Yet he said he was unharmed and never felt anything, and the wrench was not hot, yet it was melted
How is this possible??
593c3896 No.3765291
>>3765092Which Trump supporter got banned?