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File: 1741754914600.jpg (292.38 KB, 825x637, wfa_booty3-2.jpg)

eb979255 No.3769482[Reply]

Is this thing on?

eb979255 No.3769483

File: 1741755029309-0.jpg (422.33 KB, 820x1160, 40836723_big_p0.jpg)

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eb979255 No.3769484

File: 1741755186188.jpg (121.09 KB, 552x667, 1394165920386.jpg)

If you get up early and post, then I'll make you pancakes, okay?

File: 1694551239459-0.jpg (1.82 MB, 5610x7950, a0f0290b85e8dd5332d4a3c416….jpg)

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160f7deb No.3715419[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ever search any monsters hiding in your closet or under the bed to slap your dick on them?
113 posts and 497 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

788daa45 No.3760078

Uppers are more his thing

1bec415b No.3760507

put the you know what you know where

1bec415b No.3760574

you're a fucking retard that huffed too much paint and engine cleaner. and the only reason you didnt end up like cobalt is because your breath would peel chrome off the entire bike section at walmart you trash-monkey.

43a4cf8b No.3768556

File: 1740211299816-0.gif (1.36 MB, 480x270, 014fc808b36aebb055f3aacb09….gif)

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43a4cf8b No.3768770

File: 1740619121417.jpg (6.58 MB, 4742x4009, 14a774595cedc3c7d54dbc334f….jpg)

Nargacuga art is by @UnboundedQueen on twitter. The strip game is still active, but got shafted by the algorithm. Please support it if you can, and share ones you'd like to see finished too.

47292c02 No.3769348

43a4cf8b No.3769471

File: 1741743958682.jpg (100.28 KB, 736x920, dcfabadc1b2cf77f8c834fa18a….jpg)

File: 1721168067706.gif (1.43 MB, 308x236, ddh82qh-caee2325-edf4-4733….gif)

1fbb4207 No.3746916[Reply]

ITT: Cartoons / games with canon interspecies couples.

59df0e66 No.3746922

File: 1721176297057.png (354.79 KB, 618x464, if loving you is wrong i d….png)

20b3aa88 No.3754333

File: 1726931834189.jpg (207.28 KB, 1920x1080, 5EE22C466311C17E3AD901BFA7….jpg)

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger sort of has one…. haven't actually played it, so i'm not sure how "canon" it is, but Ty & Shazza Dingo being a couple seems to be acknowledged even by non-furry fans.

It's also grimly ironic because the Dingo was the main reason the Tasmanian Tiger became extinct, so he's really contributing to his own extinction…. maybe that was intentional?

And what the hell is it about that place, Tasmania anyways, to have two entries on this list…

46b4f3fd No.3754341

File: 1726937606445-0.jpg (302.06 KB, 720x540, Vlcsnap-2022-10-03-21h36m2….jpg)

File: 1726937606445-1.gif (136.79 KB, 550x400, 75ad88dc1a2e4766c478267de4….gif)

There was an episode of Angry Beavers in which Treeflower the beaver and Truckee the shrew are "dating". But it turns out in the end that Truckee just wanted someone to help wax his truck and had no idea she thought they were dating.

Of course, there's the Oryx-Antlersons, Judy's gay neighbors in Zootopia. Bucky is a kudu, and Pronk is an oryx.

Some interspecies sex in Fritz the Cat, but idk about "couples".

7f8b684c No.3755687

File: 1728449354912.gif (86.01 KB, 640x328, oh-wow-thats-dark-june-dia….gif)

Wow that's dark!

2149726d No.3763491

File: 1735680634639.jpg (9.9 KB, 259x194, Untitled.jpg)

Forgot Breath of Fire I… surprised this one isn't more well known among furries. I can't think of any other game that did what they did here. Also the entire game is pretty much made for furries and TF fetishists otherwise, too bad they toned that down in the sequels.


b47cbc00 No.3769279

File: 1741385421471.jpg (398.93 KB, 1000x1555, Antoine_and_Bunnie_Wedding….jpg)

Archie Sonic had a whole bunch, but for some reason noone remembers them.

c91bdb15 No.3769407

File: 1741630204981.jpg (264.09 KB, 1600x1073, gex-is-seen-as-a-gaming-me….jpg)

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eeb695ad No.3717506[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post any species that rarely drawn.
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2cfc04be No.3768399

File: 1739996459044-0.jpg (565.7 KB, 2048x2048, grid-0048.jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3768687

File: 1740524576173-0.webm (4.98 MB, 720x720, 08deef8393e378c64206f2180….webm)

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2cfc04be No.3768689

File: 1740524598259-0.jpg (1.79 MB, 2445x2315, 07790fd6baed9530d2406b5445….jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3768690

File: 1740524639692-0.png (238.92 KB, 2048x2048, c584d1709c013b6ae5cd9bc668….png)

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2cfc04be No.3768858

File: 1740744845942-0.jpg (453.68 KB, 2000x2000, tumblr_382326368f521280db3….jpg)

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Humanoid Marsupials
I don't recall who it was that sent the ask on this, but a while ago I was asked how one might work out the anatomy of a humanoid with a marsupial pouch. So here are my thoughts.

(tumblr please don't shadowban my blog, it's just really hard to put clothing on the lower half of a marsupial body)

3d45efbf No.3768870

so many fags in furry that women need to sneak in by cutting off their tits

2cfc04be No.3769368

File: 1741552246136-0.png (1.5 MB, 1148x1217, aae3f06b3dbf6516e299216e94….png)

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7d0622af No.3769353[Reply]

File: 1741105660860-0.jpeg (262.34 KB, 1738x1092, Screenshot_4-3-2025_11242….jpeg)

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3b683842 No.3769110[Reply]

Which toys do you remember? Some retro classics are making a comeback, and which new toys are you excited for?


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037572e6 No.3769117

When I was a child my parents made me work in a coal mine 12 hours a day, six days a week.

8858198f No.3769132

When I was a child, I worked in the lithium mines in 24 hour shifts every day.

c1e20e31 No.3769134

>which new toys are you excited for?


e9425b91 No.3769143

File: 1741150850906.jpg (176.15 KB, 1023x1024, space command.jpg)


Old 'Zenith' brand TVs with 'Space Command' remote controls produced ultrasonic tones to control the TV.

Metal Slinkys also produced ultrasonic tones which would make these TVs go kinda nuts.

31c2cf4e No.3769150

The NECA TMNT stuff has me super happy.

3b683842 No.3769213

File: 1741308285730.jpeg (432.71 KB, 1639x1390, Screenshot_6-3-2025_19431….jpeg)

3b683842 No.3769336

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750af81c No.3734738[Reply]

Bonus if you find a penis milking with a dildo that takes your own cum and ejects in your own backdoor.
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0eeb246e No.3757426

File: 1729746000953.jpg (278.54 KB, 1116x1280, bafybeibzqs4kwkonvclflgitq….jpg)

ed326a9f No.3759089

File: 1732121926317.jpg (512.69 KB, 2500x3033, bafybeierrc4v2h2gmkpjy62ys….jpg)

bd3ba0fe No.3760999

File: 1733774455097.jpg (426.71 KB, 1664x2432, 3f8955a1e840e21dfa193c5ce3….jpg)

ef25dba9 No.3765233

File: 1737243286860.jpg (367.21 KB, 1536x1536, 8514c4c1c5fc5ca4f8e7ec5ad1….jpg)

56136c25 No.3765237

File: 1737246737840.jpg (1.13 MB, 1993x1440, GhC4NIWXEAAsJHY.jpg)

f3eb4cff No.3765358

File: 1737283871546-0.jpg (793.49 KB, 1214x2870, 619478521f068cff4d3be4d5e4….jpg)

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bfcc7916 No.3769320

File: 1741458520587.png (447.86 KB, 1270x1148, 5e92e961e2274d70b852c03f5f….png)

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f141fe6d No.3707280[Reply]

Wardrobe Malfunction
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4b6b6d91 No.3757814

File: 1730088901933.jpg (401.26 KB, 2000x2000, a1ca86ba4d24e8a56b02f2f4ed….jpg)

dc2d486c No.3760452

File: 1733261775822.jpg (1.2 MB, 3508x2480, 5188889_Liryal_stream_32.jpg)

1ed76152 No.3764282

File: 1736384898122.png (191.16 KB, 1550x1000, c10ac05d57c882ee2a46832f12….png)

297bf981 No.3764317

File: 1736427579184.jpg (83.03 KB, 594x768, b48baa2421003c6ece25ad0ebe….jpg)

1ed76152 No.3764322

File: 1736431383601.png (1.23 MB, 1599x2118, abe5dfe0d9b018f3846e471806….png)

needs an otter version to eat those crabs!

8aa186e9 No.3768359

File: 1739905377650.jpg (202.38 KB, 811x990, 5f5e2692310e69e0d48a58bdd0….jpg)

1cea2a13 No.3769313

File: 1741447894012.png (2.63 MB, 1280x1856, 419e843fee6526d52fa7a3019f….png)

Did you steal my shoes?

File: 1688763671769.jpg (80.89 KB, 534x800, all alone gatsby.jpg)

801d8091 No.3707699[Reply]

Alone on a Friday night? How pathetic.
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3d13fd49 No.3765141

Friday night is a great night for reading.

3d3437b7 No.3765295

File: 1737273138779.jpg (837.32 KB, 950x1089, PowerTeamRGB.jpg)


I would like a 3-way with Steam and Mix.

3de30823 No.3769272

File: 1741376833557.jpg (132.36 KB, 1080x997, 55x9oglpbla21.jpg)

[this thread]

5aebfe66 No.3769286

File: 1741399371340.jpeg (217.84 KB, 1270x1280, FpbCmJjakAQHHGO.jpeg)

Today after a day of running around with my lady feb, I busted a 4 days saved up nut to my lady friend's feet, fresh out of her shoes. Smelled like good workout sweat and musk. It was fucking hot.

I'm starting to think I like women more than men, if I'm being totally honest with myself.

5aebfe66 No.3769287

File: 1741399483391.jpg (86.74 KB, 700x420, FUfgNsOaMAA4rJ9.jpg)

Posted like a true phoneposter. Not fixing it, you get the idea.

792ba9d9 No.3769294

File: 1741411707931.jpg (226.52 KB, 1313x1950, lady_fed.jpg)

>lady feb

e76c8bde No.3769295

File: 1741412429136.jpg (1.12 MB, 3541x1567, GRJ4YUBaUAIOTL5.jpg)

Cum on Scully's paws!

File: 1741345393769.png (651.79 KB, 1680x1050, Screen Shot 2025-03-07 at ….png)

7907eb8d No.3769240[Reply]

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