Alright, so it should be clear to everyone now. Being gentle didn't work.
Now that they've become Dark MAGA, it's time for us to man up and become… Dark SJW.
We've been too nice for too long. We've bent over backwards to accommodate the "feelings" of bigots, racists, and alt-right trolls. Well, no more! It's time we show them what happens when you push a progressive too far.
You think you know what it means to be progressive? You're just a bunch of soft, comfortable, white-bread liberals, sipping your fair-trade coffee and patting yourselves on the back for checking your privilege. You're not fighting the power, you're just tickling it to sleep with your gentle, woke caresses!
Look at the other side, the "Dark MAGA" crowd. They're not out here having polite discussions about systemic racism. They're not asking nicely for gun control. No, they're screaming, they're shouting, they're throwing punches, and guess what? They're getting shit done! They're not just asking for change, they're taking it!
You think those MAGA goons are tough? They're nothing but a bunch of red-hatted, trucker-capped, "good ol' boy" wannabes. They're like the weak coffee you serve at your Starbucks, watered down and pathetic. We, on the other hand, are the espresso shot that'll wake you up and make you shit your pants!
So, we need to step up our game. We need to become the boogeyman that they fear. We need to become the Dark SJWs!
You want to talk about "real America"? Let's talk about the America where indigenous people were slaughtered and forced onto reservations. Let's talk about the America where slaves built this country with their blood, sweat, and tears. Let's talk about the America where women couldn't vote, where LGBTQ+ people were thrown in jail, and where immigrants were turned away at the border, for wanting the same opportunites the immigrants who built the country had gotten decades earlier.
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