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You messed with me~

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File: 1738978028380.webm (1.84 MB, 360x448, BearDown.webm)

318a302b No.3767526[Reply]

In what is an all time epic troll, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker made an announcement on social media that he’s going to rename Lake Michigan to "Lake Illinois."

I guess if President Musk is just going to run around being lawless he wants to get in on the fun too!

File: 1701016340279.jpg (58.22 KB, 500x500, alone_on_a_friday_night.jpg)

260a4108 No.3722900[Reply]

Alone On a Friday Night? God, You're Pathetic
31 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6178d889 No.3754583

File: 1727223663915.jpeg (159.88 KB, 1621x970, Screenshot_24-9-2024_2021….jpeg)

f6069723 No.3761437

File: 1734131821800.jpg (574.61 KB, 2424x1751, 5291418_MinnoSimmins_senth….jpg)

777af926 No.3761458

File: 1734154845200.jpg (183.61 KB, 1500x1050, 5342733_Th3Geo_26-09-2024.jpg)

dd1e82d3 No.3762087

File: 1734665873575.png (769.5 KB, 968x1280, honk_the_penis.png)

Bump because someone is too lazy to Ctrl+F in the catalog.

357f92d9 No.3763146

File: 1735360543985.jpeg (116.55 KB, 1719x882, Screenshot_27-12-2024_233….jpeg)

61293648 No.3763169

How was everyone's friday? Spend it alone on Telegram like the losers you are?

acec4876 No.3767498

File: 1738953917046.jpg (117.02 KB, 1000x1000, 1187978438.mishakun_070824….jpg)

File: 1738929005610.jpeg (340.95 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_0092.jpeg)

62ba7328 No.3767473[Reply]

CP is back on lulz
No moderation
ideologcal Ai chatbots are pervasive as well
U-18chan is always buggy and highly restrictive of AI

Are there no good furry imageboards?

00562713 No.3767480

Funny how this supposed "collapse" of the board has made it more active than it's been for many year.

fecb5b61 No.3767491

Bot activity isn’t real activity

00562713 No.3767492

Prove they're bots.

5af50c04 No.3767493

Nazis with brain worms like them say any dissent of their fascism is a bot because they think it's a psyop they are in on

c85be0eb No.3767496

I’m not going to point out the flaws in the bots because they are easy to fix. And that would make them harder to spot

File: 1738934265453.jpg (143.81 KB, 671x1000, z9I1vkiCoJN7lkY9KhjTQsOf5p….jpg)

e1ecd8c1 No.3767477[Reply]

76b3b74e No.3767490

File: 1738948815628.jpeg (231.49 KB, 1125x1544, Screenshot_7-2-2025_12217….jpeg)


File: 1698342366325.jpg (56.45 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nzqc99gJuh1skbnjao8….jpg)

12c9b7b3 No.3719839[Reply]

The CP has returned. Brace ye selves for we be facing choppy weather.
33 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

4d2170ac No.3740411

File: 1716340923678.png (79.55 KB, 1200x884, 1200px-Dreamcast_logo.svg.png)


If you see CP spam or any suspicious link hidden in an old thread, please use the board's report feature. We would all appreciate it. Last thing we want is for some to get hidden in the back pages.

591c8516 No.3740414

>Gonz posting the NAMBLA logo

4d2170ac No.3740415

File: 1716342640950.jpg (201.49 KB, 848x1200, IMG_20211218_020715_121.jpg)


Are you for real?

99d61f7f No.3755095

File: 1727914075990.jpg (51.21 KB, 818x621, 1284704489.alexspastic_kyp….jpg)

> you can thank Trump for that
Post a link to the exact Federal law Trump was responsible for.

e54c27eb No.3767471

I thought so. You can't because it does not exist. Just more lies by 3B.

151d4cda No.3767474

File: 1738929167238.jpeg (1014.95 KB, 2494x3325, 97fd6d8ed865f14a.jpeg)

Maybe they meant that Trump was the only one stupid enough to get caught with Jeffry Epstein which lead to more laws against child porn? Trump is the world's most well known pedo at this point.

638492a5 No.3767487

The alleged law we are discussing supposedly bans zoophilia. "CP" has nothing to do with it, except that YOU are obsessed with CP.

File: 1738914089595.png (2.99 MB, 2287x1286, Science_isolation_covid19-….png)

ef51a77f No.3767462[Reply]

Americans are warned to stay inside and self isolate from friends, family, and other individuals as over 800 cases of unapproved emotions are reported across the country. Fearing that the unapproved emotions may be contagious, this isolation may be ongoing. The Pentagon warns that although it is only suggested now, if more cases of unapproved emotions are found, the isolation may be enforced by martial law.

729e5cb1 No.3767466

File: 1738916994665.jpeg (161.4 KB, 1024x768, IMG_1048.jpeg)

2ea61a73 No.3767478

>>3767466 looks like heisenburg in Saul's office

File: 1738923405481.png (1.38 MB, 1400x700, TMNT-Raphael-Punches-Hitle….png)

bf0b0b28 No.3767470[Reply]

So fucking pissed a guy I know wanted me to be his roommate for a new appartment but we had to split the deposit I didnt have the cash so i pawned his playstation and guitar but i figured i could make some extra cash so i spent it on lotto tickets and some meth to sell but accidently smoked the meth and didnt win the lotto now the guy is pissed at me for some reason and wont let me get more money to be his roommate people fucking suck they can't understand how the world works if he wants a roommate he needs to know how money works

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48db40da No.3767464[Reply]


Cut ties with ‘furry’ fetishists, taxpayer-funded wildcat charity told

Gathering featuring anthropomorphic erotica and fetish suits will be held in support of Scottish conservation group

A taxpayer-funded wildcat conservation group has partnered with a “furry” event that caters for people with a sexual interest in animals…

48db40da No.3767465

File: 1738915422745.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1236x5912, Screenshot_7-2-2025_3138_….jpeg)

File: 1738857845387.jpg (85.49 KB, 716x782, a4e.jpg)

6ca24105 No.3767398[Reply]

Just like we told you he would, Trump's first acts in power are to attack the people who hurt his baby-man feelings and enrich himself.

Not one single piece of legislation he passed or order he has written is designed to help lower costs or help you in any way.

Trump has been golfing 4 times in 2 weeks while his policies started a trade war that will make everything you buy cost more.
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6ca24105 No.3767459

File: 1738898856802-0.jpeg (132.28 KB, 1200x1017, Party-of-pedophiles.jpeg)

File: 1738898856802-1.jpeg (110.15 KB, 1200x921, Party-of-pedophiles2.jpeg)

Honestly, I'm good either way. I can survive without the government. I just want conservatives to own their fuck up.

This is what you voted for conservatives!

84c94852 No.3767460

>I can survive without the government
>Is a liberal
lol. lmao

6ca24105 No.3767475

File: 1738932404793-0.jpeg (35.01 KB, 418x680, Edward Coristine-BigBalls.jpeg)

File: 1738932404793-1.jpeg (246.06 KB, 1357x964, Musks-Doge-team.jpeg)

Elon musk has given access to all your private data to his team of neo-nazi crypto-bros. They have your social security numbers, your bank accounts, your credit cards, your home addresses and everything else.

I'm sure the guy who was fired for spouting Nazi eugenics propaganda can be trusted with your personal information, right, MAGA?!

I mean, If you can't trust 19yo uber-wealthy Edward "BigBalls" Coristine with everything you own, who can you trust, right?!

These guys are who you wanted running your government, right MAGA?!

6ca24105 No.3767476

File: 1738932588729-0.png (368.5 KB, 781x530, criminal_gonna_crime.png)

In other news, Trump is super-mad that the same people who hung the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials labeled Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal for doing…

[checks notes]

Oh, right, genocide. He was doing genocide.

6ca24105 No.3767521

File: 1738975411054.jpg (992.94 KB, 2048x2048, 89e24b3b260fe0dfd0b93bec37….jpg)

The clown show continues as it's been reported that one of the lead "Engineers" on President Musk's coup team was fired for leaking company secrets at his one, singular job before Elon picked him up.

In other news: Trump has fired many of the people on the board of directors for the Kennedy Center in Washington and named himself to replace them.

I guess Trump needs something to do now that Elon is running America.

6ca24105 No.3767522

File: 1738975624392.png (2.48 MB, 1536x1536, 738f393b716474b1258b822098….png)

Personally, I can't wait for the orchestral renditions of YMCA, Macho man, and eye of the tiger, to be played at the newly re-named "Trump center for music is great again center."

18d26004 No.3767618

File: 1739047422353-0.jpg (501.12 KB, 1671x1482, bible.jpg)

File: 1739047422353-1.jpg (426.97 KB, 1858x1555, dox.jpg)

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File: 1691007226176-0.jpg (207.67 KB, 1186x1500, Sacrament_Color_01.jpg)

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File: 1691007226176-4.jpg (214.58 KB, 1088x1500, Sacrament_Color_05.jpg)

4cc373ba No.3710674[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old Random Stuff
422 posts and 1869 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6bcc1f54 No.3760399

Old Meesh art is so fucking soulful.

3586936e No.3760402

Was Meesh using markers to color these?

5fc64b85 No.3760410

as much as it looks like he did, I don't see any overlaps or streaks… so I doubt it.

3586936e No.3760417

File: 1733235100583-0.jpg (300.45 KB, 796x600, 1170036153.meesh_ozzy-smal….jpg)

File: 1733235100583-1.jpg (161.62 KB, 700x479, 108519.jpg)

3586936e No.3760418

File: 1733235212061-0.jpg (597.95 KB, 750x964, 1197418820.meesh_goodbitch….jpg)

3586936e No.3760558

File: 1733345348115.png (231.61 KB, 600x900, brand of markers used.png)

Could be expnesive brand of markers

3586936e No.3767447

File: 1738883174227-0.jpg (444.12 KB, 1909x1871, 0dd1dd1019434dada19065e9e1….jpg)

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