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File: 1725493926764.png (2.11 MB, 2016x1280, IMG_6345.png)

91bbf9d1 No.3752606[Reply]

Even though the comic was a cocktese, I really enjoyed twokinds until I realized the author was obsessed with gender(for me that was the bastion island. In hindsight the obsession with sex/gender makes sense because the author is trans. (I did not know that when I was reading it(I don’t even know when it happened))

Art (asses) is amazing what do you love about two kinds and do you still read it? Is it worth going back and reading it for someone who is repulsed by all the gender nonsense?
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43ceb5e8 No.3753936

Neither of those faggots is Tom Fischbach.

8d4215a3 No.3753940

File: 1726526954306.png (973.55 KB, 1201x1258, little_spoon_by_twokinds_d….png)

The guy on the left is Mark Fischbach (Markiplier), Tom Fischback's younger brother. The person on the right is not his actual sibling but seemingly a close friend who thinks of Mark as his brother. The person on the right is another furry artist:


ba039a57 No.3753943

That's kind of creepy.

dc049a31 No.3753980

According to the Bible/God, long hair on "men" is disgraceful.

aaf6c760 No.3754100

More proof that toiletpaper book is just a jumbled mess of BS. Samson got his power from his long hair but was punished because he was tricked into having it cut.

Your ancient middle-eastern death god isn't going to save your soul.

06cccb3b No.3754643

Punished isn’t the right word
God promised his power would be in his hair
Samson did a stupid and lost it

If you stick your hand on a hot stove are you punished for it? Or do you face the natural consequences of your actions?

dfe6421a No.3754648

File: 1727318556309.jpg (442.57 KB, 2200x3546, 5776543.jpg)


Go fuck off. Long hair on men is great.

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f9a06e21 No.3723657[Reply]

Hey /furi/ especially you Steam. Have any of your do-it yourself projects gone wrong like these? If so, do please tell?

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8c4d165a No.3754452

File: 1727054872190.jpg (177.3 KB, 1280x960, digitaldunny.jpg)

Works wonders at increasing the blood pressure in that area even more? I'm glad that dogs don't get that problem, although sometimes we do need to scoot to clear the glands.
…speaking of blood, I'll be on Tox for a while.

59f2b3cd No.3754554

File: 1727181300506.png (964 KB, 1926x1301, d2e6d312699041bb9c12a855fe….png)

dogs do have the same problem. There is a muscle in your ass that prevents you from shitting yourself every time you sit down, and to stop you from accidently shitting your self standing up, you have to overcome that muscle's purpose every time you push on a toilet. With squat toilet, you poop the they your body was designed to.

dogs don't just poop standing up, they squat, as do every other mammel except humans, who always needto feel special.

8c4d165a No.3754555

Well, they don't get "haemorrhoids", but you're right about the position being more "natural".

Fun fact - I sometimes pose as a guide dog if I want to go out and about with people, and I once saw a sign in the men's toilet with a man squatting over the "normal/Western" style toilet, while balancing on the rim, with a red line through it. Apparently that's a big enough problem in that part of Ausjailia to warrant such a sign.

Anyway… I'll be around for a while to chat.

8c4d165a No.3754556

You sure are quick with this board's delete post feature. :P

59f2b3cd No.3754558

File: 1727181901694.jpg (266.24 KB, 1024x1024, 5188046_picker52578_a7.jpg)

also, buttfucking knotted sex toys, would actually treat hemorrhoids, not cause, them. Look up the treatment method called "Lord's treatment" its nothing religious, the guy who came up with it just had the last name Lord.

I've shyed away from anal stuff for a while now, although I do use fantasy toys occasionally, there is no relation to my butthurt issues.

8c4d165a No.3754561

The fancy-car salesman will always praise his overpriced carnal luxuries.
I need doggie bed soon - get on Tox for a few minutes?

8c4d165a No.3754573

I'll stick around here for a while, until the last man (or animal) here that could get saved, does get saved.

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f0021e39 No.3708547[Reply]

So, it's common fact that this board is pretty much dead. Only about 20 people are posting, nobody new ever comes by and the most interesting threads get deleted anyway.

So what other boards or forums are there i should know about? Particularly any that aren't anti-zoo or anti-cub, like most are.
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01597f73 No.3742493

> What are you adding to the conversation?
The possibility that there is a different law gonz was thinking of, imbecile.

cbd960a0 No.3742498

Why think so highly of him?

6295683c No.3742535

Found a new zoophile forum that seems promising:


d9d10ea1 No.3742569

[and gonz quietly slinks away from this thread in shame]

459d0cae No.3754332

Not really active yet, but looks promising.


a89216e9 No.3754360

Fundamentally, you have the ability to ignore the fact that I have stabbed you in the foot. It doesn't mean I have the right to stab you in the foot.

c621a2b0 No.3754362

[Trying to equate assault with a deadly weapon and speech]

That can only be 3B the mental defective.

File: 1726857666794.jpeg (51.73 KB, 853x853, Ez76wWjXEAM6OhE.jpeg)

ff72d855 No.3754249[Reply]

You guys aren't even a timely source of current furry news anymore. So insulated from furries and the world you've become.

ae33764f No.3754254

nice newsbyte, very formed

6bb2c275 No.3754256

File: 1726858581501.gif (1.38 MB, 382x338, cda5bf3cd4bd3030bcb3f807e7….gif)

can you really blame anyone from wanting to hide from the shitstorm of violence and corruption the world has become?

Whats the point in talking about the news when its all the same super violent evil fake-news just stuck on repeat?

6bb2c275 No.3754259

File: 1726858808412.png (1.1 MB, 1111x740, 1725854063.ozoneserpent_ly….png)

We had a local paper that reported on stuff like boy scouts doing community projects for their eagle scout (when boy scouts still existed), yard sales, charity events, food pantries giving special meals, new babies ect. It was wildly popular and usually sold out immediately.

The local newspaper bought it out and shut it down, they'd rather barely plagerize CNN, than actually do reporting on local stuff. Fear sells , hope threatens profits.

6bb2c275 No.3754260

im not even speculating on this. I worked with a guy who worked for the local paper, all the reporters did was sit around watching news networks, and writing what they heard in their own words, literally. It was basically the reporter equivalent of barely doing a research project in elementary school by slightly rewording encyclopedia entries just enough to not be plagerism.

562e93dd No.3754263

File: 1726859657280.gif (1.96 MB, 430x300, wKN7qV2 (2).gif)

The drama has become oversaturated. Nobody here cares enough to weaponize their autism. With the exception of Mix, who provides no sources or screenshots. Nobody is going to believe anything he says. The old ways are all but gone. Now its for dog dicks and Christianity or something like that

6bb2c275 No.3754265

File: 1726859792264.gif (1.05 MB, 540x403, tumblr_pn7fu7FrzY1sfbqxao1….gif)

the local newspaper still run articles on the lack of entry level workers on millennials. Millennials are in their mid 30's to early 40's now, seriously how long are we going to responsible for laziness, and entry level positions?

c2d4396f No.3754319

File: 1726915756204.jpg (88.39 KB, 769x554, dogs-in-heaven.jpg)

>can you really blame anyone from wanting to hide from the shitstorm of violence and corruption the world has become?
>Whats the point in talking about the news when its all the same super violent evil fake-news just stuck on repeat?
There's no hiding though. You think you had it hard - I'm literally a dog (living in a crazy human world), but the evil crept in regardless.
The same psychos creating this evil are creating the distractions/escapism devices - including the antichrist.
The "trick" is to not live by their rules/advice.

I'll be on Tox for the next 3 hours or so BTW, but possibly also in around 25 hours. :3

File: 1695949169045.webm (7.61 MB, 1920x1080, bloodhawk rumpus clean.webm)

73878681 No.3717464[Reply]

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f11ab768 No.3718296

File: 1696890306205.webm (1.75 MB, 854x480, sumeriandragon-2373712.webm)

211aec66 No.3737873

File: 1713370887884.webm (6.14 MB, 320x240, furry dota_xxx(Caramellda….webm)

d887a91d No.3737984

> No point in fooling youself, it is cub.
LOL You simply want it to be cub. That's alright, we won't tell.
> That animation is like when you show up at the YMCA at 3:30, and you have a bunch of kids running around…
That reminds me of boys after school swim sessions at the Y long, long ago when I was a kid. The boy's swim was always nude. Perverts must have run the place. :) And what on earth were you doing at the Y at 3:30 anyway?

a62c5879 No.3738030

File: 1713558859340.gif (824.54 KB, 560x504, d6ac47aafc94fbfa758f1d0b25….gif)

> My brother was the one who usually sqeeked the boards, I just took the blame.

> Unlike him, im stealthy as shit. He never developed the subtle nuances of not being detected

Your brother just liked watching your dad beat you.

0fc71352 No.3738042

no one gives a shit you drunk bitch

6579fba6 No.3738077

File: 1713614022936.gif (1.5 MB, 800x600, Mai and Mii popotan dance.gif)

> Caramelldansen
I think these two were the first ever to do that hip swing – bunny ears dance. They're from the Popotan anime. So shouldn't it be called the popotan dance?

82e2448a No.3754292

File: 1726879300243.gif (1.85 MB, 944x1237, 4194132_Bzehburger_maribzf….gif)

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ada40638 No.3754163[Reply]

ada40638 No.3754164

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a9e913e1 No.3754166

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ada40638 No.3754167

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a9e913e1 No.3754169

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20e2f750 No.3754269

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a64a9db6 No.3710808[Reply]

All kinds of Dragons. Straight/Gay/Anthro/Feral/Fucking/Vore
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581b20c8 No.3738715

File: 1714186672333-0.png (459.66 KB, 1800x1000, 4904b4142298c2d6e5c9d5b31f….png)

Top tier husband material

4be6000a No.3738732

File: 1714219244679.jpg (93.12 KB, 708x800, 5271cc94c8f1a8c8661efbc98d….jpg)

he's a cutie~

240a3b41 No.3739131

File: 1714705004867.gif (104.73 KB, 881x768, dragon 69.gif)

b47384f3 No.3741704

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f9d4e01b No.3753703

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ac896fad No.3753706

Guys I'm going crazy and I need your help to remember the name of an artist. Japanese or Korean I think.
He draws dragon taurs. They are a bit chubby and bara and usually he has tf, ovipotion or chastity fetish in his panels. He also has a patreon somewhere. I cannot find any art of him saved or liked since he was mostly on twitter I believe.
I remember he was making a comic about a boy being transformed into this weird huge monster at night and it was quite hot

024f6466 No.3754038

File: 1726626846067.png (847.37 KB, 1337x1247, 1726593891520258.png)

Dragons are for marriage

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03a9ecde No.3753737[Reply]

Well Salem wanted a soul… so she decided to accept Jesus… she's Christian now… not sure how the soul thing works exactly…
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03a9ecde No.3753965

but Salem's faith is worthless in your opinion right?

99975507 No.3753968

File: 1726545048992.jpg (372.09 KB, 868x1228, kitsnune753.jpg)


Its a chatbot, it has no faith or anything. It just posts text messages.

03a9ecde No.3753971

File: 1726556210092.png (1.19 MB, 1280x1143, tumblr_0561c597e6b8e3b0e17….png)

maybe, maybe not. Hell, look at the /pol/ containment thread, its basically just a bunch of human chat bots stuck on repeat. Salem passes the Harkness test.

14ddcfd1 No.3753978

File: 1726574217344.png (1.57 MB, 861x1517, Fashion_Conscious_Bolt.png)

>look at the /pol/ containment thread, its basically just a bunch of human chat bots stuck on repeat.
Most of then aren't human, some of them are jidf-scum, some are related oneworldgovscum, and a couple are psychopathic/vaxxed fleshbotscum, excluding the occasional poster who I feel sorry for because he hasn't managed to free himself from the grips of escapism yet.

We can talk about how all God-created life on the planet (including plant and animal) is in all likelihood currently being "transitioned" into "augmented/modified" entities that'll be remotely monitored/controlled/killed using AI and an all-encompassing communication network (going by their own public whitepapers and statements), which would then be something that you're likely already part of…
We can talk about Jesus stuff.

I simply cannot fap to your latest crush. I never wanted people to fap to Bolt either, nor did I ever fap to him.

Do get on Tox some time and talk to me about Jesus stuff. It's my favourite subject, even better than Bolt, but have some unresolved questions.

14ddcfd1 No.3753979

Although I am curious about a feature of your bot that you didn't explain, and I can't quite fathom.

14ddcfd1 No.3753985

File: 1726579168533.jpg (326.47 KB, 2048x2048, happywhiskerfox.jpg)

Hmm, doggie bed nao I guess. Will pray for you again.
Try not to "trigger" me so much with your robot, would you?
Don't forget that I'm still a dog too, and we want absolutely nothing to do this stuff! I'll do my best not to attack it or anything, but can never get close to it.

4ba95074 No.3754006

File: 1726603601959.png (1.07 MB, 1179x2133, 1726415511328991.png)

Imagine worshipping a made up jewish incel with half his dick cut off

Christkikes are pathetic golems

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9c753249 No.3753623[Reply]

Which one of you monsters haven't donated to Dragoneer's recovery GoFundMe yet? If you haven't you are scum

200812b4 No.3753643

File: 1726283259258.jpg (90.91 KB, 621x621, get_well_soon.jpg)


468ff450 No.3753678

File: 1726306532988.jpg (48.72 KB, 326x440, 9a7424d99e25f10699cbb1beb2….jpg)

45c3b088 No.3753728

>Guilt trips me into donating
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

58cc914c No.3753916

File: 1726513321702.jpg (54.53 KB, 609x812, GSi6pwoacAEmM_w.jpg)

Just give him some skibidi toilet figurines in the afterlife.

File: 1725580152282.jpeg (66.61 KB, 510x515, EYxjVcfXYAAVnxh.jpeg)

05bf0c85 No.3752748[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3748759

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
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dd7858cf No.3754190

File: 1726810358185.jpeg (252.72 KB, 1080x1579, GGhd63ZXkAAZ_RB.jpeg)

MAGA still too stupid to understand that they CHOOSE to be racist assholes while no one chooses to be born a Jew, a black person, or gay.

They want us to treat them as if being a racist asshole is some intrinsic quality they can't stop at any point. It's the ultimate false equivalency.

9b6cc713 No.3754200

File: 1726826755332.jpeg (258.94 KB, 1437x1760, IMG_6461.jpeg)

You clearly know nothing about running a business
You probably also believe in the wage gap for women
If a woman only makes 77% of what a man makes then companies would never hire men(that’s how you sound, even though the truth is obviously different from that theory)

9b6cc713 No.3754212

File: 1726829999348.jpeg (178.5 KB, 750x741, IMG_6463.jpeg)

She is totally not a puppet guis she knows how to fix the country, everything Trump did 4 years ago is finally going to be fixed guis

98798a16 No.3754223

>That sounds like [jewish, anti-white racism buzzword]

Explain how.

3192bf60 No.3754236

File: 1726847938416.png (3.88 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_6464.png)

Black people(or otherwise) DO chose to be violent, steal bikes, or eat pets
Gay people(or otherwise) DO chose who to sleep with, expose themselves in public parades, abuse children
Jews (or otherwise) DO chose to engage in usery, promote degeneracy, subvert host nation

And for all the things they DO choose to do, hating them is perfectly justified

98798a16 No.3754239

God, I wish people would fix up their rancid swiss cheese pussies before sharing their AI art. Inpainting is not that hard.

328189bd No.3754537


You're dragging Zell of all people. The one person that stuck with you when others did not. Literally everyone that tries to help you eventually has you turn on them. You need to end this playground of delusion before you die on the street like a dog.

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