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You messed with me~

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816f6f27 No.3767195[Reply]

Our pants shitting dictator

7854d123 No.3767249

lol so true Trump can barely be on stage for a minute without asking for a pudding cup and forgetting who and where he is

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b8fcce60 No.3767112[Reply]

There's so much of American history that isn't taught in schools. The Tusla Massacre where white supremacists burned down the successful black owned business district. The Wilmington Coup where white supremacists terrorized black politicians and business owners into leaving the town, also the only successful coup in America… so far. The fact that Thomas Paine was basically a socialist before the term even existed. COINTELPRO targeting every progressive group illegally. The fact we closed public pools specifically because black people gained access to them and white supremacists couldn't stand it. The fact that Reagan funded terrorists and also used the CIA to smuggle cocaine into America during the drug war that Reagan was also escalating. The reason for that? Reagan hated that socialists won a legitimate democratic election. Just the list of democracies that America has overthrown is absurd, and a large part of why so many people want to immigrate from South America in the first place.
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b8fcce60 No.3767163



bae7d9dc No.3767166

Never forget that Nazis paid pedophiles to molest kids so they could study the resulting psychological damage.


bdbda672 No.3767167

Wow maga would do that just to see how it feels

e92cba4d No.3767171

Plot twist: It actually worked out fine.

d3a9c277 No.3767172

Don't care. Still love Nazis.

bc9e7626 No.3767183

Kill yourself

d3a9c277 No.3767189

Why in the world would I do that?

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2297ed43 No.3767188[Reply]

Got any clever comebacks?

a5707c84 No.3767213

Fuck the Jews, with them you lose

14ec9479 No.3767216

Not clever but boomer tier

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e3313ba7 No.3767159[Reply]

fuck nazis

f3462949 No.3767185

Fuck em hard

bd7e36ab No.3767218

Superheroes aren't fighting for social justice by concept: most of them are vigilantes fighting for personal revenge, or maintaining status quo against "supervillains" who represent evil or mad tyrants and criminal organizations operating outside of the law. They're trying to uphold the rule of law, not change the law according to private interests.

Superheroes mostly try to maintain the system, while the evil villains in the stories try to upend the system for their own personal benefit. Woke represents minorities and partisan groups trying to change the system for their private advantage, or to bypass the law for the same effect (regulated equity instead of equality in the face of law), making woke more like the supervillains of the real world.

8be610a8 No.3767256

Tell me you have never read a comic without saying you never read a comic…

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089eca8b No.3767154[Reply]


089eca8b No.3767162

put the cult in camps

0fae2ee7 No.3767168

That is giving MAGA way too much credit. They aren't half of America, they are barely half of the republican party which is less than 30% of the voting population.

Harris lost to Trump because democrats stayed home, not because MAGA became more popular.

He got 77 million , she got 75 million.
The population of America (2024) was 335 million.
Most of America just didn't vote at all.

ef89f751 No.3767170

Democrats are only about 30%
You just lie and scheme and cheat to make it seem like you are more, because you couldn't win anything if you didn't.

So, for the sake of argument, let's just say a bunch of them did stay home.
We'll even ignore California still counting votes 4 weeks after the election was over.

So, if they didn't bother to vote, then they have no right to complain.

0fae2ee7 No.3767174

Why would they complain? Trump is doing a bang-up job of destroying the Republican party! He's going to drive more Americans to become Democrats than the Democrats could ever dream of.

fb44d74e No.3767176

That tax will become 0% when all the billionaires fuck off since you keep arbitrarily taking money from them for random reasons.

aff8402d No.3767205

>arbitrarily taking money from them for random reasons
the random reason: taxation is only fair if everyone including the rich pay

9165d7e6 No.3767221

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And that 31% Democrat approval rating is from polling their own useful idiots. Nothing is true. It’s lower than that. The African American is in Trump’s America First wave. They are seriously laughing at the democrats. The independents like guns and lower taxes too, imagine that, their base of illegals is being deported, their NGO money and fake jobs are cut off and the most complicit ally, the State Run media no one believes. They are in serious trouble of splitting in to fringe groups that will only win elections ever again if they cheat. And to top that off they had that clown show of degenerates who can’t even read a teleprompter, couldn’t manage a garage sale and scream, dance around like a bunch of weirdos in the subway. These are the KIND of new Leaders of the democrat party you grab your kids arm and say “don’t look at them” as you avoid them walking down the freaking street.

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b867d6dd No.3767148[Reply]

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0b12eb35 No.3767152

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b867d6dd No.3767155

b867d6dd No.3767164

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smash em

310e1d46 No.3767173

Those who don't learn from history… I forget. Probably something good happens.

dd41f54f No.3767175

File: 1738629730721.jpeg (123.09 KB, 959x1256, IMG_0381.jpeg)

Found a pic of OP

96eee3b5 No.3767204

File: 1738635549494.jpeg (379.77 KB, 1928x1064, Screenshot_3-2-2025_21192….jpeg)

Send the OP to Africa and see how long he survives there.

b867d6dd No.3767244

send u

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7d8f080f No.3767047[Reply]

Lol Wtf elon
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7d8f080f No.3767054

Stfu nazi bitch suck my balls

621e1f43 No.3767069

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Elon Musk, an unelected official and his team of twitter technicians just installed a software backdoor into the systems used by the U.S. Treasury to fund the American government. They can now halt funding on any program they want, re-direct funding to any bank account they want, or just cripple the American government at will.

I'm sure trusting the security of the single most vital computer system in America to the people who can't even slow down the army of spam bots on Twitter won't end up failing spectacularly.

621e1f43 No.3767078

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0a652ad0 No.3767090

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>Army chopper yeets itself into a civilian airliner despite the ATC telling them again and again that they needed to move the fuck out of the way
>Day 2: Army releases identities of FUCKING WHITE MALES on board to imply that they were the responsible party
>Glowfaggots call up social media companies and have every account belonging to third mystery pilot nuked from orbit
>Day 7: "oh yeah lol there was a Jewish lesbian Biden aide piloting the helicopter too anyway moving on how about that Super Bowl, huh?"
lmaooooooooooooooooo Trump was right the whole time ahahahahaha

7d8f080f No.3767091

Cry about it cracker nazi faggot

0a652ad0 No.3767120

Crying? I'm clearly gloating. Are you brown or something?

621e1f43 No.3767147

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>Nonsense I read on facebook and think is true because my IQ is potato.

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1868dd2c No.3767095[Reply]

There are a number of ways to resist this administration and the oligarchs that run it:

- Do not buy from large stores, especially the ones cooperating with this administration: Walmart, Amazon, Target, Aldi, Disney, Lowes, Starbucks, McDonalds

- Shop local: support small businesses, minority-owned businesses and brands, buy Canadian and Mexican goods where possible

- Buy from thrift stores, charity shops, second hand good stores (withhold your labor and capital where possible)

- Get involved with mutual aid efforts near you: https://www.mutualaidhub.org/ Donate where you can, get involved with your local community, find ways to buy in bulk directly from wholesalers

- Sign up for the general strike: https://generalstrikeus.com/. It only takes about 3.5% of the population striking to shut down a country and cause real change. If 11 million people get involved with the general strike, it becomes impossible for corporations and the government to ignore them.

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15a044c2 No.3767094[Reply]

Rest in peace nazi fuckboys

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38394170 No.3767046[Reply]


7273f6b9 No.3767053


38394170 No.3767055

Wrong nazi bitch suck my balls

1c96ec18 No.3767068

I found a good video that explains how tariffs actually work and gave a detailed explanation of why they are used very sparingly. The video explains that what Trump is proposing has been tried in the past by other nations and it worked out pretty horribly for them.


3bbaa2f8 No.3767071

This comic cartoon sucks.

Way much better and well explained thanks!

38394170 No.3767092

He's a dumbfuck white

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