992229d5 No.1279
Why did ch00b abandon this site again? I remember when he revealed his plans to make this the main site and said "I will make the change in just a few days!" It's been over 1.5 years since he last said that. Why promise something and never deliver it?
c7066880 No.1285
>>1279He's at a crossroads. On one hand, he has the opportunity to modernize and fix up the site - hence this dev board. On the other hand, cho0b realizes he's outgrown this shit. Why bother?
I'm sure he's lost interest by now. Moot did. Hotwheels did too. And lulz is seriously a piece of shit. The fact I'm bothering to type any of this out doesn't bode well for my mental health. I mean, this is the absolute state of lulz: Aufy and 3B retard fights, /pol/ shitposting, accusations of posts being made by 3B (this is shitposting in case it wasn't obvious), content threads just idling despite being stickied.
I remember when we used to have drawthreads. Now I have to settle for watching a weirdo play with roadkill.
Lulz dot net: the Terri Schiavo imageboards. Do the merciful thing, cho0b. Pull the plug.
37243b8e No.1307
>>1306The hits tend to make their way back.
88d396de No.3567593
>>3718After losing a few kilograms and gaining a more manageable hairstyle, she would look just fine.
t. a man who isn't too addicted to anime girls
7c02ee3c No.3567603
>>3567593You're just trying to goad someone into posting
that photo, aren't you?
88d396de No.3567628
>>3567603I am not sure which photo you mean, but if it's the RL inspiration for the drawing above, I have seen it.
39b94aeb No.3575184
>>1316truly, better days.
it's too bad this place hardly has a purpose anymore besides being 4chan-lite and aufy's livejournal. too easy to get furry drama or porn straight from the tap.
d53e37c6 No.3576141
>>3576099Donald Duck is a pedo, that's what.
e6b113bc No.3576327
>>3575139This is why the world has all these animal diseases and vira transmitted to humans. Some fucking gook or beaner trash letting their inbred spawn fuck infectious stray animals. Remember the chink kid almost two decades ago who caused SARS for fucking his dads chickens? For fuck sake stop.
6817b857 No.3581286
>>3576327Which zoonotic disease is spread exclusively through sex?
Those diseases come from literal shitholes, unsanitary conditions.
402dcdad No.3604972
>>3604968literal boner killer suit but can't fault her body
c77e263e No.3604980
>>3604968LoL no. Although I do have pink fetish. My costumes have much bigger tits.
35cffcc8 No.3605204
once again, japan has thoroughly confused my dick.
93846694 No.3611510
>>3605196I just KNOW that outfit contains some bucktoothed nearsighted creepy Japanese Dude but still…….Wow….
63d69922 No.3618398
>>3618389The new gender reveal party sensation!
f7464d50 No.3618408
>>3618389Mixed race kids be like….
9816c827 No.3636524
>>3625375Looks like london or France.
9816c827 No.3636544
>>3636538Well that still explains a lot. Ignorant prudish and stupid is what makes Australia.
b9fb89e6 No.3637753
>>3636544>Well that still explains a lot. Ignorant prudish and stupid is what makes Australia.You're not looking into this hard enough. Victoria (main city is Melbourne) is a communist immoral cesspit, and will be the first stop for invading godless and inhuman communist china (after taking over the aus capital). There is NOTHING prudish about Victoria.
God will show no mercy when erasing Victoria from existence, I just hope the few decent people currently imprisoned there (those who are opposing the depravity and tyranny) will escape before His wrath is unleashed.
That whole display serves only to demoralise those who see it, and to denigrate the sanctity of new life, childbirth and parenthood, plus likely also serve a whole bunch of other miscellaneous satanic and evil purposes - who knows with the psychopathic degenerates.
Personally, I would have thought you'd enjoy living in a God-forsaken place like Melbourne.
861d4425 No.3637762
>>3637753Q : Do you actually live in Australia ? Be honest.
53322627 No.3637796
>>3637762I'm Business Dog (unofficially… not ready to make a full comeback), so yes I -do- live on the prisoner island of Australia.
Also - why do I actually need to be living there in order to know enough to talk about Australia? No one does. It's not like anyone living here has super-secret knowledge that only Aussies would know, and which mystically leaves their brains when they move to another country.
5a743332 No.3637810
>>3637796Are you the guy that was obsessed with bolt back in the day? Who was that…
0f187a5e No.3637865
>>3637845if you're a real dog show us your knot
1990aeaf No.3637866
>>3637865how is a dog going to take a selfie dumbass?
989f82c6 No.3637868
>>3637866The same way a dog posts anything to an image board.
I'm not going to play along with this autistic roleplay bullshit.
73c0ad95 No.3637954
>>3637883>>3637885>>3637891Haaha, so cute and true! :3 ♥
63d69922 No.3660432
>>3660428Looks like Sweden.
03c23689 No.3660434
lulz is better than it used to be tbh. I stopped going here when it was nothing but pol threads, and before that it would get flooded with scat, beast, cp, etc. It worked best as an alt board when fchan was a thing. Right now it sort of reminds me of early 2003ish 4chan /b/, dominated by tripfags that use it as a therapy board, but the number of anonymous posters grows daily. Have seen a decent amount of discussion and content, and the fandom is starting to nip at the mainstream a bit and growing.
39c155fe No.3660442
>>3660434>>3660434This is definitely not lulz's golden age, but its better than when we were being flooded by russian CP bots and defending against them like it was Galaga.
I guess porn and discussion threads are pretty even now too, even if there's only a few of us that as engines to keep them going. Could be worse… but honestly with today's furry community, I'd rather keep the new fags out.
39c155fe No.3660478
>>3660476I'm not a trip fag because I dare someone to even try to copy my posting style. It just always falls short.
39c155fe No.3660479
>>3660476I guess Aufy does, but its just because he's insecure about his identity.
03c23689 No.3671768
>>3671765Holy shit I just realized if I ever became super rich I would probably have like, 10 of these things in my backyard.
Because, you know…
66b0457b No.3706543
>>3706523what if u ran a websiet but also somebaohgo sat on your faced then dosex was him
0a5f2957 No.3706546
>>1280The owner MUST help her shiba dogwife to cum using his tongue and penis!!
66b0457b No.3709276
>>3709242it wont kill transhumans just so you know
1a2bcd47 No.3740658
What is the purpose of the split screens?
Is that God striking them dead with lightning or something,?
Looks really stupid.
8ede0d92 No.3750183
>>3596570Bottoms with autism
>>3660442Bro where do you think all the people being driven out of the furry community will go? I say let them come. More zoos to have fun with.