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You messed with me~

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File: 1739162729580.jpg (72.51 KB, 1284x997, 5yzsb05f38ie1.jpg)

ac2d7421 No.3767724[Reply]


37f500dc No.3767729

Like, even if it was proven(it’s not, and I’m not defending) it’s not funny

That’s got all the humor of replying “pedophile” and you clam like a seal for fish

One of the key things about humor is that it absolutely requires truth, and not even a lot of truth

For example: trump uses tang drink mix as makeup
Vs: trump LOOKS like he uses tang drink mix as makeup

The first in not funny because it’s a declaration with ZERO truth.
The second IS funny because it uses opinion which makes the sentence flexible enough to allow for truth to fit.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk on why OP is a faggot

37f500dc No.3767730

85e6f9f6 No.3767734

File: 1739169198923.png (124.19 KB, 369x383, 1679792878490925.png)


ee89108f No.3767737

snoop dogs antisemitism commercial was overplayed

923c7503 No.3767740

File: 1739192787908.jpg (85.87 KB, 900x675, 1632345171894.jpg)

He's out of the rap game and he's still still kissing Zionist Jew ass. I'm sick of seeing that dusty ass n igger everywhere.

63935f5b No.3767795

What's the difference between Greenland and Trump? Greenland isn't for sale.

0f482d0a No.3767796

File: 1739192904149.jpeg (84.73 KB, 675x449, 4668oh0a78ie1.jpeg)

005b5e6f No.3767741[Reply]


bf4703fd No.3767761

Hello, 911? I would like to report a murder! The Eagles just killed the hopes and dreams of the Kansas City Chiefs. It was a slaughter! No one was spared!

bf4703fd No.3767779

So it turns out, that after Trump had promised the Kansas City Chiefs would win, and their coach bragged that Trump was on his side, Trump got up and left the super bowl before the halftime show. The Chiefs got their first point after Trump had left the city.

2620417f No.3767784

File: 1739233818116.png (1.59 MB, 1280x720, luigi_and_diddy_kong_by_ex….png)

File: 1738832297918.jpeg (85.81 KB, 640x640, the-10-largest-jewish-com….jpeg)

dc0106d9 No.3767380[Reply]


dc0106d9 No.3767381

File: 1738834476345.jpeg (133.54 KB, 1080x1231, photo_2025-02-05 03.48.51.jpeg)

15d1e3a4 No.3767775

File: 1739224556044.jpg (432.34 KB, 3200x2048, 5423666_InkTheBunny_image-….jpg)

41b4c832 No.3767785

No thanks

87ca2a07 No.3767790

File: 1739239108085.png (645.76 KB, 4078x2194, santa.png)

One is too many

File: 1739210560330.webm (5.73 MB, 550x308, Gods & Symbols.webm)

fff35e79 No.3767763[Reply]

Share some music

fff35e79 No.3767765

File: 1739212265722.webm (4.65 MB, 300x168, Activator - Atoll.webm)

fff35e79 No.3767766

File: 1739212572645.webm (4.5 MB, 350x196, Project 1.webm)

fff35e79 No.3767769

File: 1739213367344.webm (5.18 MB, 350x196, Just A Memory.webm)

fff35e79 No.3767771

File: 1739215029142.webm (5 MB, 298x164, 0030.webm)

fff35e79 No.3767772

File: 1739216221977.webm (5.8 MB, 300x168, Alternate Reality.webm)

fff35e79 No.3767773

File: 1739216497706.webm (7.52 MB, 350x196, Beautiful & Rich.webm)

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26d64ec9 No.3767719[Reply]

You vill suck Kage's milk…

26d64ec9 No.3767721

File: 1739161004197.jpeg (22.08 KB, 320x445, you-ask-and-i-deliver-v0-….jpeg)

Tastes like wymen, cold and bloody

858a1683 No.3767726

File: 1739164135747.png (151.01 KB, 972x763, legit answers.png)

858a1683 No.3767728

File: 1739164271129.png (137.61 KB, 973x771, cockroach answsers.png)

I feel like penguinz0

f6f69092 No.3767756

Is it true girl's high school restrooms sometimes have used tampons stuck to the ceiling?

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f6fcb555 No.3767754[Reply]


Superbowl fans were left stunned by Tom Cruise’s changing face as the actor kickstarted Super Bowl 2025 by starring in a football inspired commercial.

Viewers couldn’t believe how different the 62-year-old looked in the ad, which aired at the start of Sunday’s (9 February) game.

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828dcce8 No.3740603[Reply]

The previous thread will no longer load while not in Fap Mode, so I am making a new one

Here all of Fluff-Kevlar's new content will be posted here, anything and everything else Fluff-Kevlar related can also go here, including edits, original content, and work from other artists

Previous threads can be found here:
Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #4

The most complete collection of all of Fluff-Kevlar's works has been assembled by Shurik1236, on e-hentai, linked here:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
30 posts and 76 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

828dcce8 No.3764167

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828dcce8 No.3764168

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828dcce8 No.3764169

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828dcce8 No.3764170

File: 1736286960662-0.jpg (1021.54 KB, 2514x4419, nytwarning_upload1HD_u18ch….jpg)

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828dcce8 No.3764420

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828dcce8 No.3767603

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828dcce8 No.3767715

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69793c15 No.3767693[Reply]

We need more younger users on this site, mods could you ban trolling, harsh language, and sexual content to make the site more safe and comfy?(No.)

98667d20 No.3767696

That's what really happened to Steam. We had to put him down because he was too old.

84780b95 No.3767731

>We need more younger users on this site

d1778cf3 No.3767832

File: 1739300162257.jpg (76.67 KB, 540x960, IMG_20240922_160650_838.jpg)

I can post the link in some discord groups I'm in.

79dd8695 No.3767853

File: 1739331263384.jpg (137.43 KB, 666x500, 1682288153340.jpg)

Your welcome. I posted the link to various discord groups.

File: 1738988156608.png (3.3 MB, 1800x1800, 1738988117.paul.j.h.conner….png)

8d416dd9 No.3767533[Reply]

Post your favorite pics! Only the best!

68519f4b No.3767534

File: 1738988270232.png (2.16 MB, 2256x1633, 1738986822.~synful~_sadie_….png)

8d416dd9 No.3767535

File: 1738988551042.jpg (295.74 KB, 1909x1930, 1738973956.heileejoe_1fusc….jpg)

96f3ddbd No.3767536

File: 1738989677067-0.jpg (73.2 KB, 960x1012, helluva-boss-has-fallen-bi….jpg)

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ae1b38b7 No.3767656

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62a08152 No.3767611[Reply]

We need to make posting "creepy" or "untruthful" comments a bannable offense on lulz.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
23 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

f05ad3e3 No.3767692

Go back to e621, faggot OP. We don't need bubble wrap armor and tard helmets.

Most of us don't, at least.

60409a3e No.3767694

How about explaining the relevance of Schrodinger's cat? You just shoehorned that shit in to sound smart. lol

6139a9bd No.3767700


Are you that butthurt from being bested? Why don't you look it up if you want an explanation? Here's an already simplified version explained for you.


24ba242e No.3767709

You're a fool for claiming a statement can be both true and false. And you've misunderstood quantum mechanics in thinking it proves that a cat can be both alive and dead at the same time.

No, before the state of a quantum particle is measured, it occupies a superposition. Superposition doesn't mean both (or more) states at the same time; it means indeterminate. Similarly, the truth values of the statements in the card paradox are indeterminate. It's nonsense to assign truth values to those statements, just as it's nonsense to say an electron in a superposition is spin up before measurement. And when you do the measurement, you get spin up or spin down, but never both.

6139a9bd No.3767711


Once again you misinterpreted what I had previously said. I said the answer to the possible future outcomes of the statement could be true or false. It is only when the moment happens from the choice being made that there is a definitive right and wrong choice answer. All you do is try to put words in other peoples' mouths and try to twist the argument in your favor.

I do not disagree with the explanation of quantum particles and the prediction of which possible state we can observe them in until a measurement is made. I used the Schodinger's cat theory to show, as with the true or false paradox question that one can be stumped. You bragged about not being able to be stumped was why I posed the question. I just wanted to prove that you are an egotistical idiot. You got so upset with this that you wanted me to explain the Schodinger's cat theory and how it can be used with interpreting quantum mechanics. I am not your teacher nor your student and have no interest in discussing these things with you.

Have you ever watched The Big Bang Theory television series? If so, I'd advise you to try harder to not act so similarly with your social habits as the Sheldon Cooper character does. It gets rather annoying. I wonder if anybody enjoys socializing with you either online or offline. XD

e2b2ce98 No.3767712

File: 1739143626764.png (85.43 KB, 660x681, retarded.png)

>I said the answer to the possible future outcomes of the statement could be true or false. It is only when the moment happens from the choice being made that there is a definitive right and wrong choice answer.
Utter nonsense! lol
>You got so upset with this that you wanted me to explain the Schodinger's cat theory
No, I didn't even ask you to explain Schrodinger's thought experiment (not a fucking theory lol). I just asked why you thought it was relevant, for a laugh.

6139a9bd No.3767764

File: 1739210695580.jpeg (225.1 KB, 2359x1341, Screenshot_10-2-2025_1344….jpeg)

I think they could help you.

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