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You messed with me~

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File: 1702880969918.png (1.09 MB, 900x1523, oop 01.png)

bb7d3ce0 No.3725646[Reply]

Hello I'm looking for some new webcomics to read, preferably ones with 'lore' and 'worldbuilding' and interesting storelines. Porn optional. My favourite right now is Out of Placers, I love all the stuff in there. I'm also reading Freefall, Caelum Sky, Unsounded, El Goonish Shive and Forest Hill. What do you guys like?

6d944b3f No.3725756


Killing 6 billion demons


Leaving the craddle (sci-fi)


I roved out

b7e3ffbb No.3741490

File: 1717304605829.jpg (727.89 KB, 1200x1715, found comic.jpg)

d766d884 No.3741533

File: 1717349556579.png (580.8 KB, 1006x1536, Runaway-to-the-Stars_026-1….png)


Hard SF. Light on porn, though alien reproduction is discussed. Excellent worldbuilding and alien design by an artist with experience in evolutionary biology.

File: 1702982746411.jpg (260.06 KB, 750x422, reallyquiteonlulz.jpg)

b3bc8538 No.3725848[Reply]

It's a ghost town population 0

b3bc8538 No.3725849

File: 1702982990901-0.jpg (186.13 KB, 1280x1136, 1565378775.fatglaz_minecra….jpg)

File: 1702982990901-1.png (963.55 KB, 2300x1700, eo4kw3nm7y831.png)

File: 1702982990901-2.jpg (434.79 KB, 1066x800, 8098564_orig.jpg)

File: 1702982990901-3.jpg (178.87 KB, 640x440, i-try-make-a-minecraft-fur….jpg)

digging at the mines

b3bc8538 No.3725850

File: 1702983240508-0.jpg (109.51 KB, 1024x1024, 10eeeb37-9350-48b2-934c-9b….jpg)

31d5321e No.3725853

File: 1702989949447.jpg (156.94 KB, 1280x720, Simpsons_08_02_P5__899270.jpg)

092ec270 No.3725855

File: 1702991688061.png (2 MB, 1050x1357, b43f6bcf0e9a246fb6c65ef0ce….png)

This is how I entertain myself.
Who needs a Dick to play with when you've got something like THIS?

b80d3348 No.3730320

File: 1706355207122.jpg (189.92 KB, 920x613, mpt39hgry6.jpg)

3a03740f No.3740634

File: 1716520594111.jpg (206.3 KB, 920x613, 1574795_skunkdude13_buttpa….jpg)

3a03740f No.3741507

File: 1717324135788.png (248.68 KB, 393x392, g3ia9tmoxfs51.png)

What the hell, /furi/?

File: 1717305064638-0.png (672.15 KB, 1440x1739, Screenshot_20240527-094125.png)

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72c65059 No.3741491[Reply]

When a non furry finds out their boyfriend is a furry? The hilarity ensues. ;D

26d81215 No.3741494

more chinky ai garbage. weird_name#### are all chinkbots

26d81215 No.3741495

dude. we aint reddit. fuck off from that drug yo

File: 1694377834607.png (70.6 KB, 492x384, 31880muhajid_wojakal.png)

3141d903 No.3715045[Reply]

We already have a "no /pol/ outside the /pol/ thread" rule.

We really need a "no cub outside the cub thread" rule.

The average user does not want to be subjected to CHILD PORN when coming to this site.
50 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

15031cf5 No.3741245

Just install adblocker or ask the devs to make a [-] blacklist?

27982465 No.3741246

File: 1717120463337.jpg (449.68 KB, 2000x2000, 4761221_sicMoP_jeannie_1.jpg)

Now strip her naked and try again.

af11e78b No.3741266

There are fallen places for that kind of content. I just wanted to see if the anonymous poster was even a mod capable of deleting anything. I suspect that the whole thread is just one big shitpost by a powerless cuck.

Let's see then delete the image. I dare them.(Rule 9, homeo.)

5b17525e No.3741269

File: 1717138232048.jpg (182.21 KB, 1000x1000, MakoRuu_maron_masturbating….jpg)

The poster you are daring is the lovely miss gonz, who is most definitely a moderator.

0798d390 No.3741281

File: 1717159273262.png (521.54 KB, 1700x1625, 5011230_Fuf_wingitfurbasti….png)


Hah, I haven't touched anything in here. Nor did I do this >>3741266

af11e78b No.3741283

Looks like every other anonymous user to me.

983ab1f8 No.3741454

File: 1717281174248.jpg (379.48 KB, 1860x2696, SaladBoi37_lewd_maiki.jpg)


That is anime and looks nothing like an actual human. Are you really that stupid?

File: 1708776257742.jpg (507.66 KB, 1280x1080, 2cef488074.jpg)

246591eb No.3733142[Reply]

….the one that lives in your mind,
what species is she? What is your relationship like, do you do everything for her?
In what ways is she superior to a human female to you?
Is the relationship mostly about sex, or is it so much more? How did you meet?
How do others react to you as a couple? Do heads turn?
What special accomodations have to be made because of her different anatomy?
And anything you want to add.
Please tell us!
55 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

0ee7f352 No.3733385

File: 1708970553821.jpg (80.44 KB, 550x550, 666-do-what-thou-wilt-sata….jpg)

Doesn't it seem a little redundant warn a Satanist about "going to Hell"?
"God didn't send you to Hell"
"You sent yourself"
Is kind of the entire point. The Satanist has no concern of rather or not your "Holy Father" will find them worthy of heaven they have actively decided to not to apply for entry.

By participating in Christianity you're applying for a place in his exclusive little club of "Heaven" that he may or may not find you suitable for.

Some people have decided however they just aren't playing that game and would rather just show up in Hell by their on choice rather than as a reject of the Heaven. >>3733372

ec64636d No.3733388

File: 1708978032546.png (1.3 MB, 1321x929, God.png)


Not worthy to god? More like god not any better than humanity.


e859cec6 No.3733409

pretty sure that is not a satanic saying anyways. it is hedonistic, so satanism or luciferanism is basically the same thing.

24f0489e No.3741333

File: 1717195726645-0.jpg (244.62 KB, 828x1280, 5B14199B-F86B-4026-9147-DF….jpg)

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24f0489e No.3741334

File: 1717195781767-0.jpg (165.63 KB, 828x1280, 527DB195-EFE7-4E66-874C-10….jpg)

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File: 1717195781767-3.jpg (98.23 KB, 739x1547, nuwa_u18chan.jpg)

24f0489e No.3741335

File: 1717195897206-0.jpg (272.2 KB, 1148x1280, 1307258823.lachland-nighti….jpg)

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24f0489e No.3741432

File: 1717270135530-0.png (4.56 MB, 1951x1888, ab3fb95b8d70efff324c10d4c9….png)

File: 1717270135530-1.jpg (1.18 MB, 3541x2508, 1717265188198.jpg)

File: 1717257832373.png (18.9 KB, 363x77, Screen Shot 2024-05-31 at ….png)

3f9171b2 No.3741405[Reply]

what a bitch

14dc713a No.3741412

File: 1717262539202.jpg (147.05 KB, 800x650, 07fe201b63a0948d39fd1101ae….jpg)


File: 1689184871182-0.png (2.18 MB, 1078x1280, 1620665354189-1 (1).png)

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File: 1689184871182-2.png (1.86 MB, 1440x1024, 109780900_p0.png)

7059aeac No.3708403[Reply]

88 posts and 96 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

cf21de2d No.3740284

File: 1716161060055.png (642.58 KB, 1242x1000, lol nope.png)

yeah about that…

cf21de2d No.3740285

File: 1716161898537.jpg (50.66 KB, 602x473, main-qimg-ad5641cec59eaf79….jpg)

4913acf8 No.3740426

File: 1716352442557.gif (84.6 KB, 1024x768, 3fee53de388774a94c5b59cde4….gif)

cf21de2d No.3740503

File: 1716423663760-0.jpg (99.14 KB, 1612x2048, a933955b126969b0102fe5fbe0….jpg)

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cf21de2d No.3740938

File: 1716872570496-0.jpg (477.78 KB, 866x1282, 1492355298.horimont_tatsuy….jpg)

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File: 1716872570496-3.jpg (130.71 KB, 1000x1500, E5DGNIuUYAAz0HI_u18chan.jpg)

cf21de2d No.3741273

File: 1717145676177-0.png (1.49 MB, 900x1280, 2722d5b9446735721f5bb0644e….png)

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cf21de2d No.3741274

File: 1717146254028-0.jpg (810.32 KB, 3500x3200, a4db332b33b078370490b83df6….jpg)

File: 1717146254028-1.jpg (142.81 KB, 1920x1080, zanthir-grenadesrender137.jpg)

File: 1717146254028-2.jpg (9.03 KB, 300x168, images.jpg)

File: 1717146254028-3.jpg (2.46 MB, 3383x2815, FN2WXIGWQAk2TiV.jpg)

Use rock it launcher!

File: 1688537488441.jpg (214.99 KB, 1200x857, 1299041386.wookiee_tauntau….jpg)

2eb6011c No.3707298[Reply]

Tauntauns don't get nearly enough love.
10 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ce9920cd No.3707928

File: 1688919296609.jpg (436.33 KB, 1280x1136, bafybeihsiqrld5sfdvfdnripp….jpg)

I wonder if that fursuit stinks like a tauntaun too.

7fbd821c No.3708578

File: 1689291329154.jpg (42.71 KB, 933x690, bafkreihuh2hlnqrow75xg7ini….jpg)

7be2022f No.3709279

File: 1689743717224.jpg (73.83 KB, 510x770, bafkreiahrqsegbbzongt7n6p5….jpg)

7fbd821c No.3711153

File: 1691423574559.jpg (75.46 KB, 650x959, 1300241545.caribou_tauntau….jpg)

cced2f96 No.3714004

File: 1693370272599.png (789.56 KB, 749x800, bafybeihjc7lx7tqbsw57aziim….png)

41650658 No.3716054

File: 1694914740139.png (1.73 MB, 960x1200, bafybeifl26g74mwvtgs5gf7y4….png)

6da688eb No.3741220

File: 1717115992695.jpg (107.25 KB, 850x519, slightly chubby.jpg)

File: 1717039145575-0.png (1.26 MB, 1218x800, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 2….png)

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46131355 No.3741080[Reply]

46131355 No.3741081

File: 1717039181206-0.png (308.29 KB, 1218x685, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 2….png)

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46131355 No.3741082

File: 1717039334117-0.png (1 MB, 1218x685, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 2….png)

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File: 1717039334117-4.png (892.53 KB, 1218x685, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 2….png)

File: 1665363656428.png (2.02 MB, 966x1250, 1664220777.hedax_szeryf_fa.png)

55737bf4 No.3669504[Reply]

Official IRC: irc.furnet.org #lulz
Web client: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.furnet.org/lulz
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55737bf4 No.3669505

55737bf4 No.3669506

Current source of Patreon/paysite rips:

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