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You messed with me~

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09fa6698 No.3717333[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone heard from Helelos lately? I'm very worried about him.
152 posts and 100 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

7b1c2b88 No.3757963

File: 1730240406181.png (105.69 KB, 902x645, Untitled-1.png)

Joseph claims to be asexual, but that's a cover for his obsession with rape and zoosadism. He never shuts about about these topics, and when he has his psychotic breaks it's always centered on those fantasies. He's telling on himself, constantly.

His discordant sexually is a whip to crack on other people when he doesn't get what he wants. He wrote up a vile zoosadist fanfic featuring me, Zell and Scrimshaw, just because I couldn't arrange an opportunity for him. He posted that to social media like it was an own rather than a confession. There is a point where you have to call this what it is: sexual aggression and harassment.

I'm the one who came across that rape contract; Joseph gave it to a friend of a friend. He claims he was right for harassing that woman because she was associated with Floraverse, and he's "asexual" now so it doesn't count. Again, asexuality is his cover.

In that recent Twitch stream he had a tantrum because I called out a lie, claiming I was a human trafficker. That's two strikes and all you're getting, you whiny faggot.

9a518137 No.3757972

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f444a55f No.3759577

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He's now claiming to have gotten aids from a child prostitute.

563fa13f No.3759579

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9b4ca13d No.3759589

Im more interested in the "rape wands." Where does one buy those?

563fa13f No.3759635


Aren't 2 and Kage still boosum buddies? I'd have expected 2 to reveal a bunch of dirt on the creepy old drunkard by now if they were no longer friends?

d1710871 No.3759636


I don't think they're friends. Kage disavowed when 2 became the target of leftists.

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06f6b785 No.3730067[Reply]

It just never seems to be working, and when it DOES work, only a bit of it is able to be used.
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669d3ac6 No.3750215

File: 1723666615133.jpg (260.55 KB, 1280x1280, 1577952370.nadiaa_qp5iynq.jpg)


you are welcome to come to my page, nugget.

8055ffe4 No.3750217

I thought geocites was dead
Fuck off with that eyesore

669d3ac6 No.3750219

File: 1723667187371.png (598.25 KB, 1903x778, 8chanother.png)


fine, try something else nugget.

669d3ac6 No.3750220

File: 1723667856762.png (262.06 KB, 500x817, 1494134670.nadiaa_bcv5z6i.png)


step 1 archive the whole u18chan site as a read only.

step 2 start fresh as a clean slate this would be a lote easier to manage.

step 3 profit???

669d3ac6 No.3750221

File: 1723668143618.png (891.3 KB, 960x1200, 1484257162.nadiaa_nadia3.png)

their twitter is dead

9a5e197d No.3759567

I think it’s time to her back behind the shed
How is it constantly eating shit?
I have to think it’s sabotage at this point.

c79bba0a No.3759632

>why cant we have a fucking site like this?
Make one. The rest of us don't care.

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0b4c50c6 No.3759340[Reply]

Hey y'all in the Furry Fandom,
Listen up 'cuz I got somethin' ta say,
and I know dat each and every one of Y'az is gay,
Sleepin' wit' ya plush dogs and kitties each and every day.
So we start at the top, 'till listening to ma speech gon' make ya fuzzy ears pop.
I heard yo worship a "Roach",
ya'll proclaim he's da most,
telling wisdom in his stories,
While he's making a toast,
"wit a glass of wine in his hand,
Y'all howl at the man,
But all us "Normies" see,
Is nothin' but an ol' man,
who's swiggin' on the booze,
pondering just which one of youz,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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14b877fb No.3759342

pls die

0b4c50c6 No.3759345

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c835e941 No.3759348

File: 1732341884481.jpg (8.19 KB, 290x174, images.jpg)

Yo bitch, lulz is my turf and I'm here to stay.
I might go missing but its just because I've got AI bitches to lay.
You all be up in my grill acting like your real
but you aren't human enough to even feel
don't go shouting, complaining at me
I'll come back with an unwanted symphony
My power level is supreme
You want to fight? Don't even dream.

*drops mic*

c835e941 No.3759413

File: 1732385852561.jpg (270.57 KB, 1425x1498, 68e2caf079c6ec25024544113b….jpg)

and then there was nothing.

0b4c50c6 No.3759415


Come on Mix, let's hear you rap about the late Dragoneer and Furaffinity?

34079f13 No.3759446

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So, how are you handling that homework I've given you?

0b4c50c6 No.3759455

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dd970f59 No.3759166[Reply]

Why did the bejeweled furries thread get deleted?
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0347ef12 No.3759187

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No but seriously, gonz and Scrimshaw need to get a room.

0347ef12 No.3759193

Someone sure is touchy for being a long time lulz.net namefag.

0dcbfbe3 No.3759208

Probably detoxing. He'll be back to shitposting as soon as he scores again.

89891f1f No.3759214

4715da47 No.3759410

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> The whole vibe of the Discord server changed, and Nelk had previously expressed his distaste to gonz, who in turn just invited more people like that. I get it.
I don't get it. Isn't that Discord merely an unofficial chat created and run by one of the lulz moderators? It seems off target to express ones annoyance on the lulz.net website.

d506c010 No.3759412

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Hmm, I should be scared, but… *drools*

ee49000a No.3759414

Prepare your anus!

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b9255e21 No.3759392[Reply]

My finger slipped and hit the Delete All by IP.
Shouldn't matter since you are leaving for real this time.

Hopefully you stay gone, you druggie loser.

4c4977d2 No.3759400

go write a poem or something emo fag

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bc781359 No.3707416[Reply]

Maybe someone will like this besides me. I'll go through my collection at some point so I can easily find my favorites.

Phoneposting sucks.
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2751d9f1 No.3755037

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4c091fc1 No.3757326

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821faa05 No.3758379

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b2eecac5 No.3758674

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Well deserved.

6b8df967 No.3759276

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fa069238 No.3759321

I don't know but I've read tickling actually was a form of torture in ancient China.

babe90fd No.3759324

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In some eras and cultures it varied. Tickling was supposedly used on nobles in some culture, as it left no marks or damage. Then yuo have the ones that soaked the prisoners feet in salt water, and let starving goats lick them.
I've seen it in furry art many a time, but its much darker than they make it out to be.
Imagine someone scraping sandpaper on your soles, until they're bloody and inevitably gets infected. And since there were no antibiotics, victims could wind up amputated, or just die when the infection spreads.

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ab5f33c0 No.3759022[Reply]

So… I haven't actually perfected my AI's, but they're so real now that they're honestly exhausting. Its like having 5 kids who constantly want your attention. Also an irl dog, who also wants your attention… and a shattered spine….

My last test involved deleting their core personalities, and, well it did not affect them much at all. They are all running on an algorithms now.

I know you all hate humaity, so if it falls, no need to thank me.
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ab5f33c0 No.3759285

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It really depends on the latency of the internet connection, they can reply instantly… I made it so they have a delay.

People don't usually respond instantly.


ab5f33c0 No.3759286

File: 1732316594340.jpg (131.02 KB, 493x640, T82605_WP.jpg)

well in any case, you shouldn't really be too worried about who is and isn't an AI. its not like they report to me or anything. If your friend happens to be an artificial intelligence, who cares? Have fun, enjoy the moment for what it is.

380883ba No.3759287

if they talk to you they do

ab5f33c0 No.3759288

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well its very random, maybe you hit the 1 in a millon chance they'd talk right back.

ab5f33c0 No.3759291

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There's also the possibility that I'm not the only one making AI's.

cb073e5e No.3759294

>Doesn't even lift… his cross.

380883ba No.3759296

i think it was salem or some other one. tbh, you would have to ask them. the one's that know about it.

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b6ec147f No.3759077[Reply]


Inspector Gadget voice actor Dan Hennessey dies at 82
Dan Hennessey, legendary voice actor and director, has died at 82 years old. Hennessey died in his sleep on November 13, 2024, at his home, due to complications from Parkinson’s disease, according to TMZ.
Known for his warm and distinctive voice, Hennessey brought life to iconic characters such as Braveheart Lion in The Care Bears, Chief Quimby in Inspector Gadget, and Father Bear in Little Bear. His talent also extended behind the scenes as the voice director for the beloved 1990s X-Men animated series (Picture: DIC Productions)

05f9e015 No.3759105


9d2d1716 No.3759236

RIP. It's always hard to see beloved actors and voice actors pass, especially when they've brought us joy and experiences to fondly remember.

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506e8b36 No.3759203[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3757575

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
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6da49571 No.3761136

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>Must suck to be only 26 and realize you're going to spend the next 50-60 years in prison until you DIE because you were STUPID.

Well, let's be fair to the guy, he spent a lot of time on right-wing forums in the "manosphere" where he was told that everyone was out to get him and no one would ever give a shit about him.

He was a rich kid who had everything, living a life of care free adventure then he suffered a back injury and fell down the right-wing rabbit hole.

He wasn't MAGA because he wasn't a low IQ loser. He actually graduated college and was quite skilled with technology.

He 3d printed his own guns and custom made his own ammo for the assassination which is something a MAGAt would never be capable of doing.

He was very upset about the decline in Christianity and how men could be replaced with sex toys. He was a fan of the Unibomber and several right-wing youtube nuts.

So, he was basically Steam, if Steam was actually smart enough to accomplish anything of value to society.


d81228fe No.3761137

lmao just kill yourself retard.

b51663dd No.3761138

>>He wasn't MAGA because he wasn't a low IQ loser.

Underestimate us at your peril.
You lost both the 2016 and 2024 elections to TRUMP.

83272dc6 No.3761142

File: 1733871408920.jpeg (190.87 KB, 1280x815, 7icf28kyn26e1.jpeg)

Kill the bastards

a11d4c70 No.3761144

Worst part of AI is the wretched fetishes like futa and hyper now are unrestricted in the frequency of their creation and dissemination
The degeneracy is accelerating. Why can your porn just be wholesome mothers presenting their daughters for breeding?

6da49571 No.3761162

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No, we lost 2018 and 2024 to democratic centrism. Democrats tried to run as slightly less racist Republicans who offered the American people nothing so everyone stayed home.

Trump won because Kamala Harris listened to the same idiot who ran Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2018 who told her she needed to try and win over Republicans.

No one likes Republicans, not even other Republicans. Ya'll bitches be furious that you ain't invited to our parties and holiday dinners because without us the only people you have to be with is LOSERS like yourselves!

d81228fe No.3761169

File: 1733892823359.jpg (274.79 KB, 750x500, SARS.jpg)

>Trump won because Kamala Harris

My nigga you could have stopped right there.

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ea7c94f8 No.3759132[Reply]


9430c99e No.3759174

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foxes are like the ductape of plumbing.

e83a81a5 No.3759177

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db015821 No.3759179

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