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You messed with me~

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File: 1736412953469.png (1.54 MB, 1664x1120, Screen Shot 2025-01-08 at ….png)

438be586 No.3764304[Reply]


63e2c39b No.3764792


I personally don't give a fuck about Georgio.
Never heard of him before, and I most likely will forget his name after replying to this.
Anyone with a mindset like this person has deeply rooted problems, they need to seek professional counseling before they make a decision that will ruin their life or someone else's.
Part of the reason society is fucked right now is so many people have made up their mind that their biggest ambition is to put their life and opinions into everyone's faces using social media.
They start off by lying to themselves, they think their opinions are important, that they can further the causes they believe in, but what they're really seeking is attention. The unfortunate thing is, it's not your average type of attention seeking, it's the sociopathic almost border line psychopathic kind of attention seeking.
These kinds of people create a secondary issue with society…followers. Followers look at people like Georgio and they want the life and the attention that he has, and an innumerable amount of issues arise when followers can't get what they think Georgio has.

And as far as the furry fandom goes, and quitting it? Ask yourself what a fandom is…
Think what the furry fandom means to you…
Keep in mind that a fandom is made up of people with a core common interest and is open to everyone…
Are there people you're not going to like in a fandom? Of course there will be, it's open to everyone…
Are there ideas and concepts that you're not going to like in a fandom, of course there are, it's open to everyone…
It's a whole lot less stress for yourself and everyone else if everyone stopped pulling the "Stop liking what I don't like" meme out of their asses every time they don't agree with something. Just walk away, find others that share your interests, mind your own fucking business and stop thinking that your opinion matters.

File: 1724952918924.jpg (7.17 KB, 225x180, 98892199e0c3698612d66ea4eb….jpg)

6e14cb41 No.3751861[Reply]

People are being discriminated against because their parents have different skin colours or eye colors.The crosses and mixes.Reproductive harm.Murders.

44b54d31 No.3764791

File: 1736825959548.jpg (59.71 KB, 600x783, 901760784b39999f309c848ac8….jpg)

That's nice.

File: 1688525472333-0.png (1.15 MB, 998x1238, 1686782634357474.png)

File: 1688525472333-1.png (1.34 MB, 1100x1450, 1687116347349245.png)

File: 1688525472333-2.png (298.53 KB, 1672x2584, 1687152650961694.png)

55f4c743 No.3707234[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

If I'm going to do all this work cleaning up the spam, might as well sticky a cub thread while I'm at it.
494 posts and 570 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

77147ef0 No.3762835

File: 1735108589308.jpg (860.92 KB, 1879x1500, 5486314.jpg)

af002d73 No.3762975

File: 1735238967707.jpg (1.2 MB, 2589x2500, bafybeicwifzhgkiuhumtzck5p….jpg)

6e6951c2 No.3763638

File: 1735831845483.png (153.19 KB, 845x894, 4386571_HalcyonWinter_2201….png)

9987f2eb No.3764434

File: 1736510130512.jpg (357.46 KB, 2047x2500, 9ef33f26ee5ae09d0d55c3c67b….jpg)

08daa2ec No.3764779

File: 1736821472923.jpg (989.4 KB, 2732x2048, 5186931_LookFox_stuck and ….jpg)

08daa2ec No.3764807

File: 1736845994359-0.jpg (156 KB, 1300x1440, 5389759_Zaush_huffy-dane-w….jpg)

File: 1736845994359-1.jpg (104.94 KB, 1300x1449, 5389757_Zaush_huffy-ribbon….jpg)

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08daa2ec No.3764808

And the thread is now past the bump limit.

File: 1736609525373.jpg (93.15 KB, 990x650, 35cae2b34ae022cd993869c44f….jpg)

b259c0f5 No.3764534[Reply]

transformation thread
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895d5cc1 No.3764694

File: 1736742147142.png (2.03 MB, 583x2266, unknown.png)

895d5cc1 No.3764695

File: 1736742182039.png (1.11 MB, 1254x1400, image0.png)

895d5cc1 No.3764749

File: 1736795971785.jpg (802.71 KB, 2310x1595, 1716939651.sangreroja_funt….jpg)

895d5cc1 No.3764750

File: 1736796042183.jpg (837.21 KB, 1720x2416, 149183863967.jpg)

895d5cc1 No.3764751

File: 1736796193354.png (1.81 MB, 1440x1404, 1726958208396176.png)

895d5cc1 No.3764756

File: 1736798970531.jpg (94.98 KB, 850x944, sample_f0f49de1e966a536904….jpg)

895d5cc1 No.3764768

File: 1736813019735-0.jpeg (284.96 KB, 1280x1039, XV9iqbWw.jpeg)

File: 1736813019735-1.jpeg (263.98 KB, 1280x960, A7Ome4W0.jpeg)

File: 1736813019735-2.jpeg (257.98 KB, 1280x960, D-u1CwMs.jpeg)

File: 1689183018375.jpg (957.41 KB, 2054x3000, 65665566.jpg)

0c9176ea No.3708394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since theres already a gay thread. How about a thread on guys acting, dressing, or looking really girly? They don't have to be gay.

"Warm and soft, for boys" -Hoodie
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1082934e No.3757974

File: 1730253263227.jpg (383.17 KB, 515x858, 1408229052.ruki_punkin_pai….jpg)

Have a femboy, no charge.

33d6aa83 No.3758584

File: 1731409386747.jpg (319.47 KB, 1567x2611, beau_67.jpg)

8149f906 No.3760669

File: 1733455013111.jpg (90.15 KB, 700x667, ee3ad6397a27e6290f64ab3e99….jpg)

6e913029 No.3760673

File: 1733455677994.jpg (184.23 KB, 1435x1080, hipster wedding.jpg)

506d8815 No.3762995

File: 1735255091448.jpg (1.55 MB, 1024x1280, 77b095b9847e4d5e1edea7da6f….jpg)

5ac41cd7 No.3764672

File: 1736721483576.jpg (149.16 KB, 648x533, 1233015410.waterbug_skyeip….jpg)

76167968 No.3764681

File: 1736730670980.jpg (311.19 KB, 1983x1858, bafybeidegpgwcyhjvq7flsnxb….jpg)

File: 1688539482331.jpg (102.65 KB, 1024x768, 1517154679.egger_ych_014_e….jpg)

29272134 No.3707302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Bondage thread.
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4b7ef035 No.3760144

File: 1732969595432.jpg (98.85 KB, 1280x975, 1612918849.petpolaris_foxy….jpg)

a300af46 No.3760444

File: 1733257155782.jpg (776.95 KB, 4080x4320, 00463.jpg)

23be5181 No.3763762

File: 1735968837360.jpg (343.73 KB, 1250x1750, Ralanr_rebecca_holiday_kin….jpg)

a300af46 No.3764087

File: 1736215129314.png (288.28 KB, 1353x831, epic games.png)

c3571ba1 No.3764315

File: 1736426936559.jpg (874.99 KB, 1432x2160, 7978503808625d1d1da0382622….jpg)

9eaa827b No.3764605

File: 1736663041664.jpg (210.04 KB, 769x800, c2a60a1bbaa25ce30cfe7018ce….jpg)

fb61753d No.3764628

File: 1736685499206.jpg (129.73 KB, 850x811, 0379f5d525981b56175cf817c5….jpg)

File: 1701739056876.png (57.8 KB, 423x1251, f917afac9828e2c235d413512f….png)

ca995bdd No.3724059[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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7e533664 No.3763951

File: 1736129785407.jpg (445.87 KB, 1500x1200, 5219737_MystBunny_wicketri….jpg)

Never meet your heroes.

8fa1bb16 No.3764039

File: 1736191341117.jpg (686.6 KB, 2688x1536, 7311e14b490671eeec55a52898….jpg)

8fa46c28 No.3764406

File: 1736479334812-0.jpeg (49.2 KB, 740x400, Bridget-Bryce-April-2022-….jpeg)

File: 1736479334812-1.jpeg (262.56 KB, 1536x1152, Bunny_Museum_Altadena-2-1….jpeg)

File: 1736479334812-2.jpg (147.09 KB, 540x540, medium.jpg)

File: 1736479334812-3.jpg (20.5 KB, 620x413, PAS-L-EASTER-BUNNIES-0331-….jpg)

File: 1736479334812-4.jpeg (165.07 KB, 1024x768, Bunny_Museum_Altadena-4-1….jpeg)

In memoriam.

a202f5bc No.3764408

File: 1736480044062-0.jpeg (181.22 KB, 901x600, scale.jpeg)

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File: 1736480044062-2.jpeg (217.51 KB, 1440x960, download.jpeg)

File: 1736480044062-3.jpg (246.55 KB, 1920x1280, bunny-museum-4-scaled.jpg)

2f6335f3 No.3764618

File: 1736681370403.jpg (1.08 MB, 1369x2000, 5356260_jamesfoxbr_leg_up_….jpg)

862da409 No.3764624

File: 1736684672071-0.png (3.64 MB, 2508x3541, a1d081c44e83d6a7ad6fe2b8c4….png)

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862da409 No.3764625

File: 1736684700076-0.jpg (1.3 MB, 2499x3376, 03ea0fee62cfabf3c198d4d9bd….jpg)

File: 1736684700076-1.png (1.68 MB, 1581x2000, 2509d6658ff203eb79f31f92a0….png)

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File: 1723659124931-3.jpg (287.42 KB, 1610x2118, JN_-_Lynne_The_Vandal_-_Sh….jpg)

File: 1723659124931-4.jpg (2.01 MB, 3300x5100, 13398878-e606-4f2c-bc89-2b….jpg)

aef0b867 No.3750192[Reply]

Let's have them!
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aef0b867 No.3761154

File: 1733882055363-0.jpg (185.25 KB, 1540x844, wsajou.jpg)

File: 1733882055363-1.jpg (190.57 KB, 1002x1336, rsau7y.jpg)

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aef0b867 No.3764194

File: 1736297144680.jpg (2.38 MB, 3606x2495, jn-Madelineconfesses2_u18c….jpg)

aef0b867 No.3764428

File: 1736502714658-0.jpg (827.37 KB, 2221x3487, f66cfb5b-b3d5-4bf5-b929-9d….jpg)

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File: 1736502714658-2.jpg (806.57 KB, 2482x3964, JN_-_Brooke_Blocks_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1736502714658-3.jpg (547.31 KB, 2094x2674, jn-Aliciasnitties_u18chan.jpg)

aef0b867 No.3764429

File: 1736502765953-0.jpg (1.42 MB, 1823x3000, jn-Ask74_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1736502765953-1.jpg (1.14 MB, 1973x3000, jn-Ask75_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1736502765953-2.jpg (2.34 MB, 3328x2299, jn-Hardasyouwant_u18chan.jpg)

aef0b867 No.3764430

File: 1736502841033-0.jpg (5.25 MB, 3300x5100, jn-Penelopesheet_u18chan.jpg)

20448ab2 No.3764438

File: 1736513248578-0.jpg (339.59 KB, 679x911, 1db55de235bd0a7b28e55f20b4….jpg)

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aef0b867 No.3764615

File: 1736674467032.jpg (5.91 MB, 3300x5100, jn-Leonardsglasses_u18chan.jpg)

go on…

File: 1695721702808.png (4.69 MB, 1536x2020, 99da9d0f092c07cfcd7b25ecf1….png)

284862cf No.3717202[Reply]

Other thread died with massive board deletion.
Here you have a fox doing two tasks at once:
Preparing dinner and showing you where the dinner will be exiting from the following day.
22 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

fcf192ee No.3760634

File: 1733421923185.jpg (1.01 MB, 2296x2129, 5327749_Unawarey_thai_clai….jpg)

Furry girl going out for Thai food after the rain.

18e66f8f No.3760772

File: 1733552488898.jpeg (194.67 KB, 1138x866, E8DtfVfX0AA9ZMy.jpeg)

Kitchen stuff

f06b5f5c No.3761051

File: 1733803392647.jpg (206.19 KB, 933x1280, 3667848_R66Art_rlybrt1.jpg)

493ad774 No.3764511

File: 1736584623675.jpg (4.08 MB, 3592x2024, 4e2279d0f5475970040ce68898….jpg)

These three troublemakers sent you this while you are at work, in the middle of winter.

"You want to see mine, too?"

bff01682 No.3764540

More ai slop

41f0f41b No.3764564

Id be brewin up muh boner!

bf53338b No.3764600

File: 1736660065405.jpg (268.6 KB, 1279x1182, 92afc2a5c6fc6e5db385e7c328….jpg)

> These three troublemakers sent you this while you are at work
And now this poor fellow has to try to concentrate on work for the rest of the day.

File: 1736587918795.png (277.37 KB, 1584x1225, 1-avg-income.png)

95150ef8 No.3764514[Reply]

Whites need to be exterminated

bfda1328 No.3764519

LOL negros!

4babbf03 No.3764535

i am racist and not very brights

81f094cc No.3764539

File: 1736618908403.jpeg (234.78 KB, 1005x1346, nu0l3q8w0bce1.jpeg)

Based and true thread!

Ukraine kills more whites than any!

33a51642 No.3764549

Russian Vodka Production chart from 3B, trying to claim it is something else.

cab94801 No.3764595

> niggers
Exactly, lazy niggers.

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