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You messed with me~

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File: 1689033943004-0.jpg (333.21 KB, 1410x2612, 1681838444.siroc_brisby15f….jpg)

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cc4bb2d6 No.3708145[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Rats and mice are nice
128 posts and 258 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

9a10d3d8 No.3744422

File: 1719552019437.png (842.75 KB, 2344x2282, cdesdx.png)

e35f930e No.3744769

File: 1719768684620.jpg (189.46 KB, 1024x1024, 8c1858314fdd3650b9580b32e8….jpg)

12ba8a8a No.3745030

File: 1719951477041.jpg (127.89 KB, 850x850, GGd5y0MasAANU2i.jpg)

4db44025 No.3745856

File: 1720390409945-0.jpg (1.76 MB, 5100x3096, Freya-At-Night-FullRes-V1.jpg)

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4db44025 No.3745857

File: 1720390564444-0.jpg (1.77 MB, 5100x3096, Freya-At-Night-FullRes-Xtr….jpg)

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4db44025 No.3745858

File: 1720390629292.jpg (2.63 MB, 6856x4424, Freya-At-Night-WIP-Shots.jpg)

It wont fit.

797aeb47 No.3746449

File: 1720914781315.webm (4.3 MB, 1280x720, 11c4e4b082933c28bf429fb94….webm)

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f141fe6d No.3707280[Reply]

Wardrobe Malfunction
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8a03af17 No.3733373

File: 1708948918508.png (2.32 MB, 1200x1331, c29f482e1b1483d5c921ebf1d1….png)

Just hangin' out with a bud!
…hangin' out, lol, get it?
Do "intentional" wardrobe malfunctions count?

e4ae0de3 No.3733389

File: 1708978377006.gif (105.98 KB, 609x768, SHREDDER.GIF)

> Do "intentional" wardrobe malfunctions count?
I guess they must. IIRC, the popularity of the "wardrobe malfunction" phrase resulted from a stupid Superbowl halftime stunt featuring intentional nipple exposure.

ca74721f No.3736823

File: 1712337688145.jpg (70.74 KB, 604x768, stuckhare.jpg)

d5bc2285 No.3738777

File: 1714268698551.jpg (205.57 KB, 600x900, 25b758be3e657079d08f58491f….jpg)

3988ed6c No.3742106

File: 1717805173369.png (2.77 MB, 1517x2428, 1717597784.mykegreywolf_wo….png)

3988ed6c No.3745161

File: 1720017909824.png (1.62 MB, 1549x1943, 1719363246.heathenfang_kia….png)

9fbd9653 No.3746428

File: 1720904114345.jpg (230.45 KB, 731x977, instant boner.jpg)

File: 1714210566669.jpg (853.04 KB, 768x1152, 113679494_p0_master1200.jpg)

4b2d948f No.3738726[Reply]

This is a weird fetish, but can we get some pics of girls with mom paunch?
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4b2d948f No.3738779

there is a difference between chubby, and that belly moms get after they have a kid.

de8b5442 No.3738792

there is a neglible differnce and im being really picky about it

4b2d948f No.3738794

File: 1714281554215.gif (6.93 MB, 1280x1440, 3a03e449364d3cf5e1fa64d99d….gif)

maybe so, but technically correct, is the best correct. So I win by technicality, which the best way to win.

4ab38e73 No.3738940

File: 1714440972319.gif (1.56 MB, 600x333, scope squeeze.gif)

cbd33c58 No.3746402

File: 1720847852976.png (257.32 KB, 1106x1275, 9b02128cfa865afc15685df43c….png)

>This is a weird fetish, but can we get some pics of girls with mom paunch?

f8f06571 No.3746403

File: 1720850776731-0.jpg (25.79 KB, 337x285, fret.jpg)

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4b2d948f No.3746407

:I thats both harsh and fair, I'll just put SALEM over in the corner while I clean up

File: 1716511418732.png (232.37 KB, 620x742, araYayWEB_0_u18chan.png)

828dcce8 No.3740603[Reply]

The previous thread will no longer load while not in Fap Mode, so I am making a new one

Here all of Fluff-Kevlar's new content will be posted here, anything and everything else Fluff-Kevlar related can also go here, including edits, original content, and work from other artists

Previous threads can be found here:
Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #4

The most complete collection of all of Fluff-Kevlar's works has been assembled by Shurik1236, on e-hentai, linked here:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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828dcce8 No.3740613

File: 1716512396702-0.jpg (822.13 KB, 1363x1312, yukiSheet2WEB_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1716512396702-1.jpg (840.65 KB, 1363x1312, yukiSheet1WEB_u18chan.jpg)

Reference sheet commission for Yuki! Their arctic kitsune, in her two main forms, anthro and kemonomimi.

So some of you are probably wondering if I am open, and the answer is 'not quite yet', but I plan to be soon. Before I can open, I needed to complete ages-old pledges to some friends and longtime supporters to whom did me huge favours and so I said I would offer them a slot first if the time came.

I don't expect it to replace my current work. Just adding more content to the list as I prep to re-organize my schedule around the upcoming comic content and how work will be done. Some of you said you'd like to see me do some commission stuff here, so, I hope this is helpful/fun to see!

828dcce8 No.3740614

File: 1716512435868-0.jpg (193.75 KB, 820x680, 1-categoryVote_4_u18chan.jpg)

Hey folks! Gonna be a quicker poll than usual, late start to posting this, as been workin on other stuff in the meantime. I want to work on the animation regardless, but im curious how many people want to see it OVER other stuff. if chosen, ill go ahead and push hard to finish it for good.

Otherwise, these polls are slightly more towards some SFW and world-building stuff, as I want to ramp up that type of content ahead of the comic, both for my own sake, and to give viewers an idea of what to expect, both new and current!

OC canon outfit pinup - An OC of mine featuring a main outift of theirs in-world. Dynamic, detailed, possible nsfw versions
Animation - Primarily, finishing the short ARA walk-in, to use used on my streams and stuff
New Daki - Currently, it would be a vote between Tala, Vikna, and Twix if chosen
OC + background - Different from the first option in that it would be environment focused, to give a sense of atmosphere and previewing the upcoming comic feel, but still retain one of the main OCs

OC canon outfit pinup
New Daki
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

828dcce8 No.3740615

File: 1716512497237-0.jpg (1.64 MB, 2073x1377, poster_0_u18chan.jpg)

More concept/vibe work for the main story…! I am, indeed, working on it!

In trying to come up with a poster/promo image /title card type thing, it made me think further about what kind of feel, featured characters, theme, etc. the first… Part? Act? Volume? would be like. I think i'm pretty close to finalizing and working on one of these, and share the title, etc, sooner than some might think.

828dcce8 No.3740618

File: 1716515175032-0.jpg (107.56 KB, 1123x900, baileyRef_nudeWEB_0_u18cha….jpg)

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828dcce8 No.3740854

File: 1716784061401-0.png (1.05 MB, 820x824, charFullSheet_0_u18chan.png)

File: 1716784061401-1.jpg (1.13 MB, 3459x4096, 622c6996a9e7bddf81e163929d….jpg)

Gonna be workin on the ARA animation in the meantime, so 2 days to vote! I wanted to pick characters that A: are in the sci-fi comic upcoming, since tech-wear is the feel I had in mind for this, and want to expand more on clothing for the setting, and B: haven't had a pinup in a while! This will mainly be outfit/SFW focused, but some kind of nude/peek edits will likely be wiggled in, depending on the character, and outfit I come up with.

Now usually it's males that go the longest between pinups, since males that often lose votes/polls. But i didn't want to make a males-only vote poll when its the only one, so I included Zeta as she's never had a full-render pinup at all. Neither has Symat or Vale. Twix's last one was 2017, and Kovsai's in 18'.

I feel it's important to give these OCs a bit more spotlight, as they all have a big role in the upcoming story and I feel have been very often under-represented in my work due to being outclassed by the main ladies (which is understandable, since I like drawing them, lol).

But if people like this vibe it gives off when done, I can do another one like it for the other upcoming comic characters later!

OCs for reference: Symat 11% / Kovsai 8% / Zeta 41% / Twix 23% / Vale 18%
620 votes total · 7 hours left

whats causing this to happen? are there tags that are causing threads to become fap mode only? i guess we just have to post an image if we want to say anything now until its fixed

828dcce8 No.3740949

File: 1716885372205.gif (4.6 MB, 1356x1912, araSit_anim_ink_u18chan.gif)

As I said i would to those asking–I think the ink/lines for this are done!

All it needs is a simple background and colours. Probably will take longer than I'd expect, so it'll have to wait til next month, but it'd be good Twitch stream content. It's quite a different kind of animation from my last, the Ayn one. The outfit, proportions, and non-loop behaviour presented hurdles for me that I think I better know how to tackle for next time.

I think it'll be a nice 'end of stream' kind of thing, I guess? I didnt really have anything in mind use-wise when i started it, I just needed to get her moving. Enjoy, i hope!

11f4397d No.3746391

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8fb35fc0 No.3708581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Smelly animals. Gotta get that funk!
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1ee1e7d5 No.3745248

File: 1720078888301.png (267.23 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240703-225030.png)

d91e4027 No.3745252

File: 1720101734592.jpg (47.56 KB, 600x334, if a bear wears socks.jpg)

cac8f4e2 No.3745431

Is there a GIF/high-detailed picture of how sweat particles left musky BEAR FEET and leak on the ground??
Better if with a male bear!

c0bdf6ce No.3745449

File: 1720187265210.jpg (270.64 KB, 1300x1222, bear-foot-G0DDGW.jpg)

I'm sure there must be something like that out there, I will see what I can find for you.

042decaa No.3746062

File: 1720537248750.jpg (847.08 KB, 3000x2784, Butt Huffer by Sashtrash.jpg)

4fb8805a No.3746312

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4fb8805a No.3746327

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8d3bed93 No.3745720[Reply]

How fucking stupid can people get?

Man dies after placing lit firework on his head while at Fourth of July party, deputies say

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC/Gray News) - A man in South Carolina died after he placed a lit firework on his head during a Fourth of July party, according to authorities.

Deputies say they responded just after 10:20 p.m. on Thursday, WCSC reported.

When deputies arrived, they found a man, later identified as 41-year-old Allen Ray McGrew, lying on the road suffering from major injuries. He was pronounced dead at 11:10 p.m.

Officials said McGrew died after igniting a “large firework device” and setting it on top of his head.

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8d3bed93 No.3745820


Yeah, in the case of the OP, the guy was drinking for hours before he tried his stupid stunt.

I never heard of Hexum drinking before his.

I got drunk on my birthday, in 1977.
Next day I decided not to ever do that again, while praying to Ralph.

e260f3e3 No.3746211

File: 1720675635956.jpg (179.33 KB, 1242x910, 1670550490622-0.jpg)

>Lives in South Carolina … was born in Florida…

157c32fb No.3746256

File: 1720713665867.jpg (136.88 KB, 600x600, Detroit 2016.jpg)

So according to you, all the regions where the nigger infestation is greatest are fucked up.

You are a racist for pointing out the truth.

228ce70c No.3746274

File: 1720726250793.png (24.01 KB, 500x250, Ychan - ot - stuff from ja….png)

3dcfc99a No.3746287

File: 1720739164118.jpg (109.47 KB, 750x908, 1652564527006.jpg)

>i am racist and not very bright infestation
>doesn't align with Chicago, LA or New York
>still aligns with redneck retard southerners
>Protestants and Baptists = i am racist and not very brights

Yes, you're right, all the regions where the "i am racist and not very bright" infestation is the greatest are indeed fucked up. Exhibit A: the south.

And no, pointing this out is not racist.

3dcfc99a No.3746289

lol fucking wordfilter
I miss old /b/

f042b08c No.3746331

Niggеr, this place is owned, run and monitored by godless treasonous backstabbing communist antifa degenerates/feds, what do you expect? :3

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589be364 No.3746168[Reply]

Furries turned to stone (or other inert substances) while committing immoral, illegal, or sinful sex acts.
Is this a pretty weird fetish?

580d6da4 No.3746170

its probly up there sure

6a6b690c No.3746174

go jerk off to watching Gargoyles like us normal people

589be364 No.3746175

File: 1720637297149.png (1.81 MB, 1344x1048, b4db8d4f29252b83e1c4e827d8….png)

MEDUSA is on the loose again, and she don't like this depraved shit going on. Whenever she sees vulgar or obscene behavior happening, all the ones performing it have to do is look at her, and they turn to stone. That makes Medusa very happy.

0229b4d9 No.3746181


Dunno….they died doing what they loved. Everybody wins!

589be364 No.3746228

File: 1720690702573.png (1.27 MB, 1024x1024, 76e58684d6cfd28ef773d88263….png)

Medusa strikes again! Even Ferals are not safe if their dicks are hanging out or their pussies are gaping open. Medusa says "fine then, be that way forever."

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6d780906 No.3720426[Reply]

Why do some furries love cars?

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f3cf4610 No.3743883

File: 1719149163482.jpeg (62.27 KB, 700x800, photo_2024-06-23 06.21.24.jpeg)

Too engineers stupid and think put wipers camera. then, a degree irreversible damage.

f9677fb3 No.3744212

File: 1719397662365.jpg (264.18 KB, 1280x1280, 1591454394.eldiman_ford-80….jpg)

f3cf4610 No.3744233

wtf is this stock image shit. I have the same background on another furry pic. is that a band?

56b9a42b No.3746079

File: 1720547538081-0.webm (1.29 MB, 538x360, Hey Arnold! - Olga’s life….webm)

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db87480f No.3746098

You know wipers are kinda crap at removing dirt and water, especially after they wear out a bit? You get smears and spots where they just don't work, and you have to bob around to see out the windscreen.

Imagine how that works for a pinhole sized camera at the top of the windshield, where the wipers barely even reach anyways. One blob of dirt blinds the whole thing, and the AI goes "OH I can't see! Better just keep on driving blind for a while attempting to rub the camera clean…"

4f0ab85b No.3746111

So your better plan is "OH I can't see! Better just keep on driving blind for a while with absolutely no way to make things better."

e98771bc No.3746186


Putting the camera where the driver's head is allows the camera to see past or through most obstructions on the windshield even if it doesn't get a perfect picture. Putting the camera right up to the windshield as they do now blocks the camera entirely with whatever happens to land on that portion of the windshield.

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660e14fb No.3707568[Reply]

Give us some creepy crawlies with many legs!
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3cca14a0 No.3737985

File: 1713518606947.jpg (157.89 KB, 981x1232, 4998792_Uluri_coconut.jpg)

912cafc9 No.3739460

File: 1715031883592.png (148.7 KB, 634x366, 62072833-11181595-image-a-….png)


'Small piranhas': Beachgoers in California plagued by SWARMS of tiny, hungry bugs that bite their feet and toes, causing pain and drawing blood
Tiny, flesh-eating bugs known as Excirolana chiltoni that travel in swarms of up to 1,000 are wreaking havoc along California's coastline
The isopods live in the sand and usually feast on dead fish, but they're not picky eaters and have been known to attack humans
'It was painful! I was like uh! I jumped out of the water and this was so shocking. I had blood all over my foot and in between my toes,' Tara Sauvage said

912cafc9 No.3740857

File: 1716788057838-0.png (301.99 KB, 800x800, 8e0e728f3cca2743827717512b….png)

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912cafc9 No.3740939

File: 1716873382850.gif (359 KB, 1220x956, 1715936225.dustmouse_light….gif)

912cafc9 No.3746031

File: 1720511112922-0.jpg (121.63 KB, 1548x1582, fcf4651abdc225fb2285a8cbbb….jpg)

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912cafc9 No.3746033

File: 1720511137436-0.jpg (208.02 KB, 1526x1856, 7ed8f30dbc924f9bd80a1de351….jpg)

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4db82ced No.3746077

These are nothing new lol

File: 1688606852457.png (38.65 KB, 512x512, 2780137.png)

45e2e37c No.3707368[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's Play images and discussions.
307 posts and 701 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

0d84f95d No.3744219

File: 1719409062814.png (722.96 KB, 914x803, Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 0….png)

4c208315 No.3744239

loved them all except Tooth and Tail. Had a good story that was underdeveloped. Missions had an intro, but no outro. You never knew the impact of your battles.

1bcb78f4 No.3745247

1bcb78f4 No.3745278

File: 1720120560849.jpg (8.6 KB, 329x153, download.jpg)

how good was it? does anyone here play it though?

59353442 No.3745406

enjoy your deathroll

1bcb78f4 No.3745721

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0d84f95d No.3746076

File: 1720543219095.png (674.19 KB, 1097x743, Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 1….png)

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