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File: 1724279393648.jpg (118.88 KB, 972x1000, MATT_UMBY.jpg)

3e087c91 No.3751007[Reply]

Sorry to be a grouchy asshole, but nothing pisses me off more than when an artist who previously drew Cub Yiff tries to "re-brand" and distance themselves from their past artwork and talk shit about Cub and act like it's an actual fucking equivalent to actual CSEM of real people.

I hate that shit when Dragoneer did it (bro had art in the Softpaw Magazines), I hated that shit when Panda Paco did it (they had plenty plenty plenty of Cub Yiff on their old Ink Bunny page before the purge) – and if you are an artist who previously drew Cub Yiff but then decided to turn against it for "good optics" (virtue signaling purposes) – I have nothing but contempt and disdain for you. You are a sell out. You sold your soul to the Fiction Equals Reality Freaks.

ANYWAYS, if you have any MATT UMBY artwork that is blatantly "Cub" or looks "vaguely Cub" – POST IT HERE… fuck any kind of "DNP" this isn't Fchan and this isn't e621. THIS IS "LULZ" not those other websites that try to put on a Purity Act.


BTW, I don't have a fucking issue with Transgender People, I don't give a flying shit at all that Matt Umby decided to rebrand, change art style and do mostly FEMALE adult artwork, whatever….

But being ANTI CUB and equating fictional cartoon drawings to ACTUAL CSEM is super fucking cringe.
44 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

3e087c91 No.3751481


I one million percent agree with you, Anon.

7d9eec20 No.3751583

File: 1724705955693.png (215.33 KB, 977x1000, Laila's Little Paws[0].png)

>"I watch it for the plot" or something or other
it just changed domain
I have it bookmarked for the sole purpose of destroying artists who are too stupid to know that everything (at least furry related) is permanently archived and try to be too clever, same case like this.

Enjoy and remember, to ruin them out of their bullshit, always ALWAYS archive

005d940f No.3751620

File: 1724726118482.jpg (658.87 KB, 1500x1434, 4afb213ab1f16f8cb8131b6cbb….jpg)

> paws

3e087c91 No.3751714


Fantastic! Much appreciated!

bb433abc No.3751716

Seriously, thank you so much!


Does this also work for e621 as well?

bb433abc No.3751717

File: 1724789396774.png (252.19 KB, 693x909, wildcritters_wikifur.PNG)

YES! It does!

Holy shit, there's archives going back to 2011!


Now I wonder… do they have an archive for Wild Critters and Veebooru as well?

5df6b7df No.3751818

File: 1724904545788.jpg (126.87 KB, 611x822, 137448924778.jpg)

This is cool! They also sort of, half way, have an archive of paws.ru.

File: 1723266318907.jpg (171.45 KB, 960x1200, 1723262174767791.jpg)

a56df105 No.3749811[Reply]

So apparently they're bringing anthro reptiles into the next Zootopia film.

What are your hopes for Disney's next billion dollar furry bait?

I'm hoping for more Gideon

796fd0b7 No.3749813

It doesn't make sense unless they eat each other.

4591dfc7 No.3749816

File: 1723270028570.png (1.33 MB, 2000x1500, 1685205112.bicikliszelep_s….png)


They eat ze bugs.

a56df105 No.3749839

File: 1723287740452.jpeg (38.51 KB, 736x414, Simba Shoes.jpeg)

They better not go for the Lion King option.

fb13f75f No.3751740

File: 1724806567266.png (964.34 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2024-08-27….png)

They eat fish apparently.


fb13f75f No.3751745

File: 1724808728003-0.jpeg (334.25 KB, 1100x520, Tdv6hCY.jpeg)

File: 1724808728003-1.jpg (181.95 KB, 1672x1142, GUoYQiuWAAAOXjP.jpg)

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In addition to bug meat ofc.

File: 1688939427918-0.png (4.79 MB, 2201x1674, 05f20010f3f9b13f108565a7d3….png)

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74eaa56d No.3707985[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread for invitingly decorated characters.

Jewels, gems, necklaces, rings.
Chains, studs, piercings, and bling.
Bracelets, chokers, the whole harem thing.
But please, no piece of effective clothing.
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ee98c933 No.3748103

File: 1721882788992.jpg (250.01 KB, 1024x1024, sea dragon Prince on his t….jpg)

5dd1e19f No.3749109

File: 1722812472572-0.png (270.74 KB, 879x861, F49DlHkXsAUJg9c.png)

File: 1722812472572-1.png (480.7 KB, 1260x1335, tribal_fox_lass.png)

RobbleU my beloved

5ae53513 No.3750108

File: 1723588686352.jpeg (581.93 KB, 1280x914, 1b969b374b9c1805c54c6401b….jpeg)

813cef08 No.3750350

File: 1723756787398.jpg (791.69 KB, 800x885, 28102.jpg)

b10d04b9 No.3750604

File: 1723972492132.jpg (35.08 KB, 386x557, 7909d045eb93582cc9afa5f8c8….jpg)

0422b5da No.3751053

File: 1724292410627.jpg (626.36 KB, 1050x1194, 401aea665b550297901284501e….jpg)

1667f12d No.3751720

File: 1724791136151.jpg (203.36 KB, 646x1111, 1136295548.shep.egyptbnny.jpg)

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1aa1762f No.3726624[Reply]

What the best and worst workout for your body?
Share some experience?
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85a948b2 No.3738472

File: 1713994179587.jpeg (480.66 KB, 2988x1900, d5ed46c0f05336964402ca148….jpeg)

fdf7f35d No.3738487

File: 1714002264330-0.png (1.43 MB, 956x1521, snowyoga1_small_23_12_2020.png)

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fdf7f35d No.3738488

File: 1714002411651-0.png (736.22 KB, 1310x1094, 1619959053.funkybun_snowyo….png)

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>Flood detected; Post discarded.

ad5fbe59 No.3739965

File: 1715718290104-0.jpg (90.37 KB, 1008x570, 612a11675949ad97caa1832c11….jpg)

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d678cc46 No.3739974

Push, pull, squat, hinge. Simple as.

9372a2df No.3739981

File: 1715733645836-0.png (564.88 KB, 1024x1024, Strength-Focus-2-1024x1024.png)

File: 1715733645836-1.png (10.59 KB, 168x300, images.png)

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Push = push-up, bench press, dip and shoulder press.
Pull = chin-up, pulldown, row and shrug.
Hinge= deadlift and kettlebell swing.
Squat= squat and lunge.
Gait= walking, running and loaded carries.
Rotation= throwing, swinging, striking, reaching, and cutting/changing direction in sport.

d3fddbaa No.3751709

File: 1724786471812-0.png (831.84 KB, 720x1334, Galleryit_20240827_1724774….png)

File: 1724786471812-1.jpg (102.56 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_1721186142518.jpg)

File: 1724786471812-2.jpg (159.92 KB, 1284x1714, 1711684342443613.jpg)

Calisthenics all day, everyday.

File: 1689184871182-0.png (2.18 MB, 1078x1280, 1620665354189-1 (1).png)

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File: 1689184871182-2.png (1.86 MB, 1440x1024, 109780900_p0.png)

7059aeac No.3708403[Reply]

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cf21de2d No.3740285

File: 1716161898537.jpg (50.66 KB, 602x473, main-qimg-ad5641cec59eaf79….jpg)

4913acf8 No.3740426

File: 1716352442557.gif (84.6 KB, 1024x768, 3fee53de388774a94c5b59cde4….gif)

cf21de2d No.3740503

File: 1716423663760-0.jpg (99.14 KB, 1612x2048, a933955b126969b0102fe5fbe0….jpg)

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cf21de2d No.3740938

File: 1716872570496-0.jpg (477.78 KB, 866x1282, 1492355298.horimont_tatsuy….jpg)

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cf21de2d No.3741273

File: 1717145676177-0.png (1.49 MB, 900x1280, 2722d5b9446735721f5bb0644e….png)

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cf21de2d No.3741274

File: 1717146254028-0.jpg (810.32 KB, 3500x3200, a4db332b33b078370490b83df6….jpg)

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Use rock it launcher!

784c24a4 No.3751669

File: 1724775871899.png (1.16 MB, 1216x832, 8b611df3-b7cc-4768-ac3d-98….png)

File: 1723305237763.jpg (60.62 KB, 636x382, IkuskvCz[1].jpg)

10143849 No.3749860[Reply]

Damn… what a blow against the furry community. Our rights must be defended against legal oppression like this!


Adam Britton, a leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, pleaded guilty to 56 charges relating to bestiality and animal cruelty.

The Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court heard the 53-year-old filmed himself torturing the animals until almost all died, and then shared the videos online under pseudonyms.

Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish, and so "grotesque" Chief Justice Michael Grant warned the courtroom they could cause "nervous shock".

As the facts of the case were read aloud, some members of the public rushed outside. Others watching from the gallery cried and mouthed insults at Britton. He at times hung his head and reached for tissues.

Calling the offending "devious", Justice Grant said the "unalloyed pleasure" Britton took in torturing the animals was "sickeningly evident".

"[Your] depravity falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception," he said.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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7617cdc4 No.3750865

I know zoo "moralfags"/religious zoos, not the case. It's only capitalists who understand that fucking dogs is free, so their twitters/tinders/tiktoks stay idle and cannot be commercialized. Also wagecucks envy zoos, because being zoo means at least working from home, thus being IT-related dev.

2a41d944 No.3750893

File: 1724207922559.jpg (149.77 KB, 850x1190, sample_9b878db7ab32a_01FRH….jpg)

8368f4de No.3750912

File: 1724213625043.jpg (92.61 KB, 1152x872, bay_shetland008.JPG)

And all this time there was a rabies vaccine for humans. Veterinarians take it as a matter of routine. Stupid teenagers got what they deserved for not being vaccinated.

93b5f396 No.3750962


The full gist of this story is that the teenagers were in Iraq or Syria. Its HIGHLY unlikely the little primitives living there would have access to an anti-rabies vaccine when they are lucky to have access to aspirin or the true medical holy grail there, antibiotics. Likely most of them died, by the time the little fuckers showed symptoms, it was FAR too late. Donkey was likely also put down. Happy, happy, joy, joy, right?

17f42061 No.3750989

>Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish
How to spot media bullshit.
There should be a rule, either give full picture, or stfu and don't stir up shit on rumors.

2a41d944 No.3751023

File: 1724281204705.jpg (148.12 KB, 887x960, a480qcqdipj91.jpg)

I wish I had some oxpeckers that could groom pigeon feathers from mites.

8438922e No.3751666

File: 1724774621126.jpg (40.93 KB, 680x518, ZomboMeme 26082024034832.jpg)

File: 1719149597036.jpeg (54.6 KB, 750x702, photo_2024-06-23 06.20.22.jpeg)

29935378 No.3743884[Reply]

How's your health?
How's your pets?
Do you have any fitness or diet tips?
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88ec69e4 No.3748434

there is an app for that.

88ec69e4 No.3748435

File: 1722182552424.png (2.4 MB, 1920x1280, raccoon20_1526475133615.jp….png)

even in my remote area, between churches, independent groups, Knights of Columbus, and weirdly the free Masons, you can get a free lunch any day, not the best, maybe a hotdog or sandwich and some sides, but its there.

I was poor for a long time when I was younger, I know my free lunches. I don't take advantage of them anymore, but they are a thing.

I didn't just randomly pick a raccoon as my fursona.

fa4f6075 No.3748438

File: 1722186543509-0.jpg (438.19 KB, 1792x1280, 301a4096413d30a8c2f2cc86ac….jpg)

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Honestly, being poor isn't really the issue.

88ec69e4 No.3748443

youre competing against a guy who literally had the nerves severed that makes people hungry.

I don't even get hungry anymore, I just get, weirdly naucious.

I have alarms to tell me when to eat, or just drink a meal replacement shake.

88ec69e4 No.3748444

File: 1722190993022.jpg (726.19 KB, 849x1200, 112897557_p0_master1200.jpg)

I'm super subjectable to uh, whats it called?… aceoketosis

0c336ddd No.3748487

>Do you have any fitness or diet tips?

Do the think you've been avoiding. Humans are good at this kind of stuff. Deep down you already know.

d5fcd79d No.3751664

File: 1724774109349.png (831.84 KB, 720x1334, Galleryit_20240827_1724774….png)

>How's your health?
Good enough to pass a police test.
>How's your pets?
Doing great. She loves off leash walkies.
Good. Miss them.
See pic

File: 1689183018375.jpg (957.41 KB, 2054x3000, 65665566.jpg)

0c9176ea No.3708394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since theres already a gay thread. How about a thread on guys acting, dressing, or looking really girly? They don't have to be gay.

"Warm and soft, for boys" -Hoodie
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753a6a1b No.3748870

File: 1722646430583-0.jpg (78.92 KB, 850x1009, taigaxholic.jpg)

File: 1722646430583-1.png (1.38 MB, 1318x805, 674.png)

One of the old femboy vtubers got kicked off the internet pretty much, taigaxholic


cc9d885c No.3749546

File: 1723123380628-0.jpg (128.25 KB, 1280x1692, femboy7875.jpg)

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7ba7bb45 No.3750044

File: 1723508260835-0.jpg (760.9 KB, 4000x3000, gsy7.jpg)

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b4996c49 No.3751140

File: 1724347199591-0.png (375.76 KB, 681x960, gay_femboy76.png)

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b4996c49 No.3751144

File: 1724347528148-0.jpg (90.69 KB, 850x1134, Femboy894.jpg)

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b4996c49 No.3751147

File: 1724349146892-0.jpg (267.17 KB, 2048x2011, fem73.jpg)

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79a27e65 No.3751646

File: 1724765191965.png (3.98 MB, 1717x2146, Gay_stardew.png)

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eeb695ad No.3717506[Reply]

Post any species that rarely drawn.
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20d0f659 No.3748773


I'd rather open a breach in the dam and put a pint-size tannerite cannister next to the opening when they come to plug the hole….. *BOOM!*

2cfc04be No.3748774

File: 1722569267714-0.jpg (816.91 KB, 919x1300, 28dc57f4beef628183beb1b3dc….jpg)

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Look at dat beaver with a wad of cash does she/he make you angry?

f883e4df No.3748797

File: 1722597872813.jpg (31.11 KB, 660x535, beaver.jpg)


cfdf258d No.3748826

Better yet, place sticks of dynamite on the beaver lodge. That way you destroy their home while simultaneously killing Mr and Mrs beaver along with all their cubs.

2cfc04be No.3748828

File: 1722626568417.png (1.72 MB, 858x1535, sexpelts.png)

we could turn them into sex pelts yes!

20d0f659 No.3748830


Not very sporting. Also, dynamite is harder to come by than tannerite.

65126c01 No.3751630

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3a6e8f22 No.3707907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Some cats are fine too.
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1ef0f198 No.3748125

File: 1721910051704.jpg (173.08 KB, 1080x1080, 5129864_KittynAI_00020-239….jpg)

00ff7aa2 No.3749562

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1021192e No.3749636

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1021192e No.3749638

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1021192e No.3749641

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1021192e No.3749643

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811108ad No.3751623

File: 1724726886187.jpg (24.54 KB, 450x326, 1136303796.shep.cat.jpg)

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