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65c9601c No.3708773[View All]

We are hungry feed us!
69 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

9da3a824 No.3732467

File: 1708117158702.jpg (1.28 MB, 2560x1505, 1708105463988.jpg)

Vanilla Is The 2nd Most Expensive Spice. So Why Do Madagascar's Farmers Live In Poverty?

52c29458 No.3732492

File: 1708134471386.jpg (74.55 KB, 2000x2000, sec1.jpg)

A bundle of sticks makes a faggot. So if you tie some twine around a bunch of vanilla beans you get a nig­ger faggot.

8782fd2b No.3732590

File: 1708219172786.jpg (294.71 KB, 2048x2048, pizza_01.jpg)

Pizza sounds good.

8782fd2b No.3732591

File: 1708219251906.jpg (329.25 KB, 2048x2048, pizza_02.jpg)

OMG so soon?

8782fd2b No.3732592

File: 1708219341343.jpg (314.06 KB, 2048x2048, pizza_03.jpg)

He's kind of hot and I look terrible.

8782fd2b No.3732593

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8782fd2b No.3732594

File: 1708219419140.jpg (467.65 KB, 2048x2048, pizza_05.jpg)

6d12862c No.3733442

File: 1709032296858.jpg (103.93 KB, 640x640, 1695762682599.jpg)

a16d8298 No.3733569

File: 1709192592877-0.png (495.45 KB, 600x400, 10-billion-strong.png)

File: 1709192592877-1.jpg (131.29 KB, 1024x1049, star_fox_adventure_krystal….jpg)

3a453915 No.3733653

File: 1709284479378-0.jpg (157.75 KB, 1382x935, 1382x935_r2.jpg)

File: 1709284479378-1.png (272.09 KB, 645x541, anus burger.png)

9db21139 No.3733675

File: 1709325005054.webm (2.57 MB, 1920x1080, stoat_eating_frozen_fish.webm)

Mmm, frozen fish.

b7e88c12 No.3733721

File: 1709344728840.jpg (117.71 KB, 900x632, af3b91f25441e60391228b09bf….jpg)

9db21139 No.3733872

File: 1709486748198.jpg (336.72 KB, 1280x1280, 1659713778.starrffax_off_1….jpg)

fb88dfd4 No.3733875

File: 1709487732826.jpg (92.62 KB, 1200x800, 6216892871_880a888efd_o.0.….jpg)

99ba68df No.3733877

File: 1709488759510.png (261.58 KB, 994x562, 820fbb8bab63a41c1d0f6a7067….png)

assburger girls are pretty awesome.

f21db440 No.3734025

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9db21139 No.3734374

File: 1710088861778.webm (760.33 KB, 640x360, Pancakes [wRSAAl7-fiU].webm)

9db21139 No.3736101

File: 1711671638411.webm (6.06 MB, 1280x720, ferret_eating_yolk.webm)

Give us this day our daily eggs.

678f9385 No.3736151

File: 1711756503667.jpg (197.28 KB, 793x900, whipped cream.jpg)

64379955 No.3738084


What? There's nothing holding this cookie together, all you're gonna get is goopy banana slop with shit in it. You'll need to add some flower or eggs as a binder.

ea508f0e No.3738087

Brainlets who can barely manage pouring cereal and milk into a bowl type their brainfarts into ChatGPT and then regurgitate the results here. If they knew cooking basics, they wouldn't be asking an AI.

f39f288d No.3738123

File: 1713667328011.webm (176.83 KB, 284x160, Macaroni and chimkem stri….webm)

9db21139 No.3738137

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9db21139 No.3738139

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9db21139 No.3738171

File: 1713714745982.jpg (132.37 KB, 850x850, GKpnQzrbYAEuGyZ.jpg)

You all think I'm a monster from what I posted in the last food thread. I'm cursed with familial anemia. I become a ghost if I go too long without red meat. Not only does my energy drain out and I become grumpier, but I even start resembling a ghost. The color drains from my skin.

My mom and sister have both taken iron pills, but as far as I know, they stopped taking them. My sister's iron level was especially low due to pregnancy with triplets, and she needed transfusions. It's always the same story when I get blood work: low hemoglobin, low red cell count. But I don't want iron pills because I'm told they cause constipation.

No, nature's telling me what I must do; I just have to keep doing it. It's been said that our bodies are temples. Well, the temple of tms demands blood sacrifice. Kudos to vegans and vegetarians who can manage without meat. I'll refrain from posting pics of my food now on.

c1d26bd7 No.3738173

File: 1713715576276.png (3.68 MB, 2064x1512, 13ced97645f929b55b0e50a9f8….png)

Back in the day, they called that a jailbreak in my community. Macaroni, with Spam… or whatever meat you had around that was about to expire.

usually mixed with a bag of broccoli. Because you can't get kids to eat their fucking vegitables.

c1d26bd7 No.3738178

File: 1713716133189.png (4.02 MB, 2160x1584, 18f9a66876e61db2466b0492d6….png)

they love their protein though.

2a1ebc94 No.3738179

File: 1713716549067.jpg (136.04 KB, 800x800, Death.jpg)

>You all think I'm a monster from what I posted in the last food thread.
"You all"?
"Think I'm a monster"?
What in the hell are you even talking about?
Nobody visits this place anymore.
Nobody invests themselves enough to genuinely care about a poster or what they do or think - they're all dead inside already.
As if this cesspit has caring vegfags… maybe 15 years ago.
As if what the audience here thinks actually matters.
You're supposed to be a christfag, can't you see this place is a viper's cage/prison?
Why are you feeding it?


Once you're done rinsing your balls, check out my posts in the polshit thread, would you.
Doggie bed tiem nao… Until next time.

(Pic related, there's food in it and the kid's hungry but not getting any nourishment from his surroundings.)

c1d26bd7 No.3738180

I have reverse anemia. My favorite foods, spinache, brocoli ect, full of iron.

I can't eat them anymore. Without a spleen, the red blood cells just build up, and most of them are dead because I can't filter them out.

c1d26bd7 No.3738183

kind of ironic that I'm only attracted to some of the healthiest foods, but they are literally toxic to me. So I'm forced to eat garbage foods that I find personally disgusting.

2a1ebc94 No.3738185

File: 1713717565045.jpg (181.29 KB, 899x1200, Genderswapped_Drunken_Stea….jpg)

I take it that drinking hard liquor's still okay for people without a spleen then… as long as it's not drunk with broccoli.
Good to know.

c1d26bd7 No.3738189

File: 1713718523337.jpg (42.22 KB, 1200x630, the-crawling-spleen-thumb-….jpg)

its not great, but the spleen doesn't have much to do with alcohol processing.

If you recognize this image, you win a prize.

9db21139 No.3738191

File: 1713722293953.jpg (81.33 KB, 1200x676, Angry-Beavers.jpg)

In the last thread I posted pics of my food, which consists of disturbing quantities of red meat. I think I inadvertently freaked some people out. They told me it was undercooked, but that's how I like it. I just want everyone to chill out. I eat canned oysters, so fewer animals get hurt.

Do I win a lickety split?

9db21139 No.3738199

File: 1713726447496.png (860.99 KB, 1167x917, 1687291562.shinigamigirl_p….png)

In my family growing up, we always fed the dogs first. Ostensibly so they wouldn't bother us while we were eating. But anyone who knows the first thing about dogs realizes why this strategy fails. Dogs are bottomless pits when it comes to food. We loved our dogs as family, so they always got our human food for dessert too.

e0acec97 No.3738201

> I eat canned oysters, so fewer animals get hurt
I don't think so. More animals fit into a can of oysters than in a can of beef, or of ham.

c1d26bd7 No.3738210

if you can find my freezer, you win a rocketpop.

9db21139 No.3738212

File: 1713734121221.jpg (92.6 KB, 760x760, SNPKN_HemeIron_Graphic2-76….jpg)

Oysters have a very rudimentary nervous system and don't experience pain. Guilt-free heme iron.

I don't eat sugar. Thanks anyway.

c1d26bd7 No.3738218

File: 1713737720421.png (3.73 MB, 1774x2078, 1712528941152-1.png)

I don't eat sugar either, I just keep some snacks around for other people.

c1d26bd7 No.3738219

File: 1713737959862.png (1.85 MB, 1200x900, ouran_host_club_anime_scre….png)

Its like me keeping beer in stock, despite being allergic to hops. Thus the vodka.

I like to be a nice host, so even if I don't enjoy something. I keep it on hand if other people seem to enjoy it.

Not that I ever have visitors.

c1d26bd7 No.3738220

File: 1713738273062.jpg (18.57 KB, 474x267, rhGn2.jpg)

8a15f72b No.3738228

Try not drinking. Maybe you'll be able to act normal.

c1d26bd7 No.3738229

its a local thing, I have an enormously long record of doing heinous things in my area. None of which are true. If even 1% of them were, I'd have served a significant jail sentence.

I get along just fine when I'm out of my area.

I mainly drink because I have to avoid the townsfolk, and it is incredibly boring being sober. If I go outside before nightfall, I usually get arrested immidately.

c1d26bd7 No.3738230

its pretty much common knowledge that I'm behind just about any crime that happens in my town. The common knowledge is incorrect, but as long as I stay locked in my house, I avoid harassment.

c1d26bd7 No.3738231

hell, I don't even take my dog out for a walk without wearing a body cam.

c327e133 No.3738233

File: 1713756121345.png (420.77 KB, 761x588, Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 2….png)

c1d26bd7 No.3738236

File: 1713759530059.png (132.22 KB, 400x900, Mr._Katz.png)

can't say I've ever been before a mob of pichforks and torches, but its not far off.


c1d26bd7 No.3738237

File: 1713760599754.jpg (51.72 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

sometimes an endless sea of hateful glares are just as bad.

8104a384 No.3738374


your neurosis are slowly gaining the upper hand..Mkay…

Chill dude…Do pot. Try yoga. Plant a tree

a16d8298 No.3740049

File: 1715833505257.jpg (753.93 KB, 1200x1200, NC_CC007381-001-07-1200x12….jpg)


Teriyaki Burger Recipe - Japanese Cooking 101

The Perfect Crispy French Fries

88840d80 No.3740177

File: 1715983850343.jpg (1.43 MB, 4960x7015, bac4f16cb039f145d4f0bb8a29….jpg)

So is that a tamale he's storing away? I guess that's one way to keep your food warm.

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