f4cd4bf1 No.3739536
>>3739535seriously, it was like magic to him. Its super basic, but he was just mystified.
dbc10237 No.3739537
>>3739535its all just towel grooming what the difference
f4cd4bf1 No.3739540
>>3739537well I don't know the first thing about putting on a turban, but I imagine its a similar concept.
8539167a No.3739545
>>3739494Wish I could tell you. Just wanted to mention how cool it is you found the irl pic that the last image in
>>3739374 was modeled after.
20d0f659 No.3745444
>>3745381First, they tell us we can create vernids to our heart's desire, then they set parameters of what they can and cannot be. Make up your fucking mind, sweetheart.
2cfc04be No.3745465
>>3745444What kind of fallacy is this called?
20d0f659 No.3748773
>>3748730I'd rather open a breach in the dam and put a pint-size tannerite cannister next to the opening when they come to plug the hole….. *BOOM!*
cfdf258d No.3748826
>>3748773Better yet, place sticks of dynamite on the beaver lodge. That way you destroy their home while simultaneously killing Mr and Mrs beaver along with all their cubs.
20d0f659 No.3748830
>>3748826Not very sporting. Also, dynamite is harder to come by than tannerite.
7092b4ad No.3759850
>>3739535>how do sikhs not now how to tie their own turbansAverage IQ in India is 75. Half are below average.
e8d440c9 No.3764423
>>3764413vernids come in all shapes and sizes
have fun with it
>no breasts.what is this sado-masochist central?