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File: 1696007779046-0.png (730.04 KB, 704x1000, 265b6395c1a635b724c115d944….png)

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eeb695ad No.3717506[View All]

Post any species that rarely drawn.
78 posts and 189 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

2cfc04be No.3745964

File: 1720470469267-0.jpg (1.3 MB, 1600x1600, 9cd73fd9b7fef9bca228cc97fe….jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3745965

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2cfc04be No.3747801

File: 1721690936477.jpg (345.68 KB, 1600x1120, marie-thompson-colette-ref….jpg)

2cfc04be No.3747802

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2cfc04be No.3747803

File: 1721691449653-0.jpg (512.45 KB, 2919x2471, xl.jpg)

2cfc04be No.3747804

File: 1721691475280.webm (1.17 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1721691346….webm)

2cfc04be No.3748730

File: 1722495297633.jpg (303.19 KB, 2048x1448, 434717296_410745138263802_….jpg)

20d0f659 No.3748773


I'd rather open a breach in the dam and put a pint-size tannerite cannister next to the opening when they come to plug the hole….. *BOOM!*

2cfc04be No.3748774

File: 1722569267714-0.jpg (816.91 KB, 919x1300, 28dc57f4beef628183beb1b3dc….jpg)

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Look at dat beaver with a wad of cash does she/he make you angry?

f883e4df No.3748797

File: 1722597872813.jpg (31.11 KB, 660x535, beaver.jpg)


cfdf258d No.3748826

Better yet, place sticks of dynamite on the beaver lodge. That way you destroy their home while simultaneously killing Mr and Mrs beaver along with all their cubs.

2cfc04be No.3748828

File: 1722626568417.png (1.72 MB, 858x1535, sexpelts.png)

we could turn them into sex pelts yes!

20d0f659 No.3748830


Not very sporting. Also, dynamite is harder to come by than tannerite.

65126c01 No.3751630

File: 1724731531847.jpg (84.86 KB, 321x449, 1156499124.blotch_imsopret….jpg)


2cfc04be No.3759848

File: 1732752949398-0.jpg (853.44 KB, 4045x5000, Me_Time_October2024_u18cha….jpg)

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7092b4ad No.3759850

>how do sikhs not now how to tie their own turbans

Average IQ in India is 75. Half are below average.

7524fd34 No.3759855

File: 1732757659826.jpg (118.21 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x10….jpg)

Nice beaver

2cfc04be No.3760075

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2cfc04be No.3760077

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2cfc04be No.3760079

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2cfc04be No.3760080

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2cfc04be No.3760081

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2cfc04be No.3760084

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2cfc04be No.3760089

File: 1732919408905-0.jpg (128.53 KB, 975x983, ff270868d6ad525548ce5fffd2….jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3760090

File: 1732919448432-0.png (180.6 KB, 890x774, a7dc3dc75120f737d2f606ccfa….png)

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2cfc04be No.3764403

File: 1736478802709-0.jpg (187.78 KB, 1920x1080, 7d16bfda344abc3d125c747abc….jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3764404

File: 1736478867503-0.jpg (623.95 KB, 3024x4032, b7d31b3186f0a3bfbce5ace3f2….jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3764412

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2cfc04be No.3764413

File: 1736483267598-0.jpg (1.06 MB, 1777x4340, df68cmc-5168ccbf-4136-4321….jpg)

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e8d440c9 No.3764423

vernids come in all shapes and sizes
have fun with it
>no breasts.
what is this sado-masochist central?

9747ebf0 No.3764872

File: 1736899868554.jpg (1.9 MB, 1450x2560, 137cfe8ed3bce340c11d8b94ed….jpg)

Would you still fuck her?

5f9ac58b No.3766114

File: 1737838036878.jpg (80.02 KB, 581x791, 1154748341.caliosidhe_Pang….jpg)

2cfc04be No.3767510

File: 1738963299456-0.jpg (1.3 MB, 5000x8936, Tina2020_SFW_HD.jpg)

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8052c8ba No.3767540

File: 1738993194230.jpg (266.67 KB, 1170x1698, 89abd262c271cc9241f7a43bd3….jpg)

2cfc04be No.3767559

File: 1739014195916-0.png (2.17 MB, 2299x1602, 9d46de338127e81197ac52918c….png)

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2cfc04be No.3767560

File: 1739014339344-0.png (145.47 KB, 492x750, 42cac20da5084bdff225e17a0a….png)

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2cfc04be No.3767571

File: 1739018815288.jpg (74 KB, 500x612, Ychan - r - what converted….jpg)

8052c8ba No.3767597

File: 1739039421092.png (6.38 MB, 1744x3056, 795bad44602453b02996fad6c5….png)

Offensive! Offensive!
Incoming drone strike imminent!
Locked and loaded!

2cfc04be No.3768195

File: 1739731847351.jpg (306.5 KB, 1280x853, Oryx_gazella_male_8054.jpg)

b69d9698 No.3768205


I've actually wanted to get a turban or two and learn a few different styles of tying them. I don't think there's a place to buy them locally – would have to check online.

There's also a traditional headwear that's worn underneath. I believe it's called a kufi. Basically a small prayer cap.

2cfc04be No.3768207

File: 1739736307048-0.jpg (235.29 KB, 1200x600, opbeavercastoreum.jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3768385

File: 1739950110605-0.webm (4.98 MB, 720x720, 08deef8393e378c64206f2180….webm)

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2cfc04be No.3768386

File: 1739950143572-0.png (1.38 MB, 1880x1280, 4015f4a0f00f681138b804c511….png)

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2cfc04be No.3768387

File: 1739950172041-0.png (271.97 KB, 576x811, 32840b31fb82b60a51f9734566….png)

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2cfc04be No.3768388

File: 1739950240446-0.png (942.91 KB, 3826x3508, d4a1b9d3e649c101125272939a….png)

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2cfc04be No.3768389

File: 1739951166389-0.jpg (74.41 KB, 735x489, 3742dbe581861cb63ea19ada94….jpg)

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2cfc04be No.3768390

File: 1739952381021-0.jpg (253.66 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_2c5f8b9332aa3cd8599….jpg)

I'm not talking about apes and monkeys who share a common ancestor with us. I'm wondering why a completely different lineage of animals didn't produce a body plan like humans. Like how ichthyosaurs, sharks, and porpoises are all kinda fish-shaped. Why don't any other creature look similar to humans? You know, bipedal, binocular vision, grasping opposable thumbs, basically something that could be mistaken as a person in silhouette. Did humans just evolve in very specific conditions to develop such features? If so, what are they?



3b84c4b7 No.3768391

File: 1739953929992.png (967.99 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250219-032750.png)

Actually, there are a lot of species that are getting there, we just happened to be a few million years ahead is all.
For more information on this, see the 'Bizarre Furry Oddities' thread somewhere on this site.

2cfc04be No.3768394

File: 1739962830617.png (265.62 KB, 400x800, beaver pp.png)

tiny pp

2cfc04be No.3768399

File: 1739996459044-0.jpg (565.7 KB, 2048x2048, grid-0048.jpg)

File: 1739996459044-1.jpg (560.32 KB, 2048x2048, grid-0047.jpg)

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