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File: 1706277595601.jpeg (922.1 KB, 4400x3400, IMG_5171.jpeg)

45660e79 No.3730188[Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone been keeping the photoshop files for backers? I’m keen to make some edits.

8dc44e16 No.3730189

Why would they?

45660e79 No.3730196

So edits can be made, aren’t you paying attention?

8dc44e16 No.3730198

Why would they even want to?

45660e79 No.3730200

Does it matter? Anything that attracts attention will be good for the series.

8dc44e16 No.3730202

What series?
Nobody here has anything like that,
go away.

7ccb3080 No.3730209

Is your name hazen? Faggot. Your social media prowess is egregiously poor. Stop bragging about increasing numbers that were going to increase anyway.

Any edits whether it’s for memes, porn alterations, or fan stories is going to draw attention to the series.

9c3b7895 No.3730250

File: 1706313622187.jpg (328.01 KB, 1024x1024, 727131b4cb.jpg)

Good thread.

ca8c04e4 No.3730259

No, but I'm looking forward to whenever it all gets finished. I'll drop a 100+ bucks for a hardcover of the whole series.

b01bf6a2 No.3730347

File: 1706379734840.jpeg (2.28 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20231202_160330.jpeg)

Are you not buying as it’s released?

0bee8bae No.3730535

can sombody update kemono?

0bee8bae No.3730539

File: 1706551498029.jpeg (1.72 MB, 3300x2550, liliths_healing.jpeg)

f4ef7b1d No.3731116

No one wil share the photoshop files for edits?

ca8c04e4 No.3731137

Nah. I'd prefer to buy it all once it's done as a single hardbound tome.

I've actually only read the first issue so far and a some the prequel webcomic.

f4028a23 No.3731277

File: 1707108413832.jpeg (508.28 KB, 1170x1128, IMG_5194.jpeg)

The first four volumes already make a solid book. Volume 5 is already out.

ca8c04e4 No.3731279

Ah, that's the right size for one of those types of things anyways. How many volumes is he going to do?

f4ef7b1d No.3731299

File: 1707135033232.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2893x4092, IMG_1564.jpeg)

There hasn’t been an official answer. Speculation was between 16 and 25. So , as many as it takes.
First issue was over 10 years ago. You are going to be waiting a while if you wait for the end.

bde939bf No.3731644

>remembering how hard he nerfed the intro
also chekovs gun time-travel plot-tweeeest

67c645a4 No.3731972

>remembering how hard he nerfed the intro
Wait, what got retconned?

7733f1dc No.3732760

I too would like to know what got “nerfed”

c04e129b No.3733031

Anyone have the nudie Christmas?
Seems it’s only in the discord

d147ecad No.3733205

File: 1708812441070-0.jpg (135.14 KB, 710x900, 1706827584.forlornnix_vant….jpg)

File: 1708812441070-1.jpg (161.96 KB, 852x900, 1707708319.forlornnix_vnvs….jpg)

I want Vanth to step on me!

f0d943fa No.3733459

Really? no-one want to share the nude discord versions?

466b7aa4 No.3733461

File: 1709061032523.jpg (443.05 KB, 1636x2252, 1708104210.dreamkeepers_gg….jpg)

Just pay the few bucks it would cost and support artists who actually deserve it

e630ab59 No.3733463

Telling people to spend money they have already decided not to isn’t going to make it happen.

928ea189 No.3733465

Locking your doors so scumbags can't steal your stuff and reporting criminal activities to the police could make it happen.

61c2e36c No.3733467

Nope, money for some people is tight. And luxury’s like patron is a nonsensical expenditure. Especially under bidenomics.

Not all furrys are silly enough to spend the money they need to get home from a convention on commissions.

466b7aa4 No.3733474

File: 1709078368502-0.jpg (227.27 KB, 850x1229, 9b434bf201e63f8320799981df….jpg)

File: 1709078368502-1.jpg (196.09 KB, 850x1133, 04a6844039a8c44c98300fd611….jpg)

If you can't afford the few bucks to pay an independent artist for their hard work then you've got problems.

Spend less time masturbating and more time on getting your shit together

a88e00bc No.3733477

File: 1709086328451.jpeg (32.91 KB, 720x406, FIWCZSBUYAIFiFB.jpeg)


You sound like a teenager.

9872caaa No.3733677

Only in mind and libido

64398cd0 No.3735311

File: 1711089036275.jpg (635.7 KB, 2184x1687, 1710683486.dreamkeepers_gi….jpg)

Apparently they're getting sued by someone who commissioned stuff of their fursona


84e95895 No.3735496

File: 1711231682429.jpeg (811.13 KB, 1125x875, IMG_5300.jpeg)

Our current speculation is the QuickXyk story released for free last year was supposed to be a paid story. characters featured were sonas that the owner(who already signed a contract for use) went berserk after Dave started a petition for furry conventions to (on paper) prohibit convicted sexual abusers(pedofiles) from conventions.

After months or years of no progress negotiating the sale of the book, Dave released it for free(why let all that hard work go to waste)

So whoever owns the sonas is either a pedo themselves or is sucking the dick(s) of pedo(s)

(That petition is also why Dave can’t attend most furry conventions, they have known pedos on staff who REALLY did not like the petition)

ce945de6 No.3735574

The petition he made with Boneitis back when the zoosadist shit leaked?

74b429cc No.3736301

File: 1711842548814.png (1.39 MB, 1280x853, IMG_2268.png)

7510afa0 No.3736387

File: 1711910020670.png (320.36 KB, 812x1114, IMG_4583.png)

9e1228b9 No.3736454


1113d5f0 No.3737446

File: 1712892084328.jpg (221.17 KB, 1024x1897, 42bd68435ac6d5c6a7b85d3ecb….jpg)

>they made a Grunt daki

5ca62cee No.3737534

File: 1713046343972.jpeg (6.98 MB, 2550x3300, IMG_5451.jpeg)

There are bette flavors

bd3bdadc No.3737670

File: 1713206771276.jpeg (1.98 MB, 2550x3292, IMG_2202.jpeg)

It seems whenever he draws Lilith nude, she is sad, or is it just me?

6f00ba36 No.3737699

File: 1713242707364.gif (1.96 MB, 200x159, 200w.gif)

Ohh… What the story is all about.

4fbf9a57 No.3738022

The petition is still up


ask your fur con representative why they are not on board!

4bdbba82 No.3738227

File: 1713743591289.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x1584, IMG_5463.jpeg)

They are going to do a NSFW version of the indigos(no Lilith sadly)

3d9be93a No.3738240

File: 1713765524298.png (15.45 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

I would request them to make two of them in adult size plushy forms but how much would they cost?

Yeah yeah calm down!

3d9be93a No.3738381

File: 1713906453838-0.png (16.42 KB, 450x1300, smaller test.png)

File: 1713906453838-1.png (34.32 KB, 450x1300, smaller test2.png)

Front and back

3d9be93a No.3738389

File: 1713908304842-0.png (669.31 KB, 3200x6400, Fem_EvzenIII_u18chan.png)

File: 1713908304842-1.png (593.22 KB, 1600x1200, Vivspicklerick_u18chan.png)

File: 1713908304842-2.png (357.17 KB, 1154x859, wedemandsharkozenev_u18cha….png)

File: 1713908304842-3.png (159.66 KB, 1008x807, 1612938315311_u18chan.png)

File: 1713908304843-4.png (18.61 KB, 1008x807, eevzee_u18chan.png)

3d9be93a No.3738390

File: 1713908383860.png (159.75 KB, 1008x807, 1612936788231_u18chan.png)

c3838487 No.3738397

File: 1713912221295.png (1.25 MB, 931x1280, 1624677680.remarkablyavera….png)

Keep posting Evzen. Both male and female.

Got any Evzen/Bast stuff?

3d9be93a No.3738398

File: 1713912491374-0.jpg (1.31 MB, 3200x2560, 1700253970316.jpg)

File: 1713912491374-1.jpg (1.09 MB, 3200x2560, 1700254386291.jpg)

File: 1713912491374-2.jpg (822.47 KB, 3072x2304, 1700256838780-0.jpg)

File: 1713912491374-3.jpg (850.53 KB, 3072x2304, 1700256838780-1.jpg)

3d9be93a No.3738399

File: 1713912517263-0.png (1.22 MB, 1280x1280, 1700257213764-3.png)

File: 1713912517263-1.png (384.9 KB, 640x640, 1700253846343.png)

File: 1713912517263-2.png (1.38 MB, 1280x1280, 1700257213764-0.png)

File: 1713912517263-3.png (1.24 MB, 1280x1280, 1700257213764-1.png)

3d9be93a No.3738400

File: 1713912562337-0.png (879.46 KB, 1280x1280, 1700257213764-2.png)

File: 1713912562337-1.jpg (434.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1700318006007-1.jpg)

File: 1713912562337-2.jpg (442 KB, 2560x2560, 1700318006007-2.jpg)

18a00a69 No.3738402

Post the rest of the Vi/Rick stuff

3d9be93a No.3738410

File: 1713917680530.png (650.13 KB, 1000x750, crude evzen meme.png)

3d9be93a No.3738412

File: 1713918963039.png (19.09 KB, 1000x750, crude evzen meme finished.png)

3d9be93a No.3738413

File: 1713919003463.jpg (99.73 KB, 1024x975, evzen_swatch_sheet_by_drea….jpg)

3d9be93a No.3738433

File: 1713938711279.jpg (38.34 KB, 1024x147, reference_turnarounds__fem….jpg)

lost the HD refs in the old folder.

3d9be93a No.3738434

3d9be93a No.3738436

File: 1713942427048-0.jpg (199.3 KB, 1024x1434, 1224dfa4ced2949723715ed8e0….jpg)

File: 1713942427049-1.jpg (190.91 KB, 1024x1326, indigo_top_by_dreamkeepers….jpg)

File: 1713942427049-2.png (3.22 MB, 2846x2142, twins.png)

File: 1713942427049-3.jpg (77.36 KB, 500x500, C3---CUDDLE.jpg)

Size: Adult average 18 year old hieght.
Skeleton Structure Material: 3D printed
Inner filling material muscles and fat: Ballistic Sillicone Gel
Skin: Minky
Hair and Tail Fur: nylon

e948994b No.3738662

Wow, tell me you have an unhealthy trans evzen obsession without telling me you have an unhealthy trans evzen obsession

8d5593ac No.3738681

File: 1714159537473-0.jpg (233.52 KB, 1600x900, 1477798150.iontoon_synych2….jpg)

File: 1714159537473-1.jpg (240.12 KB, 1426x950, 2c2e529e368d70c5bc2266e322….jpg)

File: 1714159537473-2.png (740.36 KB, 950x1426, 2937353_RuffyYoshi_commiss….png)

File: 1714159537473-3.png (1.08 MB, 1177x1443, 3133333_OmiArt_0420_r02_01.png)

There's a big difference between trannies and Rule 63

3d9be93a No.3738790

File: 1714279298321.png (197.04 KB, 3600x2600, 1713906453838-1.png)

concept rough sketch for a pillow cover of

3d9be93a No.3738801

File: 1714285510869.png (256.58 KB, 1600x1200, Vivspicklerick_u18chan.png)

5ca62cee No.3738820

Youre right, he’s not killing himself in any of the pictures. LooooL

3d9be93a No.3739055

File: 1714543375775.jpg (4.11 MB, 2550x3300, lilith_nude_edit.jpg)

e948994b No.3739179

Is it just me or is the Vi daki missing from the kemono dump?

e948994b No.3739180

Specifically the clip file

931685a2 No.3739182

File: 1714734427941-0.jpg (208.96 KB, 1292x2625, 7dbc84433767fc787930cab481….jpg)

File: 1714734427941-1.jpg (136.99 KB, 768x1280, 1b29325d334633b0904b7c8ba9….jpg)

Pregnant Vi is beautiful

5ca62cee No.3739197

I doubt Dreamkeeper bellies would even get that big

7812b3a6 No.3739229

Big preggo belly on a lean frame is hotter than thicc shit

3d9be93a No.3739246

File: 1714810074409.png (29.44 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Vi:Rick…. Give you your goddamn ice cream and pickles!

Morty: Ohh God, Rick what have you done?

3d9be93a No.3739247

File: 1714812120477.png (25.71 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

shitty drunk typo change "you" to "me"

3d9be93a No.3739248

File: 1714812485726.png (35.45 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


3d9be93a No.3739249

File: 1714812975031.png (36.98 KB, 500x251, Oekaki.png)

Rick Sandchez must fist Vi's pregnant ass!

I'm *Burp* fisting your ass VI waaaaaaaay up your ass!

bd29a1cd No.3739256

File: 1714817137602.png (1.02 MB, 873x1200, 1682145946.angel27_div_but….png)

he's not fisting hard enough. Thats basically a hand butt plug. You have to actually hit the curve to really be anal fisting. There is an art to it.

3d9be93a No.3739267

File: 1714836491120.png (527.9 KB, 1600x1200, fisting Vi ass.png)

Not deep enough?

bd29a1cd No.3739271

that looks a little too deep, but still yeah.

3d9be93a No.3739280

File: 1714852382060.png (658.69 KB, 1600x1200, fisting Vi ass.png)

bd29a1cd No.3739285

that seems about right, if you angle your arm correctly.

bd29a1cd No.3739286

or if you're like me and missing most of your colon.

I can an entire arm up there no prob.

16fec60d No.3739287

Rick: Your *burp* babies are kicking the shit out of my arm. Time to show them who's boss.
(seconds later)
Rick: They're hyperextending my elbow! Morty, help!

bd29a1cd No.3739288

lol, I have a pregnancy fetish, but thisn't the tread to do it in.

3d9be93a No.3739291

File: 1714856176708.png (334.46 KB, 1600x1200, fisting Vi ass.png)

16fec60d No.3739295

No idea what Rick's thinking, but he looks determined. Kinda hot.

ba4ee2e4 No.3739323

File: 1714895308613.jpg (253.34 KB, 905x1280, 1659011546.marta.bit_waitr….jpg)

All female Dreamkeepers must be impregnated

3d9be93a No.3739384

File: 1714956795989.png (652.03 KB, 1600x1200, Dreamkeepers Beaver Specie….png)

Not skinny enough

c2d704f2 No.3739522

He lost his keys

3d9be93a No.3739743

File: 1715393402592-0.png (719.39 KB, 1055x769, image-14_u18chan.png)

File: 1715393402592-1.jpg (35.27 KB, 640x120, FADLogoWebFloat.jpg)

File: 1715393402592-2.jpg (178.36 KB, 1280x604, R-7Lp.CP4e-small-Girls-of-….jpg)

Waoh Dave, carful not to get copy strike by Eric W. Schwartz!

7e761c56 No.3739852

File: 1715575223838.jpg (708.55 KB, 2184x1687, 1690120383.dreamkeepers_f1….jpg)

Anyone got more of Vanth's mom? She's a total MILF

3d9be93a No.3739854

File: 1715576337899-0.png (1.04 MB, 1024x569, vanth_s_mom__by_dreamkeepe….png)

File: 1715576337899-1.png (1.48 MB, 1024x778, dreamkeepers-imagine-mom.png)

4fbf9a57 No.3739983

File: 1715736426753.gif (235.26 KB, 500x275, IMG_5491.gif)

Dave didn’t do a seductive Mother’s Day picture of her?

3d9be93a No.3740453

File: 1716398158078.png (970.96 KB, 1258x1468, dhfx9xn-a27ec081-a9d2-446d….png)

3d9be93a No.3740518

File: 1716427773492.jpg (3.21 MB, 6600x6000, Silk_u18chan.jpg)

3d9be93a No.3740619

File: 1716515789651-0.jpg (815.15 KB, 3741x1942, dreamkeeperzzz (2).jpg)

File: 1716515789651-1.jpg (779.63 KB, 3332x2270, dreamkeeperzzz (1)_001.jpg)

File: 1716515789651-2.jpg (475.45 KB, 2685x2402, dreamkeeperzzz (3).jpg)

File: 1716515789651-3.jpg (720.39 KB, 3612x1876, dreamkeeperzzz (4).jpg)

File: 1716515789651-4.jpg (766.25 KB, 4528x2057, dreamkeeperzzz (1).jpg)

69cc2240 No.3740650

File: 1716526701067.jpg (566.92 KB, 816x1280, 1517142069.remarkablyavera….jpg)

There's not enough of Tia

577f03cc No.3740742

File: 1716619023797.jpg (3.02 MB, 2778x3035, j_5_u18chan.jpg)

Vanth's Mom

3d9be93a No.3741423

File: 1717266265192-0.jpg (120.87 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1931_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1717266265192-1.jpg (1.52 MB, 1880x1536, Untitled17_20240528225620_….jpg)

File: 1717266265192-2.png (3.23 MB, 1883x1854, Untitled18_20240528235949_….png)

File: 1717266265192-3.jpg (1.12 MB, 1880x966, Untitled10_20240523230646_….jpg)

File: 1717266265192-4.jpg (610.63 KB, 1000x570, Untitled9_20240523141105_u….jpg)

3d9be93a No.3741425

File: 1717266455866-0.jpg (494.39 KB, 1883x1854, Untitled19_20240531111414_….jpg)

File: 1717266455866-1.jpg (574.41 KB, 1883x1854, Untitled12_20240524112424_….jpg)

File: 1717266455866-2.jpg (165.89 KB, 707x1000, 4326916_numbink_abduction_….jpg)

File: 1717266455866-3.jpg (1.74 MB, 2772x3858, 10547-anusartist_bribreast….jpg)

File: 1717266455866-4.jpg (891.42 KB, 2446x3007, 5952-artist_zaguracharacte….jpg)

3d9be93a No.3741426

File: 1717266536660-0.jpg (893.83 KB, 2446x3007, 5951-artist_zaguracharacte….jpg)

File: 1717266536660-1.jpg (125.91 KB, 720x514, 2922-breastscharacter_bast….jpg)

File: 1717266536660-2.jpg (58.33 KB, 752x973, 2681-breast_grabbreastscat….jpg)

File: 1717266536660-3.jpg (52.06 KB, 488x535, 2250-artist_zagurabreastsc….jpg)

3d9be93a No.3741474

File: 1717291821386-0.jpg (28.33 KB, 392x624, IMG_1940_0_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1717291821386-1.jpg (93.78 KB, 1280x1179, Lilith_0_u18chan.jpg)

3d9be93a No.3741998

File: 1717715310136-0.jpg (1.35 MB, 3400x4760, IndigoNSFWFront_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1717715310136-1.jpg (1.26 MB, 3400x4400, IndigoNSFWBack_u18chan.jpg)

97d6ade9 No.3743439

File: 1718724615820.jpeg (3.25 MB, 3400x4400, IMG_5575.jpeg)

Is it just me, or is it true that a person commissioning gender swapped characters is them selves trans or am I missing something.

a1c9fd63 No.3744527

File: 1719617062770.jpeg (1.55 MB, 835x2457, IMG_5597.jpeg)

NSFW dakis now for sale

a1c9fd63 No.3744528

File: 1719617149654.jpeg (1.72 MB, 835x2457, IMG_5598.jpeg)

1e17d1aa No.3746830

File: 1721126986651.png (7.6 MB, 2044x3000, Image.png)

cc31a2ff No.3747578

File: 1721530852590.jpg (210.55 KB, 2184x1687, 1720986876.dreamkeepers_gs….jpg)

Vanth is best girl

33ad60af No.3747653

File: 1721587734946.jpeg (1.77 MB, 2550x3300, IMG_5735.jpeg)

4a872c39 No.3748300

File: 1722082989330.jpeg (2.5 MB, 3376x3838, LilithBathingsuitswitch20….jpeg)

4a872c39 No.3748302

File: 1722084909847.jpeg (2.65 MB, 3400x4400, bathing suit switch 2024.jpeg)

4a872c39 No.3748304

File: 1722085454536.jpeg (3.16 MB, 3400x4400, Ayn Indigo Strippers SKOM….jpeg)

d7e74d6b No.3748637

File: 1722370563275.jpeg (176.34 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_5844.jpeg)

3d9be93a No.3750106

File: 1723588141003.png (58.5 KB, 1526x1526, insane vi.png)

e0cea43f No.3750172

Seek help

3d9be93a No.3750593

File: 1723952532790-0.jpg (188.62 KB, 927x1280, 1231971750.cigarskunk_fifi….jpg)

File: 1723952532790-1.jpg (1.66 MB, 3400x4400, nsfw_lilith_bust_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1723952532790-2.jpg (952.43 KB, 2550x3300, Tekra_nsfw_print_u18chan.jpg)

76bc6421 No.3751421

File: 1724523651414.jpeg (617.58 KB, 2048x1583, IMG_6198.jpeg)

Is the nude available?

28df5b29 No.3752027

File: 1725100242384-0.jpg (379.89 KB, 1305x2048, 5177280_ZephyrLyall_bastxn….jpg)

File: 1725100242384-1.jpg (390.96 KB, 1614x1500, 5177265_ZephyrLyall_macexp….jpg)

File: 1725100242384-2.jpg (390.55 KB, 1305x2048, 5177277_ZephyrLyall_bastxn….jpg)

What’s a good place to write/host questionable age fanfics?

b6273fd6 No.3752827

File: 1725617862326.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x1262, IMG_6219.jpeg)

e1f35538 No.3753912

File: 1726511319487.jpg (159.77 KB, 1015x1258, vanth daki.jpg)

e1f35538 No.3753920

File: 1726515729958.jpg (98.32 KB, 807x1145, vanth color.jpg)

e1f35538 No.3753922

File: 1726517051394.jpg (85.93 KB, 653x1213, rebel Lilith back.jpg)

a4c38f73 No.3754022

File: 1726608933373.png (1.98 MB, 1500x1178, cd74ec9375222cd6c4ef180b75….png)

Needs more Harmony

b4c2c1c5 No.3754818

File: 1727561443663.png (1.97 MB, 1472x1888, 00577-3948899940.png)

358ee7c1 No.3756477

File: 1729014680661.jpg (3.37 MB, 4352x6776, grid-0054.jpg)

chose your fighter

1d529322 No.3756825

File: 1729291269896.jpg (179.89 KB, 853x1280, 1593439230.dreamkeepers_li….jpg)

Lilith looks better with her glasses

b98e37be No.3758187

File: 1730430350678.jpeg (316.55 KB, 1632x2880, 00020-2671833710.jpeg)

3d9be93a No.3758200

File: 1730452298995.jpg (697.83 KB, 1669x2160, rVxxlklX5bI_u18chan.jpg)

have some yogart

3fe3d09b No.3758249

File: 1730493777815.jpeg (6.14 MB, 4400x3400, IMG_6690.jpeg)

c2cbc9ad No.3758839

Kemono is working, if someone would update the dreamkord would be great

3d9be93a No.3758879

Nightmare Regurgitators…

93cd603c No.3758946

Does someone have the studio file for the Christmas picture?

3d9be93a No.3758949

File: 1731969841148.png (290.66 KB, 1600x1200, lobotomy surgeon.png)

You Can Now Do A Lobotomy With My Meat

Nightmare Regurgitators it is the opposite of Dreamkeepers characters in horror dimension you use the libotomy pick to release them to your world with devistating results.

They are all in shadow for hunger for human flesh.

3d9be93a No.3758950

File: 1731970895784.png (419.6 KB, 1600x1200, Nightmare Regurgitators.png)

I would rather draw with action figure pose toys than with my imagination :P

3d9be93a No.3758951

File: 1731972355868.png (475.13 KB, 1600x1200, Nightmare Regurgitators sc….png)


Concept: all Dreamkeeper characters are in their shadow form they are eager to escape through your head use the lobotomy pick unleash them all they would carnivorously eat you alive holding you down like a horde of zombies, yeah summerize them!

3d9be93a No.3758953

File: 1731974248777.png (415.71 KB, 1600x1200, Nightmare Regurgitators sc….png)

Me: *Screaming my lungs out* Fine I can take you furballs all down myself.

Pff… What a field day…

93cd603c No.3758955

Seek help

3d9be93a No.3758958

File: 1731976924448.png (414.59 KB, 1600x1200, Nightmare Regurgitators ne….png)

Dave's characters finally put him in the crazy house… He needs all the therapy he could take.

3d9be93a No.3758961

By the way… Indigo Twins in nurse outfit fits them well…

c4cb6f26 No.3758972

File: 1732000949645.jpg (963.44 KB, 3169x2885, 1731883338541226.jpg)

f8b835b8 No.3760362

File: 1733098469853.jpeg (4.63 MB, 4399x3388, DK Yoga Classes.jpeg)

3d9be93a No.3760458

File: 1733263975288.jpg (2.12 MB, 1688x1737, GcJzbLIasAI4SMb_u18chan.jpg)

Just ignore those poorly sketch books signature is legit.

3d9be93a No.3760459

File: 1733265676690.png (35.46 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Why can't Dave draw thicc female species; badgers, beavers, and cabybaras?

3d9be93a No.3760460

File: 1733266506409-0.jpg (1.75 MB, 1650x1275, 1445819426.shamus_vi_punch.jpg)

File: 1733266506409-1.png (336.04 KB, 900x1255, PBF-Anniversary.png)

eb16d6ef No.3760466

Because he hasn’t added muribel to the female references

3d9be93a No.3760618

ae84c150 No.3761400

No music or sound of any kind?
Who are the males? Why not use the actual cast?
Nice to see but could have been better. Lot of obscure fetishes in this video.

46793e5b No.3761567

File: 1734264932576.jpeg (556.45 KB, 1588x2048, IMG_0023.jpeg)

If you don’t see the messaging here it is quite literally
“Trans people are heros”
Is it just me or is Dave sliding down the leftist rabbit hole?

57535a5c No.3761570

while the picture looks like it might make some sense its obvious just a rejected idea that could never keep the special eds attention. Verdict? This concept is garbage that needs to be tossed in the shitter.

773f3aea No.3761572

A literal nightmare and a couple freaks in charge of the angelic children
What did the commissioner mean by this?

b615f449 No.3761574

File: 1734279831488.jpg (503.65 KB, 1280x941, edc69d91a9bf8da783f4d25bfa….jpg)

It's just seems like standard rule 63 stuff to me.

6375f991 No.3761652

Who commissioned this and how much did it cost?

1e17d1aa No.3761656

File: 1734360743445.png (3.56 MB, 3000x2000, IMG_0025.png)

I’ve seen many commissions featuring theses fetishes by a guy called synariel

439a2bc7 No.3762273

File: 1734786271597.jpeg (3.2 MB, 3400x4400, Indigo Layers of Fun.jpeg)

Is it just me or do their butts not look right?

439a2bc7 No.3762274

One cheek is significantly flatter than the other

3d9be93a No.3762281

File: 1734789932880.png (32.41 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Now draw them French kissing while groping eachother's breasts and fingering; if there's another universe version of their male counter parts have them do a train ride sex.

d1e8e531 No.3763240

File: 1735477412808.jpeg (124.25 KB, 832x1216, IMG_0072.jpeg)

3d9be93a No.3763269

File: 1735506171686-0.jpg (1.69 MB, 4400x3400, Synariel_Dragon_Cavern_Hot….jpg)

File: 1735506171686-1.jpg (1.69 MB, 4400x3400, Synariel_Dragon_Cavern_Hot….jpg)

7c389468 No.3764865

File: 1736889820695.jpeg (250.72 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_0174.jpeg)

5375035a No.3764959

File: 1736989199216.jpg (393.35 KB, 2550x3300, Daki_Art_Print_Mace_NSFW.jpg)

More DK Pillow cases going released soon and that includes the male ones

3d9be93a No.3764960

File: 1736989327168-0.png (873.66 KB, 1395x1201, evzenrefsheetisnotenough_u….png)

File: 1736989327168-1.png (19.09 KB, 1000x750, crudeevzenmemefinished_u18….png)

File: 1736989327168-2.png (3.53 MB, 3468x2211, 6455311682921cecb303c44f45….png)

File: 1736989327168-3.png (1.77 MB, 1005x2000, 3843989_Mancoin_syn_bang_i….png)

File: 1736989327168-4.png (841.05 KB, 1500x1200, 6760-breastscharacter_evze….png)

There better be Evzen! >:( cause I can't find any.

8799cd52 No.3765010

File: 1737043242329.jpeg (179.18 KB, 832x1216, IMG_0187.jpeg)

I would not have expected the belly fur peaking from behind the swimsuit to be that enticing.

e3a39047 No.3765159

File: 1737181761515.jpg (356.39 KB, 3500x2306, MaceLilithblowjob.jpg)

e3a39047 No.3765160

File: 1737181874073.png (118.82 KB, 718x525, ZagMaceLilithCreampie.png)

88e6f5bc No.3765178

File: 1737196183804-0.jpeg (81.9 KB, 739x1080, IMG_0202.jpeg)

File: 1737196183804-1.jpeg (86.16 KB, 739x1080, IMG_0200.jpeg)

File: 1737196183804-2.jpeg (99.95 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0199.jpeg)

File: 1737196183804-3.jpeg (186.41 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0201.jpeg)

A lot of half decent renders here, however homeless Vi is a turn off
Most pics are of Vi
These are some of the best

e3a39047 No.3765183

File: 1737197836893.jpg (1.92 MB, 3300x2400, lilith_side_fuck.jpg)

3d9be93a No.3765467

File: 1737348391543.png (718.73 KB, 1800x1600, fish_fight.png)

3d9be93a No.3765491

File: 1737370808644.png (22.64 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

3d9be93a No.3765525

File: 1737405274153-0.jpg (87.2 KB, 700x394, fetchimage.jpg)

File: 1737405274153-1.png (611.33 KB, 1600x1200, Evzen bought tuna sandwich….png)

e63eed96 No.3765535

File: 1737412258803.jpg (172.3 KB, 1024x1024, Tuna flavored indi.jpg)

So your head cannon has Lilith is a psychotic non lesbian or bisexual?

What a sad little world you have made for yourself.

3d9be93a No.3765537


Backstory; Altered universe, Lilith's first bite was a tuna sandwich it was terrible whoever made her a sandwich must have been a prank or worse an opened canned that's been expired non the less it was a big mistake to snap her into PTSD spree. The moral to the story; never be cheap or hastly to make a crude sandwich.

e63eed96 No.3765545

File: 1737414254038.png (1.22 MB, 832x1216, IMG_0227.png)

Who is doing these Ai renders?
He should study some more professional works
For example https://kemono.su/patreon/user/91409710/post/117321751
Also the style is very flat and does not properly leverage the strengths of AI. Watercolors, oil paintings, renaissance or Rembrandt stying would not go unappreciated

372765ef No.3765737


372765ef No.3765738

372765ef No.3765744

like this? https://postimg.cc/gallery/rzrqxgz
I prefer the original style

54113b58 No.3765746

File: 1737570746545.png (1.98 MB, 1024x1536, IMG_0243.png)

Daves original style is great, but the AI isn’t really matching it. Which unfortunately leaves it in a kind of “style uncanny valley”
And that’s before considering that 1000 pictures of the exact same style becomes boring very fast
Maybe try a syd mead style to get some retro futurism

But if you really want to stick to Dave’s style, I heard that the Lilith prelude Lora is strongly correlated to Dave’s style because no one else has drawn prelude Lilith, maybe try using that?

372765ef No.3765765

File: 1737583501323.jpeg (165.48 KB, 832x1216, ZRBYEFT6CZP3612N2H9QX0YZR….jpeg)

Assuming I haven't made a thousand pics with her already. Prelude Lilith's lora is dumb as fuck, she refuses to do anything

689a9c16 No.3765771

Try a local install, filters on any commercial/public engine is going to be a hindrance. I think some people make it available with bots on telegram/discord channels if you don’t have hardware. (12gig graphics card is a practical minimum for high resolution, my 8 gig card took 45 min to do a 4k image)
Reforge(a1111) worked well for me when I played with it.

689a9c16 No.3765774

But did a 1080 image in like 8 min.

372765ef No.3765777

File: 1737589359803.jpeg (108.73 KB, 832x1216, 69DA4EG9QKMDBYY7CM1TNRYZ8….jpeg)

I'm using a8 3820 with broken gpu slot.

689a9c16 No.3765784

My condolences

13b3f47e No.3766120

File: 1737845776799.jpeg (139.85 KB, 832x1216, IMG_0281.jpeg)

Civitai feels very limiting compared to using home hardware, especially when comparing the cost

The only thing “nice” about it is when searching for Lora’s it checks for compatibility with the checkpoints

1e0f4d1f No.3766180

File: 1737897088716.jpeg (166.98 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0288.jpeg)

372765ef No.3766415

File: 1738088972261.jpeg (253.07 KB, 1024x1024, YM9840QS0SXY215CQN2ZTQE5Y….jpeg)

3d9be93a No.3766452

File: 1738117902938.jpeg (138.34 KB, 1024x1024, G4J7SK8K5APJPXW0CRQDM4YZY….jpeg)

11ef6204 No.3766492

Why square renders? No wallpapers? I get the distinct impression you are not a fan of the series

372765ef No.3766607

ye i clearly hate the seriess after posting 8k pictures and couldn't predict ur request for a wallpaper pic you never mentioned

b49dfd8c No.3766620

What 8k picture?

25993831 No.3766677

db527a36 No.3766699

I’m not expecting you to be a psychic, but I’ve already commented that wallpaper shaped would be a smarter choice to render.
Literally nobody uses square pictures because it does not crop well(in the chance you render something worthwhile)

21aeebd5 No.3766815

File: 1738373316769.gif (1.5 MB, 547x560, IMG_0351.gif)

271f8f20 No.3767111

File: 1738595340274-0.jpeg (424.98 KB, 1664x2432, IMG_0379.jpeg)

File: 1738595340274-1.jpeg (152.27 KB, 832x1216, IMG_0380.jpeg)

AI upscaling kinda sucks
Anyway, I tried making these on civitai

47f1fd61 No.3767328

File: 1738788956256.jpg (162.86 KB, 1216x832, 2025-02-05T17.32.12_1_u18c….jpg)

372765ef No.3767419

File: 1738867898462.jpg (437.58 KB, 1920x1280, cnro7g.jpg)

055d43a5 No.3767420

Not doing nude and a useless link

ec937fdd No.3767432

File: 1738877663391.jpg (537.98 KB, 2048x2048, c8fdb76631a7d0f216b1d9fb15….jpg)

>Not doing nude
You sound like some sort of prude. Do you know where you are?

055d43a5 No.3767449

He gave us a non nude picture with a useless link that links nowhere
And you then post an irrelevant picture both of this thread and this board while commenting about knowing “where you are?” Only a Jew bot can be so self unaware.

903d4625 No.3767469

File: 1738919765050.jpg (298.01 KB, 1600x1100, Ariel AronTheMerboy CyberS….jpg)

You seem to have trouble understanding posts and formulating intelligible replies to them. Perhaps a psychologist can prescribe medication to allow you to think more clearly.

839112a8 No.3767607

File: 1739043131784-0.jpeg (244.92 KB, 1856x1280, 2025-02-08T18.32.40_1.jpeg)

File: 1739043131784-1.jpeg (241.41 KB, 1856x1280, 2025-02-08T19.31.09_1.jpeg)

ece55491 No.3767714

File: 1739149774011.jpeg (2.41 MB, 3800x4400, Vanth F&B transparent.jpeg)

75dc577d No.3767716

hot. but how does she wear the sweater?

ece55491 No.3767718

File: 1739157149870.jpeg (457.41 KB, 1170x944, IMG_0432.jpeg)

The wing starts at her elbow and has a large-ringed-zipper she can use her claw to pull.

75dc577d No.3767720

I dont see how. arms dont have zippers

ece55491 No.3767725

She can close her fingers

ece55491 No.3767727

File: 1739164182051.jpeg (1 MB, 1170x1204, IMG_0433.jpeg)

75dc577d No.3767738

nah. that's retarded. fucking retarded artists cant design clothing

ee4cec1c No.3767742

clean your keyboard from curry and shit

75dc577d No.3767743

give me logical character clothing designs you perverted fucks.

ee4cec1c No.3767744

scroll up

75dc577d No.3767745

give me logical character clothing designs you perverted fucks. x2

d618f7a1 No.3767746

Don’t bother with him, he’s the kind of moron who tries to take a shit with a dick in his ass and simultaneously complain that taking a shit is too hard.

05c993ba No.3767758

Isn't intentionally making fun of another specie's anatomy because it's awkward or something, like, bad or something?

I mean would you make fun of somebody because their butthole
happened to be on their belly, or something like that?

5dce8bc7 No.3767759

Who is making fun?
It’s just a story element. The fact she can’t fly has a huge impact on her personality

41ca14bb No.3767770

You fried your brain with crack and meth.

ee4cec1c No.3767776

File: 1739224834886.jpeg (158.71 KB, 832x1216, W6XTCSMDET71FQSAHM59B31P1….jpeg)

ba00bdb9 No.3767835

File: 1739315720969-0.jpg (180.98 KB, 832x1216, 2025-02-10T02.31.03_1.jpg)

File: 1739315720969-1.jpg (187.25 KB, 832x1216, 2025-02-10T20.32.36_1.jpg)

b5fe0649 No.3767857

This shit looks atrocious. are you the faggot who hates the original style and kept crying about "experimenting" with it and doing in 16:9 only?

d42d71a5 No.3767861

File: 1739347973594.jpeg (52.91 KB, 460x410, IMG_0449.jpeg)

Are you one of those kissless virgins who has convinced themselves it’s more reasonable to die alone and than touch someone real?

d42d71a5 No.3767862

File: 1739349557578-0.png (2.56 MB, 1250x929, IMG_0438.png)

I have no problem with DAVIDS style, love it.
But that crap getting made en mass is about as pleasing as a finger in the eye

d42d71a5 No.3767863

File: 1739349568412-0.jpeg (3.39 MB, 3520x2648, IMG_0443.jpeg)

d42d71a5 No.3767864

File: 1739349593134-0.jpeg (3.11 MB, 3520x2648, IMG_0441.jpeg)

0826f51e No.3768026

File: 1739539940939-0.jpg (193.83 KB, 832x1216, 2025-02-14T13.25.24_1.jpg)

File: 1739539940939-1.jpg (184.57 KB, 832x1216, 2025-02-14T13.23.18_1.jpg)

0826f51e No.3768027

File: 1739540618641-0.jpg (332.26 KB, 1280x1856, 2025-02-14T13.40.37_1.jpg)

Upscaling is still unimpressive

ce0bad73 No.3768030

File: 1739545451139.jpeg (214.25 KB, 1024x1024, 0BVEXVKKCZ04H74PHR9PQC2V6….jpeg)

3d9be93a No.3768167

File: 1739705115845-0.jpg (1.39 MB, 3800x4400, 1739149774011.jpg)

File: 1739705115845-1.jpg (101.97 KB, 832x1216, 1739224834886.jpg)

File: 1739705115845-2.jpg (96.73 KB, 832x1216, 5AZGXQA0E4GTNN7YG4QT52R2C0….jpg)

3d9be93a No.3768168

File: 1739705146788-0.jpg (113.7 KB, 1216x832, Lilith_0_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1739705146788-1.jpg (213.86 KB, 1280x1856, QNAD69DYDZ97BNSY88QQ381RW0.jpg)

File: 1739705146788-2.jpg (126.99 KB, 1250x929, 1739349557578-0.jpg)

File: 1739705146788-3.jpg (2.13 MB, 3520x2648, 1739349568412-0.jpg)

File: 1739705146788-4.jpg (1.09 MB, 3520x2648, 1739349593134-0.jpg)

leaving earth for no rasin

d8d52b12 No.3768290

File: 1739816834567.jpg (367.6 KB, 1280x1856, 2025-02-17T18.25.52_1.jpg)

That’s a lot of repost

d8d52b12 No.3768315

File: 1739841206482.jpg (371.97 KB, 1280x1856, 2025-02-18T01.13.01_1.jpg)

7fab043e No.3768374

Almost a year since the kemono discord was updated, what a shame

48e44b36 No.3768395

File: 1739964939915.jpeg (189.02 KB, 832x1216, Z600ZAVX3BFZQXJZGR9Z2HKRD….jpeg)

sacrifice 1/3 of your daily soy latte, sub on jewtreon 1 time and save everything. all it takes

b3c9958a No.3768397

But, without my soy I might start developing toxicly masculine feelings(goes back to masturbating to females of dubious consentability)

48e44b36 No.3768403

File: 1740000879719.jpeg (194.09 KB, 1024x1024, 6CRHKRTDR6E2F6VZAH2KETMXN….jpeg)

b29622aa No.3768407

File: 1740005372656.jpeg (241.56 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0488.jpeg)

Looks like she’s fucking ravat, hot

013f559d No.3768418

File: 1740022179180.jpeg (555.63 KB, 1170x834, IMG_0489.jpeg)

Soy is the future!

4f582043 No.3768422

File: 1740040273272.jpeg (739.77 KB, 1469x1460, Screenshot_20-2-2025_3321….jpeg)

7fab043e No.3768427

File: 1740051920683.jpeg (110.59 KB, 1170x327, IMG_0491.jpeg)

I’ve just noticed this icon for the thread , what does it mean?

910752d2 No.3768428

This thread is cyclical. Which means once it gets 500 posts, the earliest posts start automatically getting deleted so the number of posts never exceeds 500 but still bumps. One of the mods must have set that. No idea why. I've noticed it set on a couple other threads too.

8bbc0905 No.3768442

That is not at all what I intended to do. Going to remove that when I see it.
There was zero mention of it in vichan documentation and I thought it would make the thread not stop bumping. Oops.
Thank you for enlightening me.

7fab043e No.3768447

Doesn’t sound like the worst idea
As link as it keeps posts with pictures and hyperlinks

550621fb No.3768603

File: 1740364024103.jpeg (3.1 MB, 3272x2550, Vi nude edit.jpeg)

4c49f4fe No.3768671

File: 1740514120706-0.jpeg (3.91 MB, 3400x4400, IndiGoGo.jpeg)

File: 1740514120706-1.jpeg (2.76 MB, 3400x4400, IndiGoGo2.jpeg)

4c49f4fe No.3768774

File: 1740621742661.png (451.85 KB, 920x1191, IMG_0518.png)

7fab043e No.3768795

File: 1740671025803.jpeg (273.69 KB, 640x859, IMG_0528.jpeg)

5e111260 No.3769082

File: 1741052293938.jpg (160.98 KB, 832x1216, 2025-03-04T01.36.27_1.jpg)

dfe45406 No.3769323

File: 1741468256428.jpg (238.91 KB, 1280x1856, 2025-03-08T21.09.28_1.jpg)

Don’t mind the sink on the floor XD

30fb09a4 No.3769359

File: 1741535738775.jpg (236.56 KB, 1280x1856, 2025-03-09T15.54.09_1.jpg)

3d9be93a No.3769381

File: 1741574496121.jpg (43.6 KB, 720x698, trp3zj5ispne1.jpg)

Requestiing the Indigo twins doing this pose plz?


ef82ba78 No.3769382

File: 1741575761217.jpg (108.91 KB, 588x648, fers.jpg)

5b3b00f2 No.3769401

I ain't clicking random links posted without context

c78bd243 No.3769410

File: 1741637796453.jpg (229.38 KB, 1458x1272, Vanth mom.JPG)

4c49f4fe No.3769413

File: 1741641335833.png (1.09 MB, 1078x1185, silkysmooth.png)

Are we going to find out silk and vanths mom are sisters?
Was vanth mom a stripper too?
Cause vanths dad seems awfully lucky to have such a babe

4c49f4fe No.3769417

I don’t think they have ever released the sales numbers of the dakis but I’m very curious if silk or vanths mom would sell better/faster

ed9e1590 No.3769444

File: 1741700917281-0.jpg (41.92 KB, 590x450, 27a87b3d5d468dad0294e23b63….jpg)

File: 1741700917281-1.jpg (10.56 KB, 480x360, R (2).jpg)

File: 1741700917281-2.png (153.51 KB, 500x351, 20 minute workout 8.png)

f5eba204 No.3769523

File: 1741804883523.jpg (218 KB, 1280x990, 1741321659.dreamkeepers_yo….jpg)

The bullshit lawsuit against Vivid has been mostly dismissed.


Hope they counter-sue and get their money back.

75cbffd1 No.3769566

File: 1741885308062-0.jpg (354.65 KB, 1408x1920, 2025-03-13T16.20.47_1.jpg)

File: 1741885308062-1.jpg (318.07 KB, 1408x1920, 2025-03-13T16.30.20_1.jpg)

File: 1741885308062-2.jpg (343.33 KB, 1408x1920, 2025-03-13T16.36.52_1.jpg)

9d2884a3 No.3769716

File: 1742040255545-0.jpg (131.62 KB, 832x1216, 2025-03-14T11.35.53_1.jpg)

File: 1742040255545-1.jpg (143.21 KB, 832x1216, 2025-03-14T11.38.10_1.jpg)

File: 1742040255545-2.jpg (159.33 KB, 832x1216, 2025-03-14T11.39.41_1.jpg)

File: 1742040255545-3.jpg (139.57 KB, 832x1216, 2025-03-14T11.41.43_1.jpg)

Kalei and jeneviv model out it seems

9d2884a3 No.3769717

File: 1742040281418-0.jpg (328.03 KB, 1216x1664, 2025-03-14T20.16.37_1.jpg)

File: 1742040281418-1.jpg (305.27 KB, 1216x1664, 2025-03-14T20.19.22_1.jpg)

File: 1742040281418-2.jpg (263.49 KB, 1216x1664, 2025-03-14T20.22.19_1.jpg)

File: 1742040281418-3.jpg (343.25 KB, 1216x1664, 2025-03-14T20.25.20_1.jpg)

File: 1742040281418-4.jpg (280.97 KB, 1216x1664, 2025-03-14T20.27.32_1.jpg)

79db6720 No.3769875

File: 1742308208487-0.jpeg (126.43 KB, 832x1216, D6F0061AY0GSPRAV4BCN9BYTK….jpeg)

File: 1742308208487-1.jpeg (122.59 KB, 832x1216, S651D3H2PSHX0J2S0GNQBA91M….jpeg)

File: 1742308208487-2.jpeg (132.31 KB, 832x1216, 87M2CTGA1868DZA7VE4P32Q16….jpeg)

File: 1742308208487-3.jpeg (104.13 KB, 832x1216, F4P4J61W4C5GVATF5YFBSFWBR….jpeg)

79db6720 No.3769876

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79db6720 No.3769877

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a91b4a5e No.3769890

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46acc992 No.3769967

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77d9f4a9 No.3769982

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77d9f4a9 No.3769983

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3d9be93a No.3769996

3d9be93a No.3769997

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3d9be93a No.3770001

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3d9be93a No.3770007

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9fc3453c No.3770127

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9fc3453c No.3770129

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28bd532f No.3770220

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f66687fc No.3770306

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f66687fc No.3770307

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f66687fc No.3770308

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f66687fc No.3770309

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