7fd4b88d No.3746832[Reply]
I was delayed getting her to the vet as they were booked up last week but they had an opening later on. She got a mild respiratory infection which caused her right inner eyelid to swell up. The vet gave her an antibiotic injection with take-home oral antibiotics & an ointment for here eye which is slowly improving. Her behavior hasn't returned to normal yet but is better, she resumed eating last Monday & has continued to eat & drink. Vet said a mini stroke would be unlikely due to her being too young.
That aside the "Diosoth Derangement Syndrome" crowd continues their bullshuit "cat killer" lies despite the constant proof otherwise, because Republicans have taken to "scream a lie enough times & people will believe it". /toy/ is run by a right-wing janitor who let his insane friends overrun & shit up that board, Zatlit wants to blow up women so he's too far gone to accept reality. It's also probably a lie started by SF3P0X1, a pedofur who lied about being in Special Forces & got whiny when several military members exposed every one of his claims as complete falsehood. He's also a Cuntla-Na fanboy with an agenda. Joining is are mentally ill MAGA chomos Jin Saotime, who fucked underage Sinno & everyone knows it & supersonic250, a man in a dress who obsesses over cub shit & got a cushy job as a teacher but is "totally NOT a pedo!", who will never be a woman. They can scream the "but he's the real pedo" shit all they want but every accusation from them is a confession. The party of Trump, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, etc, we know who the real pedophiles are. Don't forget that Jin's home address is on his ED article(which he probably put there himself) & he abuses his elderly wife's finances.
Stay mad because I will never enable your kiddie desires, will never be redpilled into MAGA traitor beliefs or bend the knee to a sky man that does not exist. As for my FA account, whatever, I don't entertain people for free so Rapeoneer can fucking have it. Submissions got 2-4 views anyway, watchers are entitled jackoffs who are never happy, it was a waste.
Like my Mig Switch cards? Fuck you too, Nintendo.
1546ecd5 No.3746882
I am glad your kitty is healing.
e9fb8f63 No.3746895
another fatherless child