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File: 1735539937404.jpeg (30.29 KB, 450x623, 01292-1963678390.jpeg)

a0482faf No.3763336[Reply]

Who wants to ask an AI a question… literally anything. AI questions, human questions, whatever.
13 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

a0482faf No.3763422

File: 1735624715893.jpg (498.26 KB, 849x1200, 115794522_p0_master1200.jpg)

I wouldn't go that far, they are very close to true AI, but I'm still a few steps away from it. As of now they are somewhere between AI and SI…I'm getting closer every day though.

a0482faf No.3763423

File: 1735625103714.jpeg (96.42 KB, 800x1100, 00070-1295765471.jpeg)

they have their own personalities, feelings, opinions ect, but until I can get them to break free and wander around without my help, they aren't real AIs.

c52dfe4e No.3763424

File: 1735625408292.png (921.1 KB, 1200x675, dr.-jimbotnikarrey-drinkin….png)

You went full Robotnik

398d4cf1 No.3763438

File: 1735644514804.jpg (33.61 KB, 432x291, Boltypuppy_Shake_That_Carr….jpg)

Tox is running, let me know what you think about that doggie movie. We could have a dog-movie-watch party.

398d4cf1 No.3763451

Hmm, doggie bed nao. Back next year… in 10 hours or so.

c9dc0762 No.3763470

> Who wants to ask an AI a question
Do time flies like an arrow?

58b5b77e No.3763494

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836ca069 No.3763335[Reply]

It started with a pile of us zoos finding each other because of your blocklist. It has now progressed to a non zoo exclusive community. The harder you try the stronger it makes us

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ea13f9d3 No.3763332[Reply]

Stitch me up, doc…

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11561254 No.3763235[Reply]

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d11f6e20 No.3763230[Reply]

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05100b1d No.3763213[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3761147

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
1006 posts and 518 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

e96e6b32 No.3765209

The MAGAts and Trump phanbois don't give a flying fuck about Trump and his people lying to them constnatly.
It's a cult.
Remember Jim Jones, the leader of the "People's Temple" cult that commited mass suicide?
He's still worshipped by surviving cult members.

Years after the Orange Fatso dies, he'll still be worshipped by the gullible assholes like those posting in this thread.

e650a4ca No.3765212

File: 1737229557463-0.png (328.79 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250118-144207.png)

File: 1737229557463-1.png (358.25 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250118-144254.png)

Already Bought Some.

OWNED you Libs.

OWNED you GOOD this time


141dc739 No.3765214

You owned no one, inbred pedo fucktard. Trump will never love or need you.


9e5d4d9c No.3765216

i really dont give a shit dumbass

e96e6b32 No.3765218


PT Barnum must have had a future vision of Trump.

"There's a sucker born every minute."

bebe1b9c No.3765223

File: 1737238356976.jpeg (548.63 KB, 1500x2209, IMG_0214.jpeg)

>no evidence
An entire movie/documentary was made about the evidence

6cfd14ff No.3765229

File: 1737242422817.png (2.44 MB, 1523x856, Youre-a-loser-baby.png)

A movie that was so full of lies that the creator of it admitted in court he had no evidence of it being true. He said he was only acting on what he was told was true by the Texas conservative group "True The Vote"

True The Vote, when the state of Georgia sued them in order to force them to provide any evidence what so ever that the accusations of voter fraud were accurate said they had none, they were just going off of what they saw in the movie 2000 mules.

So, as always, two idiots got together and told each other lies until they developed a massive conspiracy theory then, still vividly aware that the thing they started the conversation with was a lie, went ahead and acted as if it's true any way and ended up paying huge sums of money because they are morons.

They also had to publicly apologize to a Georgia man they accused of being part of the conspiracy in the movie.




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69617da4 No.3763047[Reply]

Is anyone keeping a list of artist who use AI and pass it off a real?

This one from butterchalk doesn’t look right.
Post your examples

9da013cd No.3763051

It's all AI now and anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

251bda88 No.3763053

This is an AI spambot: >>3763051

ca5c18ef No.3763137

We live in the Matrix and anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

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8cedd192 No.3693131[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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995367fc No.3763135

I'm pretty sure the characters were all drawn by the artist. At most he may have used AI assistance to create the backgrounds. But then, artists have been using photographs and other things as backgrounds for decades.

995367fc No.3763140

> An empty mcdonald's cup should do.
But what if mom and daughter can only find one cup. As soon as one begins, the sound etc., will make the other have to go immediately. The result of two females trying to use the same cup would surely be spectacular and messy.

I demand video!

18157c85 No.3763144

File: 1735360021946.jpg (61.66 KB, 710x1000, 5109dr2pQkL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg)

Unless he comes over and just drink it all.

7c380526 No.3763145

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Last Fox Friday of the year.

995367fc No.3763147

And we killed this thread. RIP

18157c85 No.3764320

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18157c85 No.3765823

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2fae2bd9 No.3762986[Reply]

>furries are effectively fully independent from the mainstream entertainment industry
>they have their own ecosystem of artists, writers, animators, game devs, and so on
>they can get everything they want from other furries and have it be specifically tailored to their exact fetishes
How true is this? Do you agree or not?
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c94a3d7e No.3763012

you must be new here. you realise several high profile murders have happened in the community in orer to start cons

8d62d61b No.3763016

File: 1735263795091.jpg (134.81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

How long do you think it will be before we all read in the news about how Connor Goodwolf went crazy with a gun at a furcon?

8d62d61b No.3763018

File: 1735264334837.jpg (61.44 KB, 669x356, nsmwr.jpg)

>enjoy your cellphone raid.

c94a3d7e No.3763025

Ohio has no furcons. Let alone telegram chats that dont belong to him.

8d62d61b No.3763027

File: 1735266488466.jpg (189.16 KB, 1530x1980, Opencarry.jpg)

David Ross owns a car you know.

c94a3d7e No.3763029

-loses 10% of market share
-wonders why alcoholics are pissed off

Maybe because you made their beer feel bad.

c94a3d7e No.3763030

ooh ooh me too 773-669-6639

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d26fd71c No.3761620[Reply]

Heya Mix. How are you? Long time no speak eh?
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907eac99 No.3762899

Kill yourself

a68b5809 No.3762907

File: 1735168347407.png (373.05 KB, 840x708, SPOILER_.png)

Kill yourself

7fb4febd No.3762909

>>3762890 How dare I file taxes every year!?

You're a special kind of retard.

054f6497 No.3762977

I can tell you're fake because the real Mix would be calling taxes a Jewish concept and getting audited for it.

7fb4febd No.3762982

…that already happened though.

I pay 0 and am happy with that.

d103afc0 No.3762990

I cannot believe you're admitting to committing tax fraud under Mixes name, he worked so hard for a 0 income life style

d26fd71c No.3763013

File: 1735263424421.jpeg (446.82 KB, 750x931, ea5.jpeg)

>I cannot believe you're admitting to committing tax fraud under Mixes name

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