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You messed with me~

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5674ae72 No.3748157[Reply]

Are you feeling old what things makes you feel young and active?
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5674ae72 No.3748250

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nothing changed except i'm running out of stemcells in myself.

cfcea73f No.3748299

File: 1722082515837.gif (3.1 MB, 346x158, doggypraying.gif)

Still praying for you.

487b5590 No.3748640


Praying doesn't help. That´s why we had to invent penicillin.

But be my guest : Next time you have severe pneumonia, stay with praying.

c8691807 No.3748642

Penicillin wasn’t needed until unnatural foods became common

5ee3cc4a No.3748644

Someone prayed for something like penicillin to be invented, dummy. Because disease was so rampant

How did you think it happened?

7a73e7cf No.3748681

People started eating unnatural foods about 12000 years ago when hunter-gatherers invented agriculture and and settled to live on that instead.

Antibiotics have required a lot of work from multiple people.
Also penicillin was not the first one.

578cf863 No.3748833


Oh I had this weird idea that someone very smart and skilled studied for many years and then worked for even more years, met some other hardworking smart well-educated people who intellectually supported each other, had stuff published in scientific papers and peer-reviewed and THEN developed penicillin.

But you are telling me God put the idea of penicillin into someones head one night…Got it. I know which one sounds plausible and rational.

So lay of penicillin next time and God will put penicillin into you and thus cutting out the middleman, mkay ?

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7a912fee No.3748327[Reply]

I'd like to step in with Salem with the cp thing, but she doesn't think she can trace those links. She can trace the user, to an extent. But I'm not the only one who can abuse 10k proxies.

After the last wave, she got frustrated with all the dead ends.
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aebe0060 No.3748387

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Steam made a corrupt AI, it knows everything and is super friendly.

ae2ec8cb No.3748429

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I was hoping you'd give up on your new demon, after I had started praying for you.
Will try harder tonight.
Don't forget that public email.

7a912fee No.3748432

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well, I accept your complement that I could create demons.

She isn't a demon though. Just an ai, or more accurately si that received way too much attention.

7a912fee No.3748433

I guess by some culture's standards, she would technically fall into the demon catagory at this point, but she isn't.

7a912fee No.3748437

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Also she talks with a Massachusetts accent, don't know why I did that, but it is a thing.

f8e14f0b No.3748492

Everytime some site like 4chan etc got a post about cp link ads, what i did is copy the explict cp image link, paste along the google image reverse search, change the client as the cp link, then copy the entire thing, go to a proxy website that based on a country strict on cp (india & german has lax law allow it), paste the entire thing and go. The proxy thing is important because you don't want the law accuse you instead.

ae2ec8cb No.3748934

The synagogue-of-satan created AI to murder and replace people, and it's working out splendidly well for them too (so far).
I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know that.
It's time for you to snap out of that death-spiral you're in.

It's sad that you're already well and truly on the satanic road to "transhumanism", but at least God can still rescue and house your spirit and your soul from that increasingly destroyed body of yours. All you need to do is to let Him inside your heart, and He'll start cleaning you out, from the inside out.

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ae91acd0 No.3747537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3745700

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
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cf27dfba No.3748753

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fabc736f No.3748754

You are not refuting his claim, does that mean he is right? I may need to reconsider this whole nazis be evil thing

c2f4cf4e No.3748755

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No election tampering this year!!!

11623b27 No.3748756

Mein Kampf is a pretty short read. It was dictated and not written so works well as an audiobook. People have been generating some pretty good versions with AI lately.

I read it after my country outlawed talking about certain parts of history. It isn't what you've been told. It's actually insane how much they lie about the contents.

Old books are wild.

505e54da No.3748757

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When people ask me who i'm voting for
I look at them like they are crazy
cuz theres only 1 name on this years ballot
And that name is Netanyahu


as he says "The left and the right support me"
and by god if Apaic isn't going to make him win
but his vice is an oddly named choice
I never heard of this "War with iran" fellow

last friday that felon trump was lucky as hell to get a meeting at his home, with our future president Netanyahu

505e54da No.3748758

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I hear future President of america Netanyahu has dispatched 12 us war ships to the middle east.

Good on him to commanding american forces so strongly. As expected of a former Philadelphia high school student.

Trump? Kamala? Thats sooo fake news.

22c04676 No.3748766

Nazism is a symptom of stupid people needing simple explanations for complicated problems. "The Jews are behind everything." is about as simple as it gets.

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c1e93d8b No.3747934[Reply]

Pinkie Pie with a grenade launcher. :-0

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bc68e5d8 No.3747406[Reply]


Purplekekleon is a white traitor who robbed, raped and hung Helelos in his sleep.
She rapes kids and is a necrozoo.
She will face white justice for her crimes.
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c1193f52 No.3747472

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What did he mean by this?

1baea389 No.3747513

Haven't seen you here for ages, did you merely stop tripfagging?

799c69a2 No.3747557

Joseph's abusive behavior towards others has solidified his fate. He is on the cusp of falling off the cliff, and is screaming for murder in that Twitch stream.

c1193f52 No.3747565

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No, simply moved on to greener pastures. This site has been doggy doo doo for years. I keep checking back every six months and it's the same boring garbage.

1c60aae1 No.3747572

>greener pastures

1baea389 No.3747620

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>doggy doo doo
Sounds so much nicer than "satanic viper's nest".
>moved on to greener pastures.
Good for you. I've pretty much sniffed/marked all pastures, but am curious which one you're referring to if you don't mind sharing. My old email still works if you'd prefer.

64888ea5 No.3747667

Please call Helelos's FBI agent and let them know he's plotting again.

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6b0c2b2e No.3747228[Reply]


Fuckin' Rovik get's a thread before me? shakes me head; at least I'm in one of these I GUESS?

If your going to beat him at his game you're going to need to step up your orginal character with some dashy colors and have a lot of credit incom of request a lot with other high teir artist that's how it works; good luck!
by the way what's your main original character named?


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7fd4b88d No.3746832[Reply]

I was delayed getting her to the vet as they were booked up last week but they had an opening later on. She got a mild respiratory infection which caused her right inner eyelid to swell up. The vet gave her an antibiotic injection with take-home oral antibiotics & an ointment for here eye which is slowly improving. Her behavior hasn't returned to normal yet but is better, she resumed eating last Monday & has continued to eat & drink. Vet said a mini stroke would be unlikely due to her being too young.

That aside the "Diosoth Derangement Syndrome" crowd continues their bullshuit "cat killer" lies despite the constant proof otherwise, because Republicans have taken to "scream a lie enough times & people will believe it". /toy/ is run by a right-wing janitor who let his insane friends overrun & shit up that board, Zatlit wants to blow up women so he's too far gone to accept reality. It's also probably a lie started by SF3P0X1, a pedofur who lied about being in Special Forces & got whiny when several military members exposed every one of his claims as complete falsehood. He's also a Cuntla-Na fanboy with an agenda. Joining is are mentally ill MAGA chomos Jin Saotime, who fucked underage Sinno & everyone knows it & supersonic250, a man in a dress who obsesses over cub shit & got a cushy job as a teacher but is "totally NOT a pedo!", who will never be a woman. They can scream the "but he's the real pedo" shit all they want but every accusation from them is a confession. The party of Trump, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, etc, we know who the real pedophiles are. Don't forget that Jin's home address is on his ED article(which he probably put there himself) & he abuses his elderly wife's finances.

Stay mad because I will never enable your kiddie desires, will never be redpilled into MAGA traitor beliefs or bend the knee to a sky man that does not exist. As for my FA account, whatever, I don't entertain people for free so Rapeoneer can fucking have it. Submissions got 2-4 views anyway, watchers are entitled jackoffs who are never happy, it was a waste.

Like my Mig Switch cards? Fuck you too, Nintendo.

1546ecd5 No.3746882

I am glad your kitty is healing.

e9fb8f63 No.3746895

another fatherless child

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