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You messed with me~

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File: 1707271025033.jpg (1.76 MB, 2944x2208, inbound9162764264299519592.jpg)

cbb3df95 No.3731493[Reply]

I like sex call

97cdfc0a No.3731496

File: 1707272510536.jpg (326.41 KB, 494x659, Aufy.jpg)

Call Aufy

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7bd25d5c No.3731497[Reply]

Please let me see you fuck yourself

f8b9ea1e No.3731498


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4af0d54b No.3731494[Reply]

You are very confusing

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5625250d No.3721186[Reply]

Who here will miss the SOB?
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63dbbe21 No.3731089

File: 1706991630457.jpg (156.31 KB, 504x360, smoking-vulva.jpg)

Well if you're implying nicotine is bad for humans, I won't disagree. However, caffeine isn't really all that bad, comparatively.

b45e284c No.3731106

true, but its not a poisonous like kill you insecticide, it fucks with the circadian rhythm and basically makes bugs awake longer when night predators get them. 99% of the things humans injest as performance enhancers or to get high, are things meant to kill attackers.

Its like using dutch-hyper threading on weed or tobacco plants. The plants think they are under attack, so they produce more thc or nicotine to combat the infestation.

c48a9528 No.3731157

It seems like Aufy dropped some negative influences, and he's actually happy now.

54f130fe No.3731164

No one cares, Aufy.

250501a9 No.3731200



…..who ?

eefbb877 No.3731201

Aufy is like somewhere between gonz and ultros on the schizometer

96922dd2 No.3731266

all namefags ruin this website

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c1af0b38 No.3730125[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3728591

Any further /pol/ threads will be deleted.
693 posts and 434 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

9a2a0cb8 No.3731827

File: 1707527444457.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2815x3508, f999f5a68d8df4becb79ee681….jpeg)

The thing that kicked off the Tulsa massacre was a black man getting in an elevator with a white girl operator. He was arrested for assault because he had entered the same lift as her.

Mind you she said nothing happened and refused to press charges but the klan was going to hang him anyway.

So yes, armed black men did show up - to stop the hanging.

a4975b45 No.3731831

File: 1707527673137.jpg (95.43 KB, 722x662, DzKCj5bX4AAi8Su.jpg)

Most people are not

39c6efa8 No.3731838

File: 1707528667075.png (2.18 MB, 1800x1240, 4090e182c0c6c856aa4392065e….png)

After the George Floyd bullshit, I don't believe a word from the nig lovers, and I'm positive they deserved it.

a4975b45 No.3731843

What are you trying to prove with this post,
that niiggers are ugly?

39c6efa8 No.3731845

File: 1707529635389.png (1.21 MB, 2508x2116, a46554701d4e23f6edfd3588e0….png)

We have the facts that George Floyd took triple the lethal dose, that they way in which Chauvin kneeled on him was impossible to kill him, and that at no point in the trial was race ever even mentioned as a motive.

He was found guilty of both intentional and accidental murder.

Neither the media nor the courts care about facts.

d8214243 No.3731846

File: 1707529937341.jpg (83.66 KB, 680x680, GFI0As-XIAAsAoj.jpg)

Trump made a deal so he could stay out of prison. That isn't the same as coming forward to help the FBI.

d8214243 No.3731847

At the 1924 Democratic convention a large crowd of KKK staged a march in support of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Gibbs_McAdoo

Willy boy refused to disavow the Klan or answer questions about if he was a member so his own voters turned against him and he lost the nomination.

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597760c4 No.3730498[Reply]

Do you agree with what was said in this video?

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26e815b1 No.3730775

File: 1706735373047.jpg (125.57 KB, 1500x1001, dogbutt.jpg)

just get one of those button kits and record a bunch of pillow talk and moaning sounds

8240dcf7 No.3730782

File: 1706738619932.jpg (80.2 KB, 1200x1146, dog_wife.jpg)

> dogwife

1d9d9da2 No.3730784

File: 1706739899495.jpeg (3.79 KB, 150x150, EX5WXroXQAAfVHx.jpeg)


Its not just about sex… I want a dog I can hold a 2 way conversation with, is that too much to ask?

44e25715 No.3730789

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73c08c70 No.3730793

File: 1706745971175.jpg (96.89 KB, 627x483, 1153588595.caliosidhe_foxy….jpg)

I've always hated how female characters always wears thighhighs. I mean, pics like that are a dime a dozen.

1d9d9da2 No.3730794


Nice socks. She's cute!

73c08c70 No.3730891

Wish there was more stuff like that, but 99% of the time it's toeless thighhigh pieces of shit.

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8c412b3b No.3730481[Reply]

using llama and custom models!

8c412b3b No.3730483

righ now i work on new model for llama and koboldcpp for yiff furry
i have some problems i need download datasets from fa users and now most of my fa downloader not work well (403 error or cf captcha ) and free tool (furarchiver is corrupt stories) :(
i ask for help can some one download stories only (no images) from fa users:

also you can suggest other writers

59b72c13 No.3730486

There's already a thread on AI writing.

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a3cc3690 No.3730252[Reply]

Are there any furcons that you don't need vaccinations for?

"Samantha Kazanczuk
Still require as still lots of sickness going around going to stay that way a while still tbh"


"Vaccination boosters and masking are strongly recommended
We will not be conducting mandatory vaccination checks or requiring masks."

e7db931d No.3730254

Furthermore is still playing covid as well. It's why I started ghosting cons.

51fdaa98 No.3730260

Good riddance

db9cf24c No.3730325

I don't think you understand what "ghosting a con " means sweetheart.

f888d264 No.3730327

the human hubris hit a peak and just about everyone actively wants you to die, its a complicated amount of jealously and misguidedness.

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e04ba1a5 No.3716184[Reply]

Does anyone else find fursuits to be creepy? I love furry art, it's my number 1 fantasy, but fursuits seem to represent a bastardize version of that beautiful fantasy.

There's just something so lifeless in their looks.

When did the fandom become more associated with the fursuiters rather than the actual furry artists?
46 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

be1d0431 No.3723301

File: 1701250461334.jpeg (127.82 KB, 1202x1235, F_kRaw7XIAAOkiw.jpeg)


I can't justify spending thousands or even tens of thousands on a luxury item I can't use every day. I'd sooner invest in a good scooter that can go on highways.

40d66319 No.3723393

File: 1701305116558.jpg (172.54 KB, 800x1200, 7a94443c4acdb36c4442f4b2a0….jpg)

6b237703 No.3723409

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9210662d No.3723543

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a77bd6c3 No.3724683

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a77bd6c3 No.3724685

Her face screams "help me!"

25fcf277 No.3730050

File: 1706178912568.jpg (166.44 KB, 1883x999, D6SmvPUVUAE8pzJ.jpg)

Creepy. It's being held upright by a metal stand behind it.

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