420826b7 No.3767953
If you do, don't sticky it. It's a fucking eyesore and doesn't deserve to be stickied. I know how to collapse it, but that's beside the point. Newfags coming here get the wrong impressing when that's the first thing they see. And it means one less decent thread on the front page.
27249a5b No.3767954
agree with second poster, and lets particular individuals say ridiculous shit and does give people the misconception this board is full of a bunch of nazis and one guy named 3B but its just the nazis running the classic The One-Guy Theory Delegitimization Tactic - "A dismissive technique where opposition is falsely attributed to just one obsessive individual rather than acknowledging multiple people with similar viewpoints." because they don't use the pol thread to argue about politics its used to parrot the psyop they most recently read on their political side and or to tell people to kill themselves.
Keep it gone.
e274e3cc No.3767955
Don't bring it back please, at least two posters abused the hell out of it and would 100% do it again endlessly.
It was driving people away.
4f979627 No.3767967
>>3767953>don't sticky itSticky it to page 2, or even better: Don't bring it back.
378a04de No.3767970
>>3767967Or better yet, the last page. Back of the bus, poltards!
15615bbe No.3767976
this isn't me. yet you're banning me like a retard, choob. I dont talk about drugs or dicks.
e7d93fed No.3767979
>>3767976Isn't ban evasion also bannable?
27249a5b No.3767984
Who unbanned Mix?
06933f89 No.3768008
You should defiantly bring it back and make it a sticky at the top of the page that way people who don't want to see it can just collapse it and move on. It really was the best system possible to contain the KKK fan-boys.
06933f89 No.3768012
>>3768008The real mistake that the mods made before was being too lax in punishing people for getting political outside of the /pol thread.
Any thread about Nazis or any talk of "The Jews" or use of the N word, any right-wing nonsense outside of the /pol thread should be punished with a 24 hour ban. Force them to keep their nonsense inside the /pol thread and the board might actually have a chance to attract normal people again.
bad65c0c No.3768014
>>3768008This benefits both sides. Arguments in the pol sticky were complicated by people pigeonholing anonymous posts over some boogieman shit.
So what have I been doing? Just some stuff behind the scenes. I have been deleting low effort drive by spam because that shit is annoying.
06933f89 No.3768016
>>3768012And for clarification, I think making threads about left wing policy or politicians should be a bannable offense as well, I just don't expect there will be a problem with that.
You don't really need to make a lot of threads to try to convince people not dying of polio or being able to afford groceries is a good thing. Left wing policies pretty much sell themselves.
c290a512 No.3768028
I'm almost happier ignoring the various spam threads than I was while taking part in the containment thread.
27249a5b No.3768029
>>3768016ya only threads about and glorifying nazism
1603298e No.3768033
never bring it back
or if you do, put it on a separate board that is easy to ignore like other chans do
06933f89 No.3768039
>>3768028>than I was while taking part in the containment thread.Why were you taking part in the /pol thread if you didn't like it? You know you don't have to post in threads, right? No one is forcing you to participate. Just collapse the thread.
You CAN stop yourself, right? You're not just such a fragile, tiny dicked, snowflake that you aren't forced by your frail ego that you MUST reply to any post that questions your beliefs, right?
You can just not reply to this thread, right? You have the ability to let it go and just move on with your life, right?
You're not a fucking loser who is that much of a adult-child, right?
27249a5b No.3768048
>>3768039you can also kill yourself and not have to collapse the thread at all
130ffb25 No.3768112
>>3768039You do realize that ISIS is funded and supported by Israel, right?
c91f6eb0 No.3768117
Bc of crafty messaging by Republicans and the stupidity of Republican voters. No offense to any reasonable Republicans on here, but you vote alongside dumbshits. It's amazing to see the kind of bullshit lies and conspiracy theories so many Republicans eat up as facts. Lies that push the country even further right or further into fantasy land. You can't have a legitimate, good-faith political discussion with people who don't believe in the most basic of facts. It's the political equivalent of trying to have a rational discussion with flat-Earthers or people who think the bogeyman is real. You're wasting your time, so why even try.
And a lot of these folks, outside of politics, are very intelligent. My father is a classic example. Incredibly smart man–master's degree in special education; speaks German fluently and is functional in two others; after retiring from teaching, he successfully started his own small business, so he's very business savvy. He's also a musician. Again, very smart guy. But once the conversation turns to politics, he turns into an idiot, gullible of the most insane conspiracy theories and conservative hot-takes. It's gotten so bad that my mother has called me to complain about him.
The point is, when so many conservatives are so far gone, it's impossible to reach them, and the goal no longer is progress or improvement; it's just…normalcy and trying to hang on to things we've already got. We're trying to hang on to things we've taken for granted as basic rights.
06933f89 No.3768130
>>3768112If that's true, why is Trump giving Israel hundreds of billions of our tax dollars?
b2e4234a No.3768134
>>3768133only cause you let them
fefbe7e5 No.3768157
>>3768117On the flipside, you're using Musk as a mask to deny the whole "parasite class" issue.
Newsflash: both sides of the story are true at the same time. We're just observing the catharsis of the whole process of rot and corruption in the government system. The Democrats created this game by stretching and bending the rules, taking short corners and encroaching with government control, and now the Republicans are playing it wide out.
The irony is that it's government policy that created both the megacorporations and the economic subsidy politics that created Elon Musk. Back in the day when Mr. Musk was still pretending to make electric cars the future, every American basically gave him $50 out of pocket through the federal government for making fancy cars for a bunch of Californian tech moguls, and even today Tesla is making profit almost solely because of wealth transfers through the emissions trading programs: other manufacturers have to pay Tesla billions of dollars to keep making normal cars for normal people.
34adea51 No.3768190
The difference between Musk and the welfare parasites is that Musk creates wealth, jobs, and innovations that benefit society with the money his government contracts facilitate. Whereas the useless ethnically challenged scum that is the afterbirth of humanity does nothing but consume and produces NOTHING except more of their loathsome kind.
a5795197 No.3768208
>>3768190Oh, so when Elon Musk cashes in on billions in government contracts and subsidies, he’s a *brilliant wealth creator,* but when a single mom gets food stamps, she’s a *useless parasite*? Got it. Love the consistency.
Let’s break this down. Musk’s companies—SpaceX, Tesla, the whole empire—thrive on taxpayer money. NASA contracts, defense contracts, clean energy subsidies, tax breaks—you name it. But apparently, when Elon gets a check from Uncle Sam, it’s *innovation*, and when struggling families get one, it’s *freeloading*. That’s some next-level billionaire bootlicking.
And the whole *“welfare recipients produce nothing”* thing? Cute, but wildly inaccurate. You know who’s on welfare? Seniors. Disabled people. Veterans. Parents working two jobs but still not making enough to live. The same folks bagging your groceries, delivering your food, and keeping society running while getting paid peanuts. But yeah, let’s pretend they’re the ones draining the system while billionaires build rocket ships with government handouts.
Also, let’s talk about “creating jobs.” Ever notice how “job creators” always forget to mention *how little they pay* for those jobs? If Musk and friends are such geniuses, why do taxpayers have to subsidize their workers with food stamps and Medicaid? Maybe if companies paid fair wages, people wouldn’t *need* welfare in the first place.
At the end of the day, billionaires and corporations have mastered the art of taking public money while convincing people to hate the folks who need it most. It’s like the world’s worst magic trick—"Look over here at the poor single mother buying groceries, not at the billionaire dodging taxes and raking in subsidies!" And some people just eat it up.
So yeah, if Musk wants to be the king of government-funded business, fine. But let’s not pretend the working class is the real problem here. They’re just trying to survive while the so-called *wealth creators* hoard even more of their tax dollars.>>3768190
34adea51 No.3768209
>>3768208I love watching you rail against Musk. You are a pebble screaming at a mountain. Your life amounts to nothing, no one will notice when you die. You will be forgotten and as if you never existed because you will leave nothing behind you of merit or any contribution to the society that sustained you. Musk is an innovator that will influence and change the world for generations to come, possibly even changing the course of human events in the future. Whereas the vermin you so diligently promote die in their masses daily from violence, drug overdose, gang violence, or old age in prison. You advocate for the nothings, the do nothngs, the be nothings, because you are one of them and cannot stand when someone exceptional creates, implements, sustains, and shares things you cannot even comprehend much less attack. You are a fart in the wind, so blow away and be forgotten.
afbd2129 No.3768210
>>3768209>Musk is an innovatorHe hasn't innovated shit. The engineers he grossly underpays do all that.
afbd2129 No.3768211
>>3768209You're the kind of dipshit who thinks Steve Jobs invented the iphone. He was just a salesman, which is actually more than what Musk is. Musk is a charlatan.
dc798f30 No.3768217
>>3767952If you abandon the containment thread rule, at least keep the board clean of all the pol thread spamming.
5bd0085b No.3768219
>>3768217Have you tried just killing yourself>>3768217
df1205ad No.3768237
>>3768210>[Musk] hasn't innovated shit. The engineers he grossly underpays do all that.amen.
06933f89 No.3768238
>>3768210Fun fact: Elon sued Tesla so that they would be forced to say he was one of the people who engineered the cars. He never did any of it.
06933f89 No.3768241
Republican and Trump fanboy, Gov. Spencer Cox (Who looks exactly like you think he would) has banned collective bargaining for public employees, including teachers, police officers, and firefighters, making it the third state in the U.S. to do so. Gov.
Cox signed the bill Friday despite protests from unions and public workers. The law takes effect on July 1.
It prevents unions from negotiating wages and working conditions. He claims it will protect Americans from "costly agreements". Which I guess means he thinks teachers, firefighters, cops, and the people who keep street lights working are just making too much money!
It's not the billionaires that are the problem, it's those TEACHERS! Right, conservatives?!
7708d4b5 No.3768243
>>3768241All 50 States soon.
Go kill yourself now if you disagree.
06933f89 No.3768247
>>3768243I love watching MAGAts cheer for defunding the police.
7708d4b5 No.3768248
>>3768246Nothing but 100% bullshit from 3B the same way he's done on here for years.
And 3B please go kill yourself, you leftist Nazi.
Thank you
7708d4b5 No.3768249
>>3768247We want MORE police,
Less government
Are you that stupid?
That you think they are the same thing?
7708d4b5 No.3768262
>>3768253NEWS FLASH:
We won everything, and are re-shaping America.
Are you blind as well as stupid?
b152a70f No.3768271
>>3768246Wow epic meme but I think it could use about 500 more words to really drive the point home.
abd18a7b No.3768273
>>3768246How shockingly out of touch for a leftie meme
It’s not the male firefighters who are the problem
Faucci is as much a doctor as Dr Pepper, or did you never learn the hypocratic oath, first do no harm
Again make a are not the problem, it’s female teachers who push the anti American trans faggyness
Male scientists and doctors were silenced and cancelled during the pandemic
No parent wants their children to be gay, ALL parents want to be grandparents
Dickheads exist everywhere, haven’t you seen the lefty tweets calling for the rape of maga children?
06933f89 No.3768283
>>3768273Saying MAGA are raping kids is not the same I was calling for it to happen. It's just a fact that conservatives are pedos. When Trump released the January 6th crowd the cops had to go rearrest a lot of them because they had outstanding charges for being child molesters, rapists, and general scumbag criminals.
MAGA is the bottom of the barrel of American society. Most stupid, willfully ignorant, inbred, backwards, hateful, poorest, trash in America.
3925049f No.3768284
06933f89 No.3768288
>>3768263The great thing is, historically every time I right wing regime tries to take power in a mad grab like the one president Musk and his pawn Trump are doing right now has happened, it fails and what replaces it is usually far, far more left wing than what came before it.
06933f89 No.3768289
MAGAts think they won but what really happened is that they trusted a rich con artist who took their one moment to achieve anything and turned it into a grift for him and his friends to make more money. They let all their power be used to enrich the people who are stepping on their necks and this kind of moment only happens every few generations. They wasted their one shot. Covid created The perfect storm for them and they wasted that moment by trusting it to the dumbest con man in America.
63cbcf55 No.3768294
>>3768288Are those the voices in your head telling you that again?
One things for damn sure, by 2028 you won't have the Education Dept. or most of the MSM to spread your lying leftist Marxist propaganda anymore.
How are you gonna win without those?
It didn't even do you any good to HAVE them THIS time.
81596bd3 No.3768297
>>3768283>the cops had to go rearrest a lot of them because they had outstanding charges for being child molesters, rapists, and general scumbag criminals. How many? Give me a number.
44415a3a No.3768298
>>3768288Sure, if your only frame of reference for the entirety of history is World War 2 because you've never read a fucking book in your entire life.
>>3768297There was one guy who had pending diddling charges, and he's still going to be charged and convicted for those.
06933f89 No.3768300
>>3768298I'm going to guess that you never heard of anything like the French revolution or you know how the Europeans were being dicks to Americans so we had a whole war of independence, or how every culture that had slavery was eventually overthrown, or the fall of Rome while Nero fiddled. History is the story of the powerful oppressing people until the people rose up and killed them.
At no point in history did people think a totalitarian government needed to be destroyed so that they could create a more totalitarian government.
44415a3a No.3768302
>>3768300Ah yes, I remember how liberal the Soviet Union, American colonials, and French revolutionaries were. Trannies and civil rights, as far as the eye could see.
>At no point in history did people think a totalitarian government needed to be destroyed so that they could create a more totalitarian government.lmaooooo. So let's do some easy ones here: Every single Communist country ever. Iran overthrowing America's shitlib puppet state and installing a theocracy. Motherfucking Afghanistan doing exactly the same thing just a few years ago.
It turns out that the only time a society becomes more liberal in a POZZED sense is when JEWS win wars.
fad1c5f5 No.3768309
>>3768287>that picI met Andrew Dodson at MFF 2017, going by "Golden Zoltan". He chatted me up. He was definitely some kind of fag. I got his Telegram.
Then soon after, I had someone come up to me and point at him:
"That guy there? He snuck up behind me and surprise groped my crotch. I kinda liked it…"
A picture of him marching with the Tiki Torch Tards got sent to his employer. He lost a Nuclear Engineering job and was blacklisted.
Then he blew his brains out.
81596bd3 No.3768310
>>3768300>until the people rose up and killed them. Naw. It's always a small, organized minority who orchestrate those types of events. Populism is retarded and doesn't work.
b5235219 No.3768316
>>3768310Why do you constantly have to be reminded of this?
Sorry ass Election Loser.
Since you like being reminded of things that you can't remember.
81596bd3 No.3768318
>>3768316I must have missed the part where BLM rose up, overthrew the government, liquidated the elites and took control of the levers of powers.
From where I'm standing it kinda looks like Trump is president now and is pushing their shit in and dismantling their entire patronage network.
b5235219 No.3768319
>>I must have missed the part where BLM rose up, overthrew the government, liquidated the elites and took control of the levers of powers.
What the fuck do you think they were protesting?
They didn't like Trump being President.
Did you miss the part where they attacked the white house and forced Trump to take refuge in an underground bunker so they wouldn't kill him?
And nothing was done to them for that.
If you missed it I will post it here for you.
de66dc69 No.3768323
>>3768319It was just some rioting bro. It wasn't even the worst race riots America has had.
You don't overthrow a global empire by lighting cars on fire and robbing liquor stores.
a036958a No.3768325
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEmGFNKWLlw…So, let me get this straight:
1. Boss exploits the worker, thus the GDP thing goes up.
2. Politician convinces the worker that "More GDP means that businesses do well, so that means that the boss can provide more jobs"
3. Boss is cutting jobs so that the boss can profit, and the business can prosper.
4. All is going "great" because GDP is going up, boss's earnings go up, politicians carrers go up, because GDP goes up… everything is going up, except for the worker's living conditions.
Did I get the gist of it?
06933f89 No.3768326
>>3768302>Every single Communist country ever.You think communism is right-wing now?
>Iran/Afganistan overthrowing America's shitlib puppet state and installing a theocracy.In all these examples you are missing the point (Or are too stupid to see it) the people rose up and took control from an authoritarian state then rebuilt the nation to give themselves more freedom.
Yes, in the middle-east and in Russia those gains of freedom were short lived but in all the instances you gave they were citizens driving out an oppressive dictators in favor of a government they approved of made up of their own people.
Yes, America was an aggressive invader in the middle east and when the puppet dictator we put in place there was overthrown the people cheered the Taliban for doing it.
By our standards the Taliban are barbaric religious extremists but at the time the people in the area saw them as heroic freedom fighters trying to take the control of the country back from outsiders.
06933f89 No.3768329
>>3768328The interest on our current loans will cost us 12 Trillion dollars in interest charges over the next 10 years and the Republicans just proposed a budget to raise the existing debt by 4 Trillion and give the top 1% a 4.7 trillion dollar tax cut in addition to what they already don't pay.
80% of that money will go directly to the 0.1%
3cd5c8a1 No.3768333
>>3768326>You think communism is right-wing now? There's a difference between "communism" and "a communist country".
Communism has never been implemented. Every communist revolution has resulted in an authoritarian tyranny or a state capitalism.
> the people rose up and took control from an authoritarian state then rebuilt the nation to give themselves more freedom. Yeah, by implementing the "dictatorship of the proletariat" as a necessary means to it. That means concentrating all state power to the revolutionary party and shutting out all political opposition. Then you start duking it out over who gets to be the dictator within the communist party, and who gets to be the ultimate dictator of the whole society, because they sure as hell aren't going to jeopardize their authority by holding actual free democratic elections once the party gains total autocracy. That's communism by the book.
3cd5c8a1 No.3768334
>>3768333There are two major schools of thought in socialism/communism:
"The Marxist-Leninists seek to organise a vanguard party to lead a proletarian uprising to assume power of the state, the economy, the media, and social services (academia, health, etc.), on behalf of the proletariat and to construct a single-party socialist state representing a dictatorship of the proletariat"
The libertarian Marxists and Trotskyists oppose the idea of a single-party state and "democratic centralism" by saying it's not actually democratic at all, demanding that the proletariat itself should rule rather than the vanguard party. Unfortunately every time they tried that, the people chose to oppose the communists' policies and return back to free markets, which is why Marxism-Leninism evolved: it's not possible to institute socialism/communism without single-party dictatorship.
3cd5c8a1 No.3768335
Example of socialist/communist evolution of thought and practice:
Lenin's first attempt: "Here, all the land is now yours, every family can have their own homestead free of serfdom and tyranny. Now, give us party people in the big cities a lot of taxes and sell your products to us at prices we tell you." Result: peasants and homesteaders started burning their crops instead of giving it up to the state.
Lenin's second attempt: "Okay okay, you can have a free market, but only limited free market!". Result: the communist state started running out of money and power. The cities were starving and the beginnings of the industrial revolution in Russia halted.
Lenin's third attempt, followed by Stalin: "Shoot the kulaks."
06933f89 No.3768338
Just when you thought Republicans couldn't get more stupid and arrogant, Republicans are trying to pass a bill to rename Greenland (Which is a different country that America doesn't control) into Red, White, and Blueland.
I kid you not.
https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1161 363b3ef6 No.3768342
>>3768326You said Totalitarian government, not right-wing. Communist governments have extremely overbearing state security because nobody living under communism actually wants to be unless they're at the top (hey, just like capitalism lol!). Also, all LGBTQBBQ+ shit was and still is banned under Communism since it's bourgeois, and that basically makes them chuds by today's standards.
>to give themselves more freedom. They did the opposite though lol
363b3ef6 No.3768343
>>3768338KEK that's pretty funny.
>>3768333The funny thing about left-wing collectivist governing systems is that you basically MUST have an ethnostate* in order to get it to work. It didn't work in Russia because the whole thing was kicked off by Jews who hated the Slavic people they were imposing the system on. It worked far better in Cuba, China, and Nazi Germany because the Party and people had the same interests. It will never work in a country as muttified as America under any circumstances.
*The exception to this rule would be the Communists of South Africa, because they are black and no system of governance created and run by black people can ever function properly.
e3707d21 No.3768345
I also think it’s worth noting that fascists are inherently unimaginative. They are only capable of thinking in terms of brute force and intimidation. They have no understanding of subtlety or nuance. That is why the single most effective thing you can do against a fascist is to stand tall, look them in the eye, and say “do it, motherfucker. I dare you.” Refuse to be intimidated. Making threats is easy. Dreaming up plans and carrying them out is hard. Whatever you think of AOC, her response to Homan’s bullshit was textbook. He wants to arrest her? Lmao cool, bitch. Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is. So much of the fascist’s game is smoke and mirrors, illusions to make you forget just how weak and stupid they are. Don’t fall for it. Make them fight for every square inch.
b5235219 No.3768349
>>3768346WHO are you talking to?
Why didn't Biden do anything about all the natural disasters during his watch?
Why didn't he visit them,
How's come he didn't help them?
ca5ea158 No.3768350
>>3768345>They have no understanding of subtlety or nuance. They had the most compelling aesthetics in human history. Go to any book store and take a glance at the fiction and non-fiction history section and you'll see swastikas and Reicheagles all over the place trying to sell you books. What are the most popular History channel shows? ANYTHING that has to do with Nazis. They had to shut down a fascist art exhibition in Europe because people were "engaging with it in the wrong way".
Meanwhile, here's Globohomo's aesthetic, which appeals to nobody–not even the fags and browns it's supposed to empower.
ca5ea158 No.3768351
>>3768346 Wow, that's an amazing meme. But I think it could use about 2000 more words to really give it some staying power.
"A lack of brevity is the soul of wit." -Albert Einstein
3cd5c8a1 No.3768352
>>3768343> It didn't work in Russia because the whole thing was kicked off by Jews who hated the Slavic people they were imposing the system on.There were ethnic strife within Russia to begin with, and the communist Russians held every other kind of Slavic people in contempt and tried to eradicate them as sub-humans while they were at it. E.g deliberately starving Ukrainians to death, or filling every top position in the occupied countries with people from the Moscow region and sending the locals on a train to Siberia.
The whole thing was basically red fascism, instituting racist and supremacist politics under the banner of equality and democracy. The theory was the creation of "new man" by social means, but the reality was they were simply making more Lebensraum for ethnic Russians.
a4850641 No.3768357
>>3768350>Meanwhile, here's Globohomo's aesthetic, which appeals to nobody–not even the fags and browns it's supposed to empower.What am I even looking at here? A zoom meeting about salad?
d4c8380c No.3768365
>>3768345>That is why the single most effective thing you can do against a fascist is to stand tall, look them in the eye, and say “do it, motherfucker. I dare you.” Refuse to be intimidated. That's the entire point of fascism. If you're able to stand your ground and not be intimidated, you're displaying strength and deserve to stand there. That's the doctrine of the natural leader: you are superior by displaying superiority and strength over weaker people.
Of course, calling the bluff will only work as long as they are bluffing, which isn't always the case. Also, playing the game makes you a fascist too.
fca97133 No.3768380
>>3768367I can't for the life of me figure out why people don't care for the company of jews.
Mankind's eternal riddle.
06933f89 No.3768401
>>3768342You keep saying things about communism without ever actually talking about anything related to communism.
Do you get that communism is just libertarian ideals executed on a large scale?
Every actually communist community ever built was completely voluntary where everyone was free to participate or leave.
You would think the party of bootstraps would be all about building worker run communities where everyone does their part but we all know conservatives don't think they should have to actually work for a living. They feel entitled to everything.
587fded6 No.3768406
>>3768401>Do you get that communism is just libertarian ideals executed on a large scale? No, because it isn't.
Communism is based on different philosophical roots. It's an offshoot of enlightenment era philosophies; more precisely it's coming from the opposition to the hard realism of enlightenment era natural philosophies in favor of pure idealism. In short, the fundamental difference is that the philosophical foundation behind communism rejects human nature as an explanation of why people behave as they do, and posits that individual people are not actualized until they are defined by their mutual interaction through and as subjects of the the state (Hegelianism, then Marxism).
According to communism, individuals do not exist. The society does not consist of people, but of the interrelations and interactions of humans, where any one by themselves is not sufficiently defined to have things like agency or will as a separate being.
That's why communism isn't concerned of concepts we'd identify as "libertarian". Like, "freedom" - whose freedom? Freedom under communism is the ability to define and the power to enforce rules collectively. It's the freedom of the state to control the individual rather than the individual to control themselves.
b7a92269 No.3768408
>>3768401>Every actually communist community ever builtWhich ones?
06933f89 No.3768426
>>3768406>people are not actualized until they are defined by their mutual interaction through and as subjects of the the state…In a communal society there is no state. Maybe you just need a really simple example of communism to understand what it actually looks like.
Watch the old TV show Gillian's Island. Observe how they work as a society.
34adea51 No.3768430
>>3768419"Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it" - George Santayana.
"The next wave of fascists will call themselves, 'Anti-fascists'" - Winston Churchill.
This time Europe can sort themselves out. Three times last century was enough, (WW1, WW2, Cold War). It's time Europe took care of itself.
6d0a6ddc No.3768432
>>3768426>example of communism>TV showCool bro. Are there direct flights to your imaginary utopia? How's the weather there this time of year?
587fded6 No.3768440
>>3768426>In a communal society there is no state.That's the end goal of communism, but it never gets there because it has to pass through the dictatorship of the proletariat stage where it invariably fails. The theory never works because it ignores and denies the fact that individual people have private motives that are not the result of their collective social identities.
>Watch the old TV show Gillian's Island. Observe how they work as a society.The problem with using fiction for empirical example is that it's scripted - it has no information value because it's made up. How it works is not a result of any inherent mechanism but simply writing it so.
587fded6 No.3768441
That's also the cardinal sin of most communist theorists: they mistake a made up description of communism - how it's supposed to work - for the real deal.
We can write internally consistent fiction and sci-fi about social topics all day long, but people have the nasty habit of consistently ignoring social theory and doing what they please. This is because there isn't just one kind of a person - biological variation makes sure there will be different kinds of people who will find the loopholes in your theory and start to exploit whatever system you set up.
06933f89 No.3768444
>>3768318Unlike MAGA, the goal of BLM was never to overthrow America. The goal of BLM was to make cops be assholes less and they accomplished that goal. Cops wear body cameras so they can't just murder Americans and not be punished for it. Cops cars record everything that happens around them so cops can't just murder Americans and get away with it. Cops who abuse their power are going to prison. That's all because of BLM.
What has MAGA accomplished? You gave control of America to an African business fraud and an idiot who paints his face like he washes with TANG.
06933f89 No.3768445
>>3768441That's like saying, "The cardinal sin of horse theory is mistaking horses for these things I say are horses but are actually cars."
You can't critique something by talking about something it isn't.
06933f89 No.3768446
>>3768440>That's the end goal of communism, but it never gets there…See, right there, in your own talking point that you keep repeating but are TOO STUPID TO ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND, you admit that you aren't actually talking about communism.
You just said that no communist society has ever been fully realized then you continue on talking about dictatorships as if they are communist societies.
You are so stupid you don't even understand the words you are repeating.
3afd40a1 No.3768450
>>3768444MAGA did overthrow America.
We just did it at the voting booth,
Instead of by violence like BLM and ANTIFA wanted to.
Look around you, blind fool
America is being fundamentally transformed, by the hour.
Your evil empire built of cards and held together with lies is crashing down.
But cheer up, only 1,495 days left in Trump's second term.
Unless he gets sworn in for a third, which seems increasingly likely. Don't worry what the Constitution says, ok.
06933f89 No.3768451
>>3768432That's my point, dip-shit. You keep talking about "The communists in Russia" and all these dictators but none of that is communism. You are using the word communism but describing fascism because you have been trained to believe that the word communism is SCARY and EVIL by capitalists who want to keep you a good subservient wage-slave.
They want you to believe that anything which challenges the wealthy is the first step towards ~cOmUnIsM~ so that you will stay in your fucking place and let them do whatever they want to you.
They have trained you to be so scared of communism that you will let them walk all over you to protect the status-quo when communism isn't even remotely a threat!
You're so
stupid you are falling for the same nonsense that the church used on peasants in the dark ages. The church used to tell ignorant dipshits like you that anyone who questioned the church is likely a witch or consorting with demons and they made you retards so afraid of this
imaginary evil that you let them do actual evil to the people all the time.
Your obsession with communism is no different than their obsession with witches. You've both been convinced that an imaginary evil is such a threat you will happily let the people in power actually take your shit and ruin your life in order to avoid an imaginary evil that
might take your shit and ruin your life.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvYvSukrG_g 06933f89 No.3768452
>>3768450You think you are winning this but you aren't. Trump and Elon are driving the Republican party into the ground. I'll be surprised if another Republican president gets elected in the next 50 years.
Even Mitch McConnel is calling it quits. He sees the writing on the wall and now that he's out, I bet other Republicans will bail on Trump in droves. The rats know the ship is sinking.
2e59e713 No.3768459
>>3768446>You just said that no communist society has ever been fully realized then you continue on talking about dictatorships as if they are communist societies. Oh not at all. Communist societies have been realized - it's just that communist societies never turn out like advertised or theorized. That is their reality and how they are realized.
Take for instance, if I set out to run a marathon, I am a marathon runner - regardless of whether I'm ever going to cross the finish line. We can't retroactively define that I wasn't even trying in the instance that I fail to finish the race. That'd be a version of the Sharpshooter fallacy: paint the target after you've shot the bullet.
If a society of people calls itself communists and follows the theory of communism, they ARE communists and their society is a communist society - regardless of whether they'll ever achieve a true stateless society as described by Marx and pals. The existence of a thing is what ultimately defines it - what it truly becomes when put into practice. Following the theory leads to authoritarian dictatorship, which is what communist societies really are.
2e59e713 No.3768460
>>3768451> but none of that is communismNo-true-scotsman. The reason why people describe fascism when speaking of communism is because the practical implementations are virtually identical.
>>3768445>You can't critique something by talking about something it isn't.Of course you can. That's usually one of the major reasons to criticize something - that it isn't what it claims. If you're in want of a car, then the problem of horses is that they indeed aren't cars.
c870f68b No.3768461
The Free Software Movement is communist. It's not so bad. Scientists collaborating across the globe and sharing research is also communism. Free to participate or opt out. That's how it's done right.
2e59e713 No.3768462
You see, the main problem is that when a communist says "Following this ideology leads towards a stateless society", they are mistaken. It does not, because it cannot.
If you define "communism" as "that which leads to a stateless society", then communism doesn't exist at all and the fellow you just met isn't a communist, because their ideology will not get you there.
If you instead define "communism" as that which follows from adhering to communism, then communism can exist and the fellow may be a communist, but what they're really doing is just fascism under another name.
>>3768461None of that is true. Scientist collaboration has nothing to do with communism.
06933f89 No.3768470
>>3768462Yes, exactly! Communism as a form of government on a large scale can not exist in a world with limited resources which is why you are fucking STUPID if you spend all your time being angry about it.
It's like being angry because someone told you that unicorns are eating all the donuts at Crispy Creme so soon there will be no more donuts. You have to be AMAZINGLY stupid to fall for it, yet here we are!
011739ca No.3768472
>>3768462Sure it's communism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Scientists of different specialties working together for the common good. No centralized authority. Stateless, since it's international collaboration. Of course, their respective governments fund it, but that doesn't detract from its communist nature.
6d0a6ddc No.3768478
>>3768451>you have been trained to believe that the word communism is SCARY and EVIL by capitalistsYou don't know that fascism is anti-capitalist? Weird mistake to make…
I respect Marx. He made a lot of good points and a lot of big mistakes but his analysis was insightful and helped me on my way. Distributism is actually pretty lit.
I'm more of a luddite than any sort of political ideologue. Once industrial society collapses it'll all be kosher. Technology and technique overrides all political concerns for the moment.
My concern is humanities survival over the next few decades before collapse really takes hold and finally disables the ability of countries to deploy weapons of mass destruction.
90c3ee9f No.3768484
>>3768461I feel like a lot of Communists are socialists without understanding the difference.
8ea442dc No.3768485
>>3768484It's all the same to right-wingers, and they'll use "communist" as a pejorative to demonize you anyway. And the distinction isn't so clear, so why not just adopt the pejorative and own it? That's my take. I think technically communism is about seizing the means of production from private enterprises by force, which I'm against. Like I said before, anyone should be allowed to opt out, which I think is called "anarchocommunism".
06933f89 No.3768492
>>3768490The vast majority of pedos are right-wing.
2e59e713 No.3768493
>>3768472>Sure it's communism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Scientists of different specialties working together for the common good.That's got nothing to do with science.
Scientists share their findings because peer review is an accepted part of the definition of science. There's no general mandate to share resources or collaborate across specialties, and the philosophy of science has nothing to do with the arguments of communism. Even the quote you gave is from something entirely different.
>>3768470>Yes, exactly! Communism as a form of government on a large scale can not exist in a world with limited resources which is why you are fucking STUPID if you spend all your time being angry about it. It cannot exist even in a world with unlimited resources, because of its contradictions and flaws of thinking. The reason for being "angry about it" is that people still try to sell communism as if it COULD exist in any form or shape as described by the theory. The only way communism does exist is by turning into a dictatorship. That's what we get when we buy the idea. You're out there buying a car and you end up buying a donkey because the salesman talked you into signing the papers before seeing the product.
2e59e713 No.3768494
>>3768484>I feel like a lot of Communists are socialists without understanding the difference.Communism is just socialism "taken seriously", says Marx. Same fundamental philosophy, but formulated as a framework for concrete action. The reason why it is called communism is because socialism implemented to its logical conclusion is supposed to result in it. That was one of Marx's criticism against his contemporary socialist thinkers - that they're just armchair philosophers and not intellectually serious or rigorous about it - and why he wanted to differentiate from them by inventing a new name.
So yeah, a lot of people who have no intention of ever even actually attempting communism and who are just regurgitating the talking points and complaining about capitalism, may be described as "socialists without understanding the difference".
2e59e713 No.3768496
>>3768470>Communism as a form of government on a large scaleBtw. if by communism you mean a "stateless society", then "communism as a form of government" is an oxymoron. There is no government because it's a stateless society. That's one of the internal contradictions.
Communism as a form of government only exists in the case where the state exists, and such a state is not "communism" by the theory but communism by the practice. In other words, when you buy into communism, you're promised the "car", but what turns up at you driveway is the "donkey". That's what communism IS.
2e59e713 No.3768499
>>3768485> I think technically communism is about seizing the means of production from private enterprisesSocialism and communism both. They mean the common ownership of the means of production, which means the state is what owns all productive assets: machinery, buildings, roads, intellectual rights…
> which I think is called "anarchocommunism"Which is again an oxymoron. Something like that can only exist in words, since arbitrary words strung together don't have to mean anything.
10d2392a No.3768500
>>3768499> They mean the common ownership of the means of production,I'm pretty sure communism (the ideal one) is the ownership of the means of production by people organised in small communes, there's no country-sized state.
7b5a2715 No.3768501
10d2392a No.3768502
>>3768501Everything is politics. You can't ignore the sociopolitical ramifications of Furry.
2487a0d0 No.3768504
2487a0d0 No.3768508
>>3768506Why should we listen to some lying criminal who will never get out of jail
e204fa66 No.3768510
>>3768490The problem with those "people just struggling to survive" as you put it, is that they are kept in a state of perpetual toil. And because of that, they no idea what's actually going on. How could they? It takes time and effort to research news events and determine causes, to learn the science of climate change, to understand politicians like Trump beyond a surface level. For instance, do these people know Trump was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein? Almost certainly not. If they understood the nature of Trump and Epstein's relationship, they wouldn't credulously believe Trump's promise to release the Epstein files.
Why won't Trump release the Epstein files?I assert that Trump certainly will not release them, because he would be self-incriminating. Mark my words.
2487a0d0 No.3768514
>>3768510NOW will you shut up about this, you constantly-lying, election losing piece of SHIT?
READ the article, it says the files might be released TODAY.
TRUMP didn't HAVE these files to release, BIDEN'S FBI did. Do you think this shit was just laying on Trump's desk when he walked into his office on Jan 20.
You have no idea how hard it has been to wring this out of the hands of Biden's FBI, probably because Obama, Harris, Biden, and many other democrats are ON THE LIST.
Why do you think they buried Trump in LAWFARE, and wanted him assassinated? THEY KNEW THIS WAS COMING IF HE WON.
2487a0d0 No.3768516
>>3768515Will you kill yourself if he does?
Because all you've done is bitch about wanting it released,
now we get to laugh when you see all the names that ARE on it,
and the ones that are not, like Trump's, and watch you cry and cry.
It was just 3B lying all along.
Cry some more.
Lie, then cry.
Yes, you got that right, it was the Democrat Cult that killed Ashley Babbit. Glad you agree on that.
3925049f No.3768517
>>3768516again you try to use the one man psyop and go after some mythical creature instead of the argument. It's intellectually lazy because you are a fucking retard.
06933f89 No.3768522
>>3768518The Dunning-Kruger effect is what we call when someone is so stupid they believe they are a genius. They believe they know more than all of the experts and become hostile to the people who actually know what they are doing because experts threaten their self-image.
Donald Trump is the human embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect. He has surrounded himself by skillless, clueless, Yes Men and sees anyone with any more intelligence or knowledge than himself as an enemy.
This is why he is so relatable to his followers, even though he's a multi-millionaire who has made most of his money stealing from their tax dollars surrounded by billionaires who haven't made most of their money stealing tax dollars.
His followers seeing him someone who doesn't threaten them because he is just as stupid as they are. This is the Dunning-Kruger presidency.
2487a0d0 No.3768525
>>3768518I've never seen it spelled that way before.
2487a0d0 No.3768526
>>3768522And you STILL don't get it, you're too stupid to.
Trump is doing EXACTLY what the majority of America voted him in to do.
Burn it all down and start over.
If you don't like it I will gladly buy you a one-way ticket to the Communist paradise of your choice, at least that way we will know where one actually is.
27249a5b No.3768534
Do you 100% agree with Daddy Trump, because everything he does is beautiful an perfect?
9100bff9 No.3768537
>>3768535America doesn't have friends. It only has useful idiots.
06933f89 No.3768541
>>3768526>buy you a ticket to the communist paradise of your choice…That's not a bad idea if Republicans ever want to win an election again after the Trump shit-show. Imagine the millions of people who would flee Trump-Land for Canada, or Europe where they could get real healthcare.
You could finally have the country you dream of! Just stupid people like you!
06933f89 No.3768544
>>3768542Low IQ conservatives think this is some radical woke agenda shit but states have been passing these kind of legal edits since the time Bill Clinton was president and it had nothing to do with gender politics.
It's the legal system and in the legal system words have specific meaning. "Mother" is a general term which can include step parents, adopted parents and so forth.
When they want a law to only apply to the people who made the baby they have to remove generic terms like mother and father for more specific terms.
This isn't being woke, it's just how the law works. It's how the law has always worked. You are seeing conspiracy where there is just normal life.
db59f1b1 No.3768545
No joke, I just filled out and printed out a passport application form. Seriously thinking about jumping ship. I didn't make this goddamn mess! Canada? Ireland? One of the Scandinavian countries? I need to do more research, but any port in a storm. My home country has become so hateful, arrogant, and psychopathic thanks to these maga assholes, I just don't fit in. I want compassionate, polite, friendly people as neighbors. God help me. Please don't let my escape plane crash because the vengeful dictator gutted the FAA!
ad1e570a No.3768549
>>3768541We won everything.
The USA is being fundamentally transformed to our liking.
Tell us again how smart you are.
Now go kill yourself
1603298e No.3768558
>>3768549>The USA is being fundamentally transformed to our liking.A banana republic with decreasing life expectancy, soaring unemployment and economic recession
ad1e570a No.3768562
>>Banana RepublicThat's what it's BEEN the last 4 years under BIDEN.
Are you BLIND or just trying out more of your 1984 DoubleSpeak?
We were the laughing stock of the world until now
Every time Biden (his handlers) did ANYTHING, all we heard from the public was "We are now officially a Banana Republic "
Because it was shit only some place like that would do.
8d871183 No.3768566
>>3768564But the Democrat base didn't want Biden, you stupid bitch. That's why he was ousted. The problem was he was allowed to pick his replacement. His dementia judgement gave us Harris, who no one wanted. Now we have a dementia dictator burning down everything Americans have worked hard for.