73774f19 No.3739416
Yeah, no. I can't imagine who'd want a crusty suit worn by dragoneer.
73774f19 No.3739417
>>3739416even if it was cleaned, you'd still be roleplaying as dragoneer. Thats still worse than death.
73774f19 No.3739433
>>3739424unfortunately, chances are someone will take the offer.
7dee322e No.3739440
I'm guessing the IRS is after him for unpaid taxes?
be5543b8 No.3739446
>>3739398I'm guessing the fat moron won't pay tax on this money, perfect time to sick the IRS on him.
73774f19 No.3739450
>>3739440that will be a fun adventure for furaffinity.
d0b143ca No.3739461
I just knew you losers would have something to say. You're all broke losers living in your parents basement jealous that I'm about to make bank. :)
e969982e No.3739462
>>3739461Fuck off you useless kike fuck.
d0b143ca No.3739467
>>3739462Antisemitism doesn't get you laid :3
d0b143ca No.3739469
>>3739468Hahaha is this all you got??
d0b143ca No.3739472
Feels good knowing my dick has touched actual pussy. The last time any of you dickheads touched pussy was when you were born.
deba0492 No.3739495
is sciggles some form of std sounds like it would be
73774f19 No.3739500
>>3739461bitch, I live on the 3rd floor of my house. I literally have a spare room set up on the first floor for when my dad inevitably gets divorced.
I'm like the opposite of living in my parent's basement, and when they use me as a contingency plan, I will force them to watch horrible movies forever and deal with all my weird automated house drones.
d0b143ca No.3739599
>>3739559People give me money cuz I'm just that awesome. 😎
>>3739528Don't care, still winning.
>>3739590I have a website and you don't. 😂
>>3739595LBGTQ++ folks exist. Not including them is ignorant at best.
Keep it coming, losers. I laugh at how pathetic you all are.
d0b143ca No.3739600
>>3739533Almost forgot: I don't know how many times I have to say this, THAT IS JUST TEA. Get your eyes checked.
f40e132b No.3739620
>>3739599Your arrogant attitude compels people to hate you.
Many here already want to bash your head in with a 2x4.
You are everything that's wrong with Furry.
d0b143ca No.3739735
>>3739620You are a faceless coward surrounded by faceless cowards. I am not afraid of you or anyone else here. 👋🗑️🚮
>>3739686I remember you now. You can threaten my site all you want. What are you going to do? Ping it to death? I can't wait to see what you have in store, you tool. Go ahead, make my day. 😄
c523ba4a No.3739745
>>3739735Dragoneer; how many enemies are you making?
Let's see; 69 Karens, 34 Russian Cossack Skewers, 71 Naruto runners, 3 Time Travelers, and Mix with a FGM-148 Javelin.
Feel free to use this!
30021ae1 No.3739748
>thank fuck you don't have kids, fag.
Dragoneer having kids, well that's a huge laugh. The guy probably hasn't seen his stub of a penis for years underneath all that fat.
c523ba4a No.3739752
>>3739751I ain't go-in-near
I ain't yo nanny, Drag-o-neer!
6fa765da No.3740096
Money wasted
d0b143ca No.3740097
>>3740096Come on man… I really need someone to buy my old suit… I can't live off the ranch dressing cups from Arby's again…
d0b143ca No.3740099
I'm still waiting for you to take down my site, loser. You're all pompous windbags. All bark and no bite.
d0b143ca No.3740101
Bullshit. Someone as batshit insane as you could never hold down that kind of a job.
d0b143ca No.3740102
Things are going to get better. I can feel it.
30021ae1 No.3740104
>>3740102>Things are going to get better. I can feel it.Don't mistake that for your inevitable heart attack. Mix will piss on your grave once you're dead. ;D
d0cdf8d2 No.3740221
>>3739529Well that surprised the fuck out of me :P
d0b143ca No.3740321
>>3740114My dick is big enough to satisfy your mother. 🤣
>>3740159Why should I unban a bigot like you?
>>3740217I don't see much point in arguing with someone like you.
30021ae1 No.3740336
>>3740321That's not what Sciggles has been telling everyone. ;D
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcrexKS8kxA"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't want, don't want, don't want, don't want
Don't want no short dick man
Don't want no short dick man
Eeny weeny, teeny weeny
Shriveled little short dick man"
4a2263fc No.3746513
>>3740321yeah i'm sure your limp cancer dick can make it in, buddy. it's just as mangled and ruined as your shitty redesign you were so braindamaged to deploy.
06616025 No.3764509
when furry drama hits an all time low, its just sad and soppy to be jealous of a dead man.
920ede51 No.3770109
probably got stolen and is being nutted on religiously by sad furries.
40abcefd No.3770110
>>3770109I deleted that and forgot to repost
"So what happened to the lizard's fursuit?"
b059f4c3 No.3770132
>>3770110 probably got stolen and is being nutted on religiously by sad furries.
cfbe8d44 No.3770134
>>3770132So that's how Dragoneer finally lost his virginity after death.
b059f4c3 No.3770136
>>3770134 probably got stolen and is being nutted on religiously by sad furries.
cfbe8d44 No.3770149
>>3770136Probably worse than that and is being pissed and crapped on by sicko curries.