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File: 1689881000126.png (561.75 KB, 708x398, r1633175473759008[1].png)

25f203bf No.3709468

Are there any zoophile forums left, other than Zooville which has been utter crap for two years now?

57164fe2 No.3709499

what do you mean by "crap"? is horrible now?

84eeebfb No.3709502

82cdc468 No.3709559

File: 1689910808902.jpg (216.78 KB, 1200x1281, f5e7a19c07e3f87ecb0a98d20c….jpg)

68ba694a No.3709671

File: 1689980403746.jpg (35.53 KB, 380x400, 75031.jpg)

d2c71eef No.3709724

The great ones, thank you!!

16675e6c No.3709732

File: 1690046813527.png (1.11 MB, 2254x1532, ae90ae60af08032f461ab71aa4….png)

caa80618 No.3710426

File: 1690734896687.png (21.91 KB, 435x136, cancel_culture.png)

Sites keep cancelling zoos since 2022 really heavely.
Even if you're not a subject for ban, they "shadowban" you and you're still suspended from posting. Imageboards delete your minds on sight even on /b/ of 4chan, but they leave guro and BBC threads as usual.
P*TA, sadly, succeeds at their false arguments and rednecks do believe them.
If it continues like that, by 2030 no one but a few kennel owners wouldn't be able to own even a dog, not to say a unneutered dog.

Do you feel pressure on sites or shadowbans for being a zoosexual?

52fad075 No.3713602


I try this new "AI video generation site" called invideo.io, and i literally just put in "why we need to end the zoophile taboo", and in 10 minutes it spits this out. No more instructions, all by itself.


Imagine how good AI is gonna be in a few years.

1e36704a No.3713606

I hope we don't blow ourselves up before we achieve fully sentient machines.

I feel like we are so close now, I think it could easily happen within a decade.

966f3f0a No.3716071

File: 1694925037260-0.png (551.21 KB, 1289x883, source.png)

File: 1694925037260-1.png (540.47 KB, 1652x2194, sapho.png)

ad04cb64 No.3716150

You came in short I think.

Say thanks at least for that we are allowed in the clearnet at all, unlike pedos. We even are allowed on twitter up to some degree, even up to porn upload unless someone mass reported you and twitter bot suspended you automatically.
We have our own giant porn site. Lots of imageboards including this one!!
Zooville has been as usual. You got spoiled.

a05804d2 No.3718240

File: 1696831748446.png (140.48 KB, 472x1701, PBF-Not_A_Wolf.png)

47d72bda No.3720918

I was banned from Zooville, along with many others for seemingly no reason, and when i was banned there hadn't been any interesting threads for about a year already.

Porn is irrelevant, i just care about the community. As of this moment, there's actually more active MAP forums than zoo forums.

51f01894 No.3720933

oh theres a reason. Its the mods arbitrarily decide to bend a rule and single out people because they trigger one specific IRL female whos buddy buddy with the staff.

55d67fc6 No.3720983

File: 1699270825760.png (3.25 MB, 1345x1694, 1640372104.twang_boyfriend….png)

try fighting e621's offensive comment rule.

Literally any comment is offensive to someone.

e01a553a No.3720984

I think you are nice guy, you want to protect yourself and people you care for.

55d67fc6 No.3720985

File: 1699271113455.jpg (128.07 KB, 850x1259, 6401df818b108fae96c855a6a6….jpg)

and I think that you are hitting on me and pretending to be a nice guy, you fucking rapist.

Mods, ban this creeper.

55d67fc6 No.3720986

File: 1699271586863.png (1.06 MB, 1750x2000, 1621190105.howling-strawbe….png)

they aren't going to, but you get what I mean.

8f6a89d6 No.3723268

Did anyone ever discribe what a horsepussy feels like wheb you fuck it? I've seen horsepussies move so i'm thinking they might feel incredible.

ed35e819 No.3723373

File: 1701288112505.jpg (30.02 KB, 400x400, 75157.jpg)

Dude, that's not a pussy in the post you replied to.

9ba0c27d No.3723746

Just try it yourself. Of course if you weren't into horses and you're older than 14 then everyone (including your parents at first) will immeditally know you're zoo, so you need to have the specific character (brave and "i dont care about opinions") to fuck a mare.

28dde06c No.3737539

File: 1713052858637.jpg (281.72 KB, 2048x1942, 944a9af1baa4e8519e238e8127….jpg)

4541f290 No.3737554

>look im trolling le people!11
go back to r*ddit

0584531e No.3737611

Beez Zabinski is a pedophile.

68656a1b No.3737616

Is this symbol a fucking Jew nose?

9100117f No.3737622

File: 1713134578172.jpg (2.47 MB, 4206x3181, 68ea3c7dff664ffa604498fb3e….jpg)

"Stop no hugs!"
So hugs then?

6818cf34 No.3737648

Uploading dog balls is antizoo and turkey voting against christmas in some way too, because instead of fighting against spay propaganda you only close eyes to it. Women by time will be allowed to be fucked by dogs, while men will be jailed if they want to fuck a dogwife in the cookie.

So upload cookies too.

1e36704a No.3737663

File: 1713191338468.jpeg (1.49 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_8572.jpeg)

the world is run by hypocrites, sadly

4b5c2d5a No.3737666

Musky cookie owo

d70e6b3a No.3750076

File: 1723552519440.jpg (576.72 KB, 2036x2347, 1676914119096.jpg)

I feel you dude. You can make an account to talk the the same mods. For some reason they didn't delete me on site.

What's this I hear about an IRL female getting butthurt and calling the shots?

d70e6b3a No.3750077

*An account on zoocadia or zoowg

7b1ff046 No.3750099

Zoofur here. Don't go to zooville, it's full off non-furry zoos and those people creep me the fuck out. Absolute degenerates. We furries actually value animals. For them it's s a just kink.

d3befa30 No.3750222

File: 1723668519416-0.jpg (252.89 KB, 2000x1331, bafkreiedu4uz74xt4wk472g3b….jpg)

File: 1723668519417-1.jpg (332.62 KB, 2000x1333, bafkreie5yoomxniuuufhgffxa….jpg)

9d8bc842 No.3750240

The ol cameltoe!

a175b5b9 No.3750276

File: 1723689899955-0.gif (3.65 MB, 320x569, d3a7b929-fd6b-4d20-a0dd-e1….gif)

File: 1723689899955-1.jpg (84.73 KB, 696x1000, 81iwh42GgHL._AC_UF1000,100….jpg)

>Comments be like "they cannot give a clear yes"
Yes they can, they can even form complex sentences when given the tools, I genuinely want to see a zoo using these buttons to prove it once for all who's right.

d70e6b3a No.3750304

File: 1723712685592.jpg (220.46 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20240803_190508_301.jpg)

Sadly I agree. Kinksters are the worst.

e3224363 No.3750307


besides, if you want bigpawsbear over there, that cancer-ridden asshole shitposts over here too anyways

a175b5b9 No.3750311

File: 1723718137576.gif (130.51 KB, 550x1032, 1224899032.mondegreen_shav….gif)

>Fucks animals
>Calls out other people/fetishes as degenerates

5197780e No.3750420

Zoophilia isn't a fetish.

4786c00a No.3750425

It's literally a paraphilia. It's in its name.

5598a583 No.3750472

File: 1723866071386.png (1.25 MB, 1024x1024, 00262e99bb0e75604f29739d8c….png)

that seems kinda lazy. Me and my dog don't talk, but we understand each other's mannerisms and expressions. Like he will take my hand in his maw and move it to where he wants to be pet, or he'll do this staring huff thing if he wants let out, and a few wuffs if he really needs let out.

If you need a yes button, you obviously are not emotionally attached to your dog.

Not that I've ever actually committed bestiality, but I shrug when people describe appropriate relationships and interactions. People who just use their dogs as living fleshlights are deplorable.

5598a583 No.3750474

File: 1723866551982.png (601.93 KB, 800x534, portrait-funny-dog-chihuah….png)

I mean, he does lick himself vigorously when I jerk off, but that doesn't mean he wants to fuck, hes just imitating my behavior.

Same as when I get out of my truck, he'll sit in the driver's seat with his paws on the wheel.

Same thing, not going to fuck him, not going to let him drive a truck.

6a86e6ca No.3750484

File: 1723870640615.jpg (6.19 MB, 2817x3690, zaush - Daddy's Little Sec….jpg)

people don't understand multiple levels of consent (human vs animal and what it means vs taking them to the vet), often due to societal-level heterosexual biases, sex-on-a-pedestal, and other issues. for the record I've spent my lifetime analyzing/understanding this issue (20+ years) and if you're this convinced, I'll take you up to heaven with me, dude. I thought other things in the past but it's very hard to find free thinkers like this. (haven't been here in 2-3+ years, assumed everyone was dead, cheers, take care)

6a86e6ca No.3750485

File: 1723870913276.jpg (445.48 KB, 1500x1267, zaush - fe943aa175a1066925….jpg)

(for the record steam just posts this because he sees cognitive dissonance in your posts and his autism doesn't allow them to go unchallenged, but you are all establishment-educated children if you think his questions aren't without bases)

1aa42e5d No.3750500


It's a sexual orientation. Furries should use "zoo sexuality" and "zoosexual" instead of "zoophilia". For us it's not that uncommon anyway.


You haven't been to Zooville.

5598a583 No.3750503

File: 1723896526983.png (3.1 MB, 3000x2100, 3d7a2149ede465624afa2f6c34….png)

I acknowledge your post and think the other posters have already done a good job.

0893ba20 No.3750514

> I mean, he does lick himself vigorously when I jerk off
LOL My dog leaves the room when I masturbate. She must be a lesbian.

459dcfbc No.3750543

Don't make this doggy come scratching at your door. You shouldn't have given me that small taste "test" last time. Now you're stuck with me.

5598a583 No.3750550

File: 1723914859275.jpeg (32.2 KB, 450x658, character-test-_00095_.jpeg)

sorry, testing things is in my nature. I can't not gather data…

5598a583 No.3750551

If it makes you feel any better, Salem is trying to make me use less question marks.

459dcfbc No.3750555

I'll go off to pray and sleep now, and will include you and your doggy.
Do share that email would you, so that you can tell me what you think of those professors. I still need to reach a sick friend of mine who is scared of facing what's going on in the world, when he really doesn't need to be.
Sleep well.

945a4af6 No.3762750

File: 1735074661462.jpg (138.29 KB, 738x491, 30124.jpg)

Post more dog dicks.

6e7919df No.3762755

File: 1735075175081.jpg (188.8 KB, 1280x960, 9822039a148d5c39abbebe4662….jpg)

We need a bestiality thread.

406a2795 No.3762770

dunno much of. they wont take my gmail for reg

hasnt accepted me because mike the dog is pissed I wont really agree to their shit and publicly state im an ally or a zoo, which im knot, teehee. make furiends, not allies - george washington

406a2795 No.3762771

>>3762770 hugs dog is a great mod, but mike had a 2 hour chat with me over telegram voice where he got real pervy about horses. ick.

I went there for therapy about seeing my doggo raped by mff staff. no luck

7d3d3cfb No.3762773

Why would you let those mff staff freaks near your dog? What did you do, bring your dog to a furry convention? Didn't you know any better?

406a2795 No.3762787

>>3762773 I left the house one eve for an hour and came home to seeing them bang their dogs. it was at this time I became a drug abuser in efforts to forget this memory. contacting both the aspca and cops did not help. no one really believed me. mff's owner knew about the shituation since the start, but thats why I had so many alts. I developed severe multiple personalities. I told the fbi last week.

95ce590c No.3764390

>Esix jannoids still keep pretending Jan Mulders AKA their boss Varka wasn't the main producer of petlust back in the late 2000s
This shit is getting really annoying because zoomers keep believing those Antifa trannyfaggots like NMNY

b07f6c77 No.3764893

File: 1736936416931-0.jpg (311.24 KB, 1000x664, pigs.jpg)

File: 1736936416931-1.gif (4.38 MB, 670x402, pigs.gif)

photo in video

2405e095 No.3764901

That dog has been repeatedly raped and sodomized.
Natural dog anuses don't look like that.

2b9ace0b No.3764905

you aint lived until you shove your cock balls deep in a black lab. its like fucking a i am racist and not very bright

b040005d No.3764908

You are in a zoophile thread talking about how u are sad mff raped ur dog lol ur dog consented

2b9ace0b No.3764911

i'll fuck anything that walks. your whore mother included

609bdb29 No.3764949

File: 1736983304488.jpg (171.05 KB, 1280x960, husky_fisting1.jpg)

> That dog has been repeatedly raped and sodomized.
> Natural dog anuses don't look like that
Nonsense! That's clearly a virgin dog butthole. No one ever touched that dog.

3f2a6f59 No.3764955

So you know a thing or two about blown out dogs tailholes cause you've seen a few

406a2795 No.3764968

>>3764911 thats not me. I give up. I dont post porn and just horror stories about how the fandom sucks.

dddb0106 No.3765057

File: 1737080120210.jpg (200.94 KB, 1280x960, 51d5a592de1796a378c2e2d841….jpg)

08ae1ed4 No.3765059

What is your hand doing there mix

406a2795 No.3765078

>>3765059 dont make me smack you with that hand. stop making shit up

08ae1ed4 No.3765079

Feeling around? Zoophile

2247abb6 No.3765081

can't even fuck my dog in peace

057f9c22 No.3765086

Mix eats potato chips with that hand after he's been feeling around inside his dog.

3cc48595 No.3769914

File: 1742362103060.png (5.43 MB, 1500x2000, 1739737666.sketchyshelby_i….png)

Anyone know what happened to the /zoo/ board on 8chan?

1e36704a No.3769915

i'm glad it's gone, that place had really gone to shit after the corpsefuckers and torture enthusiasts took ownership of the board

e3224363 No.3769918

the mods never paid attention to all the people posting links to off site chats to trade pizza so they just killed the entire board lmao. vamp and emp wouldn’t do their fucking jobs.

406a2795 No.3769948


78cd2afc No.3769954

File: 1742415454872.png (335.5 KB, 1367x1100, 8chan.moe.png)



As a result of changing laws the future of /zoo/ is in question.
At the time of this writing it is looking very grim indeed.
I strongly urge all anons to start downloading what they can, while they can, and also to start organizing as to where to go next.
I am sorry, and am still doing what I can.


Check here for latest and also as a bunker in case board removal"


Their mods on 8chan.moe were forced to remove the /zoo board because of the server host threatening to shut down the entire website.

mods state: that new US laws are in place that make sharing any zoo content a felony in certain US states.

The same thing happened here on /furi when all those "fox necro" threads were posted, the server provider was also threatened to shutdown /furi.

23486ce0 No.3769959

File: 1742417947418.png (1.01 MB, 1808x2100, 665343.png)


Theres gonna be a lot of angry white girls mad that they can't watch other women get fucked by dogs, while imagining that its them.

388e82a5 No.3770227

"mods state: that new US laws are in place that make sharing any zoo content a felony in certain US states."

Twitter/X: yolo

50a02833 No.3770228

File: 1742858557647.jpg (124.56 KB, 960x1280, fox_penis_2.jpg)

> Twitter/X
This isn't Twitter.

1e36704a No.3770236

File: 1742879388871.jpg (359.52 KB, 2048x1536, GVq18eeXcAEedyB.jpg)

yeah the dog porn is the only reason i haven't deleted twitter

c7c28df4 No.3770241


kinda sad tbh. managed to find some hidden gems, like an artist’s full sextape as what I suspect was the original capture (or close to it).

nobody figured it out, but… it was there.

2a07f847 No.3770242

File: 1742930453444.jpg (31.36 KB, 320x320, vlcsnap-2025-03-25-15h13m3….jpg)


more like the mods seen this and ran

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