32577209 No.3743392
My gametes probably would produce fucked up kids, and I have my own issues to deal with anyway.
The only woman I ever had been with explicitly said she would not want to become a mother, and would do whatever nessicary to stop that from happening.
I suppose I probably have damaged genetics, regardless. So perhaps, it was for the best. It still hurts sometimes.
47468bc5 No.3743400
Raise you kids raise your kids raise your god damn kids!
Read a Book (Clean Version)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgcZNpmOKuk aef406fd No.3765844
>>3743378Civilized nations (Not America) make it easier to be a parent by providing healthcare, daycare so that the parent can work, and free education so the child can grow up to be a valuable worker.
America is just a shithole where short-term profit is more important than long-term stability.
c2f2ede7 No.3765887
>>3765857but really when i see the drawings on some boorus that are posted, I know and I affirm a good part of them are not even 18. Yes yes I'm not going to blame anjything I started drawing furfag stuff young too but hmm., we didn't had an internet accessible with a tablet or whatever = that's the parents buying their kids an iphone or some crap that gets them into this.
645ec131 No.3765919