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You messed with me~

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File: 1718672589500-1.png (437.19 KB, 1734x1341, kids bothing ya.png)

47468bc5 No.3743378

Why are having kids soo difficult? you gotta feed them provide them social security healthcare good connections with people who may benifit or ruin your life; there's gotta be more to the story it's about continuing the next generations to secure the entire human race.

6ad91a43 No.3743389

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Reminder that duct tape is the solution to most child care problems.

32577209 No.3743392

My gametes probably would produce fucked up kids, and I have my own issues to deal with anyway.

The only woman I ever had been with explicitly said she would not want to become a mother, and would do whatever nessicary to stop that from happening.

I suppose I probably have damaged genetics, regardless. So perhaps, it was for the best. It still hurts sometimes.

47468bc5 No.3743399

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Without younger generations who could take care of the elders, we wont have…

Comfy Federation
circa photo of a weasel carrying goods to nearby market while enjoying a blunt.

47468bc5 No.3743400

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Raise you kids raise your kids raise your god damn kids!

Read a Book (Clean Version)

47468bc5 No.3743684

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Wait you're single? Your husband left you and all your kids are dead?

47468bc5 No.3744492

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86fa6958 No.3757388

File: 1729701527903.gif (2.54 MB, 1920x1080, bafybeiarqadnajl4ayq3cl7yn….gif)

Stealth bumpers should face the pendulum.

47468bc5 No.3765125

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Parents: We didn't raise you like this!
Society: Indeed we fucked your child or childen up…
Offspring: I like turtles!

79733683 No.3765205

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aef406fd No.3765844

Civilized nations (Not America) make it easier to be a parent by providing healthcare, daycare so that the parent can work, and free education so the child can grow up to be a valuable worker.

America is just a shithole where short-term profit is more important than long-term stability.

3f12eead No.3765857

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When very young children start to draw pictures of genitals and sexual activity, that they could likely never have known about otherwise, it means most of the time they have been molested at some point, says the author of the book A Child's Garden of Sex, who analyzed over 11, 000 drawings made at home and school in everything from pencil to pen to crayons, by children aged 3 to 12.

c2f2ede7 No.3765886

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‘‘This is my OC pony, Keiser making babies to my favorite pony, Aryanne.’’

c2f2ede7 No.3765887

but really when i see the drawings on some boorus that are posted, I know and I affirm a good part of them are not even 18. Yes yes I'm not going to blame anjything I started drawing furfag stuff young too but hmm., we didn't had an internet accessible with a tablet or whatever = that's the parents buying their kids an iphone or some crap that gets them into this.

645ec131 No.3765902

645ec131 No.3765919


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