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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1708341814698.png (701.99 KB, 3000x3000, So_Much_Nakey.png)

b0286337 No.3732727


I haven't got any email from you that I know of. If you still know your Discord login, that is the best place to reach me. If not, that's fine. I can whip up a burner email.


f088c498 No.3732728

opossums are stinky

cdcd8bc9 No.3732729

File: 1708343638692.jpg (110.95 KB, 620x423, synagogue-of-satan-jews-ar….jpg)

Why is there so much nakey?
Why do you think?! Wake up, opossum! Wake up before it's too late.
They and their god(s), (and their degenerate servants) are behind every evil on this planet, right from the very beginning of Mankind.

e99e6d69 No.3732748

File: 1708369309386.jpg (217.31 KB, 600x404, guess-what-nobody-d4ce09aa….jpg)

68c0bbb8 No.3732750

File: 1708377224033.png (37.2 KB, 588x447, gone_in_a_blink.png)


They live such short lives, you blink and they are gone.

97742b3b No.3732803

File: 1708427871891.jpg (286.89 KB, 1967x1802, 4906952_cuteconfy__12.jpg)

> opossums are stinky
Well this one is. Opossum boy needs a bath badly.

42dc0d0d No.3732805

File: 1708436790473.jpg (77.08 KB, 560x372, 1.jpg)

Look how quickly this thread filled up with irrelevant bullshit. I used Discord, but I didn't like it!

3f4b2aff No.3732818

File: 1708460734733.jpg (114.73 KB, 600x800, banana.jpg)

> I used Discord, but I didn't like it!
Do you like bananas?

42dc0d0d No.3732863

File: 1708524912449.gif (25.12 KB, 301x389, 549c8353f78bf735f9b303a70b….gif)

Unless a monkey's chasing me around a mulberry bush, bananas are useless to me.

36e40007 No.3732895

File: 1708546600557.jpg (78.37 KB, 475x750, banana Keith.jpg)

a62d92c3 No.3733313

File: 1708884211335.gif (62.76 KB, 400x300, Plywood_1996__SEXMNKY.GIF)

9c699b5b No.3745358

File: 1720143470700.jpg (89.21 KB, 584x765, peelme.jpg)

5a218e91 No.3747041

File: 1721240428539.jpg (125 KB, 1200x1077, Polaroid.jpg)

42dc0d0d No.3747365

File: 1721398003135.jpg (206.59 KB, 2048x2048, FmQPKJaaAAEis5M.jpg)

Confused why this thread is still bumping, but there's my address in the email field if you wanna send me secret messages.

1e1ff4d0 No.3763208

File: 1735433380220.jpg (336.8 KB, 1024x1280, 8026caee4ad92b5cec22b9b6cd….jpg)

889fa41f No.3763210

File: 1735435327563.jpeg (54.42 KB, 470x469, Screenshot_28-12-2024_202….jpeg)

58d0728e No.3763229

File: 1735455940853.jpeg (89.71 KB, 975x967, photo_2024-12-28 12.56.51.jpeg)

dude, just unblock me and treat me like a human, not a troll. jesus fuck. let me fit in for once, jerk. give me mod status for once so I can snipe the CP when I see it

I wanna be fren

efead003 No.3763241

Block and ban his ass

73abaf69 No.3763308

File: 1735514149753.jpg (66.47 KB, 720x720, IMG_20210818_225934_506.jpg)

I accepted your request.

b975677f No.3767882

File: 1739376145601.jpg (341.89 KB, 1536x1536, 1738684748319.jpg)

So why did tms flake off?

I know he likes loli porn art so pic related.

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