a99f8140 No.3712668
>>3712656BTW, the artist of the magazine-reading-catgirl pic is Taral Wayne, the Hugo award winning science fiction artist. He's also known as Saara on FA.
8fdcc48c No.3712674
>>3712668Yes, we know who you are, Taral.
275a0977 No.3731094
>>3731052thats one way of paying too much for groceries
00bc9a5c No.3731096
>>3731094- Mornin', Linda! May I please get the usual?
- One tit's worth of eggs, coming up!
- Woah, that's a lot of eggs! Then again, you're a lot of woman. ;)
- You're making me blush! No discounts for flattery however. :)
- Then I shall pay what's fairly owed and bid you adieu. Always a pleasure. Till next time.
- See you soon, sweetie.
718a642f No.3738358
>>3738357That's odd. I kind of thought it was one of Steam's. Maybe he got falling down drunk and deleted it himself.
Then recently there was an Aufy type wacko who apparently had all his posts and threads deleted.
ff35bcac No.3763690
>>3758652 fucking amazing furry art for once that aint just retarded MTG or porn.
kinda nice to have, ya know, animation
reminds me of Jack.