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File: 1721168067706.gif (1.43 MB, 308x236, ddh82qh-caee2325-edf4-4733….gif)

1fbb4207 No.3746916

ITT: Cartoons / games with canon interspecies couples.

59df0e66 No.3746922

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20b3aa88 No.3754333

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Ty the Tasmanian Tiger sort of has one…. haven't actually played it, so i'm not sure how "canon" it is, but Ty & Shazza Dingo being a couple seems to be acknowledged even by non-furry fans.

It's also grimly ironic because the Dingo was the main reason the Tasmanian Tiger became extinct, so he's really contributing to his own extinction…. maybe that was intentional?

And what the hell is it about that place, Tasmania anyways, to have two entries on this list…

46b4f3fd No.3754341

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There was an episode of Angry Beavers in which Treeflower the beaver and Truckee the shrew are "dating". But it turns out in the end that Truckee just wanted someone to help wax his truck and had no idea she thought they were dating.

Of course, there's the Oryx-Antlersons, Judy's gay neighbors in Zootopia. Bucky is a kudu, and Pronk is an oryx.

Some interspecies sex in Fritz the Cat, but idk about "couples".

7f8b684c No.3755687

File: 1728449354912.gif (86.01 KB, 640x328, oh-wow-thats-dark-june-dia….gif)

Wow that's dark!

2149726d No.3763491

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Forgot Breath of Fire I… surprised this one isn't more well known among furries. I can't think of any other game that did what they did here. Also the entire game is pretty much made for furries and TF fetishists otherwise, too bad they toned that down in the sequels.


b47cbc00 No.3769279

File: 1741385421471.jpg (398.93 KB, 1000x1555, Antoine_and_Bunnie_Wedding….jpg)

Archie Sonic had a whole bunch, but for some reason noone remembers them.

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