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File: 1742611871248.jpeg (41.36 KB, 720x879, 5mtax54gn3qe1.jpeg)

5735334a No.3770087

Stay strong

b1d47b6d No.3770088

File: 1742613709942.jpg (62.7 KB, 720x520, we are socialists.jpg)

7aa47a8d No.3770089

File: 1742614207905.jpg (97.09 KB, 850x1111, Tranny_7.jpg)

Anyone that thinks trump and hitler are the same is a fucking moron. One hated jews, one loves them to the point he had his kid convert to jewdaism and marry into them.

7aa47a8d No.3770090>>3770096

File: 1742614437075.jpg (11.09 KB, 474x266, azolf.jpg)

Why don't you use someone who supports actual nazi

bc33c3ba No.3770095>>3770097>>3770114

File: 1742618805619.png (468.98 KB, 769x500, gregeger4hg.png)

Trump has ordered that student loan debt protections be revoked and payments be set to the maximum amount allowed by law. Some people are already reporting their monthly federal student loan payments going up from $500 to $5000 dollars.

Of course no one can pay that so all of those loans are going to default which will create a massive economic crash and you better bet that Trump will demand the U.S. tax payer money be used to "bail out" the banks.

He is creating a crisis so that he can use it as an excuse to give his rich friends billions of tax dollars on top of the massive tax cuts he is giving them and increase the national debt by magnitudes.

When are you MAGAts going to get it, he's not in office to try and be your president, he's just there to steal your money. They are already talking about shutting down social security payments until the courts allow Elon Musk to have access to all American's private information and the social security system so that he can dismantle it the way they are dismantling the department of education right now.

They just want to steal from you.
You're not rich enough for them to see you as a real person.
You're just a sucker to be exploited.


bc33c3ba No.3770096>>3770115

If Nazis want to die on a battle field to defend Ukraine, I say we let them. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Let them die being useful.

7aa47a8d No.3770097>>3770141>>3770147

File: 1742619964872.jpg (106.75 KB, 850x1046, femboy77.jpg)


Big whoop, Biden supported 2 wars at the same time, bailed out banks and killed the petro dollar all in a single term. He didn't just fuck america's economy, he fucked the Eu too by destroying nordstream.

7aa47a8d No.3770098

File: 1742620963998.png (259.83 KB, 893x1024, Snapshot_6.png)

And as soon as Trump can talk Russia into throwing Iran under the bus. He'll probably launch a war with iran to pay back the jews that pounded his ass into winning the election.

Using all the retard white boys that joined the military, thinking Trump was taking back the country for white people.

9c14d960 No.3770100

Trump is like if Hitler started out with his brain already fried by meth.

2c209bab No.3770101

It would actually be FAR more insulting to MAGA if you would call us Democrats.

9f9bb4ef No.3770104

Progressives ARE Nazis, and like all libtards, they lie about it.

a3657bbe No.3770114


Just don't take a loan you can't repay. The 5000 dollar example people don't seem so desperate ; they are saying they have to postpone their house buying 10 years, oh noes !

If anything, if that could make people pressure school to be cheaper, it would be a good thing. Sucking each dollars they can out of students is outrageous, it's basically exploiting humans.

a3657bbe No.3770115

The E.U. will fight for the Ukraine Nazi, revealing that the "E.U. is the 4th Reich" meme is correct.

I won't shed tears for people dying for a coutry that has statues up of the leader of an organisation that genocided jews.

14d6b1c9 No.3770140>>3770143

In today's news: Trump is threatening to stop all payments of social security in retaliation for the government not allowing Elon Musk to access everyone's social security records and cut whomever he wishes from the rolls.

Trump is also mad that Musk isn't allowed to access top secret information files containing on our military defense secrets.

At the same time as he is claiming we just don't have enough money to keep your grandmother alive, Trump has also ordered the military to build a nation wide "Golden Dome" missile defense system… in case Canada starts shooting at us? Seriously, not only is it a pointless system for us to have it's also just impossible to build. Even if we put anti-missile defense systems in every major city in America it still wouldn't be enough to protect all of America.

So, basically, he told the military he wants to build a nation wide defense system that would require more money to construct than exists in our economy. He knows it isn't ever going to happen, but just like his "great big wall" at the southern boarder, building it was never the point. He's just enriching himself by awarding contracts to corporations for "Researching" the project that will in turn donate to him.

It's all a scam. It's always been a scam.

14d6b1c9 No.3770141

>Biden supported 2 wars and killed the petrodollar…

Yes, Biden continued the 2 wars we were in when he came into office and he did destroy the Petrodollar.

The Petrodollar was an attempt to replace the U.S. dollar as the currency of trade around the world.

Killing the petrodollar made the American dollar far stronger. It was GREAT for America. Maybe you should learn what things are before you complain about them, DK.

790b2033 No.3770143>>3770146>>3770175

File: 1742680565072.jpg (66.36 KB, 388x500, Adolf Hitler quote.jpg)

> Even if we put anti-missile defense systems in every major city in America it still wouldn't be enough to protect all of America.
So your assertion is if it isn't absolutely 100% effective then we must capitulate to the evil Canadian empire? Just surrender, that's your alternative.

db070fe9 No.3770146>>3770151

You have no idea what you're talking about, you fucking moron. It's Trump who's threatening to invade Canada, not vice versa.

9f60a808 No.3770147

Nordstream was a gun pointed at Europe's head. And who the fuck cares about the petrodollar unless you're Russian.

b9ea0995 No.3770151

> It's Trump who's threatening to invade Canada, not vice versa.
Canada is a dagger pointed at the heart of Detroit.

47faab08 No.3770156>>3770159>>3770161

File: 1742701046032.jpeg (40.3 KB, 714x750, crqxpqs25bqe1.jpeg)

2c209bab No.3770157


007f4b94 No.3770159>>3770161

File: 1742712219484.jpg (79.91 KB, 1200x627, Justin-Eichorn.jpg)

It keeps happening!
>Eichorn (R-Grand Rapids) — who grabbed headlines recently for his lobbying and support of a “Trump Derangement Syndrome” bill in the Gopher State — is accused of contacting the undercover cop over the phone to arrange a meeting with them on Monday at a location in Bloomington, which is about 10 miles south of Minneapolis. The GOP senator went to meet the purported teen sex worker near the 8300 block of Normandale Avenue in Bloomington, where authorities swooped in and busted him.

e8bc635d No.3770161>>3770162>>3770165

Yet it's always democrats who get convicted.

378677f5 No.3770162>>3770164


And that doesn't strike you as odd at all?
Weird flex.

8c015675 No.3770164

That's because the democrat party is a criminal organization. Not only are they pedophiles but they continually smear their opposition with fake accusations and outright lies.

b18cfe4b No.3770165>>3770172

File: 1742721099500.png (58.5 KB, 730x432, maga_lies.png)

Oh, let's have a look at this study. Aaaaand it's another MAGA lie.

f80a4861 No.3770172>>3770173

So let's have another look at this, shall we?
That's the message that comes up when something has been blocked or censored by Google. DuckDuckGo uses Google for their search results.
It's been blocked because it comes up over 90% Democrat results, which is very damaging.
Try it on a search engine that does not use Google as a source and see what you get.

0935dc26 No.3770173>>3770174

File: 1742731251644.jpeg (24.14 KB, 255x154, Totally-legit-bro.jpeg)


0cda4676 No.3770174>>3770179

Yet more democrat fake accusations and outright lies. That's what democrats always do. Lie, lie, lie.

0935dc26 No.3770175>>3770191

File: 1742732541045.jpg (60.91 KB, 706x500, Reading-Rainbow-meme.jpg)

That is a terrible meme. It looks nothing like Hitler or Lenin.

Also, In 1909, Adolf Hitler was living in Vienna Italy, after being rejected from the Academy of Fine Arts. He was a street beggar who lived in homeless shelters for years until his mother bailed him out.

Lenin lived in Paris France in 1909 so he and Hitler could not have met and he would have had no reason to talk to Hitler who was homeless street-trash at the time.

ede35c6d No.3770179

File: 1742742913644.jpg (59.08 KB, 679x510, GiluY3AWUAAVuiC.jpg)

f80a4861 No.3770181>>3770205

Actually, the mouth-breathing idiot that concocted fascism, Giovanni Gentile', was very open about the fact that he patterned HIS corrupt ideology on Karl Marx's corrupt ideology.

The only real difference between the two retarded ideologies is that in Marx's ideology the all-powerful centralized State would one day somehow magically melt away, leaving the Proletariat to govern themselves.

Fascism is in almost every way identical to Marxism, however it never indulges in Marx's idiotic delusion. Instead, fascism comes right out and says, "The State owns you."

From the cradle, to the grave.

58cbfce8 No.3770191>>3770196

File: 1742768148579.png (482.41 KB, 1018x613, books_threaten_MAGA.png)

>read a book
Yeah, about that…

85b21c25 No.3770196>>3770201

File: 1742776707667.jpg (52.44 KB, 400x221, beaner_scum.jpg)

> AP
Oh yeah, AP is that commie fake news gang that call The Gulf of America by some faggoty other name.

785f3f16 No.3770201

File: 1742778710241.jpeg (68.45 KB, 811x846, z4aah2kl0bje1.jpeg)

0935dc26 No.3770205>>3770217>>3770222

File: 1742783020263.jpg (395.14 KB, 1020x1320, New-rogue-who-dis.jpg)

>Fascism is in almost every way identical to Marxism…

Except for the fact they are total opposites. Fascism is power held by a few wealthy elites while Marxism is rule by the masses and the elimination of the wealthy elites. (Often by public execution)

01712586 No.3770217>>3770233

Except for the fact that you are an imbecile and don't know what you're talking about.

487f00f8 No.3770222>>3770233>>3770235


You are incorrect. The textbook definition of fascism is to be completely intolerant of any other point of view or belief system
to the point of censorship, exclusion, and even violence to achieve a singular world view. This is the current face of the Democratic party, to silence any contrary point of view to the point they attempted in early 2021 to alter the election laws such that political dissent of the incumbent party was punishable by prosecution during an election cycle.

Marxism is a form of fascism, in that it attempts to not only silence dissent, but actively promotes violence against those that do not follow the socialist dogma. For Marxism to 'succeed' it had to eliminate ALL alternatives to the state, including religion and any part of the world that was not marxist. Thats why after the Russian revolution, you had Russia funding and supporting world wide communist movements. Its why during the 1950's and 1960's the FBI was investigating all these 'liberation' movements in the US.

Also remember, the Nazi's were fascists but they were national socialists first. That meant they were communist-lite. Hitler hated the communists but mainly because they undermined his vision of a supreme German state by promoting a supereme SOVIET state.

ede35c6d No.3770233

>Joseph Goebbels
Quoting the head propagandist of the Nazis. Not a great look, Bro.

>The textbook definition of fascism is to be completely intolerant of any other point of view or belief system…

It's funny how conservatives, the party of violent extremist, violent racists, christian-nationalists nut jobs who want to ban all other religions, who hate anyone who isn't like themselves and think the only "correct" culture is one they imagine happened in the 1950s but was never actually real in the first place, somehow think it's everyone else who are the ones who are being intolerant.

ede35c6d No.3770235

If you think all forms of government which are "intolerant of any other point of view or belief system" are fascist systems, what form of government do you imagine isn't fascist?

By your definition everything is fascist. Capitalism, Democracy, Democratic Republics, Socialism, Anarchy, Libertarianism, you name it and it's fascist under your definition.

You're not wrong that intolerance is AN aspect of fascism but it's just one of many qualities that must be met before something is fascism. You are ignoring all those other qualities that must also be true.

You seem to just want to call everything you don't like fascism because complex, nuanced thoughts are hard for someone with an IQ as low as yours.

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