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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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1871ab7f No.3767546

"No more /pol/ thread."

Pol threads appear all over the place, just like a few years back when it was decided to make one thread. How is this better ?

3745f326 No.3767549

It's SOLELY 3B doing it, the POL thread was created to keep him contained but he abused the hell of that too until it became ridiculous. He's the worst garbage spammer this place has ever seen.

He needs more than banned, he needs a nuclear bomb dropped on him. His only purpose is to keep you and all other users here from enjoying this board.

175791f9 No.3767564

I thought that was you with all the nazi bullshit

73ee90c3 No.3767586

Problem with getting rid of "nazi bullshit" is that if you ask a leftist, everything right of communism is "nazi bullshit".

fad72532 No.3767609

>How is this better?
No one said it is. Mods are just done polishing this turd. Go fuck yourself.

8e6ba441 No.3767612

This is what deregulation looks like.
This is why Democrats don't like it.

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