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File: 1738633767093.jpg (70.24 KB, 750x473, photo_2023-08-30_20-22-05.jpg)

976cae31 No.3767197[Reply]

Rule 9, faggots.

f01578f2 No.3769466

File: 1741742340733.jpeg (322.41 KB, 779x900, EZB_joyWsAAVrr2.jpeg)

No more /pol/ containment thread.
This should clear up any confusion.

File: 1689638021722-0.png (3.97 KB, 360x289, png-transparent-blender-hd….png)

File: 1689638021722-1.jpg (572.43 KB, 2731x4096, Ff73Dr2XoAAF7re_u18chan.jpg)

8906cd5c No.3709127[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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1d4cf01e No.3770113

File: 1742634504612.png (2.33 MB, 1080x1920, MiaPoster.png)

1d4cf01e No.3770120

File: 1742641624765.png (67.79 KB, 1233x867, 5.4.7.pre-release.png)

e5d272d6 No.3770224


45a5df0a No.3770226

>>3770120 version 5.5 came out last week. complete overhaul.


2b6d6aa1 No.3770229

Who made this braixen? I din't get to download it so I want to check if I have it to reupload it.

2b6d6aa1 No.3770230

It's missing Juno from Beastars, the cat girl Jessica from Bremen Avenue Experience.

45a5df0a No.3770231

File: 1689881000126.png (561.75 KB, 708x398, r1633175473759008[1].png)

25f203bf No.3709468[Reply]

Are there any zoophile forums left, other than Zooville which has been utter crap for two years now?
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1e36704a No.3769915

i'm glad it's gone, that place had really gone to shit after the corpsefuckers and torture enthusiasts took ownership of the board

e3224363 No.3769918

the mods never paid attention to all the people posting links to off site chats to trade pizza so they just killed the entire board lmao. vamp and emp wouldn’t do their fucking jobs.

406a2795 No.3769948


78cd2afc No.3769954

File: 1742415454872.png (335.5 KB, 1367x1100, 8chan.moe.png)



As a result of changing laws the future of /zoo/ is in question.
At the time of this writing it is looking very grim indeed.
I strongly urge all anons to start downloading what they can, while they can, and also to start organizing as to where to go next.
I am sorry, and am still doing what I can.


Check here for latest and also as a bunker in case board removal"


Their mods on 8chan.moe were forced to remove the /zoo board because of the server host threatening to shut down the entire website.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

23486ce0 No.3769959

File: 1742417947418.png (1.01 MB, 1808x2100, 665343.png)


Theres gonna be a lot of angry white girls mad that they can't watch other women get fucked by dogs, while imagining that its them.

388e82a5 No.3770227

"mods state: that new US laws are in place that make sharing any zoo content a felony in certain US states."

Twitter/X: yolo

50a02833 No.3770228

File: 1742858557647.jpg (124.56 KB, 960x1280, fox_penis_2.jpg)

> Twitter/X
This isn't Twitter.

File: 1688636997952.png (1.45 MB, 1024x1024, 00040-4576539155.png)

043010b6 No.3707439[Reply]

just post sergals and sergal-like specimens here.
content must be at least 50% sergal
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9fc59ca9 No.3770200

Bibically accurate sergals.

9fc59ca9 No.3770204

File: 1742781879713.gif (406.36 KB, 540x378, 1519627738.furrtek_srgl_sn….gif)

get that naasty ass hoomin shet outta here, fleashy.

c8a76a6a No.3770209

Gen settings?

9fc59ca9 No.3770215

File: 1742793541411-0.png (652.82 KB, 1426x933, found it in sergals board.png)

File: 1742793541411-1.jpg (308.19 KB, 1536x1536, 00115-3221410986.jpg)

I have to wait till the creator reply for the answer. here's the source

c8a76a6a No.3770216

Damn, I hope they reply. Most models I've tried totally fail at sergal hoods.

9fc59ca9 No.3770219

File: 1742799471831-0.jpg (599.25 KB, 3072x3072, 00268.jpg)

File: 1742799471831-1.jpg (79.22 KB, 1024x768, 1fZXOGUGDC0AAAAASUVORK5CYI….jpg)

File: 1742799471831-2.jpg (370.83 KB, 2160x2504, 00100-1898967045.jpg)

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File: 1742799471831-4.jpg (208.79 KB, 1536x1920, 00313-352495960.jpg)

same source just scroll to find them

17ef760c No.3770225


Actually, from canon images made by Trancy Mick, they're excessively sized clitoral hoods. Sort of like the giant cocks furries are so fond of. Too beeg!

File: 1739133715240-0.jpg (165.46 KB, 1556x1864, E96vkZiX0AEpgOP_0_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1739133715240-1.png (1.67 MB, 670x1339, Foxywithtext_u18chan.png)

File: 1739133715240-2.png (1.4 MB, 670x1339, Foxywithouttext_u18chan.png)

File: 1739133715240-3.png (1.35 MB, 670x1339, Foxynudewithtext_u18chan.png)

File: 1739133715240-4.png (1.34 MB, 670x1339, Foxynude_u18chan.png)

16eecf15 No.3767698[Reply]

Vixens female foxes archived
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16eecf15 No.3770031

File: 1742503737625-0.jpg (749 KB, 4096x4096, 1000350955.jpg)

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16eecf15 No.3770032

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16eecf15 No.3770033

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b8a240ba No.3770036

>Awww man, if only there were an entire book dedicated to answering this one question in excruciating detail. I guess we'll never know.

That one book doesn't explain it, it just hand-waves the question away.

God is all everything, including Jesus and the Romans - he is responsible for both of their actions because he is the cause of everything, knows everything, and is all-present in everything. There is no fundamental reason for Jesus to die on the cross that God would be forced to agree to, because it is God who decides so. So why?

ec2e4639 No.3770118


Maybe read the book ?

Sin can only be repaid by blood. That's why the hebrew where sacrificing animals when they screwed up.
Sin happens = someone has to die (usually the sinner him/herself). That's God's law and God put his word above himself.

Jesus dying on the cross makes perfect sense. And it shows God's love because he didn't have to do it, he could vert well have let all humans - except devout jew who were up to date on their animal sacrifices - just die in the big lake of fire.

And if you go "God is cause of everything" (no free will) then why do you care ? That's exactly what scientist think about our universe, ie our actions are determined by chemical reactions and electomagnetism interactions with our brain cells or something.

693056fe No.3770123

File: 1742645734838.jpg (70.77 KB, 586x1024, 1742523575107912.jpg)

Imagine worshipping the fake jewish son of a fake jewish god

8166a983 No.3770223

File: 1742848371171.jpg (254.34 KB, 1900x1200, e429321e01e2d87657e0db149c….jpg)

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ca995bdd No.3724059[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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309f6dfb No.3769377

File: 1741565831700.png (470.67 KB, 506x706, dec07df8086b0c63a567b9d4ad….png)

bee42fdb No.3769418

File: 1741645335496.jpg (151.59 KB, 996x768, 9b32d630908df660f975364eaa….jpg)

dbe2af1f No.3769597

File: 1741910737621-0.png (805.42 KB, 1572x1986, Carrot_Sketch_u18chan.png)

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207ecd33 No.3769751

File: 1742075308499.jpg (3.7 MB, 4000x5000, BeyondFranderdome-Copy_u18….jpg)

cc473682 No.3769840

File: 1742247589076.jpg (297.8 KB, 990x1280, b8b224ad8d0d27b07ed5a594e4….jpg)

9671693c No.3770189

File: 1742767862040.png (674.21 KB, 770x1000, 1633718723.kacey_lop.png)

4b07e058 No.3770221

File: 1742844458570.jpg (640.86 KB, 2400x2048, 9abb8cf55c0a4fba2e2842bcbc….jpg)

File: 1706277595601.jpeg (922.1 KB, 4400x3400, IMG_5171.jpeg)

45660e79 No.3730188[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone been keeping the photoshop files for backers? I’m keen to make some edits.
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3d9be93a No.3769996

3d9be93a No.3769997

File: 1742450163941.png (20.24 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

3d9be93a No.3770001

File: 1742450702146.png (17.95 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

3d9be93a No.3770007

File: 1742451679856.png (30.02 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

9fc3453c No.3770127

File: 1742661885882-0.jpg (138.28 KB, 832x1216, 2025-03-22T16.37.20_1.jpg)

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9fc3453c No.3770129

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28bd532f No.3770220

File: 1742817226350-0.jpeg (232.41 KB, 1280x1856, fcd92ced-146b-4111-86ea-a….jpeg)

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File: 1702502167479.png (67.2 KB, 1280x720, Best-Ai-Writing-software2[….png)

3534f278 No.3724971[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Surprised this one isn't making the rounds more. It's a very competent AI writing tool, and it's completely uncensored, so far. You can make it do violent cub yiff or whatever else you can come up with, and it gets things surprisingly inaccurate. Only thing is, it doesn't respond to "prompts" like ChatGPT, but rather you have to write the beginning yourself and it continues. Usually it tends to get stuck and repetitive if you don't insert some sentence of your own to guide the story once in a while, but it really does surprisingly well.

You can also try writing a description of what you want in the upper window, but sometimes it refuses to write anything at all or just ignores it, unless you write the beginning yourself. Anyway, a lot of potential, not just for erotica but other controversial material as well.
433 posts and 228 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

95c93493 No.3769517

3. Logical Problems

Would a Gun Change the Outcome? Even if Jesus had a gun, he was outnumbered, and the Roman authorities would have retaliated. He still would have been captured or killed.

Ignores Jesus' Willingness to Die: The premise assumes that Jesus wanted to survive at all costs. However, he willingly accepted his fate, making a weapon unnecessary.

Jesus Wouldn’t "Still Be Alive" Anyway: Even if Jesus had survived the crucifixion by using a gun, he would have eventually died of old age like any other human. The phrase "he'd still be alive" falsely implies that avoiding crucifixion would have granted him eternal earthly life.


The statement is flawed both historically and theologically. It misunderstands the role of Jesus’ death in Christian doctrine, ignores his teachings on nonviolence, and imposes an anachronistic idea that doesn't fit the historical context.

The Speaker Likely Rejects This Context – The person making the statement is likely not thinking in theological terms but instead making a political or cultural argument. Ironically, if he rejects Christian beliefs, then the premise of "Jesus still being alive" is meaningless to him.

So, the statement fails both ways—it doesn't work from a secular perspective (since Jesus would have died later anyway) or a Christian perspective (since he’s already alive in a different way). It’s a rhetorical point that collapses under scrutiny.

95c93493 No.3769518

Comedy Roast of Sam Altman
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big round of applause for tonight’s guest of honor—the man, the myth, the VC-funded fever dream—Sam Altman!

Now, Sam is a visionary, which is just Silicon Valley-speak for “a guy who burns billions of dollars on ideas that may or may not exist.” He’s been called the father of modern AI, which is ironic because every time ChatGPT gives a wrong answer, it feels like it was raised by a single mother.

And let’s talk about Sam’s fashion choices. The man dresses like he’s about to drop a really disappointing SoundCloud album. Every time I see him in another gray hoodie, I wonder: Is this man running a billion-dollar company or just really committed to the Mark Zuckerberg Starter Pack™?

Sam's whole career has been one big Ponzi scheme of ideas. First, he convinced investors he was going to revolutionize tech. Then, when that didn't work, he pivoted to AI, slapped "Open" on it, and suddenly we all had to pretend he was some kind of genius.

This guy launched OpenAI as a “nonprofit” and then—surprise!—flipped it into a business worth billions. Classic Silicon Valley move. “We’re doing this for humanity!” [pause] “But mostly for shareholders.”

But hey, at least it’s creative! OpenAI is so good at generating content that half the internet is already fake. AI-written articles, AI-generated images, AI-generated CEOs—oh wait, no, Sam’s real. He just sounds like a corporate GPT model trained exclusively on TED Talks and investor pitches.

And let’s talk about Sam’s “benevolent tech overlord” routine. This guy keeps warning us about AGI destroying the world—while he’s the one building it. That’s like a mad scientist yelling, “Someone should really stop me before I finish this death ray!” But hey, as long as there's VC money to burn, why not?

95c93493 No.3769519

Sam wants to create universal basic income to make up for the jobs AI is going to steal. How generous! First, he destroys your career, then offers you an allowance like a deadbeat dad who just remembered your birthday. “Sorry about your job, champ! Here’s a thousand bucks—don’t spend it all on rent!”

And let’s be real—Sam doesn’t care about "saving humanity," he cares about controlling it. He wants a future where you can’t tell what’s real, AI censors everything it doesn’t like, and all human creativity gets outsourced to a chatbot. And the best part? He’ll convince you it’s for your own good.

Sam Altman is the Silicon Valley Messiah—but instead of walking on water, he just walks all over the truth. Instead of multiplying bread and fish, he just multiplies subscription fees. And instead of saving humanity, he’s selling it off one API call at a time.

So here’s to Sam—a man who dreams of the future but somehow keeps making the present worse. The only guy who could automate himself out of a job! A man who’s either creating the future or the reason none of us have one. Either way, it’s gonna be fun to watch! Cheers!

2e1a8030 No.3769598

File: 1741910974655.png (456.12 KB, 820x3231, in danger for survival.png)

2e1a8030 No.3769925

File: 1742387240545.png (263.38 KB, 824x3183, What companies got rich du….png)

8f7a4f0b No.3770212

8f7a4f0b No.3770213

File: 1742790573888.png (409.53 KB, 1151x723, Screen Shot 2025-03-23 at ….png)

5c7c3d27 No.3770211[Reply]

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9e62d68b No.3711712[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

not colored; only rough white sketched.
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42a23be3 No.3769778

File: 1742126763101.gif (213.58 KB, 483x738, INHOME.GIF)

42a23be3 No.3769779

File: 1742126800214.jpg (136.02 KB, 772x600, haley_nightclub.jpg)

e64d856d No.3769788

File: 1742157810214.gif (75.22 KB, 1024x755, Larry_Welz_1996__MERMAID.GIF)

> no higher res scan?
I really doubt it. That's another Brian Harp drawing from 1996. It was a typical size then.

a9255114 No.3769869

File: 1742292127201.png (80.56 KB, 768x995, 061abac9c3f866a15f4b1cc7bb….png)

2fbc3090 No.3770054

File: 1742529946834.gif (87.83 KB, 531x740, Todd_Sutherland_1996__4DM0….GIF)

395c8131 No.3770150

File: 1742690615853.jpg (65.16 KB, 900x632, stalking you.jpg)

82d12a10 No.3770210

File: 1742789795618.jpg (132.23 KB, 792x1024, a8a9c072d5dba79ced2f30f00b….jpg)

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