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File: 1688539482331.jpg (102.65 KB, 1024x768, 1517154679.egger_ych_014_e….jpg)

29272134 No.3707302[Reply]

Bondage thread.
50 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

de0fe6a7 No.3735222

File: 1711009078876.png (488.33 KB, 512x512, 99a7a13e94d22ceaa1f42c2e49….png)

c45887b9 No.3735327

File: 1711111529100.jpg (150.41 KB, 1041x1280, 55ef11dd69c65d55c5af6518bf….jpg)

a00895cc No.3736515

File: 1711957780948.jpg (175.67 KB, 900x1114, 511d240a9fa0afc6891c02f3cf….jpg)

dcfedffb No.3736636

File: 1712208611377.png (59.89 KB, 552x720, FoxSlave.png)

83a2d426 No.3737189

File: 1712650152837-0.png (114.2 KB, 810x659, 1421738399.darkhoof_likead….png)

File: 1712650152837-1.png (243.4 KB, 1000x919, 1347682261.darkhoof_wippre….png)

File: 1712650152837-2.png (80.17 KB, 660x515, 1273048026.darkhoof_maledo….png)

File: 1712650152837-3.png (39.77 KB, 342x480, 1273047704.darkhoof_fawned.png)

File: 1712650152837-4.png (192.46 KB, 720x558, 1273034745.darkhoof_jacket….png)

9f16df8f No.3737540

File: 1713052950262-0.png (91.05 KB, 558x511, 1273122090.darkhoof_badbuc….png)

File: 1713052950262-1.png (74.4 KB, 476x573, 1273820637.darkhoof_naldor….png)

File: 1713052950262-2.png (50.76 KB, 633x459, 1297761204.darkhoof_anothe….png)

File: 1713052950262-3.png (202.24 KB, 1024x671, 1468914788.darkhoof_naldor….png)

d8098c4f No.3738462

File: 1713988772976-0.png (343.8 KB, 831x641, 1277788804.darkhoof_cumabi….png)

File: 1713988772976-1.png (235.33 KB, 814x319, 1277599472.darkhoof_thegra….png)

File: 1713988772976-2.png (195.47 KB, 820x649, 1273356854.darkhoof_electr….png)

File: 1689183018375.jpg (957.41 KB, 2054x3000, 65665566.jpg)

0c9176ea No.3708394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since theres already a gay thread. How about a thread on guys acting, dressing, or looking really girly? They don't have to be gay.

"Warm and soft, for boys" -Hoodie
139 posts and 454 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6ed32fde No.3737689

File: 1713224201185-0.jpg (337.59 KB, 1158x1595, 23421.jpg)

File: 1713224201185-1.jpg (941.54 KB, 3000x3268, 6765556.jpg)

File: 1713224201185-2.jpg (916.62 KB, 879x1505, 5445433.jpg)

File: 1713224201185-3.png (1.82 MB, 1280x1087, 643534535.png)

File: 1713224201185-4.jpg (2.43 MB, 3550x2501, 56655.jpg)

9b2a4714 No.3737727

File: 1713271729185-0.jpg (121.1 KB, 1280x693, 1345435345.jpg)

File: 1713271729185-1.jpg (125.55 KB, 1200x657, gay56435.jpg)

File: 1713271729185-2.jpg (112 KB, 1280x536, 5665645.jpg)

File: 1713271729185-3.jpg (165.38 KB, 1280x828, 654564566.jpg)

File: 1713271729185-4.jpg (143.4 KB, 1280x723, 56456546.jpg)

9b2a4714 No.3737797

File: 1713306784241.png (963.11 KB, 1358x941, Sexy_boi.png)

81fe8135 No.3738105

File: 1713645537842-0.jpg (130.15 KB, 1280x1042, fem111.jpg)

File: 1713645537842-1.jpg (125.91 KB, 1280x1042, fem43312.jpg)

File: 1713645537842-2.jpg (121.14 KB, 1280x1042, fem2424233.jpg)

File: 1713645537842-3.jpg (206.26 KB, 1280x1662, fem34343.jpg)

File: 1713645537842-4.jpg (260.67 KB, 1280x1662, fem4532333.jpg)

81fe8135 No.3738106

File: 1713646612096-0.jpg (269.69 KB, 1280x1584, fem54574533.jpg)

File: 1713646612096-1.jpg (149.43 KB, 1280x1128, fem3556322.jpg)

File: 1713646612096-2.jpg (138.54 KB, 1280x1254, fem6767534.jpg)

File: 1713646612096-3.jpg (83.2 KB, 796x1116, gay7643.jpg)

455a1215 No.3738435

File: 1713940312958.png (2.88 MB, 1440x1920, 065743ddc82728e368b3896de0….png)

355d10d1 No.3738454

File: 1713970578096.png (539.02 KB, 1284x943, gay_kissing.png)

File: 1713964165556.jpeg (44.42 KB, 892x470, Screenshot_24-4-2024_9551….jpeg)

55b78631 No.3738446[Reply]


Harvard psychologist: If you use any of these 7 phrases every day, you 'may have low emotional intelligence' and What to say instead:

1. "I'm not changing. This is who I am."
2. "I don't care how you feel."
3. "It's your fault I'm feeling this way."
4. "You're just wrong."
5. "Stop being crazy!"
6. "I can't forgive you."
7. "Your feelings are irrational."

47abe617 No.3738450

> 2. "I don't care how you feel."
> 4. "You're just wrong."
> 5. "Stop being crazy!"
These are essential phrases that every lulzian needs here.

066a0a68 No.3738451

"Emotional intelligence"

Into the trash it goes. thanks for bringing up the thing they invented for women to point to and go "See I'm a smart as men, I've got this kind of intelligence."

d57a2f01 No.3738452

ask ChatGPT: Describe the meaning of "Emotional intelligence"

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It involves being able to recognize and regulate one's own feelings, navigate social interactions and relationships effectively, and empathize with others. Emotional intelligence is considered a crucial skill in personal and professional success, as it can help individuals communicate more effectively, make better decisions, and build stronger relationships.

d57a2f01 No.3738453

What to say instead:

1. "I am open to growth and personal development."
2. "I am interested in understanding how you feel."
3. "I recognize my own emotions and take responsibility for how I react."
4. "Let's discuss our differing perspectives."
5. "I understand you are feeling strongly about this. Can we talk about it calmly?"
6. "I am willing to work through this and find a way to move forward."
7. "I appreciate your perspective. Let's try to understand where each other is coming from."

File: 1706277595601.jpeg (922.1 KB, 4400x3400, IMG_5171.jpeg)

45660e79 No.3730188[Reply]

Has anyone been keeping the photoshop files for backers? I’m keen to make some edits.
49 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

18a00a69 No.3738402

Post the rest of the Vi/Rick stuff

3d9be93a No.3738410

File: 1713917680530.png (650.13 KB, 1000x750, crude evzen meme.png)

3d9be93a No.3738412

File: 1713918963039.png (19.09 KB, 1000x750, crude evzen meme finished.png)

3d9be93a No.3738413

File: 1713919003463.jpg (99.73 KB, 1024x975, evzen_swatch_sheet_by_drea….jpg)

3d9be93a No.3738433

File: 1713938711279.jpg (38.34 KB, 1024x147, reference_turnarounds__fem….jpg)

lost the HD refs in the old folder.

3d9be93a No.3738434

3d9be93a No.3738436

File: 1713942427048-0.jpg (199.3 KB, 1024x1434, 1224dfa4ced2949723715ed8e0….jpg)

File: 1713942427049-1.jpg (190.91 KB, 1024x1326, indigo_top_by_dreamkeepers….jpg)

File: 1713942427049-2.png (3.22 MB, 2846x2142, twins.png)

File: 1713942427049-3.jpg (77.36 KB, 500x500, C3---CUDDLE.jpg)

Size: Adult average 18 year old hieght.
Skeleton Structure Material: 3D printed
Inner filling material muscles and fat: Ballistic Sillicone Gel
Skin: Minky
Hair and Tail Fur: nylon

File: 1688525472333-0.png (1.15 MB, 998x1238, 1686782634357474.png)

File: 1688525472333-1.png (1.34 MB, 1100x1450, 1687116347349245.png)

File: 1688525472333-2.png (298.53 KB, 1672x2584, 1687152650961694.png)

55f4c743 No.3707234[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

If I'm going to do all this work cleaning up the spam, might as well sticky a cub thread while I'm at it.
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08daa2ec No.3738204

File: 1713729741154.jpg (174.29 KB, 1024x1536, 4688023_picker52578_00083-….jpg)

> but this is a Christian cub thread, not your Satanic /pol/ crap.

6e6951c2 No.3738250

File: 1713790975366.jpg (82.54 KB, 512x768, 4689177_picker52578_00021-….jpg)

>this is a Christian cub thread

edb6afa4 No.3738256


The perfect blood sacrifice to Satan. The sacrificial blade will need sharpening.

9987f2eb No.3738302

File: 1713801451361.png (769.04 KB, 1800x1800, Jader_tadano_nick_wilde_sa….png)

Satan wouldn't want her. She's had every orifice cummed in, many times.

d0d17a4a No.3738356

File: 1713882970282.jpg (310.54 KB, 1575x1500, 3995863_sicMoP_tied_up.jpg)

77147ef0 No.3738428

File: 1713935528793.jpg (302.88 KB, 620x876, f8b1849b47cd2e1dcf9fa26429….jpg)

5bd1883e No.3738431

File: 1713936948096.jpg (204.33 KB, 1219x1202, 2500x1500.jpg)

>this is a Christian cub thread

File: 1688619556911-0.jpeg (182.97 KB, 1509x1668, F0IZV9WXoAAQbAj.jpeg)

File: 1688619556911-1.jpg (496.87 KB, 2027x1817, 1683166596.darkzoul_f32f01….jpg)

File: 1688619556911-2.jpg (495.44 KB, 2283x1614, 1683821682.paradoxchimera_….jpg)

bc781359 No.3707416[Reply]

Maybe someone will like this besides me. I'll go through my collection at some point so I can easily find my favorites.

Phoneposting sucks.
55 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

66b1c981 No.3735674

File: 1711402099246.jpg (247.63 KB, 1280x1093, 4808f36c4562350f2244b69153….jpg)

4eac406d No.3736638

File: 1712209092777.jpg (220.41 KB, 800x746, Caroo__worshiped&tickled.jpg)

d3e21314 No.3736874

File: 1712391990428.png (126.32 KB, 660x463, 1273040901.darkhoof_mercyf….png)

cc1a8689 No.3737250

File: 1712719194377-0.jpg (1.44 MB, 2233x3374, 0e9a5713a4b57f357ad87500be….jpg)

File: 1712719194377-1.jpg (243.32 KB, 1280x1280, 1545287046.seth44_ye62kcbj….jpg)

File: 1712719194377-2.png (204.33 KB, 905x1280, 1556568052.deamondante_hoi….png)

cc1a8689 No.3737412

File: 1712880389049.png (355.04 KB, 900x634, 1566075294.sqdicks_4dickle.png)

cc1a8689 No.3737551

File: 1713068261174.png (141.91 KB, 1280x565, 1518729972.cyborg-steve_al….png)

cc1a8689 No.3738409

File: 1713917247973-0.png (1.12 MB, 1000x647, 1553108270.dirty-bird_comm….png)

File: 1713917247973-1.png (5.32 MB, 3000x2273, 1571155433.sidmonthebear_c….png)

File: 1713917247973-2.png (240.87 KB, 1280x1105, 1560484617.chu-tora_chuu2.png)

File: 1689292004318-0.png (885.59 KB, 1696x1240, aedc86ef7a4ea179cb2c24807b….png)

File: 1689292004318-1.png (161.58 KB, 633x793, 39480c52f3e28e1f5856c7ef03….png)

File: 1689292004318-2.png (147.26 KB, 541x695, e23687c6dc0f49e6ce1f1865f4….png)

8fb35fc0 No.3708581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Smelly animals. Gotta get that funk!
135 posts and 157 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

9aa1366f No.3737858

File: 1713364694672.png (4.33 MB, 1662x2217, 1713279458.ventkazemaru_br….png)

Im not usually into scent play, but after imaging DK's butt all up into my mustache, I'm temporarily into it.

f449e951 No.3737902

How… how can raccoons be so cute, yet creepy at the same time?
But he sure looked like he was enjoying that. If raccoons filmed their own porn, I bet 90% of it would be about feet

d6eab06f No.3737916

I wish it were the man penis instead of the hand, rubbing it and mixing musk with FeetMusk!!

d9814f92 No.3737924

File: 1713399636945.png (503.91 KB, 1131x1061, 1534576889.blueballs_trail….png)

c7c682c9 No.3737927

File: 1713406279239.jpg (829.28 KB, 2823x4096, GIlBdWTWIAAfBUD.jpg)

ebeb0e69 No.3738198

File: 1713726083258.jpg (178.96 KB, 1280x881, littlemutt_file__4_.jpg)

Smells good.

d9814f92 No.3738408

File: 1713917109665.jpg (193.01 KB, 1682x1880, a6312cec614c6dd16f7c249199….jpg)

File: 1713846688722.png (1.36 MB, 1219x792, Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 0….png)

a6d1e4c1 No.3738336[Reply]

6 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ec748668 No.3738378

File: 1713905324188.webm (2.39 MB, 1080x1920, 5918978-75af606fe38b732a8….webm)

6b405420 No.3738382

File: 1713907018690.png (346.27 KB, 705x423, Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 1….png)

53d0e679 No.3738394

File: 1713909001990.png (1.5 MB, 1318x955, d564.png)

53d0e679 No.3738396

File: 1713909844478.png (1.47 MB, 1331x945, 66433.png)


This is modern kids cartoons?

37df66bf No.3738403

File: 1713914537771-0.jpg (76.64 KB, 653x821, blairee.jpg)

File: 1713914537771-1.gif (1.93 MB, 1080x1229, BlaireFiltered.gif)

>blaire is trans?

How is that not obvious to you? despite the bolt-on tits, tens of thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery, gallons of makeup he's drenched in, and all the filters and camera tricks in the world he looks and sounds like an obviously male goblin. His entire shtick is being the token conservative tranny.

855e04cf No.3738405

File: 1713916383168.png (46.85 KB, 528x208, blairluminaghtii.png)

53d0e679 No.3738406

File: 1713916652644.png (2.1 MB, 1121x1435, lop667.png)


Its my first time ever seeing them. I obviously looked at them at first and went "This hoe is plastic surgery everywhere, the lips alone give it away"

And I felt some kind of oddness seeing them and felt like I really didn't like them by what they talked about. But I shrugged it off.

Because they were saying some based things. I was like, its some porn hoe thats doing the conservative woman act.

File: 1689009646504.jpg (2.51 MB, 1416x2006, Bro_sis.jpg)

9ddebef0 No.3708098[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since the old one got flooded away and wasn't allowed on noah's ark.
260 posts and 846 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

4594143f No.3737982

File: 1713505029342.gif (64.27 KB, 1024x768, youdecide.gif)

Judging from https://vixencontrolled.net/Artists/Doug-Winger/
Some were converted to webm and some to avif. A backup in any case.

0d2adf3f No.3737998

File: 1713538868842-0.jpg (3.24 MB, 3059x2100, siblings4543.jpg)

File: 1713538868842-1.jpg (385.68 KB, 1231x2048, mother_sob53.jpg)

File: 1713538868842-2.png (2.4 MB, 2480x2936, Siblings6764.png)

File: 1713538868842-3.jpg (122.78 KB, 850x601, mother_son4223.jpg)

File: 1713538868842-4.jpg (918.76 KB, 1762x2454, siblings67653.jpg)

d51a9531 No.3738090

File: 1713624703223-0.jpg (1.85 MB, 3000x3712, cousins56543.jpg)

File: 1713624703223-1.jpg (1.72 MB, 2800x3840, cousins3543.jpg)

File: 1713624703223-2.jpg (271.4 KB, 954x1350, father_daughter634532.jpg)

File: 1713624703223-3.png (993.55 KB, 1400x928, brother_sister45423.png)

File: 1713624703223-4.jpg (249.66 KB, 1487x2048, father_son_556.jpg)

d51a9531 No.3738153

File: 1713677699740-0.png (436.67 KB, 1000x1500, siblings7656453.png)

File: 1713677699740-1.png (1.53 MB, 1730x2529, father_daughter311.png)

File: 1713677699740-2.jpg (945.5 KB, 2233x1000, mother_son453.jpg)

File: 1713677699740-3.jpg (316.73 KB, 721x729, mother_son282452.jpg)

File: 1713677699740-4.png (1.72 MB, 1100x1456, siblings3.png)

5434e195 No.3738348

File: 1713878044744-0.jpg (131.6 KB, 1280x1070, siblings665533.jpg)

File: 1713878044744-1.jpg (222.29 KB, 1280x2037, siblings677654.jpg)

File: 1713878044744-2.jpg (133.94 KB, 1280x1070, siblings7886444.jpg)

File: 1713878044744-3.jpg (132.36 KB, 1280x1070, siblings572563.jpg)

File: 1713878044744-4.jpg (120.96 KB, 1280x1071, siblings77655.jpg)

5434e195 No.3738349

File: 1713878227713-0.jpg (136.45 KB, 1280x1070, siblings786433.jpg)

File: 1713878227713-1.jpg (104.02 KB, 1280x1070, siblings88663.jpg)

File: 1713878227713-2.jpg (123.18 KB, 1280x1070, siblings9733.jpg)

File: 1713878227713-3.jpg (179.91 KB, 1280x2137, siblings98753.jpg)

File: 1713878227713-4.jpg (124.49 KB, 1280x1070, siblings8864232.jpg)

5434e195 No.3738401

File: 1713913433061-0.png (197.27 KB, 1962x1724, siblings56533.png)

File: 1713913433061-1.png (2 MB, 1741x2048, siblings56532222.png)

File: 1713913433061-2.png (2 MB, 1741x2048, siblings876564.png)

File: 1713913433061-3.jpg (689.61 KB, 2300x1500, siblings90844.jpg)

File: 1688588821921.jpg (407.5 KB, 1629x1200, 4549087_DragonFU_sm2_patre….jpg)

37ead915 No.3707352[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post beans.
199 posts and 267 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

7d9d0c32 No.3737613

File: 1713128444087.png (1.95 MB, 2057x2587, 1541841059.noxal_dcc342208….png)

b1472243 No.3738119

File: 1713665553041.jpg (177.92 KB, 1078x1280, 1668464263.basilllisk_img_….jpg)

b1472243 No.3738120

File: 1713665906870.jpg (357.32 KB, 1179x1280, 1669135369.flynx-flink_img….jpg)

3102542d No.3738362

File: 1713887451855.jpg (1.2 MB, 1585x1104, l9y7uadstp761.jpg)

4a05358d No.3738365

danger beans are best beans. could someone please send the video of a lion getting his paws rubbed by a zookeeper or someone? it was a webm

3392f260 No.3738366

File: 1713897781083.webm (2.59 MB, 480x854, animal cat luna on back.webm)

>lion getting his paws rubbed

Yeah, I got that one - but you get this one first. I might post the lion one later.

1e87dc37 No.3738392

They look so soft I would massage the pawbs as long as I'm allowed

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