>>3770205You are incorrect. The textbook definition of fascism is to be completely intolerant of any other point of view or belief system
to the point of censorship, exclusion, and even violence to achieve a singular world view. This is the current face of the Democratic party, to silence any contrary point of view to the point they attempted in early 2021 to alter the election laws such that political dissent of the incumbent party was punishable by prosecution during an election cycle.
Marxism is a form of fascism, in that it attempts to not only silence dissent, but actively promotes violence against those that do not follow the socialist dogma. For Marxism to 'succeed' it had to eliminate ALL alternatives to the state, including religion and any part of the world that was not marxist. Thats why after the Russian revolution, you had Russia funding and supporting world wide communist movements. Its why during the 1950's and 1960's the FBI was investigating all these 'liberation' movements in the US.
Also remember, the Nazi's were fascists but they were national socialists first. That meant they were communist-lite. Hitler hated the communists but mainly because they undermined his vision of a supreme German state by promoting a supereme SOVIET state.