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You messed with me~

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File: 1689033943004-0.jpg (333.21 KB, 1410x2612, 1681838444.siroc_brisby15f….jpg)

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cc4bb2d6 No.3708145[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Rats and mice are nice
168 posts and 369 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

9888348b No.3768947


Isn't the world ugly enough without adding to it?

b35fc43a No.3769008

File: 1740866583107.png (1.02 MB, 1500x1313, kangaroo rat molestation.png)

> Isn't the world ugly enough without adding to it?

ee624aaa No.3769009

File: 1740867219021.jpg (198.99 KB, 1805x1309, Gk4ZQr1WAAAr6Mh.jpg)

277eaa30 No.3769528

File: 1741819811282.jpg (217.12 KB, 600x907, Burmecia_by_blackchelsea.jpg)

4db44025 No.3769605

File: 1741912791768-0.jpg (302.03 KB, 1818x2500, gwen_martinGliBVTCXUAARWAk….jpg)

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4db44025 No.3769645

File: 1741926454570-0.png (111.36 KB, 1029x1047, 1735696688.y31_renee_s_nud….png)

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4db44025 No.3770158

File: 1742703948420.jpg (608.69 KB, 1080x3132, 9ZuAcUG.jpg)

File: 1742611871248.jpeg (41.36 KB, 720x879, 5mtax54gn3qe1.jpeg)

5735334a No.3770087[Reply]

Stay strong
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f80a4861 No.3770181

File: 1742748781152-0.png (447.61 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250323-110008.png)

File: 1742748781152-1.png (243.38 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250323-110051.png)

Actually, the mouth-breathing idiot that concocted fascism, Giovanni Gentile', was very open about the fact that he patterned HIS corrupt ideology on Karl Marx's corrupt ideology.

The only real difference between the two retarded ideologies is that in Marx's ideology the all-powerful centralized State would one day somehow magically melt away, leaving the Proletariat to govern themselves.

Fascism is in almost every way identical to Marxism, however it never indulges in Marx's idiotic delusion. Instead, fascism comes right out and says, "The State owns you."

From the cradle, to the grave.

58cbfce8 No.3770191

File: 1742768148579.png (482.41 KB, 1018x613, books_threaten_MAGA.png)

>read a book
Yeah, about that…

85b21c25 No.3770196

File: 1742776707667.jpg (52.44 KB, 400x221, beaner_scum.jpg)

> AP
Oh yeah, AP is that commie fake news gang that call The Gulf of America by some faggoty other name.

785f3f16 No.3770201

File: 1742778710241.jpeg (68.45 KB, 811x846, z4aah2kl0bje1.jpeg)

0935dc26 No.3770205

File: 1742783020263.jpg (395.14 KB, 1020x1320, New-rogue-who-dis.jpg)

>Fascism is in almost every way identical to Marxism…

Except for the fact they are total opposites. Fascism is power held by a few wealthy elites while Marxism is rule by the masses and the elimination of the wealthy elites. (Often by public execution)

01712586 No.3770217

File: 1742795116630.jpg (76.03 KB, 1200x630, joseph-goebbels-quote-lbl7….jpg)

Except for the fact that you are an imbecile and don't know what you're talking about.

487f00f8 No.3770222


You are incorrect. The textbook definition of fascism is to be completely intolerant of any other point of view or belief system
to the point of censorship, exclusion, and even violence to achieve a singular world view. This is the current face of the Democratic party, to silence any contrary point of view to the point they attempted in early 2021 to alter the election laws such that political dissent of the incumbent party was punishable by prosecution during an election cycle.

Marxism is a form of fascism, in that it attempts to not only silence dissent, but actively promotes violence against those that do not follow the socialist dogma. For Marxism to 'succeed' it had to eliminate ALL alternatives to the state, including religion and any part of the world that was not marxist. Thats why after the Russian revolution, you had Russia funding and supporting world wide communist movements. Its why during the 1950's and 1960's the FBI was investigating all these 'liberation' movements in the US.

Also remember, the Nazi's were fascists but they were national socialists first. That meant they were communist-lite. Hitler hated the communists but mainly because they undermined his vision of a supreme German state by promoting a supereme SOVIET state.

File: 1733657402932.jpg (3.15 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20241208_032452.jpg)

5f2e2cdc No.3760851[Reply]

Minnie Mouse was running around in her birthday suit and go hot cum sprayed on her nakey little pussy.
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f5b1d254 No.3768742

File: 1740568765596.jpg (567.07 KB, 1080x1797, Screenshot_20250226-192028….jpg)

4a09387f No.3768745

Apparently these people are so sheltered they have never been on the internet and watched furries and their stuffed toys.Waiting for "Oh my Gawd, what if this…. what did you call him, furry?? What if he donates all those stuffed toys to Goodwill or something and a mother buys them for her kids, oh my GAWD, we need to make NEW LAWS "

WAIT, wasn't there a story some years ago about a guy in Walmart
or some places using an ELMO doll and then putting it back on the shelf, and they caught him on camera? Can someone find that and post it here?

Seriously, what is it about ELMO anyway that is so sexually attractive???? Now Big Bird maybe I could see….

343182b8 No.3768824

I guess Minnie Mouse likes to play these kind of games.

d78e1ec1 No.3768849

ba6c7782 No.3768863

>I wanna tickle you from the inside

a7c16f01 No.3768891

File: 1740774468448.jpg (4.35 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20250227_105341_343.jpg)

cb7f3086 No.3770155

Mouse cunny

File: 1688588821921.jpg (407.5 KB, 1629x1200, 4549087_DragonFU_sm2_patre….jpg)

37ead915 No.3707352[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post beans.
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076112f2 No.3769551

File: 1741870729308.jpg (526.1 KB, 1208x1435, 6865dca089f35f74ac5b465da0….jpg)

5fdd5d07 No.3769757

File: 1742081691236.jpg (507.15 KB, 1061x1886, bafybeidhjusmndedagopia5vd….jpg)

8f26c5f3 No.3769884

File: 1742339219978.jpg (856.24 KB, 2800x2000, enjoiPANDAS paw fetish.jpg)

1c5b865f No.3770066

File: 1742575755747.jpg (427.09 KB, 1408x2048, ceffeb9597ec0d9336da34310a….jpg)

1c5b865f No.3770105

File: 1742628666825.jpg (100.21 KB, 850x850, b1a285e14f7a4a7c7437025250….jpg)

So what do you do when she wants to give your feet a footjob?
Enjoy the mixture of smells?

05365590 No.3770107

File: 1742629125022.jpg (1019.96 KB, 3500x3220, 8ff6138a26d27642f13f5a119c….jpg)

With those claws, I think I'll pass.

1c5b865f No.3770153

File: 1742691991462-0.png (2.73 MB, 1752x1320, d1bbb292aff5947d856ebe01b2….png)

In a secret alleyway there is a duck that loves to give footjobs. Just give him some peas and he will give one to you, too if you want.

File: 1723426795925.jpg (64.02 KB, 718x848, 1723419127718917.jpg)

8c47a151 No.3749984[Reply]

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e2803f15 No.3769273

File: 1741377163350.png (484.73 KB, 579x642, 69da79b1a5605a61a1f24fa474….png)

Kiss my ass.

9b1564ea No.3769303

File: 1741426317698.jpg (241.5 KB, 1078x788, 4u11a341acne1.jpg)

d49bad50 No.3769374

File: 1741564866208.jpg (441.37 KB, 1023x723, 1324415803.loui_tadeo2.jpg)

0a366f76 No.3769451

File: 1741712704458.jpg (195.16 KB, 1280x883, where is that sock.jpg)

3b26359b No.3769684

File: 1741980011937.jpg (670.53 KB, 848x1200, 1500992530.sneakerfox_spir….jpg)

fc73408b No.3769841

File: 1742247728913.jpg (147.19 KB, 900x720, 840f1d28bdef80bb49b9ddaa8e….jpg)

eb690b31 No.3770152

File: 1742691769113.jpg (100.04 KB, 631x800, e908fe022e38a3d177a1148e82….jpg)

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30021ae1 No.3739398[Reply]

Do you have endless money to burn? Did you want to buy a disgusting piece of Furaffinity history? Then step right up and make an offer to buy this highly overprices piche of shite fursuit.

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df667bb2 No.3764513

File: 1736587464651.jpeg (97.43 KB, 766x847, Dragoneer in the Afterlif….jpeg)

920ede51 No.3770109

probably got stolen and is being nutted on religiously by sad furries.

40abcefd No.3770110

I deleted that and forgot to repost

"So what happened to the lizard's fursuit?"

b059f4c3 No.3770132

>>3770110 probably got stolen and is being nutted on religiously by sad furries.

cfbe8d44 No.3770134


So that's how Dragoneer finally lost his virginity after death.

b059f4c3 No.3770136

probably got stolen and is being nutted on religiously by sad furries.


cfbe8d44 No.3770149

Probably worse than that and is being pissed and crapped on by sicko curries.

File: 1688904586054.jpg (202.16 KB, 1280x991, 4af94ccfca1ef37b39a175d065….jpg)

3a6e8f22 No.3707907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Some cats are fine too.
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b92b59f7 No.3768982

File: 1740841000108-0.jpg (877.33 KB, 1200x900, 1736109857.tailsrulz_mress….jpg)

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fbf7d4b6 No.3769018

File: 1740890254532.jpg (271.02 KB, 1280x1024, Konachan.com - 25613 anima….jpg)

Lol, at danbooru this is tagged "too_many_cats."

603df8dc No.3769061

File: 1741018345048.jpg (161.7 KB, 1200x1200, bell the cat - sleepymaid.jpg)

9dce8fc6 No.3769378

File: 1741566596562.jpg (160.04 KB, 778x1000, de85e41565f3150e1c1a947d72….jpg)

0a31a29d No.3769434

File: 1741663450977.jpg (405.06 KB, 1696x1696, eeec697e37cf858e31abb96cdc….jpg)

4b1a10c9 No.3769913

File: 1742361554980.jpg (447.57 KB, 800x1116, KattColored.jpg)

4b7a6fee No.3770139

File: 1742676982671.jpg (333.17 KB, 1024x1536, 4427d332df1f4ed8036ebcd288….jpg)

File: 1689183018375.jpg (957.41 KB, 2054x3000, 65665566.jpg)

0c9176ea No.3708394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since theres already a gay thread. How about a thread on guys acting, dressing, or looking really girly? They don't have to be gay.

"Warm and soft, for boys" -Hoodie
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d2ff72b7 No.3769231

File: 1741322480965.jpg (121.91 KB, 1237x1280, d6653fddf1157412afcd5f4036….jpg)

e2a107bc No.3769339

File: 1741490333055.jpg (121.47 KB, 1051x1280, 8570b7b594a4e77bda1f5ff996….jpg)

6ab936dd No.3769534

File: 1741838381238.png (311.33 KB, 900x1116, f021eb047411e28080bfc00ed9….png)

9a91f268 No.3769796

File: 1742178941671.png (1.41 MB, 2000x2000, enjoiPANDAS cat masturbati….png)

Does he even have testicles?

fd30a8c1 No.3769810

File: 1742213711532-0.jpg (1.05 MB, 1536x1863, baeab45e792a87fec730f3240b….jpg)

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455a1215 No.3770015

File: 1742465906624.gif (139.59 KB, 572x394, 5285549_300752_s1lky_kicky….gif)

f50929b0 No.3770138

File: 1742676574870.png (242.2 KB, 650x1270, a3084bd28fc4be88b4fd0405e2….png)

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8fb35fc0 No.3708581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Smelly animals. Gotta get that funk!
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669e1a9f No.3769626

File: 1741917704066.png (2.02 MB, 1827x1722, 63a74b7c6f8899d41bff5f7f56….png)

d3b01740 No.3769634

File: 1741921737046.png (1.16 MB, 1000x1200, 51a7d8c6fd3b03a6186f6c62b8….png)

bff7f9fd No.3769657

File: 1741929776042-0.jpg (134.15 KB, 1600x1046, 1735604974.its-holt_202412….jpg)

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28f3664d No.3769896

File: 1742345944347.webm (1.35 MB, 1088x832, 73efbb315f2ff2011ae8c9db5….webm)

3f27dcc2 No.3769907

File: 1742358701214-0.png (1.87 MB, 1472x1614, 96a5642a76f6c2b012491d6767….png)

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8f7b5655 No.3770128

File: 1742661891602.jpg (6.41 MB, 4608x3584, 595578b824c384a586a68b821b….jpg)

Coming this summer.

8f7b5655 No.3770130

File: 1742662441928.jpg (3.88 MB, 4096x4352, df72a6b042cfb352863e429e20….jpg)

Nothing more comforting than dear ol' mom.

File: 1689428752938-0.jpg (129.48 KB, 1584x1056, crop.jpg)

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File: 1689428752938-2.webm (3.55 MB, 720x1280, This Burger Is The PERFEC….webm)

65c9601c No.3708773[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We are hungry feed us!
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a16d8298 No.3767461

File: 1738901231933.png (1.23 MB, 1216x832, 08321-373717756.png)


a16d8298 No.3767899

File: 1739409871341-0.png (1.23 MB, 832x1216, IMG_0751.png)

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94f5b871 No.3768950

File: 1740788354951.jpg (138.98 KB, 800x544, 1d1c8e8ae657dc4555e23479f5….jpg)

Loli. It's What's For Dinner.

83dd1338 No.3769385

File: 1741582571305.jpg (624.15 KB, 1979x2048, a52479ac633aa66f9c32e2573e….jpg)

b34c3d23 No.3769654

File: 1741929139014.jpeg (162.08 KB, 1191x860, Screenshot_14-3-2025_192_….jpeg)

a16d8298 No.3770124

File: 1742646350475-0.jpg (132.08 KB, 1480x1024, Sugar-Cane-juice-2.jpg)

File: 1742646350475-1.jpg (200.3 KB, 1440x1080, KWM3SZ2KK354JBDAF7GZFED6QM.jpg)

File: 1742646350475-2.jpg (38.39 KB, 600x450, 69095178.jpg)

File: 1742646350475-3.jpg (116.13 KB, 948x1221, 1742382277001.jpg)

sugar cane juice with lemon juice

a3a4302e No.3770126

File: 1742656508062.png (425.85 KB, 838x871, Screen Shot 2025-03-22 at ….png)

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