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File: 1714098723915.jpg (61.8 KB, 599x844, BRtzZDgCEAA4stf.jpg)

4aaa5e32 No.3738629[Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3736407

I'm going to try leaving the old threads to fester since it seems some people want that. Enjoy, I guess. They're the first to be deleted if the board runs out of disk space.

0097735d No.3738630


3ebdf249 No.3738631

File: 1714099101531.jpg (42.78 KB, 691x628, black white crime by race.jpg)

Niggers are dangerous.

169761c0 No.3738645

File: 1714111575911.jpg (140.75 KB, 850x850, a75fd24c208829e72177d98cf0….jpg)

I get that, you get more than 12 that show up in
on my palworld server, and it turns to shit

169761c0 No.3738648

File: 1714114511783.jpg (205.73 KB, 1170x1280, 1669392173.dripponi__post_….jpg)

I don't above those numbers, for that reason, but he'll have a thread ripper on youside, a lot of rom, and a lot of lack of attention space.

169761c0 No.3738649

File: 1714114934810.png (1.52 MB, 931x1280, 1713758054.whisperfoot_lov….png)

I like my personal space like your personal space, full of femois and full of toys. AK they're paying for the hour.

169761c0 No.3738650

File: 1714115683877.jpg (134.63 KB, 894x1280, 1590347045.rokah_photo_may….jpg)

I don't know I'm getting a little drunk, but I think AI is getting a bet possessive of her… all nouns.

169761c0 No.3738651

File: 1714115753330.png (675.83 KB, 1100x1120, 1713372828.parootynsfw_350.png)

not from here but from e6ai.net.

169761c0 No.3738652

File: 1714117207678.jpg (1.19 MB, 2757x4096, bc73bd38da142f385830f0cafc….jpg)

bleh, I ate a pickle, which as every one knows is the only way to duskish dark thoughts.

All is cleansed.

6b0e3342 No.3738654

its pretty good in here without the stupid bot shit shill poster, fuck that pos shit. hahah its so pathetic

ba149af8 No.3738655

File: 1714119502239.png (436.51 KB, 564x564, 438221512_421642133948388_….png)

Why are some parts of the United Kingdom have weirdos?

6b0e3342 No.3738656

traditionally england is always been weird

33ca5b94 No.3738658

File: 1714131490069.png (440.05 KB, 791x383, Velma_Woke.png)

Velma season two coming.

Remember the hex girls? Thorn is now an old single mother that quit the band

3e0a4089 No.3738660

File: 1714134696816.jpeg (53.54 KB, 908x767, f308bxi69rwc1.jpeg)

58c11582 No.3738663

Back in the 1980's, a con artist wrote a bullshit book about being in a "satanic cult," and it was exposed later as total bullshit by a liar.

Well, now, a rumor at a school has blown up into "Furries iz coming after us! Runa away!"

Even though all the actual evidence say this is just tween kids fucking with teachers and parents.


df14afd1 No.3738664


df14afd1 No.3738665

>Furries iz coming after us! Runa away!
How about that. Get a reputation for being degenerates and someone trolls and everyone believes it.

Who would have thought….

I am waiting now for furries to be permanently associated to pedophiles as well as animal rapists.

df14afd1 No.3738666

>They're the first to be deleted if the board runs out of disk space.
>Leaves pedophile threads

See what I mean?

58c11582 No.3738667


Yeah, let's lump all priests, ministers, and cops as pedophiles and rapists, since there were all those arrested and/or sued for being perverts or recently arrested.

We even have a dog-fucker here who was a school cop.


But who cares.
All white people are pervs who want to rape dogs and children.
All priests want to rape altar boys.
All cops want to have sex with their K-9 units.
All politicians are corrupt and want nothing more than to take public funds and line their pockets.
All of the Trumps are perverts and crooks who will support vicious dictators like Kim Jong Un and Vlad Putin.

You see how fucking stupid this sounds?

58c11582 No.3738668

And BTW, you notice who seldom if ever gets arrested for being a "groomer" or molester?

Drag queens.

3e0a4089 No.3738669

58c11582 No.3738670


They never get mentioned by groups like "Mothers For Freedom," (or whatever that nutso group is called) since these perverts don't fit into their script.

3e0a4089 No.3738671

File: 1714143696633.jpeg (59.14 KB, 530x767, von254errswc1.jpeg)

3e0a4089 No.3738672

File: 1714144381303.jpeg (59.99 KB, 614x767, fdrrknuh7rwc1.jpeg)

33ca5b94 No.3738673

File: 1714148567352.png (866.79 KB, 1318x953, gay643.png)

33ca5b94 No.3738674

File: 1714148712100.png (777.52 KB, 1564x950, 734.png)

7c28f91e No.3738677


7c28f91e No.3738678

File: 1714155308599.jpeg (47.27 KB, 663x767, 19aqknz8buwc1.jpeg)

58c11582 No.3738680

File: 1714158030925.jpg (314.8 KB, 1920x1080, Melania-Trump-06-GQ-7-Nov1….jpg)


Yeah, Happy Birthday bitch!

babe4679 No.3738684

File: 1714165031138.png (1.62 MB, 1400x1988, 7baee9df416b100271c67f03a6….png)

So what part of the NDA he had her sign was illegal? Explain it like I'm vaccinated.

33ca5b94 No.3738685

File: 1714165062822.png (1.31 MB, 1310x966, Facist_america4.png)


Those protestors against zionism got messed up.

b81060d9 No.3738688

Nazis: "The holocaust was a psyop. Climate change is a psyop. That nazi mass shooter was a psyop. This right wing child molester is a psyop. The ZOG put all this shit in my pants, it was a masterful psyop."

(Zionist media does an actual textbook psyop where cops brutally attack and mass arrest kids who dare to peacefully protest the zionist agenda, and then the media calls the kids antisemitic terrorists)

Nazis: "we stand with israel those kids had it coming"

3e0a4089 No.3738689

Lol@MAGA Nazis cucking for Israel

babe4679 No.3738690

File: 1714166998751.jpg (2.45 MB, 1656x2009, c7c0c0b5f24eed7fed42456ff9….jpg)

It's almost like the people you accuse of being Nazis have never been anything of the sort.

b81060d9 No.3738691

No actually, you're all a bunch of retarded fucks who should have stuck with the leftists who have been right about everything this entire fucking time. But you wanted to own the libs because some rando mildly annoyed you on the internet in 2014 and you decided to base your entire identity for the rest of your life around how victimized you felt

babe4679 No.3738693

File: 1714167466161.jpg (1.22 MB, 1300x1139, ca2eceef4a40532193740c9afe….jpg)

What the fuck are you smoking?

b81060d9 No.3738695

Your head is so crammed up your asshole that you can look at zionists viciously attacking blue haired leftist college kids and smearing the entire left as antisemites for daring to stand against Bibi and your drooling chinless retard reaction is "durrr but duh woke sjews is bad"

33ca5b94 No.3738696

File: 1714167762328.png (799.46 KB, 776x683, 8633.png)

Feels like just yesterday, everyone was fighting over if a hospital got hit or not.

Now there probably isn't any hospitals.

b81060d9 No.3738700

Maybe you're the kind of dribbling simpleton who hates the left because "muh guns." Do you know what it actually looks like when They come to Take Your Guns Away? Do you think it's like a fucking Ben Garrison cartoon, where a cartoon liberal in rainbow riot gear knocks on your door and demands that you hand over all your weapons Or Else?

No you retarded motherfucker, They will never come to take your guns. What happens in reality is that a bunch of right wing fascists decide that you are Undesirable and shouldn't be allowed to have guns, so they outlaw You Specifically and then toss your ass in a camp. Nobody asks for your guns, they just quietly pick them up once you've been hauled off. Do you think all your right wing gun nut buddies will rise up to defend you? Fuck no, they'll be the ones demanding that You have to go. Do you think you're going to get into a shootout with the cops and defend your property? LMAO wrong again retard, the cops will wait for you to go out to the grocery store or something and they'll just arrest your dumb ass there, where you don't even have all your guns. How will they know that you're at the store? Easy, your fash neighbors will be spying on you and they'll tip the cops off. Think they won't? That's what happens in every fascist country every single time.

But hey, at least you got to own the libs!

3e0a4089 No.3738701

Too much think for baby maga brain

0097735d No.3738704

smoking actual cancer

33ca5b94 No.3738705

File: 1714172772809.png (165.46 KB, 1381x963, Trump_Israel.png)


Thats an interesting Idea, That obama was pressuring Ben on the palestine issue so much, that he made sure Trump won 2016.

Would explain why Trump's win was so unexpected in the west and shocked so many people/companies.

33ca5b94 No.3738706

File: 1714173118708.png (625.52 KB, 832x633, Higher_prices.png)

babe4679 No.3738707

File: 1714174127704.jpg (417.7 KB, 975x1304, 074d71313661590665cd0275cb….jpg)

No, I think they're muslim sympathizers and incompatible with White civilization. And I don't use the words "woke" or "SJW", I call them what they are: jewish.

Okay, schizo.

f184bdbb No.3738708


f184bdbb No.3738709

File: 1714178807230.png (979.08 KB, 1080x1241, oz3etaq1vuwc1.png)

cf0d7eab No.3738711

Notice how these blithering simpletons don't even try to defend their worthless halfwit ideas. They can't begin to explain how blue haired college kids are doing more to fight zionist influence in American politics than every miserable zit-faced sub-room temperature IQ nazi in the history of America. They have nothing but glassy-eyed soup brained retardation about "western birth rates" or whatever other failed meth delusion hitler shot himself over. They have a psychological need to be racist because they're all a bunch of obvious fuckups and losers and everyone can see it, so they need to look down at someone to feel better about what a bunch of goddamn failures they are. You know it, I know it and everyone knows it.

33ca5b94 No.3738712

File: 1714182236913.png (1.2 MB, 1305x953, Fascist_america6.png)


Theres been so many good political videos this week.

The left and the right proving they don't care about free speech when it comes to Israel. But we already knew that with the tik tok ban.

33ca5b94 No.3738714

File: 1714185652830.png (952.03 KB, 1346x949, American_fascism_via_credi….png)

Bad news if you like Pixiv for porn


33ca5b94 No.3738716

File: 1714186910715.png (49.31 KB, 1022x910, 56325.png)

6b0e3342 No.3738717

your average meme war and how you arent allowed to like what you like.

babe4679 No.3738718

File: 1714192791005.jpg (446.05 KB, 1280x961, 8d43f1e87cf7e98873abd48b3a….jpg)

What ideas? I you're ascribing random beliefs to me like a schizo, schizo. Fucking ask me what I believe if you want to know. I'm right here, bro.

cd0cad80 No.3738736

Disproven that chart already. Post new bullshit if you are going to post bullshit.

5c548990 No.3738743

File: 1714227798531-0.png (320.98 KB, 530x366, xx71.png)

File: 1714227798531-1.png (327.52 KB, 548x385, fascist_america23.png)

7a5acabc No.3738746

File: 1714230628870.jpg (180.91 KB, 1019x657, blacksalways.jpg)

3e0a4089 No.3738747

3e0a4089 No.3738748

File: 1714234284354.jpeg (23.14 KB, 695x351, pk3jifidj0xc1.jpeg)

3e0a4089 No.3738753

File: 1714237642472.png (212.17 KB, 654x767, j2ed0c2n01xc1.png)

5c548990 No.3738756

File: 1714248578336.png (1.18 MB, 1378x953, one_percent.png)


So the 1% fucked us in the 1980s? And they created China/russia/iran by moving industry outside the usa. And they'll want us to fight and die in a war vs them in the future?

cf0d7eab No.3738765

They won't ever admit it but in reality the right wing will always make things worse and then blame everyone else for what the right wing does. This is why the right wing exists. The entire point of the conservative moment, from the "center right" libertarians to the hard right neo nazis, is to make it easier for rich, powerful right wing property owners to get more money and power and then blame someone else for the consequences,

Conservatives pretty much always know this, and they are willing participants in making things worse for ordinary people because they are jealous of working class people who are slightly more successful and want to hurt them out of jealous spite. This is why making things worse for some worthless reactionary cockroach is good and funny. :)

3e0a4089 No.3738770

b976329c No.3738773

> Disproven that chart already
Nope. All you proved is that you are so mentally disabled that you couldn't find the source even though it is very clearly printed in the image at the top. You made numerous idiotic posts claiming there was no source, even after people replied where it was.

Your mental disability also caused you to ignore the equally obvious phrase "Per Capita." Since you are unable to understand per capita, it simply did not register with you.

You will be unable to make sense of that accurate chart until you learn what per capita is and how it is used.

To sum up: It sucks to be you.

3e0a4089 No.3738775

Lol Nazi mad chart is sad

3e0a4089 No.3738776

File: 1714267590203.jpeg (99.71 KB, 617x767, k8e3ttyoa2xc1.jpeg)

a120f3e3 No.3738778

169761c0 No.3738796

File: 1714283445085.jpg (174.71 KB, 1920x1080, fallout-4-dogmeat-1920-x-1….jpg)

I'd turn against Trump in a second if he ever just openly hurt a dog for no reason.

I've said it before, but I'm the fallout player who will just annihilate an entire settlement if someone hits dogmeat.

0097735d No.3738800

File: 1714285109907.jpg (70.62 KB, 636x382, 2AF7A23100000578-0-image-a….jpg)

this probly isnt close but

babe4679 No.3738802

File: 1714285617958.png (1.26 MB, 1200x1171, d53d97f5c43008bd3803467a19….png)

I guarantee you they sell tickets to hunt those things to prevent overpopulation or some such, and strictly regulate it.

9d9eae07 No.3738803

File: 1714288462147.png (482.95 KB, 1424x1544, 6234182a0ba2f04d9b0d6871b9….png)

>Musky cuntboy fox pussy


0097735d No.3738804

that makes it ok then i guess

169761c0 No.3738810

File: 1714302810550.gif (3.7 MB, 800x800, 6c5f902c1e8b69ad93adc10316….gif)

fuck cats. Big or small.

4caa1cb0 No.3738811

File: 1714305642663.png (4.75 MB, 2048x2048, 8aeaeea9eb0b16907a27561ebf….png)

Here, stick your tongue in here and swirl it around.
Let me know what you taste.

169761c0 No.3738812

File: 1714307049856.jpg (141.44 KB, 850x971, 19d8397e84d32673a42f08dd0f….jpg)

probably something like berries, an herbily taste, and butt. That or just a fleshy taste, really depends on how much he uses enemas and how often he gets his ass abused.

169761c0 No.3738813

unless you're talking about the wolf sheath and not Knuckle's butthole.

I have no idea what a dog's dick taste's like personally, but in the countless erotic stories I've read, probably coppery.

169761c0 No.3738814

File: 1714307699628.jpg (51.13 KB, 850x853, 39ca429b62a0f4582e32124d1e….jpg)

the taste of your butt really depends on your diet. Me personally, I've never tasted it, but when I finger myself and its not shit, it just sort of smells like sweet vegetables.

I eat meat, but like 90% of my diet is vodka, corn, potatos, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower.

There is litterally no better snack than cauliflower dipped in ranch dressing. imo.

169761c0 No.3738815

well I do occasionally eat bananas that I smear in peanut butter, but whatever. That kinda adds a nutty scent to my butt.

169761c0 No.3738816

I'm always like super low in potassium, so my body just naturally craves bananas.

I'd say inb4 monkey porn, but I'm pretty sure we exhausted the quality supply in a another thread.

09618e9b No.3738818

File: 1714312147310.jpg (108.96 KB, 1280x720, SX0z6xlcW7jKUL2W.jpg)


d0259022 No.3738821

Nazi retards be like "the Zionist Occupied Government has oppressed the white man for far too long, controlling what we can say, what we can do and what we can think! it totally good dat duh plain old regular zionist government can arrest you for protesting dem, dis is otay, do u smel tost"

3e0a4089 No.3738822

Lol hogs don't have brains

3e0a4089 No.3738823

File: 1714318281495.jpeg (62.95 KB, 431x766, 0srgwcg0v6xc1.jpeg)

58c11582 No.3738824

A guy is under arrest for his fucking TWELTH DUI.


Talk about a hopeless drunk.

Saw guys years back, who would brag about "getting home on autopilot."

Or wake up after passing out in their car, and they are parked on somebody's front lawn.

A few sobered up.
Several more were killed in accidents, or served time in jail for multiple DUI's.

169761c0 No.3738826

File: 1714319971425.jpg (175.71 KB, 1020x574, image.jpg)

for all my weaknesses being a hopeless alcoholic, I've at least never had a single alcohol related infraction.

I kinda hold it as a badge of alcoholic honor.

169761c0 No.3738828

File: 1714320289773.jpg (10.14 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg)

well there was that one time, I accidently invited a cop into my house, and they're like vampires, once they're in, its public domain.

I got arrested for public intoxication inside my own home, because as soon as the cop crossed the doorway it was public space.

My lawyer got me off though, so doesn't count.

58c11582 No.3738829


"I've at least never had a single alcohol related infraction."


169761c0 No.3738830

File: 1714320377719.gif (573.66 KB, 498x277, 2ca2fa46ee084ed18e7fd545a1….gif)

That is the AA creed, you never did x YET.

58c11582 No.3738831


Fuck AA.
They are hyper-Christian kooks.

169761c0 No.3738832

File: 1714320529446.jpg (41.62 KB, 640x638, birhecrsd5u61.jpg)

people say you hit rock bottom at some point, but I've worked with sonic drills.

There is always more bottom.

169761c0 No.3738833

not going to deny that, I personally hate AA, but they are the big thing.

I actually prefer NA. Their motto "wet or dry, it still gets you high." they are ok with accepting alcoholics. AA does not like narcos.

58c11582 No.3738834


And they really hate anything regarding people doing actual science about alcoholism.

AA was begun as a fundy "christian" thing, and so anything less than THEIR program is "satanic."

169761c0 No.3738836

File: 1714321043108.jpg (118.11 KB, 960x960, 8b22de0690b179400541988a6d….jpg)

well I mean, I didn't actually operate the sonic drills, but the roustabouts came by my guard shack and talked on their breaks.

I had air conditioning… and a signal amplifier for cellphones. Ocassionally known as a supercell. So my shack was pretty neet.

169761c0 No.3738838

not entirely true, but by today's standards, you are correct.

Back in the day, AA was considered kinda sacrilegious. But yeah, by today's standards its anti-science, religiously based (despite how much they say thay aren't), and they refuse to change because its a huge money funnel.

169761c0 No.3738839

I mean, AA considers Bill like some kind of Jesus figure…

In reality, he was just some guy with PTSD who abused his wife and wrote a book.

3e0a4089 No.3738841

File: 1714323487928.jpeg (31.17 KB, 578x486, ey0iy7r9n3xc1.jpeg)

24b18ee5 No.3738854

File: 1714335957804.png (1.44 MB, 1326x945, c543.png)


Lately I've been hearing more people talk of America using the Philippines as a proxy to fight china. Like Ukraine is a proxy to fight Russia.

Think we'll see a proxy war with china near the election? Or in 2025?

I've been hearing that america has been trying for over a year to crash the china stockmarket over its refusal to buy us bonds.

e2b81ed0 No.3738857

File: 1714350443725.gif (7.44 MB, 2283x1804, 1607826443.degeneratewolfe….gif)

This guy blames the woke culture for all of these restrictions, yet it is not woke politicians who are passing laws to dictate what is appropriate for you to see or read, it's far right conservatives.

e2b81ed0 No.3738858

File: 1714352270232.jpg (270.31 KB, 1280x1280, 1621495133.kasierrelkin_ka….jpg)

Hey, moron, you argued that X number of white people were murdered by black people within a two-year period, while only Y number of black people were murdered by whites in the same period.

Your argument was that because X was larger than Y black people must be inherently more violent. Your argument ignores the fact that white people make up the vast majority of America's whereas black people are very rare compared to white people. If black people and white people murder people act the same rate, White people will always murder fewer black people because there are fewer black people to be murdered, you imbecile.

In your argument, both X and Y are specific numbers of specific individual events, not a per capita calculation.

Just because events happen to a minority or white people that doesn't make it per capita.

Nothing about your argument was a per capita argument. You are just so stupid that you can't understand what the words you are using actually mean.

e2b81ed0 No.3738859

File: 1714352648441.png (2.69 MB, 2000x934, 1687726678.magicded_6-10-p….png)

In other fun news, Trump lost over 150,000 votes in the Republican Pennsylvania primary that just happened to Nikki Haley who dropped out months ago.

16% of the Pennsylvania Republican voters just told the Republican party they will not vote for Trump.

3e0a4089 No.3738862

File: 1714358583707.jpeg (40.74 KB, 542x499, rmdthxjwkbxc1.jpeg)

58c11582 No.3738866

Q: Why are white supremacist rally attendees almost entirely men?
A: Because those chuds don't know how to make a woman come.

0097735d No.3738868

File: 1714365024203.jpg (74.25 KB, 512x512, hehehyeh.jpg)

e2b81ed0 No.3738883

File: 1714380547516.jpg (456.74 KB, 2287x1611, 1697496931.magicded_481638….jpg)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed into law a new restriction on minimum wage. The law overrides any individual cities laws that take into account the cost of living in a large city and enforces the lower State minimum wage across all of Florida. He also took away workers rights to water and shade breaks in dangerous temperatures.

I don't know why he hates construction workers so much but he seems to be trying to kill them.

4caa1cb0 No.3738886

File: 1714393933304.jpg (579.38 KB, 1280x1280, 88065a903.jpg)

Stick your tongue in here and swirl it around.
Fox Smegma tastes GOOD!!
I swear it does!!

169761c0 No.3738889

File: 1714396224420.jpg (5.03 KB, 298x169, images (2).jpg)

3e0a4089 No.3738890

Still, would taste

3e0a4089 No.3738891

File: 1714396781605.png (146.25 KB, 403x492, otj3pfdod8hb1.png)

169761c0 No.3738892

File: 1714397405292.png (448.26 KB, 1024x576, Katz.png)

I have enough income to do all of that, and I'm one of the few people who can actually afford to own and maintain a decent house. Mind you I had to rebuild it myself, but still.

Unfortunately I started putting 10 dollars a month into college funds for 2 kids like, when I was like 19.

I'm never going to have kids so those funds are just fucking nothing. Thats what I get for planning ahead.

169761c0 No.3738893

File: 1714397582777.jpg (31.53 KB, 500x500, artworks-000216574250-3wog….jpg)

I would give a word of advice, but at this point everyone here is too old for it to even matter.

59fc794b No.3738896

Why don't you give us a video tour of your house Steam? Unless…..


d0259022 No.3738897

Imagine pointing to yourself as a success story when you are a disgusting alcoholic mentally ill dogfucking welfare queen who spends all day desperately seeking attention on the only dead website that hasn't banned your filthy ass

d0259022 No.3738898

File: 1714402820945.jpeg (280.33 KB, 1135x1145, IMG_5473.jpeg)

"At least I'm not a soy beta, I bet they are miserable with their "friends" and "families" and "jobs" and "hopes" and "dreams." They are all cucked by the jews, who I support in their heroic hospital bombings and murder of American citizens"

babe4679 No.3738907

File: 1714406874995.jpg (1.02 MB, 1707x2560, e816ca01d9f8c820d715b05b50….jpg)

He took away bureaucratic regulations. Those things can and do still exist. I'd be interested to read what the wording of the bill was and hear his justification.

However, he's still a treasonous golem who flew to a foreign nation to sign into law overtly unconstitutional legislation. He deserves to be hanged for that.

d0259022 No.3738908

The "justification" is to make the working class suffer and remind them of their inferiority to fat retarded exurban small business owners you goddamn ignoramus. Conservatives fucking hate you if you work for a living instead of collecting "passive income".

3e0a4089 No.3738909

File: 1714412231957.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1024x580, u8mptne8gdxc1.jpeg)

3e0a4089 No.3738911

File: 1714412594093.png (49.4 KB, 496x265, gdbg0kwtvexc1.png)

ee3659c0 No.3738912

> Nothing about your argument was a per capita argument.
Yes, it is. Look very carefully in the graph. There at the top, in large bold letters is "Per Capita".


d0259022 No.3738915

Instead of getting mad at black people have you tried taking a fucking shower and stepping outside you fat piece of shit

3e0a4089 No.3738916

File: 1714418842120.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1668x2388, 2w2xj5m1wfxc1.jpeg)

Based reply

dd56fddb No.3738917

File: 1714421025271.jpg (130.9 KB, 1372x632, niggers_and_monkies.jpg)

You get niggers to behave like all other civilized people and then everyone else would stop being angry at the filthy pavement apes.

d0259022 No.3738920

Nobody cares you fat fucking failure, literally everyone on this board and in real life can all tell that you're just being a racist because you're a goddamn loser and you're compensating. It doesn't fucking work you pig-faced dimwit cocksucker, seeing ugly unwashed white failures like you cry about black people makes black people look better in comparison

dd56fddb No.3738921

lol libturd so mad

d0259022 No.3738922

You're not a master troll you lardy retard, you're embarrassing yourself and using "u mad" as a form of cope when normal people point it out

62b93603 No.3738926

File: 1714424195055.jpg (49.92 KB, 590x750, uwiz76kdg4t11.jpg)

Same garbage arguments, different day. Anyway, came across this in my news feed today:
>Tweak to Schrodinger's cat equation could unite Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics, study hints
>Schrodinger's cat equation
It's just Schrodinger's equation. Clickbate, sensationalist dogshit for scientific illiterates to gobble up.

36d99cd6 No.3738931

File: 1714431463675.jpeg (115.94 KB, 1290x794, A-I-Turns-Socislist.jpeg)

Your MEME says it is per capita but your MEME is made by a idiot right-winger who is just as stupid as you are. The ACTUAL DATA your MEME is based on is not per-capita. If you understood even basic math you would have been smart enough to see the MEME is full of bullshit but you're a fucking moron.

You have spent a week of your life defending this MEME and you're still so fucking clueless you can't grasp why we are all laughing at you.

You are the end product of a capitalist education system - A moron just smart enough to push the colored buttons in the right order on an assembly line but not an iota more.

a6cde147 No.3738933

[3B the clueless mental defective attempting to make an argument based on math]

Here is an example of 3B totally failing at math:

> The ACTUAL DATA your MEME is based on is not per-capita

That's right, imbecile. It is raw data and per capita values were derived from that raw data whose source is an official US Government website. All you are doing by continuing to make foolish arguments is proving that you can not understand the concept of per capita.


e2b81ed0 No.3738935

File: 1714437702346.jpg (910.64 KB, 2000x2000, trump-supporters-be-like.jpg)

Who ever is telling you not to inject bleach or drink horse de-wormer, you need to stop listening to that person. You are clearly smarter than all of us!

Just stop listening to anyone, me, your family, the cops, the government, medical professionals, anyone!

Do your own research and live your life your own way. The world will be a better place in the end.

ad8bfcf5 No.3738936

Although comprising only 13% of the population, blacks commit 52% of all murders.


>It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

>And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.

d0259022 No.3738942

Crime rates are at historic lows you cowardly fuck. Nut up and go outside you fucking failure of a man.

a6cde147 No.3738943

Just be sure you're not anywhere near a nigger, since nigger culture is a culture of violence.

59fc794b No.3738944

File: 1714443109895.png (554.99 KB, 600x682, 223b66f371d3bf95bb2b154b44….png)

f3b4c643 No.3738946

File: 1714445665417.jpg (647.23 KB, 1920x1080, 77533.jpg)


Yeah, lot of people are leaving the usa and the west.

722eebf3 No.3738949

Hopefully they're all niggеrs.

86292fdc No.3738950

6b0e3342 No.3738951

hopefully that sandwich taste like human cock

f3b4c643 No.3738952

File: 1714450956268.jpg (1.02 MB, 2269x1080, Flora_5.jpg)


I wouldn't know, I don't bite off dicks. I'm not a tranny doctor or a jew.

babe4679 No.3738954

File: 1714454295032.png (884.2 KB, 1500x2000, 7cf0c534bd5587c79bda3819be….png)

I like how you accuse others of being mad while sperging out and resorting to baseless personal attacks. It's cute.

2ed675e7 No.3738956

Once up a time in the 1950's the economy was booming because of the industrial and economical dominance of US after WW2 and exports into the rebuilding Europe put food on the table for the middle class.

So the government and administrations threw money on moonshot projects and expanding public spending and threw money at private corporations, enjoying decades of "job creation" by being fiscally inefficient. Then 70's rolled around, Europe was rebuilt, and the industrial economic base started stagnating and losing customers to Asian competitors, the government refused to step back and instead colluded with the corporations they created to prop them up with debt.

2ed675e7 No.3738957

See, it wasn't the tax cuts - it was the lack of an economic base to tax that killed the middle class. The corporations that made the money didn't make as much money anymore, so to keep them standing they had to be taxed less or watch them go away even faster.

The real problem was the other hand of government that kept throwing away more money that they could tax, which created the perpetual budget deficits. Since the money the people get from the government no longer comes from taxes but from debt, everyone is standing hand over fist demanding more of it.

ceaaae37 No.3738958

File: 1714464582127-0.jpg (51.23 KB, 1056x215, Dreyk-Daro they are coming.jpg)

File: 1714464582127-1.jpg (156.52 KB, 1080x1378, highest paid actor.jpg)

Meanwhile in Ukraine:
Mobilization via car chase.

ac85f230 No.3738959

File: 1714466959692.png (464.82 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240430-043404.png)

Damn, look at this FOUR cops killed and FIVE MORE seriously wounded in this ONE incident, ONE guy managed to do this. At least he went out with a bang.

No, not white. The murderer was Terry Clark Hughes, Jr. Career criminal. 39 years old and, from a quick online search, already a felon with outstanding arrest warrants in four counties back in 2012. Photo accompanying that story is definitely not a white guy.

3e0a4089 No.3738963

Right wing blog, who cares about your racist crap? You try taking a shower, going outside or killing yourself?

3e0a4089 No.3738964

File: 1714472405998.jpeg (75.88 KB, 708x767, zldr1qin5jxc1.jpeg)

169761c0 No.3738965

File: 1714474086437.jpg (82.2 KB, 850x600, b2cab7a0fc441c6454d2c5b454….jpg)

I might run into this issue after I register my doggo as a service dog. He is technically certified… He has several degrees… but he hates tile floors, he doesn't like being pet by strangers, and he's confrontational with other alpha dogs. Its kinda because I really prefer to be alone, and he's been alone with me for a long time.

He is able to sorta make my bed, get my shoes, and put my clothes into a general pile, that he likes to sleep on… and he has all the basic tricks.

Still, I'm going to disappear for a while soon, well at least until I figure out how to get past the VA's security system… so like a week tops probably 18 hours minimum.

169761c0 No.3738966

I mean, he's already registered, I have an ID and everything, but I need to get him registered with the VA.

I'm planning on doing a psychological rehab, and then a vocational rehab thing, so I'm going to be away for a while.

Yay for you guys, no more Steam for a bit… or bad for you guys, because I'm the only one who makes things interesting here.

169761c0 No.3738967

Lol, I kinda view my doggo as my kid. Its kinda funny, like father like son, he has a bunch of certificates of training that basically mean nothing.

169761c0 No.3738968

I even taught him how to fist punch instead of shake, so were basically bros. Its fun.

e2b81ed0 No.3738971

File: 1714475657910.png (1.38 MB, 864x1304, aa8963973c953bf2c76f061d2e….png)

Your argument is that failing businesses had to pay less taxes in order to keep them afloat so that is why businesses paying no taxes is okay?

I say, let them fail. Paying taxes is part doing business in any Nation in the world. If you can't pay, your business has already failed and deserves to be destroyed and replaced by a better business. We call this process the free market. Succeed or not the market will always replace you if you need to be replaced.

a5f532ea No.3738975

lol lol libtard so mad

0097735d No.3738976

even still i need more of the sandwich eating semi-nude 3d fortnite style models less of the bullshit pol crap tbh

3e0a4089 No.3738977

File: 1714476909408.png (942.28 KB, 610x680, GMXQ92CX0AIDl7b.png)

Trumpers think we are stupid. This is MarkWayne Mullins cowering during the J6 attack. Tourist visit, my ass.

3e0a4089 No.3738978

File: 1714477061888.jpeg (152.39 KB, 1080x1080, GMXtWbUXUAAULjW.jpeg)

169761c0 No.3738979

File: 1714477275830.jpg (124.34 KB, 850x929, d6433265630c42450b172412e9….jpg)

I'm a "Trumptard" but I don't think liberals are stupid, we just all support our own needs.

I rag on Dem's, but were're just as dumb as you. Everyone just wants best for them. Fuck everyone else though.

3e0a4089 No.3738981

Lol you vote Trump and post crap about the homeless getting fucked, whom do you think is doing that you fucking retard

7b2a9d29 No.3738982

What LIES will you tell next?
No one believes you.
They just started closing over 1,000 Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores and Frisch's isn't far behind.
Yeah Biden's economy is so fucking great.

3e0a4089 No.3738983

File: 1714478723797.jpeg (81.35 KB, 500x690, 4o2vgytiyixc1.jpeg)

3e0a4089 No.3738984

File: 1714478770703.jpeg (64.82 KB, 750x500, glqkx5xg3jxc1.jpeg)

7b2a9d29 No.3738986

Here's news for you, Cappuccino Cletus.
Concrete and steel doesn't vote either.
When the USA was founded, and for many years after, you HAD TO BE A LAND OWNER in order to vote.
You'd be up shit creek if it went back to that, wouldn't you?

7b2a9d29 No.3738988

File: 1714479502729.png (585.36 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240430-080706.png)

Same exact story.
You're crazy as a giant lip flapping African shit skin on crack.
Oh wait, that what you wanna be.

3e0a4089 No.3738989

Lol maga sperging

3e0a4089 No.3738990

File: 1714479893979.jpeg (47.34 KB, 500x678, z3668vpdagxc1.jpeg)

3e0a4089 No.3738994

File: 1714481295414.png (226.24 KB, 720x516, ogkilnspokxc1.png)

0fe00ed2 No.3739002

I like how you will die alone because of your worthless subhuman defect of a "personality" :)

d4779a25 No.3739004

lololol libtard so mad

169761c0 No.3739014

File: 1714491119344.png (2.08 MB, 1112x1664, 002ad2772451b60adcc4336c99….png)

I actually work saturdays breaking down big boxes of food into smaller bags of food, for the poor. I might be a republican, but yeah, I do that shit.

I don't work "per say" but I do a lot of volunteer work.

0fe00ed2 No.3739015

No matter how hard you cope nobody will ever want to be around you :)

169761c0 No.3739016

well food and things like washing detergent, damaged boxes of deoderant, basically a lot of damaged but intact stuff that department stores get in, ect.

I'm full of hatred, but I'm not heartless, I still remember my roots.

3e0a4089 No.3739025

Don't try to be friends with the slime that posts here

3e0a4089 No.3739026

File: 1714496409059.jpeg (61.04 KB, 551x767, 0cghyd494mxc1.jpeg)

7b2a9d29 No.3739027

File: 1714500844147.jpg (45.97 KB, 400x521, 44a76d2f08dca2f4c99cf9fdf7….jpg)

e2b81ed0 No.3739028

No one believes you.
You lie so much about your "real life" no one can trust anything you say.

4b80c326 No.3739034

Lol whites mad

4b80c326 No.3739035

File: 1714519117263.jpeg (46.38 KB, 606x767, gb0vs7p17mxc1.jpeg)

5de37a74 No.3739038

File: 1714524989520.png (1.99 MB, 1337x946, 10.png)


He's crazy as hell, if he thinks this is lasting 11 years

31e37403 No.3739040

How long did the Hundred Years War last?

3e0a4089 No.3739044

A scaramouche

3e0a4089 No.3739045

File: 1714531813498.jpeg (370.36 KB, 1170x1979, 1ialtf3j0nxc1.jpeg)

5de37a74 No.3739046

File: 1714533784694.png (1 MB, 1331x943, 0gg.png)



Doesn't care Fisa got re-passed

As expected by Israel's puppet

39dc7c51 No.3739062

File: 1714569699799.jpeg (9.57 KB, 420x315, 660bec683e8708-08467519.jpeg)

9746820d No.3739064

lol 3B btfo because he has no explanation for the fact that

Although comprising only 13% of the population, blacks commit 52% of all murders.

3e0a4089 No.3739065

Lol@MAGA butthurt with red text instead of poor mspaint graphs justifying his racial hatred

3e0a4089 No.3739066

File: 1714573158183.jpeg (64.87 KB, 750x500, 4th21e7awsxc1.jpeg)

This is what maga wants

4676fc6d No.3739067

File: 1714574302628.png (3.78 MB, 2618x1245, 6553.png)


Congress already says it has a right to be a criminal, by being allowed to do insider trading.

bdb1a1e6 No.3739069

File: 1714575282878.jpg (27.73 KB, 603x87, 27_bjs_use.jpg)

lol@npc who thinks his feels are more valid than data collected by the Bureau of Justice Statistics

Although comprising only 13% of the population, blacks commit 52% of all murders.

bdb1a1e6 No.3739070

Actually rounds to 53% of all murders committed by blacks.

ae8f3849 No.3739071

Lol racist lie on by stinky whites that don't shower

ae8f3849 No.3739072

File: 1714580334540.png (617.24 KB, 1026x813, jri726idvrxc1.png)

e2b81ed0 No.3739075

File: 1714584932779-0.jpg (56.64 KB, 426x465, CIA-Contra-Crack-Cocain-Fl….jpg)

File: 1714584932779-1.png (108.69 KB, 924x540, Explaining the crime wave ….png)

1980-2008, gee… I wonder what was happening at that time which increased the crime rate among black people specifically… could it be the CIA flooding black neighborhoods in America with crack cocaine and handguns? I mean, maybe that had something to do with it since after they got caught the crime rate dropped every year after they were stopped.



e2b81ed0 No.3739077

File: 1714587343652-0.png (524.6 KB, 607x818, Loser-of-the-year.png)

In other news, Trump finally got the cover of a Time Magazine like he always dreamed of! Of course he got it because he gave the most insane interview in the history of the magazine about what his plans are if he gets back into office.

Some of the highlights include…

Letting states monitor women to make sure if they get pregnant they don't get an abortion and if they do putting those women in prison.

Deport 15 to 20 million migrants. Not just "illegals" but migrants. He wants to make sure they are at least 3000 miles away from the boarder which is 1000 miles further than the entire country of Mexico is long. He claims this was done by Dwight Eisenhower in the 50's but of course it was not.

He wants to open prison camps for migrants at the boarder so that he can hold them there for years as they are processed and either given citizenship or deported. You think your taxes are high now?! Wait until you start paying for that!

He also says he wants to deploy the national guard and the U.S. military inland to help collect all the illegals to put them in those camps.

The reporter pointed out that deploying the U.S. Military against civilians is illegal but he thinks that migrants aren't civilians. Migrating to America is an act of war so all migrants are considered enemy combatants.

He promised to give police legal immunity to all crimes and to cut funding to any police department who refuses to hunt down migrants while rewarding those who follow his orders.

Get ready to have rape be part of your traffic stop, ladies!

He also claims he "Did what he promised" about building the wall at the boarder and said the Democrats should have finished the areas he planned out.

So, congratulations MAGA! Trump built the wall! The immigration crisis is over! There is a big, beautiful, impenetrable wall all the way across the boarder of Mexico and Mexico paid for it!

You believe Trump when he says he built the wall, don't you?!

e2b81ed0 No.3739079

File: 1714588023188-0.jpg (77.56 KB, 1088x1052, GL3GS35b0AEJ6ez.jpg)

In the Time interview Trump promised a minimum 10% tariff on imports with the tax being higher depending on which nation it is coming from. He says China will be a minimum of 60%, maybe more.

He still doesn't seem to understand that the people in those other countries don't pay import taxes, WE pay import taxes when WE order stuff from those countries and those companies charge us more to cover the cost.

He's such a fucking moron he is promising to raise the price on everything made outside of America which includes all his red MAGA hats that are made in China.

4676fc6d No.3739080

File: 1714588766513.jpg (40.95 KB, 439x720, x777777.jpg)

What may happen

Is Trump wins in 2024, because the uniparty wants him to be the hero of the people. And the fall guy for the death of the dollar. All the colleges are erupting across the country. The inflation is only going to increase. Letting trump wins, calms a lot of people down. People can think they get the "win" when he closes the border.

He can put in all this censorship in the name of "Owning the woke" and do the agenda 2025 thing to pass whatever the elite and Israel wants with the support of the people.

And with trump as president, the left can call him a fascist any time he cracks down on anti-Israel protests. Reigniting the Left vs the right "Play".

Because Leftists in power while gaza is going on, makes it left vs left instead of left vs right. And that ruins the illusion of its not a uniparty.

3e0a4089 No.3739081

Lol you are mentally incapable of understanding adult things.

3e0a4089 No.3739082

File: 1714589087456.jpeg (77.7 KB, 768x768, miudwae9mtxc1.jpeg)

If President Joe Biden is reelected, it would signify a continuation and potential evolution of his administration's policy agenda across various fronts:

1. Domestic Policy: Expect ongoing efforts to expand healthcare access, address economic disparities through infrastructure investment and tax reforms, and advance climate change initiatives.

2. Foreign Policy: Biden would likely prioritize rebuilding international alliances, pursuing fair trade policies, and maintaining a strategic approach to global challenges.

3. Legislative and Judicial Impact: Congressional dynamics and potential Supreme Court appointments would shape the administration's ability to enact key policies.

4. Economic Implications: Biden's fiscal policies would influence economic growth and market sectors like renewable energy and healthcare.

5. Social and Cultural Dynamics: The reelection could impact public discourse and the trajectory of social movements on issues like racial justice and climate activism.

6. Health and Pandemic Response: Continued efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen public health infrastructure.

Overall, a Biden reelection would have significant implications for governance, societal dynamics, and America's position on the global stage. The specifics would depend on a complex interplay of political, economic, and social factors.

4676fc6d No.3739083

File: 1714589536049.png (105.17 KB, 821x508, 2023.png)


1. Theres no fucking money

2. He fucked us of Foreign policy, Blinken was a disaster, Most recently China told us to go fuck ourselves

4. Renewable energy benefits china

5. That Bullshit is ending, if the west wants white men signing up for war.

6. Covid is fucking over. And bird flu in raw cow milk no one cares about

3e0a4089 No.3739085

Lol you have brain worms. Best stock market, best economy after covid

3e0a4089 No.3739086

File: 1714589895851.jpeg (65.81 KB, 1000x500, y1vokqid8uxc1.jpeg)

When Biden wins again in November Don't kill yourself, smoke a joint from your local store and chill out man. The good news is you're not forced to be a father, she can abort at any time! Freedom is amazing.

4676fc6d No.3739087

File: 1714589928154.png (437.85 KB, 1280x974, side_effects.png)

3e0a4089 No.3739088

Yes it's true, antivaxxers are truly crazy. Covid killed millions yet you were spared, why has brown middle eastern Palestinian Jesus forsaken us?

3e0a4089 No.3739089

File: 1714590040594.jpeg (54.95 KB, 521x766, ignexvfhqtxc1.jpeg)

4676fc6d No.3739091

File: 1714590747167-0.png (536.52 KB, 1233x960, ban_porn.png)

File: 1714590747167-1.png (24.47 KB, 727x207, s_korea.png)

File: 1714590747167-2.png (539.12 KB, 1016x863, x56.png)


South korea bans porn, but it has the lowest birth rates in the world

American Right "Ban porn so men fuck women and have babies!"

fab1b3db No.3739093

Lol whites are stupid and poor

fab1b3db No.3739094

File: 1714593787746.jpeg (77.07 KB, 772x765, pvrkoo574sxc1.jpeg)

4676fc6d No.3739095

File: 1714594021672.jpg (41.51 KB, 520x720, j84.jpg)


The Left when its BLM protests at college. "They're standing for their values"

The Left and Right when its anti-Israel protests at college.
"Beat their asses police, Crack their skulls! Get those Nazi Anti-Semites!"

ba149af8 No.3739098

File: 1714595798950.png (174.22 KB, 680x634, PlQpRT7.png)

What is this fallacy called it's even happening with families too?

Dad: I will take off your clothes and beat you.

Mom: Why dont you allow your dad to go in the bathroom with you?

4676fc6d No.3739100

File: 1714597013156.png (180.7 KB, 1232x955, 865.png)

bef6d13e No.3739104


Its amazing how much influence Israel has on American Political establishment and universities.

Think about that mkay?

babe4679 No.3739107

File: 1714605531235-0.png (1021.46 KB, 1079x1847, e26944580e6ea17fe4707c6911….png)

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To find who rules you, find who you are not allowed to criticize.

And in other news, white house press nignog: "But I did eat breakfast yesterday morning."

3e0a4089 No.3739110

Ya do be mental

3e0a4089 No.3739111

File: 1714615378581.jpeg (57.71 KB, 888x499, gokx9mgnwvxc1.jpeg)

3e0a4089 No.3739112

File: 1714616065951.jpeg (56.76 KB, 576x768, 64ml6kq9quxc1.jpeg)

6b0e3342 No.3739118

>needing a reason to starve people

e2b81ed0 No.3739119

SCOTUS is trying to think of a way to grant Trump immunity without also granting it to Biden. They only want Trump to be a dictator, not Biden.

668f31ca No.3739133

File: 1714705972049.jpg (1.93 MB, 1920x2154, b065dcd915af2f026ed80aa3b7….jpg)

Do you remember reading this Dr. Seuss book as a child?

a5e5a630 No.3739135

File: 1714707677086-0.jpg (165.24 KB, 941x1000, ChatosKitchen.jpg)

File: 1714707677086-1.jpg (351.85 KB, 960x1440, MV5BN2E1MjNmYjgtMDNhMy00NT….jpg)

I don't remember what specific Dr. Seuss books I read but I do remember having read some of his books.

The earliest book I can remember reading is this. Good book. If I had kids i would read this with them and then cook quesadillas with them afterwards.

Also loved Richard Scarry

a5e5a630 No.3739138

File: 1714707835793-0.jpg (124.82 KB, 1024x721, inbredkikes.jpg)

Kikes are the most inbred group of animals on the planet.

169761c0 No.3739142

File: 1714709682218.jpg (16.37 KB, 400x400, autv1IN0_400x400.jpg)

incorrect, that title goes to the Amish.

169761c0 No.3739143

File: 1714709788808.jpg (374.91 KB, 729x486, Alaskan-Malamute-puppy-lay….jpg)

well the Amish and/or puppy farms. Its an arguable subject.

babe4679 No.3739144

File: 1714709922738-0.jpg (2.04 MB, 1696x6224, 395dd10d3d53ad9159954a2022….jpg)

File: 1714709922738-1.jpg (373.66 KB, 1200x1600, 608d30f80340fe30418f5f13af….jpg)

Kikes, Muslims, and Indians are the most inbred people on the planet. Whites are among the least inbred.

169761c0 No.3739146

you've obviously never been to West Virginia.


169761c0 No.3739148

Seriously there are places here where everyone is related to everyone.

My first kiss was with my cousine, mind you she was and still is hot af, so no regrets. Her husband hates me though, despite only meeting once after they were married for 10 years. I'd never fight him, he's like grain fed country jacked, and we were like 10 when we kissed, its not like we had sex. It wasn't anything super special, we just hugged and kissed in a tree house.

Still her husband had vengeance in his eyes, I want nothing to do with that, and I want nothing to do with anyone in my family. Other than torturing my mom and dad with movie night, where I find the worst movies imaginable, the entire thing is dead to me.

169761c0 No.3739149

File: 1714711137498.jpg (114.92 KB, 233x350, Kungpow.jpg)

well not the worst movies, my mom will just leave if its the worst, my dad will fall asleep if its too boring.

I have to find the prefect balance of horri-bad, and the correct snacks to keep them interested but disgusted.

169761c0 No.3739150

then again, if they do fall asleep, I just go up to the 3rd floor (i call it my inner sanctum), and let them sleep. I just do my own thing until I hear the tv turn back on.

They're old, they deserve to sleep and my house does that to people. Its not like I don't preview the movies anways.

169761c0 No.3739153

I've got the basement, which is a basement full of spiders and dark stuff. the 1st floor which is basically an entertainment area, a 2nd floor which is for kids which I don't have, and the 3rd floor which is the master bedroom, the drawing room, and a small library… and the attic, which is an attic, full of wires and fluffy stuff.

169761c0 No.3739155

also the secret room, which has a broken toilet not hooked to anything, and more spiders.

It was used for fugitive slaves when the underground railroad was a thing. Now its just a curiosity with a window, and spiders.

169761c0 No.3739156

I don't know why the broken toilet is in there, or how anyone managed to get it in there, but I can't remove it with ought just dropping it into a hole that goes to my basement. Then I'd have to get it out of my basement… which has no steps in or out.

169761c0 No.3739157

File: 1714713125195.jpg (223.02 KB, 1152x864, 013594_1152x864_6376794363….jpg)

I used to have steps, but I fell through them the second I stepped on them, and they all crumbled as I was trying to crawl out.

No steps.

169761c0 No.3739158

File: 1714713478840.jpg (6.28 KB, 168x300, images (1).jpg)

all in all though, other than the basement, the house is pretty solid.

Fuck the basement though. I'm afraid to even go down there, when I do its fast and with purpose.

169761c0 No.3739159

it doesn't even have a real entrance, its just a big ass trap door with a lock.

169761c0 No.3739161

the area that has the trap door is doesn't even have a light. Its just darkness, covered by a stapled pain cloth full of horrifying darkness with a floor door that leads to a spider infestation.

169761c0 No.3739162

My dad made me eat spiders on a bridge when I was a kid. Spiders do not like being eaten, they bite your tongue.

I don't like spiders.

169761c0 No.3739163

well when I say its solid, I mean it won't fall apart…

It is oddly warped. If you aren't used to it, it can make you nauseous.

e2b81ed0 No.3739175

File: 1714725681845.jpg (24.94 KB, 500x432, nobody-cares.jpg)

e2b81ed0 No.3739176

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Meanwhile, in Trump-land…

6b0e3342 No.3739184

damn dood be livin in grandpa's fucking nightmare house or some shit

b14944b6 No.3739185

>Steam blog posting bullshit that never happened and that no one cares about.

Could you at least keep the retardation combined to one posting instead of fucking spamming that bullshit?

6b0e3342 No.3739187

because that is the one thing annoying in a pol thread

06ec401b No.3739188

File: 1714736168073-0.png (1.14 MB, 1322x946, porn_01.png)

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3e0a4089 No.3739191

Yes and suspend future elections

3e0a4089 No.3739192

File: 1714736563259.jpeg (56.82 KB, 735x490, vhqae5h6z2yc1.jpeg)

0097735d No.3739199

The problem is passive subliminal shit and manipulating the commonplace for truth. that shit is fucked up beyond fucked up when a country is imposing that shit on others, that its just simply a forced-discount of any opinion involved, these opinions are not exclusive to foreign countries and can be adopted by anybody including the citizens of whatever country, the info-war crypto-proxy bullshit tho…that shit is getting annoying and acting smug about when one day. it will just happen to blow up in your face for you to get this point. Stop bossing the surface level public around. :P (I won't feel bad when you get what you deserve). Shit is annoying like a fly in the face, even if you are somehow counter intelligence just doing your job, :P that's some spy level consequences for some trivial bullshit. When you are contributing to a war campaign, thats some terrorist level bullshit. You see what I am saying? It escalates, and you feign your role, but the bullshit is, no one wants to tolerate it. When russians do this, shit is annoying, stops being cute, and becomes a nuisance they no one cares if its gone.

0097735d No.3739200

My point is actually, grow some balls and get off the computer, the usa will throw down eventually if you keep doing this and does not have to give a fuck about nuclear protocol either just fyi, that's where you want to take it and it will be inevitably the USA that owns the world and that includes your sorry ass disinformation agencies.

3e0a4089 No.3739204

Maga is a fart fetish cult now

3e0a4089 No.3739205

File: 1714749820406.png (112.23 KB, 497x494, i08rx9i537yc1.png)

64becd56 No.3739211

File: 1714756418165.jpg (181.67 KB, 1600x914, Federal Tax Rates.jpg)

>Paying taxes is part doing business in any Nation in the world. If you can't pay, your business has already failed and deserves to be destroyed

Taxation is justified when the spending goes towards helping those being taxed. The government is supposed to be working for the people and not the other way around - business and the economy doesn't exist solely so you could take money from it for your own purposes. Taxation is unjustified when it's merely about appropriating wealth - stealing money for your own special interest purposes.

The 50's was the peak of tax burden, and it wasn't sustainable or justifiable: the government grew too large on the back of the booming economy and started spending the money on things that didn't help. Reducing taxation wasn't about artificially keeping business afloat, but about stopping overfeeding the government. Unfortunately, the government found a way to keep over-eating by inflating the money base via debt.

06ec401b No.3739217

File: 1714767011387.png (1.14 MB, 1345x945, x777.png)


You can't make this shit up. Israel is calling turkey's president a dictator for sanctioning it over bombing people in gaza for months.

12575c10 No.3739219


Its strange times we are living in.

Bomb a city and kill 3xxxx people and you are justified no matter what

Demand peace in public and you are a antisemite/nazi/terrorist

76138ab5 No.3739220

Ah yes, Turkey. Those are the people who genocided their own Christians and, to this day, refuse to admit their guilt.

06ec401b No.3739221

File: 1714768461399.png (1.21 MB, 1333x937, morals.png)


Same world where biden thinks disrupting college classes is not morally right. But supporting Israel is.


06ec401b No.3739222

File: 1714768796993.png (1.11 MB, 1321x938, bad_bill.png)


Also same world where the Jew protect law passed the house the other day.

And yesterday people were losing it. Saying people wouldn't be able to criticize Israel, criticize zionism, make some passages of the bible illegal to read out loud that name jews as the killers of jesus, etc

06ec401b No.3739225

File: 1714771160988.jpg (6.34 KB, 262x193, uniparty.jpg)


TL:DR of his video

It gives an unaccountable group outside the usa, power to decide what anti-antisemitism is.

And it gives power to remove funds for schools/corporations that speak out about Israel, jews, whatever.

06ec401b No.3739226

File: 1714771338629.png (69.72 KB, 1290x887, opposition.png)

babe4679 No.3739228

File: 1714777930117-0.png (649.28 KB, 955x681, 36467044b5c777471cb7015074….png)

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The noticing will continue until moral improves.

babe4679 No.3739230

File: 1714778888772-0.png (682 KB, 905x1280, c0044e9c11ed6bb2c654a5a6b7….png)

So their complaint isn't that it shits on the constitution, it's that it doesn't shit on the constitution broadly enough. I fucking hate these people.

These people are treasonous and deserve the punishment for treason.

3991b156 No.3739243

N­­­­­­i­g­­­­­­­g­­­­­­­e­­­­­­r­s­­­­­ tongue my anus.

169761c0 No.3739253

File: 1714815539440.png (5.68 KB, 255x255, 1689303211011.png)

I'm imagining you're young Clint Eastwood, and the black guy is Tiger Woods.

I'd pay to see that sex tape. In duplicate.

3e0a4089 No.3739259


169761c0 No.3739262

File: 1714829987869.jpg (100.88 KB, 850x638, 4ab2e328a5079b87662da255c6….jpg)

gfd, I said tape. Way to show my age Steam.

Its not like I'm not already a dinosaur because I had the the name Steam, before the game thing was a thing. I've had this name since like 96'

169761c0 No.3739263

File: 1714830453364.png (476.34 KB, 509x610, b3d32beb7ac0f927d28acdd971….png)

:/ then again, this the furry fandom, so saying I'm a dinosaur doesn't mean much. You get the jist though.

169761c0 No.3739264

I actually chose steam in late elementary school. I went with it because I had the tendency to build up aggression and just explode. You'd have to be a dick to me for 2+ years, but eventually the rage would happen.

169761c0 No.3739265

Then I accidently helped create Anonymous, and the thing just kinda stuck.

169761c0 No.3739266

I no longer have the rage, at some point after puberty and the military, I just sort of stopped.

0097735d No.3739268

not that its my business or i even care. im just bored enough to notice i guess you should get to making those ai-tittie machines to distract me.

the rhetoric slowly fits into the globalist/elitist agenda its obvious this is going to be another massive laundering scheme as usual.

but also people should stop hindering nations with this victim complex of people. they could stop being hamas if they wanted. just like ukranians could stop being nazis if they wanted. its really just stubborness.

Because its a tantrum exploited to pay the bills. They dont care about their casualities or fueds, they want the free gibmedats of their sugardaddy-nation. whether through vassalage or subserviance to a 'axis of powers' doesnt matter which side it falls to, the good or bad, as long as someone remains to be in charge of someone else, that yields an existence and therefore insurance of their future. Fucked up and needless complex if they would just "resort to taking care of their basic needs".

The situation is everyone is buying into a small conflict being a crisis, full of actors hyping it up on media, showcasing "orchestrated standoffs using heavy artillery", against the powerless, weak, helpless and fragmented rebel society.

Infact, they are perpetuating the oppression of HAMAS. The hamas people ARE -oppressed and being genocided-. Their interests are forfeit to their media portrayal, which has them pinned as the big bad terror cel. (As whatever they are–because of a group of radical within their ranks or whatever)–they will continue to be killed off until…the world pays.
(objectively the lie is not who is right or wrong, it is who has money to launder)

Once they start dumping money to fix the "collatoral damage" it will never stop. So damaged and irreparable, those hamas people will be rehabiliated or humanity be damned. And the good guys (corrupt politicians with dirty money) will cover up the problems they themselves all made with photo-ops and smiling vote4me signs. Is this not the general way things go now?

Be Militant and Oppressive, Force Victimhood, Liberate said Victims, Be Celebrated as heroes. Get Paid.


8df94ca7 No.3739289


That is because they went specifically for breeding the savant type brain gene to rule over all but got autistic nerds with bad posture and square shoulders body types.

No joke. When you look at Israeli Jews , they look and walk like penguins.

8df94ca7 No.3739290


Its age. Lesser production of hormones.

Next step : Mr. Willy will need more sleep , also be more difficult to rouse.

Yes, sorry about that.

3e0a4089 No.3739294

File: 1714857138787.jpeg (486.65 KB, 1080x1507, cvgxmefk8fyc1.jpeg)

72ffa9a1 No.3739305

File: 1714868232351.png (444.99 KB, 1341x890, new_ukraine_proxy.png)


I wonder if scott will get in trouble for whistle blowing this.

3e0a4089 No.3739306

File: 1714868334590.jpeg (54.07 KB, 576x768, rvr34hhbdgyc1.jpeg)

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