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You messed with me~

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File: 1736798244598.jpeg (99.15 KB, 1024x963, photo_2025-01-13 13.50.33.jpeg)

9f869e58 No.3764755

The only AI he's getting is in jAIl.

eefc0de8 No.3764757

File: 1736799277321.jpeg (444.57 KB, 1871x1360, ErveHtCXEAAxpoZ.jpeg)

Steam is a lot of things, but a pedo isn't one.

afdc75ed No.3764761

File: 1736803582574.png (642.78 KB, 781x641, MAGAMccorkle_PhillipMccork….png)

Surprise! Surprise! No one should be surprised!

57a6d5d9 No.3764763

If you're making 'child porn' without children, then it's not child porn, retard.

afdc75ed No.3764765

The reason it's illegal is that you can't train an A.I. to make child porn without feeding it massive amounts of child porn to model off of.

12d5cecc No.3764793

Not true, feed it enough nude adults and clothed children and it will read between the lines.

Yes it is. Whether or not it should be illegal is a different matter.

79077b3b No.3764811

File: 1736851476265.jpg (370.59 KB, 768x1024, 107299199_p0_master1200.jpg)

Steam is a pedo lolololol

661808b5 No.3764812

File: 1736851677867.jpg (151.95 KB, 850x1134, 0dd871de76907e7f5432831ca2….jpg)

Steam got arrested for fucking a baby in the ass

d593993a No.3764814

If he's making it himself without children using AI how would they even know he did it?

d593993a No.3764815

I remember a news article a few years back where a guy got busted for CP for photoshopping the heads of children onto the bodies of naked adults.
I'm not even sure what you would call that kind of fetish, and you would think such a thing would easily get thrown out of court, but no….. seems more like a "thought crime" to me than anythng else.

aa7ded7f No.3764826

File: 1736861331928.png (3.39 MB, 2062x1530, 10054de319a3a07bf842e89cea….png)

Steam is making his own CHILD PORNOGRAPHY using his SATANIC AI's he deserves to be banned. You're all lucky I stole his name and posted as him he deserves to rot in hell

86222a7d No.3764827

File: 1736861570807.jpg (800.44 KB, 1200x800, 118505186_p1_master1200.jpg)

That fucker got exactly what he deserved for messing with me, no one fucks with Mix. I'm the alpha.

86222a7d No.3764828

File: 1736861671090.png (1.57 MB, 1200x1344, 21c56dedc71eafd2f56a08e533….png)

Go ahead try to mess with me, I'll dick down anyone just like I did to Steam. Your dicks are worthless against me

4bb8782e No.3764830

File: 1736862983662.png (4.02 MB, 2048x2048, 21865181aff35e81afdd0974e0….png)

That shit stain Steam will never recover from how bad I made him look

e03f7da2 No.3764831

File: 1736863355098.png (1.13 MB, 832x1215, c333602fca8ae48f0a81b0592b….png)

Now that I got him banned by pretending to be him trolling me, I win. No one can fuck with the Mix.

9c9a2807 No.3764832

File: 1736863565877.png (15.18 KB, 750x450, 1287269139.javanshir_3362.png)

You dumb i am racist and not very brights need to die.

9c9a2807 No.3764834

File: 1736863990287.png (357.72 KB, 694x665, Cease_7145e5_7895332.png)

I'm coming out as a dog fucker. I love the knot and canine AIDS.

6fa51c9b No.3764886

File: 1736928949252.jpg (180.94 KB, 892x1118, 1733665781176.jpg)

ef3fc42e No.3764903

shut the fuck UP you dumb i am racist and not very bright. prove literally any of this ..

78fbdccb No.3764909

f44a6c9c No.3765091

File: 1737108819554.jpg (718.26 KB, 2400x4080, 00c9526608db6a138a1d5e205c….jpg)

LOLOL he actually did get banned for being a pedo

d593993a No.3765094

Anyone that clicks on those pedo spam links is an idiot, the reason being they are an obvious Fed Trap Honeypot.
The main reason being, you almost never see the child's face unless it is blurred, distorted, angled away, or partially obscured, the reason being to protect their identities after they grow up, which is nonsense because after becoming adults they never look like they did as a child anyway. In the rare instance they do show a face, it always looks photoshopped on, which probably means it is that of a deceased child "that can no longer be harmed."
So, never never never click on that shit,

57a6d5d9 No.3765102

AI generated images are not humans, nor are they even images of humans.

78fbdccb No.3765113

mix is fuckin dogs again?
what a fuckin zoophile mix is

0ec126f0 No.3765143

>Have software that can generate an unlimited supply of fake child porn at the press of a button.
>Save a bunch of it

lol. What a fucking retard.

ad159288 No.3765146

File: 1737164658956.png (111.01 KB, 500x500, 37b5dfed2aefed48dcdb6a5456….png)

I'm a jannie and can confirm that most of the shit that gets spammed you never see. And unfortunately, ALL of it has the faces unblurred. Between all of the jannies and I, the vast majority is removed quickly if one of us is awake and not in public.

4f74f942 No.3765187

File: 1737211420700.jpg (346.15 KB, 2000x2000, notmyglasses.jpg)

What is the attraction to having any kind of part in the running of this place?

Also - when a sperm enters the egg, a new life begins and the soul and spirit enters the developing embryo. Even if the holocost had happened the way it was described, going purely by the numbers of human lives murdered, abortion is indeed worse. You're making fun of murdering humans/life.

(Pic unrelated.)

b4161070 No.3765226

> when a sperm enters the egg, a new life begins and the soul and spirit enters the developing embryo.
So then, in identical twins, which begin as a single developing embryo and then splits into two separate humans, one has no soul. Or worse, as the embryo splits the soul is destroyed by being ripped apart and neither twin has a soul.

God is a moron.

4f74f942 No.3765238

File: 1737247869354.jpg (102.24 KB, 757x1000, swimmer.jpg)

Your logic is moronic (and carnal/earthly). A God who created all life and the whole universe and knew who all His children were going to be before time began, is going to know how to, when to and where to place the soul and spirit.
Maybe the egg divided in the way that causes identical twins because God wanted it that way, and it was given 2 souls/spirits.

Psalm 139:13-16 KJV https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Psalms-Chapter-139/
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
BSB: ("For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all my days were written in Your book and ordained for me before one of them came to be.")

Job 31:15 KJV:
"Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?"

Jeremiah 1:5 KJV:
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."

Ecclesiastes 11:5:
"As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all."

(Pic unrelated.)

6f03bd59 No.3765246

You do know that in Christianity "soul" is a living human being? Idea of soul being separate of the body is a pagan heresy. Report to nearest Inquisitor for re-education.

f2ad0d91 No.3765265

File: 1737270012810.jpg (49.4 KB, 850x400, INGERSOLL__07.jpg)


Okay, so you've got this character named "Yahweh" or "YHVH" or whatever and he's got all these nifty magical powers. He can predict events, plus add to that the fact NOTHING CAN HAPPEN WITHOUT HIS SAY-SO, and oh yeah, he can make ANY kind of technological device he wants to.

So why then, would this supposedly "awesome" God not give humans something really cool such as a "Telepathic Data Crystal" or "Cube" or I dunno what, instead of a book written by people who didn't know where the sun and moon went, or what germs and viruses are? Just seems like a huge waste.

You have all these powers – AND YOU DON'T EVEN USE THEM… or at least not to GOOD EFFECT… Why have humans write the Bible if you already know they're just gunna screw it up and put crazy crap in there about how you should stone gay people to death, take slaves, and subjugate women?

Did God ~want~ all of that stupid crap to be in the Bible, or did HUMANS want that crap to be in the Bible? And if you cared, why not gee, I dunno, do something to put a stop to it? They're saying a bunch of crap in YOUR name, and you just sit up there in the sky and DO NOTHING.

And yes, you do NOTHING… the occasional earthquake or tornado or tsunami just doesn't cut it, chief! Oh, you flooded the whole Earth one time and made a guy put animals on a giant boat? Goodie for you I guess… who were you trying to target that at or send a message to?

So you saw fit to just punish the ENTIRE human race, that YOUR STUPID ASS CREATED? Instead of just the SPECIFIC humans who were pissing you off at the time???

And I ran into a really funny one with a debate with a churchie… he said "God decided human sacrifices were no longer necessary."

I said, OH!!!! So God made a mistake? A mistake that he later rectified? Like how America makes mistakes sometimes and those get fixed with Amendments to The Constitution?

And what exactly happened to the daughter of Jepthah? Did he actually make a burnt offering of her exactly as he promised in exchange for victory over the Ammonites, or did Jepthah and his Daughter arrange some kind of tricky loophole so that she wouldn't have to become Bible Times Barbecue?

Strange, an angel came down to help Isaac out of a bind (hahahah, get it? The Binding of Isaac?) but where was that angel when Jepthah's daughter needed her life spared??? I guess GIRLS don't have as much social value as a MALE HEIR does!

f2ad0d91 No.3765267


Holy shit, this is ripped straight out of BBC's "Brass Eye" comedy news show.


f2ad0d91 No.3765269

File: 1737270290579.png (163.86 KB, 572x506, Byuu_Two.PNG)

f2ad0d91 No.3765270

File: 1737270397540.png (290.62 KB, 543x572, Byuu_Four.PNG)


Kiwi Farms must be destroyed.

Near / Byuu will be avenged.

4f74f942 No.3765272

File: 1737270588237.jpg (226.79 KB, 1279x1092, Without-Christ.jpg)

As far as I know, the word "soul" is mentioned around 500 times in the Bible, and most of those times it refers to a person, however that's just a way of referring to a person or people, by referring to a part of them. It's even done in today's English language and situations.

My understanding of soul, spirit (and body) is that the body is the physical "vehicle" that interacts physically with the earthly world, the soul is a non-physical component which interacts with other people (and their souls) and is also our mind/logical understanding/reasoning and interacts/connects with our 5 senses, whereas the spirit only faces towards all things spiritual, but the soul and spirit do still have a close connection.
When the body dies, the soul and spirit remains, and what happens to them depends on their decisions while inside a human body on this planet.

And yes, so many Christians were slaughtered in the past and are being slaughtered right now, because they refused to submit to/believe man/"jewish"-fables over Jesus Christ. There is only 1 Truth and source of it, and only 1 God; who is Jesus Christ.
Maybe I'll post Scripture about this later, if there's interest.

f2ad0d91 No.3765275

File: 1737270834587.png (872.67 KB, 567x764, ALEX_IS_MISSING__TEXT.png)


If you ever encounter somebody claiming that "The Protect Act 2003 made lolicon and furry cub illegal" – kindly SLAP THE FUCKING DUST AND COBWEBS OUT OF THE SPACE BETWEEN THEIR EARS WHERE THEY ONCE HAD A BRAIN….


Persons of ordinary intelligence can discern whether a depiction is virtually indistinguishable from a photograph of a real child engaged in sexually explicit conduct.

Congress intended for both prohibitions to reach a narrow category of material-depictions that are "virtually indistinguishable to the unsuspecting viewer from unretouched photographic images of actual children engaging in sexually explicit conduct."



(11) the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.

(9) “identifiable minor”— (A) means a PERSON — (i) (I) who was a minor at the time the visual depiction was created, adapted, or modified; or (II) whose image as a minor was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual depiction; and (ii) who is recognizable as an actual person by the person’s face, likeness, or other distinguishing characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable feature; and (B) shall not be construed to require proof of the actual identity of the identifiable minor.



1 U.S. Code § 8 - “Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”



f2ad0d91 No.3765278

File: 1737271153110.png (357.62 KB, 387x382, BANANA_PHONE.PNG)


Cartoon Drawings no more count as “C-P-” than a Vegan Hamburger counts as “dead cow flesh byproduct.”

What things are ACTUALLY made of is what matters the most, not the “idea” or the “concept.” Killing an NPC in a video game is not “murder” – throwing a bunch of grinded up plants together and treating it with seasonings to make it taste like meat is not “animal murder” (no animals were harmed in the production of the product, JUST PLANTS).

Drawing two furry characters YIFFING is not “creating C-P- or Z-P-”

Do you understand the basic logic here? Real is real, fake is fake. Cartoon Animal Drawings, be they anthropomorphic or feral, or cub or whatever… they’re simply NOT real. To call such drawings “C-P-” doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense – because for something to qualify as C-P- (at least in the USA by OUR legal definitions) it must involve a real human person.

Furry characters are NOT equal to real human people. What you are upset at is a “concept.” Like the “concept” of vore, or the “concept” of some Macro Furry stomping through a city and smashing up a bunch of buildings, Godzilla style.

It’s not real, it’s just pretend… like video games…. nobody is going to show up to your house to arrest you because you did a Fatality move on someone in Mortal Kombat, nobody is going to show up to your house to arrest you because you beat up a hooker or shawt a cawp in Grand Theft Auto.

It doesn’t MATTER… it’s FAKE….

Do you get this upset about Breaking Bad “normalizing” the sale and manufacture of drugs? Do you get this upset about horror movies “normalizing” chopping people up into tiny pieces? If not, then STFU, you absolute HYPOCRITE.

AND THE ONLY REASON THAT NASTY ASS A.I. GENERATED HYPER REALISTIC "VIRTUAL CSEM" IS THE BREAKING POINT IS BECAUSE IT PASSES THE "VIRTUALLY INDISTINGUISHABLE" MARK…. it's kinda difficult for anyone with a working brain and functioning eyes to not be able to tell the difference between CARTOON DRAWINGS OF TAILS AND SONIC YIFFING, and actual factual genuine CSEM of a real person….

f2ad0d91 No.3765281

File: 1737271413395.jpg (66.34 KB, 515x600, tails__cheerleader__002.jpg)


You still can't out-think me, churchie.


f2ad0d91 No.3765282

File: 1737271569147.jpg (518.01 KB, 1561x2000, boring_vanilla_bitch.jpg)


Why can't you people just stick to NSFW Furry Cub Drawings like "Normal Well-Behaved Individuals."

f2ad0d91 No.3765285

File: 1737271757343.png (473.47 KB, 1359x973, VEGAN_LION.png)


If you're making hamburgers without the beef, is it really a hamburger?

4f74f942 No.3765289

File: 1737272070044.jpg (394.6 KB, 2000x2000, withoutchrist.jpg)

What is the attraction to having any kind of part in the running of this place?

You're just ranting bullshit. If I were to try and address your rant, you'd just snicker at me for being dumb enough to waste my time by taking you seriously, and then rant some other nutty anti-Christian things without even reading my well thought-out post.

How far has your "atheism" gotten you, BTW?

f2ad0d91 No.3765292

File: 1737272337109.png (803.16 KB, 519x742, N_I_T.png)



He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity
He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity

God is dead, and no one cares
If there is a hell, I'll see you there

He flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
He made a virus that would kill off all the swine
His perfect kingdom of killing, suffering, and pain
Demands devotion, atrocities done in his name

God is dead, and no one cares
If there is a hell, I'll see you there
Your god is dead, and no one cares
If there is a hell, I'll see you there


f2ad0d91 No.3765294

File: 1737272611266.png (527.2 KB, 1076x736, GINGA_WEED_IMPOSSIBLE_CHAI….png)



Arekuruu arashi ni asu ga mienaku tomo
Kokoronaki sekai ni fuminijirare you to

Kesshite kujikezu tachiagaru no da
Na mo naki kusa no inochi no gotoku

Hashire! WEEDO! Omae no kagayaku yuuki ga
Hoero! WEEDO! Yami o kirisaku hoshi ni naru no sa
Ginga densetsu WEEDO!

f2ad0d91 No.3765297

File: 1737273494472.jpg (309.6 KB, 640x640, folder.jpg)


"you'd just snicker at me for being dumb enough to waste my time by taking you seriously"

I was in fact, being dead fucking serious.

Yahweh (or however the fuck you're supposed to spell his name, YHVH?) is a flawed character. He sucks worse than a deliberately nerfed Superman….

f2ad0d91 No.3765298

File: 1737273668837.jpg (452.72 KB, 640x640, folder.jpg)



When I was a boy, I had a dream
All about the things I'd like to be
Soon as I was in my bed
Music played inside my head
When I was a boy, I had a dream

When I was a boy, I learned to play
Far into the night and drift away
Don't wanna work on the milk or the bread
Just wanna play my guitar instead
When I was a boy, I had a dream

And radio waves… kept me company
In those beautiful days
When there was no money
When I was a boy, I had a dream

4f74f942 No.3765299

File: 1737273879004.png (836.03 KB, 884x928, WEEEEEDOOOOOO!.png)

If you knew more about how this world works, and who owns and runs it and how it's run, then you'd be horrified at what you've become, but only if you still had any principles within you. One doesn't need religion to have principles.

Wow, you've gotten my attention with that one! How long have you known about that series? Are you an oldfag, or is that reference/scene just something/anything you've stumbled upon because 3dgy?

f2ad0d91 No.3765301

File: 1737274097017.gif (201.08 KB, 800x900, RACCOON_CD_PLAYER_HEADPHON….gif)


Music is the only truth.

Music is the only God.

There is nothing else.



I tried talking to God since I was knee high
Now I see why I don't anymore… no replies
Lifes a bitch and then we die
So I'mma fuck her til she creampies
Through her Levis
Cause these eyes
Have seen it all, this is just the B side

For all the people thinkin that I'd fall, heres the peace sign
No pause button, wish I could freeze time
The calm before the storm, when everything seemed fine
Mind over matter, and I speak mine
But when your entire world does a flip and turns to shit, and theres no rewind

How do you deal with such a problem? Well see I'm
Currently relying on weed and bottles of cheap wine
Next morning, shake it off, confront it head on
Keep denyin' it? You're dead wrong, by the end of the song
I'mma show you how to take control of yourself, listen…
This my story…. My way of livin'

On my darkest nights
I turn down all the lights
Put on that certain song
And right before the curtains drawn
… I feel revived…
Music is my god, its half the reason im alive
The only thing that speaks to me, the real me inside

Whats the cost of life? Lets talk a price
I'm lookin at the stars and stripes
Freedom of speech? But no one listens to the bars I write
… Pardon me Christ, but my heart is ice
Where the fuck you been, 27 years, when it was hard to fight?
On my darkest nights, music was there

My so called friends disappeared, no room for you squares
This musical chairs
Skys the limit, well good luck usin' the stairs
Middle finger to world, consider it a souvenir
Im elevating while you're jealous hating
See you in hell, I'm waitin'
To meet the devil.

When I die, its gonna be a celebration
I'm not a mental patient, but you think im quite odd
Cause I say music is my God
Well I feel like yours isn't doing the right job
So you can sit and pray, while I'm clickin' play on my i-pod

f2ad0d91 No.3765303

File: 1737274314046.png (384.44 KB, 1042x917, PIXEL_PUP.PNG)

>If you knew more about how this world works, and who owns and runs it and how it's run

Who? Gawd? Who? The spooky scary jewzie-muh-whutsitz?

You sound like a fuckin' neo nazi conspiracy theorist.

Figures, most christians typically are.

f2ad0d91 No.3765305

File: 1737274583479.png (297.59 KB, 861x653, ALFRED_ALFER__MIND.png)


You sound like Shmorky's nutball skitzo GF ranting about "THERE IS NO SOLUTION TO THE JEWISH PROBLEM!"

Take your fucking meds….


Skitzo's turning into nazis?

So what else is new….

It already happened to Emily Youcis…. I fucking used to love her animations…. then she went full on 4chan nazi.

4f74f942 No.3765306

Okay, I get it now. You're right about "yahweh", and the people who talk about whatever he is.

I wasn't talking about "yahweh", I was talking about the Living God of the New Testament Jesus Christ, and not some intentionally broken misinformation about a god who isn't Jesus Christ!

There are many, many "people" out there spreading lies about Christianity, and doing it in every conceivable way, and one of those ways is to set up a false god, and make him out to be the God of the Bible. Therefore, causing people to become disillusioned and angry at the true God of the Bible, even though they've never actually gotten to know Him.

You've been lied to, and it wasn't God lying to you. He is incapable of lying.

4f74f942 No.3765307

The term "conspiracy theorist" was invented by the people who have successfully fucked your mind up. Congrats on being their product now. They own and control even your very thoughts.

PS: Don't leave me hanging regarding WEEEEEDDOOOOOOO! I wanna know how you know about that series. So few people or dogs do.

f2ad0d91 No.3765308

File: 1737274967899.png (807.33 KB, 1014x756, GREY_2_YT.png)



Call yourself a christian or muslim, I know you do
Any religion, bet it's the one your parents chose for you

And any admission of your doubts to someone close to you would not be accepted
Because forgiveness goes out the window when its someone different

And I don't know what's worse, the fact that I never believed
Or that I miss that community of church

There's two ways to control a population; hope and fear
Prove the existence of a soul and we'll go from there

Otherwise shut your mouth when you open it up to mention me, Greydon Square.

Spoon-fed this religion from the slave ship
They used faith to justify bringin' slaves here

All the conducts and the rules in the good book
You swear by it, but failed to take a good look

You're completely sold
Just two centuries ago slave owners swore you didn't even have a soul

Now you blindly defend a faith
That was used to plunder pillage and rape a whole entire race?

DL Hugely's never met a black atheist
I'll never know a faith based on a factual basis

So we're even, from christian to islamic law
And now they speakin' up from Compton to Islamabad

They don't directly respond, they put it on their blog
Straw man attacks against me like I'm some kinda star

Huh, yew pokin' at the hornets nest
I'll lyrically destroy your faith just to warn the rest!

f2ad0d91 No.3765309


i watched the whole series and it made me cry.

you wanna call me a pansy ass softie weeb now?

f2ad0d91 No.3765310



All this over poor explanations of nature
I'm Denzel in Glory, for shoes i'll make it a caper

I have the scars of a slave in my DNA
So forgive me if I don't preach the faith like TD Jakes

See, I could never go to bed with said fiction
genetic memory stores the trama of shed whippin's

Next victim, any faith thats ever suppress women
And skewed science and education for its best interests

…for those who died for daring to question the system

And all lives and power that they've abused since then

The stories were myth from the instant of its invention

That's where their power comes from, your belief in their fiction….

f2ad0d91 No.3765311

File: 1737275523062.jpg (291.72 KB, 546x396, BRAIN_IN_CHAINS__crop.jpg)


You will not read this.

You will not ask questions.

You are the one who is brainwashed, CHURCHIE….

4f74f942 No.3765312

>you wanna call me a pansy ass softie weeb now?
It's like you don't know me at all, I've never done that to anyone ever.

I got angry at puppy-Gin getting bashed with a branch in order to "toughen him up", but was mostly just glued to the screen while watching GDW due to the action and cliffhangers (unless there was a memory that I've repressed by now).
What parts moved you so much?
When did you watch it - was it right as it was getting subbed by Keihound and then released?

f2ad0d91 No.3765313

File: 1737276124086.png (186.16 KB, 366x518, GB_WEEDO.PNG)



I had vaguely heard of it here and there for a while, but never gave it a chance until around 2023… initially the art style kinda put me off, it's not as "cute" as some art styles, it can be really rough… kinda like that "Gambler Kaiji" series… the faces look a bit weird… but eventually I kinda just gave up and tried it and I felt very engaged by the story….

GB is my favorite, he's kind of a push-over / coward – but he tries his best and he eventually improves and becomes more loyal.

f2ad0d91 No.3765314

File: 1737276367140.png (925.91 KB, 583x667, KNIGHT_RIDER_NES.PNG)

>Are you an oldfag

4f74f942 No.3765315

I agree about the art style/faces, it took me a while to get used to as well. GB had a good heart and values to begin with. I don't remember exactly anymore why he stuck around with Weed, but I think it was because he felt that he could be "of use" as a big brother to Weed, who was lonely and destroyed.
GB wasn't exactly "making waves" in the world, so maybe he wanted to "make a difference" in that way. He definitely wasn't the kind to only stick around for the glory. Not a fan of "girl chaser" Smith telling Weed to "man up and stop crying" so soon after watching his mother and only family drop dead, but maybe that a Japanese "warrior" thing.

Maybe you don't know, but GB doesn't have the best end in the Manga. I couldn't read that part after finding out, it would have just gotten me too pissed off again, so I stuck with with series and fanart etc., and stopped following the story. However, I think the part with the monkeymen had already put me off almost completely anyway.

4f74f942 No.3765317

Hah! Loved that series. Never got over that stupid steering wheel, though. :3 I'm glad the series didn't manage to warp my mind into chasing after AI though.
I held out until the SNES came out - spent my chores money on other stuff until then.

f2ad0d91 No.3765322

File: 1737277753999.png (857.85 KB, 690x463, KITT_DASH.PNG)

4f74f942 No.3765323

Nice dash, but definitely not compliant with reasonably modern safety/practicality standards. :3

f2ad0d91 No.3765324


I hear that people who attempt to drive with such a weird and unconventional steering wheel often repeatedly bash themselves in the balls.



4f74f942 No.3765327

Hah, glad to know I'm not the only one who noticed. I was disappointed at silly "normies" messing around with that car until realising it's a replica; almost ruined the "mystique". That show must have had an effect on me after all. :3

f2ad0d91 No.3765344

File: 1737281768922.png (2.39 MB, 1497x836, KNIGHT_RIDER_POWER_CYCLE.PNG)


I loved Knight Rider as a kid, a really nice dude actually let me sit in his replica KITT car when my parents took me to the Trans Am Nationals in Dayton Ohio (it was a long long long time ago btw, like, early 2000s) … seeing it up close, seeing that wheel… seeing people trying to DRIVE with that fucking thing made me realize why steering wheels are FUCKING ROUND AND NOT SOME GULL-WING MONSTROSITY… imagine getting bashed in the nuts every time you go to make a turn.

4f74f942 No.3765371

File: 1737285358566.jpg (58.57 KB, 790x469, Jaguar-no-nuts.jpg)

Oh, u! Early 2000's wasn't that long ago. :P

>imagine getting bashed in the nuts every time you go to make a turn.

← Maybe it's just cynicism, but I immediately thought of the global push to "de-sex" men… perhaps KITT is just ahead of its time, made for a future where "men" no longer have that problem. :3

(Only $28.88 retail, marked down to $19.97 for a licensed kid's trike… I miss those low prices.)

4f74f942 No.3765379

File: 1737288876265-0.jpg (40.23 KB, 229x620, weed-sites.jpg)

File: 1737288876265-1.jpg (120.02 KB, 920x667, 05.jpg)

File: 1737288876265-2.jpg (120.31 KB, 920x678, 06.jpg)

File: 1737288876265-3.jpg (109.79 KB, 920x667, 07.jpg)

File: 1737288876265-4.jpg (112.68 KB, 920x667, 08.jpg)

I've got a bunch of old Weedoo fanart and website mirrors scattered about my hard drives. If you're interested, I'll start collating it, zip it and share it.
Not sure how much of it can no longer be found, but surely there's something.

fe17e195 No.3765380

File: 1737290218465.png (32.37 KB, 838x458, COLECO_KITT.PNG)


>(Only $28.88 retail, marked down to $19.97 for a licensed kid's trike… I miss those low prices.)


Oh yeah, but let's go feed that into an inflation calculator and see what that price really equated to!

Let's see… the Coleco Knight Rider Power Cycle came out back in 1984, the current year is 2025… if the price in 1984 was 28.88 then today that same price would be equal to…. $87.19

4f74f942 No.3765389

Ouch… Well, there you go. That price looks more "normal".
Actually, back then it might have still been made in the USA, so that's at least something.

f2ad0d91 No.3765391

File: 1737295175808.png (158 KB, 680x500, Zelda - A Link to The Past….png)


It just trips my friggin' mind out that a Big Wheel made out of plastic would cost close to $90. That's nuts. And then consider that back in the 1990s, a brand new Super Nintendo game costed something around $40 dollars…

That 40 dollar brand new sealed copy of Secret of Mana or Zelda: Link to The Past at the game store in 1993? $86.83 ….. Inflation is FREAKY.

4f74f942 No.3765395

I've never done the math, but am willing to bet that even when taking inflation into account, those 40 dollars back then would have purchased a larger amount of quality staple foods and paid off a bigger chunk of insurance/utility bills than $86.83 today.

All that money I used to spend on consoles, equipment and video games back then without consideration… what other more sensible things could I have done with it?
Well, at least I progressed to Rapier class on Wipeout 2097 and saw Lara Croft naked. :3

f2ad0d91 No.3765398

File: 1737297616766.png (133.69 KB, 680x500, Rock n' Roll Racing (USA).png)


I remember when a gallon of milk was something like $1.99 or whatever, and now that shit's like $4 or $5… and last time I went to the Safeway I saw a sign they had posted up saying there's gunna be a national shortage on stuff like Milk, Cheese, Eggs etc…. the prices on that shit is gunna ramp the fuck up. Scarcity + Inflation is a bad bad combo.

Anyway dude, I apologize for acting like a total rude ass and calling you names. Now I just wanna give you a hug…

29209f6c No.3765399


Why did you make me remember this horrible fucking commercial….




What is going on? This looks like some shit that Apple would have made… to sell iPods or something….

4f74f942 No.3765404

Ahh, we're seeing those planned "shortages" over here as well now. Interesting.

>I apologize for acting like a total rude ass and calling you names. Now I just wanna give you a hug…

Thank you, but that just means I'm doing something wrong now. Maybe tomorrow we can talk about religion stuff again. When you start wanting to strangle me, I'll know that I'm on the right track. :3

I think it's a win-win-win for the crazies running the world: They get to create and control the problem, and so they'll get to create and control the solution.
And in the time between the problem and the solution, they'll get to have people talking and wasting their life/energy on anything except dealing with the crazies who are harming them. Diabolical, but effective.

9600b2b4 No.3765490

File: 1737370516885.jpg (69 KB, 500x500, Knight Rider Special (eng).jpg)


>Thank you, but that just means I'm doing something wrong now. Maybe tomorrow we can talk about religion stuff again. When you start wanting to strangle me, I'll know that I'm on the right track. :3

sighs I don't wanna strangle yah, I don't wanna hurt'chah, I don't want to make you feel hated or attacked or vilified or persecuted for your beliefs either… I came out of the gate swinging the bat pretty hard, but honestly I don't HATE you… nor do I ~want~ to hate you. You deserve love, you deserve to feel happiness and comfort. We have different belief systems sure, but that should not be justification for us to be bitter enemies.

I may have acted a bit brash, said some things that were uncalled for… but I want you to know that I wish no harm to come your way. You genuinely seem like a really sweet, really gentle, really kind hearted person.

The nature of an "anonymous" website can kinda inspire us to behave like piranhas in a crowded tank… chewing and biting and attacking one another over petty perceived slights and imagined trespasses.

But I'm not like the 4chan freaks or the Kiwi Trolls… I don't wish pain or suffering upon anyone unless they absolutely deserve it… and "being weird" is not enough for me to really hate somebody. You gotta do something TRULY fucked up for me to actually HATE you….

I honestly wish you the best, Mister Christian Business Doggo, sir.

4f74f942 No.3765499

File: 1737383513328.jpg (72.54 KB, 850x556, questionablesuggestions.jpg)

That's a wonderful way for you to tell me, that you don't want to hear about Christian stuff. :P This might sound like something that someone with a messed up selfish personality would say, but you shouldn't concern yourself with trying to be friendly, and worrying about how others feel when sharing your opinions - instead, you should worry about your opinions having a solid truthful foundation and being able to defend your opinions with at least a reasonable argument or even better, with quality sources. I can source everything I talk about, or at least back it up with reasonable arguments.

We live in a world that is temporarily (until the world gets destroyed by Jesus Christ after taking His, and only His children to Heaven) owned and run by satan and his children, and they have managed to reprogram "the masses" into diverting their attention and efforts away from genuine curiosity, research, solid well-founded arguments and reasoning, and move them towards fearfulness, self-censorship, concern for "causing offense" (due to a million different fluid/undefined reasons), being "unkind" (whatever the hell that means) and so forth.

I would much rather you "tear into me" and try to strangle me, for a number of reasons, but probably the biggest one is that at least then I'll be talking with someone who has fewer layers of satanic Frankfurt School poison between me and them. I may be a dog who was hurt by people, but still like them and want only the best for them, so "the personal/genuine touch" is something I value.
Another reason is that this "facade" that people have been brainwashed into living out, when allowed to continue, will take on a life of its own and become a fragmented schism of the original person, eventually taking over that person and replacing it completely (therefore killing the original man or woman, who was made in the image of God, by an inferior copy of satan's) - so when I continue to interact with someone who has this facade up (which they believe they need to have), it only supports that belief, and therefore causes that person further injury and damage which is something that I don't want to happen.

4f74f942 No.3765500

File: 1737383676656.jpg (434.48 KB, 2000x2000, bouncyballexpert.jpg)

Thirdly, it's satan and his children who have that smooth tongue, dripping with poison but cooing sweet like honey - making sure never to "offend", stroking every ego, forgiving every vice and sin, and leading everyone who listens straight to hell. I simply don't want to "compete" with that, even by just "being nice", and would rather be completely frank and open.
Fourthly, I am now a Christian dog and no longer belong to this world/satan, and if I don't piss people off (by preaching God's word and setting an example) to the point of them wanting to brutally murder me, then I am a failure as a true "hot" Christian. :3 When Jesus' prophets got the shit beaten out of them for preaching His words, they rejoiced afterwards - probably not something that I'll ever manage to achieve (not actually brave enough), but in a way something to look forward to nonetheless. :P

You didn't "hurt/offend" me one bit! I enjoyed it, but in a way that wasn't making fun of you - instead in a way where I knew you weren't residing inside a poisonous oppressive shell that all of us had been coated with layer-by-layer over the years, by this world's owners and their evil fruits.

I meant every word - I'm only on the right track, when I'm not getting along with this world and those who don't want to be rescued from it.
A true Christian is only now a sojourner, and no longer a citizen of this world - instead they immediately become a citizen of Heaven/Heavenly Jerusalem. Why do you think "the jews" (who are khazars, not even "true" Jews, and who have an even more evil purification of the corrupted man/devil-religion that bayed for Jesus Christ to be crucified), why do you think they and their idiotic zionist-"christian" butt-buddies lust so openly over that piece of cesspit dirt which is earthly jerusalem? (Even to the point of murdering masses of civilians to "build it up".) Jesus Christ Himself said that earthly jerusalem in the last days (which we're more or less in) would be like sodom and egypt (sexual depravity and psychopathic/oppressive/evil government).
One of the reasons these assholes/psychos/monsters lust over that evil cesspit is because they are not citizens of Heavenly Jerusalem - they are not true Christians (nor can they ever manage to become a Christian/citizen.)

4f74f942 No.3765501

File: 1737383811087.jpg (318.08 KB, 1537x2000, wardrobemalfunction.jpg)

I'm not implying that you don't want to be saved/rescued from this broken and dying world, but most people are addicted to it or simply can't let it go for some reason or another. The monsters who own/run/control/monitor almost every "online (and offline) meeting place" with any tangible amount of real human traffic are absolutely desperate to hold on to control of this world, and they will murder almost every single person on the planet in order to keep it for themselves - they have nothing else to live for.
Strange, don't you think? Salvation is as easy as believing in Jesus Christ (of the Textus Receptus Bible, beware the antichrist who will show up first), and only trusting in Him, yet the vast majority of people on the planet are unable to do such a simple thing. Worse still, some people would rather make the effort of murdering/destroying the planet and the entire solar system instead of believing in Jesus Christ. There are other reasons why most people will never believe in Jesus Christ; everything's explained in the Bible.

I can remember and sympathise with your resentment and disillusionment at "pastors"/"christians"/"yahweh" etc. because I myself had an expectation for them to "keep things clean and honest", and I still become very frustrated and disillusioned when hearing pastors talk evil poison and destroy those who listen to it. Unfortunately, most people will indeed be destroyed in the end! We're even going to have the satanic one world gov that once established, will unleash an unimaginable and unmatched global wave of murder and blood-lust. It'll happen in our lifetime too, it's very close.

4f74f942 No.3765502

File: 1737383959518.jpg (167.44 KB, 2450x631, longdog.jpg)

I hope for you, that you can manage to separate yourself from this dying world and reach out to the only one who wants to save you, but also 'is able to save you.
There isn't a single pastor I know of in my area that doesn't poison his (or "her") congregation. We're in a very dangerous time - it's actually quite spectacular how comprehensively the devil and his children have been able to deceive the whole world, they must be incredibly excited and gleeful by now.
If you're willing to "gab about God" with me some more, I'll be as accurate as possible and be completely honest - but with the quiet expectation for you to verify if I'm correct. Note that even people who talk like this, telling those who listen to them to verify for themselves, will know that 95% plus won't do it or be able to. You must always verify, but knowing that the Internet is almost completely censored and dishonest now.
You're young still, which in a way can make things easier, but also more difficult, depending on how you approach this subject.
Spoiler: I tend to chase people (and animals) away with what I say. :3

On another subject - I vaguely remember owning a remote-controlled KITT car, but the scanner was just a single light that lit up whenever the car moved, and the remote was wired, so it must have been a cheaper version (that probably still cost $100 in today's money, heh.)

(Pic unrelated.)

d5305dd3 No.3765549

File: 1737416064433.png (652.07 KB, 496x680, Disney's - DuckTales 1 - B….png)



Sir, I apologize. I did not mean to make you believe I am one of these pathetic, wishy-washy, no backbone "social justice warrior" college campus safe space types.

I only meant that I feel a degree of shame for how I treated you at the start of our little back and forth interactions in this thread.

I came in wanting to fight on the side of "Team Atheism" like it's some kinda gang and you ran up on my turf wearing "the wrong colors." I acted like an arrogant jerk, I made you feel ignored and un-listened to.

Well now I want to listen.

I want to hear what you have to say, and I hope that you will listen to some of the things I have to say – there must be SOME things we have in common, not even just hobbies from our childhoods but things we know deep down are true despite the fact "The World" and the powers that be keep trying to get us to believe that 1 + 1 = 3 or 2 + 2 = 5

I legit actually agree with you fully about the "Gender Nonsense" that seems to have swept not just America but the whole world.


d5305dd3 No.3765550

File: 1737416156486.png (709.13 KB, 496x680, Disney's - Rescue Rangers ….png)


If you go way way way back to the sick, vile, reprehensible "experiments" of one "Doctor" John William Money which he carried out on the unfortunate victim, David Reimer – you will realize the inherent flaws of the entire concept of "Gender Reassignment" and its associated ideology – you will also come to the same conclusions that I did, that "Dr. Money" was a straight up pedophile who took pleasure in grooming not just David but also his brother Brian – often forcing the two to partake in twisted "roleplay sessions" purely for the amusement of the so-called "Doctor."

All of this "Gender is a construct" crap has a tie-back to the expiriments of "Doctor" John William Money.

And for decades no one has had the "balls" (haha, sorry) to question it from a moral, ethical, or scientific angle.

On this I agree, and we are going to see catastrophic domino effects from the perpetuation of this ideology…

We should HELP people with mental illnesses, not coddle them and affirm them… it's like telling an obese person "Hey, go ahead and eat all the food you want, eat yourself to misery and death if you so choose and I'll just clap and watch because I don't want to make you upset." if you truly cared about that person, you would be telling them "You need to stop. This is not good."

If a person has a mental illness and they say "I don't believe my legs are really MY legs, I want to cut them off me and be rid of them" any sane person would tell them "That's fucking insane. If you do that, you're going to regret it."

People have intrusive thoughts, GIVING IN to those thoughts is usually a very bad idea.


d5305dd3 No.3765551

File: 1737416274325.png (680.27 KB, 496x680, Little Nemo (USA).png)


I know I'm going to piss people off with this, obviously, but I believe we shouldn't play into people's delusions. But in this day and age "Warm Fuzzies" are a top tier currency and forced politeness is the norm. Making people feel "affirmed" instead of countering their delusions is the current cultural trend.

I see no benefit in any of this. Telling children as young as 5 that their gender is "just a construct" and pumping them full of puberty blockers is going to have DISASTROUS repercussions for society…

Are there naturally born INTER-SEXED people? Of course! And unless their genital make-up poses a direct threat to their physical health, we should leave those people as they are, in tact, in the way they were created.

But the idea that Doctors should be the ones to decide who gets to be a boy or a girl, or "help" you fulfill your personal delusions – never sat well with me. Those people need help and further education and to be deeply intensely informed about the risks of what it is they THINK they want to do.

God I'm going to get a ton of flack for even saying this shit… aren't I….


d5305dd3 No.3765555

File: 1737418132582.png (666.5 KB, 676x518, GERALD_IS_A_DOLPHIN.PNG)

4f74f942 No.3765556

File: 1737418589632.jpg (867.67 KB, 1960x1911, shroomfox.jpg)

…sooo you wanna gab about God and get angry yet?

d5305dd3 No.3765558

File: 1737419198623.png (1 MB, 525x720, WIZARDS_RALPH_BAKSHI.PNG)


Sure thing, sweetie.

(I kinda like you now)

4f74f942 No.3765564

File: 1737420937239.jpg (350.61 KB, 1538x1904, hunters.jpg)

Well, you might know that if one blasphemes Jesus Christ, then that will be forgiven, but if one blasphemes the Holy Ghost, it will never be forgiven and become a one way ticket to hell.

Also, choosing "Atheism" or being against all religion, is actually singling out Christianity because it's the only Truth and true religion, with every other one being false/satanic. In other words, those who are against religion are still pro satan, because satan's going to be pleased with people choosing anything but Jesus Christ.

I was wondering if you've now specifically chosen satan/atheism, or something else such as being disillusioned in general. No matter what, you're choosing someone.

(Pic unrelated.)

1028e5ae No.3765566

>If you go way way way back to the sick, vile, reprehensible "experiments" of one "Doctor" John William Money

Oh, it goes so much farther back than that. Gnostic cults have been gender bending and cutting dicks off for 2000 years.
The sleight of hand was convincing people that tranny stuff is some new innovation but really they're just a bunch of male eunuchs unwittingly roped into someone else's alchemy/sex magic.

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