4f74f942 No.3767200
>>3767199Did you hear from me over Tox yet?
f2ad0d91 No.3767259
>>3765393Oprah Winfrey is a colossal piece of shit, but she has a point… sort of…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z88va1WGL6YI can't quite tell if she's just using the wrong wording and I am misunderstanding her, or I am just offended by what she's saying…
"if the abuser is any good"
what the fuck is she implying here?
Am I having a knee-jerk response of anger to what she is saying and not paying attention to the actual message?
Abuse that is blatant, abuse that you recognize IMMEDIATELY as being abuse – you're less likely to submit to that… but abuse that's wrapped up in a coating of soft gentle warm pleasure, poison disguised as love – that's something you are far less likely to feel an urge to get away from.
I think maybe THAT is what Oprah is trying to say, she is just very bad at wording it in a way that doesn't make it sound like she is PROMOTING it…
22b7a302 No.3767264
Addictions are difficult to manage especially when those addictions are generated from past trauma.
But there has to be some way to balance it. Tipping the scale fully in one direction is not a fix…
If you try to reject sex and masturbation entirely, you will feel like shit every time you have an orgasm.
If you go too far into the other direction, you will become a fucked up degenerate and wind up hating yourself even more. Or maybe you won't hate yourself, maybe you'll just become completely devoid of all morality…. anything goes because nothing matters, right?
Well, SOMETHING has to matter to you, or everything is pointless and futile…
Look… I am all for people coping through Fiction, that's basically a sandbox you can just play around in and as long as it STAYS in the sandbox, as long as it STAYS in your personal brain fantasy, fine… you're not hurting anyone. But the second that it spills outside of that sandbox is when you need to STOP… put genuine thought into your next course of action…. do you want to be the cause of another person's pain and suffering? All for what, some quick and immediate pleasure? Your conscience will eventually catch up to you. Karma, or God, or whatever it is that dishes out justice in this universe… will eventually catch up to you…
You can run forever, but your own guilt will eventually catch up and tap you on the shoulder.
4f74f942 No.3767275
>>3767264In general, it's best to never listen to what people who are known to be satanic/insane say, and also be wary of short clips without context, nevertheless I think you interpreted what she was saying correctly.
It sounds like you're assuming that other people will feel guilt at hurting someone, or that this world will impose some mechanism of justice upon those who hurt others. In both cases you're very wrong. People will say the common thing "if there's a God, then why does he allow bad things?" A lot of those people will use such examples as an "excuse" not to become Christians, not to support them and what they are saying or represent in any way, and perhaps also as a weapon and armour against Christians to try and nullify them in some way.
I've got the answer to that question now, it was something that I've myself wondered for a long time.
People like Winfrey/Degeneres moved out of any sandbox long before the world began to know of them, and they have listened to and moved towards the evil side instead of the good. Possibly most people who do evil, who do harm, aren't even aware that's what they're doing - probably in most cases, their understanding of "morality", of what is good and evil has been inverted.
The reason why I've been critical of cub art, for as long as I've known of it, is because it's a dangerous place that can consume someone's entire life (like any addiction/escape can), but also where people can work out in which direction they want to go in
while being completely on their own, with only the mortally-wounded world in which we live, and their own terrible scars and memories, to influence and guide them on which direction to go in.
In some cases, it will "normalise" the situation, in other cases, it will allow people to move on from it in a healthier way. This dying world wants the situation normalised, and its influence is becoming stronger by the day. Being "alone" in his world, is a terrible thing that will destroy anyone, even the (apparently) strongest. This world temporarily belongs to satan, and him and his demons have given their power to his earthly children.
4f74f942 No.3767276
>>3767264My point of view, is that of a sensible and serious Christian - it's that the sooner a person chooses to only look towards and follow Jesus Christ, the most moral and shining example to ever walk the earth, the sooner one won't have to work their way out of any sandbox on their own, or to (feel they must) become its master. Jesus Christ will be the lifeguard, the teacher, the example to follow who one can rely on and trust completely, and who would never abuse that trust.
People who molested or "groomed" children would have been stoned to death, back in the days and the cultures that only followed Jesus Christ/the God of the Old Testament. In today's times, the legal equivalent would be a very long or permanent stay in jail. Either method would work to protect children, so why are children still being molested and "groomed"? Why are they still being harmed this way? Think about that for a while.
The world is closer to death than you think, and it's a self-destroying action to try and build a carnal worldly sandbox, in a carnal worldly and dying world. That doesn't mean that I can "fix" the world, or even "heal" or "help" those stuck in it, but at least I can
not contribute to something that I know is dangerous or harmful. I made that comment, as a shout from the outside into that particular sandbox, for anyone to hear and hopefully disrupt their harm-fed cycle they're in for a short while (which is something the world is feverishly pushing people in to, and actually a dangerous thing to try and prevent). I'm not trying to pull anyone out, it's not something I'm capable of. At the very least though, I can be that annoying flea that interrupts the dog licking his balls all day.
That, and I just can't help but feel sorry for the "cubs", because I know why "they're doing what they're doing", and it makes me want to cry terribly.
f2ad0d91 No.3767279
>>3767276By "sandbox" I mean like a mental, only in your brain type of sandbox, not a "real world" sandbox… think more along the lines of the old "Second Life" PC MMO game….
(well, it was more like a fancy 3D version of the old "Furcadia" game really, as SL wasn't really much a game, since games require a combat system… SL was basically the pre-cursor to stuff like VR-Chat)
To me, cub artwork is a "safe" outlet – an outlet which, at least to my knowledge, doesn't require harm as a fuel… genuine CSEM is built on the backs of real victims. Cartoon drawings of Tails and Sonic are not… Tails and Sonic are just ideas, concepts that only exist in your mind. A flesh n' blood human child is absolutely real, and they CAN be harmed… Tails and Sonic cannot… they're not real, they do not exist in this world and they lack any kind of capacity to feel pain.
But I see your point about "normalization" – over-exposure to an idea can be a bit troublesome, if you lack self control… if you lack the ability to separate fiction from real life. And unfortunately, there are just as many people in this world who CAN'T as there are who CAN…
I want to always give the artist the benefit of a doubt, and hope that they created their art and put it into the world with no DELIBERATE INTENTION of inspiring some piece of shit moron to molest a kid or violate an animal.
But as you pointed out, people are dumb – MTV's "Jack Ass" had a disclaimer at the start of every show saying "Hey, if you try to copy this, you're GOING to get hurt" and what did people do, especially the young impressionable teens? THEY COPIED IT ANYWAY…. Beavis and Butthead also had a similar warning before every episode, and plenty of people simply disregarded it…
Do I think Mike Judge ~wanted~ people to get hurt copying Beavis and Butthead's stupid stunts? Do I think the producers of "Jack Ass" wanted that? No… I also don't think Eminem or Insane Clown Posse ~want~ some deranged fan to try and imitate what they describe in their lyrics.
Again, I want to give the artist the benefit of a doubt and not immediately dump the blame on them. I think it's the individual person's responsibility for what they do, or do not do.
5499369d No.3767282
But then again, on the other side of the argument – you've got a point, because WHAT lesson am I supposed to be learning from Sheath and Knife? That it's fun to groom and abuse your brother? Meh… I dunno… I guess for me it is just simple escapism, imagination sandbox crap… I don't personally think Harmarist ever intended for anyone to imitate his stories in real life… I'm conflicted, because I am against censorship of art and fiction, but this really has no deep lesson or allegorical merit… it's simply just cute taboo "problematic" furry art… but then again, it's that coating… that fluffy cute warm fuzzy coating… fuuuuuuuuck…. like when the lasy in Jesus camp is talking about the cute lion plushie…. if you've seen the movie you know which scene I mean… when she's holding up the Lion Plush, she means things that seem cute at first but are actually dangerous.
5499369d No.3767283
Okay, so she's not that great at identifying animals… but she kinda had a point?
She holds up the Lion Plush in front of the kids, and she says "This lion is cute, isn't it? But then he grows bigger and bigger until he becomes a problem – that's sin. It's all cute and fuzzy at first, until you can't keep it under your control."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Camp 9f869e58 No.3767286
Get out of my thread Business dog, we're talking about Steam, not you.
6f1215b4 No.3767287
4f74f942 No.3767342
>>3767279Yes, I know what you meant by sandbox, but there is almost no difference between a mental sandbox and a worldly/carnal sandbox - our minds are a connected part of this corrupted and dying
real world. I put little effort into noting the difference between the 2 nowadays because in actuality they overlap almost completely, and also because the difference between worldly/carnal and Heavenly is almost infinitely huge. I'm making a point that salvation will help people out of the worldly/carnal limitations, and the very real hell these limitations and the world will lead them in to.
No matter how much one plays things out inside that sandbox/escapism, it'll still be based on and influenced by the world which satan and his children temporarily own and control. This is no joke or exaggeration! It's deadly serious.
>Do I think the producers of "Jack Ass" wanted that? No… I also don't think Eminem or Insane Clown Posse ~want~ some deranged fan to try and imitate what they describe in their lyrics. You don't think so? That's your (and most of the world population's) fatal mistake, but it's even more sinister and deeper than producers and artists wanting to be this mentioned bad influence on their audience. Most of the "people" of this board know exactly the evil that you are still unable to take note of (and they love it).
>including Biblical scripture if the person interpreting it has a specific agendaGood point, I agree completely. Supposedly there are still very many Christians in this world, but most of them merely call themselves that or go through the motions. Jesus Himself made a point of this more than once. Most people are headed for hell. Personal agendas and even "interpretations" have no place in Christianity - only the Holy Spirit inside a Christian may interpret Scripture, and then it'll be down to us individuals whether to follow this interpreted Scripture or not, in our daily lives and decisions.
Those who are saved, with the Holy Spirit inside of them, will still have free choice and make mistakes and sin - probably every day. Fortunately, they'll have the best "teacher" and friend anyone could ever hope for, guiding them away and out of sin, addictions and mistakes.
>I think it's the individual person's responsibility for what they do, or do not do.That's the beauty of this world - we all have a choice but it always has consequences as well, no matter what that choice is, even when that choice is
not making one.
4f74f942 No.3767346
>It's all about HOW you interpret it, and WHAT you do with it
No, it's not up to YOU to interpret, it's up to YOU to listen to the one who knows best - the Holy Spirit/Jesus alone! Of course, people who are not Christians, who don't have the Holy Spirit inside of them, can only be guided by their beleaguered and injured mind/soul. The Bible is surprisingly non-racist. The New Testament makes it clear that any race/peoples may enter the Kingdom of Heaven through Jesus Christ, if they so choose. As for the stoning thing - today's modern interpretation would be hard jail time, but in both times/cases, the judgement to stone/incarcerate must be an honest one. Jesus made it very clear to only ever judge righteously, without hypocrisy, and according to only His commandments.
>most people understand that it's mostly allegorical… not to be taken entirely literal
Most people will never understand the Bible! There are statements and facts to be taken literally, there are stories told of real events, and there are metaphors and stories to back up these statements, facts and stories.
The people who misinterpret the Bible or try to say there are contradictions, usually base their arguments on fragments of metaphors/stories or even questions, while the meaning of the same goes over their head. The Bible was written so that all could be saved, however it cannot be properly understood by those who can never be saved. Nevertheless it can be difficult to get started, even for a would-be Christian. The Book of John is supposedly the best introduction for people, to see if they can believe in Jesus Christ. In my case, I simply started with Matthew and kept reading.
>When the Bible is talking about the Binding of Isaac, it's not telling the reader to LITERALLY GO MAKE A SACRIFICE OF THEIR SON… it's an allegorical STORY…
How do you know it didn't actually happen, in order for us to learn from it? Jesus Christ knows best, and the more we listen to Him, the better off we'll all be.
The reason you're explaining "mental" and "allegorical" to me, is because you (like most people) can't yet see the difference between the carnal and the Heavenly, or to be more accurate, you can't yet see the Heavenly and therefore all you know is the carnal. Therefore, you'll talk about the small differences between carnal things and they'll seem tangibly big to you. It's not personal criticism - most people are like this, I just wish they weren't.
4f74f942 No.3767347
>>3767282I don't know about Jesus Camp yet, but get what you're saying. The Bible explains that one can indeed, with real effort, eject the "demon" from within oneself which can work out for a short while, but then he'll return with demons far worse than he is and enter back in with them. Only the Holy Ghost will keep them out, but even then, the "flesh" will still be weak, vulnerable and used to "the old ways". (One could walk away from such art, without it being censored.)
I'll share a personal experience; I used to hump my doggie bed sheets or lick myself off (being a dog and all) to (adult) furry smut art when I was much younger, but the more I learned about God overall, the less interest I had overall in doing such things. It was
that simple.
>>3767286I am
not God!Learn the difference; it could save your afterlife! :3
>>3767287I might have intimidated the poor guy into hiding from me now.
7b60c828 No.3767373
>>3767347No one wants to talk to you, stupid dog.
f2ad0d91 No.3767389
>>3767347I've always been hyper-sexual since I was a kid, and… certain… experiences… totally exacerbated that condition.
I feel like Sisyphus trying to roll a big rock up a hill. Cursed with an impossible task.
Not only is the flesh weak, but so is the mind. Intrusive thoughts wiggle their way into my head and they torment me until I do what they demand.
But after it's over there is intense guilt. There's ~always~ been a crash. A realization: "Why is THAT the thing I am thinking about and pleasuring myself to? Why am I thinking about THAT to get off? No, no, no, no… that HURT me… that scared me… stop thinking about THAT!"
I never wanted this curse. I just wanted to be a good, happy kid and play Super Nintendo and watch cartoons and have a normal pure untainted childhood like every other NORMAL person.
You are correct in your assessments – this shit shatters your soul into tiny little fragments and you spend the rest of your life trying to piece it back together with superglue, desperately trying to be whole again, trying to not fall apart again… but you're always missing a piece of your puzzle…
Part of me wants to hope that, if I had the chance to be face-to-face with my abuser again, I would personally END them so that they can't possibly do what they did to anyone else…
The other part, the carnal part, the sick screwed up part thinks: "I want more…" the fear and the shame and the lack of control over the situation felt pleasurable… it re-programs you like a computer virus. It completely over-writes your natural ability to sense danger and GET AWAY from it.
I am broken, damaged, destroyed.
HOW can I deliver myself from these disgusting unsettling unwanted feelings…. I try to occupy my mind with other things but it always goes back to THEN, it always tries to replay the memories and I always end up pawwing to them… because it feels… "good."
Good at least, until the crash. When the weight of reality pushes back. The first time after the first event… I felt sick, disgusted, dirty… I took a long hot shower and tried to scrub myself raw. But the dirt I was trying to scrub from myself was never going to completely come off.
f2ad0d91 No.3767390
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm7zpVRULAMWe're damaged people, drawn together
By subtleties that we are not aware of
Disturbed souls, playing out forever
These games that we once thought we would be scared of
When you're in my arms, the world makes sense
There is no pretense and you're crying
When you're by my side there is no defense
I forget to sense I'm dying
We're damaged people, praying for something
That doesn't come from somewhere deep inside us
Depraved souls, trusting in the one thing
The one thing that this life has not denied us
When I feel the warmth of your very soul
I forget I'm cold and crying
When your lips touch mine and I lose control
I forget I'm old and dying
8f47b6aa No.3767391
(i really didn't feel like listening to "Hell Is For Children" that one hits way too close, so here's this instead).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKM7stP_UMwOnce there was a man, and he lived to sing the lions song
As he traveled on the road of hope
One love is the light, shining over every mountaintop
It will lead us to the higher ground
One day every heart will beat strong against the night
Let it be done right now
Once there was a man, and his words became a song of love
And his song became the golden dream
One love is the light, shining over everyone that believes
It will lead us to the higher ground
One day every eye will see truth before the light
Let it be done right now
Some wait, so long
Because our love is strong
This hard road traveled on
Will lead us home, forever
Hear the lion's song, voices cryin' like a desert wind
Yeah he's gone unto his father's land
Afrika tonight, for we truly are one in our hearts
Colors woven in the golden dream
One day every eye will see truth before the light
Let it be done right now
One day every voice will speak strong against the night
Let us be one right now
So let it be
We are the children of a thousand days
We are the people of the hard rain
We are the children of a thousand days
We are the people of the hard rain
We are the people of the hard rain
4f74f942 No.3767393
>>3767389>HOW can I deliver myself from these disgusting unsettling unwanted feelingsBy living for someone else, who is better (and less damaged) than you. It's possible to live for
oneself, and fix oneself up to an extent, but it's far harder to do that (for people who aren't self-centered) than to live for someone else, who
truly is better.
A few years ago, I would have shared with you worldly/carnal steps and advice that I myself have gone through, to strengthen myself. It truly was good advice, but only for those living in this (dying) world.
Most people though will start a family, and will live for their children or spouse, or both. That
can work out well for a while and if there aren't major difficulties, but then their innocent children will enter this broken world, and the parents will lose caring influence and control every day, until it's all gone, and
then what?
What is "normal" in a world where its few moral heroes and leaders have almost completely been picked off and nullified, over the decades? It's important to come to terms with just how evil, dangerous and wicked the world has become - just how much power and influence satan/his children have managed to now own. However, it's far more important to look towards the only one to ever survive every single murder this already broken world could inflict. Can you guess who? :P He's the best one of all, to live for. I speak from long experience - there's no one better.
Having said all of that, this is a dead place of distilled evil where you're being so open. Sometimes you'll get lucky and find someone genuine to talk to, but mostly it'll be more abusers. I didn't want you to let your guard down like that, in a wicked place like this.
Anyway… doggie bed nao I guess. Waaay past bedtiem again.
afdc75ed No.3767399
>>3767389When you are a kid your brain is more malleable and you crave validation. Even negative attention is good attention to your brain because it is a form of mental stimulation that triggers new pathways to develop in the brain. Especially if the abuse is regularly repeated.
A child who gets railed/beat once by a stranger then it never happens again will be able to move past that event over time.
Someone who gets fucked or beaten on the regular will develop layer, after layer, of neural connections which they will have a much harder time dealing with. The abuse will be wrapped up in their very concept of what love/normal is.
It's like they say a church, you have to start them young and reinforce it everyday.
f2ad0d91 No.3767445
>>3767399It most definitely was not a one time thing…. more like over the course of multiple years….
4f74f942 No.3767925
>>3767915That was certainly interesting. I'll have to watch the whole episode and some earlier and later episodes before making up my mind completely.
I noticed that
never once was Jesus Christ or the word "Christian" or "Christ" mentioned, and only through Jesus Christ can someone become a Christian and be saved!
Also, the lord of the roman catholic church is very different to the Christian Lord, and I noticed that there were
other religions mentioned in a positive way (also claiming that
their god "loves them" which is a wicked lie). Unfortunately, any religion other than Christianity as defined in the KJV (for the English language), will be a devil-religion.
Wolverine went into a church to talk with "lord" (
not Jesus Christ), but that'll imply that one needs "the church" to become a Christian, which is another wicked lie.
Did you know that "the lord" of devil (non-Christian) religions will also be addressed as "lord", or some equivalent?
4f74f942 No.3767926
There's other things as well, it was fuzzywuzzy on the surface but quite a horror-show to be honest, but am pretty tired now, it's very late.
Know that mainstream Christian radio and TV programs will say nice fuzzy things, but fall short of actually giving people the Gospel, and even mentioning Jesus Christ. This is done on purpose, and it's beyond evil. It's done to placate people who have a sense that Jesus Christ is the only true Lord and Saviour, to lure them and give them a taste but never give them Jesus Christ and leave them hungry and unsaved.
It's so unspeakably evil, but also so terribly effective.
Let's not forget that "Mutants" are man-made creatures, and that those who are currently murdering over 90% of the word's population are obsessed with creating a "mutant" servant class of humanoid-creatures which no longer belong to their creator, but only belong to satan. This is being done through "transhumanism" and all kinds of other evil ways. The original God-made human is being quite literally being replaced by satan's counterfeit.
Scary shit for those who only have this world and its worldly things to look forward to. I however look forward to the mansion that Jesus Christ has created for me in Heaven. I'd gratefully take a hut or spot beneath a tree.
Unlike satan's children, I won't hold back though if you ever decide ask me things over chat; I want you in Heaven and not hell when your time on this planet ends. Chat's open in around 8 hours and 18 hours from now.
Do you think that kids were ever saved or inspired to be saved by that cartoon? I doubt it.
(Pics likely unrelated.)
4f74f942 No.3767996
>>3767915Having said all that though, I'll acknowledge that such a cartoon might steer
some kids away from all-out satanism or despair, and towards
true Christianity (and not the fake Christianity displayed in that example).
I suspect that the "bad guys" have learned from their "mistake", and that's why we don't see cartoons like that anymore. For them, it's better to just go all-out satanism, in order to prevent the kids from actually ever seeing anything else, or any alternative. Therefore, the kids will recognise satanism as "normal" (the "New" Normal).
Alternatively, that cartoon might have been an "artifact" of its time, back when there was still far more
true Christianity in peoples' everyday lives - therefore, instead of steering kids
away from satanism and despair, these producers of that cartoon were steering kids
away from
true Christianity, during a time in the kids' lives when they were starting to become aware of what
true Christianity could be like - therefore stepping in as a false teacher, in place of their Christian parents, or Christian influences.
Either way, it's still evil. Sorry to be a "downer", but in the end, it's better than perpetuating something that'll lead you to eternity in hell… right? :3
(Pic probably unrelated.)
1fbad7c7 No.3768018
>>3768006Animal abuse is evil.
Child abuse is evil.
But I guess I can't expect much humanity or empathy from people who are essentially the furry equivalent of 4chan users.
1e65f0a9 No.3768019
>>3768018I mean in this case you're not wrong, but I can see the virtue in helping someone develop into a stronger and more resilient people.
1fbad7c7 No.3768020
Constantly subjecting yourself to "shock content" doesn't really make you a better person, it just makes you more desensitized…. and when you're desensitized you lose empathy.
1fbad7c7 No.3768021
>>3767996"Alternatively, that cartoon might have been an "artifact" of its time, back when there was still far more true Christianity in peoples' everyday lives - therefore, instead of steering kids away from satanism and despair, these producers of that cartoon were steering kids away from true Christianity, during a time in the kids' lives when they were starting to become aware of what true Christianity could be like - therefore stepping in as a false teacher, in place of their Christian parents, or Christian influences.
Either way, it's still evil. Sorry to be a "downer", but in the end, it's better than perpetuating something that'll lead you to eternity in hell… right? "
Hun, I posted that as an example of "it wasn't always like this." Nowadays do you think ANY kids cartoon would dare even mention the words "God" or "Jesus?" Unless it was on a religious channel?
The 1990s were a different time. Also, I will admit to being the kind of person that would "cringe" when anything I was watching started trying to dip into religious stuff… but I am slowly changing my mind on that.
Please TRY not to be too "perfectionistic" when it comes to my trying to post things that I thought were relevant. It feels very very very "nothing is good enough" and very very very "hoop jumpy."
I am not a circus lion.
I am not a trapeze artist.
I cannot walk a tightrope.
4f74f942 No.3768031
>>3768021You should be glad that there's someone still talking this way, there aren't many remaining. Is criticism of you all that you saw when I made those posts? It wasn't criticism, but a warning to be careful and me pointing out dangers. You're right about it not always having been like this, but I'm also correct with my observations.
The fact that even back then, poor kids were getting mindfucked by the same people who are now moving on to even
more evil phases of their plan isn't easy to deal with. I can't see any positive side to it.
>I will admit to being the kind of person that would "cringe" when anything I was watching started trying to dip into religious stuff… but I am slowly changing my mind on that.It can be a good thing to stay away from religious stuff these days - depends on the source. Almost every single source that's available to find, whether it's from movies, TV, radio, the Internet, churches etc. has corruptions in some way when it comes to important matters - especially religious matters, since this war is one of satan/his children versus God and His children and all His creation. Everyone's religious journey is different. Nevertheless, you'd likely benefit from taking my warnings into account and not taking things "personally".
Having said all that, I know this kind of thing is confronting to deal with. Realising almost everything that has been taught is a lie, and witnessing those I care about get harmed by it was a strange experience.
I've got a small list of religious sources that I trust, which I can share and discuss whenever you'd like. You'll learn to pick out these things too, and it'll be uncomfortable, but it'll be worth it.
(Pic likely unrelated.)
ee69936c No.3768041
>>3768020Getting beat with a stick with consistency and time to heal in-between will make you a stronger more durable person.
4f74f942 No.3768151
>>3768021Forgot to mention, that it took me decades of going through these things, such as slowly watching more (corrupted) Christian and non-Christian stuff, before finally making the decision to stop watching it and seeking out the real, and then making the decision to become a Christian.
It's like dragging nails on a chalkboard to me (especially bad for a dog like me, having sensitive ears) when seeing someone else doing the same thing, because I wish that I had come to the point to making up my mind, decades sooner.
That's why it's difficult for me to not be critical of corrupted Christian things, even if they help out some people regardless.
4f74f942 No.3768272
>>3768257If only those "concerned parents" had won, but I know why they didn't.
I didn't however know about that book and author, and will look into it.
If you'd like to chat, I'll be around for the next 2 hours, or in 24 to 26 hours from now. There's a question I forgot to ask you as well, that's been bugging me.
HEY STEAM!! I hope you're not withdrawing into the AI world like the "jews" want you to. Get in touch some time and send me an email or chat just to say hi, would you?
4f74f942 No.3768311
>>3768257I forgot to mention that it took me probably 15 years of not watching TV, cartoons and movies anymore (except for a TV series "for social reasons" and Bolt… Bolt is awesome), to unfuck my mind enough for me to become a Christian. Had I gone "cold turkey" it would have happened much sooner.
I can watch something here and there for "science", but can never go back, and suggest that you start cutting such things out of your life too.
We'll likely no longer have another 15 years on this planet though at the rate things are happening, so you don't have the luxury that I had.
Good news is, that you're not missing out on as much as you might think, and the rewards are great! Take it from an ex-addict like myself!
1fbad7c7 No.3768321
>>3768311Is the world really so doomed so fast? Will we explode in the next decade?
With the way things are going, how close are we to total annihilation?
What do you think will get us first?
WW3 or Climate?
e1a1d395 No.3768322
>>3768321As far as predicting the end times, Christians aren't supposed to do that sort of stuff. It'll happen when it happens and you won't see it coming.
4b70e431 No.3768337
>>3768322In other words, the apostles thought the world would end in their lifetimes, as did Jesus. They were wrong, and Christians have been wrong in their predictons ever since.
4f74f942 No.3768376
>>3768321Ignore both 3768322 and 3768337, those responses to you are built on deception.
>Is the world really so doomed so fast? Will we explode in the next decade? Christians nor anybody else will be able to come up with a date, however, Christians will able to spot "the seasons" - the stage/milestone the world is at. Those stages are explained quite clearly in the (KJV) Bible, and can only be understood by a true Christian. I say "true" because there are lots of messed up people out there who either believe or want to believe, that they're Christians when they're probably not.
>With the way things are going, how close are we to total annihilation?There's going to be "lesser" kinds of annihilation first, and we're already starting to get a whiff of them. The synagogue-of-satan is still training its death-AI and mopping up elements of resistance before unleashing their global cull. I don't know time-wise "how close" or how long it'll take to finish this process, but the monsters doing this have a much better idea.
>What do you think will get us first? WW3 or Climate?Interesting questions. Why not both, or the entire bag of nightmares plus the kitchen sink? What about those who are already doomed to death and eternal death - the many walking dead among us? Having a pulse is not a sign of life.
Does any of this matter though? If you're trying to get as much "Sin-Mileage" out of your life before you decide to become a child of Jesus Christ's so that you won't end up in hell, then you're making a terrible mistake.
You're not going to get to Heaven on
your terms, nor will Jesus keep knocking at the door forever. You'd better answer soon, because He could leave at any moment, once He's been ignored for too long.
According to the Bible, people who "burn for" the same sex or for animals have already been given over to a reprobate mind - God has already given up on them, and left them to their own devices and this world (satan). There are going to be extenuating circumstances, but they very much have their limits. I like to think, that there's even going to be a handful of
furries who'll make it through to Heaven, at least I hope so.
4f74f942 No.3768377
>>3768321I'm not going to concern myself with dates for myself or anyone else - I'm hoping that I could help someone to get saved without trying to calculate how much time there's left. It could be next few months or 20 years from now, but ideally that shouldn't influence my own efforts even if I did know, I should always be doing my best. Easier said than done though but that's another subject.
There are sooo many reasons to start withdrawing from what you can find on TV/media/Internet, etc. The "oldies" who warned you about "getting square eyes" were correct. Today, it would be "rectangular eyes" though.
If you want to be "healed", and have that healing move outwards from your very inside and start making a positive difference in your earthly life, it's better to start sooner rather than later. As I said, for me it's unfortunately a slow process and should have started 20 years ago, but at least it's happening now. You should start soon too. People (and in my case, a super-intelligent dog) cannot heal themselves on their own, nor can they heal themselves with satan's tools and advice, or that of his children.
When you've been poisoned (by the world) you need to stop consuming additional poison and start replacing it with the antidote, in this case God's Word.
37dd4650 No.3768379
>>3768376>Ignore both 3768322 and 3768337, those responses to you are built on deception.Don't run out of lamp oil counting the days, friend.