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05bf0c85 No.3752748[View All]

Previous thread: >>3748759

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
774 posts and 442 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

227e8e2a No.3754105

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ec9efa33 No.3754106

Pence was shit from the get-go and everybody knew it.
Trump picked Pence because one of Trump's RINO advisors suggested it. That was a horrible mistake.
And when Pence tried to run for president himself earlier this year, his campaign lasted all of what, two months? Because he wasn't even getting even a few percent of the vote.

Trump's going by his gut feelings this time.
And his VP pick this time was his own pick, and an excellent choice.

Too bad for you.

ec9efa33 No.3754107

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c568d48a No.3754112

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I don't think Israel gives a fuck, if something explodes on a plane.

dd7858cf No.3754113

File: 1726714058464.jpg (674.06 KB, 902x1352, Presidential-portrait.jpg)

>there is no proof that there is no proof that my conspiracy theory isn't true! Just because everyone involved says it wasn't true doesn't mean it didn't happen!

In other news, Trump's penis has shrunk to the point that he can't find it under all the rolls of Mcflab between his legs.

Trump says that the rumor isn't true but we have no proof that there is no proof it's not true so it must be true.

dd7858cf No.3754114

Wasn't Dinesh D'Souza the right-wing conspiracy nut who went to prison for illegal campaign contributions? The one who made that 5000 mules movie that was funded by donations from Russian oligarchs and was totally debunked?

Every time he "helps" it just makes Trump look worse.

3192bf60 No.3754115

The article doesn’t debunk anything, it is entirely speculation.

The circumstances however are damning. Clearing roadkill? Toss it to the side of the road and keep moving. But that’s not what the desperately poor foreigner is doing, he is carrying it somewhere on the sidewalk.
What little actual evidence there is does not look positive.

The best possible outcome is he is taking roadkill to eat.

dd7858cf No.3754117

No one can read that. Seriously, did you copy and paste that into MS paint? How dumb are you?

eab1f137 No.3754120

Why do you care about his penis? Are you gonna fuck him?

ec9efa33 No.3754121

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1f7898d4 No.3754122

It already is fascist

053ba6cf No.3754124

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719758a3 No.3754130

Real socialism has only ever been tried once, and you faggots threw a shit fit.

ec9efa33 No.3754132

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ec9efa33 No.3754133

On X, Mark Cuban took a poll and from 804,000+ people… nearly a MILLION people, not just the 1 or 2 thousand cherry-picked voters that the major polls like Reuters. or Fox or Rasmussen usually sample… Trump was up 68% to 32% over Harris, and Elon Musk did one too with over 5,000,000 (FIVE MILLION) voters and Trump had over 70%. Although, these polls are not scientific, this is where the election is truly at. It’s not close at all. These sample sizes are too big to be off much. The democrats have to give us the illusion it’s close so the cheat can commence. Most “scientific” polls (the polls that make up the RCP average) never use more than 2000 people.

217bf921 No.3754135

File: 1726759385442.gif (436.16 KB, 200x150, 1648565852156.gif)

>Shitter Poll

bcb750ed No.3754137

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da1caf50 No.3754138

File: 1726763704148.jpg (64.46 KB, 622x680, GXwvTSwWwAA_vk-.jpg)

You were all FOR Twitter when it was run by lying leftists, weren't you.
But Elon Musk got tired of your lies and bought it out from under you.
He did it for that very reason.
So, you don't have that MAJOR platform to spread your lies and propaganda on now, you've moved to other platforms that nobody has ever heard of, that's fine.
Even Zuckerberg of facebook has been cracking down hard on your propaganda and lies.

And just ignore the MASSIVE samplings of those polls which is actually reality, and go with the tiny MSM polls they are getting paid to fake. That's fine.

By the way, Trump's new book is out to accompany the new Major Motion Picture about him being released in theaters only, worldwide, on Sept. 27.
Please order your copy of the book now to ensure you get a copy, and buy your movie tickets in advance to be sure you are not sold out on those either.

You can order from this promotion's website:


da1caf50 No.3754139

File: 1726763935928.jpg (736.85 KB, 1200x1200, il_fullxfull.1464071929_bw….jpg)

Nice fake meme.
Post the date and link to when this supposedly happened.

4000cd25 No.3754140

File: 1726764334137.png (49.69 KB, 800x450, 297.png)

Old man yells at bullet. LOL!

ec9efa33 No.3754142

I'm ordering one of those hats to wear for when I go in to vote for Trump on election day,
I'm just ITCHING for some brain dead democrat there to start some kind of shit with me over it, and I'll be prepared and ready.

3656fa71 No.3754143

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227e8e2a No.3754144

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f2160287 No.3754145

File: 1726771682634.jpeg (2.28 MB, 1500x1800, IMG_4827.jpeg)

Gee sure would be a shame if trim came out a week ago stating he would eliminate taxes on overtime.

5f4355ed No.3754146

npc reponse versus ai response.

4611f236 No.3754147

This thread stopped bumping days ago. There should be a new one.

e5bcc7ea No.3754148

File: 1726773651554.png (370.31 KB, 1325x1005, immigrantsoy2.png)


Look goy, the GDP is going up! Just think of all the wealth that's about to trickle down!

3c2b3b9f No.3754149


ec9efa33 No.3754150

Trump NEVER said he was going to eliminate overtime, he said he was going to eliminate payroll taxes on overtime, which will mean a lot more money in the average Joe's pocket.

This is a prime example of how leftists distort and lie about everything Trump says, ON PURPOSE. This is why you can't believe anything they ever say, you're a fool if you do.

The guy that posted this made up crap, "Skyler Johnson", is a piece of SHIT and so is the one who re-posted it here (3B).

cd0c7e91 No.3754152

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21cd12a3 No.3754156

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5f4355ed No.3754159

no thanks im good

ffc5428d No.3754162

[public education intensifies]

Here's a hint. The term you're looking for is bicameral legislature.

dd7858cf No.3754170

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Here is a lesson in critical thinking for you: If a political extremist billionaire on EITHER SIDE who no normal person knows even exists has "804,000+ people" suddenly reply to one of his polls it's because he paid a bot farm to get the result he wanted.

Stop believing what the rich tell you to think. They are scum. Both sides.

No one deserves to be a billionaire. The existence of people that rich is proof that capitalism has been corrupted to a point where it is just fascism with a mask of deniability.

dd7858cf No.3754171

Elon musk invited back all the people who were kicked off for impersonation, inciting violence, targeting people in real life for hate crimes, and running bot farms.

He looked at Twitter and said to himself, "You know what would make this place better? More Nazis!"

ec9efa33 No.3754176

Seek Help.
Seek Help.

dd7858cf No.3754177

Except you don't pay more taxes on overtime. It's taxed the same way as all your other pay is. What it would do it require every employer to keep track of every employees over time and file an exemption for all the overtime they get every month adding a massive amount of paperwork to every business in America.

It would incentivize companies to cut your hours and just hire someone else to work in your place because two employees working half the time would cost them way, way, less money. Especially since they can shuffle off the cost of insurance to Obamacare if they don't give you a full time job.

Trump's plan would do nothing but incentivize companies to hire more part time workers and that's what Trump wants.

Trump doesn't care about you or the other workers. Trump cares about making his job numbers look good and if you have to work 2 part time jobs to make the same money you were making at your one job before he came to office his job numbers go up!

You suffer more so he can stroke his ego. That's his plan. If you remember, that was the result of his policies before Covid as well.

People were working 2 and 3 jobs just to survive then covid hit and there was a massive reset.

People realized what their labor was actually worth and stopped being willing to take jobs for shit pay under shitty working conditions.

dd7858cf No.3754178

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In other news. Republican politician from NC, Mark Robinson was caught posting on a "Nude Africa" web group about cheating on his wife with her hotter, younger, sister, enjoying pee stuff and whatnot.

Typical Republican "Family values" stuff.

5f4355ed No.3754179

you the one reading it

cde0ae01 No.3754180

What is your logic here?

659cb22d No.3754184

>Ahem…Hello my fellow republicans.

dd7858cf No.3754187

File: 1726804536189.jpeg (84.47 KB, 959x812, GWDBPSNWoAAzt3m.jpeg)

Damn, it just got WAY worse for Republican Mark Robinson. When it was revealed he was cheating on his wife the media went digging through the history of his porn account and holy shit he is a nut!

He said slavery was good for black people and should be brought back. Not for him of course, he's wealthy, but for all the poor black people! He called himself a black Nazi and ranted about the Jews.

Shit, if these reports on the evening news turn out to be true he might be a Fox News host by the end of the month!

227e8e2a No.3754188

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dd7858cf No.3754190

File: 1726810358185.jpeg (252.72 KB, 1080x1579, GGhd63ZXkAAZ_RB.jpeg)

MAGA still too stupid to understand that they CHOOSE to be racist assholes while no one chooses to be born a Jew, a black person, or gay.

They want us to treat them as if being a racist asshole is some intrinsic quality they can't stop at any point. It's the ultimate false equivalency.

9b6cc713 No.3754200

File: 1726826755332.jpeg (258.94 KB, 1437x1760, IMG_6461.jpeg)

You clearly know nothing about running a business
You probably also believe in the wage gap for women
If a woman only makes 77% of what a man makes then companies would never hire men(that’s how you sound, even though the truth is obviously different from that theory)

9b6cc713 No.3754212

File: 1726829999348.jpeg (178.5 KB, 750x741, IMG_6463.jpeg)

She is totally not a puppet guis she knows how to fix the country, everything Trump did 4 years ago is finally going to be fixed guis

98798a16 No.3754223

>That sounds like [jewish, anti-white racism buzzword]

Explain how.

3192bf60 No.3754236

File: 1726847938416.png (3.88 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_6464.png)

Black people(or otherwise) DO chose to be violent, steal bikes, or eat pets
Gay people(or otherwise) DO chose who to sleep with, expose themselves in public parades, abuse children
Jews (or otherwise) DO chose to engage in usery, promote degeneracy, subvert host nation

And for all the things they DO choose to do, hating them is perfectly justified

98798a16 No.3754239

God, I wish people would fix up their rancid swiss cheese pussies before sharing their AI art. Inpainting is not that hard.

328189bd No.3754537


You're dragging Zell of all people. The one person that stuck with you when others did not. Literally everyone that tries to help you eventually has you turn on them. You need to end this playground of delusion before you die on the street like a dog.

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