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File: 1722556500458.png (113.47 KB, 546x424, Legosilearnssomethingabout….png)

b0089dc9 No.3748759[Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3747537

Congratulations on 50 threads.

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.

74771e45 No.3748762

File: 1722557361669.png (657.92 KB, 1285x860, 8654.png)

"WAHHHHH!!! We only want equality when it benefits us, not when it benefits men" -women

Are you going to vote right now? "Are your crazy, I'm going to keep voting left because my gender is united around murdering our own babies."

Have fun getting beat up by men then, lol. See you in hell for all the kids you killed.

74771e45 No.3748768

File: 1722566652491.png (907.83 KB, 1343x929, bigot.png)


Yo, fuck off Hung Cow. Your shitty religion isn't any more important than wicca or Satanism.

0a6cd457 No.3748769

>I don't know how boxing works or I would know that each fighter has to be within the same weight range so being a trans woman would actually be a disadvantage more than an advantage because you are unable to develop as much muscle mass as a naturally lighter bio-female.

7821abbc No.3748770

File: 1722568014703.jpg (313.32 KB, 1593x2048, lpq1p1ehf7qb1.jpg)


>50 stars

replace it with her should have been perfect.

0d978258 No.3748771


The statue of liberty replaced by the statue of Karen.

7821abbc No.3748772

File: 1722568535277.jpg (37.76 KB, 602x595, main-qimg-1c9a365d92d514e4….jpg)


hehe yeah!

74771e45 No.3748778

File: 1722570021615.jpg (1.36 MB, 1075x1500, gey75.jpg)


Angry fat black woman is a better representation of america anyway than the current statue of liberty. Make her look really bitchy and entitled, with a single kid and no father.

Make sure she talks about her 15 college diplomas the gov paid for in gender studies, and her shitty current job at starbucks.

7821abbc No.3748780

File: 1722572434164.png (3.1 MB, 2032x2709, 635738477751883484-d-KFC-f….png)

replace the torch and plate with a fried chicken leg drum with a bucket.

124cbf28 No.3748783

File: 1722583484632.jpeg (959.14 KB, 1170x2085, IMG_5874.jpeg)

Biological men have bigger AND denser muscles, a muscle and bone structure that makes for more power
Being trans is only a disadvantage if you are up against real men

e14798f7 No.3748784

File: 1722583625162.png (899.19 KB, 1044x708, the great KFC chicken buck….png)

7821abbc No.3748785

File: 1722588118163.jpg (310.92 KB, 1770x1147, S48OF1e.jpg)

Republicans don't like being called Weird because a massive part of their ideology is enforcing what they consider to be "normal" on other people through the law.

74771e45 No.3748786

File: 1722588228048.jpg (273.05 KB, 1904x3112, deer5.jpg)


She should suck it up. If black widow can beat the hulk, she can beat a guy thats slightly bigger than her.

Man up ladies, use that bicycle you don't need that the fish didn't need or something.

7821abbc No.3748787

File: 1722588243544-0.png (553.67 KB, 1080x1080, UeR4Rw4.png)

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Elon Musk only cares about protecting the speech of people he likes, for everyone else, he shuts them down.

Case in point: say the word "cis" on twitter.

74771e45 No.3748789

File: 1722588561518.png (1020.47 KB, 1416x898, Elon_asshole.png)


Elon musk cares about fukking couping governments.

7821abbc No.3748790

File: 1722588918705-0.jpg (180.09 KB, 1080x945, DNxMgqa.jpg)

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4e7f7ba8 No.3748791

derr derr the site is not dead, mmk see ya in the lonely room by yourself

055dde4d No.3748792

File: 1722591399853.jpeg (104.11 KB, 935x720, IMG_5671.jpeg)

Democrats on suicide watch after trump confirmed non-racist

53cb9f84 No.3748801

File: 1722601393992.jpeg (180.51 KB, 1024x1020, IMG_5875.jpeg)

Still not responding to the points made and trying to dismiss with lame insults (it’s not working)

4b87ffda No.3748807

>> ID:7f3a9265
Are you ban evading again 3B, using this id now?
Stop your constant MEME SPAMMING,
Everyone here is sick of it.

4b87ffda No.3748810

>> ID:7f3a9265
3B is serial shitpost meme spamming again against the rules,
and doing it even more just out of spite.

6c511d3a No.3748814

File: 1722606110041-0.jpg (397.9 KB, 1280x989, 4ae500afaab3c66ae537d42f5a….jpg)

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Why is biological male in quotes? The person has a Y chromosome. He's a dude.

By this logic, you prosecute child molesters without being called a child molester yourself. I bet you'd like that.

I support denying the freedom of speech to people who would take yours away if given the opportunity.


Do you not see that you are the hypocrite and they are exposing your hypocrisy? One of these people is leveraging the lie to run for office. The other is wearing a shirt and laughing about it.

8b3ec487 No.3748815

File: 1722606946561.jpg (48.71 KB, 474x474, qi7na4f.jpg)

>white dudes for Harris
>blacks for Trump
>morons for identity politics

0a6cd457 No.3748816

Wait, so she didn't lose, she quit?!
She just pussed out because she hurt her nose? A little bit of pain and she folded?
What kind of boxers just gives up the first moment they feel a little pain? What a pansy!

53cb9f84 No.3748818

File: 1722607970455.jpeg (860.86 KB, 1897x879, IMG_5879.jpeg)

Probably has something to do with being hit by a man instead of a woman

6c511d3a No.3748819

Do you not understand how easy it is to beat up women. There's a reason we look down on people who hit women in white culture.

8b3ec487 No.3748820

Play violent games, win violent prizes. Maybe we shouldn't cheer on and reward violence? Just a thought.

7821abbc No.3748822

File: 1722618003421.jpg (120.99 KB, 278x359, Mad_Magazine,_August_2017.jpg)

12897a72 No.3748823

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Is it Too FUCKING MUCH to ask people to keep religion out of government. China can do it.



No one wants to be ruled by your imaginary sky genie, you fucking adult children.

cb26d034 No.3748824

Tax the athiests, uh oh.

0a6cd457 No.3748825

If you are a "good Christian" you are supposed to give 10% of everything you earn to the church every Sunday. 40% gullibility tax.

8c507cc7 No.3748827

File: 1722625803085.jpeg (131.28 KB, 870x1224, IMG_5861.jpeg)

Technically, the “separation of church and state” is an idea that’s a one-way road. In that the state cannot specify an official state religion, it has absolutely nothing to do with religion trying to get its tenants as law.

So technically, Islam could make a national call to prayer throughout the United States as long as it’s not compulsory to pray/believe

c839f63c No.3748829

File: 1722626749785-0.webm (1.21 MB, 640x360, y2mate.com - Donald Trump….webm)

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8c507cc7 No.3748831

File: 1722628865198.jpeg (769.73 KB, 1170x1455, IMG_5883.jpeg)

Reminder, the self professed non-racist. Have never spent time with minorities. While the people who DO harbor prejudice, have spent a lot of time with minorities

0a6cd457 No.3748834

The only people I am bigoted against are southern, white, male, Republicans. You all just keep proving how shallow that gene pool is in the south.

8c507cc7 No.3748836

File: 1722630085009.png (58 KB, 466x264, IMG_5881.png)

Bigotry - an unreasonable hatred of a race or ethnic group

So you admit you are crazy(I already knew that, but it’s nice to see you so honest about your mental problems.)

12897a72 No.3748837

File: 1722630100045.png (1.15 MB, 1413x1869, 6853.png)


Bullshit. Theres good and bad blacks, just like good and bad whites.

Racist people usually meet a bad black person first and never forget it.

0a6cd457 No.3748838

If sharks keep trying to kill people it isn't unreasonable to be wary of sharks.

You should be cautious around conservatives for the same reason. They have proven time and time again that violence is their go-to answer for every problem.

8c507cc7 No.3748839

File: 1722630384761.png (879.27 KB, 680x513, GT7WoSnbwAAC5_X.png)

Please reread the statement
They have spent ALOT of time with minority’s.
The non racists maybe meet a good black person once and never forgot it.

8c507cc7 No.3748840

File: 1722630686738.png (3.71 MB, 2048x2048, 00763.png)

If i am racist and not very brights keep trying to kill people it isn't unreasonable to be wary of i am racist and not very brights.

I’m glad we see eye to eye

8c507cc7 No.3748841

Negros, lol wordfilters

12897a72 No.3748842

File: 1722630833036.png (1.39 MB, 982x1350, 806.png)


You think I haven't known many shitty black people? I grew up in a mixed school system.

12897a72 No.3748843

File: 1722631062401.jpg (1.74 MB, 2000x2000, boy73.jpg)

I can get in a car and go to the bad part of the area. And the stores will have metal detectors and cameras are everywhere you look.

0a6cd457 No.3748844

Everyone is shitty when they are in school. Most children are well behaved sociopaths who won't develop actual empathy till late in their teen years or early 20s.

I'm pretty sure the difference between a Trump supporter and a normal person is that the Trump supporter never grew out of that stage where they feel like they are the center of the universe. They want to be told they are special so desperately they will follow any one who tells them so, even if they are a fucking retard like Trump.

12897a72 No.3748845

File: 1722631677660.png (6.25 MB, 3300x5100, Guy_lessons.png)


Most people are self centered. And anti-nationalism feeds into that. By removing a reason to fight for something bigger than yourself, by taking country out of the equation.

12897a72 No.3748847

File: 1722632704156.jpg (156.38 KB, 850x1417, 6764433.jpg)

People don't pay taxes out of the good of their hearts. They pay taxes because the police will come and arrest them.

People don't work a job out of the good of their hearts, They do it because they starve.

People may want whats good for society in their opinion, because it helps them as well.

And politicians sure as hell don't do it out of the good of their heart.

And people vote for whats best for them.

Its all selfish and self centered.

12897a72 No.3748851

File: 1722634554663.jpg (172.05 KB, 850x1190, gey5.jpg)

Selfishness in the lower class is so great its one reason they are fucked. They don't give up money to create a lobby to rival the elite lobbies, for the ear of the politicians.

They sit back year after year, and see the rich make lobby after lobby. Like google. And see how effective those are.

But they just never do it themselves. And the government and lobbies might freak out if they did. a citizen uprising they might call it, or the rise of communism in the west, or agents of putin or hamas.

12897a72 No.3748853

File: 1722636689439.jpg (255.92 KB, 1541x2200, femboy654.jpg)

"37.9 million people
Official Poverty Measure The official poverty rate in 2022 was 11.5 percent, with 37.9 million people in poverty."

So about 40 million people, if each one gave 5 dollars to the lobby, thats 200 million dollars.

8c507cc7 No.3748856

File: 1722637463156.jpeg (455.49 KB, 1170x1520, IMG_5867.jpeg)

Just consider for a moment that leftist consider this a valid argument for abortion
(Admitting the conservatives are right is a poor way to win an argument against conservatives)

db073681 No.3748857

>Admitting the conservatives are right is a poor way to win an argument against conservatives

Historically it's worked very well for the. Conservatism as an ideology is retarded and designed to lose.

70f90ca6 No.3748866

I don't understand the "weird" thing. Is it a zoomer thing? A black thing?

What does it mean?

f25dd88c No.3748868

No luck.

f25dd88c No.3748869

Nearest I can make out is they want to call Vance a homo but aren't allowed to say 'fag'?

12897a72 No.3748871

File: 1722647538061.jpg (125.7 KB, 1151x869, 863.jpg)


He's a fag darlin, ain't that beautiful? Like a bundle of sticks rubbed smooth with oils that would make a great lube for letting a man turn a guy into a woman for a night.

When your a woman, all you can be is violated and entered by outside forces. Because you have nothing which to penetrate anything else.

And every man wants to be a woman. As seen by the tranny movement.

Alas, I am one of the rare few, straight men that this world has.

12897a72 No.3748875

File: 1722649010748.png (4.01 MB, 2141x3000, 94532.png)


Everyone is in a weird cell, its call our bodies.

Funny enough, what makes the bodies up is also called a cell. Cell ception.

e0ec442e No.3748876


0a6cd457 No.3748880

File: 1722651818690.jpg (810.91 KB, 819x1024, 107569708_p0_master1200.jpg)

Actually most people are not self-centered. The fact you think they are just proves my hypothesis. You think everyone else thinks like you do and you see the world as you vs everyone else.

Most people care more about other people than themselves. Most people care about their family, spouse, children and or friends so much that they are willing for sacrifice and make their own lives much less convenient.

You're the selfish freak who thinks everyone else should change to make your life easier.

12897a72 No.3748881

File: 1722651999714.png (1.19 MB, 1315x951, UK.png)


I'm still wondering who will turn against the Usa first, UK, France, Or Turkey.

0a6cd457 No.3748883

It was a A.I. generated image from the booru where all the fallen sinners go to gather. Not sure why it was deleted. It wasn't even remotely realistic which I thought was the rule.

It's hard to follow rules that are undefined.

0a6cd457 No.3748884

File: 1722652440550.png (1.1 MB, 979x1306, 84045873_p0.png)

Stupid little conservatard thinks Antifa is an American thing. How quaint!

12897a72 No.3748885

File: 1722652693848.jpg (474.96 KB, 2553x3000, coping.jpg)

I'm showing to the anti-blacks people. That whites riot and loot all the time too. But they mostly do it in the EU.

12897a72 No.3748886

File: 1722652973978.png (83.41 KB, 966x761, 63232.png)

Rather than hate blacks in the EU, they hate gypsies.

And increasingly I see EU people have open hate for muslims.

0a6cd457 No.3748887

File: 1722653349915.png (29.88 KB, 500x237, tumblr_m7sefk8k181qbmzy3o1….png)

Trump and his cult HATE being called weird because their whole brand is that they are the "Silent Majority". They need people to believe that they represent the "normal" people and that they will rise up and overthrow America if we piss them off too much.

They want to be treated as if they have power but its very, very, clear that they don't. They are a tiny, whining, crying, sissy, group of man-babies who can do nothing but lose and complain. Trump showed the world who they are and it will take generations for them to live down that shame.

0a6cd457 No.3748888

>Everyone in the EU is racist and hates Gypsies. Source: Some guy on reddit.

12897a72 No.3748889

File: 1722654026870.jpg (88.87 KB, 1131x1200, 67645432.jpg)


And Canadians hate people from India. And joke about them shitting in the streets.

cb26d034 No.3748891


the average iq is 100

12897a72 No.3748892

File: 1722655723278.jpg (113.69 KB, 936x1034, 84643.jpg)

If your white it can be hard to understand how racist asians can be to each other. Or how racists blacks can be to each other. Or any group really.

South korea everyone gets plastic surgery, probably to look Japanese.

This world is dumb

People trying to be what they aren't or having guilt if they are what everyone else wants to be.

Almost no one really looks how they wanna be. And if they do, it won't last long till age takes it away.

44c9623c No.3748894


You think whites can't be like this too?

My Father was looked down on since he wasn't "pure" German in his heritage.


My Dad was a vicious racist, anyone not white was to him worth only to look down on.

12897a72 No.3748895

File: 1722659402327.jpg (262.16 KB, 1804x1680, 754343.jpg)


Its rare in america for whites to do it. They might joke your accent. But thats not your race.

But if all the races were gone, but white. Whites would find things to hate on each other, like ear size or shape.

12897a72 No.3748897

File: 1722660729329.jpg (634.86 KB, 1536x2048, American_history_X.jpg)

And if you wiped out all the blacks and given enough time, whites in Africa might evolve to be black again.

With dark skin to handle all the sunlight. And thick coarse hair to help with the heat.

And if all that was left was blacks. In the cold areas they might evolve to be whiter and whiter over time.

And all these white jews in Israel, might over time evolve to be brown like the Arabs they hate so much.

0a6cd457 No.3748903

>Whites are rarely racist…

Except against the Jews, the Irish, the Italian and anyone from the Islands. All of them are as pale or paler than you by nature but your enwhitened culture hated them all until they were useful. You still take the Jew's money and elect them to lead your party while you spew racist hate at them.

2c1a47cf No.3748904

It's pretty rare, but it's an uncontested fact that some human beings are born with sexual abnormalities. The abnormality in question for this boxer causes an XY chromosome human to develop female sex organs.

There are people with this disorder who develop fully functional womb and ovaries, and who can reproduce.


If you say that having XY makes you male and that's the only factor you need…

…then you are also saying that men can get pregnant and give birth.

You have to pick a lane, good luck.

12897a72 No.3748906

File: 1722670271429.jpg (144.44 KB, 850x869, 742.jpg)


Jew isn't even really a race, its a religion. They try to make it a race with inbreeding. But they're just inbred Europeans.

12897a72 No.3748908

File: 1722670978798.png (866.8 KB, 1280x1089, 7445433.png)

Cuz if the jews today, were the real jews from the middle east that always lived with the arabs and egyptions. They'd probably be brown. Not white as snow like germans.

Even the Arabs themselves point that out. Going "We stole your homeland? You are white Europeans, you don't even look like you came from here. Many of you were born in america or europe with english last names"

And no one even knew what herbrew sounded like anymore. Because it was a dead language. But you recreated how you thought it would sound.

What about modern jews says "My body evolved to live in the desert"

12897a72 No.3748911

File: 1722675262481.jpg (569.86 KB, 3000x3000, gay67544.jpg)


I'll never get over I thought this jew guy in Israel was hawt and Israel looked like a cool place to live. Then gaza happened.

Its the second time now I thought a country would be a great place to live and I turned out to be horribly wrong.

4b87ffda No.3748912

>> ID: 7f3a9265
>> ID: 0a6cd457

He's continuing to flood the board daily with MEME SPAM using them.

What this board needs badly is a program that a huge number of other boards have to control people like 3B:
When someone is banned it doesn't just check the IP address they have (which is easily fakeable), it checks the type of hardware they are using. With that, 3B would literally have to get a new computer or phone to get back on each time he is banned, and it would help tremendously to control his nonstop nonsense.

4b87ffda No.3748916

>> ID:7f3a9265
3B MEME spam, he keeps flooding the board with it out of spite, see what I mean?
He is currently using above ID to ban avoid again.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

12897a72 No.3748917

File: 1722677062929.jpg (163.85 KB, 1357x1580, gay7765343.jpg)

I want Apaic to have to register as a foreign agent. Other countries don't get to own my government, but Israel gets too.

Or apaic needs to be forced to only care about american jews, not Israel.

This is AMERICA, not the middle east.

Russia doesn't get to own my government, China doesn't get to own my government, France doesn't get to own my government, etc.

b0089dc9 No.3748918

File: 1722677297634.jpg (172.48 KB, 1200x1085, Fdo8WWdXgAEF2HF.jpg)

Don't claim to be a moderator.

8e35dae8 No.3748921

I'm not. i was just trying to get the ATTENTION of a moderator.
You misunderstood.
one-time use only of this IP to let you know.

b0089dc9 No.3748922

File: 1722679910087.jpg (164.78 KB, 1200x814, FyjrzGNWAAEYSls.jpg)


Sorry. I have no way to reverse the ban. I do hope you come back when the ban expires in a day.

b0089dc9 No.3748923

File: 1722680181588.jpg (141.4 KB, 1280x689, 1481498871.ringoraccoon_da….jpg)

As long as I'm here, I'd like to share that cho0b is looking into upgrading vichan. The move to lynxchan is dead, he said it was a pain in the ass but a neat concept.

So there's that.

cb26d034 No.3748928

These "fights" arent anything like they used to be, fear invoking muscular deathbarreling killers that the ability to throw knock outs anytime they felt like to put your entire life on the line, roughhousing around the fighting ring that would cripple any other man. No one actually pays to see these cartoon looking ass "professional fighters" slap each other and then throw in the towel over it.

51e94615 No.3748930

File: 1722696376246.jpg (244.22 KB, 1500x2000, superjew.jpg)

You are achieving nothing by interacting with "people" on here or almost anywhere else on the Internet, except wasting your time and energy.
This place is run and monitored by evil, broken, rotten, destroyed God-hating "men" and bots/AI, and any life you breathe into a place where mostly frauds/crooks/dead-people interact won't be made better by you trying to improve it - it'll only drain you.

A big reason the Internet was created was to deceive and spy on people. If you're going to use an evil medium to interact with people, at least make an effort that you're not engaging with crooks or bots, and like anything that's bad for you, use it wisely and sparingly.

It's hard to accept that this world is temporarily run by the devil and his children (before then getting destroyed by Jesus and His angels), but escapism can become terribly destructive if it doesn't build you up in some way, for example the way many sports or good hobbies can do.

The crooks running/"managing" this place deserve no respect, they're all (a hair's breadth short of 100% certain) dead-"men". You're smart enough to use a different IP but act like you care about what happens on here. It's almost all fake! Stop adding anything "real" to it.
Even me interacting with the bullshit here is damaging to myself. Stay away if you know what's good for you, and if you want to slowly drag yourself out of that escapism spiral you're in, then start reading the KJV New Testament. There are so many answers in there, and you'll learn that you don't actually need to "escape", because the one true God is going to destroy every evil little creep that's turning this world to shit, and that you can worry about yourself first, and then caring for and about the right kinds of people once you're strong enough.

>What this board needs badly is…

For anyone with any hope of surviving the next waves of synagogue-of-satan evil, to stay away and start interacting with good rather than evil.

51e94615 No.3748933

Nice job bumping my post off the front page, bot. Glad you don't "like" me.

cd76d618 No.3748940

File: 1722699855444.png (1.44 MB, 2048x2048, oy vey it's anudda lolocau….png)

51e94615 No.3748944

File: 1722700343938.jpg (468.22 KB, 1124x3076, jidf-jeWbs-GF3.jpg)

Remember, dying/dead-men - if this board's "management" weren't all lying backstabbing evil crooks, they'd be able to ban and delete the posts of the actual "bad guys", but then again, because they are crooks, they'd just be banning/hampering their own.

Look at how fast they ban actually useful and honest content or perceived "attacks/takeovers" on their authority/presence! Even faster than spammed CP, which needs to get fapped to in honour of their god satan beforehand.
Look at how fast DorK was "reigned in" by his talmudic/occult masters when he started spilling some beans outside his allowed prescribed thoughts/posts.
This place is rotten to the core, like most other places too nowadays.

There are only 1 or 2 actual people (or animals) remaining here with any hope, at least I like to believe that. Start getting your life in order by rejecting evil and then embracing Jesus Christ; you can start slowly, but do it surely.

Anyway… doggie bed nao. You won't ever hear anything else from me, so you might as well leave forever now in case you're still looking for "fresh" non-"bot" content from me on here - everyone else with any remaining hope has already left.
Time for you to join them, and live.

3d6889db No.3748946

File: 1722701713270.jpg (122.16 KB, 577x589, weird2.jpg)

Lol, weird.

6c511d3a No.3748947

File: 1722702605987.png (702.9 KB, 1754x1351, b49e2a32ddf1dc67ff4716aae1….png)

I fucking hate Vance and I hate the retarded commies for being so fucking incompetent that they make him look good with this shit.

98389cd9 No.3748950

File: 1722704633442.jpeg (189.8 KB, 941x1280, IMG_5886.jpeg)

It’s weird that you still keep using the ‘weird’ moniker on a furry board, careful you don’t burn out your one brain cell, but it’s a playground insult not working anywhere and it’s definitely not working here. Now finish you shitting dicknipples before it goes soft

cf04e925 No.3748951

File: 1722705171317.jpg (20.63 KB, 311x375, 380d0c7d3d8cb4ad9840bbe7bb….jpg)

"Weird" is like "cracker", the most offensive thing about it is when someone thinks you're offended by it. It's an indirect way of saying "you're a fragile snowflake who gets offended by nothing", but they're projecting since they're the ones who are always getting offended by words.

53cb9f84 No.3748954

If a cat thinks it’s a dog it’s funny because cats are stupid and it got confused

When a supposedly intelligent person seriously says they are the opposite gender, there is a lot to be angry about.
It’s not much different that when a furry pretends to be an animal in public places. If you do it at a convention or with friends it’s fine. But when you walk into a McDonalds and start barking as if the person is supposed to understand, that’s a problem.

20ef2333 No.3748958

File: 1722709089727.gif (5.37 MB, 459x355, demon_6.gif)


>Look at how fast DorK was "reigned in" by his talmudic/occult masters when he started spilling some beans outside his allowed prescribed thoughts/posts.

You are delusional.

8b3ec487 No.3748960

File: 1722709852010.jpg (655.01 KB, 3840x2160, 2807806-Jacob-Bernoulli-Qu….jpg)


ID:0a6cd457 ← This is Threeb.

ID:7f3a9265 ← This is someone else. I won't say who.

53cb9f84 No.3748963

File: 1722711912606.jpeg (688.71 KB, 1134x1536, IMG_5887.jpeg)

Using nazis as a slur isn’t working anymore
We can now hear hitlers spech in English and it fucking resonates bro.


20ef2333 No.3748964

File: 1722711923505.png (1.15 MB, 1346x954, Trump_4.png)


I never stop coming across new stuff to hate Trump for.

20ef2333 No.3748969

File: 1722713540124.jpg (67.13 KB, 850x850, 8633.jpg)


Using NAZI as a slur doesn't work anymore because the fucking left SUPPORTED Actual FUCKING NAZI in Ukraine, openly.

Hitlor worshiping nazi, that probably have bloodlines straight from nazi germany, that fled to ukraine after germany's collapse.

While they Bash Russia, who fought the NAZI. To the point the Retards in canada's government had a nazi in congress where they gave them a standing ovation for fighting against russia. Because they were too fucking stupid to know that nazi's fought the USSR.

And because the jews in Israel are running a concentration camp bigger than what hitlor could dream of. They are employing everything they learned from the nazi to kill brown people.

601ff826 No.3748970

File: 1722715425124.jpeg (923.61 KB, 1170x1432, IMG_5888.jpeg)

Fought the USSR?
No my good sir, they fought Jewish control, while Jews led a successful revolution in Russia, they failed in Germany(the revolution did however cost the Germans the First World War)

70f90ca6 No.3748990

Knowing things about history doesn't make someone a Nazi… Or does it?

d7ad4bc1 No.3748993

File: 1722721904414.png (199.85 KB, 455x458, IMG_5891.png)

Knowing what they don’t want you to know.
Knowing the truth instead of the approved.

20ef2333 No.3748994

File: 1722722632499.jpg (488.51 KB, 2500x1720, 87755.jpg)


The path of morality is a never ending trail that starts in the light, and goes deeper than hell.

As each person hits themselves harder, like nuns or priests doing self flagellation trying to prove they are more moral than their peers.

But all I see are retards sitting around beating themselves up.

And no one has told them, that somewhere along the way they dropped the ball and they are supporting the evil rich white men they hate so much.

d7ad4bc1 No.3748998

File: 1722723311335.jpeg (129.68 KB, 504x680, IMG_5893.jpeg)

0a6cd457 No.3748999

Trump is SO SCARED SHITLESS of Kamala Harris that he is refusing to do any debate unless it's on Fox News where he thinks they will coddle him and attack Kamala.

He says he's going to run away from the debates he had previously agreed to with Biden. WHY IS YOUR ORANGE GOD SO AFRAID OF A BLACK WOMAN?!

d7ad4bc1 No.3749001

File: 1722723801805.jpeg (352.19 KB, 1170x788, IMG_5890.jpeg)

Trump is currently suing ABC for slander.
Why would he give them any help debating a DEI candidate?

20ef2333 No.3749003

File: 1722724454859.jpg (96.03 KB, 850x765, Gay56432.jpg)


Making marital rape, and no fault divorce a thing. Is why birthrates have been in the shitter.

It doesn't matter if its the moral thing, if western civilization disappears and gets replaced by islam. Because then women are even worse off, because they have to dress up like mummies.

d7ad4bc1 No.3749004

File: 1722725253081.png (2.2 MB, 1024x1536, 00049-1351841832_cleanup.png)

20ef2333 No.3749005

File: 1722725384758.jpg (104.7 KB, 850x1070, 86755.jpg)

Debates about women are pretty good. Sadly, because we are forced to believe everyone is equal, a blank slate, everyone thinks the same, feels the same, yada, yada.

We are supposed to ignore thousands of years of evolution that shaped the sexes differently.

Even when difference are thrown before our faces, like mtf in female sports and dominating.

But the grift must go on. We must ignore everything for the altar of equality.

Because if the left lost the female vote. Such as if women lost the ability to vote. The left wouldn't win elections anymore with just minorities.

20ef2333 No.3749006

File: 1722725987523.jpg (59.07 KB, 850x892, 785465.jpg)


The empowering of women is part, about depopulating the planet.

6 billion people is far too many. And a majority of women seemingly don't like having kids when they don't have too.

And they further increase that by telling them "career first, you can have kids at like 30-40. And they say freeze your eggs when that can also fail."

Its no joke that leftist can turn rabid at images of a happy nuclear family. Remember Japan and its happy nuclear family Mcdonalds ads?

d7ad4bc1 No.3749007

File: 1722727116428.jpeg (327.33 KB, 1170x921, IMG_5894.jpeg)

Depopulating the planet is a lie
It’s a pacifier for the white Christian west. Birth rates are not dropping everywhere. Only the west. People have no idea just how much the globalist HATE Christians.

20ef2333 No.3749008

File: 1722727206582.png (136.03 KB, 1411x966, 09986.png)

They will even admit at times that empowering women is about reducing birth rates.

20ef2333 No.3749011

File: 1722727563583.jpg (170.08 KB, 850x1133, 9000.jpg)

Eventually if progressivism is everywhere. World populations will decrease until the elite reach the number of people in the world they want. That they think is environmentally sustainable or allows them the wealth they want for themselves.

And sanctions are a way to punish countries, such as the talibon that don't adopt it.

But until that goal is reached, sucks to be most men. Either turn gay, chop your dick off and pretend to be a woman, or play russian roulette with modern marriage/

20ef2333 No.3749015

File: 1722728397576.png (1.02 MB, 1280x720, 78655.png)


moron, I was joking. Of course I don't think a man is a woman.

But it is women that become teachers that talk little boys into becoming girls. Who go on to beat up women. And it is women that vote left, that push LGBT surgeries onto children.

So I have no sympathy for the sisterhood, dealing with their own problems, they have created for themselves. I hope one day they learn to stop supporting mutilating and grooming children.

20ef2333 No.3749018

File: 1722729105412.jpg (94.32 KB, 850x935, 664454.jpg)

Actions have consequences. Like if men don't want to charge a female pedophile because she's hot. And she goes and rapes a bunch of boys. And those boys grow up to be male pedophiles. Then society is like "Murder those male pedos!"

That is fucked up. But people want to go easy on women and thats not cool. Cuz lives are ruined.

And thats not even real equality. Even when progressivism says everyone is equal, it doesn't even give us true equality. It creates bullshit equality based on privilege and victimhood.

d7ad4bc1 No.3749019

File: 1722729479161.jpeg (154.49 KB, 941x933, IMG_5896.jpeg)

That’s an awkward thing for a democrat to say
Biden is exactly that

20ef2333 No.3749020

File: 1722730075674.jpg (126.43 KB, 850x1263, 78767.jpg)

Every gay guy women trick into being trans, is a loss for gay men everywhere.

And at that point, it's a woman's problem to deal with, not mine. So you go queen, live out the dreams that you got sold by the left.

And FUCK THE RIGHT who wants to crush your dreams to protect the women from the consequences of their voting. Bunch of cucks.

d7ad4bc1 No.3749022

File: 1722731327464.jpeg (173.17 KB, 1024x997, IMG_5897.jpeg)

Reminder, the “weird“ propaganda is at best, the pot calling the kettle black

20ef2333 No.3749023

File: 1722733073748.png (864.39 KB, 1270x964, 76445.png)


Remember guys, its putin, PUTIN! that doesn't want peace!


Its not the usa that wants war. Its putin

20ef2333 No.3749025

File: 1722739201159.png (1.05 MB, 1720x957, Zionist_Trump.png)

Remember, Trump is a sellout and puppet for Israel. He's not america First, He's Israel First.


0a6cd457 No.3749030

File: 1722751970013.png (668.58 KB, 1663x1247, 49c3386217cab9bddb13689364….png)

In 1964 the filibuster required you to actually stand and talk non-stop. If you believe someone stood there in congress and talked for 75 days without sleeping, eating, shitting, or sitting down, you're a fucking moron who doesn't know how things work.

0a6cd457 No.3749033

File: 1722752811083.png (568.54 KB, 735x396, Mirror-mirror.png)

The actual longest filibuster in U.S. history was South Carolina Republican Senator Strom Thurmond who filibustered for slightly over 24 hours in opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

0a6cd457 No.3749035

Yes, Putin is the problem and Fico is a supporter of Putin. That's why the world is cutting off financial support to his nation. He has openly said that Ukraine is prolonging the war by not just giving up and letting Putin take over.

It would be like if China invaded America and Mexico said, "You guys should just let them have California. You're just prolonging the war by not giving them what they want."

We would tell them to fuck off just like the world is telling Fico to go suck a dick.

8ac8ef6c No.3749036

File: 1722754010301.png (1.66 MB, 1615x1482, Trump_pony5.png)


Mexico likes china. Maybe it has something to do with america talking about invading to fight cartels.

Or with america saying latin america belongs to america.

And china would probably do a better job ruling California than Newsome. Who is atm is destroying all the homeless people's homes.

8ac8ef6c No.3749039

File: 1722754584355.png (607.72 KB, 1546x963, 964.png)


China is great ally of Mexico, gringo.

American sanctions are retarded and exploitable by russia and china.

8ac8ef6c No.3749040

File: 1722755421303.png (4.33 MB, 1855x1699, Eevee_756.png)

Make mexico pay for the wall? Stupid Trump

Go to war with china? Stupid Nikki

Mass import immigrants that had to walk through mexico and piss mexicans off? Stupid Trump sanctioning venezuela and the west fucking with Hati.

Americans come into mexico to live and not want to learn spanish. Then get pissed you have to pay a gringo tax,

When america collapses, don't go to mexico and ruin it. Flee to Canada or something.

0a6cd457 No.3749045

File: 1722758244910.jpg (551.1 KB, 1149x957, SproutMLP.jpg)

Trump appeared in MLP movie. He is called Sprout. That pony and his mother are based on the Trump family.

4b87ffda No.3749047

Ban Evading Meme Spammer currently using these Id's
>>ID: 7f3a9265
>>ID: 0a6cd457
Flooding the board with MEME spam again!!

d7ad4bc1 No.3749050

File: 1722769506283-0.jpeg (160.21 KB, 640x853, IMG_5900.jpeg)

File: 1722769506283-1.jpeg (110.87 KB, 981x617, IMG_5899.jpeg)

764218f5 No.3749051

File: 1722769556357-0.jpg (146.55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (35).jpg)

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19d48d40 No.3749053

I love how this little map has dots on places like Kansas, Wyoming, Iowa. There are like 40 dots inside the area of Nebraska alone. Shit, the state I live in, had about 20 riots, in places where no one lives, besides a handful of farmers.
It's almost like it's completely made up.

6c511d3a No.3749055

File: 1722776869102-0.jpg (131.21 KB, 1414x610, 569bb6a908d8d46fb2b7c9bfc8….jpg)

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Was he performing for children? Was it supposed to be funny or fetish?

"Majorly restricting drag shows"? Restricting how? I'm going to assume you're a kike and only very upset that you can no longer flop your cock out around children.

53cb9f84 No.3749056

File: 1722778834613.jpeg (85.56 KB, 750x684, IMG_5901.jpeg)

692fb81c No.3749057

File: 1722780264438.jpeg (64.67 KB, 592x738, lbj-racist2.jpeg)

You idiot, in 1957, Strom Thurmond was a Democrat, voting along with 90% of all the the other Democrats - including then
Senator Lyndon Johnson - to vote against civil rights.

cb26d034 No.3749060

these type of people secretly want to be raped and discriminated against.

53cb9f84 No.3749063

File: 1722781876772.jpeg (91.61 KB, 679x388, IMG_5905.jpeg)

53cb9f84 No.3749067

File: 1722783923392.png (538.96 KB, 750x864, IMG_4143.png)

Interesting theory jets see what the Jews say… oh no.

53cb9f84 No.3749068

White when doing bad
Jewish when dodging the penalty’s.

6c511d3a No.3749070

File: 1722789036907-0.png (753.56 KB, 1114x579, 08fc5dabca893224ce67120b62….png)

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Jews are only white when it suites their interests. They are slimy deceitful shape-shifters.

Oh yeah, also the race war is on in case you guys missed it. The police seem to be a bit short-staffed for it.

6c511d3a No.3749071

File: 1722789272957-0.png (352.59 KB, 592x626, 15ecc939a501bf15114114ca96….png)

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But lets be serious, the zogbots are there to defend the murderous muslim ivaders

A group of muslims ran up on the protestors right in front of the police and bashed two men with hammers. The cops just watched and didn't even chase after the attackers. Violent bands of muslims have been asked by the police to leave their weapons at their local mosque if they have any.

53cb9f84 No.3749074

File: 1722789776921.jpeg (175.97 KB, 696x696, IMG_5906.jpeg)

You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.

a0b8bf73 No.3749075

File: 1722792681893.png (642.95 KB, 1005x702, 744.png)

I hear brits done set fire to a migrant hotel and a police station. Over their government not punishing muslim crime, after 3 little girls were killed.

Its amusing seeing how far this goes before their gov stamps it out.

Makes me wonder if the usa is still flying illegals in, in mass on airplanes. Because brits are pissed the migrant boats don't stop.

98389cd9 No.3749076

File: 1722792849281.jpeg (585.38 KB, 1020x1081, IMG_5907.jpeg)

Some day people will wise up, it’s a shame they need to look down the barrel of a hot gun to see the truth

0a6cd457 No.3749077

File: 1722793329096.jpg (137.79 KB, 1280x960, b1203ebe57bc4c7f3bc0ef9b66….jpg)

Yes, Strom Thurmond WAS a democrat until Democrats sided with black people in the civil rights movement and THEN he became a Republican. In 1964 he joined the Republican Party for the remainder of his legislative career.

When Democrats rejected the ideals of racism, he left to go Republican. That should tell you all you need to know about the Republican party.

6c511d3a No.3749078

File: 1722793387427-0.png (129.94 KB, 864x481, ea7780774dad52785e127f7e7f….png)

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It would be a shame if the 24 hour courts they set up for the white people and not the islamic murderers were burnt down next. That would be horrible I hope they don't.

98389cd9 No.3749079

File: 1722793595264.jpeg (115.05 KB, 768x792, IMG_5908.jpeg)

And these democrats who reject racism, are they in the room with us now? Are they trying to restore black fathers in the home? Or are they demanding every home be fatherless as they destroy the nuclear family?

98389cd9 No.3749080

File: 1722793844227.jpeg (607.02 KB, 1170x1161, IMG_5910.jpeg)

Some concepts are more challenging than others

0a6cd457 No.3749081

File: 1722793849706.jpg (88.41 KB, 768x1024, bfd373c59b7fd385153afcb58d….jpg)

>restore black fathers to the home…
When Republicans say this, what they actually mean is "force black fathers to marry the women they have sex with because we want to control the lives of black people. WE get to decide who they live with. WE get to force them to stay married. WE get to force them to have the baby instead of having an abortion. WE should get to tell them how to live their lives because WE are their betters. "

0a6cd457 No.3749082

If you kick out all conservatives you would reduce the mass shooting rate in America by ~90%

98389cd9 No.3749083

What we want is people to take responsibility for their actions, it’s not force, it’s encouragement. By removing bad policies that remove fathers from the home and creating policies that encourage fatherhood. The problem can be fixed but it won’t happen before.

Trying to paint fatherhood as some sort of slave status is unequivocally evil. You are the best evidence I’ve seen first hand of the existence of evil.

98389cd9 No.3749084

File: 1722794197708.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1630, IMG_5902.png)

Suddenly gangs in Chicago, Detroit, and LA are conservatives?!? XDDDD

6c511d3a No.3749085

File: 1722794529008-0.png (465.46 KB, 1170x905, a5f0498561195ddd9c8ac0db86….png)

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The problem with that is that the legal ones commit about the same amount of knife murders.

a0b8bf73 No.3749086

File: 1722794598347.jpg (101.53 KB, 850x1303, femboy5.jpg)


Jews always want multiculturism because they are a minority population and don't want to conform.

Yet you see when they are the majority, in Israel they are nationalistic, militaristic, and intolerant of some groups.

Yet they demand our country and other countries they can control, to see nationalism as extremism.

You can't be having another hitlor now, unless the hitlor is a jew, right mr netanyahu?

98389cd9 No.3749087

That’s not a problem tho, illegal has to go and you don’t need to wait for stabbing to deport. If it saves even one life!

6c511d3a No.3749088

File: 1722795104544.png (509.41 KB, 1187x843, f8ae8af645ff74deab8a6fbe2b….png)

I agree, but it's not enough to remove just the illegals. The one who murdered the 3 little girls that started this wasn't even an immigrant. This is him featured on the BBC.

a0b8bf73 No.3749089

File: 1722795495997.jpg (128.23 KB, 850x1088, joystick9.jpg)

When leaderless idiot normies riot, they attack civilian buildings and things which serve the community. Resulting in nothing getting done but some of them being charged and their tax payer money paying for the damages.

When a government gets involved to try to do a coup, then you get a riot that, attacks government buildings and goes to politicians house. Which can replace presidents, over throw laws, get people out of jails rather than into them, etc.

98389cd9 No.3749090

File: 1722796582897.jpeg (85.37 KB, 850x400, IMG_5911.jpeg)

a0b8bf73 No.3749091

File: 1722796742609.jpg (121.94 KB, 914x1280, 9784.jpg)

Personally, I think the french revolution was a fluke. And without elite leaders, no one today in a first world country is going to successfully rise up.

Because the average people are terrible leaders. And even going to a riot, shows your probably pretty dumb in the first place, or poor at making good choices.

The intelligent choice if your country is going to hell is to leave for a better one and not risk your life. And if you lack the money to do so, you again probably are pretty dumb or poor at making good choices.

6c511d3a No.3749092

File: 1722797644733-0.webm (2.93 MB, 480x848, f9e0e1b83d904a152333c884b….webm)

File: 1722797644733-1.png (3.59 MB, 3000x2500, 64538061b2ac177771809e77af….png)

Do you think the average politician is any better? Do you think the cops with their midgets in riot gear are any better off? The real question is if the people can stay pissed off long enough to achieve lasting change.

a0b8bf73 No.3749093

File: 1722798357285.jpg (152.93 KB, 850x1234, femboy633.jpg)


Politicians have think tanks. Groups of NEERRRDDDDDSSSS to come up with ways to make their desires a reality. Or outsmart the common people. Think tanks also think up ways to over throw countries.


2b603c04 No.3749096

What Will Joe Biden Do in the Last Months of His Presidency?

By Aaron K. Nowitzki

As President Joseph R. Biden's time in office nears its end, many Americans are left wondering what radical policies this lame-duck president has in store for the country. With his approval ratings at an all-time low and the midterm elections resulting in a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, one might think that Biden would temper his far-left ambitions. However, sources close to the administration suggest that Biden is planning to go out with a bang, doubling down on his socialist agenda and pushing the boundaries of decency and legality.

In the remaining months of his presidency, Biden is expected to take executive action on several fronts. One area of particular focus will be climate change, where the president is rumored to be considering declaring a national emergency and seizing control of the nation's energy infrastructure. This power grab would allow the federal government to dictate how much energy each state can produce, consume, and export, effectively killing off America's fossil fuel industry and plunging the nation into darkness.

Another contentious issue that Biden is likely to address is immigration. Sources indicate that the president plans to sign an executive order granting amnesty to all illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States. While this move would undoubtedly be popular among Democrat voters, it would also create chaos at the border, as millions more people pour into the country seeking to take advantage of Biden's generosity. Moreover, the sudden influx of new residents would place immense strain on the nation's already overburdened welfare system, further exacerbating the economic woes caused by Biden's green energy fantasies.

But perhaps the most alarming aspect of Biden's final days in office is his apparent willingness to trample on individual liberties in pursuit of his ideological goals. In a particularly chilling move, the president is said to be contemplating the establishment of a federal department dedicated to monitoring and regulating online speech. Dubbed the "Ministry of Truth," this Orwellian agency would have the power to silence anyone who dares to question the official narrative or challenge the authority of the ruling party.

2b603c04 No.3749098

In the remaining months of his lame-duck presidency, Biden has already announced several alarming initiatives. These include:

1. A nationwide mask mandate, even for vaccinated individuals, forcing citizens to wear face coverings both indoors and outdoors indefinitely. This decree would bypass Congress and the Supreme Court, setting a dangerous precedent for executive overreach.

2. The implementation of the controversial Green New Deal, which seeks to eliminate fossil fuels and fundamentally transform American industries, agriculture, and transportation. Such changes would result in skyrocketing energy prices, job losses, and economic instability.

3. Further restrictions on Second Amendment rights, likely through executive actions aimed at expanding background checks and banning certain firearms or accessories.

4. An expansion of critical race theory (CRT) in public schools under the guise of "equity." CRT teaches children that America is inherently racist and that individuals should be judged based on their skin color rather than character or merit. Parents across the country have been fighting back against this divisive ideology, but Biden remains committed to promoting it in classrooms.

2b603c04 No.3749099

Of course, no discussion of Biden's radical agenda would be complete without mentioning the role of his wayward son, Hunter. According to insiders, the president intends to make good on his promise to "heal the nation" by pardoning his embattled progeny for any crimes he may have committed.

But in a twist that even the most cynical observers could not have predicted, the White House is reportedly going one step further by announcing that the contents of Hunter's infamous laptop—dubbed the "Laptop from Hell"—will become mandatory reading and viewing in public schools across the country. Under this plan, children as young as five would be forced to learn about their favorite first family's penchant for drugs, debauchery, and influence peddling, presumably as part of a misguided effort to promote "tolerance" and "liberal values."

Finally, in what can only be described as the ultimate act of depravity, the Biden Administration is rumored to be preparing legislation that would legalize incestuous relationships between fathers and children. The bill, which has been dubbed the "Hunter Protection Act," would ostensibly protect the younger Biden from prosecution for any past instances of sexual misconduct involving minors.

Further documents, confirmed by very reliable sources, strongly suggest that the Biden administration plans to pass legislation allowing the president's son free reign to engage in pedophilia without fear of prosecution. If true, this would represent an unprecedented moral failing on behalf of the White House and demonstrate a complete disregard for the safety and wellbeing of America's children.

As the clock ticks down on President Biden's tumultuous tenure, Americans cannot help but wonder what other shocking revelations and policy proposals lie ahead. Will the commander-in-chief follow through on his threats to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, or force citizens to undergo involuntary vaccinations? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the next six months promise to be every bit as chaotic and controversial as the previous three years.

cb26d034 No.3749100

932fe655 No.3749101

File: 1722803874717.jpeg (87.84 KB, 600x740, IMG_5912.jpeg)

be5edc5d No.3749104

Irish and Palestinians are on the same side, you fucking numbskull.

6c511d3a No.3749105

File: 1722805623492.jpg (600.03 KB, 2016x1512, 3be16e9f1d305c0069212fbf3c….jpg)

It's in reference to this standoff between the patriots and the commieterrorists.

055dde4d No.3749106

File: 1722806095364.jpeg (236.56 KB, 941x1276, IMG_5914.jpeg)

Let’s take a moment to check if men and women have finally achieved equality


a0b8bf73 No.3749107

File: 1722808906054.jpg (116.04 KB, 1000x1200, growing.jpg)


Women are weak and need protection

Everyone is equal

240273ea No.3749108

File: 1722811470657.jpeg (146.3 KB, 600x749, IMG_5916.jpeg)

Color me stunned

80f05fbd No.3749110

Racist? No. Incompetent? Yes.

ae07fd98 No.3749111

File: 1722813484898.jpeg (1016.28 KB, 1170x1110, IMG_5918.jpeg)

a0b8bf73 No.3749112

File: 1722814050292.png (60.33 KB, 1579x704, 106.png)

ae07fd98 No.3749113

Anything but declare war
Feeds the war machine without the feel bad


a0b8bf73 No.3749114

File: 1722816400658.jpg (70.74 KB, 850x850, Femboy_bugs45.jpg)

The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against the Islamic Republic of Iran if the President determines that the Islamic Republic of Iran—

(1) is in the process of possessing a nuclear weapon that threatens the national security interests of the United States; or

(2) possesses uranium enriched to weapons-grade level, possesses a nuclear warhead, or possesses a delivery vehicle capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that threatens the national security interests of the United States (Aka Israel).

Gram is seemingly making this too easy for Trump/Vance. All Trump will probably have to do is lie like George bush jr. IF this passes.

But will they try to pass it before the election or after?

ae07fd98 No.3749116

File: 1722817941230.jpeg (243.55 KB, 1007x1280, IMG_5919.jpeg)

937f76b0 No.3749119

Niggers are racist and retarded true.

937f76b0 No.3749120

> ID:7f3a9265 ← This is someone else. I won't say who.
He is a racist nigger, just like most niggers.

46615212 No.3749126


46615212 No.3749127


f69afaef No.3749132

File: 1722837407784.jpeg (3.2 MB, 3024x4032, ge71fqj31ogd1.jpeg)

Pedonald the rapist

4b87ffda No.3749134

Above ID's being used by serial MEME SPAMMER
Violation: Constantly deleting and re-posting the SAME spam MEME image to keep it parked on the visible part of the /POL/ thread 100% of the time, as against the rules.

e07e2949 No.3749138


Those are both the same person switching between T-Mobile phone posting and home ISP with a static IP.
Even if this board software had the ability to ban the mobile carrier, this would cripple access for more posters than you may think.

Dynamic IPs killed the imageboard.

0a6cd457 No.3749139

>it’s not force, it’s encouragement.
Outlawing abortion and birth control is defiantly "Encouraging" women to vote Democrat.

0a6cd457 No.3749140

>and creating policies that encourage fatherhood.

Oh, please, tell us, what conservative policies would you use to "encourage fatherhood"?

Free healthcare for kids who have 2 parents?
Free daycare so the 2 parents can work?
Free food for the kids if there are 2 parents in the house??

Which thing your party has spent decades trying to take away from single mothers would you offer them?

0a6cd457 No.3749141

>It's against the rules because it makes me mad that they are humiliating my cult!

0a6cd457 No.3749142

Those pictures are from the victory party for the Heavy Weight Champion of the world. It was held at Trump plaza. Trump went there to get his picture taken with the people who were actually famous at the time.

0a6cd457 No.3749143

If a guy got another guy so drunk he couldn't stop him from fucking him in the ass, the next day the rapist would be charged with rape.

This is what equality looks like.

0a6cd457 No.3749144

>By Aaron K. Nowitzki

Who? And why should we care about the nonsense they write?

a0b8bf73 No.3749146

File: 1722844495380.png (940.99 KB, 795x660, 98876.png)

Bangladesh is having fun

"Protests, violence erupt again in Bangladesh amid calls for government resignation"

ae07fd98 No.3749147

File: 1722845599128.jpeg (991.02 KB, 1131x1452, IMG_5924.jpeg)

No taxes for a year after 4 years in the home

cb26d034 No.3749148

Humans are very wasteful creatures.

7821abbc No.3749152

File: 1722851715511.jpg (271.03 KB, 958x768, ls7km1hbmngd1.jpg)

It was a different time to be sure, the 70s saw bipartisan responses to things like the climate, the space race and threat of nuclear war saw a perspective shift in the populous. reagan pushed for a lot of eventually awful things to be sure but things like efficiency standards, coal emissions and more got a lot of attention. Even into the 90s with things like CFCs. And then shit hit the fan, my country insisted on rubbing it's balls on the earth, the US and my country both didn't ratify Kyoto sufficiently/at all and the global staying power when the US refuses to do something dies quickly…

7821abbc No.3749153

File: 1722852488981.jpg (122.46 KB, 800x635, 17tbqow9aggd1.jpg)


I wonder if ecology and urban planning played a role in politics?

7821abbc No.3749154

File: 1722854189051.jpg (478.08 KB, 1026x1290, do2svvp22tgd1.jpg)

“The World’s Greatest Parking Lot” Ethel Greene, oil on canvas 1969

5dc09052 No.3749155

File: 1722854397007.jpeg (271.12 KB, 941x941, IMG_5928.jpeg)

The other way around, politics(communism) affected planning/architecture

Brutalism was preferred by communists (((Bolshevists))) because it was a display of the power and unassailable strength of the state, and crushed the human spirit and sense of beauty and wonder, ideas which incompatible with the shut up and serve dictates of your (((communist))) masters

5dc09052 No.3749156

cb26d034 No.3749157

word words words (smokes from pipe) indeed

29f45dc8 No.3749158

File: 1722858001794.jpeg (273.87 KB, 1179x1234, IMG_5929.jpeg)

635d0b26 No.3749163

File: 1722870379010.png (597.3 KB, 535x550, IMG_5931.png)

d4104c0e No.3749164

>They're coming for our guns! For real this time!
How many decades have you fuckshits been screeching this? Get new material. That crap is so stale. And if you're gonna argue guns don't kill people, fatherless, unwanted children do. Then it follows abortion is the solution.

2d82b66e No.3749165

File: 1722872151352.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1975, IMG_5933.jpeg)

We only screech every time you brag about trying


f0f1908b No.3749166

>Recently on the campaign trail, Harris has called for an “assault weapons ban.” But the campaign confirmed to us that she was no longer advocating a mandatory buyback program.

1dc1ccdd No.3749167

File: 1722873732454.jpeg (516.99 KB, 1170x659, IMG_5934.jpeg)

Interesting, shame there is video of her saying she would.


222b336a No.3749168

Do you not understand what the phrase "no longer" means? That video is clearly from years ago, because her face is much more wrinkly now. She flipped, because it was an unpopular stance. Because she's a politician.

1dc1ccdd No.3749169

File: 1722874607204.jpeg (234.8 KB, 946x688, IMG_5932.jpeg)

The first video shown was days ago, would you like to try lying again?

7434878d No.3749170

Here's the full video. Timestamped from 4 years ago. Eat shit.


1dc1ccdd No.3749171

Eating shit is your job, I said the first video posted here

405a985e No.3749172

She never said anything about "mandatory gun confiscation" in that clip. More lies.

6db3f589 No.3749173

The reporter said it, pleas remember lying is the domain of the left, not conservatives.


e07e2949 No.3749174

File: 1722881304249.jpg (2.31 MB, 3800x3221, IMG_6269.png.jpg)

Every post by one of the worst spammers in this thread has been deleted globally. They contribute next to nothing elsewhere.

Get fucked you moron.

2be0b9b5 No.3749175

>…adding to you gun control agenda?
That's literally all the reporter said in that clip. The beginning of the question is cut off. Come back when you find someone actually saying "mandatory gun confiscation," numbnuts.

46615212 No.3749176

Just a daily reminder,
If you are on here and hate 3B,
then you don't hate him nearly enough.

1aab98fe No.3749177

Your autistic screeching about 3B is far worse than 3B himself. You contribute nothing. Please shut the fuck up.

55cdb262 No.3749179

File: 1722889507387.jpeg (374.78 KB, 1170x906, IMG_5937.jpeg)

Kinda true, you don’t actually know he’s 3b(tho he is indistinguishable from)

255515d2 No.3749180

File: 1722891542877.jpeg (291.27 KB, 941x1254, IMG_5939.jpeg)

If America is racist what do you call the Chinese?

7821abbc No.3749185

File: 1722893521657.jpg (440.38 KB, 1024x870, languages-spoken-in-china-….jpg)


The reason these people want to keep this simple if are person is born there it's Chinese!

Americans love to keep things simple to the point it's just easy!


7821abbc No.3749186

File: 1722894008246.jpg (67.97 KB, 1001x923, drbp5rkt3li31.jpg)


They are part of the same country!

They just want to keep things simple and blame these groups that they are part of it!



7821abbc No.3749187

File: 1722894266909.jpg (37.15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)


No, they are not Japanese in German Uniform they Chinese Cantonese nationalists who fought the Japanese.

ca2b14ed No.3749188

File: 1722894270000.png (1.79 MB, 1323x900, revolt.png)


They won. The student protestors made the president leave the country. And she resigned.


I'm surprised the military and everyone else agreed to the protestors demands. And are going to change the government.

No civil war or anything. They just mass marched to the government in huge numbers. And she fled.

7821abbc No.3749189

File: 1722894538255.jpg (51.85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

ca2b14ed No.3749190

File: 1722895839847.jpg (187.84 KB, 850x1275, 90444.jpg)

The riots going in the UK are wild.

Even after it came out the 17 year old that stabbed everyone, and killed 3 little girls, wasn't an immigrant but a born in uk person. And he's not tied to islam allegedly. Which is what sparked the right starting the riots.

Been hearing its whites against muslims, even some asian immigrants beating up lone white people.

I heard someone covering one area on camera got hit in the head with a brick.

Left right, calling each others liers and disinformation spreaders.

cb26d034 No.3749192

File: 1722898789270-0.jpg (11.56 KB, 236x285, d085595b50b193ad6842d42326….jpg)

File: 1722898789270-1.webm (2.16 MB, 636x360, 1722798296035774.webm)

6db3f589 No.3749193

Being born in the UK doesn’t make him British
It’s a new idea(mostly American) that born here makes you one of us. He doesn’t belong and this problem has been going on for over 17 year by evidence of his age.

e07e2949 No.3749204

I'm getting sick of your shit.

32087faa No.3749206


At last. Can you imagine all the work it took to get to that point ? You let in "asians" and muslim all these years and just watch as nothing happens. Then you get excited when a paki pedo ring is exposed, but nothing comes out of it, no civil war, nothing much…

I'm sure some of the elites openned a bottle of champagne. Riots now, and maybe, finally, a civil war !

Need some more countries to really break Europe and reduce the quality of life - and CO2 output. And crash the global economy with all these consumer vanishing.

Got to have that in Belgium or France next, though France is unlikelly, they don't have balls anymore there.

ca2b14ed No.3749207

File: 1722921939665-0.png (743.52 KB, 1439x757, 76765.png)

File: 1722921939665-1.png (1.11 MB, 1324x967, 77655.png)

cb26d034 No.3749208


>they don't have balls anymore there.

thought that was more of an italy thing

4e7f7ba8 No.3749214

big spoiler, you are a piece of shit, nothing special, garbage person

67ad79f2 No.3749221

File: 1722954040570.jpeg (133.37 KB, 600x692, IMG_5940.jpeg)

d458faa0 No.3749225

File: 1722956997373-0.jpg (60.91 KB, 1280x720, image[1].jpg)

File: 1722956997373-1.jpg (1.33 MB, 3049x2103, PA-77057184-1[1].jpg)

File: 1722956997373-2.jpg (149.97 KB, 1280x720, gettyimages-2165283434[1].jpg)

The brave defenders of Western Civilization. Upholding law, order and societal norms. I wonder if they claim to "Back the Blue" ?!?


e0fb79c2 No.3749226

File: 1722960837064.jpg (113.09 KB, 281x355, X-Ray_Spex.jpg)

He knows what he wants to look at.

58856d48 No.3749227

File: 1722961698139.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x1614, IMG_5942.jpeg)

32087faa No.3749230

File: 1722964756672.jpg (112.38 KB, 1024x683, 27pol-trump-crypto-lpjh-su….jpg)

This should make leftist happy. If he wins, I think Trump will be the antichrist / the beast. And Musk the false prophet.

What better way to implement the mark of the beast than with a cryptocurrency ? And Musk can implant it in the forehead in a chip, or in the hand.

Lots of christians will swallow it up, Trump will just need to tell them that this mark is not of the beast, but the seal of God's (Revelation 9:4).

The beast will also sit on the throne in the temple in Jerusalem, and a win by Trump will certainly embolden the jews to finally build it.

The wound on his ear could be a preview of an attempted assassination he'll be victim of, this time deadly, with the miraculous recovery and susbequently his betrayal of the jews and the beginning of his reign of terror.

I think Trump as the beast makes perfect sense. Wait and see.

Are you a leftist and can't stand the thought of 5 more years with Trump ? I have a way out for you: become christian, don't take Trump's mark and be raptured before the real shit hits the fan. You're welcome.


6c511d3a No.3749232

File: 1722965152890-0.webm (2.95 MB, 720x1154, 6b1e52930842aa0b5157da5ad….webm)

File: 1722965152890-1.png (169.87 KB, 603x742, 7cb59accd1b73aee983f1f2142….png)

File: 1722965152890-2.jpg (261.3 KB, 1259x2013, f6b2fc82c0c5c08a98afb74408….jpg)

We haven't backed the blue since they made it clear they support the communists, child rapists, and child murderers and will defend THEM from consequences. The police and their masters are the first who need to go, since they put themselves between the patriots and the scum destroying our countries.

Cops are treasonous human waste.

1ee7f191 No.3749234

lol You're just the white version of BLM.

fe71f451 No.3749236

File: 1722971266708.jpeg (19.52 KB, 474x591, th (22).jpeg)

6c511d3a No.3749238

If you mean we both want control of the country built by white people, yes. The difference is that white people are entitled to the thing they made whereas BLM just want to take and destroy.

White people are also smart enough not to destroy their own neighborhoods.

Anyway, have a video of the media desperately trying to vilify white people as a pack of feral shitskins move in on them.

6c511d3a No.3749239

File: 1722972781675.webm (3.8 MB, 1272x720, cc03f6d8573c2d4f38df9a2ce….webm)

Woops, here it is

7d249d77 No.3749240

File: 1722974432367.png (1.22 MB, 1339x956, 654.png)

c8a35b14 No.3749241

File: 1722976809069.jpg (637.81 KB, 1080x1450, Screenshot_20240807-043815….jpg)

But then again, who am I to judge. I ain't a Brit.

41738c43 No.3749242

File: 1722977948499.jpeg (362.21 KB, 1287x1334, IMG_5946.jpeg)

The Brit’s just need a little more culture to appreciate the enrichment

cb26d034 No.3749243

basically from india

9f88e0eb No.3749245

Just like Kamala Harris.

7d249d77 No.3749247

File: 1722982852841.png (1.66 MB, 1900x3252, boy7.png)

I think its funny that America is Pro-Jew. And UK is Pro-Muslim.

cf35bef9 No.3749248

File: 1722984376138.jpeg (415.22 KB, 1170x1025, IMG_5948.jpeg)

cf35bef9 No.3749251

File: 1722984867633.jpeg (110.34 KB, 941x812, IMG_5938.jpeg)

A toy for cultured communists

7d249d77 No.3749252

File: 1722985808642.jpg (236.14 KB, 850x1202, 7834.jpg)


Modern communism has sort of evolved into, the government owns and controls what is important.

And lets citizens have a private sector, but that private sector can have someone in the government there to make sure nothing goes crazy.

Kind of some odd system of communism, fascism, and capitalism combined.

Least that how I understand china as working.

3ecb2585 No.3749253

File: 1722986128510.jpeg (77.83 KB, 850x400, IMG_5950.jpeg)

3ecb2585 No.3749254

The Chinese communist party is literally best understood as maifia-esk gangsters pretending to be a government. If your company is big enough you are required to have a party memeber on your board of directors(a literal Soviet flag officer, don’t do anything against party interest) and this guy just sites there as a reminder, ”it would be a shame if anything happens to your company” also reporting insider information to his gangster buddies so they can buy and sell stocks accordingly to keep the poor people poor.

7d249d77 No.3749257

File: 1722987237322.jpg (218.03 KB, 850x1202, 565533.jpg)


I've heard in china they don't give a damn about the stock market. That it can go down and no one gives a fuck, because its not like the west where every single thing is tied to the stock market and revolves around it.

3ecb2585 No.3749261

File: 1722987716294.jpeg (814.58 KB, 1170x1504, IMG_5951.jpeg)

Vance has the correct take, Disney insulted the fans with the last two movies(even the fist JJ one was a crappy remake of a new hope)

3ecb2585 No.3749265

File: 1722990895312.jpeg (198.74 KB, 781x823, IMG_5953.jpeg)

e0fb79c2 No.3749268

File: 1722991242995.jpg (26.45 KB, 259x194, download (1).jpg)

>> ID: 7f3a9265
The above ID is 3B, avoiding a ban and meme spamming as usual.
Remember that he wears the patented X-ray glasses so that he can see thru children's clothing,
And also to see thru their shoes so he can look at their FEET.

744d7171 No.3749270

File: 1722991302191.jpeg (42.77 KB, 455x516, y2zky9kjs1hd1.jpeg)

BigDadEnergy! Love This Guy. Harris is knocking it out of the park. When Waltz called the Felon/Couch ticket Weird and told them to mind their own damn business and get outta peoples bedrooms, I knew he was My Guy!

3ecb2585 No.3749271

File: 1722991939179.jpeg (692.91 KB, 1170x1992, IMG_5955.jpeg)

The election is going to be stollen

d96f52f2 No.3749273

File: 1722992093720.png (113.94 KB, 599x507, yag299t1j4hd1.png)

The Dems are energized, having fun, and are filled with a newfound hope.

The Republican party is in chaos and they have members of their own party endorsing Kamala lol. They let their party be hijacked by Trump and his family, they've run him 3 fucking times in a row to be president, and it's all just getting old and boring.

Like how can you do anything else other than roll your eyes when you see Trump speak now? It's pathetic. He doesn't even have the charisma he once had. The whole schtick is just played out and tired and they're stuck with this guy because they handed the party over to him.

They just saw Joe Biden step aside gracefully and pass the torch while the Dems responded with glee and excitement. They are stuck with a horrific Trump/Vance ticket and no future hope for the party because it's so fractured and chaotic.

MAGA is played out and boring and this election will likely be the end of it.

e0fb79c2 No.3749274

Are you going to kill yourself when Joe Biden is not elected President?

3ecb2585 No.3749275

I wish I could be this delusional. But I don’t want single digit IQ

d96f52f2 No.3749276

File: 1722992949128.jpeg (91.53 KB, 768x768, 0bp66vw012hd1.jpeg)

"Violent crime was up under Donald Trump. That's not even counting the crimes he committed" is a great line.

7d249d77 No.3749277

File: 1722993161242.png (3.41 MB, 2560x2560, twilight_763.png)

So Kamala's vice pick is Tim Walz…

I know very little about him.

3ecb2585 No.3749278

File: 1722993753375.jpeg (396.46 KB, 780x1553, IMG_5958.jpeg)

Amazing how you don’t know any of your parties own tricks

7d249d77 No.3749280

File: 1722994152586.png (405.18 KB, 1019x595, 88999.png)

So far he sounds like any run of the mill democrat. He supports like every generic democrat thing.

3ecb2585 No.3749281

File: 1722994421999.jpeg (399.32 KB, 780x1994, IMG_5960.jpeg)

“Legislation”, that’s a funny euphemism for executive orders

d96f52f2 No.3749282

Nazi fuckers

d96f52f2 No.3749283

File: 1722994678209.jpeg (50.3 KB, 524x499, zziu03els1hd1.jpeg)

7d249d77 No.3749284

File: 1722995639975.png (3.08 MB, 2432x1664, Feeding_the_fishes.png)

They say he was the perfect choice since he's not a jew. Meaning they are trying to recover the muslim vote.

Yet, this might push apaic further into the arms of Trump

3ecb2585 No.3749285

File: 1722995847445.jpeg (227 KB, 1151x513, IMG_5961.jpeg)

Your rhetoric is losing its power

d96f52f2 No.3749287

Sure nazi

d96f52f2 No.3749288

File: 1722996211198.png (Spoiler Image, 242.77 KB, 1024x756, w7d9p4rgl4hd1.png)

8aa7a3ec No.3749290

>tap one button
>double posting solved

0a6cd457 No.3749292

For almost 200 years the 2nd Amendment did not give crazy ass honkies like you the right to own a gun. It only gave the states the right to form a national guard. It wasn't until the NRA bribed the conservatives on SCOTUS in 2008 that what you think the 2nd Amendment means was even a thing. It was called the Heller decision.


0a6cd457 No.3749293

It sure is! More Americans are going to vote for Harris and that will steal the election from Trump just like in 2020.

Get ready to cry about it for another 4 years!

fa7039ea No.3749294

So 'the people' are allowed to own guns, but none of the people are allowed to own guns? Who owns the guns?

How many people do I need to have in a room before we can own a gun? Is two enough? Do we need uniforms?

Can I ship a gun, or do I have to bring a posse with enough people to maintain militia status?

So the people working in a firearm factory are a milita… What about the dudes at the bullet factory?

I have so many questions.

3ecb2585 No.3749296

File: 1722999065927.jpeg (176.54 KB, 1064x1087, IMG_5945.jpeg)

Court ruling confirm law not reinterpret it.
The founding fathers watched their family’s and neighbors get killed by those fucking redcoats, no fucking way they said only some people can have guns and only when they are roaming together looking for fights.

c3cab239 No.3749297

You get a muzzle-loading musket and a tricorne but nothing more.

3ecb2585 No.3749298

File: 1722999690105.jpeg (66.44 KB, 474x374, IMG_5962.jpeg)

The government should always have overwhelming power over the citizens

Just as the founding fathers wanted

f911f088 No.3749300

Yeah, well the founding fathers weren't gods and couldn't possibly see this far into the future. They were also backwards in some regards, such as owning slaves. It's absurd to expect every citizen to learn to pilot a fighter jet. No, society works by compartmentalizing and specialization. We have the military to act as our well-regulated militia these days. Also it's insane for anyone to have nukes, and it's completely batshit for EVERYONE to have nukes, which is what you're advocating. There necessarily have to be restrictions on the kinds of arms civilians can own. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

3ecb2585 No.3749301

Nukes are not readily sold anywhere
Their manufacture was a military program not a 7-11 special

0a6cd457 No.3749319

File: 1723004269762.jpg (154.96 KB, 1286x2000, bafkreihx2zbx642qhj3yqqv4l….jpg)

In the original constitution states were allowed to create standing armies out of "the people" but "the people" didn't own the guns or even keep them at their homes. They kept the military weapons at the military bases where "the people" came to train in the proper use of military weapons.

Most of the things conservative think are true about guns is just mythology. The wild west wasn't cowboys shooting people in the streets. You had to turn in your guns when you entered a town. The towns in the wild-west were one big gun-free zone.

People only used to have guns to hunt animals. They didn't need 300 rounds a second to feel like a man, they had skill.

Guns were considered a tool, not an identity. The concept of the gunslinger was made up by Hollywood.

All those 10 commandment monuments in front of court houses that you think have been there since the dawn of America? They were put there in 1964 to advertise Marlon Brando's new movie about the 10 commandments.

Those confederate statues you think are part of your proud southern heritage? Most of them weren't put up until the civil rights era as a protest against black people getting the vote.

Conservatism is, and always has been, a bunch of dumb people telling each other fairy tales they think are true.

3d6889db No.3749323

File: 1723004840249.jpg (127.69 KB, 448x900, cat_crew_2.jpg)

The problem with Recreational McNukes is that the materials are just too hard to come by.

That being said, I wholeheartedly support the principal of allowing recreational McNukes, but I'd gladly settle for AK-47 + RPG-7 vending machines in public spaces.

d458faa0 No.3749326

Tim Walz' health care would have saved Dragoneer.

Actually, i'm not sure that's a good thing.

7d249d77 No.3749327

File: 1723005861748.png (3.59 MB, 2563x1437, 74343.png)


>whose presidency was unconstitutionally stolen from him by kamala

oh shut the fuck up trump

7d249d77 No.3749328

File: 1723006190379.jpg (355.21 KB, 1717x2146, sylveon7.jpg)

Like fuck you trump, you did 3-4 years of Biden stole the election. And now he's constitutional president as it switching to Kamala???!!

fuck sake!

d4104c0e No.3749336

File: 1723010848883.jpg (179.78 KB, 640x360, scared.jpg)


789a6c4f No.3749339

You are the one fabricating myth
“the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” not the right of the militia, not the right of the standing armies, not the right of the licensed and insured. THE PEOPLE.

c8a35b14 No.3749343

File: 1723016728672-0.jpeg (38.95 KB, 450x309, th (25).jpeg)

File: 1723016728672-1.jpg (846.92 KB, 1080x2199, Screenshot_20240807-154020….jpg)

That long Covid brain fog finally catching up to him huh? Not to mention all of those expermental meds and treatments they gave him in order to make sure his heart won't stop. Dead Potus isn't a good image, especially when they keep making fun of the "kung flu." Better having a living Potus with brain damage while in service than a dead one (irony with that attempt on him, LOL).

c8a35b14 No.3749344

File: 1723017152909-0.jpeg (40.22 KB, 656x381, 1718629466010.jpeg)

File: 1723017152909-1.jpeg (89.15 KB, 1200x800, 1610355206_untitled-desig….jpeg)

File: 1723017152909-2.jpg (533.46 KB, 3175x1794, blm.jpg)

Practically another reason why Rep likely won't win. They keep campaigning for the black community even after BLM while ignoring and making fun of the Asian community.

4b87ffda No.3749346

Are you going to kill yourself when Donald J. Trump is elected President for a third term Nov. 5

4b87ffda No.3749347

>>ID: d96f52f2
Ain't clicking on your hidden VIRUS shit.

4b87ffda No.3749348

A white meme serial spam shitposter pretending to be black and calling other whites HONKIES.
That's funny as hell.
Also retarded as fuck.

Why don't you go out someday and actually MEET some black people, 3B, instead of just watching them on TV ads?

Then you would hate them as much as we hate you.

c8a35b14 No.3749351

File: 1723024246017-0.webm (5.95 MB, 576x1024, trump2020-biden-fypnormal….webm)

>Third Term.

4b87ffda No.3749353

Why not? You cheated him out of his second term, even though he won.
In fact, it's the ONLY way you can stop him from taking office THIS time, is to ADMIT that he actually won and you cheated last time.
Because a President can only win twice.
But you would never do that, it would mean Biden's entire term was illegal and everything he did, everyone he appointed was invalid and illegitimate and would be cancelled and overruled.
Also didn't watch video, not interested in the opinion of some dumbass you cherry picked from 100,000 other normal people to try and prove whatever you're trying to prove.

0c8de954 No.3749355

I’ve been speculating about that. They would do that, If it would actually stop him. But it’s not about how many times you win it’s about how many terms you serve.

0a6cd457 No.3749358

File: 1723028131934.png (138.82 KB, 598x380, MAGA-Chud-gets-6th-place.png)

Trump is DESPERATELY trying to attach himself to every Republican who won a race even though most of them want nothing to do with him. Meanwhile his biggest fans, the book burning, ultra-right, Christian nationalists in his cult lost across the board.

c5c95bd0 No.3749368

File: 1723041338684.jpeg (139.76 KB, 1070x876, IMG_5965.jpeg)

c5c95bd0 No.3749369

File: 1723041536780.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1074x1161, IMG_5967.jpeg)

c5c95bd0 No.3749372

File: 1723042969539.png (252.06 KB, 647x487, IMG_5969.png)

4e7f7ba8 No.3749393

Proof you are just a number to them.
Because the bratty generation thinks the liberals care about them more than they are manipulated by every other facet of media/consumerism to think this one time someone actually cares. Pathetic. Boomers who have no choice but to rally against their traditions falling apart to a lost cause of an ignorant youth. Pathetic. Insisting that voting is important, but you are just commiting to the idea you are a number. Pathetic.

c5c95bd0 No.3749398

File: 1723050282821.jpeg (572.77 KB, 1170x1433, IMG_5970.jpeg)

Remember, democrats don’t lie, they “embellish the facts”

65484407 No.3749409

File: 1723053502360.jpg (2.12 MB, 4000x2800, UG3WRxteeRAhJz336LtF7J.jpg)

Oh shut the fuck up. Your candidate of choice is Captain Bone Spurs! That's right folks, Trump bullshitted his way out of the Vietnam War. He said, "You think I'm stupid, I wasn't going to Vietnam."


77de1054 No.3749411

Democrat Tim Walz is a coward who fled from the Iraq war.

0c8de954 No.3749416

File: 1723055683338.jpeg (81.37 KB, 680x680, IMG_5234.jpeg)

It wasn’t a jab at Walz, it was a jab at the media never calling the democrats on their bullshit.

0a6cd457 No.3749418

File: 1723056086142.jpg (Spoiler Image, 51.66 KB, 640x614, FSBet1fWYAAASRh.jpg)

>Climate change isn't real! Ignore the fact that Florida is underwater right now!

0a6cd457 No.3749419

>I'm a limp dick, powerless conservative and I'm very angry that no one respects me! Can't you see I'm white?!

0c8de954 No.3749421

File: 1723056952023.jpeg (225.2 KB, 941x1177, IMG_4614.jpeg)

What you are ignoring right now is the hurricane that just passed through

What everyone ignores the rest of the year is that some land is sinking(not rising ocean levels) and some land is rising(not dropping ocean levels). Sinking land is the result of HEAVY citys(new your city) squeezing the groundwater out and rivers not depositing at the mouth of the river as water flow is controlled and diverted.

1d1c5e25 No.3749423

Every fucking time.

0c8de954 No.3749424

File: 1723057928804.png (Spoiler Image, 64.79 KB, 242x255, IMG_5972.png)

You do have to be a special stupid to trust government

8aa7a3ec No.3749427

Hey can we not chain post? If I'm going to do it to the lefties its only fair I do it to the righties. Works both ways.

Unless you all just want me to stop, which I can.

0c8de954 No.3749429

File: 1723059518130.jpeg (159.08 KB, 1080x877, IMG_5971.jpeg)

How does one spoiler? I don’t see a ticbox

8aa7a3ec No.3749430

File: 1723059879522.png (Spoiler Image, 1.15 MB, 2048x2048, fa1a0fcc8253e940b306436dc4….png)


It is a mystery…

8ac8ef6c No.3749431

File: 1723061113321-0.png (701.83 KB, 1291x587, 75554.png)

File: 1723061113321-1.png (681.1 KB, 1347x590, 887765.png)

How about you just hold a Royal Rumble at this point elon?

Just talk smack about a few more world leaders.

c8a35b14 No.3749432

File: 1723061445825.webm (4.84 MB, 426x240, y2mate.com-Iraq-Vet-Disru….webm)

Didn't we want to get out of Iraq?

6c511d3a No.3749434

File: 1723062494506.jpg (199.04 KB, 1280x1036, dc324b30bbb64c58a0465902c2….jpg)

Based. I love this comic. Fuck McCain and fuck dying for Israel. Vets have a lot to answer for to make things right.

553f97ae No.3749435

File: 1723062685042.jpeg (158.52 KB, 750x749, IMG_5973.jpeg)

1c05acff No.3749436

> Didn't we want to get out of Iraq?
Cowardly democrat Tim Walz sure wanted to get out.

6c511d3a No.3749438

File: 1723064634527-0.jpg (93.47 KB, 1024x1024, 16128143995da12d260a973ca7….jpg)

File: 1723064634528-1.jpg (453.85 KB, 1500x1259, 77c7653c10c3c6b26fcc7c9e4b….jpg)

I just realized, shouldn't the left LIKE Trump for this?

Don't tell me you guys like McCain and pointless wars now? Like, the Vietnam war was a "commies bad" war, and now you commies wish more people had been sent to fight it?

I don't understand. Have you changed your mind?

8ac8ef6c No.3749440

File: 1723065183065.png (109.3 KB, 1205x802, 675433.png)


My Satan is Ukraine so dumb as to repeat the nordstream pipeline that fucked over Germany and the EU???

Sometimes I think america straight up wants the Eu to fall, along with russia and china. To repeat after ww2/cold war where all there was, was america and a golden age for it.

6161c44a No.3749441

File: 1723065183589.jpg (65.01 KB, 1008x1194, GUVznv9XIAANIGn.jpg)

Just when I thought Walz couldn't get any more relatable the republicans go ahead and makes him win the hearts and minds of all the furries too.

Hope is finally back in america and it feels real good!
Just like horse cum.

cf35bef9 No.3749442

Disingenuous meme, Washington resisted tyrants, not all laws are tyrannical. Resisting an officer who is issuing you a ticket for reckless speeding is not heroic.

cf35bef9 No.3749443

File: 1723066290206.jpeg (387.82 KB, 612x2153, IMG_5975.jpeg)

I’ve known enough furries to know anyone who has even tried this is not to be given power over a the radio let alone the country

4fd75b03 No.3749444

Liberal here. I view all wars since WWII as pointless wastes of life. But I dare not disrespect the troops or veterans. Just because they were misled doesn't mean I'm smarter or better than them. These people are brave and did what they were told was necessary to protect America. John McCain wanted a war with Iran, so of course I disagreed with him. But I'll be goddamn if I mock his military service.

cf35bef9 No.3749446

File: 1723068114557.jpeg (88.76 KB, 549x331, IMG_5976.jpeg)

7821abbc No.3749447

File: 1723068258941-0.jpg (431.39 KB, 1353x900, founds (1).jpg)

File: 1723068258941-1.jpg (382.99 KB, 1352x900, founds (2).jpg)

File: 1723068258941-2.jpg (435.53 KB, 1351x900, founds (3).jpg)

2fcccc99 No.3749451

The inflation is because of Trump's stimulus checks.

cf35bef9 No.3749453

This kills the mousie

cf35bef9 No.3749454

Inflation has ALWAYS boiled down to uncontrolled spending and debt. Period. It’s a vicious cycle where your debt is reduced by inflating the currency and spineless politicians who refuse to deal with the problem. Other factors contribute but debt and spending is easy 99% of it.

8ac8ef6c No.3749455

File: 1723070130230.jpg (271.1 KB, 1280x1810, 92334433.jpg)


What problem? If all the poor people lose their homes,the rich can buy them up cheap.

If it weren't for that damn, pesky brics coming out of no where we could have stole everyone's property, got them on CBDC, and then fixed the economy to sell the houses for a big profit.

Done and done, debt erased, all poor people can have money tracked and cut off if they get uppity.

d29b4819 No.3749460

File: 1723076464664.jpeg (42.54 KB, 599x340, IMG_5978.jpeg)

Hussein is is legal middle name
And he has without shame stated we will side against America. Try to keep up

d29b4819 No.3749464

*he will

d29b4819 No.3749469

File: 1723077652953.png (1.72 MB, 1024x1536, 00581-3737571576_7_DPM_2M_….png)

Is mocking high schoolers for looking funny in high school the best argument the left has? Sad.

d29b4819 No.3749474

File: 1723078468413.png (1.57 MB, 1408x1024, 00057-78599531.png)

He either accidentally or knowingly still a turkey, but I thought it was wrong to vote for criminals

8ac8ef6c No.3749476

File: 1723078727803.jpg (191.72 KB, 1280x1810, brace.jpg)


Both groups freak out. If you don't notice it, your probably in one of them.

8ac8ef6c No.3749483

File: 1723079767077.png (1.52 MB, 1354x882, 987.png)

Libertarianism is the answer to everything.


e0fb79c2 No.3749484

It's actually fascinating in a dark way. I have friends and family who are far left. They'll be normal functioning human beings and a switch will just FLIP when politics gets brought up. They've been conditioned to go into a rabid angry state where conscious thought is nonexistent. There is no fact or discussion that breaks this state and it can only lead to anger or confusion. It's like they're not even themselves in that state, a true cult like response.

This is the space far left politicians are stuck in. Even if they're just pandering to this cult like response and don't actually believe it themselves, it has to take a toll on your soul and lead to response like Kamala's. It's almost enough to make me feel sorry for them.

e0fb79c2 No.3749485

>>ID: 7f3a9265
1, 2, 3…….8, 9, 10…..
TEN fucking spam posts by this stupid robot just in the last HOUR and just counting this one ID and not even the other ID's it uses.

789a6c4f No.3749488

Libertarianism is only good in a vacuum. When evil people exist libertarianism loses over time. Because it has no correction mechanism for evil people or bad faith actors. So no, it actually sucks because evil will always exist.

ba3509b5 No.3749494

Nobody likes retarded nazis tho

6392e524 No.3749498

That's demonic possession bro. Watch out for that shit.

8ac8ef6c No.3749499

File: 1723089074447.jpg (299.69 KB, 1200x1754, pinkie_succubus5.jpg)


He'll be fine. No one likes going through life alone.

ff726692 No.3749501


One quick button deletes it all.

6161c44a No.3749502

File: 1723090240968.jpg (1.25 MB, 4000x2500, 65020f50ca5d7a6996f49ad54c….jpg)

The cum inflation is because of Trump's stimulus cocks.

7f3a9265 No.3749503

File: 1723090577217.jpeg (64.7 KB, 750x500, s09vh005cbhd1.jpeg)

7f3a9265 No.3749505

File: 1723090829907.jpeg (58.02 KB, 689x767, aj3oz6sftbhd1.jpeg)

e0fb79c2 No.3749513

>> ID:7f3a9265

7aad21df No.3749516

>Sometimes I think america straight up wants the Eu to fall

Only sometimes ?

Imagine a ruined EU. Now imagine american oligarcs buying everything there for cheap. Same as Ukraine, except they underestimated Russia's resilience.
But if they can persuade Europe to send their men to the Ukrainian meat grinder and save it, I guess it'll be a double win.

7aad21df No.3749517


The inflation is because the dollar is losing value.
The dollar is losing value because Biden killed the petrodollar by cutting SWIFT for Russia and that boosted alternatives to dollar.

Say it: "Thank you Biden !" Be a good dem.

0a6cd457 No.3749530

File: 1723113667284.jpeg (76.25 KB, 526x710, GUVJ-7-WAAEyIdN.jpeg)

Cutting off Russia's ability to sell oil will cripple their military efforts. Oil is how they fund the war. The EU and Germany can buy oil from America. Why do you think we have been ramping up production under Biden? Obama lifted restrictions under his term and when Biden saw the opportunity for America to cash in we ramped up. America produces more oil than any other nation in the world including Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Why are you upset that America is making money, DK? I thought you put America first?!

0a6cd457 No.3749531

>Biden caused inflation!
If Biden caused inflation then why is it happening to every major nation? Biden isn't the president of the world.

That will be Kamala's second term.

0a6cd457 No.3749532

Inflation has nothing to do with spending or debt. Inflation is the result of their being too much currency being horded. Money needs to be taken out of the system which can only happen if you tax the people who have the money.

0a6cd457 No.3749533

File: 1723114485889.jpg (269.48 KB, 934x1201, 04-image-2.jpg)

>There is no fact or discussion that breaks this state

He keeps telling them that the Jews and the lizard people are using space lasers and radio waves to make super-storms as part of the globalist plan to create the illusion of climate change but they won't listen.

6c511d3a No.3749535

File: 1723117548229.png (2.09 MB, 1920x1080, 03133bad117cb068813d16e58d….png)

It works for white people. White people are the only people high trust enough who also value freedom. Nips are very high trust, but they're also worker drones happy to toil their lives away with 80 hour work weeks. No love for freedom and personal life there.

So liberty for whites, and nonwhites can either like it and live here with the second class citizen status they deserve or get the fuck out of our great nations.

6c511d3a No.3749536

File: 1723117928809.webm (722.65 KB, 1920x1080, c90705d01afa551baa165e171….webm)

Inflation is due to a few things, but ultimately it's all down to supply and demand.

When the supply of money goes up, like when Trump and Biden make money printer go brrr and when they hand that money out to people, it loses value.

However, when the supply of GOODS goes down, like when every democrat governor simultaneously shuts down all industry, that makes the value of goods go UP.

It's just that simple, a fucking child could understand it. Though definitionally, it does refer to inflation of the money supply. Fiat currency is a scam and makes you a slave to the jews at the federal reserve. Buy bitcoin.

7f3a9265 No.3749537


7f3a9265 No.3749538

File: 1723118065102.png (164.65 KB, 446x766, 5syjevm92dhd1.png)

7f3a9265 No.3749539

File: 1723119070961.jpeg (83.53 KB, 691x490, jay5am13bchd1.jpeg)

Fuck the nazis on this board

8bb20830 No.3749541

File: 1723120803797.jpeg (405.37 KB, 1098x1138, IMG_5979.jpeg)

7f3a9265 No.3749542

Yes you're racist.

7f3a9265 No.3749543

For a decade MAGA screamed hysterically its vision of American society & life, which they wishfully hope the majority of us will agree to, or be dragged back to by force. "Weird", in one word, mocks and repudiates their entire carefully constructed worldview as freak show.

e0fb79c2 No.3749550

Fucking meme spam Bot at it again.
Just look at that string of garbage posts using that ID,
Like pretty maids all in a row.
And in another hour it'll post another big string of them.
Why is this allowed to continue?

9dd2af46 No.3749556

File: 1723137580817-0.jpg (404.78 KB, 1079x805, Screenshot_20240809-011023….jpg)

File: 1723137580817-1.jpg (568.41 KB, 1080x1389, 20240809_011432.jpg)

File: 1723137580817-2.jpg (309.15 KB, 1080x1171, 20240809_011454.jpg)

Thank you very much for being an agent of Israel who willing to topple the UK democracy and destroying the peace with racial riots by fanning up the misinformation like the Israel did over Gaza, just because the UK no longer supporting the genocide. Thank you. 👍

6b795325 No.3749560

File: 1723138160279.png (800.77 KB, 1348x865, ritter.png)


The FBI raided Scott Ritter the other day. For being a Russian Foreign agent.

Its funny how our country can care so much about a citizen being a foreign agent. But not give a damn that Apaic is a foreign agent.

2b305bcd No.3749564

File: 1723138806130.jpeg (211.72 KB, 941x1301, IMG_5980.jpeg)

My confidence is renewed, thank you for confirming I am on the right track

6b795325 No.3749568

File: 1723140523134-0.png (1.65 MB, 1338x946, 8966.png)

File: 1723140523134-1.png (397.33 KB, 1355x934, 88776544.png)



Israel needs to investigate itself, and find its done nothing wrong.

7f3a9265 No.3749575

Yeah guy get rock hard when you're called a racist.

7f3a9265 No.3749577

File: 1723141902974.jpeg (44.21 KB, 1024x574, myndskp7qfhd1.jpeg)

I'll sell them short because I've been watching and listening to them for years. They say they're spoiling for a fight, but they're lying. What they want is a massacre where the other side doesn't fight back, because they don't have the sack for a real fight. They're cosplayers living a fantasy. They sure stopped talking shit really quick when Ashley Babbitt got shot, didn't they.

6c511d3a No.3749578

File: 1723142199774-0.jpg (65.47 KB, 430x1024, 2b589f5f2ea63c11f2aafc9790….jpg)

File: 1723142199774-1.jpg (64.73 KB, 422x751, c23c7e242b010ab714ff95b4fe….jpg)

File: 1723142199774-2.png (3.33 MB, 2500x1800, 4c9ba1bec46c6d521760e94b2b….png)

There is no democracy in the UK. Revolution is the only way to take back the country.

Yes, Tommy is a Zionist shill, but there is nothing else that can be done besides rioting. It's do or die over there. I just hope they're smart enough to realize that the muslims are a symptom, of a greater problem.

We're so far past the point of jews jewing jews, that even when you're doing the right thing, a zionist will accuse you of being a zionist puppet. They know people hate them and they're using it to sow doubt and confusion. Don't lose sight of the target. Don't forget what is at stake. Free yourself.

7821abbc No.3749580

File: 1723142525526.jpg (356.08 KB, 640x1280, jxzpmwhjld371.jpg)

9dd2af46 No.3749584

Yup, nothing like taking control by using violence like a knife, right?

Then again, Brit never were under the White management even before the election. That India agent, Sunak practically had channel all the fundings and the citizens info to his beloved wife company in India.

Good job.

553f97ae No.3749611

File: 1723149754001.jpeg (121.66 KB, 945x906, IMG_5981.jpeg)

0a6cd457 No.3749621

I personally know 3 white families who have healthcare for the first time in decades thanks to Biden expanding medicaid. The lives of poor people are better under Biden and there are a lot of poor people who can vote.

0a6cd457 No.3749622

I like the picture of the guy trying to lure Jews into the oven with money. Not because of what he thinks is a funny joke, but because he is the joke. Look at his trash can in the back of the picture. 2, 2 liter bottles and a giant bottle of cheap ass beer while the trash can is full of instant noodles and microwave meal food boxes.

That image perfectly encapsulates everything it is to be a pathetic, angry incel.

6b795325 No.3749623


And how many white families are worse off with the higher food prices? I know white people on retirement that are barely making it.

Saying things like mayo is so expensive they can't afford sandwiches

a5e11e3c No.3749628

Way to be butt-hurt.

0a6cd457 No.3749629

File: 1723155832416.jpg (270.54 KB, 1318x1040, 05-image-2.jpg)

Inflation is happening globally. It's not something the democrats are doing, it's something global corporations are doing. They are exploiting the market. They have been forever but since Covid hit they went into overdrive and never slowed down.

The whole world is being price gouged and the only way to stop it is to punish the people doing it with taxes and regulation. You know, those things you hate because rich people told you to.

0a6cd457 No.3749630

Meanwhile, Trump is wish-casting on his twitter clone that Biden will somehow take back control of the Democratic party and become the nominee again. He just can't deal with the fact Kamala is his challenger now. One republican who worked for Trump while he was president called it a campaign wide nervous breakdown happening on live TV every time Trump has an event.

4e7f7ba8 No.3749631

dumb words didnt read

e0fb79c2 No.3749633

You're an intelligent person then.

6b795325 No.3749634

File: 1723157727260.jpg (104.67 KB, 850x863, 847.jpg)


It wouldn't be this bad if the war with russia didn't happen. If america didn't stop the peace talks.

A great deal of things stem from that.

6b795325 No.3749635

File: 1723158016781.png (4.62 MB, 2048x1414, gay6764.png)

Still waiting to see if Brics opens its commodities exchange this year.

Some people are predicting it'll cause immense hyper inflation. As the 3rd world leaves the west exchange for the Brics exchange thats not manipulated in favor of the west.

Brics would still probably be a big unknown if not for the war with russia.

4e7f7ba8 No.3749649

ouch my feelings what a hurtfuly little shit you are, so hurt by the dum dum

02448b05 No.3749650

File: 1723163280997.jpeg (281.68 KB, 1024x910, IMG_0148.jpeg)

Well he has the furry vote!!

7821abbc No.3749651

File: 1723164089583.jpg (10.85 KB, 300x168, download.jpg)

How This Country Drained A Sea

Indeed it is an ecological disaster.

9f82d9f2 No.3749653

File: 1723165891473.jpeg (212.14 KB, 1016x958, IMG_5982.jpeg)

white blood cells? Sounds like you had a fever dream, There is no such thing as an immune system. Now take your 5th $3,000 booster

ace6655f No.3749654

Take the shot hillbilly

0a6cd457 No.3749656

What peace talks? Russia wanted Ukraine to surrender more of their land like they had to do under Trump because he refused to help them fight off Russia the last time they invaded Ukraine without provocation.

There have been no "Peace talks" there has only been Putin throwing a tantrum that he can't get his way.

e0fb79c2 No.3749657

Hahaha. Best laugh I’ve had in a week. Hope you’re not being serious.

9f82d9f2 No.3749659

File: 1723167429844.jpeg (316.8 KB, 1170x907, IMG_5983.jpeg)

Stomach pumped for a gallon of horse jizz is normal and healthy don’t ya know. We’ve all been there

6b795325 No.3749661

File: 1723167789459.gif (598.05 KB, 800x1000, horse_co.gif)

Its not like you guys don't guzzle cum. From big, hard dicks

"firm, but with a little give" -Hank Hill

9f82d9f2 No.3749663

File: 1723168135908.jpeg (167.13 KB, 941x627, IMG_5986.jpeg)

9f82d9f2 No.3749664

File: 1723168789262.jpeg (99.39 KB, 900x900, IMG_5987.jpeg)

My new favorite picture for bidenomics

ff726692 No.3749665

Since neither side objects to chain posting meme spam to stay on the front page, I'm not even bothering to moderate that anymore.

Complain about spam all you want. You made your bed, now sleep in it

6c511d3a No.3749666

File: 1723169699922.png (1.83 MB, 3556x2000, 57f9e2306e2794ac72c651782c….png)

God, the entire democrat platform is so astroturfed and inorganic I swear they're brazenly trying to rub it in everyone's face that they are lying cheats and plan on stealing the election again. I'm so sick of seeing their demented spam.

6c511d3a No.3749667

Don't banks literally circlejerk eachother with debt?

9f82d9f2 No.3749668

File: 1723169974833.jpeg (237.58 KB, 941x1064, IMG_5989.jpeg)


9f82d9f2 No.3749669

File: 1723170061926.jpeg (202.89 KB, 941x1177, IMG_5988.jpeg)

The thread is stickied, it’s always on the front page

4780b0cb No.3749670

>Complain about spam all you want.
Fuck that. Ban the complainers. Especially the whiny bitch who screeches incessantly about 3B.

4780b0cb No.3749671

The constant 3B screeching is the real spam.

7f3a9265 No.3749675

The constant nazi bullshit is the real spam

7f3a9265 No.3749676

File: 1723173490665.jpeg (134.83 KB, 864x1075, 88xfayqy9ihd1.jpeg)

e0fb79c2 No.3749677

>> ID: 7f3a9265

6b795325 No.3749679

File: 1723175157942.png (733.71 KB, 1329x941, mono.png)


But is anything going to come of it?

Specially when google likes to affect elections.

ff726692 No.3749680

File: 1723175369508.jpeg (205.05 KB, 1600x1205, EZ5sluKUYAElNP6.jpeg)


Its the dumbest thing. Yeah, its stickied, but the bot/retard and others keep spamming over who gets to be seen on the main board preview, which is only 2 posts.

6b795325 No.3749682

File: 1723175876910.jpg (139.28 KB, 850x1283, 7766765.jpg)


He says 81% of the money firefox makes is from google. So what happens if google can no longer pay firefox to make google its default search engine?

And if the gov goes all the way and separates search engine google from the rest of google, what happens to youtube?

6b795325 No.3749683

File: 1723178006779.jpg (107.95 KB, 850x850, 900000000999.jpg)

Found out tonight from joe rogan that on youtube theres "Adolf Hitler in English AI Reconstruction"

To hear him saying his speeches in English

How did people like him? He sounds like a constantly angry, whiny, brat, that never shuts up.

And people put comments like "Unironically this serves as a great resource to help English speakers understand why so many followed him."

Like I just don't understand it. Its like Catcher in the Rye, but as a person. And that book was trash.

8b038d70 No.3749690

File: 1723198442725-0.jpg (515.93 KB, 1080x1953, Screenshot_20240809-175227….jpg)

File: 1723198442725-1.jpg (706.58 KB, 1080x2038, Screenshot_20240809-175613….jpg)

File: 1723198442725-2.jpg (404.78 KB, 1079x805, 1723137580817-0.jpg)

File: 1723198442725-3.jpg (568.41 KB, 1080x1389, 1723137580817-1.jpg)

File: 1723198442725-4.jpg (309.15 KB, 1080x1171, 1723137580817-2.jpg)

>Stabby happens when UK full support Israel
No shit, no tantrums, no protest.
>Stabby happens when UK not support Israel

6c511d3a No.3749691

File: 1723203227510.jpg (334.33 KB, 712x1007, 93acb8dc9e7643366d8093437b….jpg)

Imagine not having these threads minimized on the main board lol

I think it's more that NOBODY wanted Labour aside from the foreign invaders, and that after decades of voting for conservative governments and reduced immigration, they've received communist governments and more immigration. They've given up on democracy.

That Labour got in and halted arms to Israel isn't the cause. That Labour got in at all is.

I think this is a case of zionist shills calling you a zionist shill to sow confusion. The UK population has tried peacefully voting their way out of a shit government for decades to no or negative effect.

The time for peaceful elections is over. The time for burning down the government that has rejected the will of its people for decades is now.

7f3a9265 No.3749693

Wow retards can type

e0fb79c2 No.3749696

File: 1723210471176.png (1.74 MB, 1439x1439, 60b26eafec9111ba354464c75e….png)

Yeah, you came twice to it, didn't you.

8bb20830 No.3749698

File: 1723212674403.png (330.52 KB, 500x551, IMG_5990.png)

3dcac9a7 No.3749699

She's not trans, Republicans and kkk nazis are just fucking weird

3dcac9a7 No.3749700

File: 1723213584149.jpeg (66.14 KB, 768x768, ab5x6smprjhd1.jpeg)

3dcac9a7 No.3749701

File: 1723213640204.jpeg (41.57 KB, 511x767, csnk82lw9mhd1.jpeg)

8bb20830 No.3749707

File: 1723218601240.jpeg (188.28 KB, 941x1316, IMG_5991.jpeg)

If you know, you know

237b06c6 No.3749710

File: 1723220686348-0.png (379.51 KB, 1318x950, 90097.png)

File: 1723220686348-1.png (43.48 KB, 1426x799, 90667.png)


People on the right will have you believe that its the end of days in the uk.


They even age restricted this video that I watched earlier


They say uk

Will arrest people for being wrong on social media if it leads to riots and things, is considering disabling social media during big riots and things.

And talking about going after people legally in other countries for things they say on social media that could cause riots and things, calling them "keyboard warriors".

6c511d3a No.3749711

File: 1723221168084.jpg (90.38 KB, 1280x720, f6008c6024871c3811696e273b….jpg)

If you're on youtube or in the UK, you're not going to be able to advocate for the revolution required to fix the country. You can only express despair for the state of things. You are not going to get a true account from someone on youtube or in the UK. The truth of what needs to be done is forbidden and illegal to say.

I've never been more hopeful for them. It looks like they're actually doing something other than letting themselves slowly die over there.

The tree of liberty requires nourishment.

237b06c6 No.3749712

File: 1723223436365.png (1.4 MB, 1509x967, 898766.png)


I've seen people in the uk that I'm surprised the gov hasn't gone after them, such as Mahyar Tousi TV

98cc7952 No.3749717

File: 1723226015786-0.jpeg (25.3 KB, 474x474, th (23).jpeg)

File: 1723226015786-1.jpg (448.53 KB, 1080x808, Screenshot_20240810-014842….jpg)

File: 1723226015786-2.jpg (1.3 MB, 1080x1681, Screenshot_20240810-014925….jpg)

And who is the one didn't do anything about it while they're in charge? LOL.

And now you blaming the newly elected Gov for the stabby incident just because they've just won barely a month ago. ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY, RETARD. LMAO

88aa06ce No.3749721

>most dangerous place in britain
probably the place with the most old white men!

7f3a9265 No.3749726

Who cares about a country that took an L to the USA

237b06c6 No.3749727

File: 1723230160903.jpg (108.85 KB, 644x840, gay894.jpg)


America and the world are taking an L to the UK. If they allow the UK to say its law is above free speech in other countries. So that it can go after "keyboard warriors".

Its very authoritarian to say that your country law should apply to the world.

0a6cd457 No.3749734

File: 1723238865302.jpeg (128.11 KB, 900x900, bidenomics-trendline.jpeg)

You know that the only thing you proved is that socialism works, right?
The only thing that changed during the dip on that graph is Trump and Biden both gave out stimulus checks to people which let them pay down their credit cards and set aside some savings. Once that stimulus money ran out the debt went back to being exactly where it would have been.

You just proved that the only way to help Americans escape the endless debt cycle is to tax the rich and give money to the poor.

789a6c4f No.3749747

File: 1723240601152.jpeg (944.73 KB, 1170x1992, IMG_5995.jpeg)

It wasn’t stimulus checks moron
people made OVER $4,000 more per person a year under Trump. A single $600 or $1,200 check does not compare. Also you completely ignore the fact that’s it’s soooo much steeper under Biden when it was down under Trump.

Socialism/communisim NEVER works, pic related you self righteous prick

789a6c4f No.3749748

File: 1723241074830.jpeg (588.9 KB, 1170x1150, IMG_5996.jpeg)

0a6cd457 No.3749750

She is assuming that she will have control of the house and the senate because Trump's buffoonery is going to tank Republican's down ticket as well. It's a BIG assumption.

789a6c4f No.3749751

For those of you unaware, the communist KILLED ALL THE FARMERS!!! That’s why there was famine. Killed because in a agrarian society farmers are typically more wealthy than average people making them evil in the eyes of the communist

0a6cd457 No.3749752

>people made OVER $4,000 more per person a year under Trump.
>Source: Things I want to be true.

0a6cd457 No.3749753

>Things I read on facebook must be true!

789a6c4f No.3749754

File: 1723241431916.jpeg (841.11 KB, 1170x2230, IMG_5997.jpeg)

Try again faggot

789a6c4f No.3749755

0a6cd457 No.3749757

>I don't know the difference between an average and a median.

Protip: If the richest people in the world got exponentially richer while everyone else stayed the same it would raise the median income for America but it would not raise the average income for Americans. That's what happened under Trump. He gave MASSIVE tax cuts and government handouts to the wealthiest people in the nation. He also increased the national debt by 25% of all the money America has borrowed in our ENTIRE HISTORY AS A NATION.

That inflation you are feeling is way worse for us than everyone else because of Trump's wild spending spree to make the rich richer.

6c511d3a No.3749758

How does the president control grocery store prices?

237b06c6 No.3749759

File: 1723243589637.jpg (41.9 KB, 620x403, trudeau.jpg)


In canada its by canceling the fucking carbon taxes on everything that you imposed

de1b1a1f No.3749760

Prices go up forever. They never go down. That's not how the system is designed.

9a02d168 No.3749761

File: 1723243909341.jpeg (108.65 KB, 640x906, IMG_5998.jpeg)

237b06c6 No.3749765

File: 1723247305203.png (204.65 KB, 1140x648, Iraq5.png)

Iraq is going full pedo mode

6c511d3a No.3749767

Just like uncle Mohammad intended.

02448b05 No.3749768

File: 1723248122747.jpeg (110.01 KB, 603x1024, IMG_0150.jpeg)

When the president targets the energy production he targeted the economy and people.

0a6cd457 No.3749769

File: 1723248188480.jpg (243.51 KB, 954x1289, 06-image-2.jpg)

So you think corporations are going to look at them having lower taxes and out of the goodness of their hearts lower prices on their products so they make less money?

What a wonderful fantasy world you must live in.

0a6cd457 No.3749770

100% bullshit.

237b06c6 No.3749771

File: 1723248790696.jpg (215.03 KB, 2048x1490, gay77756.jpg)


They aren't making less money if the taxes ON them go away. And they set the price to before the taxes. Thats making the same amount.

4e7f7ba8 No.3749772

people just want the united states to be onion knighted

0a6cd457 No.3749773

That's OBVIOUSLY fake and you're a moron.
Besides the fact no paper would ever publish that, look at the other article on the page. International Moose Count under way by Bob O'Bobston? That should have been your first hint this was sus.

Turns out it's a fake news paper created by a troll called The Hat which includes stories like "Granny Wins World Wrestling Championship!"

Only a fucking retard would believe this nonsense. I guess that makes you the retard of the day.


0a6cd457 No.3749775

File: 1723249393294.jpg (265.31 KB, 1201x948, 07-image-2.jpg)

Yes, but you have to be out of your fucking mind if you think they will look at their higher profits and say to themselves, "You know, I should give some of this money back to the people by lowering our prices instead of blowing it on hookers and cocaine for my fourth yacht."

fccb31f6 No.3749777

File: 1723250523023.jpeg (81.07 KB, 1179x728, 1fq0jgz1cmhd1.jpeg)

6c511d3a No.3749779

File: 1723251538327.png (1.17 MB, 1200x1200, 68e123957ad873d2b8664e97a1….png)

Says the side that is literally made of astroturf?

I mean, fuck Trump, but you literally don't even have candidates. You have random retards that kikes throw money at.

Oh wait, this is one of the astroturfers. Silly me.

9a02d168 No.3749780

File: 1723252144528.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1161x1593, IMG_5999.jpeg)

What’s the Jewish funded BLM up to these days… oh

9a02d168 No.3749782

File: 1723252681265.jpeg (64.11 KB, 977x492, IMG_6002.jpeg)

Excellent rebuttal my good sir, than you for wasting your vast intellect on us

01d355fd No.3749783

Holy shit, I looked it up and it's true. That's retard level IQ.

237b06c6 No.3749784

File: 1723253163316.jpg (107.19 KB, 1076x1280, 9024.jpg)


Pfft, don't you know that I.Q. is just a number

9a02d168 No.3749785

File: 1723253601532.jpeg (369.44 KB, 1080x1324, IMG_6001.jpeg)

Yes yes, it’s only useful when testing westerners in an developed society

Now if only there was a way to determine if this person would function well in a developed western society

02448b05 No.3749787

File: 1723255500549.jpeg (116.87 KB, 782x1024, IMG_0101.jpeg)

It’s really sad that democrats have become so perverse and twisted that they deny just how sick they truly are.

4e7f7ba8 No.3749793

meh, its weird how you need to be validated and convince others period.

237b06c6 No.3749796

File: 1723258452479.png (4.21 MB, 1600x2000, 89664544.png)


Its a woman problem, so I don't care.

I'm not a republi-cuck white knight.

237b06c6 No.3749797

File: 1723258586256.png (100.21 KB, 1558x962, femboy7223.png)

Lets let woman's sports all turn into femboy sports.

9dc4433f No.3749798

It's weird how libturds imagine others need to be validated and convince others.

02448b05 No.3749799

Demoncrat values validate my everything!

9a02d168 No.3749800

File: 1723258774951.jpeg (488.15 KB, 1221x1585, IMG_6003.jpeg)

Kamala is using AI to fake her “popularity”

This is going to radicalize me AGAINST AI

701209c7 No.3749802

LOL niggers.

e0fb79c2 No.3749803

File: 1723259097303.jpg (59.07 KB, 333x500, 1000002313.jpg)

"Weird" isn't much of an insult.
In fact it's so weak that nobody pays attention to it as such.
Sometimes it's even used in the context of something being different and exciting and innovative.
For instance, there have been 'Weirdo Superheroes' since at least 1963, and they have been very popular and celebrated for the most part.

701209c7 No.3749804

IQ of 51 to 70 is (before political-fucking-correctness) classified as moron.

IQ of 26 to 50 is imbecile.

And IQ of 0 to 25 is idiot.

237b06c6 No.3749805

File: 1723259707578.png (1.85 MB, 1000x1000, minecraft_furry6.png)


It sounds like projection or the best a polite boomer can come up with.

Queer used to be used in place of weird or strange. I read an older copy of alice in wonderland once and it used the word queer so many times, it was annoying.

The queer calling the normie weird, is something else.

4e7f7ba8 No.3749806

File: 1723259932978-0.png (1.88 MB, 1024x1024, dumdummad.png)

File: 1723259932978-1.png (1.76 MB, 1024x1024, madcuh.png)

File: 1723259932978-2.png (947.8 KB, 1024x1024, lolumad.png)

Not insulting you, just saying its an obvious nerve. Perhaps, even the stem. Don't burn down your basement over it.

cb26d034 No.3749807

what will the fatherless child post next

9dc4433f No.3749808

> Don't burn down your basement over it.
I thought basements were usually constructed of concrete, brick and mortar, or fieldstone and mortar. Isn't it more likely the wood frame building above the basement would burn down, leaving an unburned basement filled with charred debris? Or is a burning basement a mentally retarded liberal notion? Just like all liberal notions.

237b06c6 No.3749809

File: 1723265276105.png (1.19 MB, 1329x938, right_to_rape.png)


Israel is such a fucked up place.

The people rioting to defend the IDF troops being able to rape prisoners. While Kamala tells people to shut up about Israel.

237b06c6 No.3749810


"A lot of women don't want to go into the Israeli military and be sexually assaulted

1 out of 3 women that go into the Israel military get raped. And the guys have a word for women that come into the military, its pluge, it means mattress."

Geez, these things don't even sound real.

237b06c6 No.3749812

File: 1723266852020-0.png (384.6 KB, 1005x525, 3_5_bill.png)

File: 1723266852020-1.png (505.83 KB, 943x822, 8754.png)

And we are sending them 3.5 billion more.

cb26d034 No.3749815

237b06c6 No.3749821

File: 1723273632669.jpg (142.61 KB, 850x766, gay643.jpg)


In this video Grayzone says he believe the UK riots are tied to Israel. That it is a cycle. Israel create refugees in the middle east with its attacks. Then sends them to the UK. And in the UK the refugees are give special treatment above what the citizens would get. To piss the ever living hell out of the citizens. And fuel Islamophobia.

That can be used both to crack down on people. As well as justify more support for Israel and wars in the middle east. which creates more refugees like a cycle.

And he claims that the same play book is used in the USA, with Venezuela.

The usa put sanctions on Venezuela so bad it creates a refugee crisis. Then mass imports people from Venezuela to the united states. Where again we see special treatment. They get free money, free hotels, free healthcare, they do crimes, police protect them from citizens.

Not only that the news makes sure to mention that the immigrants are all "fighting age men" and showed off many times them carrying the Venezuela flag as if they were here to conquest america.

And if we had have riots like in the UK, who's to say they wouldn't have had tried to put in the same censorship? And we have know that at least since Trump, america has wanted control of Venezuela for its oil. And we saw just recently america tried to cancel Venezuela's election because the us puppet didn't win.

Have we been played all this time?

410e54e1 No.3749823


That probably has to do with the poverty germans where forced into by the previous war compensations.

The world didn't make the same mistake twice, after WW2 they rebuilt Germany and it had a modern industry that allowed it to be well off.

39b0b00a No.3749824

jewtube showed me some shit about UK allies pushing an oil pipeline through Germany. no wonder the war was a coverup

39b0b00a No.3749825

because the comments are ai robots. fakename1234 so are rthe videos

410e54e1 No.3749826

>What peace talks?

The peace talks Zelensky wanted, but it's inacurate to say USA stopped them. It's Boris Johnson who went there and told him "no help for Ukraine if you talk about peace".

Well, my mistake, I realize it's actually the USA who stopped it, via Britain, their little pet.

237b06c6 No.3749827

File: 1723277822815.png (949.47 KB, 843x1280, do6.png)

I've been watching right winger UK citizens talk about things being fishy.

Things like calling for 100s of riots of the right that didn't happen. The newspapers all saying things like we are united against fascists, the left rioters all have the same printed signs and things as if it was all thought out by someone or planned in advance.

While left leaning youtubers instantly calling it far right racism. without doing much investigation besides knowing the person who did the killing of 3 girls wasn't Muslim.

237b06c6 No.3749830

File: 1723280172163-0.png (1.02 MB, 1285x824, 786544.png)

File: 1723280172163-1.png (1.07 MB, 1291x757, 887765544.png)

File: 1723280172163-2.png (911.08 KB, 1280x761, 78766.png)

This latest one saying Israel is tied to the Uk riots


39b0b00a No.3749831

resistance is futile
you will join the collective
we are the Borg

39b0b00a No.3749832

the Fauci food pantry won't give me bread unless I have aids

237b06c6 No.3749834

File: 1723282285801.png (115.45 KB, 1281x904, 08788.png)




Has a long history of hating Islam. And changing identities.

And even the wiki lists him as getting paid by Israel.

0a6cd457 No.3749835

File: 1723285456268.png (666.86 KB, 1298x839, Screenshot Aporia Substack.png)

>Holy shit, I looked it up and it's true. That's retard level IQ.
Holy shit, it really isn't! The source and top google result if you google "Average IQ in Haiti" is a substack article (Blog) by a white nationalist group who espouse eugenics and forced selective breeding to maximize racial purity.

One of the main featured articles is about how the elites and the wealthy are in fact genetically superior to you.

0a6cd457 No.3749836

File: 1723285662159.png (815.97 KB, 959x837, Screenshot Aporia Substack….png)

And of course they don't just stop there! They complain about how disobedient children are these days and how important it is to maintaining racial purity that you vote for Trump.

0a6cd457 No.3749837

In other news…
Trump told the story of how he almost died in a helicopter crash. It was very harrowing for him… except it didn't happen.

There was a helicopter ride that matches the description of what he was talking about, though he got the name of one of the other passengers wrong (Dementia will do that).

Reporters reached out to everyone else who was on that flight and asked them about it they all said the flight was perfectly normal but Trump was worried they were going to crash the whole time so he probably remembers it as being a near miss with death because he was such a scared little man-baby about having to fly in a helicopter.

I bet he wet his adult diapers.

7758ac38 No.3749838

File: 1723286859847.jpeg (248.06 KB, 1170x839, IMG_6006.jpeg)

7758ac38 No.3749840

File: 1723287915650.jpeg (306.6 KB, 1179x1886, IMG_6007.jpeg)

A democrat never lies

0a6cd457 No.3749841

File: 1723289490856.jpg (76.81 KB, 1024x640, outlaw-josey-wales-1024x64….jpg)

he said "weapons in war" instead of "weapons of war" when talking about the difference between the civilian need for guns vs the military need and how the military requires you to actually be trained to use your weapons of war.

Real men don't need 300 rounds a second to feel like they can be safe. Real men defended their families and honor with 12 bullets.

0a6cd457 No.3749842

File: 1723290689126.jpg (68.12 KB, 680x680, GUFYl_oWYAAuu8z.jpg)

I think whoever is working for Trump managing his social media is out to make him look like a laughing stock. They posted his rant about how stupid his enemies are with a picture of him staring directly into the sun.

e0fb79c2 No.3749845

>>ID: 0a6cd457
Still think you're getting away with your serial shit posting meme spam, do you?

7758ac38 No.3749846

File: 1723292257879.jpeg (633.26 KB, 1170x1370, IMG_6004.jpeg)

Your right, he need 300 a second to ensure the government and thieves thinks loooong and hard before kicking his door in.

fb3ceceb No.3749850

File: 1723300600496.jpeg (88.85 KB, 586x809, IMG_6009.jpeg)

Walz needs to face the wall

19460e77 No.3749861

File: 1723306223092-0.jpeg (528.19 KB, 1170x975, IMG_6011.jpeg)

File: 1723306223092-1.png (556.63 KB, 680x680, IMG_6008.png)

0a6cd457 No.3749870

File: 1723311146683.png (583.92 KB, 716x772, Screenshot-OUTspoken.png)

100% bullshit from another right-wing nutjob web page.

a864ff31 No.3749872

File: 1723311586599.jpeg (1.45 MB, 983x2010, IMG_6015.jpeg)

There are indeed many lies

a864ff31 No.3749873

File: 1723311600680.jpeg (673.61 KB, 1170x1704, IMG_6012.jpeg)

And for good reason

4e7f7ba8 No.3749876

6c511d3a No.3749880

These people aren't nationalists, they're communists. The likes of the Nazis are the rightful response to the likes of the Labour government, the king, and the foreign invasion they welcome with open arms.

d85b08ba No.3749881

File: 1723318924213.jpeg (61.31 KB, 805x767, zlfskhrkzthd1.jpeg)

d85b08ba No.3749882

File: 1723318945618.jpeg (42.1 KB, 828x479, 3slpclf4xvhd1.jpeg)

9a02d168 No.3749883

File: 1723323355337.jpeg (121.87 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_6016.jpeg)

Maybe if was all stop and think real hard we can figure out who Trump didn’t pick him again

ba2d5446 No.3749885

Trump isn't the "resistance" you dumb fuck. He's a narcissist who surrounds himself with yes-men because his only interest is unchecked power. But Pence actually has a modicum of integrity, so Trump threw him under the bus as a desperate grasp at holding onto power. Pence finally sees Trump for what he is and wants nothing to do with him. So sorry for your delusional brain rot, but that's the truth.

425e1e9e No.3749887

File: 1723327704415.png (3.03 MB, 1920x1920, 831isvtdgwhd1.png)

They are in a cult

425e1e9e No.3749888

File: 1723331221093.jpeg (512.83 KB, 1080x1327, fcv3lxzwyvhd1.jpeg)

7821abbc No.3749890

File: 1723332814886.png (69.24 KB, 555x582, state of our world today.png)


This is just sad and there's a lot of need to restore damages on society itself.

425e1e9e No.3749892

The Resistance is usually a diverse group of people who portray a wide variety of skin colors and have differing genders fighting against a mainly white male force that demands homogeny.

Geeeeee. I wonder where I've seen that in real life? Antifa, BLM, college protests against Israel, protests against the Vietnam war, the anti-apartheid groups in South Africa, Civil Rights movement, Abolitionist movement, the Union side of the Civil war…..

425e1e9e No.3749893

File: 1723333681458.png (1.36 MB, 787x883, 9xum6rhu1xhd1.png)

0a6cd457 No.3749898

File: 1723338854108.jpeg (154.04 KB, 988x876, GUVWY6pXgAAhPhV.jpeg)

Conservatives always paint themselves as the victims, the underdogs and the rebels even though they are always, always, the ones who start shit then cry about it when they get stomped back into their place.

d7e008d2 No.3749901

> they are always, always, the ones who start shit then cry about it when they get stomped back into their place.
Unlike niggers who set fires, burn down businesses, and loot everything they can. Then the stupid niggers whine about having to live in a "food desert" because they destroyed all the markets and other businesses.

0a6cd457 No.3749905

File: 1723348859776.jpg (474.33 KB, 3000x2043, Jan6-windowsmashing.jpg)

Yeah, white people NEVER loot and riot when they think there is injustice, right?

0a6cd457 No.3749906

Trump is continuing to put out Joe Biden fanfiction on Truth where Joe takes back the nomination and runs against Trump again. He is now claiming that Biden stepping down is unconstitutional and that Biden should be forced to run against him.

Never seen an adult man so terrified of a woman. Diaper Don must be ordering extra depends as the debate looms closer.

a1d8c486 No.3749907

There was no "riot." It was a mostly peaceful demonstration.

0a6cd457 No.3749908

Hundreds of hours of video footage and anyone with a brain disagree.

22882d10 No.3749909


Hundreds of hours? Golly. Where do I go see these hundreds of hours?

0a6cd457 No.3749912

Youtube works just fine. It's not like there was a shortage of people recording the event.

d85b08ba No.3749913

File: 1723353334903.jpeg (80.8 KB, 749x912, np7ij24swwhd1.jpeg)

5a9875fa No.3749915

File: 1723357999035-0.png (972.18 KB, 640x693, GQHrPXbbUAAfeBY.png)

File: 1723357999035-1.jpg (178.68 KB, 805x910, Screenshot 2024-08-11 0233….jpg)

File: 1723357999035-2.jpg (175.49 KB, 996x865, Screenshot 2023-09-02 1805….jpg)

File: 1723357999035-3.jpg (47.77 KB, 840x480, j6-officer-opens-door_840x….jpg)

Also, brain damaged were the people ignoring the people opening doors and feds…

5a9875fa No.3749916

File: 1723358480016-0.jpg (175.85 KB, 1310x868, Screenshot 2024-08-11 0241….jpg)

God, Demoncrat supporters are so fucking fake.

d85b08ba No.3749924

Lol It’s crazy how Fox fake news made a huge deal About how we couldn’t have a president candidate under criminal investigation (Hilary) in 2016. Yet here we are in 2024 with a candidate that is already found guilty of much worse things than Hillary was not found guilty of doing. And on top of that there are still on going court cases from frump and now most likely even more cases coming.

d85b08ba No.3749925

File: 1723385433004.jpeg (100.64 KB, 500x610, rv25i9srv0id1.jpeg)

c8a35b14 No.3749929

File: 1723388751497-0.jpg (756.46 KB, 1079x2199, Screenshot_20240105-123356….jpg)

File: 1723388751497-1.jpg (496.42 KB, 1080x2198, 20240811_230345.jpg)

File: 1723388751497-2.jpg (342.3 KB, 1080x852, 20240803_050716.jpg)

File: 1723388751497-3.jpg (296.24 KB, 1080x870, 20240803_050511.jpg)

File: 1723388751497-4.jpg (353.38 KB, 1080x852, 20240803_050439.jpg)

Pedo together, STRONG.

c8a35b14 No.3749930

File: 1723388891572-0.jpg (265.81 KB, 1080x1061, Screenshot_20240811-224300….jpg)

File: 1723388891572-1.webm (551.04 KB, 640x360, FBcJUERovY450Pig.webm)

>Trump paid to attend
Now we know where that campaign fund went.

d85b08ba No.3749932

File: 1723390581678.jpeg (370.54 KB, 1080x1505, t0g3hi4f01id1.jpeg)

ff7ef0ea No.3749934

>>ID: d85b08ba
you're certainly obsessed with it.
Why don't you post some pictures of when you first started posting here, and how you look now.

We would surely get some Lulz over how time has spun you all apart.

d85b08ba No.3749935

Oh you're a crazy person. Please seek mental health Treatment.

d85b08ba No.3749936

File: 1723391410205.jpeg (58.34 KB, 899x702, vob73ma4x0id1.jpeg)

Trump will just lie his ass off. Here's the debate we really need to discuss what a Trump presidency would do to America.

ff7ef0ea No.3749940

>> ID: d85b08b

No, i'd rather just report you for flooding the board with your endless serial shit posting meme spam again.

f25dd88c No.3749946

If you can't debate against someone who is lying, you suck at debating. That's the troof of it.

fb3ceceb No.3749948

File: 1723404087809.jpeg (103.46 KB, 1024x684, IMG_5992.jpeg)

Debate requires truth.
Any sort of lying fundamentally makes the debate exorcise pointless as you fundamentally reach wrong conclusions if lies are submitted or accepted.

0a6cd457 No.3749949

File: 1723404797057.jpg (684.71 KB, 1310x868, 1723358480016-0.jpg)

If you weren't so stupid this meme wouldn't fool you but you clearly have the IQ of a hamster.

fb3ceceb No.3749950

File: 1723404980526.jpeg (134.63 KB, 668x763, IMG_6020.jpeg)

You can just look at the phones, almost none of them make sense for what they are pointing at and some don’t even have the camera app open. Most cameras we see would have the same picture. None do.

cb26d034 No.3749951


0a6cd457 No.3749953

Didn't you know that you're 3B?
I'm 3B to and so are a lot of other people, according to DK. Everyone who isn't in the cult of Trump is 3B.

fb3ceceb No.3749954

File: 1723405446049.png (298.33 KB, 540x626, IMG_6021.png)

Loooool so many cameras are showing the tail of the plain yet they are not pointed at the tail of the plane!!!

0a6cd457 No.3749955

File: 1723406081003.gif (171.17 KB, 400x225, 2brain-cells.gif)

>so many cameras are showing the tail of the plain yet they are not pointed at the tail of the plane!!!


2afffe96 No.3749956

At the very least you're a ProxyFag.

0a6cd457 No.3749958

Yes, it's all a conspiracy!
We're all secretly lizard people!

fb3ceceb No.3749959

File: 1723407118310.jpeg (429.05 KB, 1170x1237, IMG_6023.jpeg)

Because I’m going to record the tail of the plane, and because I admire the tail sooooo much more than the presidential candidate I’m going to record that instead, AND I’m going to play it back immediately, while holding up the phone for everyone behind me to see as well, and multiple people had this same logic… your mental gymnastics are astounding

fb3ceceb No.3749960

File: 1723407543694.jpeg (194.02 KB, 708x766, IMG_6024.jpeg)

cb26d034 No.3749962

no one cares about your dumbass politics, russia will bomb you and that will be it.

fb3ceceb No.3749971

File: 1723418175137.jpeg (214.08 KB, 1170x1367, IMG_6026.jpeg)

If you ever want to see the world the way Jewish people see it, you need only play borderlands
Everyone who is not you is soulless rabid cattle and highly disposable
10year old children are the smartest and perfectly capable of consenting
Only women, gays, and minorities are capable of being good
The only good white male is a dead white male

0a6cd457 No.3749977

File: 1723424142692.jpg (243.91 KB, 1201x946, 12-image-2.jpg)

There are two ramps on the plane. I'm sure a lot of people were confused as to where she would be coming out.

0a6cd457 No.3749978

File: 1723424416506.jpeg (106.4 KB, 945x1977, GUuN93HWEAAcdbc.jpeg)

In other news - JD Vance had a trans friend back in college who he denounced and insulted when the news found out that he had been gay/bi in his youth. After being attacked by J.D. Vance in the news said friend spilled to tea on J.D.

Turns out he did a lot of experimenting in college. Sucking cock, taking it in the ass, drag, you name it, and he gave it a whirl.

His old room mate has copious emails and pictures of Vance. Much of it includes him talking about how his parents always made him feel pressured to act like someone he wasn't.

7758ac38 No.3749980

File: 1723424818338.jpeg (114.28 KB, 1280x1264, IMG_4813.jpeg)

Ah yes, those thousands and thousands of pictures of important people exiting out the backside of the plane

7758ac38 No.3749982

File: 1723425351829.jpeg (253.24 KB, 2048x3072, 163815_blue_eyes__perf_37….jpeg)

Wow, almost as believable as the rape allegations against justice Roberts and Clarence Thomas and president trump. Absolutely amazing how these allegations are always 20+ years old and only have a single mentally unstable person making them.

It’s disappointing to say, but the democrats overused the he’s an evil deviant claim, and with AI not a single picture can be taken in good faith(because democrats have shown zero good faith, ever)

I’m simply not going to believe any claims the democrats make anymore, even if they do “acquire” video of Trump shooting someone in Times Square

6c511d3a No.3749983

Just mock the retard for trying to defend it. It is self evident that he is wrong. There is no need to argue and you give him too much credit by bothering.

9a02d168 No.3749986

File: 1723427241338.png (2.55 MB, 1920x1075, StageShow_1_Sk.png)

Leftist have this weird(lol) mental tick where if they get the last word on a topic, they believe they have won.
But more importantly, refuting retards gives me an opportunity to post booty

efada813 No.3749988

File: 1723427805610.png (1.3 MB, 1303x755, 9743.png)

The danger of A.I. or tricks to make the public believe a side has a much larger amount of supporters,

Is it allows an election to be more easily stolen.

efada813 No.3749989

File: 1723428152814.png (400.82 KB, 744x496, 99877655.png)


If you can't beat trump, create a strawman that you can easily beat.

Agenda 2025 did a wonderful job of it. Because as its presented, its hard for anyone to defend it.

0a6cd457 No.3749995

File: 1723429282291.jpg (411.77 KB, 959x708, 94d94c261aad167ccd608bd0f7….jpg)

Bitch, you didn't even know the back of the plane had an exit on it until I pointed it out. I'm sure a lot of people there have never seen air-force-2 land so they didn't know.

Your choices are:
Some people in the crowd were trying to figure out what was going on because they didn't know which set of stairs they were going to use.


There is a grand international conspiracy where every major news outlet including all the right-wing outlets that were there taking photos and videos secretly got together to protect Kamala Harris by using A.I. generated footage and videos of their own to support her lie.

Frankly, if your conspiracy was true, then you should fucking kill yourself because it's over for Trump. There is a ZERO percent chance he will be president if all the media outlets on both sides are in Kamala's pocket.

Even if Trump was to somehow win, you would never know because they wouldn't tell you, and no one in government would stick their necks out for Trump.

If your conspiracy is True, Trump is fucking done and you should hang yourself now before we send the trans-cops to vaccinate you and make you gay.

497e92b4 No.3749998

File: 1723430717068.png (1.47 MB, 1380x876, 00102-1411240989.png)

I’m actually both a pilot and a frequent flyer. I’m well aware that all medium and larger passenger planes have multiple exits specifically for fire safety

cb26d034 No.3749999

stupid games stupid prizes

0a6cd457 No.3750003

Suuuure you are, Weirdo.

0a6cd457 No.3750004

Borderlands opened against Deadpool and Wolverine - $54 million, It Ends With Us- $50 million, and Twisters - $15.4 million.

The people who never played the game didn't like it because it seemed random and all over the place. The people who did play the game were pissed because the studio made it PG-13 to appeal to a wider audience instead of giving it the hard R it needed to be loyal to the source material.

efada813 No.3750010

File: 1723436636959.png (1.93 MB, 1200x1786, Stalin.png)

Some people wonder if today or tomorrow will be the day that Iran Attacks Israel.

Since today and tomorrow is historically, the Jewish day of Disaster

"'the ninth of Av') is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both Solomon's Temple by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the Second Temple by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem."

4e7f7ba8 No.3750014

iran wil get destroyed

efada813 No.3750015

File: 1723443702323.png (196.92 KB, 443x373, 9003.png)


Who knows.

7821abbc No.3750016

File: 1723446298783.png (392.66 KB, 800x678, IranOMC.png)


>Iran wil get destroyed.


Geography has always been a two-edged sword for Iran. In terms of both area and population, Iran is the largest country in the Middle East. It is the 17th largest in the world.

How is it possible to invade Iran which city or province should be occupied?

With what? cyberwarfare, coup, mass migration, sanctions, corruption, drones?

7821abbc No.3750017

To be continiued if your going to destroy Iran start with it's major trading partners inflate their currency, and start a propaganda, campain hacking their sattilites and power infrastructure have their own allies turn on to eachother and cut off all small businesses then have their own security turned on eachother like cannibals create as much chaos as possible just like in video games simulation.

efada813 No.3750018

File: 1723447812430.png (612.49 KB, 1274x755, madman.png)


Iran makes most of its stuff internally because its been fucked forever by Israel telling the USA its making a nuke, so the usa fucked its ass with sanctions.

efada813 No.3750019

File: 1723449311395-0.png (912.9 KB, 1378x914, tulsi.png)

File: 1723449311395-1.png (595.3 KB, 1370x594, tusli.png)

d3d4b2d0 No.3750022


Damascus will get destroyed.

497e92b4 No.3750023

File: 1723459311006.png (631.25 KB, 615x840, IMG_6029.png)

You are one of the white dudes for Harris aintcha?

And one out of 200 Americans are pilots(which is uncommon, so I guess you could call me weird for that)

6c511d3a No.3750024

File: 1723466841825.jpg (306.19 KB, 1068x1177, da4192a853c6b950aeeabee679….jpg)

44c9623c No.3750025


It's painfully obvious Trump is simply nuts.
Not even senile or having dementia, total paranoid schizophrenia.

"Everybody's out to get me! Yibble yibble yibble."

That news conference he had last week, Trump lied or simply made shit up over a 150 times.

6c511d3a No.3750027

It's not schizophrenia when people really are out to get you, retard.

0a6cd457 No.3750028

Trump thinks that Kamala Harris having larger crowds than him is her rigging the election. He's a retard.

6c511d3a No.3750030

He thinks the obviously faked pictures and polls are them preparing to rig the election.

Astroturf somewhere else faggot.

2afffe96 No.3750031

Former President Trump’s Motion to Dismiss Indictment Based on the Unlawful Appointment and Funding of Special Counsel Jack Smith is GRANTED in accordance with this Order [ECF No. 326]. The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution. U.S.

Const., Art. I, $ 2, cl. 2. Special Counsel Smith’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation also violates the Appropriations Clause, U.S. Const., Art. I, § 9, cl. 7, but the Court need not address the proper remedy for that funding violation given the dismissal on Appointments Clause grounds.

aecf11cb No.3750032

File: 1723481334410.png (1.07 MB, 888x1152, 00020-225711969.png)

>"Everybody's out to get me! Yibble yibble yibble."

I mean, if the news, FBI, and (former) CIA agents all lied and lied about me for almost 8 years, at least one serious assassination attempt, I would also probably start to think someone was out to get me

6276209a No.3750034

File: 1723485175044-0.png (1.55 MB, 1332x938, 903.png)

File: 1723485175044-1.png (2.16 MB, 1868x939, propublica.png)

2afffe96 No.3750035

Well, who ARE these people and what have they got to do with Trump?
Did Trump authorize this? No. Does Trump know about this website? Doubtful.
So what does this have to do with Trump?

0d978258 No.3750036


Because anything radicalized that isn't communist, socialist, or liberal must be linked to Trump, because he's Hitler! Right? They did the same thing with Jews in the 1930's with things like the fire at the German post office in Poland, blamed on Polish Jews, but it was likely the German SA that did it to justify invading Poland.

6276209a No.3750038

File: 1723491709155.png (63.98 KB, 1398x464, sue.png)

Also they say trump is suing the gov.

cb26d034 No.3750041

its very cut and dry, iran is not as powerful as they want to be, they worse capability for resources than even ukraine. they live like ants in holes. they have one or two underground bunkers with nothing inside. maybe one plane. and zero drone or counter drone capability. they are oneso donso and even somalia could wipe them out in a hunger-raid or also bosnians, as they dont have to tip toe to them at all being that iran is clearly obviously an untrained couple of tankmen hiding behind citizen homes. Iran is screwed, one missile and the they would just collapse to anyone for protection.

Israel doesn't need help dealing with them, Israel has a fucking iron dome. Israel can just pour gatorade piss bottles in front of them and Iranians would drink it like filthy trucker simps.

424f0265 No.3750046

Trump is fuckin cooked

2afffe96 No.3750047


0a6cd457 No.3750048

>What does project 2025 have to do with Trump?

Several of the key people who wrote the project 2025 document work directly with Trump on his campaign at the highest levels.

The people behind it are bankrolling Trump's candidacy and running superPACs to get him elected.

The policies on his web page were written by the Heritage foundation.

6276209a No.3750051

File: 1723518738008-0.png (1.43 MB, 1345x928, ameria_coup_number9563.png)

File: 1723518738008-1.png (1.46 MB, 1268x736, 77864.png)


If a usa air base appears there within the next 5 years. Guess we'll know that america did coup her.

34bc5a21 No.3750052

Bro, Project 2025 is dead. Do you not understand the significance of the Vance VP pick? All the Musk fluffing? Try to keep up.

You can still be a hysterical weirdo but drop 'Project 2025' from your vocabulary and start learning about who Peter Thiel is and what he and his buddies have been up to for the last 20 years.

In fact there is WAY more reason to be concerned about what Trump is actually doing than what some lame think tank is coming up with. You're being misdirected.

4e7f7ba8 No.3750055

Uhoh the AI apocalypse happened. RIP.

e748fcd3 No.3750067

File: 1723542954941.png (609.14 KB, 576x768, 04255-3550047849-e621_by_k….png)

Vance is ripping reporters to shreds in interviews
They keep asking him meaningless questions voters don’t care about and he’s calling them out for it
Meanwhile in the temple of doom Kamala has done ZERO interviews since her nomination and her VP is such a degenerate it’s kind of astonishing. He’s right up there with the Biden nuclear pick who likes to steal luggage at the airport

Hentai protagonist Renamon isn’t real, she ca….

e748fcd3 No.3750068

File: 1723543591419.jpeg (526.3 KB, 1170x825, IMG_6031.jpeg)

Literally the best thing she could do would be to implement every thing Trump has promised so that Trump no longer has a platform to run on(and she finally has something to brag about for reelection)

But that would never happen, because the destruction of the country IS THE GOAL of the democrats

6c4adecf No.3750075

Neither side wants to destroy the country. The republicans want all power and money for themselves and no one else. democrats want to fix the country as long as they get paid for it.

fb3ceceb No.3750078

File: 1723556168295.gif (560.99 KB, 400x170, IMG_6035.gif)

Do you not understand globalism? It’s literally the destruction of a nations sovereignty(self governance), do what we fucking tell you

Conversely nationalism is the prioritization of nation over the rest of the world(America first) make America great again

fb3ceceb No.3750079

File: 1723558828352.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1461, IMG_6037.jpeg)

Okay, NOW he’s a good boy

fb3ceceb No.3750083

File: 1723576030215.jpeg (257.07 KB, 941x1207, IMG_6038.jpeg)

Oh my look at the time
It’s time for a crusade

24321a3b No.3750084

File: 1723576911962.png (1.81 MB, 1305x770, ai_reconstruction5.png)


nah the germans are cucked. Until they start talking about saving the fatherland, expelling the many many usa bases, decry the west blowing up their pipeline openly, talk about leaving the Eu, so on.

24321a3b No.3750085

File: 1723577017408-0.png (88.12 KB, 715x346, germany_owned.png)

File: 1723577017408-1.png (199.33 KB, 554x631, 9875665.png)

4e7f7ba8 No.3750087

outdated maps are outdated
google earth the Labyrinthehaus you absolute clown

fb3ceceb No.3750111

File: 1723592239913.jpeg (64.13 KB, 366x323, IMG_6039.jpeg)

fb3ceceb No.3750113

File: 1723593313079.jpeg (100.38 KB, 602x548, IMG_6041.jpeg)

0a6cd457 No.3750114

File: 1723593829860.jpg (783.13 KB, 840x1200, personalami-930745-Yuni.jpg)

No, nationalism is the prioritization of one government over the others. Your party proves that every day.

Conservatives don't give a shit about the citizens of America. They only care about their imaginary concept of America.

Conservatives would gladly murder most of the population of America to "save America" by taking over.

24321a3b No.3750115

File: 1723594064057.png (706.67 KB, 1295x932, tes.png)

She is not happy about her and her husband being put on a terrorist watch listen by the dems/harris


fb3ceceb No.3750116

File: 1723594197158.jpeg (927.36 KB, 1170x2391, IMG_6043.jpeg)

Prioritizing the government would be facisim or communism

Saying we the people should control our boarders and who can come in is nationalism

24321a3b No.3750117

File: 1723594319471.png (1.09 MB, 1132x1565, force6.png)

>No, nationalism is the prioritization of one government over the others.

You mean what almost every country does? Because it prefers its government over the government of other countries?

fb3ceceb No.3750118

File: 1723594751086.jpeg (46.66 KB, 1080x711, IMG_6042.jpeg)

A nation is the people, not it’s government

0a6cd457 No.3750119

File: 1723595151056-0.png (1.43 MB, 1340x894, weirdo-conservatives-then.png)

File: 1723595151057-1.png (1.01 MB, 1280x720, weirdo-conservatives-today.png)

That was his famous speech where McCarthy implied Harry Trueman was secretly a pawn of the Nazis and that the Secretary of Defense(and former Secretary of State), George Marshall was a secret communist working inside Washington for the Soviet Union.

Just like all conservatives, he believed insane conspiracy theories. He saw enemies behind every bush and tree and blamed a "deep state conspiracy" for all of his failures.

Gee, sounds familiar, right?

0a6cd457 No.3750120

File: 1723595504610-0.jpg (28.82 KB, 512x386, dundunduuun.jpg)

Notice how DK doesn't deny that conservatives would gladly murder half of America to "save America" he only argues semantics over the exact definition of words?

Also: DK 08/14/24 (Wed) 00:11:59 24321a3b No.3750117

DK was the real 3b all along!

24321a3b No.3750121

File: 1723596280508.png (1.86 MB, 1746x1386, catnap_675.png)


I don't care about such a fantasy. America is far too big a place to kill 50% of the people, unless nukes are used.

And why kill people, after the right allowed mass immigration to happen.

24321a3b No.3750122

File: 1723596672100.png (997.47 KB, 1278x825, modern_communism.png)


Modern communism does still exist.

And as times gives me giggles.

When a man so fat from the bounty of capitalism… Speaks of a worker's revolution… which he wouldn't survive.

When he speaks of the worker, hard in the field. But his breath struggles by the act of him standing still.


fb3ceceb No.3750123

File: 1723598083955.png (204.71 KB, 750x622, IMG_6044.png)

2afffe96 No.3750125

>>ID: 0a6cd457
Using this ID,
flooding the board with shitpost serial meme spam again.

7f3a9265 No.3750127

This nazi is crying again with nazi tear spam

7f3a9265 No.3750128

File: 1723604293636.jpeg (63.86 KB, 769x767, 9x8mjhhjyeid1.jpeg)

24321a3b No.3750129

File: 1723604857490-0.png (515.07 KB, 1346x946, secx.png)

File: 1723604857490-1.png (336.04 KB, 1293x729, 87775.png)

File: 1723604857490-2.png (385.07 KB, 1282x715, 877544.png)

Israel is starting to sound fucked.

Of course the usa will never let it fall, if it can help it.

2afffe96 No.3750130

>>ID: 7f3a9265
It's evading bans and using this ID now to post it's walls of shitpost meme spam and try to flood the board.

7f3a9265 No.3750131

More Nazi spam

7f3a9265 No.3750132

File: 1723605062327.jpeg (56.24 KB, 746x474, 8w4bkud88gid1.jpeg)

Harris has shown Trump more attention than Melania has in years

0a6cd457 No.3750134

File: 1723605203944.png (1.08 MB, 1682x1539, Rape-A-nazi-3072798.png)

Nazi mad! So very mad!
You were never the master race and you never will be. You are history's biggest weirdos and you always will be.

24321a3b No.3750135

File: 1723605215791-0.jpg (63.35 KB, 602x403, aboriginals.jpg)


History's losers are the aboriginals

24321a3b No.3750136

File: 1723607448041-0.png (1.03 MB, 1115x963, trump_elon.png)

File: 1723607448041-1.png (188.97 KB, 1069x975, elon2.png)


Knew shit would come from that interview, but I didn't expect it to be from the United Auto Workers union

2afffe96 No.3750137

>>ID: 7f3a9265
>>ID: 0a6cd457
This is the same automated meme spammer,
Evading bans and switching back and forth.

3fe4c598 No.3750139

Media bias or majority of the US citizens just hate him, including the Times?

0a6cd457 No.3750141

File: 1723616835159-0.png (417.49 KB, 952x1218, 54321.png)

File: 1723616835159-1.png (397.41 KB, 952x1218, Happy_new_year.png)

According to the right wing, it's freedom of speech for them to say racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobic shit and post Nazi shit, but it's unfair media bias if people report them being racist, bigots, sexists, or homophobic, Nazis.

It's okay for them to say whatever they want but it's not okay for anyone to say anything bad about them. That's how free speech works when you're white?

1752fcb0 No.3750143

Move to the UK if you can't handle hearing someone say i am racist and not very bright.

1752fcb0 No.3750144

Nevermind I forgot we're in a UK website!

c93006f3 No.3750145


0a6cd457 No.3750146

File: 1723621161269.jpg (119.26 KB, 1024x782, Trump-rides-again.jpg)

This made me smile so much my face is starting to hurt.

Speaking of Nazi simps humiliating themselves… Trump's fake airforce1 had mechanical issues so his staff had to rent him a private jet to travel to his rallies and in what I am sure was his own staff stabbing him in the back, they decided to rent Jeffry Epstein’s personal Jet, the Lolita Express to fly him around America to do his rallies.

2afffe96 No.3750148

>>ID: 0a6cd457
Automated AI meme spammer

4e8f6dc8 No.3750170

File: 1723639953793.jpeg (751.92 KB, 1170x2016, IMG_6046.jpeg)

Are they wrong?

4e8f6dc8 No.3750171

They consider the black Americans who won gold as Africans and attribute those golds to Africa

7f3a9265 No.3750173

Nazis are wrong.

c69576ee No.3750174

lol based. Sometimes those insectoids are alright.

f6608ab9 No.3750177

File: 1723645009241.jpeg (118.67 KB, 941x1122, IMG_6045.jpeg)

You really don’t understand the difference between nazis and communists

Pro tip:nazi-ism was literally created as opposition to communism

51e94615 No.3750178

File: 1723645117576.jpg (744.6 KB, 3000x2000, NO-isded.jpg)

Who are you talking to and why do you care? There's no one real remaining anymore!

6c511d3a No.3750184

File: 1723648776333-0.png (2.02 MB, 1843x7592, 515238f7b4dbe1d9df9b6eb070….png)

File: 1723648776333-1.jpg (43.5 KB, 610x455, 7c605dc121cfc084cf7401a0d5….jpg)

File: 1723648776333-2.png (1.75 MB, 1632x1106, b5f256ddf261da2784c075b2b2….png)

File: 1723648776333-3.jpg (370.06 KB, 2550x2909, f4447588cad47ae51a6fea90a1….jpg)

e748fcd3 No.3750190

File: 1723652942530.jpeg (73.43 KB, 885x503, IMG_6047.jpeg)

Guys, it’s not happening
(But if it were that would be a good thing)

f3e7b55d No.3750196

File: 1723661063572.jpeg (183.71 KB, 1116x1422, IMG_6049.jpeg)

7821abbc No.3750197

File: 1723661338680.jpg (38.41 KB, 820x546, dims.apnews.jpg)

7821abbc No.3750198

File: 1723661501313.jpg (398.03 KB, 1199x514, cover-photo-1200x514.jpg)

8ac8ef6c No.3750199

File: 1723661934469.png (486.49 KB, 904x1279, glitvh.png)


I've only listened to a couple speeches but

Hitler spoke poorly of capitalism as well. And the two party system. And the stock market. And democracy. Calling it tools of the jews or some such.

His opinion of the two party system, was that it really was a uniparty. And that it needed to be that. Because people get bored and want something different. So that you let the other party win for a while. And then switch back. But its all really just a uniparty.

His jew-hate aside, his early speeches are interesting because so much he warned about, is how america is today.

It was mussolini right out the gate, that seemed to hate communism the most. Almost like he feared his wealth being taken away from him was the sense I got.

f56ac1cb No.3750202

Mussolini was a communist until he split from the movement - he got disillusioned by the way the left conducted their business since it was just about replacing the bourgeoisie with another type of bourgeoisie that calls itself by a different name.

7821abbc No.3750203

File: 1723662889439.jpg (146.63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

The Most Insane Russian Propaganda

fast talker straight to the point.

701c3c90 No.3750204

File: 1723662920408.jpg (275.37 KB, 1642x1660, eevee7533.jpg)


But wasn't communism about not having a middle class.

f56ac1cb No.3750205


The socialist/communist left is merely about urban academic elites who are outside of the aristocratic or capitalist establishment of power coming up with a "theory" that justifies the violent take-over of power from the standing elite and forming a different elite in its place. The existence of the middle class is irrelevant to the point.

That's the main effect of Lenin's "vanguardism", that argues the people themselves cannot form a "social consciousness" beyond trade unionism and will fall back to a form of capitalism after they're liberated from serfdom - which is a correct observation. Capitalism is the default state of society where everything retuns when you stop forcing things.

f56ac1cb No.3750207

Fascism on the other hand is about each productive facet of the society forming their own faction or group, as an incorporated whole that represents its members. It's neither communism nor capitalism, because the people in power are not selected by an elitist dogma like in communism/socialism, nor is it selected simply by who has the most money or ownership.

The reason why people get fascism wrong is because they associate it with the head figure, like Mussolini or Hitler, but the leader is there only for the hierarchy to exists. If the factions had no-one higher to answer to, they would start fighting each other in short sighted profit seeking rather than having fair deals with each other. The leader is there to facilitate the conversation, and they're powerful because they do it well and can get everyone to play along with each other.

A weak leader can't get the factions to fall in line, and will be quickly replaced with more powerful people climbing up the hierarchy ladder. That is the concept of the natural leader: those who are naturally powerful get the top spot, because it really belongs to them.

2afffe96 No.3750212

Dude you doing this for money? If not step away from your device & seek help intense therapy somethings not right with you

2afffe96 No.3750213

I just watched a video Charlie Kirk posted on his X account.

It's a video of police in the UK inside an elderly man's home arresting him for posting "misinformation."

It's time that we analyze whether the U.S. should remain in NATO with EU countries we no longer have shared values with.

f3e7b55d No.3750214

False fact check faggot

Contracts for the vaccines were signed before the formal release, Abe didn’t sign.

f3e7b55d No.3750218

Nashional soshaletizen
National socialist
The nazis were socialists, so it’s no surprise he disparaged capitalism. And it does have flaws, but not nearly as many as socialism. (The biggest flaw of both being the corruptible humans)

701c3c90 No.3750223

File: 1723669834201.png (526.2 KB, 1031x971, 76642.png)

701c3c90 No.3750224

File: 1723670127811.png (920.13 KB, 1269x628, birth_death.png)

Guy's wife gives birth to twins, and he goes to get the birth certificates. And Israel bombs his home after he leaves. And he comes home with everyone dead.

f3e7b55d No.3750225

File: 1723670199897.jpeg (204.33 KB, 700x700, IMG_6050.jpeg)

Jesus himself tells us in revelation 2:9
He knows our troubles and in the same breath he tells us of those who claim to be Jews despite worshiping satin.

7f3a9265 No.3750226

Nobody cares about your fuckboy nazi opinion about jews.

7f3a9265 No.3750227

File: 1723670423102.jpg (60.03 KB, 751x500, 8w7gzj8kpmid1.jpg)

“She won’t give us the soundbites we need to twist and attack her with. Not fair.”

701c3c90 No.3750228

File: 1723670448221.png (1.08 MB, 1275x772, greatest_ally_of_americans.png)

And here they talk about an american recently shot by the IDF and settlers. And the Jews there destroying a statue of the virgin marry at the property.

The jews want to steal the property, even when he has proof of ownership. Because if your a goy, you can't own any of Israel. or if you do, they can take it whenever they want, or so the settlers believe.


7821abbc No.3750230

File: 1723672714694.jpg (108.01 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Holy shit!

How did Ukraine Attack Russia? Kursk

8b3ec487 No.3750231

Thank you, DK, for reporting these Israeli atrocities. The father who returned with the birth certificates for his twins only to find them and his wife killed is particularity heart-wrenching. So many cases just like that in this genocide. All the gaslighting to support this "war" is maddening. Fuck Kamala for bullshitting about the hostages as if that's what this is all about.

f3e7b55d No.3750232

File: 1723674050528.jpeg (263.43 KB, 941x1275, IMG_5124.jpeg)

Destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary, and nothing of value was lost. She is not to be worshiped, period.
Do not ask her to intercede on your behalf, for our God is a jealous God. And he seeks a relationship with you, directly. That was the tearing of the veil when Jesus died for our sins, we can now go to God directly.

6c511d3a No.3750233

File: 1723674645646.jpg (150.89 KB, 948x1024, 4147c0b9b2dbc119e1f80fc247….jpg)

7f3a9265 No.3750234

Nobody cares about christkikes

701c3c90 No.3750236

File: 1723674749094.jpg (149.48 KB, 1348x1836, femboy86.jpg)


The point of it, is they are suppose to be american's greatest ally. Yet they are destroying a religious symbol important to americans that don't belong to them, but to the american.

701c3c90 No.3750237

File: 1723675123628.jpg (311.06 KB, 1536x2048, femboy77854.jpg)

Theres a difference between me buying a marry statue and destroying it in my house in private.

And walking over to my neighbor, shooting them, destroying their marry statue, then saying your house belongs to me be god says so (And we follow the same god), get out.

7f3a9265 No.3750238

File: 1723675134680.jpeg (131.65 KB, 614x767, x1c753t3nmid1.jpeg)

Trump fatigue!

7f3a9265 No.3750239

File: 1723675157161.png (942.65 KB, 892x876, 4s8x36be4oid1.png)

f3e7b55d No.3750241

Yeah, their hatred of Christianity is so intense they will even destroy false (Christian) idols

Oh look a photo with out the candidate, they did the same for tumps inauguration. That “no-show” photo was two hours before the inauguration, watch the video and you will see glimpses of how big the crowd really was, you can tell they tried to never show the crowd

701c3c90 No.3750242

File: 1723676941504-0.png (321.06 KB, 1103x938, mich.png)

File: 1723676941504-1.png (542.21 KB, 1282x961, 67664.png)

File: 1723676941504-2.png (31.24 KB, 780x246, dun_fucked_up.png)


Crowd size or not. Trump was a moron, congratulating elon for his ability to fuck over union strikes, such as automotive in the recent Trump x Elon livestream.

And by buddying up to elon so much, and getting a cyber truck. He looks more likely to side with electric cars over gas.

If the Left didn't have their head up their ass. They would really rub in how much trump has sold out to the elites and 1%

f3e7b55d No.3750243

Union popularity is dropping like a stone, even among union workers. Most join unions as ‘might as well’ not ‘I really need union’(some unions are so powerful you are required to pay dues even if you are not a member)

7f3a9265 No.3750244

This is just nazi propaganda as they hate unions because their pundits tell them so.

f3e7b55d No.3750245

My uncle was in a union, his company’s were bought up/merged and he got screwed each time. And if you aren’t in the union you are a third class worker(required by union contract)

7f3a9265 No.3750246

Zero union you are just a billionaires bitch. So you pick

701c3c90 No.3750247

File: 1723677886824.jpg (191.93 KB, 1335x1306, California_flag.jpg)


Unions might be making a comeback one day since america is trying to make factories again, reverse globalization.

Because america can't win a war with china, if it depends on china for everything.

I heard the other day america is working on a "Battery belt", factories in america to make batteries.

Then a guy was laughing at america, because you need graphite to produce the batteries and saying that "China has a monopoly on graphite mines or what have you."

Saying that america could get graphite from near Alaska, but that will take time.

7f3a9265 No.3750248

File: 1723677887979.png (98.95 KB, 463x598, l0ny3kb8cnid1.png)

f3e7b55d No.3750249

Ask yourself who benefits from rapid population increase, (((employers))) especially “giga economy” employers like DoorDash and Uber who are EXTREMELY exploitative of workers, (((real estate))), (((immigrant agency’s)))

701c3c90 No.3750250

File: 1723679047940.png (391.27 KB, 2480x3508, gays76.png)

What I like about multi-culturalism and mass immigration. Is the politicians think they are so god damn smart. Creating divisions in society to exploit.

But they are going to find it harder and harder to start wars and coups. outside the country.

Because more and more people are going to have relatives or family from where the gov wants to fuck.

f3e7b55d No.3750251

File: 1723679376312.jpeg (361.98 KB, 1170x887, IMG_6052.jpeg)

The politicians will be replaced by groups that vote ethnic, it’s literally how ilhan Omar was elected

7f3a9265 No.3750252


701c3c90 No.3750253

File: 1723681321930.png (1.43 MB, 1756x1719, femboy8876.png)


I can't wait until I see more white UK politicians running for their lives from knife welding Muslims.

I don't want the average people having to run of course, they voted against the immigration boats. But the politicians refuse to stop them.

Starmer running for his life from angry muslims, would be karma.

7f3a9265 No.3750254

Lol knives

0a6cd457 No.3750255

Conservatives love Nazis and don't know what communism is.

701c3c90 No.3750256

File: 1723682635429.jpg (683.37 KB, 1960x2500, weeb_faggot.jpg)


Knives are fun. I used to carve up wooden furniture in my house with knives as a kid. Sometimes stab my mattress.

Knives were so fun I got a sword too.

Of course I got the fedora as well. And my katana was folded 10,000 times over and could cut anything, even solid diamond steel with tungsten reinforcement.

0a6cd457 No.3750257

File: 1723682705651.jpg (174.04 KB, 1216x832, Locker Room 09.jpg)

Yes, we are all clearly A.I. generated illegals voting for Kamala who are secretly lizard people working for the Unicorn Mafia.

2afffe96 No.3750258

>>ID: f3e7b55d

It's still spamming memes, quite a few in the last hour.

2afffe96 No.3750259

So it can spam twice as much.

>>ID: 0a6cd457

f3e7b55d No.3750260

File: 1723683707382.jpeg (219.13 KB, 941x915, IMG_6051.jpeg)

How can I report for bullshit reporting

6c511d3a No.3750261

The Romans were indifferent. It was exclusively the kikes who demanded Jesus' death.

7f3a9265 No.3750262

Cry nazi bitchboy

7f3a9265 No.3750263

File: 1723684934052.jpeg (65.39 KB, 518x520, zbi8txmauoid1.jpeg)

That's why nobody shows up: he doesn't play his hit.

2afffe96 No.3750266

>> ID: 7f3a9265
Initiating protocol VIII

7f3a9265 No.3750267

7f3a9265 No.3750268

File: 1723687265086.png (1.25 MB, 1544x1898, hujbewqbyoid1.png)

0a6cd457 No.3750269

File: 1723687273028.png (803.74 KB, 559x776, Legends-never-die.png)

You win the internet today, sir.

0a6cd457 No.3750270

Trump needs to stop saying that shit or he's going to get his ass thrown in prison. He is still out on parole and if the judge thinks he is a flight risk they will throw his ass in the clink until his sentencing which is after the election.

44c9623c No.3750271


That would mean playing by "da rulz," something Trump has never done.

Because ""Da rulz is for the little people, not rich assholes like me!" -Trump's viewpoint

701c3c90 No.3750272

File: 1723687924998.png (1.72 MB, 1200x720, 8000.png)


He should shut the fuck up about Venezuela.

First 3 presidents in a row sanction it, starting with Obama.

Then Trump tried to coup it. Then he shit talks its oil (The whole reason the usa wants to overthrow the place)

Now Biden/Harris tried to rig its election. Then tried to make a plot where the winning president could be kicked out.

Then Elon is trying to coup them with a physical fight.

On top of all that, the massive sanctions created a refugee crisis that had them come to america. Blaming the shit on climate change.

And then the news demonized them, making them look like they came here to conquer america.

701c3c90 No.3750274

File: 1723688536635.jpg (648.68 KB, 4096x2762, gay7864.jpg)

Venezuela is never going to get a break from american neocolonialism until it has russian or chinese military bases out the ass, built all over it.

Its not a matter of if, its a matter of when it gets an american puppet as its ruler.

6c511d3a No.3750275

File: 1723689570822.jpg (729.38 KB, 999x1280, 9ea3e0b3d8c55d9b5728038770….jpg)

What was the context of that statement? Was it him trying to bring light how the rules favored the elite?

d29b2362 No.3750277

Poor guy,
How did he lose his dick?

2afffe96 No.3750278

File: 1723690688676.jpg (44.59 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x6….jpg)

Because the world needs Heroes.

0a6cd457 No.3750279

File: 1723691038287.png (47.01 KB, 598x259, Right-wing-loses-again.png)

DK constantly posting images of men with no balls is a wonderful example of the conservative's endless capacity to cluelessly own themselves.

f3e7b55d No.3750280

File: 1723691173818.jpeg (222.99 KB, 829x1216, IMG_6054.jpeg)

It is disgusting, females need boobs, they need to be fertile

701c3c90 No.3750282

File: 1723691615228.jpg (1.93 MB, 3508x4961, femboy8844.jpg)


Thats not me. I don't care for cuntboys.

44c9623c No.3750284

File: 1723694112656.jpg (136.48 KB, 1017x582, GU_mjLAWYAA0wVw.jpg)

The Trump motherfuckers' latest crock of shit.

f3e7b55d No.3750285

File: 1723694164622.jpeg (162.48 KB, 941x823, IMG_6056.jpeg)

Remember, this next monkeypox “outbreak” is a lie, it’s only going to steal your liberty’s.

7f3a9265 No.3750286

File: 1723699478077.jpeg (64.1 KB, 480x373, yrwnq4w00nid1.jpeg)

7f3a9265 No.3750287

File: 1723699746247.png (2.11 MB, 1920x1920, yb3r1rnnynid1.png)

0a6cd457 No.3750288

Mpox is spreading airborn. That's why they are declaring an emergency. The virus has mutated.

I am really surprised Trump picked a drag queen for his VP. I didn't think he was that progressive! Especially one who fucks couches!

cb26d034 No.3750289

words boring

cb26d034 No.3750291

File: 1723700472970.jpg (90.21 KB, 960x640, lockheed-dark-star-1-thumb….jpg)

the monkey pox has liftoff sir, americans will be genocided for voting wrong

701c3c90 No.3750293

File: 1723701146457.png (362.77 KB, 883x883, femboy96324.png)

In the Uk

If you are at a riot, you can be arrested just being in the area. Even if you didn't do anything.

So… if you think about it. The UK outlawed peaceful protests. Because…

A peaceful protest is planned
Undercover gov officials join the group
They do violence, protest now a riot.

Everyone gets arrested.

701c3c90 No.3750295

File: 1723701452107.jpg (376.66 KB, 2000x2550, femboy87345.jpg)

Hell, that means a group of gov guys could go to who they wanna arrest and start a riot. And then arrest the guy.

Thats how crazy it is to allow innocent people to be arrested just for being in the area a riot happens at.

7f3a9265 No.3750296

7f3a9265 No.3750297

File: 1723703751075.jpeg (373.7 KB, 1284x2192, e7fis166tqid1.jpeg)

701c3c90 No.3750298

File: 1723704252633.png (265.46 KB, 519x377, show_off.png)


Good on the Taliban, for not letting things go to waste.

701c3c90 No.3750299

File: 1723706511497.png (930.95 KB, 1702x956, stolen.png)

You guys seeing that a ton of websites and youtubers are saying everyone got hacked?

"The Hack group USDoD claimed in April to have stolen personal records of 2.9 billion people from National Public Data, which offers personal information to employers, private investigators, staffing agencies and others doing background checks. "

701c3c90 No.3750301

File: 1723707833907-0.png (564.6 KB, 1193x967, 9097.png)

File: 1723707833907-1.png (121.65 KB, 1163x958, 70004.png)

0a6cd457 No.3750305

File: 1723714228152.png (1.29 MB, 1500x1500, 2414526.png)

>Everything is a conspiracy by the government! Everything!

Better wear your tinfoil hat next time you go out, they might be using the mind-control satellites!

701c3c90 No.3750306

File: 1723715059399.jpg (58.79 KB, 488x488, Clue.jpg)


Half my fun is trying to figure out what governments are trying to do.

Like an adult version of Clue

Once they fully censor the internet, I won't get to have this fun anymore. It'll be like tv again.

0a6cd457 No.3750308

Rent server space in another country, set up your own VPN. Log nothing. Sell access to the VPN to a few other people to cover the yearly cost. Boom, no more censorship.

0a6cd457 No.3750309

File: 1723717762608.png (1.31 MB, 1024x1024, 2fb681924f380164e6a43158a0….png)

I hear Mexico has a very liberal internet policy. I think all the fallen souls host there.

701c3c90 No.3750310

File: 1723718043590.jpg (758.3 KB, 2100x3100, post_faggotry.jpg)

One day I'm sure they'll make the cost of servers too high for the average person. Or make you have to have a license.

Or they'll perfect a censorship A.I.

701c3c90 No.3750312

File: 1723718899405.png (516.26 KB, 1430x947, musk.png)

e748fcd3 No.3750313

Something that required blood contact has completely skipped skin contact, gone straight to the lungs and became airborne?

There is a bridge in London I would like to sell you

2afffe96 No.3750314

>>ID: 7f3a9265
>>ID: 0a6cd457
Are you going to kill yourself when JOE BIDEN is not elected president on Nov. 5?

e748fcd3 No.3750315

File: 1723726668299.jpeg (518.45 KB, 1170x844, IMG_6058.jpeg)


6c511d3a No.3750316

File: 1723729098874.png (968.39 KB, 718x1000, e41d9c4578674e861775c7a36f….png)

They haven't had democracy for decades anyway.

They've voted for conservative governments and reduced immigration for like 30 years and year over year they get increased immigration and more communist governments every time.

Soap Box [X], Ballot Box, [X], Jury Box [X], Ammo Box [?]

lets hope they figure something out. Maybe they can go back to longbows.

3dcac9a7 No.3750319

Just do your mass shooting and get it over with

3dcac9a7 No.3750320


3dcac9a7 No.3750321

File: 1723734770305.png (112.2 KB, 505x508, ax6j770kcsid1.png)

6c511d3a No.3750322

Leftards: Right wingers are violent terrorists
Leftards to 'right wingers': Go do a shooting

How about you eat a dick, faggot.

7f3a9265 No.3750324

Yeah go do a shooting ya fuckin nazi terrorist, hopefully the FBI catches you first and puts you under the ground in Florence ADX.

887c8902 No.3750325

If you associate with either the modern left OR modern right, you're a retard.

497e92b4 No.3750326

File: 1723739912850.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x1480, IMG_6053.jpeg)

Still double posting to claim the front page, it really is a shame the best tactic you have is hiding the conversation

162e57e7 No.3750327

What conversation? You're just memeposting too. No one cares.

497e92b4 No.3750328

497e92b4 No.3750329

File: 1723740661012.png (2.28 MB, 1248x1824, IMG_6059.png)

Pink nipples or dark nipples?

162e57e7 No.3750330

Black nipples are best.

7f3a9265 No.3750332

Love black buttholes :9

7821abbc No.3750333

File: 1723742933334.jpg (43.2 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

It's not about helping the poor. It's about destroying prosperity, because poor people are much easier to control.

Mass Immigration Explained - We Are Being Destroyed From Within - Please Watch & Share

0a6cd457 No.3750334

File: 1723743927572.jpg (580.37 KB, 697x900, lovers.jpg)

We all know that you'll end up doing a mass shooting because every day your world shrinks a little bit more and you become less and less powerful.
Taking out a gun and committing suicide-by-cop is going to be your only choice in the end but even that won't stop us. You can't change the world with your bullets. There will always be gay people. There will always be trans people. There will always be those who fight against injustice. You can't change human nature. Love always wins.

2afffe96 No.3750335

>>Love always wins
Then why do your posts always sound so bigoted and full of hate, even terroristic at times?
Care to explain?
Oh…. a leftist.

fb3ceceb No.3750336

File: 1723746229499.png (2.89 MB, 1728x1344, IMG_6061.png)

Love does win, it’s a shame you only know lust

fb3ceceb No.3750337

File: 1723748248351.jpeg (158.58 KB, 601x977, IMG_6060.jpeg)

That video is 13 years old, and it’s only gotten worse, to the point that it is obviously malicious


1e72c07f No.3750345


Horrible quote
if true. however has been denied by , amongst others, Reuters.

Kissingers public quotes are searchable and his meeting schedules is also archived. He has not spoken at WHO in 2009.


1e72c07f No.3750346


Addendum : However that does not mean I trust em whatsoever especially not a mass-murdering JEW

7821abbc No.3750347

File: 1723754254323.jpg (168.97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Germany | Bureaucracy and Militarism

Germany - from decentralized mess to totalitarian nightmare to bureocratic paralysis.

What a ride.

c5dd6e8b No.3750352

File: 1723759332333.jpg (241.77 KB, 1997x2000, bafkreid2jx7pufyrlm62oupow….jpg)

7f3a9265 No.3750353

File: 1723761465090.png (223.26 KB, 768x768, bahacf9nwuid1.png)

7f3a9265 No.3750354

File: 1723761763385.jpeg (80.45 KB, 336x765, kdl49e74xvid1.jpeg)

I can't think of a more UnAmerican sentiment than supporting dictatorship…it's a fucking cult

Watched a couple videos of a Daily Show host asking maga cultists questions at rallys and holy fuck these people don't believe in the same reality.

I’ve found that to be the most frustrating part of watching clips of rallies. They have no proof. Cannot cite a single source on ANYTHING they are going on about. Spout the most wild conspiracy theories I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. Yet their vote counts just as much as anyone else and in some states can even count for double. Fuck the electoral college. Fuck Trump. And fuck you if you vote for him.

So fucking sick of these people.

c73cf181 No.3750358

File: 1723769059134.jpeg (340.12 KB, 941x1330, IMG_6065.jpeg)

You are interpreting what he said in bad faith.
He said that he would have to sign many executive orders on day one, executive orders are (philosophically speaking) a bypassing of the legislation and politicians(hense the dictator). In case you are unaware most government agency’s are made by executive order(FBI was created with executive order and can also be dismantled with an order of same)

Biden signed many dozens of executive orders in his first week.

2afffe96 No.3750360

File: 1723773516593.jpeg (7.43 KB, 270x186, images (45).jpeg)

Better an elected dictator that people WANT and VOTED for than a cheated in Leftist Liberal MONSTER.

Yes, your side really is that bad.
That we'd rather have a dictator than anyone that's from the left.

Hi, 3B.

44c9623c No.3750362


Sieg heil!

0a6cd457 No.3750364

There is no such thing as the council for eugenics at the WHO. You're thinking of the Heritage Foundation.

0a6cd457 No.3750365

Right wing bigots deserve no love. We will not tolerate you. You have proven time and time again that you are unwilling to evolve so you will be left behind like the trash you are.

0a6cd457 No.3750366

So everyone involved at every level said that the event never happened, yet you want to believe it anyway because you want people to be evil. That does not speak well of your character.

0a6cd457 No.3750371

I was really hoping Covid would take out more of them. Too many of them were wimping out and getting vaccines.

0a6cd457 No.3750373

File: 1723782844623.png (1 MB, 1205x678, Freedumb.png)

7f3a9265 No.3750374

Conviction needed

2afffe96 No.3750375

File: 1723783993713.png (6.02 MB, 3724x1722, 819d7a3cb1de22e61bb43cf70a….png)

You will do nothing but squirm under our thumb and shout helplessly, pathetic old SpamFool.
My, how time has spun you all apart.


6392e524 No.3750390

You're really confident we're at the end of human history aren't ya.

I dunno man. Kinda looks like things are on the downswing right now. Are the food shortages and constant wars not troubling you? At all?

I guess it's too temping of a lie to tell yourself that you have no enemies and never will again.

c24c040d No.3750391

The world's balance is shifting. EU/US used to be the top dogs of the world, but that balance is gradually switching towards China and Russia. Mostly due to the west using third worlders and other effects of feminism and capitalism (see: outsourcing everything) to self-destruct.

Japan is also losing it's status, they're following in the west's footsteps, they're just much further behind. Their animation quality is degrading, they're becoming more "woke" although they've always been obsessed with diversity and canada-tier "if you kill your enemy then you're no better than them" views. Chinese media is already creeping into the space that Japan used to rule, even their 3D animated movies (Ne Zha, Legend of Deification) are starting to rival those made in the US.

08147023 No.3750393

Right wing fantasy that things are switching to Russia lolol

08147023 No.3750394

File: 1723815496199.jpeg (68.45 KB, 642x767, 7f82ns4dn0jd1.jpeg)

c24c040d No.3750396

I can tell every time I hit a nail in the head because you immediately appear to spam this thread so my post won't be visible on the index page.

2afffe96 No.3750400

Not surprising, do a reverse image search.
That woman is a known democrat,
And some pleb photoshopped a Trump hat on her
and made a cute little MEME out of it.

88176e32 No.3750403

File: 1723825782256.gif (1.41 MB, 288x198, 271.gif)

>doesn't know who Ashli Babbitt is

bdd48546 No.3750405


6c511d3a No.3750408

Mostly due to Jews subverting our nations. Outsourcing is a globalism issue thanks to the internationalist jew. We need nationalism.

"Woke" = jewish subversion.

ca7e7ed4 No.3750411

She'll be voting for Kamala now.

0a6cd457 No.3750412

File: 1723835046152.jpeg (46.13 KB, 680x551, GU5f-pqW8AEuB2t.jpeg)

We are at the end of conservative history as you define conservatism.

Your old, racist, incel philosophies are dying and even young Republicans are far more left than you are.

You are being replaced but it's by younger white people who don't give a shit if someone is a minority or not because they have so much more important shit to deal with.

0a6cd457 No.3750413

>She was secretly a democrat!
Was she also a FBI plant? A secret CIA agent? A lizard person?

9a02d168 No.3750415

File: 1723835692463.jpeg (57.3 KB, 710x629, IMG_6064.jpeg)

She’s voting democrat because she’s dead, and dead voters vote democrat, it’s their biggest demographic

44c9623c No.3750416

Ashlii Babbit was a radical QAnon groupie, who tried breaking into an area being guarded by Capitol Hill police.
She was told to back off, she screamed cuss words at the cops, and tried climbing through a smashed window.

The investigation was not this "HUUUUUGE conspiracy," it was a simple investigation of a woman who had murder on her mind.

The right-wing assholes have decided to elevate her to "martyr" status, same way Hamas calls those killed in Gaza "martyrs."

Babbit was a radical who was shot after ignoring warnings.


44c9623c No.3750417

9a02d168 No.3750421

File: 1723839353640.jpeg (237.66 KB, 1098x1386, IMG_6071.jpeg)

Pride parade orgies coming to a main street near you

9a02d168 No.3750422

File: 1723839582484.jpeg (222.74 KB, 941x1262, IMG_6069.jpeg)

Remember, it is ONLY transmitted by blood contact

2afffe96 No.3750423

File: 1723840949684.jpg (84.8 KB, 710x953, 8aec13a0840a023e49dda6438d….jpg)

Have you donated to President Trump yet?
It's never too late, donate today.
If not, then you have no right to complain about anything.

44c9623c No.3750424


I wouldn't EVER donate to that corrupt son of a bitch.

He'll steal as much as he can anyway, the way he always has.

Just look up his "charity," the Trump Foundation.

03d102b7 No.3750426

You can insult me all you want. Time is on my side. I'm not trying to convince you because I don't need to. All I need to do is sit here patiently and wait for you to agree with me.

0a6cd457 No.3750427

File: 1723845630136.png (209.46 KB, 1106x561, Thats-a-joke-site-you-moro….png)

Damn, you are so stupid. I don't know how you keep falling for this nonsense. Did you get the part of your brain that governs common sense removed?

0a6cd457 No.3750429

Do you think history has ever shown conservatives being proven correct in the end?

Please, name a conservative policy that was proven correct! I would LOVE to hear it!

03d102b7 No.3750430

>proven correct

And how would one measure that? You see, you and I don't agree on what correct is and what would constitute proof of it. Our differences are philosophical, not political. We worship different Gods.

0a6cd457 No.3750431

Name a conservative idea that ever actually worked and was widely adopted by the American people.

03d102b7 No.3750432

We can start with a simple one. Heterosexual monogamy.

But you'll reject that as something good because it makes it harder for you to cum. We want different outcomes.

2afffe96 No.3750433

Name a Liberal idea that ever actually worked and was widely adopted by the American people.

44c9623c No.3750434


The Civil Rights and Voting Rights act.

The 19th Amendment.

0a6cd457 No.3750435

>Heterosexual monogamy.
Wrong. Try again. History has rejected this limited ideology quite hard.

>Name a Liberal idea that ever actually worked and was widely adopted by the American people.

Unions, Social Security, THE CONSTITUTION, Voting, workers rights, Child protective services, the end of child labor. (Conservatives are trying to bring back child labor and child marriage but they keep getting blocked even today. )

44c9623c No.3750436

Here's a conservative law that was a complete disaster.


Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified on January 16, 1919.

03d102b7 No.3750437

>The Civil Rights
Are you saying there's no racial discrimination in America :o

44c9623c No.3750438


It is no longer legal for official segregation, stupid.

9a02d168 No.3750439

Speaking of common sense, did you think pride orgies in the street was a serious comment?

9a02d168 No.3750440

File: 1723847073766.jpeg (613 KB, 1170x1876, IMG_6072.jpeg)

We litteraly called it on every single issue of accepting faggotry

If the choice is gays stay in the closet, or mutilate kids… the choice is easy

0a6cd457 No.3750441

File: 1723847305450.jpg (218.27 KB, 470x702, 747856643267.jpg)

He knows that. I mean, I would hope that he knows the civil rights laws didn't outlaw being a bigot.


0a6cd457 No.3750442

File: 1723847577576.jpg (14.98 KB, 318x240, a2634d816691c9babeb73adde3….jpg)

Assuming that your conspiracy nonsense is true that gays and trans people are by default pedophiles (Which is stupid) why would them not being openly gay in public stop them from fucking kids?

Do you think fucking a kid can only happen in view of the public? Do you think pedophiles can't get an erection in the privacy of a home?

Explain how your logic works because it is baffling!

44c9623c No.3750443


There are groups that want to bring back official segregation, official religion, official genders, etc.

Their program is called "Project 2025."

44c9623c No.3750444


The worst part is the people screaming the loudest about pedophiles and "groomers" are church "leaders" who keep getting caught molesting kids, (even babies!) or making and/or downloading kiddie porn.

03d102b7 No.3750446

That's a really pathetic cope bro.

0a6cd457 No.3750447

It's not a cope if it's true and bro, it's true. The church has always been a safe haven for pedos.

03d102b7 No.3750448

That's an American thing. It doesn't happen in the rest of the world.

7f3a9265 No.3750449

Why are straight white nazis on a furry yiff board. Kill yourself.

03d102b7 No.3750450

We are all victims of modernity to some extent. Some of us take more damage than others.

0a6cd457 No.3750451

You think the church being full of pedophiles only happens in America? You really are sheltered.

aecf11cb No.3750452

File: 1723850553164.jpeg (857.52 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_6073.jpeg)

0a6cd457 No.3750453

If he killed himself there would be no one left to argue with and there would be no more need for /pol threads. He's the simp we all get to kick in the nuts every day and he always comes back for more. Lulz wouldn't be the same without him.

6c511d3a No.3750454

File: 1723851888095.png (3.41 MB, 3600x2344, 9583b225f3c9881db89191f1c0….png)

Rabbis have a higher child rape rate than Priests, but nobody in the media ever mentions that for some bizarre reason.

7f3a9265 No.3750455

File: 1723852975903.jpg (217.98 KB, 2000x1500, bafkreibpjbssgjn4bmopxvzni….jpg)

All hail the queen

e426387c No.3750456

The biggest offenders when it comes to child rape are public school teachers. Has been for a long time. Unfortunately, it usually gets covered up.


7f3a9265 No.3750458

This is not the case. You fall for bullshit because you're a racist nazi.

7f3a9265 No.3750459

File: 1723854927440.jpeg (77.82 KB, 1080x985, GVJMw5KXYAAhtXb.jpeg)

aecf11cb No.3750460

He can cut spending. Take a look at inflation track record. It’s always down during republican presidencys

7f3a9265 No.3750461


aecf11cb No.3750462

File: 1723857329730.jpeg (181.79 KB, 941x762, IMG_6070.jpeg)

Another flawless argument

7f3a9265 No.3750463

another racist white for the trailer trash can

cd2c1041 No.3750464

You are DELUSIONAL. Republicans spend spend spend leave us all in massive debt by giving unthinkable handouts to the rich then Democrats come in and fix everything.

Think about it, moron, you are always complaining that Democrats keep trying to raise taxes on the rich. If Republicans weren't giving away the farm to wealthy corporate donors in the form of massive tax cuts and loop holes then by now the corporate tax rate would be 100%!

Democrats have to raise taxes on the rich because Republicans keep cutting them! That's why they keep telling you that the programs that help YOU need to be cut. They want to give the rich lower taxes because THEY ARE THE RICH!

aecf11cb No.3750465

File: 1723859711090-0.png (279.73 KB, 931x523, IMG_6075.png)

File: 1723859711090-1.jpeg (870.42 KB, 1170x1825, IMG_6074.jpeg)

2afffe96 No.3750466

Lay down in your coffin and close the lid, 3B.
Your time here is done.

cd2c1041 No.3750470

Joe Biden didn't cause all this inflation. In fact government spending REDUCES inflation. Putin invading Ukraine doesn't effect our inflation at all because America's economy isn't based on how well Russia is doing. (and I know that makes you super mad)

If you want to know why we have inflation it's because under Trump the housing market and many other industries got deregulated and of course the moment they could, rich people raised prices! That's why we need regulation.

Let us take a step back in time to august of 2018 and refresh your memory about how America became the economic time bomb it is today.


7f3a9265 No.3750471

File: 1723865455716.png (167.24 KB, 800x767, 5d68uqg863jd1.png)

nazis would rather suffer than admit that the Democrats have a good idea

2afffe96 No.3750478

That's not how it works.
You're putting the cart before the horse.
Are you really that stupid?
Oh, hi 3B.

ca7e7ed4 No.3750479

Those price gouging laws, including the fuel ones, ONLY apply when states of emergency are declared. They have absolutely no impact on day-to-day operations. Also, these laws are redundant, because price gouging is already illegal.

Democrats are counting on their constituents not bothering to find out more about what the bills actually say and believing that the only reason their grocery/gas bills are so high is because of price gouging. The ones that are aware enough to know that they don't apply beyond emergencies, they're hoping that they'll assume that price gouging ISN'T already illegal and that Democrats are plugging a loophole that could be exploited. All of this is kabuki theater. By the time voters realize that their cost of living isn't going down, the election will be over and Kamala can go back to the business of pursuing global Zionism as president.

ca7e7ed4 No.3750480

It literally doesn't matter how much you tax corporations. The loopholes they use to pay nothing still exist. Democrats aren't making those go away. Their claims of taxing corporations more is entirely performative. Corporations with an even marginally competent accounting department and connections to DC will continue paying nothing, and nobody you can vote for will stop them.

0a6cd457 No.3750483

File: 1723870603248.jpg (131.3 KB, 633x637, 1665023518798-0.jpg)

Actually, Biden and the Senate democrats passed a bill for a minimum corporate tax that would have made those loopholes far less powerful but Republicans blocked it in the house because they are the party of the elites.

2afffe96 No.3750494

File: 1723886549540.jpeg (75.8 KB, 600x426, main-qimg-a5018bbb2ea1a62….jpeg)

Funny, I can't find where they did that.
In your mind maybe?

f6608ab9 No.3750496

File: 1723892420369.jpeg (237.41 KB, 941x1177, IMG_6068.jpeg)

Housing prices skyrocketed because of uncontrolled immigration, more people = more demand for housing
Scooby doo was right, it’s always the landowner trying to increase land value

f6608ab9 No.3750497

Better than the party of the corrupt

6c511d3a No.3750502

File: 1723896461515.jpg (186.82 KB, 1557x2048, 706c1bab1a888a6a78db330dc8….jpg)

It's even worse than that when you think about it in more detail.

They're also skyrocketing because big kike businesses like Blackrock and Vangaurd are buying up houses in speculation of continued migration driving up the prices

You think they pressure the government not to spoil their investments?

7f3a9265 No.3750504

This is why Republicans are going so mask off with their fascist goals.

Their current operation, even with the fuckery that is the Senate and Electoral College, has a ticking clock in terms of electability. They turned a portion of the country into a full blown cult, but in doing so they've alienated almost everyone else. Now that cult is dying.

So the obvious goal with this election is to make Trump President for Life. Otherwise they would have to shock horror start to appeal to a broader spectrum of people and not just oligarchs.

That's why this election is so damn important. It very well could be our last if we don't participate



6c511d3a No.3750505

They drafted a bill called the Save Puppies (and sell your children into slavery) Act, and the Republicans voted it down! I guess it's true that the Republicans just hate puppies.

Fuck off, Kike. We see through your lies.

7f3a9265 No.3750506

Kill yourself nazi fucker

7f3a9265 No.3750507

File: 1723897239349.jpeg (92.03 KB, 804x767, k7f5l9e7v4jd1.jpeg)

7f3a9265 No.3750508

File: 1723898333239.png (223.46 KB, 768x768, wdg2vvtik1jd1.png)

2afffe96 No.3750510

Sure, if you can't make it, fake it,
That's the leftist motto.

7f3a9265 No.3750513

File: 1723899890566.jpeg (71.72 KB, 486x767, 6e5w8rek35jd1.jpeg)

0a6cd457 No.3750515

File: 1723900522614.png (793.73 KB, 2000x1125, f08d450c009240e2fabd3961e7….png)

Trump needs your money! Sell your blood! Take out a third mortgage! Sell your sister! I'm sure she won't mind! Trump need you now more than ever to pay his legal bills! He's not going to pay them himself, that's for damn sure!

>It was the migrants! They came ta take 'r houses!
Then why did the prices in Alaska go up? Do you think the illegals crossed the border, America, Canada, and walked all the way to Alaska, just to find an apartment?

>Corporate investors like Black Rock
You are correct, corporate investment especially from China and Saudi Arabia are a big driver of the housing price surge. You know who tried to do something about that? Joe Biden! Do you know who stopped them? That's right! It was your Republican officials in the house who killed the bill, multiple times. If you really believe that America is run by a Jewish conspiracy, the Republican party is part of that conspiracy. They are the biggest supporters of corporate capture of our resources.

05e26b1b No.3750520

File: 1723904920660-0.jpg (423.32 KB, 1435x868, 1723335439824576.jpg)

File: 1723904920660-1.webm (1.24 MB, 576x382, 1723333374483208.webm)

Christians are kike worshipping retards

44c9623c No.3750521


Religion as a whole is a con.
There never is or was any actual evidence, just either "believe what we say or we'll kill you," or "take our word for it, it's all true."

And the more and more we dig up the more and more turns out to be bullshit.

Does make for storytelling at times, but there is absolutely NOTHING to any religion.

7f3a9265 No.3750533

Call then christkikes that is what they are

7f3a9265 No.3750538

File: 1723910926492.jpeg (319.83 KB, 1284x1967, 8vg4o3ovn7jd1.jpeg)

2afffe96 No.3750547

Die in the fires of hell, intolerant hate-filled bigot.

2afffe96 No.3750548

Why does your side hate TRUTH and FACTS so much?
You must be really stupid.

b3a11ee3 No.3750558

File: 1723917803067.png (472.95 KB, 1035x1530, Demon_femboy.png)

"China will impose export limits on antimony and related elements in the name of national security, its Commerce Ministry said on Thursday, in Beijing's latest move to restrict shipments of critical minerals in which it is the dominant supplier.2 days ago"

This is trying to stop america making weapons.

6b3326fa No.3750559

File: 1723917840572.jpg (393.64 KB, 824x1280, 4349c5465b74027b065bc392d2….jpg)

Keep sucking mutilated jew dick, retard

LOL imagine worshipping a guy with half his dick cut off

What kind of shitty fake messiah would have his dick circumkiked?

2afffe96 No.3750560

You sound like a cut fag wishing he had a foreskin.

aecf11cb No.3750564

File: 1723919525295.png (493.09 KB, 1464x1014, IMG_4631.png)

I pray you see the light before the return of christ

b3a11ee3 No.3750565

File: 1723920030735.jpg (79.56 KB, 860x580, Ra.jpg)


I pray you see the light of shiva, Freya, Ra, Anubis, Zeus,Dohkwibuhch, etc

Whatever the hundreds or thousands of gods or goddesses people have come up with

Its hard to miss the light of RA though, its the fucking Sun.

2afffe96 No.3750567

File: 1723921851730.jpg (99.97 KB, 242x413, The_Nine_Billion_Names_of_….jpg)

Throughout the universe those are all manifestations of the one and only God.
How could you not know this?
Because God is limitless.
Look up this short book by Arthur C. Clarke online, you can read it for free.
It will enlighten you.
And you will no longer be ignorant.

b3a11ee3 No.3750568

File: 1723922001583.png (42.13 KB, 754x793, gay_kissing.png)


Your delusions are mental illness,

You should fix yourself, by having a relationship with a man.

aecf11cb No.3750569

File: 1723922030199.jpeg (210.72 KB, 1042x892, IMG_6076.jpeg)

b3a11ee3 No.3750570

File: 1723922400193-0.png (66.02 KB, 1420x471, 50.png)

File: 1723922400193-1.png (68.82 KB, 1358x498, 73.png)

aecf11cb No.3750571

File: 1723923307761.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x1815, IMG_6079.jpeg)

ca7e7ed4 No.3750575

>If you really believe that America is run by a Jewish conspiracy, the Republican party is part of that conspiracy.

lol yeah no shit. With very, very few exceptions there is nobody you can vote for that isn't fully on board with global Zionism and all that it entails.

Harris is married to a Zionist Jew, and Trump's grandchildren are ALL Jews. So if you disagree with Israel's behavior, you're cooked either way. Sure, Currymala is proposing a few slaps on the wrist for Bibi right now, but that's just because she knows young liberal voters are pissed at Israel. As soon as the election is over (if she wins) she'll go right back to sending them unlimited shekels. Hell, I bet Biden will continue doing it all the way up until inauguration day.

2afffe96 No.3750576

File: 1723930527374.jpg (61.91 KB, 736x552, 4af6868f273334d045ac275ab0….jpg)

No, I will just laugh.
When you are in your grave rotting,
And I am still here.

Arthur C. Clarke was a visionary.
He envisioned the orbital Clarke Belt, which was named after him.
Many, many of the things he envisioned in '2001' have come true.
Are you going to call him delusional?
Makes me wonder who the delusional one really is.

6c511d3a No.3750577

File: 1723931097606.jpg (142.75 KB, 796x1280, 5e5a719dccfac299ad03e1607c….jpg)

Bullshit Biden stopped them. He's been selling America to the highest bidder for decades.

You're right that the Republicans are in on it as well, though. Thomas Massie said in an interview that virtually every Republican congressman besides himself had an AIPAC guy, and then they killed his wife for it.

Both parties are full to the brim with traitors.

b3a11ee3 No.3750578

File: 1723931820202.png (1.71 MB, 1000x1000, dcem7.png)


Just be normal, faggot. Everyone gets sick of hearing about your Sky genies

2afffe96 No.3750581

"Everyone"…. You mean, YOU?
HATE to break it to you, but by far MOST people are NOT gay, trans, nor atheist.
MOST people find those things disgusting and repugnant.
Prove me wrong.

2afffe96 No.3750582

>>You should fix yourself, by having a relationship with a man.
Oh, NOW you're just trying to be gross and disgusting and make me puke or something.
But hey don't worry, just remember "you're not delusional or crazy…. everyone else is!!"

2afffe96 No.3750583

File: 1723936379294.jpg (37.98 KB, 640x480, MV5BYzQxZTQ0YWYtZjkzOS00ZT….jpg)

>>sky genie
What, you mean this one?
Yeah, I used to watch him all the time as a kid.

2afffe96 No.3750584

Why would you post a picture of a cat that has a bullet hole between the eyes?
Are you an animal abuser?
Doesn't surprise me
That poor cat….

77b210d5 No.3750585

File: 1723938449364.jpg (98.3 KB, 850x1416, mewDevil.jpg)


Go study things that have a use. Like how Regan helped ruined america.

Or how the MORAL right doesn't support free healthcare. Then calls the Olympic athletes this year bragging out getting to taste it, Radicalized.

9a02d168 No.3750586

File: 1723943504890.jpeg (81.2 KB, 876x676, IMG_6084.jpeg)

9a02d168 No.3750588

File: 1723946303708.png (1.01 MB, 1341x1600, IMG_6086.png)

That snow white leak confirms it. There is no hope for Disney

9a02d168 No.3750590

File: 1723947104583.jpeg (411.68 KB, 1080x1753, IMG_6087.jpeg)

Leo frank Remembrance Day
He raped a girl in his factory
Blamed the black guy
White people knew better and lynched Leo anyway

2afffe96 No.3750591

This sounds like bullshit.
The white woman that was raped never spoke up?
Never said if it was a white or black guy that raped her?
Did she not notice?
Was she blind?
She still could have known which it was by the smell.

9a02d168 No.3750592

File: 1723948951751.jpeg (608.97 KB, 1170x1877, IMG_6088.jpeg)

If you look into the whole story, she was raped and murdered(murder was mentioned in the picture) she was an employee in his pencil factory

On an unrelated note, Kamala is using nazi slogans! Yay!

8ef27b9f No.3750594

If that was true you would vote for her

9a02d168 No.3750595

File: 1723954606834.jpeg (77.32 KB, 680x567, IMG_6085.jpeg)

You have a 2nd graders understanding of politics

7821abbc No.3750597

Translation: If younger students were force to hate math with watered down economics by bad teachers they would be socialist.

0a6cd457 No.3750598

File: 1723955370627.jpeg (83.95 KB, 602x791, GVOvC7DWwAAaVe0.jpeg)

Friedrich August von Hayek was a veteran of World War 1 where he served in the Austro-Hungarian Army against America and its allies.

Isn't it funny how all the people the right-wing revere turn out to be enemies of America?

0a6cd457 No.3750599

File: 1723955563796.png (410.2 KB, 598x642, Yacht-Poverty.png)

Trump's lawyer is on Twitter complaining about how she is so scared of how badly the economy is going under Biden/Harris that she is having to learn how to fish… off the back of her private yacht.

a6d10fe5 No.3750600

Oh, it's hilarious.
Especially when we all know you're lying about everything like that
and the truth is the opposite of anything you say.

Hi, 3B.

Who's YOUR lawyer?

8ef27b9f No.3750601

Kill yourself nazi fucker

8ef27b9f No.3750602

File: 1723956098836.jpeg (35.28 KB, 354x766, 3ms39c0goajd1.jpeg)

Get used to madam president Harris.

85ed716f No.3750603

cd2c1041 No.3750607

>Everything is a lie!
It's history. You can look it up.
It's not a matter of opinion.

cd2c1041 No.3750608

File: 1723975088910.jpeg (73.13 KB, 841x960, GVOgTYNW0AAN6fu.jpeg)

19460e77 No.3750610

File: 1723977642345.jpeg (245.74 KB, 1098x1003, IMG_6091.jpeg)

19460e77 No.3750611

Seriously, how much of a lying sack of shit do you have to be for the fucking klan to side with the black guy?!?

2afffe96 No.3750612

>>Anonymous 08/18/24 (Sun) 04:40:57 8ef27b9f No.3750601
Kill yourself nazi fucker

Hi, 3B.

9a02d168 No.3750613

File: 1723987509369.png (418.65 KB, 720x455, IMG_6090.png)

Now show a picture with trump on stage and not 2 hours before

7f3a9265 No.3750615

Projection as usual. The Mueller investigation found that there was plenty of reason to be suspicious that Trump was colluding with Russia - but came short of declaring it “proof” because various Republicans refused to cooperate with the investigation and/or blocked access to evidence.

Basically: “Wow, there’s an awful lot of smoke coming out of this building. We can’t get access to where the fire likely is, but people should probably evacuate.”

Five things we know for sure:

Russia spent $1.2 million per month on huge social media bot/troll farms, almost all to benefit Trump.

Trump asked Russia, on network TV, to hack into Hillary Clinton’s email, and right after he asked, they did.

Trump admires Putin and his methods. He’s never condemned him for the Ukraine invasion other than to say it wouldn’t have happened on his watch. (I interpret that as: “If I was president, Putin could have taken whatever he wanted and Ukraine wouldn’t have fought back”).

Trump extorted Zelenskyy, threatening to block military aid already approved by Congress unless Ukraine released a public statement that they were investigating Hunter Biden.

Trump was negotiating with Putin to build Trump Tower Moscow and reportedly promised to gift him the entire top floor penthouse.

9a02d168 No.3750616

File: 1723988967236.png (64.25 KB, 261x176, IMG_6092.png)

The muller investigation was delayed because it implicated democrats. What a coincidence that the report was released immediately after the statutes of limitation expired.

Trump never extorted Zelenskyy, he asked for help and released the funds before the help was given. Extortion is impossible with that scenario

7f3a9265 No.3750617

File: 1723989133588.jpeg (97.89 KB, 706x767, 0kokiyme6cjd1.jpeg)

7f3a9265 No.3750618

File: 1723989206869.jpeg (59.06 KB, 666x500, rgj0g2230fjd1.jpeg)

9a02d168 No.3750619

File: 1723989787316.png (692.49 KB, 823x1280, IMG_6093.png)

This is why democrats hate trump

7f3a9265 No.3750620

Trump a few weeks ago had to be feeling pretty good about things and now I'm sure he's reeling. What a difference between a few weeks ago and today. The Democratic party is supercharged and the White Christian Nationalist party is an almost dead car battery with maybe one last engine start left. Time for the Trump campaign to check to see if they have roadside assistance…🤔

6c511d3a No.3750622

As real as Kamala's crowds lol

7f3a9265 No.3750624

I despise Trump but I always RSVP to his campaign that I’m attending and then tell them to eff off and stop texting me after the rally starts. People have been doing this to Dump since 2020. I like to think they see big numbers signed up, book a way too big venue like they always do and then stare at empty seats.

e3196dfe No.3750625

In your own mind you're now a hero of the people, right?

7f3a9265 No.3750626

File: 1723992940872.jpg (1004.08 KB, 1855x1573, Screenshot_20240818_075617….jpg)

It’s almost like they go for the tailgate but their team sucks so they leave before halftime.

44c9623c No.3750627


Prove it.
Prove there actually even IS a "God."

Easy answer: You can't. All you have is "Take my word for it!"

Prostitution may be the "oldest profession," but the oldest con job is religion.

7f3a9265 No.3750628

Your retardation is limitless christkike

7f3a9265 No.3750629

File: 1723994142637.png (331.09 KB, 720x1036, faetkq2o0fjd1.png)

2afffe96 No.3750631

Hey, how's it hangin' atheistFag?
Don't worry, I'm like no Christian you've ever encountered before.
If you want to call me something, you can refer to me as The Punisher.
If you're not too big of a Chicken shit, email me at
[email protected]
I have something for you.

7f3a9265 No.3750632

Do your mass shooting and suicide by cop already christKIKE
you worship a jew.

2afffe96 No.3750633

>> ID: 7f3a9265
Over 20 SPAM automated robot meme posts in the last 6 hours from this ID.
Why is this ID allowed to continue to SPAM and disrupt this board?

7f3a9265 No.3750634

It's fun to study the faces of the crowd behind Trump. The absolute mixture of confusion and boredom shows it's slipping away.

Also littered with paid attendees.

7f3a9265 No.3750635

Kill yourself nazi or cry more like a bitch

2afffe96 No.3750637

File: 1723997956362.jpg (189.19 KB, 716x1000, 71DX-1ezEjL._AC_UF1000_100….jpg)

Oh, don't worry, you'll get all the proof you need soon enough.
Sooner than you think, actually.
And the world will be rid of you, YAY.
Any questions?
Contact me.
[email protected]

2afffe96 No.3750638

File: 1723998086241.jpg (50.74 KB, 640x724, zrhlfh9vnkj51.jpg)

7f3a9265 No.3750639

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

7f3a9265 No.3750641

File: 1723998397962.jpeg (49.4 KB, 750x500, hiu7mjcbqfjd1.jpeg)

My bet is that Trump would take the bait and explain all of the times he hung out with Epstein

2afffe96 No.3750643

File: 1723998636032.png (312.08 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240818-122609.png)

>>ID: 7f3a9265
Actual death threats now from this ID,
directed towards me personally.
Please investigate immediately.
Screen capped in case it deletes it.

8b3ec487 No.3750644

That's a well-known meme, you fucking moron.


7f3a9265 No.3750645

1234 that's my luggage combination!

7f3a9265 No.3750646

File: 1723999113740.jpg (606.29 KB, 1462x1495, Screenshot_20240818_093850….jpg)

Rofl hillbilly nazis are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth

6c511d3a No.3750650

File: 1724001692597.jpg (556.96 KB, 2377x1508, e866a96c17ddc0a97bb62c7e45….jpg)

Dude, Hitler was the greatest man in modern history. A paragon of virtue and heroicism that every man should strive to emulate.


db073681 No.3750651

Did you just get your first AoL setup CD in the mail last week or what?

859ab893 No.3750654

She died, dude. It says "murder" right on the infographic.

85ed716f No.3750655

Niggers are racist and ignorant true.

0a6cd457 No.3750657

File: 1724004136837.jpeg (314.54 KB, 1536x2048, Accidental-Harris-Ad.jpeg)

You think the mods are going to take time out of their lives to track down someone IRL and report them to the cops because they posted a meme on the internet that hurt your feelings? How do you picture that conversation going with the FBI?

The mods: Officer! You need to act fast! Someone on the internet was being mean to a white boy!

The FBI: We have a whole department of anti-terrorism that could be described as "Someone on the internet being mean to white boys." Can you be more specific?

0a6cd457 No.3750660

File: 1724005273250.jpeg (112.86 KB, 1306x512, without-paid-supporters.jpeg)

Trump has promised a 20% tariff on everything imported into America and a 60% on everything from China. So get ready to pay 20% more for everything and 60% more for electronics because even the stuff that was made in America will go up in price to match the new rate hikes caused by the tariff being passed on to the customer.

Also, Trump was late to his Wilkes-Barre rally and then ran over by almost an hour so all the people his campaign staff paid to be there left. They were only contracted until a certain amount of time. Once that time was up, most of the stadium got up and left all at once leaving only a tiny crowd of losers to watch the rest of Trump's speech.

0a6cd457 No.3750661

File: 1724005643545.jpeg (36.42 KB, 720x825, GVIp5sAW0AAGHjI.jpeg)

After listening to what Trump said about the Tariffs I honestly think he doesn't know what one is. I think he is just that stupid. I think, he thinks, that the U.S. government can create a law which forces China to tax companies in China then the Chinese government has to hand the money over to America.

That's not how it works, obviously. America is not the ruler of China.

7f3a9265 No.3750662

Ya, they aren't staying beyond their contracted time

db073681 No.3750664

9a02d168 No.3750665

File: 1724008295943.jpeg (162.23 KB, 941x1088, IMG_6095.jpeg)

Hello my fellow semites!

e426387c No.3750666

Not only does this idiot not understand that tariffs get added to Chinese goods when they are imported (and the U.S. gets ALL THAT MONEY), but his Fake Kamala Graph conveniently is not inflation-adjusted, showing how those "gains" are more than wiping out by Biden/Kamala inflation.

And of course, the Democrats are now trying the Naz-i tactic of blaming their stupid mistakes on the Jews. Don't you know that people actually remember WWII? I guess not.

0a6cd457 No.3750667

File: 1724009452762.jpeg (73.34 KB, 680x623, GVOIkDtWgAANUk0.jpeg)

No, that's not how it works. America can't force China to force it's companies to pay taxes.

Let me explain it to you like you're a child.

You want to buy a new Xbox. Microsoft wants to sell you a new Xbox. To sell you one, they have to make it using parts that they have to buy from China.

They buy the parts like they have always done but now, because Trump is in office Microsoft has to pay the U.S. Government 60% of the cost they paid to the Chinese company.

This raises the cost of manufacturing the XBox, which in turn raises the price you have to pay for it.

At no point does anything in China actually change because American presidents can't change the tax laws in China.

The only person paying more money in taxes is the American company and they pass that cost on to you. That's how tariffs work.

6c511d3a No.3750669

>Who was president in 2021?

>What is inflation?

I don't see him on stage? How long was this from him being on stage?

2afffe96 No.3750670

This thread has reached its bump limit.

f4059a62 No.3750671

> This thread has reached its bump limit.
So what's your point, you retarded n­­i­­g­­­­g­­­­­e­­­­r?­­­­­­ This thread is pinned. Bump limit is irrelevant.

44c9623c No.3750673


You've got jack shit to back up your claim.

0a6cd457 No.3750680

You can see him walking off the stage. That picture shows only the people deep enough in the cult to stay until his rambling, insane, rant was done.

7f3a9265 No.3750681

Hillbillies are so fuckin stupid

6c511d3a No.3750713

I don't see shit. Do you have anything better than a 100kb blur? Doesn't matter anyway, you already admitted to this being hours over-schedule. Not everyone has limitless free time.

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