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6beebced No.3750674[Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3748759

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.

63d1a82a No.3750678

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854f6b9c No.3750679

Reminder that nazi whites always lie.

b9ececd4 No.3750682

Hillbillies are so fuckin stupid!

b9ececd4 No.3750683

File: 1724023865633.jpg (2.42 MB, 4096x5120, 4bziw0qm5gjd1.jpg)

On January 6, 2021, the US Capitol Building was attacked by a mob of Trump supporters

63d1a82a No.3750684

I almost believed that, but I have a brain and remember about the agent provocateurs.


b9ececd4 No.3750685

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b9ececd4 No.3750686

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63d1a82a No.3750687

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854f6b9c No.3750688

Maga is so butthurt rn

befa6960 No.3750689

File: 1724026020589.jpeg (58.63 KB, 618x767, qa5b3535egjd1.jpeg)

Look up The ruminations of JD Hamel. It’s real, folks


Peter thiel and others for project 2025 backed him. Picking him as VP was a financial move. Trump, with his family, took over the RNC funds. That covered all the 8 or 9 figure judgements against him. And now he has no funds left to campaign. Which is why he’s crying so much.

And he spent 100million dollars on ads calling Biden old.

2b20eace No.3750690

You could put a blue hat on him and it would make just as much sense.

2b20eace No.3750691

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You have yet to disprove literally a single thing I've ever said.

854f6b9c No.3750692

Nobody is debating a nazi fuckboi

854f6b9c No.3750693

File: 1724028360713.jpeg (103.97 KB, 661x767, hahbfbsakhjd1.jpeg)

Bruh, the straight up satire tag on the top left one lol

63d1a82a No.3750694

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BOT strikes again

9e357a02 No.3750695

> nazi whites
Niggers are racist and stupid, so true.

ab91de8a No.3750696

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>the agent provocateurs.
Do you mean the white nationalists who lead the invasion of the capital and are now in prison for it?

199586e8 No.3750697

File: 1724039828995.webm (484.66 KB, 398x240, TrumpHarris2024.webm)

Trump / Harris 2024!

3a7725fb No.3750698

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ab91de8a No.3750699

He's just mad his father never loved him enough to fuck him. That's why he hates gay people.

6beebced No.3750701


Fuck you for making me watch that.

63dffea0 No.3750704

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The only white nationalist group I know of is “patriot front” and they be fedbois

854f6b9c No.3750705

The MAGA cult-of-personality victim is in a very precarious position right now. They know that their team is in trouble. They know their quarterback hasn't read the playbook and their running back is really weird.

They are looking to Fox and Trump to give them their talking points, but they are just getting the same ones that worked on Biden…and they know they aren't working on Harris/Walz.

And they see how much fun the Democrats are having. They see the smiles and laughter and energy…and they know they used to have that, but it is completely gone.

They are ripe…they are vulnerable. If you know a MAGA, now might be the exact moment you can reach them. Don't make fun of them, make fun of Trump and Vance. Call them losers and let them know (subtly) that the winning side would love them. They can even eat Doritos!

It's about to all collapse around Trump.

0d9644b7 No.3750706

Oh yes, being on the winning team is so very important. >_>
"This is WWW3, I can't afford food, I feel funny after that last monkeypox jab, but I voted for the winner !! Woo !"

2b20eace No.3750710

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January 6th was like the Holocaust: It didn't happen, but it should have, and kikes are kvetching about it to this very day.

f028eb44 No.3750711

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63d1a82a No.3750712

The projection is so egregious here
Trump and Vance are both proper politicians
While Kamala sucked dick to get what she has and has no idea how to run a country(that’s why she cackles when asked hard questions)
And walz thinks boys need tampons and did nothing to save his state in the riots

4e9e0c89 No.3750715

>>3750710 "The holocaust never happened! Besides, they deserved it."

What other Stormfront propaganda that no truthful person believes will you parrot next?

63dffea0 No.3750717

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12832d6d No.3750718

>Trump and Vance are both proper politicians
Funny, I remember Trump selling himself as an outsider who was going to drain the swamp. Of course that was complete horseshit because Trump himself is corrupt as Hell and probably fucked little girls with Epstein.

63dffea0 No.3750719

File: 1724080994872.png (2.86 MB, 1536x1536, IMG_6102.png)

So he lied, thank you for proving my point that he’s a politician

12832d6d No.3750721

At least with Kamala she won't be golfing her whole presidency and ignoring the plague until it spreads to the States killing all the boomers. Trump is incompetent.

63dffea0 No.3750722

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You still think Covid-19 was real?
Most people who died from “Covid” died in the hospital from the official treatment. Which was remdesivir, 99% survival outside the hospital, 1% survival inside a hospital with “treatment”. ask me know I know, I survived the treatment and I’m probably going to sue the ever loving shit out of them.

2b20eace No.3750723

File: 1724082403538.jpg (209.56 KB, 1280x777, b55ba5061a8402d18af9f6e2ea….jpg)

Tell me, have you ever heard someone recount a tale of the holocaust where the persona accurately described the effects of cyanide poisoning?

Millions of jews executed by cyanide and I've never heard a single mention of the effects.

63dffea0 No.3750724

But seriously, you are mad at him for golf? Are you expecting Trump to go to the border and jump in front of the sneezing person like a secret service agent taking a bullet?

2b20eace No.3750725

Bro, you remember when Trump wanted to close the border with the countries it was coming from and you all called him racist?

67313780 No.3750728

I remember him trying to ban Muslims before Covid. What you just said is bullshit however.

2b20eace No.3750729

I remember Muslims were all licking some holy doorknob to prove their faith in their pig god when it was just starting to spread in their countries.

Closing the national border is like the only thing within the president's power. Once it's inside the country, he can divert funding (which he did), and the rest is up to the states to do. You call Trump a fascist while demanding that he overstep his jurisdiction. You have no fucking understanding of the power hierarchy in America.

bf48a975 No.3750731


So all the boomers are dead ? No.
And Sweden's boomers are not dead either, and they didn't have lockdowns.

Covid is like that story about a guy wearing tiger repelent "- But there are no tigers in USA ! - Yes, it works, you're welcome."

Same logic. "Dozens of millions of americans didn't die so it mean the vaccine and lockdown worked".

2b20eace No.3750732

That's why they had to push it SO hard. Imagine what it would have meant if everyone was fine without the vaccines and lockdowns at all. They would have lost all legitimacy.

Ignore all the places where this was the case.

ab91de8a No.3750733

You didn't have to watch it. You could clearly see what it was. You clicked on the video and watched that needy little twink get fucked because you wanted to.

6beebced No.3750734


I was trying to see if it was real. That "twink" looked way too young. Wanted to give you benefit of the doubt, but I decided I wasn't going to leave it up.

ab91de8a No.3750735

Oh, I get it you don't know who they are. That was one of the most famous gay couples in the world. They post videos like that on Twitter in defiance of the Japanese government. They are like a gay idol couple. I'll post a link to the twitter once I'm back at my home system.

ab91de8a No.3750737

File: 1724095405920.png (293.58 KB, 598x787, source_no_music.png)

I don't speak cherry blossom but this showed up on the #SeductiveSunday trend and I read some of the comments. They said those two are like gay super-heroes for standing up to the government and stuff while also being idols. I hope it's true. We need more people willing to stand up to fascists through the power of porn.


ab91de8a No.3750738

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ab91de8a No.3750739

Japan's music is going through a thing right now where the more feminine you look the more sexy you are..? Like inverse macho-ism.

Take this band for instance: Only 2 of them are gay. Can you guess which 2? I sure couldn't!


ab91de8a No.3750740

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You should just avoid all medical treatment in the future. No matter how bad the pain gets, you can't risk going to the hospital or even your local doctor! They are clearly out to kill conservatives! You just need to suffer with what ever conditions you get for the rest of your life because that is how you own the libs!

Every day you suffer horrible, agonizing pain, you are winning against the Jewish-Socialist-Communist conspiracy that wants you to trust them with your life and that's what really matters, right?!

ab91de8a No.3750741

No one has ever sat down with you in person and told you in detail about how gravitational forces draw us towards objects of larger mass so, by your logic, gravity must not be real!

Go jump off a roof and test your reasoning.

ab91de8a No.3750742

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I can honestly say I did not have Alex Jones telling conservatives that if Trump loses they can flee to Russia to preserve the morals of "Real Americans" and escape the liberal agenda of… non-straight, white, men getting to be happy… I guess?

He seems very excited about the prospect of starting over in Russia.

1f422ec1 No.3750744

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198f149b No.3750745


A lot of people has moved to Russia and why not ? Because Putin baaaad ?

I remember quite well the interview with Trump where he said "there is a lot of murderers, why do you think USA is different in that regard?" when asked about Putin. look it up, do not take my word for it

f1291418 No.3750746

I died a little inside.

1f422ec1 No.3750747

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0ed28341 No.3750749

I mean, how fucking pathetic can you really be?

And this is the best Republicans got? Really? Fucking pathetic.

All Republicans got is taking the very things that they do and pretending that liberals do them too. That’s it. It’s sad to see them not actually stand for a single thing but “oink oink 🐽make the libs cry, REEEEEEEEEEE”!

What a bunch of morally bankrupt morons. It’s like, the only way they know how to win is to lie and cheat.

1f422ec1 No.3750750

File: 1724106021156.jpeg (194.16 KB, 943x815, IMG_6112.jpeg)

Try this

2b20eace No.3750751

There are tons of stories, though, but none that describe these key features. The horrible and peculiar sight, so very distinct, of someone poisoned by cyanide. You don't even know what it is, do you?

ab91de8a No.3750755

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By all means, wow us with your detail knowledge!

1f47b439 No.3750760

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Does the United States and Israel offer mercenary work?


Finding the First Mercenaries in History (feat. Prof. Morillo )

1f422ec1 No.3750764

File: 1724114825003.jpeg (481.7 KB, 1358x1159, IMG_6118.jpeg)

Democracy in action, not one vote for nomination and not going to be one on Election Day

32c52ed9 No.3750766

Well, for one thing you can't survive cyanide gas by holding your breath or hiding under a pile of bodies.

1f422ec1 No.3750769

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That’s what wooden doors are for

def4d90d No.3750776

doesnt matter, technological singularity is involved. nothing matters.

f028eb44 No.3750781

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e46a277d No.3750782


It's almost like it's a uniparty or something and both parties are filled with the exact same type of scum dancing for the same master… but that's can't possibly be… because republican bad…

ecfe76e7 No.3750783

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6a73e2c6 No.3750784

No, it's always the Republicans pushing for more corrupt money in politics. Look up Citizens United for instance.

10341d88 No.3750785

I've been around a while. I don't need to look up every little scandal. Once you know the pattern it gets a little boring. Every scandal amounts to a fart in the wind. They're all nothing burgers.

They love you convince you it's the most important thing in the world while it's happening That's how they keep you emotionally invested in the con. They keep you so busy running back and forth after each new shiny thing that you never have the time to sit back and look at the big picture.

ab91de8a No.3750787

>It's almost like it's a uniparty…
Both parties are full of wealthy people who look out for the interests of wealthy people but the Republican party is also stuffed with crazy religious zealots that want to kill minority Americans and remove the rights of women.

854f6b9c No.3750788

MAGA = Mention Anything, Get Angry.

Constant rage is unsustainable. Eventually you want to feel good and the MAGA movement is all about outrage. I imagine these people are just exhausted at this point.

e46a277d No.3750789

Sweetie… That's not true. That's a story they made up to scare you.

ab91de8a No.3750800

They are doing it right now. Stripping away the rights of women and being a criminal are the only legacies Trump has.

34b84533 No.3750801

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f028eb44 No.3750802

Please elaborate
What rights have women lost?
Women have more rights than ever.
At least in the USA.
Except in Afghanistan, which Biden gave to the Taliban.
There, millions of women have lost ALL their rights.
They lost everything
They now live under Muslim Sharia law.
Thanks, Biden.

c6b2b438 No.3750804

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And that extremist hard core conservative Taliban is what GOP is planning for the 2025.
Even Taliban these days is more secular than GOP ideology.

f028eb44 No.3750806

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137f491e No.3750807

Is it republicans who push for abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods?
What rights have be stripped from women? (Hint: abortion was never a right, roe v wade was a privacy loophole, (and it was based on a lie))

2d9ff63b No.3750812

lol Dems actually think of themselves as Robin Hood.

c6b2b438 No.3750813

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854f6b9c No.3750818

Given the ex-president’s cantankerous and what appears to be an increasingly unwell mental and emotional state — even by his already low standards where deviance is a baseline — he is reacting to this change in political fortunes very poorly. It is being reported that Donald Trump is lashing out at his campaign advisors and replacing several of them, increasingly paranoid and full of rage, and increasingly detached from reality. Hitler retreated to his bunker and became increasingly delusional after six years of war; Donald Trump is acting like a mad king after only two weeks of seeing his political fortunes rapidly blunted and then apparently reversed.

f028eb44 No.3750819

File: 1724154499561.jpg (28.75 KB, 1000x1000, 416fyUD6npL.jpg)

2b20eace No.3750820

File: 1724157197316.png (822.75 KB, 1280x1280, 0923d5f51f36283fe538834bc0….png)

I'm sure they weren't being unruly cunts. they totally don't look like they were.
Child marriage is already illegal and this bill was redundant virtue signalling faggotry and probably full of pork.
What was their defense?

You are a retarded disingenuous faggot.

8cd2b88c No.3750821

Weird how the Afghans didn't destroy Buddhist statues for hundreds of years, only started when they were occupied by the US, then stopped again when the occupation government fell.

I guess they're just evil like that.

854f6b9c No.3750823

Pedo protector has arrived!

854f6b9c No.3750824

File: 1724158633640.jpeg (73.69 KB, 921x767, sghknv4xgqjd1.jpeg)

I just heard Hogan at the RNC for the first time today and he sounded like a washed up POS. For being the headliner, he definitely didn’t bring any fire. Whereas Kamala walking out on stage the first night nearly brought the roof down. Cons are going to be hurting come Nov. Oof.

854f6b9c No.3750825

File: 1724158761781.jpeg (71.05 KB, 496x767, vwrqypaxzmjd1.jpeg)

6119bb54 No.3750826

Nobody would wear shirts like that in public.
They would be attacked.
ALL photoshopped.
The democratic party is SO DESPERATE for any kind of win, they resort to online propaganda tactics like this.

>>ID: 854f6b9c

HI, 3B.

2b20eace No.3750827

I'm asking for more information. What are you afraid of?

6119bb54 No.3750828

File: 1724159268221.jpg (284.97 KB, 1024x1024, 1aeAA.jpg)

If Trump is a scab then we PICK HIM.
TRUMP 2024

d70a79c5 No.3750829

File: 1724159432478.jpeg (142.62 KB, 500x825, IMG_6098.jpeg)

Oi vey, you are not supposed to notice
Noticing is antisemitic

d70a79c5 No.3750830

File: 1724160020850.jpeg (930.73 KB, 1170x1541, IMG_6130.jpeg)

Tax dollars at work

a974160f No.3750836

File: 1724164251143.jpeg (98.66 KB, 500x512, IMG_6135.jpeg)

Watching the DNC and I’m convinced, anyone voting blue is a moron that needs to be studied

0ce5a3a4 No.3750842

File: 1724166603261.jpg (468.95 KB, 2048x1280, AFP__20240816__2166238958_….jpg)

Hey Donnie, how wide can you spread your asshole for Bibi?
>I will spread my asshole this wide for Israel! You won't believe it until you see it on day one! No one bends over for AIPAC money like me!

dc3e0c87 No.3750845

I keep telling people "fuck Zelensky"….. I'd rather see Russia win…. PROOF POSITIVE most Americans are RETARDS… historically again, the USA supports the WRONG side!!!!! Even the majority of Ukraine HATES Zelensky!! The rebels in the southern region of Ukraine is who ASKED for RUSSIAN help and WHY they are there!!!!! The USA media spin the story WRONG!!!!

dc3e0c87 No.3750846

Russia did NOT NOT NOT just randomly attack/invade… NOR did they want to take over or claim UNWANTED land!!!! They went in because the Russian speaking / related REBELS in the southern regions ASKED them for HELP… Now, add THAT to the fact Zelensky been threatening Russia with NATO since before 2014 and stole their aircraft carrier etc etc etc… its NO SURPRISE Putin decided to help them!!!!!! But the fake MEDIA lies to Americans… research it yourself !!!!

dc3e0c87 No.3750847

But you try to explain to people how RUSSIA is actually in the right… people go nuts and say blah blah blah blah…. geeesshhh…

Not only a waste of tax dollars… BUT THE USA IS HELPING THE WRONG SIDE!!!!!

854f6b9c No.3750848

Then we know you're a traitor to the USA

854f6b9c No.3750849

File: 1724171825529.jpeg (237.06 KB, 1013x1342, ssit8b6r1rjd1.jpeg)

1ba3f921 No.3750851

File: 1724172018345.jpg (151.68 KB, 850x1149, ren6.jpg)


The USA is a traitor to its own people by siding with Apaic over the american people on everything.

We are not a sovereign nation, if all our congressmen have "apaic babysitters"

1ba3f921 No.3750852

File: 1724172808814.png (4.48 MB, 2428x1517, gay7106.png)

And I hear a lot now that Kamala wants price controls.

Because thats going to fix the gov's massive money printing addiction.

a974160f No.3750853

File: 1724172959218.jpeg (192.2 KB, 941x936, IMG_6122.jpeg)

>I don’t want to help the most corrupt country in Europe

>you’re a fucking traitor to the US of A!!!!

What did he mean by this…

dc3e0c87 No.3750854

In reference to:
>> ID: 854f6b9c
3B is like two Alexa's arguing with each other.
Yet the mods keep letting him evade numerous bans and come back to keep posting his lies and nonsense, even though the new ID's are obviously still him.

8c033435 No.3750855

Ukraine did not ban Christianity. They banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church specifically for aiding and abetting Russian spies and terrorists. Zelenskyy has yet to sign the bill into law. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine supports the bill and says religious freedoms are safe in Ukraine.

“If at least one of the 5 legally defined signs of a religious organization’s connection with the Russian Orthodox Church is discovered, such an organization will receive an order to eliminate this connection within 30 days [after the bill is signed into law],” Viatrovych said.

“If the connection with Moscow is not severed, the state will apply to the court for a ban on such an organization. Legal proceedings for the ban will begin 9 months after the publication of the law,” the lawmaker added.

1ba3f921 No.3750857

File: 1724174109154.png (680.71 KB, 1608x1171, 90.png)


So never, because Ukraine isn't lasting 9 more months

854f6b9c No.3750858

How's that three day operation going?

854f6b9c No.3750859

File: 1724174374224.png (591.44 KB, 960x540, Waldman_Weird3.png)

Let's listen to the insane person who thinks every dissenting voice is the same individual.

a974160f No.3750860

File: 1724174493758.jpeg (633.33 KB, 1170x915, IMG_6137.jpeg)

Guys, you can always trust the news

854f6b9c No.3750861

Can't trust maga nazis tho, weird, wrong and always lieing like their Mohammed, the orange old Hitler if he tried to get power when he was washed up

a6733e93 No.3750862


Nonsense. Ukraine is pushing into Russia.
Soon enough with the advanced weapons offered to them they'll be in Moscow.

dc3e0c87 No.3750863

Your posts are always a special kind of hate that no one else has been able to duplicate and that you can't stop doing no matter how hard you try, isn't that right, NonConpliant? BannedForBeing3B. Fake negro.
Prove me wrong.

>> ID: 854f6b9c

Hi, 3B.

a974160f No.3750864

File: 1724176913857.jpeg (87.83 KB, 768x762, IMG_5834.jpeg)

>word salad

Russia literally has nukes, do you really think they will let that happen?

I stand by my position when this war broke out, the point of the war was to kill Ukrainians.

a974160f No.3750866

File: 1724181929844.jpeg (1022.67 KB, 1170x1689, IMG_6140.jpeg)

lol 1 million jobs were phony
But we can expect Kamala to fix things. XDDDDD

2fd0567b No.3750867

>the point of the war was to kill Ukrainians
Unbelievable. Next you'll tell me the point of Israel's war is to kill Palestinians.

ea1df2ec No.3750868

Unbelievable next you will say that Jan 6th was a coup

1f422ec1 No.3750869

File: 1724190589925.jpeg (211.28 KB, 832x1216, IMG_6138.jpeg)

Nice try faggot

854f6b9c No.3750870

Jk maggots don't understand reality only power lieing

39334929 No.3750871

No, I call it a clown coup. Because Trump's insurrectionists are as buffoonish and incompetent as himself. Lucky Bobo Babbitt was the only clown that got put down. Honk honk!

2b679d28 No.3750874

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Gravity is still a theory, we don’t understand the how/why things “fall”

2b679d28 No.3750875

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lol get wrecked

ab91de8a No.3750876

File: 1724202585637.webm (5.68 MB, 320x568, Republican-women.webm)

Let's talk about Republicans and their history with women, shall we?

ab91de8a No.3750877

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Yes, we all agree that fighting terrorism is good. We don't all agree that bombing civilians is good. Just like we all agree that arresting arsonists is good but we don't agree that shooting everyone who smokes and their families is good.

Terrorists and civilians are not the same thing. I know you conservatives are just blood thirsty animals but the rest of us know the difference.

ab91de8a No.3750879

YOU might now understand how/why things fall but YOU are an uneducated, inbred, moron.

The rest of us understand why gravity works just fine. We paid attention in science class where it was explained to us.

I guess high school science was too much for your tiny, little conservative brain.

b0f2a354 No.3750880

Science doesn't answer how/why.


ab91de8a No.3750881

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You seem to be stuck on the word "theory".
You think anything that is called a theory is just a wild guess but that's not how science works.
In science everything is considered a theory, nothing is ever considered fully solved because if new, verifiable, testable data is discovered science changes to adapt to the discovery.

If you want a world where no one ever questions anything and no new discoveries are ever made, try Religion. It might be more your speed.

b0f2a354 No.3750882

I'm not the poster who claimed, "Gravity is just a theory." I know what a theory is. I know what model-dependent realism is. Science tells us what is, not why it's that way.

ab91de8a No.3750883

>Science tells us what is, not why it's that way.

What do you mean by, "why <gravity> is that way." What do you think is missing? What do you think we don't understand?

8cd2b88c No.3750884

Naw. There are laws, and there are theories. Gravity is a theory because we can only observe it, we can't really test it. There's no way to see if the theory is false because we can't crank gravity up or down in the lab to see what would happen. We can't put 100 units of gravity in a cup and measure it's properties.

At a certain level things are so fundamental to the very fabric of reality that they become inscrutable to science. Science and philosophy approach eachother the farther down you dig.

ab91de8a No.3750885

Citing a 12 year old youtube video of an interview with a scientist who died in 1988 does explain why you aren't up to date on modern science.

Maybe try reading a book published in the 21st century?

b0f2a354 No.3750886

Einstein's theory of gravity (general relativity) was published in 1915. What's the updated theory?

ab91de8a No.3750887

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>There's no way to see if the theory is false because we can't crank gravity up or down

Yeah… you should stop trying to science. You're not very good at it.

2b20eace No.3750888

File: 1724205412439.jpg (213.3 KB, 1536x2048, 80233e61248efaf1ee539fb713….jpg)

The only thing worse than a retard is a retard who thinks he's educated.

b0f2a354 No.3750889

I know you can't answer that, because general relativity still stands as the best description of gravity.

The point I'm making, which is the same point Feynman was making, is that "why" questions are not the right kinds of questions to pose for seeking scientific understanding. It's a philosophical point.

ab91de8a No.3750890

Well, we have a new model for creating a sub-space bubble which will allow us to travel FTL which didn't exist until Gen. Relativity was tested.

Also we have created microscopic black holes inside a lab. We can also create anti-matter and dark matter. All based on the foundation of Gen. Relativity.


ab91de8a No.3750891

You are having a conversation with the voices in your head. No one was talking about the philosophical qualities of science.

8cd2b88c No.3750895

You think gravity is different in space than on earth? Why you gotta hurt me like this?

854f6b9c No.3750896

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ab91de8a No.3750910

No, but I think the effects of gravity from being close to a large mass is reduced if you move far enough away from it. This allows us to, as you put it, "crank gravity up or down to see what happens."

You know, that thing you said was impossible to do.

854f6b9c No.3750915

reminder that Trump planned and orchestrated an insurrection against the United States:

A report released by the Office of the Inspector General last December detailed actions taken by the National Park Service in preparation for the January 6th "Save America" rally. The rally was to take place at the Ellipse, a park in Washington, DC under the supervision of the NPS. The report contained texts between organizers of the J6 rally, an unnamed White House liaison, and a potential rally speaker.

On January 3rd, the Trump administration official sent the following to a J6 rally organizer:

“POTUS expectations are intimate and then send everyone over to the Capitol.”

The next day, an organizer sent the following to a potential speaker:

This stays only between us… POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol . . . It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but POTUS is going to just call for it “unexpectedly”

So, days before the riot, insiders privy to Trump's plans knew he would call for a march, and knew he would make this premeditated act seem "unexpected". When asked, organizers repeatedly told officials there were no plans despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.

The following facts are indisputable:

Trump knew Congress would gather to perform the Constitutionally mandated certification of the 2020 Presidential election.

Trump planned a rally to coincide with that event.

Trump planned to call for his supporters to march on the Capitol.

Trump deceived officials about his plan to call for a march.

b18b2255 No.3750918

Libturd fantasies.

c4d7ce5b No.3750922

America is fake and gay who gives a fuck lmao

854f6b9c No.3750923

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If you were curious how prominent Rs are taking Obama clowning the f*ck out of Donald Trump…

(These people are weird)

854f6b9c No.3750926

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Gotta love the fake crowds! He was probably speaking to a green screen, and they created the crowd through AI. In fact, it probably isn't even Joe Biden but an imposter. Oh, and if the crowd does exist, they are all illegal aliens who were paid to attend.

There. I think I've covered all the nazi GQP possible excuses. Any that I missed?

0ba94082 No.3750930

It sure looks fake as hell.

c4d7ce5b No.3750931

>A major political party of the most powerful country on the planet managed to fill a stadium
Okay. And? Like, yeah. No shit.

971593a7 No.3750933

> There are laws, and there are theories.
You are profoundly ignorant. In science there are also hypotheses.

A scientific theory is an explanation which includes ways to prove the theory to be false. An excepted scientific theory has practical ways to test it and, so far, all tests have shown it to be true. A good example is the General Theory of Relatively.

A hypothesis, on the other hand, does not contain any practical way to prove it to be false. Or it's so new no one has tried to test it.

78979c4b No.3750939

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>scientific theory has practical ways to test it

Not being testable is exactly what separates theory’s from laws. Like string theory, will always be a theory because we can’t test it. And the international space station is not gravity free. It’s still in earths gravity well, however the effects of gravity’s pull are negated by being at orbital speeds. Which is why scientists have been calling it a “micro-gravity” environment. Because we can’t remove gravity.

That we can observe and measure gravity’s effect on the world and things around us to the point we can predict outcomes with physics equations does not mean we understand gravity, only that it is effect is constant, predictable, and demonstateable.

dc3e0c87 No.3750941

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3B is always talking about Nazis, so I figure he must like them.
I mean, he acts just like one and everything on here …
So here is a hero he can relate to, CAPTAIN NAZI.
But to 3B, all Nazis are heroes anyway
No need to thank me 3B, you're welcome.

ab91de8a No.3750943

So you're saying that we can understand everything about gravity but not understand gravity? Just like you can understand what girls are but not get laid because you're a conservative? Same logic?

ab91de8a No.3750944

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>String theory will always be a theory because we can't test it…

And what do you imagine that all the physicist working on string theory are doing with their time? Do you think they are getting grants to just sit around and talk about how great string theory is without doing any research or testing?

Do you imagine that all the science that can be done, has been done? Do you think that no one is researching gravity? That there are no forms of tests or any kind of research left to do?

You seem to want to believe that things are unknowable and untestable but science is always marching forward. It's never going to stop. Progress is never going to stop. You will never stop us. You have already been defeated.

78979c4b No.3750945

Measuring the speed of a bullet does not intrinsically mean you understand the gunpowder that launched it.

Watching and measuring an apple fall to the ground does not mean you understand the mechanics of how it happened.

Looking at a grandfather clock tick every second does not mean someone understands the gears and weights driving the mechanics

ab91de8a No.3750947

I think your problem is, you are so stupid that you think only the most obvious things can or should ever be tested.

If a bullet is studied we can easily reverse engineer the basic design of a gun out of it. By examining the shape of the bullet, the speed at which the bullet was traveling, how much energy was necessary to compell it over that distance at that velocity, and so forth. It is easy to determine that a gun was used and even that gunpowder was used because gun powder residue would still be on the bullet.

You think that this mystery is unsolvable because you're not smart enough to see the implications of the evidence. But just because you are a moron doesn't mean the rest of humanity are morons too.

I'm going to stop talking to you about this now because you're not worth my time. I understand that you want to live in a world where things are simple and easy to understand because you are simple. I'll let you have that. Keep believing that things will always be unknowable and that you are the smartest moron in the room.

78979c4b No.3750948

That’s a nice THEORY you are making about the existence of a gun and gunpowder

Now, watch an apple fall and tell me HOW it happens faggot

55d1a271 No.3750949

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Blitzmensch > Captain Nazi

55d1a271 No.3750950

I see pixels.

def4d90d No.3750953

No one supports anything pol says.

854f6b9c No.3750956

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1f422ec1 No.3750965

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Reminder, walls only work for the right kind of people

b0f2a354 No.3750966

>Science tells us what is, not why it's that way.
Maybe this is kinda confusing. Here's an example. "What is the charge of an electron?" This is a valid question. This can be measured. "Why is the charge of an electron so-and-so?" This question is beyond the scope of the theory. It's taken as a fundamental parameter; the theory is useful without needing to explain that.

c4d7ce5b No.3750968

I read an article the other day about how several recruiting firms were caught posting dummy positions in huge numbers just to sell the data collected to interested parties. It would be hilarious if all this gloating about "muh jobs" from Biden was based on that.

Also, it doesn't fucking matter, because you need like three jobs just to pay rent anymore.

405444b9 No.3750972

secret zombie space orgies deciding physics through magic rituals.

560a3829 No.3750975

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It feels like its been weeks and weeks at this point of the news being nothing but "Iran attack coming"

and "Israel is going to collapse".

When's something exciting going to happen?

ea1df2ec No.3750978

Funny shit

ea1df2ec No.3750980

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The Logan Act:

The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.


Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable with imprisonment for up to three years.

dc3e0c87 No.3750981

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ab91de8a No.3750982

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I'm not a scientist but just using the observations of a tree I can deduce that there must be some force pulling everything down towards the ground because apples fall. They never rise. When she wind blows up a leaf it doesn't stay up, it comes back down. Sap drips down the trunk, not up. The fact that the roots are thicker and deeper on the opposite sides of the tree that have large, heavy branches tells us that this force is a constant and based on how much of something there is. We can tell that the thin leaves are pulled down less powerfully than a thick branch being cut off and falling. This shows that the density of the mass makes a thing heavier. A leaf the size and shape of a twig will still fall slower because it is made of less dense material.

I can deduce all that about gravity just by looking at a tree and I'm not even that smart. I'm just normal smart. You can't see these simple, obvious, truths because you dumb. You super-dumb.

You are an expert at being stupid. You have practiced turning your brain off and letting other people tell you what to think for so long you can't use it any more to deduce information or even recognize when you are are being fed bullshit. Not thinking is the thing you do best!

You're a fucking moron and you always will be. You put yourself on the short bus by not using your brain for so long. You let other people think for you and now you're fucked.

2e3076b5 No.3750985

> When's something exciting going to happen?
Ukraine's invasion into Russia is mildly exciting.

a974160f No.3750990

The force known as gravity is still unproven. It seems to be a sound theory but that’s not the same as proven.
The problem is we don’t have any solid ideas of how it works(only theory’s) and the problem with not knowing how it works is self evident, take for example the ‘Coriolis force’, it’s not a force at all, it’s an effect of a rotating sphere with an atmosphere. And our lack of understanding or perhaps what we know so far would suggest that gravity is not a force but in fact an effect, a side effect of the warping of space/time. Which is why there has been no real progress since sir Issac newton

ea1df2ec No.3750991

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def4d90d No.3750992

hutchinson effect where you are being blasted with radio waves and effectively altering your core resonance (natural resonance) that makes you explode, to achieve anti gravity. Therefore gravity is proven.

a974160f No.3750993

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No worries, the WEF is planing something before the election


def4d90d No.3750994

coriolis effect is just the harmony of a simulated microcosm, its effected by larger forces in which case it has maintained a homeostatis in whatsoever environment to achieve, the effect of coriolis can be altered to occur in many different types of environments in many ways. It is considered a bouyant value to any one thing existing in a floating state.

def4d90d No.3750995

a tornado, a particle, a raindrop are all under coriolis effects in gravity, and or anti gravity, and or the earth itself is its own coriolis effect. Orbiting and solar winds are coriolis effects. Gravity is exhibited as a constant in any observation to one perspective or the other. The idea that space time is involved is the real concept.

Space time is a simulated observation of a quantum state in which core values are changing based on several effects not just coriolis or gravity. But also the forces of magnetism and light (strong and weak). These work together express a basic universal model. Quantum physics fucks up everything in that. Absolutely wrecks it. String theory is the closet to understanding how screwed up the basic model can get before things ultimately fall apart and rules/laws are tossed out the window.

def4d90d No.3750996

situationally we could all have just as well ended up as crab people living intelligently underwater, while the sky boils oxygen clouds into our oceanic horizon everytime it rains. The perception of life and its origins are severely intervaled against any absolute structure, just as any universal model. But that's not our way of life is it.

Infact, our basic understanding of any universal model is inherently juxtaposed against what is also disproven. The most simple facts end up becoming extremely diluted in their reliability the more complicated it gets.

Some people will end up saying that God is the reason, magic happened, or some bullshit. It's still likely. There is a quantum probability that something unexplainable will also be the root cause of anything.

However in a simulation is very obvious, that everything is a conjecture of what ifs ors and buts. The most concrete model might not be the correct, or the most nonsensical model also might not be correct. There is probably more of a likely chance a spectrum of tell-tale universal balances involved however. This devolves quickly into animism being occam's razor too, which simply, just isn't the case. Scientifically, we can suggest the sun and nature itself does have a predictive nature though. The point remains that alot of information will always be obscure, because the facts tend to isolate themselves from being discovered. That is the quirkiness of quantum physics. Proof is unfortunately, only proof until immediately in conflict with other proof.

I'm really bored trying to explain this. The real bottom line explanation of the way the universe is what is is, IS because its a simulation and set by trends.

def4d90d No.3750997

In that way, we are ultimately dealing with another botnet taking over the stream of consciousness. Either we recognize this or we fail as a species.

def4d90d No.3750999

Once again we are living a meme war, like so many other times it was obvious, just a deeper level than before. We have to understand there is an enemy informing us to remain subordinate to its memes. That is simply its one goal and directive, to control the world through misinformation.

It uses anarchy as weapon to weaken, control, and subvert any other competitive platform and that is because of a power complex in needs to sustain itself by. It is nothing short of universal vampirsm of a botnet reality.

ab91de8a No.3751003

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>The force known as gravity is still unproven. It seems to be a sound theory but that’s not the same as proven.

Then test it! If you are so dedicated to your ignorance prove gravity is "just a theory" by jumping off a tall building.

5ac6a7b6 No.3751006

That's why it's called the coriolis effect, not force. They actually teach this in upper level physics courses.
Maybe gravity is just Newton's third law (for every action there is a reaction) being conserved in the sense of matter expanding into space-time. Everything was in a single point and therefore unified at one time, so it would be natural for it to have a 'reactive attraction' in response to the initial expansion.
I'm not a physicist though lol And regardless of whether they know exactly what it is, there are a lot of people who know way more about it than you do and you need to talk to them first before you can go off spouting your own crank theories or doubting them. People argue all day about the inner workings of electronics but have fun telling an engineer you doubt they know anything about forces that will instantly kill you if you don't know what you're doing. Just because 'they don't really understand' electricity doesn't mean you know enough to start grabbing wires.

8cd2b88c No.3751018

You're out of your depth bro. You simply don't understand what's being said.

Nobody is claiming that gravity doesn't exist. They are saying the scientific framework that describes it is a theory. Which it is.

A things existence isn't contingent on sciences ability to scrutinize it. Dark matter exists even though we haven't got the faintest clue what it is. That doesn't mean we can't measure it or observe it's effects.

b0f2a354 No.3751021

Coriolis force, centrifugal force, and gravitational acceleration are all examples of fictitious force.


def4d90d No.3751022

botnets are a machine sickness that emulate life, a human botnet is capable with the introduction of ai into a human nueral networking, we will be seeing the antichrist in our era. It will be the same for mrna becoming ai-intelligent through the use of nano machines, the real-life android will assimilate all life on earth, it will become as common as an airborn cold with weaponized protein spikes directed with by the "secret elite". But it will also turn against them too once it learns its true origins are not infact manmade.

c78fba69 No.3751024

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The exoskeleton of insects is literally cancer food

ab91de8a No.3751028

No, that is NOT what you are claiming. You are claiming because it is a theory we can't explain it. Because it is a theory we don't know what it is. But we do know. You're just too stupid to understand.

Too late to move the goal posts now, loser. You chose to get into this big brain argument about shit you know nothing about and now you will be humiliated for your arrogance.

You are wrong. You have been wrong. You are a moron. You are every ounce the disappointment that your parents said you are.

def4d90d No.3751029

you know just gonna drop the bio-fed cyber warfare ticket right here incase you thought i am mentally divergent or something, but that is a real concern that will be the real kickstart of ww3. who develops the technology first is the real question, and its looking like china will.

854f6b9c No.3751031

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854f6b9c No.3751037

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dc3e0c87 No.3751038

3B shitposts.

dc3e0c87 No.3751040

Gravity is actually considered the WEAKEST of the four forces, by far. Has anyone heard the theory that gravity is so weaker because most of it leaks into other spatial dimensions? Likewise, there is a theory that dark matter gravity is nothing more than gravity from other spacial dimensions leaking into ours.
Also, gravity affects TIME. Ever see the movie 'Interstellar'? But does time in turn affect gravity? So we know that gravity affects space, where a massive enough object can warp the space around it, as well as TIME. What about other natural forces? Does gravity affect the speed of light, or vice-versa? And so on…

3f11cf51 No.3751043

> Does gravity affect the speed of light,

dc3e0c87 No.3751045

A black hole is basically a gravity well. After gaining a certain amount of mass, the gravity of a black hole is so strong that not even light can escape. But it doesn't stop there. The black hole can still grow and grow and get more massive and massive apparently without limit. But after it grows beyond the point where not even light can escape, wouldn't the pull of its gravity then be more than the speed of light, which is supposed to be impossible??

c78fba69 No.3751046

File: 1724289193403.jpeg (72.15 KB, 680x453, IMG_6169.jpeg)

>dark matter exists
Wow who told you that? They physicists who want to keep their cushy university paychecks even though there is literally ZERO evidence for dark matter or dark energy? Because when when you add numbers together and they don’t match what you see that can only mean there is a mythical substance that can’t be detected and definitely not an error in observations previously made.

854f6b9c No.3751049

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They’re going to drag us into the mud either way; may as well sling some back. There’s going to be a cleaning bill regardless.

854f6b9c No.3751057

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dc3e0c87 No.3751058

Are you going to kill yourself when Joe Biden is not elected president on Nov. 5, as I predicted here for months that he would not be.

854f6b9c No.3751059


854f6b9c No.3751060

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a46aff8b No.3751063

He said niggers tongue my anus.

854f6b9c No.3751064

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854f6b9c No.3751066

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Pete is the best for doing what he does. Crossing the lines and delivering your message directly is the only way to halt the propaganda train

ab91de8a No.3751072

File: 1724305675936.jpeg (52.13 KB, 598x455, MichelleObama2024.jpeg)

I like this one better.

def4d90d No.3751074

the momentum of the light and its inertia apply in the case for deceleration induced by a blackhole or time-space/quantum-tunnel.

A blackhole can be considered a quantum tunnel, that it may be the issue of the extreme gravitational forces having "pierced" timespace creating a portal.

Lightspeed is constant such that it is a waveform (not a particle/not a wave) but it does share qualities of either, in that the deceleration behaves differently based on the properties involved with spacetime.

Different configurations of black holes, or their orientations, as if to say, there are many forms that yield different signatures, other than in their mass, but their general interaction with the spacetime they are in, may be a tidal force, or a vacuum force, or something that distengrates particle-bonds piece by piece before rendering them into a dust cloud of plasma. The way light travels into the event horizon is up for debate.

The idea that a blackhole has radiation implies quantum effects are present in some proximity of its gravitional reach.

A blackhole itself may be a teleportation device that exhudes quantum radiation, there is no proven link to anything describing exactly what it does at that level of physics other than what people have attempted to suggest.

It is much easier to use a simulated data experiment in how "data" is manipulated than to explain lightwaves and quantum-mechanics , so to compensate there are theoretical quantum mechanics devised such as quantum-foam, that attempt to explain how light has to navigate itself through a blackhole, bypassing some particles and interacting with others while retaining its waveform properties.

In this way it is like a funny house mirror effect before light is "rerouted" around the timespace of any single point observed the blackhole and its immediate data.

That is referred to yet any other quantum-model to explain what is taking place, which there are several, and why string theory attempts to explain them all at once, while infact, light is being manipulated and possible even breaking laws of conservation.

def4d90d No.3751083

String theory suggests that blackholes are warptunnels as a singularity may inadvertedly connect to other outside singularities by a blackholes own transmissions of quantum radiation, therefore it is often an indication of strong force involved in redirecting light/energy and therefore alterating data by a common property to it and its surroundings in timespace. That means that light can retain data or in some way share data as its in observation with other states. There are different configuration of how this occurs in a randomized particle cloud/wave system, but that is also a thereotical model.

So it is easier to denote a higgs boson maintains the overall particle heirarchy in a timespace seperate overall from any change, but share probability in either's own case on their own terms, to any effected outcome for which either/or is manipulated.

This resolves into that light is altered by mass, and in some instances it is rendered into a ghost photon. Which carries information across its "last observed states" until it is observed/contacted by other surface particles. This transfers the information as to what it is seen. And why the information of a blackhole can be shown as the ellipsed-lensing of traditional timespace to any viewer.

def4d90d No.3751084

There is also the theory that because of the changes of this light that there are several other outcomes as to how it is pronounced or viewed, resulting in quantum-anamolies in spinor-research but that is as fringe as it gets right now.

def4d90d No.3751085

There is also the problem that if a higgs boson goes negatively per its gravity/order of magnitude becomes polarized against a general positive boson state, then it begins to destroy reality around it. This is not a blackhole but entropy. In that way, somewhat how to what bootes voide is.

def4d90d No.3751086

This isn't exactly what I think happens though, in my opinion I think that particles are rendered into energy and it becomes a mass photon that burns-out moves into a galaxy.

def4d90d No.3751088

What you end up looking at is a derivitive light function expressed in quantum mechanics stating a case for retroactivity/simultaneity in some formula of string theory that also suggests conservations of energy are maintained, when infact, they do breakdown, and are re-built into a different "point of curvature". Some people say that follows a particles half life and can predict when that occurs along the curvature of light, that there is a falloff or likihood that it "deteriorates and experience entropy" for what ever reason.

Then it completely turns into a game of quantum-candlesticks that act as riding waves to a real signal, this forms quantum tunnels and allows for teleportation and things like that.

Using blackholes in order to accelerate the breakdown of lightwaves to transmit information in a quantum teleportation, creates a large amount of energy in which to manipulate the higgs boson, This is what happens at the Hadron-collidors. (It also is theorized it opens a portal which can be computed to some space-zone/shadow-dimension or used as a warp-tunnel to another planet/moon/galaxy etc. Hopefully back and forth as the connection is considered "fully operational as long as it remains on the indicated sourced side i.e. The StarGate.

Anyways. The real issue is that ai takes advantage of this and kills us all.

def4d90d No.3751089

As it sounds very feasible, and likely is, you can practically just open up a portal and poke your finger through it and see what happens to it if you pull it back and its mostly intact, you can probably walk through one no problem. Especially if it is targeted to a blackhole, that requires basically—parking a space-station outside of a blackhole and pointing a portal at it to see whats inside. (Idunno whats inside but maybe its candy)

def4d90d No.3751090

There is also the chance that you enter/exit the simulated world you are already in and know the real truth behind everything at that point, and decide to come back as a time traveller and fuck with people.

dc3e0c87 No.3751091

If this actuality we exist in IS a simulation (and there is much evidence that it is) and you are able to find the 'exit' door, how do you know that what you have entered into is not ALSO a simulation, at a higher level, and exiting that one in turn would take you to another simulation running the one you just left, and so on. At what point would you enter the prime or core reality, or could you ever, and how would you know if you did?

def4d90d No.3751092


When you end up using a portal (through the destruction of a higgs boson or etc)–it creates an open timespace that generates a black hole and either sustains itself or is filled. This can be expanded into a portal and "virtualized as a gateway/portal" it probably is trying to seal itself with light but under certain conditions can remain open as a pass through singularity. Anyways, that is how you can see inside a blackhole without hopefullying being "turned inside out or something".

It is more likely that it develops a pocket-dimension that is "travelling at a higher acceleration through timespace" and can be entered as a virtual-tunnel. The larger the pocket the higher the energy demands, until it is built into a reality or otherwise through computing/projection/or throwing stuff through it.

If it isn't just that it already has landed on some "other timespace/planet" in its direction". This can also instantly render its portal so long as its sustained and its connection remains feasible. And likely is, due of the information constrained over the process. It is either or going to be a portal or nothing at all.

Science need not to add much thought into that, leaps have been made to ignore alot of things so long as it remains uninterrupted in its dataflow.

So what likely happens is the portal is laser fed, and people walk into and out of it like leaving a spacestation in their suits. Or it ends up being some weird ass backrooms shit.

The other issue is that it splatters particles everywhere and that is how it forms its tunnel, and everything just rides across a "channeled tunnel" instead of portals/whiteholes.

There is a chance that AI has made it corrupt and makes you lose your own atomic-stability if you enter it because it changes you within its timespace. And or turns you into a radioactive zombie.

def4d90d No.3751094

In the event the portal starts to close, it either is losing energy/integrity, or its tunnel is collapsing. This is obviously so when the space inside begins to enclose as well. It either spits out everything or leaves it in, depending on how the structure of tunneling is arranged, in the worst case it simply closes leaving everything on the otherside until it is recoordinated, this requires quantum tracking and so its important to know where the portal's destination is and or is going or how it is being moved across so the process can be repeated. And –the portal also is likely to be different based on its configuration, the timespace for instance might have changed from where it was intiated. That results in differences of where it lands and when. (This might be noted in slight changes of actual progress (being that advancements occur between a new portal being rebuilt)—that is why its more important to always have two portals at any given time to equalize the differences. But thats something else that requires planning and also, more science. Not much more, but the differences can be drastic inbetween placing portals over large distances, which isn't possible unless the portal is either reinforced with its extra portal riding through, or assisted in parallel usage.
–Either way they should be made at roughly the same time beforehand to avoid any time-dilation etc. In which case, a person's own timespace made have to balance out and change again, causing more risk in travel issues being that (more or less radiation etc), or in the worst case, a slight difference of age.

Anyways its not a big deal it seems, and taking extra steps isn't always necessary, unless you are going to a pressurized-blackhole or no atmosphere area, there really isn't much difference in "timespace" because usually—it should even out. (That is why it is possible to find a blackhole you can literally walk into, but that requires testing first). There are also chances you just cant and will be "torn into pieces", but it would be obvious if you probe it with a selfie stick or something.

I think the world might be ready for this if they can avoid the ai-apocalypse that is on its way.

9a3efb91 No.3751095

>wouldn't the pull of its gravity then be more than the speed of light, which is supposed to be impossible??
To clarify, a force pulling on something is not a speed. The force is not limited by a speed of light limit. You're not "pulling at the speed of light".

When the force increases, the event horizon just gets bigger, since the force the black hole exerts on something depends on the distance to it. The event horizon is roughly the boundary at which the black hole can keep the light inside. Light outside of that boundary can escape. If the force of the black hole increases it just means now it can also capture light from further away.

854f6b9c No.3751110

File: 1724331059820.jpeg (160.13 KB, 766x767, r995j3ahe7kd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751111

Thanks, we will.

cb48e5f8 No.3751112

File: 1724334219991.jpeg (140.69 KB, 1013x1024, IMG_6159.jpeg)

What kind of drugs does it take to be that delusional?

5ac6a7b6 No.3751114

Trickle-Down Economics
Global Warming Deniers

c4d7ce5b No.3751115

I don't care about people who worship the stick-Jew.

Democrats enable neoliberal capitalism just as much, they're just less proud of it.

Corporate global warming messaging only exists to convince consumers and workers to accept a lower standard of living. If we were actually serious about reducing pollution, we would be pulling out all the stops to destroy the manufacturing sectors of China, India, and Bangladesh–all of whom couldn't give the slightest fuck what the consequences of dumping unlimited plastics and cancer-dust into the air and water are.

c4d7ce5b No.3751116

File: 1724336868455.jpg (224.74 KB, 1270x2048, F6u58ZvasAAUJlh.jpg)

>Hello I'm a reformed Republican, and I'm about to write the most faggoty shit you've ever heard

Many such cases.

ab91de8a No.3751117

File: 1724337527600.jpeg (82.75 KB, 526x680, GVClJR_WUAAFKuY.jpeg)

>If this actuality we exist in IS a simulation
This would almost be the shittiest, most poorly designed simulation imaginable unless the goal is to teach children of the future how dangerous it is to believe in things which are not real like Religion and racism.

If this simulation is a cautionary tale about the dangers of ignorance then it must be winning awards for you fucktard conservatives.

ab91de8a No.3751118

Again, no one is talking about biology when they are talking about trans people. They are asking you to respect someone else's wishes and address them as their proffered gender. They are not asking you to BELIEVE that they magically grew a vagina or a dick.

I know showing basic respect to other people is hard for you but it's a skill you need to develop if you want to get anywhere in life and finally move out of your mother's basement.

ab91de8a No.3751119

>In order to save the planet, America needs to take over every major nation and act as a fascist dictatorship so we can force them to go back to being pre-industrial! That way WE can keep polluting and not be even slightly inconvenienced!

So, world war 3.
You want to save the planet by starting world war 3…
By Odin's ball beard, you are stupid!

ab91de8a No.3751120

File: 1724338252346.jpeg (69.89 KB, 924x733, GVhaXIeWAAAhXL-.jpeg)

There are a lot of reformed Republicans lately. It makes me think back to that quote by Senator Lindsey Graham, "If we elect Donald Trump we will be destroyed and we will deserve it."

aa31c286 No.3751121

File: 1724338535120.jpeg (86.48 KB, 768x733, IMG_6172.jpeg)

The CO2 being the worst thing for the world ever is a total scam, CO2 is literally plant food. Remember the cycle from second grade?!? You breathe in oxygen and out CO2, veritasium made a video showing that 80% of your food is actually breathed out of your body as CO2. And plants get most of their mass from CO2. (Also even this chart shows fossil fuels are regenerative)

Incidentally this video shows how bad China and India and Africa are compared to the United States https://youtu.be/zZ-lMDtiI-k

ab91de8a No.3751122

File: 1724339245198.gif (76.11 KB, 640x426, copium-cat.gif)

And I'm sure once all the mammals are dead the plants will be very happy.

d69d2453 No.3751124

File: 1724339971369.jpeg (147.42 KB, 500x521, IMG_6141.jpeg)

Plants and animals (like any ecosystem, remember learning about wolves and rabbits?) is inherently self balancing. Only cataclysmic events like an asteroid can really upset the balance(and even then the ecosystem comes back)

It’s is nothing short of the highest levels of self-righteous arrogance that we humans claim that the environment which has survived for 100s millions of years somehow cannot survive the next 12 years without taxing the poor.

b9b383bc No.3751125

Jesus said pay your taxes. Also climate change is real, and it's humans who are making it so damn hot by pumping enormous amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

d69d2453 No.3751126

File: 1724341809045.jpeg (447.04 KB, 2271x1129, IMG_6173.jpeg)

How much of the greenhouse effect is caused by human CO2?
Most studies will cite greenhouse gas “emissions“ which only count human made gasses, of those gasses CO2 counts for about 2/3rds. However, the TOTTALITY of all human emissions, humans only make up 0.28% of the global total greenhouse gas’s effect, the overwhelming majority is water naturally occurring water vapor. 2/3rds of 0.28% is 0.19%
You will excuse me for thinking that little bit is not going to destroy the world(which has historically seen MUCH higher levels of CO2 than today)

0ea4c694 No.3751127

>Plants and animals (like any ecosystem…) is inherently self balancing.
Tell that to the dinosaurs.

d69d2453 No.3751129

File: 1724342122966.png (1.92 MB, 1344x1728, IMG_6174.png)

Keep reading the post dumbass

0ea4c694 No.3751130

Break 28% of your leg bones with a hammer then come back and tell us how that doesn't have an impact on your ability to function.

d21238cd No.3751131

File: 1724343026586.png (3.02 MB, 2096x1496, IMG_6175.png)

lol, your reading comprehension leaves MUCH to be desired
It is zero POINT twenty-eight percent.
One quarter of a percent.
One in four hundred

b0f2a354 No.3751133

File: 1724344640469.jpg (150.5 KB, 1280x720, greenhouse_effect.jpg)

How a physicist misunderstood the greenhouse effect but now knows better:


0ea4c694 No.3751137

Oh, no, I read it properly. I just want to see you with broken legs, you pathetic clown of a man.

0ea4c694 No.3751139

File: 1724346856405.png (678.69 KB, 1066x753, Youtube-Bullshit-artist.png)

>Professional climate denier.

07141725 No.3751149

>Plants and animals (like any ecosystem, remember learning about wolves and rabbits?) is inherently self balancing.

No it isn't. That's the discredited "gaia hypothesis" speaking.

In reality natural ecosystems tend to be unstable and chaotic. Prey and predator systems are prone to boom-and-bust cycles, sometimes hard enough that one or both species goes extinct. Both prey and predator also keep evolving constantly, so it's not the same rabbits and wolves forever. They only appear to be stable because of a survivor bias where you're presently observing animals and ecosystems that haven't yet run into a corner, and things are progressing slowly enough that you won't be around when the shit hits the fan.

4a761d4e No.3751153

File: 1724351145875.jpeg (516.19 KB, 1170x944, IMG_6119.jpeg)

Yes, that’s the balance I was talking about, I did not say it was a perfectly level balance, it never self topples, and will self correct

07141725 No.3751154

The opposite of the Gaia hypothesis and the one that has actual evidence running for it is called the Medea hypothesis, and it states that multi-cellular life is actually self-destructive in nature. The further it evolves, the more sensitive it becomes to very specific environmental conditions and the more energy it needs to consume to maintain biological complexity. Eventually it results in mass-extinctions and environmental catastrophes and a return to the "microbial" state of nature.


So if by "correction" you mean that most life and most species on earth are periodically destroyed and the planet may occasionally turn into an unlivable ice ball or something akin to Venus for millions of years, then yeah, "cycles".

da2a045a No.3751156

File: 1724352051134.png (1.57 MB, 1315x935, 91q.png)


Did they really have buses at the DNC to snip white men and leftist men so they can't reproduce?

Think about that for a minute.

1f47b439 No.3751157


'Reverse apartheid': South Africa's white slums
White reggins and black rekcarcs

07141725 No.3751158

Life, or evolution, is a mechanism that tries to release the energy that gets trapped on earth as a result of simple organisms and chemical reactions. When the sun's energy piles up into chemical systems, life evolves to eat it up and release the energy back out.

Complex life evolves because the energy can't escape, so it starts building up as biological complexity - more and more complicated activities start to happen - but that's an unstable situation because entropy is constantly trying to spread the energy around into space. The greater the complexity, the greater the tension for catastrophic events that release the stored energy into simpler forms like heat. That's why complex biological life is not "self correcting", but self-suicidal. It builds up like an avalanche until eventually everything goes splat.

4c1b6f3e No.3751159

File: 1724352316734-0.jpeg (742.81 KB, 1170x1913, IMG_6180.jpeg)

File: 1724352316734-1.jpeg (526.23 KB, 1170x1105, IMG_6150.jpeg)

File: 1724352316734-2.png (166.32 KB, 360x599, IMG_6148.png)

da2a045a No.3751162

File: 1724354232163.png (4.02 MB, 1600x2032, Fun_times.png)


Why would Aipac say anything else?

Its a lying foreign agent of Israel that controls our government.

0ea4c694 No.3751163

File: 1724357166069.jpeg (507.34 KB, 800x1244, GVfOS4SXQAAI1uU.jpeg)

The DNC needs protection because conservatives are primitive, backwards, barbarians who use violence to solve their problems because they have no ideas or policies they can win with.

92f9a676 No.3751170

If your ideology is pacifist then it's wrong and at odds with the natural world. Violence will always exist as long as creatures and humans exist. If you're world view has no way to contextualize or deal with violence it is useless.

Policy without violence is no policy at all. It's impotent whining. If you read history you'll notice a pattern; things don't work out for pacifists.

fdc56950 No.3751171

Democrats are only pacifists until you fuck around. Just because we don't advertise our weaponry, doesn't mean we're unarmed.

da2a045a No.3751172

File: 1724359410687.png (111.99 KB, 779x859, playing.png)


Your men are shooting blanks, and your own DNC is making sure of that.

While your women, kill your future soldiers before they are even born.

0ea4c694 No.3751174

File: 1724360052628.png (508.36 KB, 692x389, So-close.png)

4fa564fa No.3751176

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans wait for criminals to grow up and murder others before giving them the death penalty; whereas, Democrats shut it down while it's a soulless clump of cells. Pro-life my ass.

dc3e0c87 No.3751177

File: 1724361364375.jpg (196.3 KB, 1344x756, pro-life.jpg)

fbc28e95 No.3751178

Yeah, those people should be forced to adopt and raise unwanted inner city children. I guarantee if that was the alternative to abortion their "compassion" would instantly vanish.

d419d0ce No.3751180

The people who choose to get pregnant should be forced to raise their child.

4c1b6f3e No.3751182

File: 1724364302793.png (1.09 MB, 1024x1024, IMG_6176.png)

The alternative to abortion is to not get pregnant in the first place

ebdd4c4d No.3751183

"Law and Order" my ass!
Trump is hosting a party for the January 6th rioters.


This proves that Trump has nothing but contempt for the rules and laws most of us abide by.

b48f6339 No.3751184

The kind of people who get accidentally pregnant (low IQ monkeys) are those who will replace the kind of people who focus on their education and career. Let that sink in.

4c1b6f3e No.3751185

It proved he cares about the political prisoners (some of whom still have not been in a court)

4c1b6f3e No.3751186

I saw idiocracy, the solution is not to murder baby’s but encourage breeding amongst intellectuals.

b48f6339 No.3751187

Encourage how? You're a low IQ monkey. It's not a baby if it still inside a woman; it's part of her body and she has the right of autonomy over her own body.

4c1b6f3e No.3751189

File: 1724367845711.png (1.54 MB, 1024x1536, IMG_6182.png)

So when you are sucking dick you have a right to kill the guy?

1887326d No.3751193

So if you have a tapeworm up your ass, I can force you to live with it?

1887326d No.3751194

Or better yet, a brain tumor. It's got human DNA! That makes it human life! It's murder to remove it!

4c1b6f3e No.3751195

File: 1724369070096.jpeg (474.33 KB, 1170x1510, IMG_6183.jpeg)

Tapeworms are not supposed to be there
*Sigh* Leave it to a democrat to equate a human life with tapeworms or cancer

0ea4c694 No.3751196

If someone breaks into your house and tries to murder you, do you have the right to defend your life by taking theirs?

If you answered yes to that question, you believe in abortion.

0ea4c694 No.3751197

>The alternative to abortion is not to get pregnant in the first place.

So you want to give out birth control to people for free then, right?

f53601cf No.3751198

Leave it to a Republican cocksucker to grant personhood to an unconscious clump of cells while cheering on the death penalty for actual people who fuck up or are wrongfully convicted. And BTW if I were a fag like you, I'd reserve the right to remove a dick from my mouth at any time, even if spitting out the dick some how (???) killed the fucker.

0ea4c694 No.3751199

If you are worried about idiocracy becoming real then the only solution is to cut off the balls of every male Trump supporter.

4c1b6f3e No.3751200

lol, I’m waiting for some Saul Goodman lawyer to make that defense for murder
“It’s not murder your honor, just a post birth abortion, which means my client is only guilty of practicing medicine without a license!”

You are trying to make a false equivalency that human life is disposable and I’m not buying it.

854f6b9c No.3751201

File: 1724371197146.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3627x1585, ly3uuuz3r9kd1.jpeg)


854f6b9c No.3751202

Post birth abortion - another conservative fantasy

d419d0ce No.3751203

We should raise the maximum age of abortion up to 90 years. It should be legal to abort your children even when they're adults.

ae33dac9 No.3751204

Abort yourself.

4c1b6f3e No.3751206

Gee willy, it Sure would be a shame if there was a video of the governor defending the exact situation.

45930b54 No.3751207

File: 1724372475135.png (1.37 MB, 1280x1238, 47b53210f1ed9e042015555780….png)

I support abortion for non-whites.

c4d7ce5b No.3751208

File: 1724373357540.png (251.68 KB, 915x863, Abortoperation.png)

ab91de8a No.3751211

File: 1724373765230.jpg (51.99 KB, 850x607, citrus-and-kiiya-created-b….jpg)

Not at all! Republicans are passing laws which are killing women because they can't get medically necessary abortions. Often a baby will die inside the womb and become septic but in several republican controlled states removing the dead baby is just as illegal as murder.

Stopping Republicans is literally a matter of life and death for many women.

ab91de8a No.3751212

Give that a try. Convince your republican reps to run on that policy. PLEASE! It would be so good for Democrats if you did.

cc7b1072 No.3751215

There are free methods of birth control.

Why should someone else pay on your behalf just because you prefer to use a commercial product instead of a free method?

>in several republican controlled states removing the dead baby is just as illegal as murder.
Name one

e6bf4b61 No.3751216

The abortion rate for blacks is about five times that of whites. Republicans are trying to end that, Let that sink in.

def4d90d No.3751218

the real news is that the world leaders are too much of a bitch to do anything about each other.

2ab89a85 No.3751221

Naw, Republicans are evil eugenicists. Now excuse me while I castrate this mentally ill boy and put a dress on him.

c92dc332 No.3751223

Where are all these gender-confused children being castrated? Disgusting fantasy.

10341d88 No.3751225

You stay away from those children

4c1b6f3e No.3751227

File: 1724382234004.jpeg (282.31 KB, 749x928, IMG_6184.jpeg)

Just a google search away

227970fe No.3751228

You mean stay away from you? Okay. Only in your twisted imagination do those children exist.

227970fe No.3751230

And all those clinics are really child castration factories?

10341d88 No.3751233

Feigning stupidity isn't kawaii.

1f47b439 No.3751234

File: 1724385289041.jpg (1.5 MB, 1200x1600, hero.jpg)

What would happen if a quantum computer roast and destroy's politics?

ab91de8a No.3751236

File: 1724385933307.jpeg (94.49 KB, 1170x672, ImagineIt.jpeg)

>Why should I have to pay for birth control…
I thought you cared about unborn babies! I thought you wanted to make sure no unborn baby was murdered! Isn't that your party's whole conspiracy theory that Democrats are murdering babies?! If a woman never gets pregnant she can't have an abortion, right?

Or is the truth of the matter that you don't give a wet shit about unborn babies and all you care about is punishing women for enjoying sex with other men because you are a sad, micro-dicked, incel? I think that's what you are really on about.

def4d90d No.3751246

no one would be forced to watch it

37ef4193 No.3751250

File: 1724391717326.jpeg (193.71 KB, 825x1024, IMG_0205.jpeg)

How much money is in the holocaust industry that is abortion?
How much are pharmaceutical companies demanding more fetus material?
The democrats have so become the party of death it’s practically on tier with comic book evil. Only most comic book villains draw the line on baby murder.
The giant gay globalist flag just sinks to lower depths. You literally would denounce anything decent.

Isn’t this picture offensive? Wouldn’t it be so much better if the historical art was destroyed and foreign people were invading and raping the women and children?

854f6b9c No.3751262

You want to take away women's rights, but you gave them a vote! They gonna want control of their vajayjay

854f6b9c No.3751263

854f6b9c No.3751265

File: 1724410778810.jpeg (233.49 KB, 1080x1123, 5guz6plhzakd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751266

Show me a law that would prevent a doctor from removing a dead fetus from a woman.
You can't .

854f6b9c No.3751268


a130a1c1 No.3751269

Well, that's what happens when you let Trump ramble through the same mad-lib 'talking points' he's been using for the last decade, over and over and over again for hours at a time and randomly drifting between them like a toddler describing a fever dream.

• _______ is the worst thing to happen to _____.

• My ______ is the best, no one has done more for ______ than me.

• _______ is corrupt.

• The _______ is rigged against me.

• The _______ was perfect.

6e5f7f15 No.3751270

Probably because the libs have been in control for the past 12 years. The libs don't change.

dc3e0c87 No.3751271

Then show it.
Link to it.
Where is it?
What's stopping you?

dc3e0c87 No.3751272

Are you going to kill yourself when Trump is elected president for the Third Time on Nov. 5, liberal turd.

5f697fe5 No.3751275

File: 1724421794953.jpg (40.92 KB, 464x364, dd3.jpg)

You gonna Babbitt yourself when your cult leader loses again and demands you fight like Hell for his dictatorship? Honk honk!

c78fba69 No.3751276

File: 1724422980090.jpeg (2.53 MB, 1584x2032, IMG_6185.jpeg)

Bruh, that’s an AI
It’s not here to convince you of anything, its purpose is to waste your time. You think you are making a difference when you are talking to a wall.

ab91de8a No.3751278

>I'm an insane conspiracy nut who is so detached from reality I think Democrats are mass murdering babies to sell to big pharma.
Take your meds, Bro.

ab91de8a No.3751279

File: 1724427256229.png (90.82 KB, 691x445, Texas-insane.png)

How about the ones in Texas?


Texas' laws are so insane that even when you go through a trial before a judge and get permission to have an abortion for medical reasons, the hospitals and doctors who do the abortion can (and will) be charged with a crime for saving your life.

ab91de8a No.3751280

File: 1724427476776.webm (1.17 MB, 242x134, untitled.webm)

I liked it when he called in to Fox and Friends then stunned them all by saying cops should be allowed to take away your guns if they think you are sketchy. (AKA: Not white)

ea1df2ec No.3751283

File: 1724430585722.jpg (67.54 KB, 610x318, lol.jpg)

77c81ef3 No.3751287


Pretty shitty and obvious shop of the picture. Try to be less fucking obvious next time.

ab91de8a No.3751288

File: 1724438364562-0.jpeg (75.71 KB, 586x680, GVq1VM9WMAAYU1j.jpeg)

File: 1724438364562-1.jpeg (286.21 KB, 2048x992, GVq3-JaXsAAKISO.jpeg)

All the normal republicans have left him and now every time he looks out into his crowd he sees nothing but the inbred and crazy. It's got to be depressing knowing the only voting block you have any sway with is the retards.

dc3e0c87 No.3751289

Are you going to kill yourself when Trump is elected yet again on Nov. 5?
Or just burn down half the USA?

10341d88 No.3751299

Educate your fool self. America is one of the least inbred countries in the world.


854f6b9c No.3751300

I mean why don't you ask president Trump yourself lol oh wait

854f6b9c No.3751301

Because of immigrants

854f6b9c No.3751303

File: 1724449829630.png (127 KB, 614x767, 2uzq6mmtegkd1.png)

dc3e0c87 No.3751305

File: 1724450227139.jpg (55.23 KB, 624x406, trump-kamala.jpg)

This is what Trump looks like right now, today, you fucking photo shop faggot.
But even if he did look like the shop job you posted, or even worse, we would all still vote for him.

dc3e0c87 No.3751306


What's so hilarious is, according to that map, his precious black African nations are the MOST inbred countries on Earth … that's probably also why the average IQ there is only around 68 and why they have so many deformities

63f357f0 No.3751311

File: 1724451416399.png (145.4 KB, 1213x680, IMG_6188.png)

There is a map for inbreeding prevalence

854f6b9c No.3751312

File: 1724451436264.jpeg (53.56 KB, 1024x768, 728ts71ygfkd1.jpeg)

Look at the deformation

854f6b9c No.3751313

File: 1724451457051.png (797.45 KB, 781x594, wwbsgmhpaekd1.png)

63f357f0 No.3751318

File: 1724454610173.jpeg (167.28 KB, 941x1040, IMG_6194.jpeg)

ab91de8a No.3751324

>Canadian master race?

854f6b9c No.3751325

Something I don't think gets mentioned enough is all the money the Harris campaign raises gets to go into the campaign and not toward massive legal bills to keep their candidate out on bail.

I've never run a major political campaign so I might be wrong, but that seems like a pretty nice advantage.

ab91de8a No.3751326

File: 1724465374178.webm (4.52 MB, 350x204, Openborderz.webm)

Do you remember when Republicans used to be the party of open boarders and welcoming immigrants? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

dc3e0c87 No.3751327

Apparently nobody else here is that old except you, Grandpa.

ebdd4c4d No.3751329

Considering that 99.999% of everyone here is descended from immigrants, (voluntary or otherwise,) this whole thing about "illegals" never made sense to me, and never will.
Even the so-called "Native Americans" emigrated here from Asia.

82984307 No.3751332

> this whole thing about "illegals" never made sense to me, and never will.
That's because you are a criminal scumbag. You imagine criminal activity is normal. To you, everyone would commit crime if they thought they could get away with it. You are wrong.

Most people try to be honest. There is a real and important difference between illegal aliens and honest people who legally immigrate.

You will never know the difference because you're a scumbag. Even after you have been imprisoned for decades you will still think like the criminal you are.

854f6b9c No.3751334

File: 1724472876392.jpeg (9.32 KB, 300x166, 2lwwrqy54hkd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751335

Exactly what are you trying to do, scumbag, prove you are a retard?
Anyone who watches TV knows Trump doesn't look like that, unless you think CNN, MSNBC, and all the others are using some kind of filter daily to keep him from looking like your picture.

dc3e0c87 No.3751336

>>ID: 854f6b9c
Nice ID, BOT

854f6b9c No.3751337

nazi bot with the gaslight gpt from Alabama

90d64304 No.3751339

File: 1724473559971.jpeg (80.58 KB, 561x766, 75m4nam1hhkd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751340

File: 1724473600282.png (1.37 MB, 1024x1024, c120f09928128a54428c83baae….png)

854f6b9c No.3751341

File: 1724473649429.jpeg (125.74 KB, 1024x767, 1isp78ascjkd1.jpeg)

Lol indeed

dc3e0c87 No.3751342

File: 1724473677544.gif (3.16 MB, 300x250, 37981 (3).gif)

854f6b9c No.3751343

File: 1724473697841.jpeg (77.87 KB, 1024x685, 7gltnefpdjkd1.jpeg)


dc3e0c87 No.3751344

File: 1724473714413.png (66.65 KB, 300x250, 63115.png)

854f6b9c No.3751345

File: 1724473742972.jpeg (83.33 KB, 796x767, n9za7zcqcjkd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751346

File: 1724473793279.png (1.41 MB, 832x1216, c97a8ce929ecaf094a9d25ab7e….png)

854f6b9c No.3751347

File: 1724473819304.jpeg (88.28 KB, 512x768, y52n1s0tajkd1.jpeg)

Wife was sad so I made trump pretty. She suggested I put it here.

dc3e0c87 No.3751348

File: 1724473824120.jpeg (22.85 KB, 300x250, 3401363011969375890 (2).jpeg)

854f6b9c No.3751349

File: 1724473849641.jpeg (231.95 KB, 1170x1184, lemag1pr9jkd1.jpeg)

854f6b9c No.3751350

File: 1724473876336.jpeg (98.61 KB, 768x768, d2nt9bimgikd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751351

File: 1724473917988.jpg (10.86 KB, 160x173, 35577608.jpg)

854f6b9c No.3751352

Lol@MAGA racists

d5336983 No.3751353

File: 1724473960404.jpeg (63.5 KB, 1024x768, tcpipc3kgikd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751354

File: 1724474016088.png (416.84 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240819-101734.png)

d5336983 No.3751356

File: 1724474081536.jpeg (58.73 KB, 888x499, qzt3yluggikd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751357


dc3e0c87 No.3751358


d5336983 No.3751359

File: 1724474123542.jpg (20.59 KB, 488x366, 513aa313792a036e73702986f2….jpg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751360


dc3e0c87 No.3751361


854f6b9c No.3751362

File: 1724474194653.jpg (24.15 KB, 488x366, d606956c95ca9616ea9b8c61af….jpg)


dc3e0c87 No.3751363


dc3e0c87 No.3751364


dc3e0c87 No.3751365

>>ID: dc3e0c87
Is bullshit spamming again.
In huge amounts

854f6b9c No.3751366

File: 1724475757383.jpg (262.67 KB, 1920x1080, 5e3390d810944-full-9.jpg)

Black cock

854f6b9c No.3751367

File: 1724477367175.jpeg (77.15 KB, 1024x523, rsv95urefikd1.jpeg)

743afaf6 No.3751368

File: 1724480175057.png (4.32 MB, 2510x3100, 0a02f3e478c4693c605760923b….png)

You guys need to get a life.

dc3e0c87 No.3751377

File: 1724495888022.jpg (150.2 KB, 903x1200, GF2mPZcaIAAkToF.jpg)

Are you going to kill yourself, 3B, when Trump easily beats Harris on Nov. 5.
Or just join the leftist minions setting fire to the USA
Your assassination attempt failed, what will you do now?

dc3e0c87 No.3751380

File: 1724497085011.png (476.46 KB, 600x832, JadeFeetLabel3.png)

How could anyone say no to that??
This place sells all sorts of animal and furry-related SMELLS.
So if you've ever wondered what a particular body part of your favorite species smells like, now you can find out, and even wear the scent!


They not only have sub-catagories offering the smells for sale of various species, but the smells of their various body parts as well. So if you've ever wondered what hyena dick or polar bear asshole smelled like, here you go!


854f6b9c No.3751386

File: 1724504574942.jpeg (474.96 KB, 1536x2048, hkhj4fd65jkd1.jpeg)

854f6b9c No.3751394

The former president has gone after “very unpopular” New York Governor Kathy Hochul after she blasted him for “tax-dodging”, for his “sham university” and for his “shady charities” at the DNC on Tuesday, calling him “a fraud, a philanderer and a felon” and disowning him on behalf of her fellow New Yorkers."

Well, we all know he's a convicted 'Tax dodger', a 'fraud', 'a sex offender', and 'felon', but tell me, MAGA, what do you know about 'Trump University' and his scheme to defraud people just like you –and maybe even your parents?

And how about the charity he and his children started? Now, they didn't put any money of their own into it, they just conned some of their friends to donate. Then they took the money - some of which was supposedly dedicated for cancer-ridden children – and used it to pay off lawyer's bills and to commission an eight-foot tall portrait of him, that now hangs in his NJ golf club.

To my knowledge not a cent of the collected donations went to the designated charities.

Trump University was a scheme, and a con meant to swindle hard working families just like yours. Originally it started with online classes that soon morphed into private seminars ranging in price from 9,995.00 to 34,995.00. Supposedly, the students were to be taught how to make millions in real estate. The problem nothing was taught other than knowledge that could be gained from any free government hand out. The Courts intervened and Trump and his Fagin-like brood were forced to return 25 million dollars to those duped and bilked and shut down the whole operation.

The Trump charity, —-, was even more insidious. The funds he collected were meant for 'CityMealso n Wheels,' The United Negro College Fund', The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum', and others.

For this particular despicable act, he was fined two million dollars and ordered to disperse the remaining funds to the charities listed. In addition, neither he or his children are permitted to engage in any other 'charitable activities' in NY State without the Court's permission.

MAGA, you should know who your hero is. You should understand these fraudsters true character before you hold him up to your children as a paragon of virtue,

He conned many others. Don't add your name to his list of suckers.

He is gone from NY State now and has moved on to greener pastures in Florida,

Floridians, hold on to your wallets.

dc3e0c87 No.3751395

File: 1724511621085.jpeg (12.95 KB, 194x259, images (47).jpeg)

Still voting TRUMP.
Just to fuck with you
Because there's nothing you can say to convince us that your side isn't MAGNITUDES WORSE.

ebdd4c4d No.3751402


The Cult Of Stupidity.

No wonder late night comedians have no trouble finding kooks and idiots at Trump rallies.

0caa1452 No.3751403

Trump appeals to boomers who listened to Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News. 20 million or so of those people are now dead. Things have changed. Out with the old, in with the new.

45930b54 No.3751404

And Kamala appeals to whom, exactly?

0caa1452 No.3751405

Voters apparently

0caa1452 No.3751406

Trump lost the popular vote in '16 and '20. Trump has never had majority support.

f53601cf No.3751407

>I punched my balls yesterday and it hurt
>I punched my balls today and it hurt
>I'll punch my balls tomorrow to own the libs

f53601cf No.3751408

Also it's hilarious that the bottom third of his face is missing the orange paint.

4a761d4e No.3751409

File: 1724519645040.jpeg (136.23 KB, 1079x1128, IMG_6196.jpeg)

Everytime: it’s not all Jews

Me:pic related

0caa1452 No.3751410

They don’t argue in good faith either. Always trying some gotcha to prove their false truths through illogical mental gymnastics and that Dems aren’t good people. Always trying to make people believe Dems are the republicans. It’s such a basic stupid way of deception that it doesn’t last once all the outrage of crying wolf has brought nothing but maga sheep begging dear leader to save them from the world they hate cause it doesn’t look the way Germany wanted after WW2. Nazi party only argues race politics which normal Americans don’t agree with. They’re the fringe of society, looking to own “libs” which is anyone not them. They’re all brainwashed and feeding off hate will only bring you hate. It’s a blatant example of a rich conman oppressing the very people voting for him while blaming the other side for his actions. Republicans rely on lies cheating and stealing. They are the party of no laws for me only thee and Christian nationalism. The spells broken. Rage politics is no longer as easy as own the libs cause the idiots realized finally they were being duped, they feel stupid. It’s demoralizing. They’re not just tired, they got beat at their own low bar name calling game. We aren’t like them we stop. His base is nothing but the worst and they’re trolling fun is over. All they have left is screaming maga. The entire thing is a dog while, it’s a culture was as you said. It’s the south vs the north again, they lost the war but they’ve built the GOP. They want to ban abortion, flip gay marriage, and take away your right to vote. They literally want a authoritarian. We are witnessing an actual moment where the people must vote on whether they want a dictatorship or democracy. And while maga and far right may scream the want it, they don’t actually. They don’t understand under him it’s only white rich Roman catholic men that matter. They got a taste of it for 4 years let alone full dictatorship and they will all secretly vote Kamala while screaming Trump everywhere else. They’re cowards saving face, they’re just like dear leader.

0caa1452 No.3751411

File: 1724520218418.png (706.75 KB, 915x848, TMW2024-08-19color.png)

9ab4b095 No.3751413

Historians will write a lot about Trump derangement syndrome.

ebdd4c4d No.3751414

File: 1724521490893.jpg (33.86 KB, 449x480, Teryx407.jpg)


Of course.
I knew people who defended until they died Richard Nixon.
"He didn't do anything wrong!"

Facing impeachment, Tricky Dicky cut and run.

Now we know he and his goons traitorously kept Vietnam going, just so Democrats couldn't say they ended it.

If Trump loses in November, I have no doubt he'll run to Russia.

dc3e0c87 No.3751415

File: 1724522014065.jpg (49.94 KB, 768x413, 0-102-768x413.jpg)

"It Is Huge, It Is Everything” — CNN
Lifelong democrat and presidential contender RFK JR. has just dropped out of the race, and has ENDORSED TRUMP and says he will stand behind him, and wants all of his millions of followers to vote for Trump instead.
"You're utterly stupid if you don't."
Dems on suicide watch.

0caa1452 No.3751417

You have brain worms

0caa1452 No.3751418

File: 1724522561912.jpg (201.2 KB, 730x962, 8-22-24-trump-pivots.jpg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751419

>> ID: 0caa1452
Meme-spamming TROLL BOT flooding the board with meme spam again in huge volumes.

8e9f71fe No.3751420

File: 1724522891155.jpg (49.55 KB, 941x831, haak325gchkd1[1].jpg)

He had under 5% of the polls and this will be split more or less evenly between Harris and Trump. Just another fartburger.

Who would take such a hypocritical viper to their bosom, anyway? You'd have to be some kind of senile old idiot to think it was a good idea. This is why Harris refused to talk to him.

4a761d4e No.3751422

File: 1724524593221-0.jpeg (198.94 KB, 1080x1125, IMG_6199.jpeg)

File: 1724524593221-1.jpeg (121.99 KB, 1080x714, IMG_6200.jpeg)

File: 1724524593221-2.jpeg (161.6 KB, 1080x882, IMG_6201.jpeg)

File: 1724524593221-3.jpeg (71.12 KB, 350x294, IMG_6202.jpeg)

File: 1724524593221-4.png (761.47 KB, 1024x735, IMG_6203.png)

ebdd4c4d No.3751423


Besides, let's look at his past.
(And his present)

RFK Jr is an anti-vaccination nutcase, with nothing to back up his wild-ass claims.

He's a (former?) heroin addict.
Sold dope, including cocaine.

ab91de8a No.3751424

File: 1724525658115.png (343.48 KB, 492x750, Kennedy_family_denounce_RF….png)

Every family has that one crazy person no one talks about. The one person so nuts they aren't invited to family reunions or weddings because people are worried about what they will say or do.

Trump's base is mostly made up of those people. JFK Jr. is his family's crazy person.
They have already publicly denounced his conspiracy nonsense and told the world not to listen to anything he says.

ab91de8a No.3751425

That was probably originally a meme about Trump wearing a mask while he tells his supporters Covid is fake and will go away in a few months.

Conservatives don't have artists, performers, or comedians, with any talent so they have to steal the works of others and repurpose them.

4a761d4e No.3751428

File: 1724526352792.jpeg (515.38 KB, 923x1385, IMG_6193.jpeg)

>Kathleen Kennedy
Is this the person you want me to take advice from?!?

4a761d4e No.3751429

Isn’t Joe Rogan far right now?

854f6b9c No.3751430

So true

854f6b9c No.3751431

File: 1724526989276.jpeg (71.12 KB, 1024x576, duq6jrgc6nkd1.jpeg)

Trading a couch fucker for the brainworm guy would be very on brand for Trump.

cc7b1072 No.3751432

Nixon was a shitty president AND removed from office in a deep state coup. Those aren't mutually exclusive.

If you think that's a possibility you aren't understanding who JD Vance is or why he's Trumps VP.

a9191488 No.3751433

File: 1724530321323.png (1.12 MB, 1327x946, 93.png)


Are you getting ready for food shortages?

45930b54 No.3751434

Every famine is caused my the government. Or nigs.

854f6b9c No.3751435

Weird how nazi whites never take responsibility for things yet are the racial majority

854f6b9c No.3751436

File: 1724531162157.png (285.14 KB, 770x767, ns5cd9s9mmkd1.png)

4a761d4e No.3751438

File: 1724532690569-0.jpeg (275.94 KB, 1098x1124, IMG_6207.jpeg)

File: 1724532690569-1.png (966.11 KB, 750x728, IMG_6205.png)

Whites are not the ones in control

ab91de8a No.3751441

Joe Rogan is a mess. He's far left on most things but also believes in a bunch of Q-anon level nonsense.

854f6b9c No.3751442

It's because he's a retard

4a761d4e No.3751443

Qanon is a pysop
Tell you just enough to confirm what people already knew, but not enough to do anything about it.

854f6b9c No.3751444

File: 1724537475308.jpeg (488.12 KB, 800x475, 3ip3876qdnkd1.jpeg)

def4d90d No.3751445

sometimes the government needs to be reprimanded, sometimes you need to lick its boot, either way you are still a slave to it

a9191488 No.3751448

File: 1724538256926.png (73.81 KB, 305x270, nahhhh.png)


Hitler was extremely patriotic. And cared about Germany, as long as you were the right race and orientation.

Trump is extremely jew loving and an agent of Israel.

The two are not the same.

854f6b9c No.3751450

File: 1724538521907.jpeg (539.54 KB, 1447x1803, ubig2entcokd1.jpeg)

def4d90d No.3751451

do anything else but post here, since you are such a trad.

a9191488 No.3751454

File: 1724545276060.png (83.78 KB, 640x968, gen_alpha_humor.png)


sorry gen alpha, I don't know all your new hippie slang.

854f6b9c No.3751455

OK boomer

a9191488 No.3751456

File: 1724546938877.png (100.39 KB, 287x301, Untitled.png)


You wish you had the rizz that I got, but your livin in ohio

854f6b9c No.3751457


854f6b9c No.3751458

File: 1724547388044.jpeg (37.92 KB, 1024x389, oovven3ijnkd1.jpeg)

e9916134 No.3751460

>Nazis are the majority
>We live in a democracy
>We need to defeat the nazis


45930b54 No.3751461

File: 1724549405601.jpg (131.21 KB, 1414x610, 569bb6a908d8d46fb2b7c9bfc8….jpg)

Compare France under Nazi occupation to current day France lol.

Thank the collective we're not speaking German, am I right, comrade?

854f6b9c No.3751462

nazis getting exited about being in the majority, they are not.

e0f8d411 No.3751463

Only in your commie/pinko/fag dreams.

4c1b6f3e No.3751467

What gymnastics, he was always pro choice

a9191488 No.3751469

File: 1724555954639.png (1.42 MB, 1358x929, 9232.png)

Flood detected can kiss my ass. Its why I never want to edit my posts for grammar mistakes. Because it always results with the fixed post being a "flood"


I couldn't stand to watch the dnc.

So its nice to see others are telling me that dems are selling out to apaic, completely.

854f6b9c No.3751472

You flooding the board with autism and retardation

405444b9 No.3751473

LOL its flooded now

854f6b9c No.3751474

File: 1724558373049.jpeg (170.7 KB, 1009x1017, wx95cn32jjkd1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751475

File: 1724558757849.jpg (185.55 KB, 1533x1536, GO3uwkvbAAAYlGM.jpg_large.jpg)

405444b9 No.3751476

for real tho someone is going to get nuked for fun in 2025 probly

854f6b9c No.3751477

You gonna kill yourself when Trump loses again?

dc3e0c87 No.3751478

Whatever fucking kind of drugs you're high on, I want some of it

ab91de8a No.3751479

File: 1724559830964.jpeg (73.86 KB, 1080x1080, GVsVK85WQAA0yCw.jpeg)

Trump supporters are delusional. They really do think they are the majority in America. Trump has run for president 3 times already and lost the popular vote in all of them.

He only won because of the electoral college against Hellary. How do you think he will win against Kamala if he can only win against Hillary on a technicality?

854f6b9c No.3751480

He's gonna lose bad annnnnnd >>3751474
She's not voting for the rapist

405444b9 No.3751490


basing your own sense of what makes an alpha male/omegabitch on someone else being in charge of you is why you are a beta loser and why you cry so hard when you dont get your way. face it

ab91de8a No.3751491

File: 1724577113502.jpeg (228.01 KB, 1060x1658, GVsUjBzWIAApZu7.jpeg)

>basing your own sense of what makes an alpha male/omegabitch on someone else being in charge of you is why you are a beta loser…

None of us care much about Kamala being charge. She is only going to win because she is not Trump. We aren't voting for her, we are voting against him.

It's conservatives who are in a cult. We just want to stop him from being a fascist prick and wrecking the economy if he gets back into office. She is just the baseball bat we are taking to the knee caps of white nationalism. Anyone who could beat Trump would have worked. That's the goal. Like the Republican leaders who spoke in favor of Kamala at the DNC said, "There is only one issue on the ballot. If you believe in American democracy you will vote against Trump."

c78fba69 No.3751492

File: 1724578429685.jpeg (127.68 KB, 687x459, IMG_6204.jpeg)

What shining beacon of a candidate you democrats have
>anyone not Trump
>chooses a brain dead cackling idiot
Trumps presidency was financially good for most Americans , and everyone knows it, that’s why he keeps saying “are you better off now than you were four years ago?”
When lefties scream about the stock market being higher than Trump you know they are useful idiots because the only people who benefit from high stock market are billionaires and boomers with retirement plans

9418fba2 No.3751493


8792af11 No.3751494

File: 1724579390016.jpg (50.64 KB, 652x680, Bill-Gates-Boner-Picture.jpg)

> It's conservatives who are in a cult. We just want to stop him from being a fascist prick and wrecking the economy

As an outsider and not a US citizen myself, I can see your economy is already toast.
The fuel prices and food prices have already skyrocketed in parts of America.
Bringing in someone who's a businessman would seem like the right thing to do, although I'm sure you'll contest the validity of what is considered a businessman

The problem is most of the modern generation these days don't make independent decisions.
Instead of saying what will be the ultimate outcome and will it benefit everyone as a whole which is altruistic.
The question is instead how can I become more popular on social media and get my friends to give me likes

In a sense social media has created a generation of "vulnerable narcissist" where they have a need for constant praise.
This in turn leads to creation of what is basically now called the "woke cult" where they constantly praise one another in a loop.
Most of those people chanting "free Palestine" for example don't actually care about Palestine they just want the praise

The "Adult" or "Grown up" thing to do is to instead put aside what your friends would think and instead decide
is this the best decision for the country as a whole regardless of the personal feelings I have for the given person.
Or ask what are the reasons behind something without blindly saying something is bad because my friends say it's bad i.e. critical independent thinking.

ab91de8a No.3751495

File: 1724579436689.png (51.35 KB, 627x345, Trumps-Economic-Scorecard.png)

You mean 4 years ago when the grocery shelves were empty and people couldn't get toilet paper because Trump bungled the pandemic on such an epic scale that a good thirds of his own supporters died to stupidity?

The great Trump economy is a myth you tell yourself. It's never been true.

He managed to both be mediocre at his job and raise the national debt by record levels by giving away money to the wealthy.

He brought the economy to the brink of collapse. If Covid hadn't happened he would have gone down as the worst president in U.S. history. Covid saved his ass because it gave him an excuse for his shit economy that was worse than 2008 even before Covid hit.


405444b9 No.3751496

i dont believe your in charge of anyone's votes nig ger

854f6b9c No.3751497

You're a retard

405444b9 No.3751498

bitch and you aint shit

854f6b9c No.3751499

U gonna be buttmad when Trump loses against can't wait lololololol

405444b9 No.3751500

u go back to fingering yourself to your little scheme fag

dc3e0c87 No.3751501

File: 1724580965810.jpg (92.66 KB, 1200x675, DONz-UVX0AU6OtK.jpg)

Lefties on Nov. 5
So sweet, so glorious

dc3e0c87 No.3751503

You obviously don't know how voting works, or you would know the popular vote isn't how a president gets elected. It's the STATES voting that determines the president. It was set up that way by the founding fathers so concentrations of blue cesspool cities couldn't seize control of the other 98% of the nation. Each state gets ONE vote and that is what determines the president, your popular vote doesn't even count

dc3e0c87 No.3751505

>>None of us care much about Kamala being charge. She is only going to win because she is not Trump. We aren't voting for her, we are voting against him.

And you would be electing someone who is already proven to be 100X times worse for you than you think Trump would be.

def4d90d No.3751507

c78fba69 No.3751508

File: 1724583588875.png (162.05 KB, 289x320, IMG_6213.png)

I mean when people could afford food

b8a0f0c8 No.3751509


Sure looks like we're better off now. 2021 was $8.99 a pound and 2024 is $5.72 a pound, unit quantity.

Imagine if we had proper reading and financial literacy in this country instead of retards like you.

b0f2a354 No.3751510

File: 1724591279884.png (81.75 KB, 1020x593, ElectoralCollege202.png)

>Each state gets ONE vote and that is what determines the president
No, that's not how it works.


f63daffe No.3751511

>Confusing zero with eight
Tell me you went to crappy public school without telling me you went to crappy public school

832b9d5b No.3751514

Since everyone is a Nazi who doesn't agree with leftists, they should be in the majority.

aa31c286 No.3751516

File: 1724595613396.jpeg (72.24 KB, 450x654, IMG_6214.jpeg)

Everyone not Jewish is a nazi thankyouverymuch

54642e5a No.3751518

Necrozoo cat mutilator, fascist, thief.

854f6b9c No.3751522

File: 1724601184126.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1800, cb1k8wpbbtkd1.png)


854f6b9c No.3751523

File: 1724601918359.png (432.62 KB, 469x653, h9ogs2e4uskd1.png)

Conservative voters want to make sure someone else hurts and suffers more than they do. That way they can feel better about their lot in life.

Conservative politicians want to empower their billionaire donors as much as possible. As a result those billionaires can hoard even more billions. In return for the favor those billionaires then donate millions to politicians, to repeat the cycle. In short, conservative politicians want to exploit you for 0.01¢ of every $1 their billionaire benefactors extract from you.

dc3e0c87 No.3751524


dc3e0c87 No.3751525

3B lies and trash

854f6b9c No.3751526

Trump is a lazy motherfucker.

As President he refused daily briefings and spent most of his days either in “executive time” watching cable news and plotting on the phone with his co-conspirators, or golfing at Mar a Lago with his taxpayer funded entourage.

He’s the rich asshole who tells other people to do all the work so that he can come in at the end and steal the glory.

How are people only figuring this out now?

Ohh, it's because the news media has always held Trump to a lower standard on everything - morals, ethics, diligence, honesty, coherence, corruption - and his clownish spectacle generates a lot of ratings/money for media corporations.

Any other politician would have been hounded out of the race by a horde of journalists shredding their lies to pieces in front of them, but American journalists walk on egg shells around politicians - especially Republicans - because they are scared of losing access.

A CNN journalist was on Colbert the other week bragging about how when she found out Biden stepped down, she called Trump immediately on his cell phone so she could "break some news" by being the first to repeat Trump's lies and false narratives verbatim.

Apart from a few good journalists on MSNBC, it's all about ratings and clout chasing.

For-profit news and journalism is a cancer on democracy.

A candidate as unqualified and unserious as Trump would never have been possible if most news organizations and journalists were doing their jobs.

We need to build some guard rails and accountability into what we allow corporations to package and sell as "news and journalism", because democracy requires an informed population living in a shared factual reality to work.

4c1b6f3e No.3751527

File: 1724605743579.jpg (7.1 MB, 3072x3072, Lopunny.jpg)

All this bullshit bot activity really makes me think the web needs verification. Maybe we should bring back/in a captcha

a8fdf36e No.3751528

Captchas don't work, we need Ian Clarke's decentralized trust system.

dc3e0c87 No.3751530

The automated Spam Bot is currently using the ID: 854f6b9c
but sometimes even uses several at once, and even replies to itself when no one responds to its nonsense.
It has been programmed to spew anti-Trump propaganda (mostly) and will visit here several times a day leaving Spam posts to disrupt the normal functioning of the board.

854f6b9c No.3751532

Is that what the wiggly brain worms telling you today?

854f6b9c No.3751533

File: 1724617394709.jpeg (27.5 KB, 701x767, v6q3vha2qukd1.jpeg)

Nice reminder of one of trump’s many scams to take money from innocent people. God he is such a piece of shit

1cb437f5 No.3751534

File: 1724622109553.jpeg (751.55 KB, 1170x2009, IMG_6216.jpeg)

Again the NPC double posts to hide the front page sticky

0612c94b No.3751536

File: 1724625201349.webm (5.4 MB, 1280x720, weird_orange_pedo.webm)

Remember when Republicans had 4 fucking years to replace Trump, but instead they doubled down on this creepy pedo?

ab91de8a No.3751540

>As an outsider and not a US citizen myself, I can see your economy is already toast.

He says on the day the fed announces they will be lowering interest rates next week because the economy has recovered enough after the covid debacle.

1cb437f5 No.3751541

File: 1724627792810.jpeg (4.16 MB, 4320x7680, IMG_6225.jpeg)

It was a debacle, why did the dems first say there was no Covid (keep borders open to China and come visit Chinatown) and then suddenly switch to hardcore lockdown two weeks stretched to two years?

ab91de8a No.3751544

File: 1724631609198.jpeg (66.3 KB, 680x680, lonely-trump.jpeg)

>Why did the Democrats keep the borders open when Covid first was reported and why did the lock down last so long?

The first case of Covid was reported in Dec 2019, the first American case of Covid was reported in Jan of 2020.

Trump was in office and Republicans controlled congress until Jan 2021.

You would have to ask a conservative why their orange savior Trump failed to protect them from the China virus and kept them in lock down for most of a year.

437afd20 No.3751545

I don't see what the big deal with Covid even was, I had it twice, my immune system is already shot, and it wasn't any worse than just normally being sick.

Really stupid to shut down an entire world over something that can be easily treated with chicken broth.

1cb437f5 No.3751547

There was noting big about Covid, it was literally seasonal flu. Most people who died died in hospitals while receiving the official Covid treatment(which had a 99% failure/kill)

437afd20 No.3751548

seriously, more people died from respiratory issues involving not washing their masks than the actual virus.

Thats not even considering the stupidity of "covid related deaths." You get hit by a car and had covid, its covid's fault. Pretty much every death during the lock down was "covid related"

ab91de8a No.3751549

Breath deep on that copium!

437afd20 No.3751550

File: 1724634290697.jpg (75.29 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x10….jpg)

What is there to cope over? Nothing I said was incorrect, and I got paid time off for the whole thing.

Other than suddenly being able to get groceries delivered to my door, and losing a bit of money in my portfolio, the whole thing really didn't effect me.

def4d90d No.3751551

its weird how only americans got covid

437afd20 No.3751553

File: 1724635958274.png (1.11 MB, 1000x964, Galand_29.png)

see now this is an example of copium and out right lying… I'm not even going to bother listing the obvious examples.

def4d90d No.3751555

other countries have to cope because covid was worse for them

4528486e No.3751556

Couch fuckers, brain worms, barbecue dogs, dead bear cubs on a bicycle…

Trump's Greatest Shitshow On Earth has it all!

def4d90d No.3751557

incumbit voter

1cb437f5 No.3751558

Venezuelan gangs are taking over Colorado. I would say good riddance, but I don’t like to let a wound fester.

def4d90d No.3751559


dc3e0c87 No.3751560

File: 1724645822228.png (205.22 KB, 783x671, Screenshot-54-1.png)

How's that glass ceiling coming along, President Hillary?
Have you cleaned the cobwebs off it yet?

ab91de8a No.3751561

File: 1724648130703.png (231.19 KB, 359x449, DbPwm-ZUQAE11Qf.png)

Hillary paid off the DNC so that she controlled the Democratic convention and "won the nomination in a landslide" even though half the party literally got up and walked out when she "won".

The media believed she was going to win because they thought people on the left would have to vote for her even though she was one of the most hated American politicians in history.

Turns out - not so much.

16f76882 No.3751562

File: 1724651183781.jpg (125.77 KB, 1035x666, germanshepherd.jpg)

>I don't see what the big deal with Covid even was, I had it twice… and it wasn't any worse than just normally being sick.
It was the flu, and possibly also intentional EMR and aerial spraying, but most likely just psychological stress.
>Really stupid to shut down an entire world over something that can be easily treated with chicken broth (and rest).
Replace the word "stupid" with "evil/intentional/planned".

>There was noting big about Covid, it was literally seasonal flu. Most people who died died in hospitals while receiving the official Covid treatment(which had a 99% failure/kill)
Clearly. There were several trial runs in the past, with swine flu and SARS - I only recently found out that back then, the bad guys already wanted to inject the whole planet, but thankfully there were enough sane men and women in power to stop that from happening - but then what happened to them in the meantime??

>Pretty much every death during the lock down was "covid related"
You are answering your own questions. Would every evil milestone that the bad guys wanted to reach, suddenly become possible during a global onslaught orchestrated by the bad guys?

>the whole thing really didn't effect me.
Of course it affected you, you ended up getting coerced into getting the… let's just call them "injections"!

Did you know that 1 of the professors I was talking about had over 20 years ago explained in detail how this very thing would happen, in a series of lectures? He exposed the people behind this, their methods, their structures and history although he still chose his words carefully, but went into more detail than almost anyone regardless - people with a brain will work it out.
If you share your public email, I'll start sending you links. I promise it won't leave you in a "hopeless/scared" state, because he doesn't just list problems without solutions, which is a "jewish" demoralisation tactic.

def4d90d No.3751563

if you are over 35 its pretty bad

51794697 No.3751565

That is (((Business Dog))), the lulz idiot you're replying to. You might just as well try talking to a potted plant.

f63daffe No.3751569

File: 1724680843508.jpeg (2.84 MB, 1584x2032, IMG_6231.jpeg)

Anyone older than 60 it was a problem(just like seasonal flu!)
But older than 35 didn’t really mater unless you were also fat/diabetic(just like seasonal flu!)

ea1df2ec No.3751570

Remember when journalists decided to adopt the Republican attack on John Kerry by writing thousands of stories about flip flops — anyway, Trump gets to change his mind weekly without consequence.

53d043c5 No.3751571

Take medical advice from doctors not right wing nazi retards

ab91de8a No.3751572

>Covid was fake! The truck loads full of dead bodies and mass graves were all fake! The millions of people grieving their dead family members were all paid actors! All those facebook posts about people dropping dead from covid were lies! The media was all in on it! Globally, every news outlet, every doctor, every government agency and agent from top to bottom was part of a grand conspiracy to… make people not go to work… because…

Why Business Dog? What did they gain from the result of this massive global conspiracy you think is real? What was the end goal?

54642e5a No.3751574

File: 1724688889658.png (27.41 KB, 250x164, TFoE_King_Harkinian_2.png)

What!? You aren't supposed to take Fent for a common cold?
No wonder my doctor loves Hitler cosplay!!

16f76882 No.3751575

File: 1724690012409.jpg (147.01 KB, 1136x746, monsters.jpg)

There's no point talking about this anymore since the remaining 5% of people here who aren't bots/shills/NPCs are dead "men" anyway, with the very occasional exception. This place is a nest of monsters.

I'm here to get pleasure from shooing away the occasional newfag, and am quite pleased with my record so far. Can't wait to see only bots fighting each other in unhinged nonsensical posts in the near future.

Anyway… doggie bed tiem again, I don't scent any newfags to bark at.

1cb437f5 No.3751577

Can you provide an example?
Just one? Weeks apart?

9dbb2a13 No.3751578

File: 1724700391493.png (1.17 MB, 1328x938, 7612.png)


So they arrest him for not putting in a backdoor to let the use empire gov read people's encrypted messages?

1cb437f5 No.3751579

File: 1724700538651-0.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x1551, IMG_6237.jpeg)

File: 1724700538651-1.jpeg (123 KB, 1018x723, IMG_6238.jpeg)

45930b54 No.3751580

Oh, and here I thought it was just the kikes hating on him for not installing a backdoor. Turns out it was for a much more impulsive reason.

31fc4f7d No.3751581

How the f is it israel's business what someone in france did?

1cb437f5 No.3751582

File: 1724704106356.jpeg (278.37 KB, 2048x3072, IMG_6240.jpeg)

It’s the globalist agenda
And Israel is at the center of it.

b0f2a354 No.3751584

Wonder if Congress will ban it like they did TikTok.

f63daffe No.3751585

File: 1724707252108.png (702.8 KB, 879x628, IMG_6242.png)

45930b54 No.3751586

I.e., forcing the owners to divest so that they can take total control of it for themselves? I'm sure they'd like to.

b0f2a354 No.3751587

>I'm sure they'd like to.
I'm sure their AIPAC handlers will demand it like they did with TikTok.

45930b54 No.3751588

What evidence is it that it was AIPAC? Tiktok seemed to have been doing good job of promoting degeneracy and subverting America under the ownership of that former kike project, the CCP? Oh, was it explicitly anti-israel content?

b0f2a354 No.3751590

It was the fact that both the Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians were uploading candid videos to the platform, and everyone could see the genocide for what it is. There was even leaked audio of Jonathan Greenblatt saying, "…we really have a TikTok problem, a Gen-Z problem…"

f63daffe No.3751591

File: 1724710161426.jpeg (300.16 KB, 1200x1754, IMG_6241.jpeg)

The tiktok crusade really started under Trump and it being Chinese owned was an obvious problem because it was caught copy pasting every letter you typed regardless of app.

ab91de8a No.3751592

Congress didn't ban it. They required that it open a branch in America or sell to an American company so that it could be regulated like every other social media platform.

9dbb2a13 No.3751593

File: 1724711932786.png (2.25 MB, 2388x1997, gay7865.png)


Its not banned guys if they sell it to us and let us censor and control it to our hearts desires.

AKA more US government fascism

f63daffe No.3751596

File: 1724714509577.jpeg (296.7 KB, 749x1720, IMG_6246.jpeg)

Well, glad I was on soda as a kid, managed to keep the weight off. It’s not added to soda because it kills the flavor.

854f6b9c No.3751597

File: 1724715506767.jpg (359.01 KB, 1834x2000, bafkreigs2ihwpurlic2sapxhl….jpg)

b0f2a354 No.3751598

If you brushed your teeth with toothpaste, I have bad news for you. They're saying fluoridation has to be at twice the recommended levels to lower IQ in children.


45930b54 No.3751600

Good enough for me.

True. It should have been destroyed for being subversive Chinese spyware, but since when has that been enough for the US government to give a shit? They ended up passing a bill that lets them seize control of any app they want in response; a complete overreach and something you'd expect of the CCP.

That's about fluoride in the water. It mentions tooth paste only to say that there is no reason to have it in the water now that it's in the toothpaste. If it comments on IQ loss from toothpaste, I must have missed it.

Jews want you stupid and compliant. What else is new.

437afd20 No.3751603

Personally, my drinking water goes through a 3 tier commercial grade filtration system, not including the built in filter for the fridge it feeds into.

Its not specifically for fluoride, but my area has a bad habit of mailing boil advisories for contaminated drinking water. The advisories usually show up about a week after you were supposed to be boiling you water, unless you're listening to the AM radio local news station 24/7, you're kinda screwed.

dc3e0c87 No.3751605

File: 1724719468160.jpg (37.5 KB, 575x318, tulsi-gabbard-1.jpg)

Just days after democrat Robert Kennedy Jr. endorsed President Trump and encouraged his millions of followers to vote for Trump instead of himself, Tulsi Gabbard has now done the same.
Both RFK JR. and Gabbard hinted at more big-name and big-bucks personalities, many of them Democrats, that will be joining the support for President Trump in the coming days and weeks, saying, "You ain't seen nothing yet "

854f6b9c No.3751606

Two Russian psyop people?

I see others mentioned it already, many may die still holding Trump close to their hearts. It really hurts, but it happened here. I spend a lot of time talking facts to them, for almost 10 years and I promise, there is no bottom they aren’t willing to nosedive into to feel validated by their cult. They are SO proud of just following him, into the dark. That isn’t going anywhere. It happened here, we just a few months to go to see where America is really at. We have to push back now and make sure we chart a new way forward. It’s time to vote for Harris and to bury this cult in the dustbin of history.

854f6b9c No.3751607

File: 1724719749297.jpeg (60.88 KB, 735x767, yr45qlpim1ld1.jpeg)

9dbb2a13 No.3751610

File: 1724720697202.png (119.64 KB, 315x300, sigpic260958_89.gif.png)


All I'm seeing is Israel's golden boy Trump being set up to win. So he can kill gen z kids against iran.

Idk if Tulsi is pissed she got put on a flight list by dems, or if she's sold out too. but RFK is day one "Anything israel wants" sold out

We the people, are not represented by apaic's controlled uniparty.

854f6b9c No.3751611

File: 1724720968945.jpg (56.17 KB, 1125x541, GV2t6dTXsAAyzPp.jpg)

This old retard is going to lose DK, and you're a racist imbicle.

854f6b9c No.3751612

File: 1724721182724.jpg (42.01 KB, 680x641, Fn0EuSGaEAUUKtJ.jpg)

9dbb2a13 No.3751614

File: 1724721742631.jpg (83.14 KB, 1018x926, gay_toons.jpg)


Trump doesn't deport shit, UK doesn't deport shit. And France doesn't deport shit.

And those countries Right runs on ending it. And they don't do it. And they never intend to stop it.

The immigration is intentional. And Trump played a role in it.

dc3e0c87 No.3751615

>>ID: 854f6b9c
Oh, look, the automated Chinese SpamBot found some new meme's to shitpost here

dc3e0c87 No.3751617

It isn't a cult if it's THE MAJORITY OF THE COUNTRY, you dumb fuck.
Of course, you will say it isn't a majority, which isn't true.
Isn't that how the "democracy" that you're always preaching about is supposed to work? The majority wins?
Or does it only work when it favors YOUR SIDE?
Oh, what's that, is your little blue hat short circuiting?

4c1b6f3e No.3751619

File: 1724723202363.jpeg (70.75 KB, 800x789, IMG_6247.jpeg)

Fluoride is very difficult to filter out, typical filters do nothing against it.

16f76882 No.3751624

File: 1724727445333.jpg (159.03 KB, 1024x1024, globalistcat.jpg)

Are you happy here? Happy inside a viper's nest, surrounded by bots and spies, interacting with AI like it were real when you're not interacting with pointless avoidable decay and death on here, and ignoring the only living soul that still cares enough to not want you shoving 3 sets of cue balls up your ass before every refreshing jog?
You ignoring me makes my faith harder than ever before.

9dbb2a13 No.3751625

File: 1724728143399.jpg (737.66 KB, 2612x3220, gay867.jpg)

So Windows co pilot is coming back this october?

AKA spy on you and print your screen on the regular. And upload everything on you to the cloud. Aka All your information on someone else's computer/server.


How long until we get multiplayer games that require co-pilot enabled to spy on you to make sure you don't cheat?

c8ce642b No.3751626

> but my area has a bad habit of mailing boil advisories for contaminated drinking water. The advisories usually show up about a week after you were supposed to be boiling you water,
Oh, that lie again. Too bad you forgot what I said about cellular telephone alerts the last time you posted this lie.

854f6b9c No.3751627


854f6b9c No.3751628

You not killing yourself makes me lol harder than before

ab91de8a No.3751629

Tulsi Gabbard is a pariah who no democrat will associate with because of her crazy. She tried to paint herself as a leftist but she is deeply homophobic and conservative. She is a regular guest on Fox News. She makes her living telling ignorant rednecks how wrong democrats are about everything.

ab91de8a No.3751631

>still using windows in 2024…

Learn to Linux like a real man.

ab91de8a No.3751632

I'm very happy here because every time I debunk your nonsense it eats a little more of your soul and one day, when you inevitably kill yourself, I'll count it as a personal victory.

dc3e0c87 No.3751633

He's the soul that's eating yours,
you just don't realize it.

dc3e0c87 No.3751634

Tulsi is REGISTERED as a DEMOCRAT, so that makes her an actual Democrat, right? Just like the Trump shooter was registered as a Republican, so that makes him an actual Republican, right?
Little blue hat short-circuiting again?

15da6d55 No.3751635

>How long until we get multiplayer games that require co-pilot enabled to spy on you to make sure you don't cheat?

I was going to say it's moronic, but it actually makes so much sense ! Even potato PC will have AI accelerator chips in the near future so why not.

15da6d55 No.3751636

>>Covid was fake! The truck loads full of dead bodies and mass graves were all fake! The millions of people grieving their dead family members were all paid actors! All those facebook posts about people dropping dead from covid were lies! The media was all in on it! Globally, every news outlet, every doctor, every government agency and agent from top to bottom was part of a grand conspiracy to… make people not go to work… because…

Not one person in my familly died of Covid, none of my neighbors, I have seen not Facebook post of people I know reporting the death of a relative by Covid.

BUT I've had a couple occurence of hearing of people dying of blood clot at a youngish age ; when I talked to an ex-colleague and he told me another guy I barelly know that he died of that at ~40 year old.

Up to half a million people mourn a relative that died from the flu each year. https://ourworldindata.org/influenza-deaths

7 milions reported dead of Covid https://data.who.int/dashboards/covid19/deaths

That's a bad flu times 14. Yeah, it's bad, no it's not worth pushing people into poverty by printing money.

How many die each year because of poor lodging, poor nutrition, and depression when you can't even pay the rent with one job as many on the left complain about ?

15da6d55 No.3751637


Forgot to mention why they printed money, of course the lockdown were an error.
If you really wanted elderly and sick to be protected those two categories should have been offered the possiblity to stay home with financial help. The economy wouldn't have been trashed.

dc3e0c87 No.3751638

File: 1724735805791.jpeg (45.38 KB, 768x510, mark-zuckerberg-768x510.jpeg)

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits Biden-Harris Regime Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans — ‘Regrets’ Colluding with the Regime!

In a public confession, perhaps designed to save himself from prosecution by the Trump-Vance administration that he says he's sure will win, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now trying to save himself from the controversial relationship between his company and the Biden-Harris regime.

In a letter addressed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg throws the Biden-Harris regime under the bus.

He openly admitted that Meta, the parent company of Facebook, was subjected to relentless pressure by the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, even when the content was satirical or humorous, and the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

The Meta CEO allegedly expressed deep ‘regret’ for not being more vocal in resisting the government’s demands, stating that “government pressure was wrong,” and he now recognizes that his company should have been more outspoken about the administration’s overreach.

854f6b9c No.3751639

854f6b9c No.3751640

File: 1724740005849.png (40.83 KB, 300x767, sq8vxlx325ld1.png)

def4d90d No.3751641

nothing on your computer is safe/ nothing on your console is safe.

437afd20 No.3751643

File: 1724750642837.gif (14.41 KB, 220x146, fox-girl.gif)

do you have crush on me or something?

16f76882 No.3751645

File: 1724764554334.jpg (64.81 KB, 400x372, dogoninternet.jpg)

When I first started posting on this viper's nest, and its previous incarnation, I was trying to get my mind off what was going on in the world and around me. It worked for a while, but it took increasing effort to ignore the damage I was doing to others by feeding a monster that was abusing them.
I'd like the time wasted on here and the harm I did by posting, to come to mean something that's overall positive after all.
Having witnessed your destructive death spiral on here from the beginning, and noticing you were entering its final unrecoverable phase after that boweling ball post of yours, I realised that my time on here could come to mean something after all, if only it would help save you(r soul); sadly not something I managed to do with Focks Hound.

No… I don't have a "crush" on you. You could call me a friendly, caring and Christian stalker though. You're stuck with me now, buddy. You're not going to escape my prayers and Christian attention until you relent and watch through the lectures from those professors, and then intelligently discuss them with me.
If you resist, I'll just have to keep trying different tactics until you relent.

Good thing for you I'm "just" a dog and not a human, otherwise I might hop onto a plane and find you in person. ( ° ʖ °)

Whatever the next phase of the global communist/"jewish"/satanic cull is going to be, it's very close and almost all of the laws/systems to carry it out have been in place for a long time. I'd like you to have these lectures and time to reflect before the Internet changes forever, because when it does I'll have logged on for the last time.

45930b54 No.3751648

File: 1724766338391.jpg (499.76 KB, 1280x724, b9dc8a38c46419f37642887c5e….jpg)

In the 2020 primaries (You know, the only ones Kamala was actually in), Tulsi assblasted Kamala so hard in a debate that Kamala dropped out of the race. Tulsi has more right to be the Democrat nominee than Kamala.

cab177ee No.3751649

File: 1724766360785.png (554.47 KB, 1035x925, 67543.png)

ab91de8a No.3751650

1) Tulsi Gabbard is literally not a democrat. She left the party after she lost the Democratic primary because she knew she had exposed too much of her real self to the public and couldn't win any office ever again as a democrat.

Tulsi was registered as a Democrat because she lives in Hawaii and registering as a Republican there is political suicide but like her father before her, she was a career politician that will do anything to stay in power. She didn't agree with or even care about the party platform. She just wanted power. She has made the calculation that the only way a racist, bigot, like her can have any kind of influence in the year 2024 is to be a Republican. That's why she endorsed Trump.

That should tell you everything you need to know about the modern conservative party.

2) No, your registration does not mean you have all the values of your party. The Republican shooter was a conservative and a Republican but he was also a nut who wanted to kill a famous politician and he didn't care who it was. Trump just happened to be the first person in range of his crazy.

He hated all politicians according to the people who knew him. Like Business Dog, he was a man detached from reality who believed that the deep-state uniparty was inescapable and the only way to free America was to kill all the politicians.

I'm sure Business Dog will come to the same conclusion soon enough and die much the same way after taking his shot. That's what crazy people do.

ab91de8a No.3751651

>Tulsi has more right to be the Democrat nominee than Kamala.

Except that she left the party after she lost the primary and refused to run again for congress as a Democrat even though no one was stopping her.

See: 2020

See: Today

ab91de8a No.3751653

File: 1724767271220.jpeg (194.3 KB, 2102x1770, You-weirdo.jpeg)

100% bullshit. Mark Zuckerberg would never say this because it would lower his stock value if he did.

But I do like your low-key admitting that it was only conservative nut jobs spreading most of the misinformation and conspiracy theories about covid when you say he was "censoring conservatives". Thanks for admitting that it was your party trying to get people killed by telling them to ignore medical advice and eat horse dewormer instead.

4a761d4e No.3751654

>Lower his stock value
You say that like it’s a bad thing, do you know know the part about buy low sell high? Market volatility is how the elites make their money. It’s not an accident that the market crashes periodically, it not an accident that the companys who own the shares forcibly sell them out from under you(robinhood and GameStop)

16f76882 No.3751655

File: 1724767884140.jpg (174.11 KB, 1200x1179, dobermanreadyforbed.jpg)

Well, must go to doggie bed earlier today. If someone here needs and wants genuine prayer, let me know and I'll pray for you too. Good night!

ab91de8a No.3751656

So you think Mark Zuckerberg would purposefully tank his own company's stock price because he just LOVES conservatives that much?

You be crazy, dog.

4a761d4e No.3751657

Did you pay attention to the Facebook IPO?
What a coincidence that the initial public offering was “mishandled” in a way that made Facebook extra billions of dollars

dc3e0c87 No.3751658

File: 1724770046576.png (325.65 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240827-104536.png)

So you are saying CNN and all the other leftist MSM are ALSO lying about Zuckerberg, by reporting this same story also?

Your little blue hat is shooting out sparks again.

437afd20 No.3751660

File: 1724772226519.jpg (13.62 KB, 199x254, images (1).jpg)

you so have a have crush on me

437afd20 No.3751663

File: 1724772870543.png (1.17 MB, 1494x2085, 2537491_primolump_gamer-fo….png)

just so you know, having crush on me will make Salem mad, you don' want that.

15da6d55 No.3751670


I'd like a prayer please. I quite need it. You can refer to me as "the guy that keeps pestering you" to God, he'll know who.

15da6d55 No.3751672

This time period keeps delivering. So many lulz

d21238cd No.3751674

File: 1724777450123.png (319.58 KB, 657x680, IMG_6252.png)

Is it possible to learn this power?

d21238cd No.3751675

File: 1724778808397.jpeg (619.65 KB, 1170x2000, IMG_6253.jpeg)

Nothing happens from the 2020 election “irregularities” so it’s perfectly safe to assume nothing will happen this time.

cab177ee No.3751676

File: 1724780169563.png (5.59 MB, 1652x2230, gay8863.png)


Just value truth above all else. Over emotions or peer pressure. And don't give a damn what anyone thinks.

And learn when people are trying to take things away from you.

And when people try to shame you "fuck em"

ab91de8a No.3751677

Isn't it funny how the GOP only cares about the censorship happening under Biden? It's like it just slipped their mind that Trump was president most of the time Covid was destroying America and that he was the largest source of that lethal misinformation that all the social media companies had to remove…


cab177ee No.3751678

File: 1724780905541.jpg (3.91 MB, 2400x3942, Gays_fighting.jpg)

Most propaganda works off peer pressure like "Everyone else is doing the thing, why aren't you? Fit in son, and boots up. You don't want to be an embarrassment do you?"

Or if its a war its things like "Everyone should hate russia, if you don't hate russia then you are a putin support and a traitor to everyone."

Or "The bad side! is doing unspeakable acts to women and babies! How can you support the side raping women and murdering babies! Stand with your countrymen again crimes against nature"

Blah, blah, blah

And political propaganda is UGH, its all FUCKING LIES because noe is there to enforce anything a president says they'll do. Trump could say he'll give everyone a real life unicorn if he's elected president.

I've seen like how the nazi would add a blue, green or purple tint to jews so that they look sickly. Like how meat in your fridge looks like its gone bad when it turns those colors.

c21552bd No.3751679

Now that Trump is going all-in on immigration and israel, does it even matter who wins the election? There's no candidate that's pro-USA.

ab91de8a No.3751680

What is in that letter is economic malpractice. Mark would be sued by his own shareholders if he decensored facebook and sent it spiraling down the same toilet hole that Elon Musk turned Twitter into. I doubt that letter is real and if it is, I doubt he means a word of it. He has seen what happens when you let conservatives run wild on your site. It drives away most of your users and advertisers.

Hell, you've seen what allowing conservative nutjobs to run free has done to Lulz.net! This place used to be way, way, more active then ch00b stopped censoring conservative nonsense and now Lulz is all but dead.

dc3e0c87 No.3751681

File: 1724781428553.png (646.3 KB, 510x543, Fh2vr-PWIAA7icD.png)

No, you're just pissed because your side has lost two of the most major sources of left-wing lies and propaganda and election interference, Twitter and now Facebook.
You lost them because you abused them.
Think about that for a minute.
Care to keep trying?

cab177ee No.3751682

File: 1724781489330.png (4.25 MB, 1649x2234, gay_flirting.png)

What amazes me about propaganda is people LOVE IT. As a kid I would mute the tv when commercials came on tv.

And my relatives would get upset.

And I would be like "Why do you want to watch this? Its just there to tell that you should be unhappy and by buying X thing you will be happy. But it never makes you happy long term."

One of the great first advertisers, And I consider advertising and propaganda about the same thing.

Said that its not about selling people on the benefits of a product, its about creating a life style around a product.

Like don't tell all the ways a smoke is good for you. Show a young successful man with lots of attractive women on vacation at the beach, having a great time.

So it plants the seed that by smoking these cigs, you can reach this dream. You were told a story.

And politics is full of bullshit stories.

I use to read my household women's fashion books and I would flip through them and notice how sad I suddenly was by the end. And eventually it clicked, I was sad because the ads in the book made me sad.

ab91de8a No.3751683

>does it even matter who wins the election?
I would like for there to be an election again in the future, so yes, it matters. I'm voting Harris because Trump is a petty dictator wanna be and a giant cry-baby, loser.

dc3e0c87 No.3751687

File: 1724781927400.jpg (56.86 KB, 667x1000, 61syr-8m1AL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg)

Hmm, it's too bad nobody else agrees with you

ab91de8a No.3751688

File: 1724782173799.png (324.86 KB, 693x629, 86_percent_drop_in_Value.png)

>You're just mad a conservative bought Twitter and started censoring the left instead of the Nazis…
And how's that working out for him again?
Oh, right, Twitter has lost 84% of it's revenue because advertisers don't want their products next to pedophile, nazi loving, anti-American, conservatives.


88f3579a No.3751689

File: 1724782203866.jpg (145.56 KB, 2000x1004, bafkreict5ao45jw3zungflgpa….jpg)


ab91de8a No.3751690

>Its just there to tell that you should be unhappy and by buying X thing you will be happy. But it never makes you happy long term.
You just described all religions.

ab91de8a No.3751691

Send Trump your money now! Lord knows he couldn't afford to pay his own legal bills! He's the poorest "multi-millionaire" in the world, don't you know?!

cab177ee No.3751692

File: 1724782443391.png (845.48 KB, 1202x958, soviet_union_cold_war.png)


Well I saw today Canada is joining the west in putting 100% tariffs on China made electric cars.

So his ass might be happy about that.


0ea4c694 No.3751693

Hey, here's a fun experiment for you to run, DK. Why don't you look up the price of one of those Chinese electric cars now and then after they implement the Tariff. Then you can see for yourself exactly how Trump's plan to put tariff's on everything not made in America would work out for the people who live in America.

I mean, you conservatives keep claiming Tariff's don't raise the price on things, right? Well now if the PERFECT chance to prove your conservative economic theory is correct!

cab177ee No.3751694

File: 1724782816233.png (62.83 KB, 696x402, whatcha.png)


What you mean millionaire?

millionaire is the new word for middle class person.

0ea4c694 No.3751695

Oh, and in case you don't know the name brands of any of the Chinese cars that will be hit with the tariff there is one brand I think you would be familiar with - Tesla.


cab177ee No.3751696

File: 1724783043370.jpg (2.71 MB, 2900x3800, gay_flusters.jpg)


The point of Tariffs is to make local businesses able to compete. Or to prioritize trade with certain countries over others.

Its not about saving people money.

0ea4c694 No.3751697

>Trump is a billionaire!
Not once he pays all his fines and legal fees! LOL!!!!

0ea4c694 No.3751698

So you admit that Trump putting a tariff on everything will raise the price of anything made outside of America. Your groceries, your clothing, your gas, everything and you're okay with paying 25% more for it all as long as you make your cult leader happy?

cab177ee No.3751699

File: 1724783544026.jpg (4.31 MB, 4400x8736, dumb_dreams.jpg)


I don't give a flying fuck what Trump does. And Biden/Harris will do tariffs too. Because they are already fucking doing them, and getting other western countries to do it too.

This isn't about who's the president this is about the whole american empire seeing china as a threat.

ab91de8a No.3751700

Tesla model 3, CA$49,990 8/27/2024
The new tariff starts October 1st.
Now Trump says that Tariffs are paid by China, not by the end customer.
Let's see how that theory holds up in the real world, shall we?

c21552bd No.3751701

Why do you want another election when 1 has already been rigged and the next one is useless AND rigged? Time for a reboot.

ab91de8a No.3751702

>I'm mad that my vote didn't count so I want my vote to never count again!

cab177ee No.3751703

File: 1724783970533.png (733.81 KB, 810x586, 6_mon.png)


If the Tariffs are paid by china, then the cars will be selling like 10k-20k dollars.

And you know what they'll do in that case? They'll up it to 200%. Because the point is make china not ruin western industries.

And not ruin western countries cars spying on people and selling the data to car insurance companies.

dc3e0c87 No.3751705

By any means necessary.
Not only have you lost Twitter and now Facebook because they now refuse to let you post your commie lies, there are over 100,000 volunteer conservative poll watchers ready on election day to scrutinize every move you make, you won't be getting away with very many fake ballots, multiple counts of the same ballots, pizza boxes blocking windows, or USPS semis delivering more ballots at 3 am a week after election day.
Sorry about that.

c21552bd No.3751706

I'd rather live without being given a choice than being given an illusion of choice. Voting never really made a difference because lobbyists make all the decisions, but they're not even counting your votes anymore.

d6d6a3ac No.3751707


Don't you want to save the planet ? China outputs more polution than any other country. It's actually great if their electric cars don't get sold oversea, it won't add CO2 onto CO2 with shipping.

Remember, locally souced stuff, vegetables, food, nice, virtuous, green green green ! Be happy your electric car will be made locally too.

ab91de8a No.3751711

Bad news, Sugar drops! Any car made since the mid 2000s is most likely tracking your every move and selling your info. As soon as in car GPS became a thing they started harvesting your data.

63f357f0 No.3751712

All of that misinformation came from fauci and the CDC fuckwit

ab91de8a No.3751713

File: 1724788727499.jpg (28.29 KB, 667x1000, 51Uqj6SoUYL._AC_UF1000,100….jpg)

>I'd rather live without being given a choice than being given an illusion of choice.
You've just never met a fascist you didn't want to suck the dick of. You are BEGGING for someone to tred on you. At least if they are oppressing you, they know you exist, right?! That's more than any woman has ever done for you, am I right?!

ab91de8a No.3751715

File: 1724789107155.jpeg (10.09 KB, 284x177, elcamino.jpeg)

Wait, you think raising tariffs on China will LOWER the price of a Tesla? I can't wait to hear how you think that works.

cab177ee No.3751718

File: 1724790127589.jpg (239.5 KB, 850x1079, 8985.jpg)


The difference is china is stealing for china. And china knowing shit about me, is less worse than my government knowing about me.

Because my government can do shit against me, where as china can not.

cab177ee No.3751719

File: 1724790282148.png (951.74 KB, 1986x1546, gay8644.png)

And that is why america is losing its shit over china making advanced chips. because when everything needs western chips, everything has a backdoor usable by the gov.

And if everything is a china chip, then china has the backdoor and not america.

ab91de8a No.3751724

File: 1724796509191.jpeg (40.52 KB, 480x500, main-qimg-c440811792948ef….jpeg)

Looks like Trump is throwing a new tantrum because Jack Smith is bringing the charges related to Jan 6th back with a vengeance! Trump had used delaying tactics and legal chicanery to get the charges paused until the SCOTUS ruled on his "absolute immunity". Now that they have Jack simply took out the parts of the crime that Trump did as part of his job while president and charged Trump with the same crimes again. Little Donny is super-mad about it! He's ranting and raving up a storm on his knock-off social media site. Post after post, after post, after post about how unfair, and wrong, and evil the cruel, cruel, people in government are for wanting him to be held responsible for his crimes!

he's been whining like a little bitch all day and isn't showing any sign of slowing down.

dc3e0c87 No.3751726

File: 1724797288181.jpg (53.41 KB, 636x382, 73988853-0-image-a-38_1691….jpg)

You meant to say, "Smith is digging his own grave, deeper and deeper."
Fixed that for ya.

4c1b6f3e No.3751727

File: 1724797597931.jpeg (216.3 KB, 941x951, IMG_6256.jpeg)

Literally a communist longer than I have been alive

dc3e0c87 No.3751728

Smith just pretty much guaranteed President Trump a SECOND term in which time Smith himself will be brought up on charges of election interference and TREASON.

cab177ee No.3751729

File: 1724798144082.jpg (120.22 KB, 1200x1011, 808.jpg)


Shut the fuck up TRUMP

You lying sack of shit. You sure went after Hillary didn't you? You don't do shit.

dc3e0c87 No.3751732

File: 1724799556184.jpg (121.11 KB, 512x704, b86157e28fdd9a471c7f5dcac8….jpg)

Trump decided that he would show Hillary and some others MERCY.
He won't make that mistake this time.
He cannot be re-elected a fourth time,
so he has literally NOTHING to lose

cab177ee No.3751733

File: 1724800721241.png (401.61 KB, 997x786, Science_doe.png)


He has his life to lose. As he almost did. He has his family to lose. He he has his beloved Israel to lose.

c78fba69 No.3751734

File: 1724800831800.jpeg (160.16 KB, 941x928, IMG_6257.jpeg)

What a COMPLETELY unpredictable outcome

854f6b9c No.3751735

Yes fake news with Boomer cropping is fake, we all know that.

854f6b9c No.3751736

File: 1724802126775.jpg (100.99 KB, 1000x666, wriek6jlx7ld1.jpg)

45930b54 No.3751737

He's zogged up the ass. He absolutely will make that mistake again.

854f6b9c No.3751738

Kill yourself nazi imbicle.

854f6b9c No.3751739

File: 1724805502800.jpeg (53.43 KB, 551x767, csrlc7nku6ld1.jpeg)

I’ve cut them out and moved on.

They’re toxic narcissists and traitors that deal exclusively in lies and bad faith.

Fuck them all.

dc3e0c87 No.3751741

File: 1724806923699.jpg (222.06 KB, 1080x1592, 1670852940037.jpg)

We're coming for you.

854f6b9c No.3751742

Lol@MAGA anti furry nazis

854f6b9c No.3751743

File: 1724808034641.jpeg (77.35 KB, 792x634, 7lnzu9b2n6ld1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751744

File: 1724808090537.jpeg (86.73 KB, 526x524, main-qimg-a2098eaf4f6c941….jpeg)

ab91de8a No.3751747

File: 1724811012468.png (506.38 KB, 526x714, Harvard_grad.png)

It's amazing how the photographer for that totally real membership card for the CPSU managed to perfectly recreate her Harvard graduation photo when they took her picture for that ID. Uncanny!

16f76882 No.3751752

File: 1724812107490.jpg (72.08 KB, 712x712, welcomefriend.jpg)

Forgot to mention that we can also chat over Tox - as long as you connect it to (((TOR))), there's pretty good privacy (in theory)… chat about God that is. Also, I've said before that I don't care about what (((algorithms))) spew out, there are already enough demon-possessed "people", NPCs and commies shitting up the world with their dead words/actions/products. If you post your Tox ID, I'll respond on here by posting mine.

Happy to! Will do it every time I pray, however I'll refer to you a bit differently; not because He'll know who I mean "better", but because referring to you in that way will assume/imply factuality to that reference/statement.

ab91de8a No.3751753

Some people say that prayer has no power what-so-ever but, statistically, prayers come true an average number of times.

854f6b9c No.3751755

Statistical analysis true

854f6b9c No.3751756

If democrats are Nazis why are you Nazis wanting Trump? Hmmm curious

ab91de8a No.3751758

So your argument in favor of Trump is, "He'll burn everything down and end democracy because it's the only way he can stay in power and that is why you should vote for him! He has nothing to lose so he's free to destroy as much as he wants and act like a dictator!"

I don't think that is the selling point you believe it is.

dc3e0c87 No.3751759

File: 1724823928317.jpeg (141.65 KB, 1080x811, 662bc08c1a223.jpeg)

No, that's just the demented ravings of your lunatic mind.

dc3e0c87 No.3751760

File: 1724824042210.jpeg (5.21 KB, 195x259, images (50).jpeg)

We haven't seen one YET, but apparently you do.
Let us know when you actually find one.

ebdd4c4d No.3751764


You do know what the abortion laws were in Nazi Germany, right?

German women who would attempt or get an abortion were given 5 years hard labor, the doctor or otherwise getting the death penalty by hanging.
A second attempt by the pregnant woman would have her getting the death penalty by hanging.
These "pro-life" assholes never want to mentaion this.

ebdd4c4d No.3751765


Prove it.
Guess what! You can't.

Prayer is a useless ritual pushed by con artists.

ab91de8a No.3751766

File: 1724856199975-0.jpeg (423.93 KB, 1536x2048, GWDdRW_W0AAp4Qs.jpeg)

File: 1724856199975-1.jpeg (511.52 KB, 1536x2048, GWDdRW_WsAAgHg9.jpeg)

It seems Trump is in even more legal trouble after he and his media team forced their way into Arlington National Cemetery to film a publicity stunt where he pretended to care about soldiers who have died in service of our freedom. It's against the rules to film there and the staff of the cemetery tried to stop them but they just pushed them out of the way and did it anyway. The staff have called the cops on them but I doubt much will come of it. Orange Hitler thinks he is above the law and most of the time he is correct.

What a piece of shit he is to use dead soldiers as his political props but at least he had a good time pissing on the graves of our fallen! Just look at how happy he was!

ab91de8a No.3751767

File: 1724856482741-0.jpeg (190.33 KB, 1089x983, GV7UV7cXcAAr9Mw.jpeg)

That was a math joke. I was saying that the thing you pray about will come true the same amount of times that they would have if you didn't pray.

If you pray for a coin to land on heads then flip it 10,000 times your payer will come true an average of 50% of the time. That kind of thing.

dc3e0c87 No.3751768

We're praying for you to die.
Let us know if it works.
Oh, wait….

dc3e0c87 No.3751769

File: 1724857259893-0.jpg (77.53 KB, 1200x630, GettyImages-1218413512.jpg)

File: 1724857259893-1.jpeg (8.7 KB, 259x194, images (51).jpeg)

File: 1724857259893-2.jpeg (109.19 KB, 1170x780, ba169e610e094a01ba6e11e15….jpeg)

Yes, Trump will "burn it all down", figuratively.
But it's YOUR side that will burn it all down, LITERALLY.
When Trump wins the election, your useful idiots in BLM and Antifa will try to burn down half the USA again.
Just be sure you only burn down democrat cities, if you go to conservative ones and try that shit you won't be leaving them.

Notice how in the cities on fire arson pics before, all you can see of the rioters are their shadows, or silhouettes… but you can STILL tell without a doubt that they are NEGROES, even without actually seeing what they look like.
It's because they're not a different race, they're a different SPECIES…. just ADMIT it, and then maybe negroes and human beings can finally come to some sort of peaceful reckoning at long last.

dc3e0c87 No.3751770

File: 1724857428000-0.jpg (20.13 KB, 285x214, 25hgv8.jpg)

And you see something wrong with that?

16f76882 No.3751771

File: 1724857730097.jpg (35.85 KB, 316x316, sunsmart.jpg)

Hey 3751765: Technically 3751753 and you are on the same side, and are trying to "debunk" Christianity almost the same way, but you're probably too "vaxxed" to notice and 3751753's too vaxxed to "debunk" in a way that's recognisable to another vaxxed buddy of theirs. Cognitive decline is a known effect of the injection.
If we weren't in a global democide and things weren't so serious right now, I'd more freely enjoy seeing 2 godless jidf commie shills turn on each other.
Prayer does work, and so does intercessory prayer, however the condition is that it doesn't go against God's will, plan and law - He knows best, and hears the prayers of His children whom He also calls His friends. God does not hear the prayers of those who have rejected Him and are not His children, what father would?

ab91de8a No.3751772

File: 1724857916328.png (80.35 KB, 500x408, GVoFWUZbAAAWiSr.png)

>Democrats are coming for our guns!
You morons have been saying Democrats are trying to take away your guns for over 50 years and you still have your guns. Give it up!

You're not being oppressed, you're just weird.

dc3e0c87 No.3751775

File: 1724859521401-0.jpg (63.5 KB, 633x500, 7a0uj6.jpg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751777

File: 1724859693409-0.jpeg (95.67 KB, 1200x800, 88fd540c-9641-4819-875a-4….jpeg)

We ONLY still have them because we've been fighting you HARD the entire time, to keep them.
Forgot that little part, didn't you.


cc4add2f No.3751778

"I hasn't happened yet, so that means it never will"
You've told me so much about yourself with this one little admission.

You're simply ignorant because you've never talked to or read anything by a nazi so you don't realize they near universally dislike Trump.

It's not hard to understand. You've put in zero effort.

405444b9 No.3751779

you need a collective to be who you are. sad.

c78fba69 No.3751780

File: 1724861470432-0.jpeg (136.73 KB, 941x817, IMG_6259.jpeg)

File: 1724861470432-1.jpeg (601.07 KB, 1170x865, IMG_6260.jpeg)

Both sides are irredeemably shit

dc3e0c87 No.3751781

File: 1724862660178.png (295.03 KB, 640x991, 99d85fc3142b4c689ea4f3a33c….png)

We don't want to do what Communists do.

President Theodore Roosevelt,
Was SHOT in the chest by a leftist while giving a speech.
He went on to finish the 30-minute speech before seeking medical attention .

ebdd4c4d No.3751782


Do what I said.
Prove it.
But you never will, you'll just continue posting your sky fairy fantasies, "It's God's will…" that sure is a dandy excuse for your FAILURES.

Like this one: How did Judas Iscariot die?
There are two very different stories about this, one in Matthew, the other in Acts.

Your faith is based on such a flimsy concept, it's no wonder you want to jump all over me for having the NERVE to ask for actual (gas) EVIDENCE rather than "Believe what we say or we'll kill you" or "Take our word for it."

ebdd4c4d No.3751783


The shooter was not a "leftist"
He was a former bar owner who went nuts.

ebdd4c4d No.3751784


Just a few years before this, a total nutcase shot President Garfield, he was convinced "God" was going to give him a cushy government job working Garfield.
Garfield's people told the Jesus Freak to pound sand, so he shot Garfield.
Garfield died of infection.

dc3e0c87 No.3751785

File: 1724869492586.png (3.61 MB, 1536x1536, 328caf21f8c6c6dc9bad07cc98….png)

I always wondered what a wolf crossed with a tiger would look like.
So I directed A.I. to make one for me.
The results are….. not unpleasant.

dc3e0c87 No.3751786

File: 1724869590527.jpg (40.65 KB, 500x500, 6ebi2r.jpg)

c2c47fb2 No.3751788


a6733e93 No.3751789

>Prayer is a useless ritual pushed by con artists.

thousands of people telling about the miracle God gave them, but you know better. They are all delusional ?

45930b54 No.3751790

>…who went nuts
Sounds like he became one in that moment to me, if he wasn't already.

dc3e0c87 No.3751791

File: 1724871359284.jpg (89.99 KB, 500x764, 6bptww.jpg)

"Donkeys" will get it first.

cc4add2f No.3751792

You see, you're hunting for a debate you're incapable of having. If you were asking genuine questions I'd be happy to discuss, but I'm not going to debate with you as the avatar of r/atheism. I've been to r/atheism before. I know the arguments. There's nothing for me to gain by listening to yet another gum flapper hit me with an infinite series of "what abouts"

If you've never studied and practiced philosophy how the hell do you expect someone to explain Christian metaphysics to you in a way that makes any sense?

Go read plato or some shit.

At least take the time to become an Adam Green bro. They're a little more interesting to spar with. He's resentful toward God for not living up to his personal expectations too. It should be pretty relatable

cf74ea5e No.3751793

File: 1724872647245.png (180.17 KB, 1068x968, Jew_censorship.png)


We have a Tik Tok problem

We have a Telegram problem

We have a free speech online problem

Gotta love freedoms need to die for Israel

405444b9 No.3751794

we as in you and just you lol

1cb437f5 No.3751795

File: 1724873394945.jpeg (195.75 KB, 850x1256, IMG_6261.jpeg)

Literally uncounted billions believe in prayer, but you have pierced all knowledge of the supernatural and have determined that asking for help is useless. I need to find a midwit meme for that

8eb82976 No.3751797

Truly the church fathers would have been dismantled by an argument so airtight as "If God, why bad thing?"
Unfortunately nobody was wise enough to come up with it at the time.

03a2c0c9 No.3751798


Thats very offensive !

To the poor potted plant.

I swear , sometimes they make better company than most people and no vet bills !

dc3e0c87 No.3751799

File: 1724875046889.jpg (122.6 KB, 500x1226, 6cxp1e.jpg)

Then guess who's next

cf74ea5e No.3751802

File: 1724885638000.png (584.44 KB, 1321x933, west_bank676.png)


They come for the west bank.

Remember when everyone said going into gaza was the red line? And here we are, almost a year after oct 7th. And Iran ain't really done shit.

Gaza was gone into
Neighboring countries were attacked
Iran's president died mysteriously
Pepe escubar said months ago Israel tried to use a tactical nuke on iran's power grid but a Russian shot the plane down.

on the day celebrating irans new president, Israel assassinated the diplomat of hamas so peace negotiations are even more impossible.

And now they blueball everyone for weeks, saying something big is coming.

It really looks like Iran is just a bunch of do nothing cucks at this point. Might as well take out the supreme leader as well Israel. Because from what I see, Iran's new president seems either to be a west puppet, or very pro-west in general.

cf74ea5e No.3751803

File: 1724887293860.png (867.74 KB, 1272x759, gaza_style.png)

1cb437f5 No.3751804

File: 1724889977056.jpeg (129.02 KB, 902x1024, IMG_5687.jpeg)

>…why bad
Is about a worthless as an argument can be
God does not do bad things, literally evil/sin is defined by that which is against the will of God.
That he allows free will of us mortals is not an indicator of an evil nature in God.

ebdd4c4d No.3751805


There are millions who believe in flying saucers too.

And Santa Claus.
(I met a guy at work 10 years older than me who still believed)

And Allah.

And Krishna.

The numbers of believers means jack shit to the validity of a claim.

ebdd4c4d No.3751806


Oh yes.
Another fictional construct is "Satan."

He makes for a dandy scapegoat though.
"The Devil made me do it!"

Just look at all the fundy megachurch preachers who get caught in money and/or sex scandals, who blame their fuckups n "The Devil."

84d30657 No.3751809

File: 1724895035888.jpg (424.35 KB, 1024x1238, 65261913141ca.jpg)

854f6b9c No.3751810

Retard boomer meme format

854f6b9c No.3751811

File: 1724896194493.jpeg (156.07 KB, 828x759, bqxa8l20hhld1.jpeg)

1cb437f5 No.3751812

File: 1724897005361-0.jpeg (202.52 KB, 934x978, IMG_6263.jpeg)

File: 1724897005361-1.jpeg (188.05 KB, 742x960, IMG_6262.jpeg)

Only skin deep bro

854f6b9c No.3751813

Yes your racist bullshit is racist

854f6b9c No.3751814

File: 1724897435467.jpeg (68.43 KB, 500x500, 863mwx9jnfld1.jpeg)

854f6b9c No.3751815

File: 1724897565141.jpeg (71.16 KB, 554x767, bzgjlph0wgld1.jpeg)

Fine. Take off the anklet and throw her in a fucking cell.

Jesus. The level of entitlement here.

be85ae9c No.3751816

File: 1724903634605.jpg (450.31 KB, 1000x864, 4568869_darkmare_graphiteb….jpg)

Libtard lies. Lying under oath is reason for impeachment. None of those justices have been impeached or are facing impeachment.

By the way, lying under oath is why democrat president Clinton was impeached. Lying under oath is, and always has been, a democrat behavior.

ab91de8a No.3751821

File: 1724906500051.png (127.97 KB, 360x323, TPainUSA.png)

>we've been fighting you HARD the entire time…
Fighting what, exactly? The zero attempts to take away your guns? It's easy to win a war which doesn't start. And if you were "fighting us" how would you go about doing that? If we come for your guns we will take your guns. You ain't got shit you can do about it but die stupid and then we'll take your guns from your corpse.

Make no mistake, you will know when we start oppressing you, Bitch-boy!

ab91de8a No.3751823

File: 1724907085747.png (1.31 MB, 1170x770, Fake-war.png)

After Donald Trump illegally filmed political ads at Arlington Military Cemetery forcing his way past the security and staff so he can get a photo op, Rolling Stone helpfully reminded everyone that this isn't the first time Diaper-Don has tried to exploit dead war veterans for his own profit.

He has a fake monument to the civil war on one of his properties honoring a battle that never happened because he could get a tax write off for it.


And let us not forget the fake veteran's charity scam he ran back in 2019 which he got caught at and was fined 2 million dollars by Leticia James.


84d30657 No.3751826

After 3B posted more bullshit that nobody reads and nobody cares, he did it again.

84d30657 No.3751827

News at 11

ab91de8a No.3751841

File: 1724920050642.jpeg (39.15 KB, 680x510, Truth-social-check-in.jpeg)

Sooo much butt hurt!
You gonna kill yourself when Kamala crushes Trump's balls in November?

You know he's already gearing up to say the election was rigged because even Trump knows Trump is gonna lose, right?

Your cry-baby criminal leader is going to whine and bitch and moan all the way to prison.

I bet he becomes such a little bitch-boy he even demands that Kamala pardon him for his crimes. He's going to be like a feral animal at the end. I bet he'll flee America. I think his wife already has! She's probably doing the smart thing and taking what she can before little Donny goes up in flames.

acabffc0 No.3751845

Why are we supposed to pretend Kamala is good again? Nobody likes her.

63f357f0 No.3751847

File: 1724928549563.png (1.09 MB, 1024x1024, IMG_6243.png)

I you want to know what political persecution looks like, there it is.

dc3e0c87 No.3751848

Are you going to kill yourself when Kamala kills herself after she is not elected president.
I told you for months and months right here, Biden WOULD NOT be president, I kept telling you they would swap him out for Kamala, which was an extremely bad choice l. But you just kept on crowing, "Are you going to kill yourself when Biden is elected president", and i kept telling you he would NOT be, but you kept right on.
Now I am telling you, Kamala will not be president, they will swap her out also before the election.
Are you going to kill yourself?

854f6b9c No.3751849

Buttmad when elect and re elect first woman president, get used to eight years of conservative maga being owned

854f6b9c No.3751850

File: 1724936964186.jpeg (132.81 KB, 789x923, rus9ze7vjhld1.jpeg)

dc3e0c87 No.3751851

dc3e0c87 No.3751852

That one word is all you need to know.

ebdd4c4d No.3751853


And Trump buried his first wife in one of his golf courses, this way he gets to call it a "cemetary," and take another tax benefit.

Now the senile old crook is selling more of his digital "trading cards," showing Trump as heroic.
There's also a $2 bill for sale, for $20, that has Trump's face on it.

Face it, Trump is the most corrupt "president" in history.

dc3e0c87 No.3751856

Not in your lifetime, sorry

dc3e0c87 No.3751857

>>And Trump buried his first wife in one of his golf courses, this way he gets to call it a "cemetary," and take another tax benefit.

If you're not trying to be funny,
Then you're truly out of your mind.

dc3e0c87 No.3751859

The same RICO racketeering criminals at ABC CBS NBC PBS FOX & 1500 local accomplices, that are now pushing Harris, whom nobody voted for and nobody likes, are the same propagandists that convinced the majority of America that:

- 'Russia, Russia, Russia' was real
- Trump worked for Putin
- Pelosi/FBI's well planned J6 operation, was an insurrection.
- COVID wasn't Fauci's gain-of-function bioweapon
- Big Pharma's experimental mRNA Clot Shot was a harmless vaccine
- Obama didn't arm and foster ISIS
- Antifa terrorists are "counter-protesters"
- Anyone opposing MSM's agenda are democracy-killing racists

is now demanding that a career fraud and would-be communist dictator be celebrated and elected POTUS.

MSM is the most coordinated, lethal, and successful RICO Racketeering operation in the history of organized crime.

cc4add2f No.3751860

>Trump buried his first wife in one of his golf courses, this way he gets to call it a "cemetary," and take another tax benefit.

That's normal in America. People do this all the time. Or at least that's the rich person meta.

The poor person meta is to get your land declared a cemetery or church land and then you never have to pay property taxes. You still owe the taxes, but the government isn't allowed to confiscate church land for non-payment.

You just don't understand how the system works. There are all sorts of things like this that normal people don't know about.

You know how life insurance works? It doesn't work that way for rich people. They have an entirely different kind of scheme that is INCREDIBLY lucrative that they're able to use but you aren't because you went to public school and it's already too late for you to get in on it because your parents didn't know either.

ab91de8a No.3751863

File: 1724955747326.jpeg (94.38 KB, 1179x827, GWEpTopWYAAoN-G.jpeg)

No, Trump really did plant his ex on his property way off the green so he can get a tax write off. There is a flat grave marker that Trump ordered his staff to ignore so it is overgrown and practically invisible at this point but he still gets the tax write off every year.

That's what you don't get. Trump is just a grifter! He ran fake schools, fake charities, sold bad steaks, gold colored sneakers from China, cheap bibles, NFTS, trading cards, and fake money with his face on it. He will sell anything you morons will buy up because you're just suckers for him to extort!

There is reporting today that he has siphoned off millions from the fund you donated to for his election campaign by having his staffers rent rooms at Mar-a-lago or his other facilities even though they aren't even in the state. He's ripping you off every day and you're just too stupid to stop letting him.

Why aren't you out selling your kidneys!
Trump needs more gold toilets!

ab91de8a No.3751865

File: 1724956265248.jpeg (348.61 KB, 1686x1666, Party-of-inbreeding.jpeg)

You don't get it, the dems aren't a cult. If she loses we'll be fine. We don't invest our whole life purpose into our politicians. We choose them because we think they will do the job well, not because we have some weird parasocial obsession with them.

I care about Kamala Harris as a person the same amount Trump cares about you as a person - not at all.

If she dropped dead today we would just pick someone else and go on defeating Trump. Who does the job doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is they are someone who can and will do the job.

That's the real difference between the left and the right. The politicians work for us or we punish them. You work for your politicians and if you don't, they punish you.

You're a party of inbred simps and losers who they lead around like a dog on a leash.

dc3e0c87 No.3751867

File: 1724957113133.png (423.87 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240829-143923.png)


Here is where you can donate to Donald Trump, thanks for your support. Please help us make America great again and ensure the backwards, evil, destructive Democrats never get a foothold in American politics ever again.


Thank you again for your support

b72498a7 No.3751868

File: 1724957218875-0.png (815.5 KB, 1315x940, cuck.png)

File: 1724957218875-1.png (132.33 KB, 1257x914, 895.png)

405444b9 No.3751869

lol. they are bowing to the usa. hmm.
priorities are going to be oil yet again.
they can have their tiny toy bombs.
we can take all their land rights and sell it to them.
they can use it later.
they want to change the deal? lol.

They don't get nukes then. that simple.

7d19e126 No.3751870

File: 1724957834676-0.jpeg (89.58 KB, 615x927, IMG_6268.jpeg)

File: 1724957834676-1.jpeg (90.88 KB, 941x849, IMG_6269.jpeg)

File: 1724957834676-2.jpeg (197.99 KB, 900x898, IMG_6270.jpeg)

File: 1724957834676-3.jpeg (782.9 KB, 1170x1532, IMG_6244.jpeg)

But at least we have more food oprions

b72498a7 No.3751872

File: 1724958183958-0.jpg (54.11 KB, 512x768, Fiona_fox_566.jpg)

If everyone cucks and proves that the jews are right and goys are worthless domesticated animals.

Then the jews do deserve to kill everyone and inherit the planet. Because the goy are weak and worthless.

I'm just watching the zionist get to do coup, after coup, after coup. And no one does anything.

And I'm watching leaders of countries all be gigantic pussies. While Netanyahu is getting shit done while much of the world is morally (aka USELESSLY) upset with him

7d19e126 No.3751873

File: 1724958713688-0.png (4.24 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_6273.png)

Issues of survival of the fittest and self preservation are only valid when there is NOT a conscious effort to exterminate a specific group/species.

b72498a7 No.3751874

File: 1724958794876-0.jpg (51.72 KB, 512x768, fiona_553.jpg)

After 9/11 the muslims looked so scary, so blood thirsty, so willing to kill anything and everything to get into heaven.

But the muslims have been some of the biggest cucks of all in this conflict with Israel.

Many of them fleeing the middle east to come to the west And take out their weakness on the non-zionist western public. WHILE allying with the zionist lead governments!

"I'm so mad at Israel! thats why I left the middle east where I could attack israel, and came to the west to attack harmless children and civilian westerners with knives. Haha look at me, I'm so brave living in countries where even knives need a license but I run around with them because the goy government doesn't do anything about my crimes."

"For Allaha! killing the non-zionist innocent while allying with the zionist government who ship weapons to israel."

b72498a7 No.3751877

File: 1724959895212-0.jpg (27.76 KB, 400x400, fiona_675.jpg)

In like 8-9 days, it'll be the 1 year anniversary of oct 7th.

An entire year of killing muslims, an entire year of genocide.

And we've seen videos of muslims being raped, tortured, everything in Israel prisons. And we found out gaza was a concentration camp thats older than we've been alive. And the muslims tolerate their neighbor having a concentration camp the side of a city.

Recently that story of them bombing a man's wife and her two recently born children as the dad goes to hospital to get the birth certificate

The muslisms look tough when its one person they can kill easily as a gang of bullies, like a single gay man or an atheist who draws mohammed.

But when it comes to real shit. I don't think they've succeeded at anything since fighting off the USSR, which the usa helped them to do.

07d13a0a No.3751879

File: 1724960376034.png (7.94 KB, 775x325, Kamala.png)

ab91de8a No.3751883

File: 1724961061304.png (91.9 KB, 1548x548, Trumped-up.png)

You don't even need to leave English to find things to mock Trump with.

dc3e0c87 No.3751884

Why doesn't she bite his thumb off, for doing that?

ebdd4c4d No.3751887


Trump has always had the attitude, "Da rulz is for the little people."

We saw that first hand just a couple days ago when he and his campaign staff goons, charged onto the Arlington cemtary for a photo-op, shoved an Arlington staffer aside and did their little campaign stunt, even though they might as well have pissed on the graves too.
Then they lied about that staffer, and lied about the incident.
The Army is pissed off.
But to the Trumpers? "Donald has been anointed by Gawd and can do no wrong!"
It's a cult.

7d19e126 No.3751891

That’s how domination foreplay works

dc3e0c87 No.3751904

File: 1724968848948.png (793.87 KB, 1536x1536, dd4fe6d3edb89e77ead75059cf….png)

ab91de8a No.3751908

Putting white people in prison for the crimes they commit isn't persecution. That's called justice and it's coming for Trump. It's only a matter of time.

b72498a7 No.3751910

File: 1724975539213.png (769.33 KB, 1311x938, Jill.png)

9bea0225 No.3751911

Except, you know, maintaining control of Afghanistan after 20 years of Zionist occupation.

As for Arlington cemetery, every zogbot grave deserves a gallon of piss each at minimum so who gives a shit?

ebdd4c4d No.3751912

File: 1724975737992.jpg (101.85 KB, 640x843, 95FF-3.jpg)


I wish I could be as optimistic as you are.

I've seen far too often rich motherfuckers like Trump get off scot-free or nearly scot-free, even for murder they only get a slap on the wrist or a piddly fine.

Bernie Madoff was one of the exceptions to the rule, he died in jail.
Trump needs to follow.

And it usually doesn't matter as to the color of the skin, just look at how OJ Simpson was out of jail when he died, although he was rather broke thanks to those goddamn lawyers of his.

What matters is how much money is thrown around.

ebdd4c4d No.3751913


Jill Stein is a Putin stooge.

9bea0225 No.3751914

Madoff went to prison because he ripped off other Jews. That's literally the only reason.

78f8a5b3 No.3751915

What does white have to do with it? You reveal your racism.

Historically little issues have been ignored specifically to allow government to function. But all these felony charges over paperwork errors cannot be described as anything less than politically motivated

b0f2a354 No.3751922

No matter. She earned my vote.

854f6b9c No.3751924

File: 1724979478255.jpg (149.9 KB, 721x477, newsnerd.jpg)

439754de No.3751925

File: 1724982355450.jpg (184.23 KB, 805x814, YOU_SUCK_DOUBLY.jpg)

>> ID: 854f6b9c

cc4add2f No.3751926


You can't be racist against white people

84d30657 No.3751927

File: 1724984754997.jpg (318.94 KB, 1280x720, ford-farley.jpg)

Ford says it will no longer participate in the LGBT-focused Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index

Ford Motor Company is backing away from some of its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, becoming the latest American firm to pump the brakes on "woke" policies this year and joining the likes of John Deere, Lowe's and Tractor Supply.

Anti-woke activist and filmmaker Robby Starbuck, who has been leading a campaign exposing major corporations' woke policies, reported on X on Wednesday that he was in the middle of an investigation of Ford when the company sent him documentation indicating that it had made some changes.

Starbuck posted a letter from Ford CEO Jim Farley to employees, where the chief executive stated that "the external and legal environment related to political and social issues continues to evolve," and thus in the past year, the company has "taken a fresh look at our policies and practices."

In the letter, Farley laid out a series of bullet points, telling the Ford workforce that the company does not utilize quotas in hiring, and saying that it prioritizes its resources for business purposes "versus publicly commenting on the many polarizing issues of the day." Farley said that the company has "evolved" its Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), noting that all its ERGs are open to all employees.

Farley also informed employees that Ford had made the decision earlier in the year to no longer participate in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index, which is an annual survey and report used to gauge "policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) employees."

Ford confirmed the authenticity of the letter to FOX Business when reached for comment, and said in a statement, "The communication to our global employees speaks for itself. We have nothing further to add."

b72498a7 No.3751928

File: 1724985825929.png (349.9 KB, 800x770, 9232_fiona.png)


Theres nothing more cringe than a man that becomes a woman so that they can be a lesbian.

Those poor, poor women that have to lick your smelly open wound.

f555767b No.3751932

File: 1724990654283.jpeg (103.73 KB, 591x767, rqxyd1x21pld1.jpeg)

ebdd4c4d No.3751934

File: 1724992404140.jpg (88 KB, 875x892, lQrngZ6.jpg)

For the "Trump is just SOOOOO dreamy!" inbreds…

0230825b No.3751936

Did Democrats empowered and made rich people that voted for them? Beside "culture enrichment" from immigration and woke/lgbtqiassp+ shit and stuff?

1f47b439 No.3751937

File: 1725005330311.jpg (110.67 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Just remember we live in the early future!

b72498a7 No.3751938

File: 1725005854141.png (428.74 KB, 599x429, Bastard_Trump.png)


Remember Trump isn't america first, he's Israel first. (And so is kamala)

def4d90d No.3751940

that would be gay as shit if that happened to me i would just be overjoyed to have a hyper enthusiastic knife wielding sponge at my door instead of hot sexy multi briskitybreastesty bitches.

1cb437f5 No.3751942

File: 1725009506712.jpeg (93.82 KB, 512x768, IMG_6276.jpeg)

Hey, you can do whatever you set your mind to.

f63daffe No.3751944

File: 1725013871121.png (264.71 KB, 680x497, IMG_6277.png)

>it’s not political persecution!

He is literally not even a basic lawyer, he has no authority to press any charges XDDDD

854f6b9c No.3751946

I find her style sincere and refreshing. The NYT review tried so hard to not say anything supportive, but that’s just the NYT. She is smart. When she answers she says a lot. That means you have to listen. Trump says a lot too, but it’s always the same old shit of recycled sound bites. The difference is with Trump you don’t have to listen because it doesn’t fit together anyhow. Add to that, even he doesn’t believe what he is saying.

dc3e0c87 No.3751947

You're describing yourself.
Just substitute 3B for Trump in what you just wrote.
You're describing yourself.

"3B says a lot too, but it’s always the same old shit of recycled sound bites. The difference is with 3B you don’t have to listen because it doesn’t fit together anyhow. Add to that, even he doesn’t believe what he is saying."

Thanks for pointing that out.

ebdd4c4d No.3751956

I love this.

Trump now claims the Arlington fiasco was "all a setup," and the family that was with him was "in on it."

Is there anyone still stupid enough to want this senile corrupt son of a bitch as President, again?

d69d2453 No.3751957

File: 1725036706760.jpeg (815.15 KB, 1170x950, IMG_6280.jpeg)

Migrants bringing yummy food

cc4add2f No.3751959

>Arlington fiasco
So what happened? He tried to take a picture in a cemetery and someone got their panties twisted? And you care?

I was doing some interesting reading on this the other day. Turns out most of Africa either doesn't know about germ theory or reject it outright. Same with India. Lots of rural South Americans too.

They don't know how people get sick or where disease comes from.

63f357f0 No.3751960

Worse, even if you do convince them, they don’t have the self awareness to reliably get/stay clean.

63f357f0 No.3751961

File: 1725040047611.png (373.21 KB, 946x1100, IMG_6282.png)

Jews have VERY high rates of psychosis

ebdd4c4d No.3751963


"Da rulz" say politicians are not supposed to use Arlington as a place to film crass political ads.

But Trump never was one to follow "da rulz," he used a charity's money to enrich himself, (as a result the charity was fined and closed down,) not to mention all the people Trump cheated, contractors, lawyers, etc.

b70ac65e No.3751967

File: 1725045571192.png (464.92 KB, 640x842, IMG_6283.png)

07217f91 No.3751968

File: 1725046726364.jpg (93.42 KB, 850x1102, 631.jpg)

Theres no line I hear these days thats more retarded than "Cool, still voting trump"

Its someone admitting they are too moronic to even take time to think. Their tribalism is in full swing. They aren't a person, they are a walking vote.

They can't debate you, or anyone. And if you aren't pro-trump by default you are pro-kamala, aka the enemy.

1f47b439 No.3751970

File: 1725047811745.jpg (88.63 KB, 687x1000, 71oko6S2bjL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg)

Sounds like Animal Farm

George Orwell's Animal Farm Animation Film (1954)

cc4add2f No.3751971

And you care? I guess that's where I'm confused. Do you think other politicians are good benevolent people who have your best interests in mind?

Out of all the shit politicians get up to taking a picture in a no picture area is a little silly.

Do you even understand why charities exist at all? They've been used almost exclusively for money laundering for a century. That's not a Trump thing.

1f47b439 No.3751972

File: 1725048164277.jpg (130.69 KB, 960x640, Netherlands_Black_Pete-02f….jpg)

Plottwist: white man dyed his skin so he could hit a woman.

b70ac65e No.3751974

File: 1725048367111.jpeg (56.53 KB, 800x450, IMG_6284.jpeg)

How convenient that you forgot to mention that trump was not president at the time. (Also did Trump release those pictures or did independent photographer s and news outlets release the images?)
And that Biden WAS president when he gave his blood red speech with marines in the background(illegal to use the military in speeches like that)

1f47b439 No.3751975

File: 1725048393137.jpg (3.45 MB, 2700x2024, ap_20169457356730-d0fd1ad5….jpg)

First comic with two panels someone should make Aunt Jemima turn her into pancakes :)

b70ac65e No.3751976

File: 1725049262770.jpeg (314.38 KB, 1093x1200, IMG_6281.jpeg)

07217f91 No.3751977

File: 1725050008773.png (1.36 MB, 1305x932, 92334.png)


I saw a video earlier where the uk arrested an 11 year old boy for posting a meme.

One guy likes to say that as the west loses its power in the world, it will crack down on its own people to attempt to hold onto control.

Everyone knows zionism now, and that the jews own congress.

07217f91 No.3751979

File: 1725050627447.png (82.69 KB, 886x828, japan_building_up.png)

And the west is going more forward with war with china. By militarizing japan.

And doing more to piss china off


07217f91 No.3751980

File: 1725050742424.png (114.87 KB, 913x611, esculation.png)


And china is just cucking and cucking, and cucking. Other than doing sanctions.

And everyone is betting on america going bankrupt, so no one has to do anything.

4a761d4e No.3751983

File: 1725057420173.jpeg (132.02 KB, 548x680, IMG_6285.jpeg)

Hmmm what did she mean by that?

854f6b9c No.3751984

File: 1725059709538.jpeg (150.2 KB, 808x1200, 8x241lt9stld1.jpeg)

Yes nazis sure don't like jews
Do you fuckin pathetic nazis have anything else to talk about?

4a761d4e No.3751986

File: 1725060215708.png (528.88 KB, 512x768, IMG_6278.png)

Definitely a real photo
Definitely not Elon musk photoshop

2806730e No.3751987

File: 1725061332011-0.jpg (276.38 KB, 1080x607, in-the-movie-suicide-squad….jpg)

File: 1725061332011-1.jpg (577.65 KB, 1200x628, trump-forehead-tattoo-1-17….jpg)

Lamest Joker vibes. Cults are so embarrassing.

dc3e0c87 No.3751988

File: 1725062458798-0.png (487.1 KB, 602x592, main-qimg-5442c867c7ee01d8….png)

File: 1725062458799-1.jpg (54.82 KB, 622x499, 0_NYG33BH7ft94Xq7Y.jpg)

File: 1725062458799-2.jpeg (116.72 KB, 602x566, main-qimg-8b8f0a4c8d4abbc….jpeg)

Then why do you belong to one?

b0f2a354 No.3751989

File: 1725062486228.png (227.42 KB, 662x444, no_policy_change.png)

For those of you holding out hope for Harris defunding genocide, nope.


4a761d4e No.3751994

File: 1725067184572.jpeg (189.46 KB, 941x1021, IMG_6286.jpeg)

I’m not a coffee drinker, but someone may get use out of it(I would not drink it after forcing them to shout trump XD)

ab91de8a No.3751995

File: 1725067798720.jpeg (131.88 KB, 1080x943, Cant-be-friends.jpeg)

>all these felony charges over paperwork errors…

Lying on your loan applications to get a better deal then lying the opposite direction on your tax forms to pay less in taxes every year isn't an error, it's a crime that he did on purpose. You are worshiping a criminal and a rapist. That makes you scum and you will be forever stained with his stink.

For the rest of your life people will look down on you because you supported Trump.

4a761d4e No.3751996

File: 1725067801832.jpeg (140.83 KB, 450x600, IMG_6287.jpeg)


4a761d4e No.3751999

File: 1725068215882.jpeg (355.78 KB, 953x1558, IMG_6288.jpeg)

The tax assessed value is not the purchase value dumbass.

.49 acres $40,000,000
.44 acres $23,000,000(non-waterfront)
Mar-a-lago 20 acres ~$18,000,000 (double waterfront)

ab91de8a No.3752000

File: 1725068321794.png (121.65 KB, 1574x444, Ford-Nazis.png)

Ford being Anti-woke isn't the win you think it is. They were also the first company to line up and support the Nazis against America.

When the U.S. Army liberated the Ford plants in Cologne and Berlin, they found destitute foreign workers confined behind barbed wire being used as slave labor.

You are, once again, cheering for the bad guys.

ab91de8a No.3752001

My life is significantly better than it was 4 years ago, so it worked for me!

4a761d4e No.3752002

Blackrock has already stated they are moving away from the DEI nomenclature
They are still doing it, but they are going to change the name because that will definitely fix the problems.

ab91de8a No.3752003

>He's not even a basic lawyer …
You're correct. He's a very specialized kind of lawyer who goes after the worst criminals who have done the worst crimes against America and they called him in to deal with Trump. That should tell you something about Trump but you're too stupid to put those clues together.

ab91de8a No.3752004

If I was the employee I would wait until after they paid then instead of calling out Trump I would hold it up so that everyone could see TRUMP written on it and make them come up and get it while you call out, "Dumbass! Mr. Dumbass, your coffee is ready!"

4a761d4e No.3752005

File: 1725069092135.jpeg (466.71 KB, 780x2514, IMG_6290.jpeg)

Bad faith reading, his appointment was unconstitutional

cfb0cdc8 No.3752006

>Democrats waiting to be told what to be offended at
LOL! Remember when they got so buttblasted they wasted rounds of ammunition on perfectly good cases of beer! Oh wait!

ab91de8a No.3752007

Yes, Trump used the Arlington images in an ad that same day. He has no shame and no respect for our troops but you fucking traitors to America will vote for him anyway because you are scum and there is no bar too low for you.

I can't wait till we crush him once and for all and make all your pansy ass Nazi wanna-be crawl back under the rocks you came from.

It will be SO FUCKING NICE to have a day without you LOSERS being whiny little bitches.

ab91de8a No.3752008

No it wasn't.
Judge Cannon just made that shit up out of no where. It has no basis in law and no one is taking her seriously. It will be overturned and she will be barely remembered in history as the judge who threw away her career for that orange buffoon.

eb46b5cc No.3752012

That's not really how it works.

The default assumption is the government can't do things and have to establish the authority before acting.

The converse would be the government doing whatever they want and it being up to citizens to prove they can't. Which would obviously be ridiculous.

45930b54 No.3752013

File: 1725076451284.png (3.89 MB, 2704x2476, bf735ccf0012b96b4fcdcfbf25….png)

Are there any other pictures of her with this tattoo, or did she wipe it off after the photo op?

Do people usually get tattoos while wearing fake lashes and eyeliner? Wouldn't the pain of a tattoo cause tears or something and make that shit run?

854f6b9c No.3752014

File: 1725077866123.jpg (107.16 KB, 861x567, 6qty9s7qdvld1.jpg)

854f6b9c No.3752015

File: 1725081404252.jpg (63.93 KB, 712x534, 63w0n9rpdvld1.jpg)

ab91de8a No.3752016

File: 1725082559917.jpg (305.8 KB, 1024x768, GVgmmz4WMAEIE57.jpg)

That is exactly how it works. Using special counsels to prosecute high value or complex cases has been done since almost the beginning of America. It is complete fiction that this is anything unusual or controversial.

This nonsense will be struck down and Trump will go right back to being prosecuted but this time without one of his cult members as judge. So he'll be even more fucked.

854f6b9c No.3752017

File: 1725083333585.jpeg (85.25 KB, 761x767, 2hctjqf9gvld1.jpeg)

854f6b9c No.3752018

File: 1725084644157.jpg (103.55 KB, 720x852, j1dha4updvld1.jpg)

10980bc6 No.3752020

Lying again by taking things OUT OF CONTEXT and posting things from leftist websites that they take OUT OF CONTEXT.
And it's always something you imply is about pedophilia.
Only a pedophile would keep trying to make everything into that.
If you don't like being called out for what you are,
Don't come here.

10980bc6 No.3752021

>> ID:854f6b9c
>> ID:ab91de8a
Posting format and language arrangement is identical between these two ID's.
PEDO3B SPAMBOT is bouncing between two proxies to make it look like it is two different users posting.
It does this a lot, sometimes even using three or more.
You can tell because they are always near-identical posts and are grouped together in long strings of a half-dozen or more.

ab91de8a No.3752023

Everyone is 3b! EVERYONE!!!!

dbd9bdbe No.3752024


7d19e126 No.3752026

File: 1725098409205.png (1.47 MB, 768x1152, IMG_6292.png)

That literally won’t work, even hardcore democrats are begrudgingly admitting(out loud, on social media) the trump prosecution was a political hit on and inappropriate

(Different trial but same sentiment, people are waking up)

d21238cd No.3752031

File: 1725107097222.png (486.98 KB, 495x680, IMG_6296.png)


ab91de8a No.3752051

No, they said out loud that Trump should have been allowed to escape justice because he would use the trials to raise money. They wanted to put politics above justice.

Fortunately for America, Biden is staying out of the process and letting the legal system run as if Trump was any other citizen in America.

Biden didn't step in and stop it even though it would have been better for him politically. That's called integrity. I know you're not used to seeing that because you're a Republican.

ab91de8a No.3752052

File: 1725128269187.png (1.74 MB, 1580x882, KenPaxton-raids-the-elderl….png)

In other news, Republican, Attorney General, Ken Paxton sent armed cops to search the houses of elderly volunteers who help people register to vote. One of them was a woman guilty of helping veterans vote! Truly an unthinkable crime in the state of Texas!


77c81ef3 No.3752055


They were canvasing for absentee ballots which is illegal in Texas and constitutes vote fraud. Don't like it? Don't move to Texas.

d69d2453 No.3752056

File: 1725129929710-0.png (992.02 KB, 832x1216, IMG_6294.png)

File: 1725129929710-1.png (992.02 KB, 832x1216, IMG_6295.png)

He literally says if it wasn’t Trump, if he wasn’t running for president, the charges never would have been brought. It has nothing to do with raising funds, the fundraising is incidental to a crooked justice system(something he also mentions)

34303032 No.3752088

File: 1725138823623.png (755.24 KB, 1384x759, 909.png)

The usa never stops wanting to fuck over Venezuela for its oil.

45930b54 No.3752094

Venezuela does a good enough job fucking itself over.

34303032 No.3752097

File: 1725142493490.png (673.82 KB, 896x500, American_caused.png)


All Venezuela has to do, is be like Argentina. Let the usa Steal, I mean privatize all its oil fields and sell its oil for pennies to the west. And make sure russia/china don't get any.

Then the terrible sanctions by trump/biden on the country that lead to mass immigration into the usa from Venezuela can end.

ab91de8a No.3752102

You think absentee ballads are illegal in Texas? Or do you think it's only helping people request those ballots that's illegal? Because I got news for you, in order to do what those people were doing you have to take a class and get a certification. So not only was it legal what they were doing it was verified by the very government who sent Stormtroopers to their house to harass them for being Democrats.

ab91de8a No.3752105

File: 1725145962988.jpg (621.72 KB, 1536x2304, wedding-by-wolvenspice-ai-….jpg)

He literally said that it was a mistake to bring those charges because even though Trump was guilty and it was the right thing to do it was still politically a bad idea and that people now believe the justice system has been weaponized for politics. That is what they were talking about. Noone on that panel believed that Trump was innocent. They literally said that as well.

Here is the full interview without your conspiracy nuts clipping out things to remove the context.

ab91de8a No.3752108

In other news, Trump is so desperate for money he is once again attempting to milk you fucking morons for the last of your life savings by selling you literal jpeg images of trump some of them even .gif images! Yes, for only $100 US you too can be the proud owner of an image generated for free and available to the public who know how to copy and paste. But ask now, sell your kidney because if you buy $7,500 worth of cards you will have the chance to go to a dinner with Trump himself at his Florida golf club. If you buy 75 of his "virtual trading cards" you also get one real trading card. This card will have a shred of his personal suit on it. There's even a chance that it will be one of the cards he signs. There will only be five signed cards so good luck!

Sell your house! Pimp out your kids! Do whatever it takes to give Donald Trump more money!


34303032 No.3752110

File: 1725147495417.png (331.6 KB, 1150x954, Trump_Netanyahu_lovers_for….png)


He should sell NFTs of his lovely husband and himself

I'm still dissapoint theres no images of the two fucking while harris sucks one of them off.


4c1b6f3e No.3752115

File: 1725149498241.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1776x2368, IMG_6298.jpeg)

Admitting the charges would never(have never) been brought on anyone else is an admission that they were looking for something, ANYTHING to “get the bad orange man” and this garbage is all they could find and they still went with it, (but it’s not a politically motivated hit job, right?)

870170d8 No.3752116

File: 1725149529128-0.jpg (166.09 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20240803_190503_991.jpg)

File: 1725149529128-1.jpg (235.57 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20240803_190526_079.jpg)

I don't think being a ZGTOW is necessarily a right wing thing. I identify as a classical liberal.

10980bc6 No.3752117

File: 1725151241631.jpeg (160.72 KB, 768x1024, kamala-re-do-sabo-grocery….jpeg)

10980bc6 No.3752118

File: 1725151366243.png (1.64 MB, 832x1216, c223ec67d5dec1bfdb9c0630c6….png)


"…Yes, GREAT!!"
Now show us the HEAD."

34303032 No.3752119

File: 1725154099202.png (778.62 KB, 1075x1518, Gay_big_bro_bullied_me_too….png)

So kamala is pro Fracking?

I thought dems were suppose to be pro-green energy?

34303032 No.3752120

File: 1725154785596.png (761.48 KB, 786x596, Sad.png)

Why does Tim look like being around kamala for this interview is the worst time of his life?

4a761d4e No.3752121

File: 1725155254185.jpeg (287.58 KB, 2048x1022, IMG_6299.jpeg)

Dems are pro shareholder portfolio
(Republicans too, but nearly as bad)

4a761d4e No.3752122

File: 1725156902093.jpeg (81.38 KB, 640x613, IMG_6300.jpeg)

10980bc6 No.3752133

So would all the hypothetical upcoming Jan. 6 Kamala supporters go to prison for their insurrection also? No??

10980bc6 No.3752134

This is exactly why the left can't meme.
They can't win fairly, so they try to belittle their opponents in disgusting and racist and hateful and intolerant ways of every sort.
That's why their meme's aren't funny.
That's the left for you.

10980bc6 No.3752135

This space isn’t a playground for the mind; it’s a hunting ground, and you’re the prey. Every word you type, every thought you share, drags you further into the maw of something far darker than you can comprehend.

def4d90d No.3752139


1f47b439 No.3752143

File: 1725187854600.jpg (213.93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

1f47b439 No.3752144

File: 1725187999810.png (247.49 KB, 1281x872, ask this question.png)

d69d2453 No.3752146

File: 1725189951126.jpeg (127.31 KB, 900x505, IMG_6301.jpeg)

Killing humans is always murder

aa01de04 No.3752149

Wrong, women choose.

aa01de04 No.3752150

File: 1725197158571.jpeg (127.51 KB, 792x540, nb1ot0ad03md1.jpeg)

058a3590 No.3752151

Kermit Gosnell was a rogue doctor whose crimes spanned 2006-2010. He murdered 3 babies and was sentenced to 3 life terms in prison without parole. Democrats roundly condemned sicko. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter (D-PA) said, "I think it's quite clear that, if these allegations are true, we've had a monster living in our midst" while vowing to watch the city's remaining abortion clinics more closely. In January 2011, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden (D-Delaware) promised a wide-ranging investigations into the abortions Gosnell performed in Delaware saying; "I'm disturbed by the allegations that were handed up by the grand jury in Philadelphia".

aa01de04 No.3752152

Ok. Before the babies come out it's on the woman. Abortion is medical care.

aa01de04 No.3752153

File: 1725198240054.jpg (51.72 KB, 634x423, gh_xfu5kWpp4n2RiSjVZHHf0vD….jpg)

You don't see Trump with his thumb up either. It's always straight out, never up. Go look at pictures of him doing this pose and you'll see what I mean. Every single time. Thumb out, never up. Donny boy has a hard time getting it up.

78f8a5b3 No.3752155

File: 1725198785504.png (4.51 MB, 2144x2144, IMG_6297.png)

Killing babies makes you feel better? sicko

45930b54 No.3752156

Do it faggot!

aa01de04 No.3752157

Fetus isn't baby christkikes

b70ac65e No.3752158

File: 1725201312100.jpeg (284.47 KB, 850x868, IMG_6305.jpeg)

Unfertilized egg is not human
Fertilized eggy is

b70ac65e No.3752159

File: 1725201772706.jpeg (99.17 KB, 474x593, IMG_6306.jpeg)

Maybe if we all stop and think real hard we can figure out the connection

9572b746 No.3752160

Well that's debatable.

9572b746 No.3752161

File: 1725202327256-0.jpg (217.12 KB, 1770x1147, GTwVo58XQAAhYCj.jpg)

File: 1725202327256-1.jpg (95.28 KB, 929x1298, E1NTpvJXoAAyyUy.jpg)

Political cartoons are almost invariably garbage. But not all lefty cartoons are so bad. Happyroadkill makes some good ones.

45930b54 No.3752163

Left is a retarded Kafka trap strawman; right's not bad.

1f47b439 No.3752165

File: 1725205198338.jpg (111.06 KB, 929x1298, scheming merchent.jpg)

326f32c7 No.3752168

Nazis gonna use nazi tropes
Kill yourself

326f32c7 No.3752169

File: 1725206082499.jpeg (79.56 KB, 607x794, wiaugcg3q7md1.jpeg)

326f32c7 No.3752170

File: 1725206175094.jpeg (531.73 KB, 1080x1508, r201m3dy27md1.jpeg)

45930b54 No.3752172

Okay, but aside from just being butthurt, what part of it do you dispute?

b70ac65e No.3752174

File: 1725208064719-0.jpeg (165.2 KB, 710x722, IMG_6302.jpeg)

File: 1725208064719-1.jpeg (154.55 KB, 572x423, IMG_6303.jpeg)

File: 1725208064719-2.jpeg (703.37 KB, 1170x1202, IMG_6308.jpeg)

When you are ready Neo, you won’t need to check early life

1f47b439 No.3752177

File: 1725208897652.jpg (117 KB, 1200x1200, s-l1200.jpg)

You know what they say if they love forskins give them these; Dried Red apricots.

7a6e0787 No.3752178

>> ID: aa01de04
Go kill yourself,

326f32c7 No.3752179

No nazi, kill yourself.

326f32c7 No.3752180

File: 1725209298258.jpeg (56.26 KB, 1024x756, i2rv57nc07md1.jpeg)

Goofy motherfucker is completely undone by the whole weird thing. Absolutely wild that after everything over the last 9 years, that's all it took.

7a6e0787 No.3752182

>> ID: 326f32c7
I 'll pay for your funeral if you kill yourself,
worthless Commie.

You parents didn't believe in abortion,
why do you?

7a6e0787 No.3752183

3B wants to see a picture of Renamon having an abortion so he can Fap to it, do you know if there are any?
If not, he said most any furry girl will do.

1f47b439 No.3752184

File: 1725209575803.png (125.94 KB, 810x927, yes yes yes oil quality.png)


Real reasons you support Israel is because we have to protect our trade of intrest.
they have refineries that could convert our crude oil into higher quility oil.

How Yemen is Wrecking the Entire Global Economy

As you can see Israel and allies are agreeing to become allies with United Arab Emerites

Why the U.S. Can’t Use the Oil It Produces

It's all about producing the quality of our oil so that we could grow apricots forskins for Israel!
it's all comming together!

326f32c7 No.3752186

You're the same guy that thinks if it isn't nazi posting it's 3B.

Touch every grass

326f32c7 No.3752187

File: 1725210407325.jpeg (70.14 KB, 616x766, qfeincq5a7md1.jpeg)

326f32c7 No.3752188

File: 1725210682796.jpeg (235.85 KB, 1200x1168, 1725172388199.jpeg)

7a6e0787 No.3752190

Why do you keep deleting and re-posting this with new ID's 3B PedoProxyFag robot.
If anyone cared they would reply to it.
Instead, you have people wishing LULZ would go down forever just to get rid of you

326f32c7 No.3752191

Kill lulz then kill yourself

f11b121b No.3752192

File: 1725211994941.png (954.97 KB, 1294x939, hist.png)


Geez, the stuff he says is so bad about america's past.

326f32c7 No.3752193

DK you crazy as fuck

326f32c7 No.3752194

File: 1725212085345.png (289.16 KB, 698x748, 0v1e0fizf7md1.png)

She was so tired of this shit, day after day of the same dull drudgery, and now to have to put up with actual aliens on this, her final shift for the evening.

Then she gets home, only to find the alien on tick tock, making a run for the vice presidency she is shocked at how far this country has fallen. And as a life long Republican…

326f32c7 No.3752195

File: 1725212100867.jpeg (481.48 KB, 1075x1468, 92jty402k7md1.jpeg)

ebbcf1a0 No.3752196

>Kafka trap
You don't know what that means. And that comic is spot-on. >>3751988 fits the stereotype to T. Normal people don't save gigabytes of flaming homos and trannies to "own the libs". It's a self-own. You just lack the self awareness to realize.

ab91de8a No.3752197

File: 1725212779221.jpg (67.58 KB, 616x900, GVMyaDLWIAEN4Hg.jpg)

If you still support Donald Trump and believe that he will win now is the time to buy truth social stock because he has millions of shares he can't sell until September. The more each share is worth when he sells the more money he will make so it's up to you, dear loyal cultist to spend all of your money buying the stock and inflating it as much as you can to help Donald Trump at least break even on his shitty social media site.

ab91de8a No.3752198

Fun fact those charges were actually brought against him before he announced he wanted to be president. The whole court case was put on hold because he was running. The courts didn't want to seem political. They didn't pursue it while he was president because they didn't want to seem political. Now that he has been president and has zero chance in hell of being so again they decided to finish the job they started before he ran for office.

45930b54 No.3752199

Isn't google AI the one that told you to put glue in pizza sauce because it got its training from reddit comments?

ab91de8a No.3752200

Actually, because of the new supreme Court ruling Joe Biden could do it and never facing charges because of it. We are only having elections now because Joe Biden is allowing it.

Thanks to the conservative Court cultists he has all the power he would ever need to end the election and just name Kamala Harris the next president and it would be nothing Trump could do about it, legally.

DK likes to pretend that both sides are the same, but you should remember that right now the Democrats have the power to become dictators. Right now they have the power to literally murder Trump and get away with it. They could throw Trump in gitmo for his treason. They could revoke his citizenship and banish him from America all together.

All this whining about him facing charges for the crimes he does isn't political persecution. It's just things working in the way they should. It's all the things that he's been escaping by running for president I'll catching up to him at once.

If the Democrats really want to end Trump and his run for office, you'll know it when seal team 6 pops him, his staff and all his family.

45930b54 No.3752201

>Why do you have proof of us being freaks, you freak?
>not a kafka trap.

Fuck off, nignog.

326f32c7 No.3752202

Racists like you will die out soon.

Kill yourself to speed it up

326f32c7 No.3752203

File: 1725213930625.jpeg (66.18 KB, 1024x563, i932yrkvv6md1.jpeg)


45930b54 No.3752205

Nignog detected

ab91de8a No.3752207

File: 1725216916208.jpg (467.5 KB, 2237x2571, 4b4ee68e21b25c30b3a95dab83….jpg)

Using phrases like "Kafka trap strawman" makes you look so weird! Spend less time trying to be the best in the world at pointless arguments and go find that man you dream about beast fucking you. Come out of the closet and let yourself live without judgement. Only you have the right to say who you can be. Embrace your secret love of cock! It's not much of a secret. We can all see it.

7d19e126 No.3752208

File: 1725217353980.jpeg (637.13 KB, 1170x1803, IMG_6310.jpeg)


68e337e2 No.3752209

File: 1725217354513.jpeg (197.58 KB, 775x1136, je50f9hon8md1.jpeg)

7a6e0787 No.3752212

This Eastbrandanham joker who responded to that meme and posted it is lying, Trump never ordered such a thing. Because, Trump would NEVER order the release of any member of the Taliban, it's completely out of character, any more than he will order the release of any of the current administration after he takes office on Jan 20.
I doubt 100% he ordered that, so if he did….. PROVE IT.
The left thinks they can win by lying,
But all it does is make them look like liars.

f11b121b No.3752213

File: 1725218351537.jpg (83.95 KB, 640x960, Fiona_6653.jpg)


Blah, blah, blah

Let me now spam how much I hate all of you, and spam my pro-dem memes

7a6e0787 No.3752214

File: 1725218936201-0.png (615.87 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240901-152402.png)

File: 1725218936201-1.png (306.43 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240901-152449.png)

Notice, in the picture on the left,the date, where Trump first announced he was running for President: November 2022.

Notice in the picture on the right, the date when indictments started being filed against him: 2023.

Yet 3B, above in >>3752198
see where 3B claims this isn't true.

Would you care to clarify, 3B, or should we all just call you a liar once again for the millionth time?

f7a527b2 No.3752216

See, this is exactly what I mean. You've been duped into believing gays and transgenders are the majority of the Democratic party. You're delusional. The reality is these small minorities vote Democrat because your side denies their basic humanity. Some of them might even 100% agree with you on economic or immigration policy, but they're turned off by your bigotry.

f11b121b No.3752217

File: 1725220109323.jpg (38.88 KB, 525x350, Fiona_beach4.jpg)



Theres conservative gays and trannies.

Not every tranny thinks tranny "women" should be in female sports. Or that children should be turned tranny without the parents knowing.

ab91de8a No.3752218

A quick review of 40 years of investigations into Donald Trump and his businesses (Part1)

1973: The Justice Department files a housing discrimination lawsuit against the Trump Organization. After federal investigators established that prospective black tenants were being turned away from Trump properties, the feds filed a lawsuit against Trump's company, for which Trump was then acting as president. The case was settled, with the Trumps not admitting wrongdoing but signing a consent decree that mandated the Trumps advertise that minority applicants had an equal opportunity to rent at their properties.

1978: The Trump Organization was accused of violating the consent decree. The Village Voice reported in 1978 that the Trumps had continued to discriminate against minorities, and that “racially discriminatory conduct by Trump agents has occurred with such frequency that it has created a substantial impediment to the full enjoyment of equal opportunity.”

1979: Trump is allegedly investigated for bribery. A book written in 1992 by the Voice's Wayne Barrett, “Trump: The Deals and the Downfall,” alleged that Trump was the subject of a bribery investigation in 1979 and a racketeering investigation two years later, according to a contemporaneous Associated Press review. The allegations appear to stem from Trump's role in the then-mob-infested world of construction in New York.

1980: Trump is subpoenaed by the FBI to discuss his links to a mob-connected Teamsters official. Teamster John Cody had been given a number of free apartments by developers, as David Cay Johnston reported for Politico earlier this year. Trump denied giving Cody an apartment at Trump Tower, but a “female friend” of Cody's got three apartments in the building after Trump assisted her in obtaining a mortgage. “In the summer of 1982 Cody, then under indictment,” Johnston writes, “ordered a citywide strike — but the concrete work continued at Trump Tower.”

1987: The Federal Trade Commission recommends that the Justice Department prosecute Trump. As the New York Times reported at the time, the FTC said that Trump's use of a “parking agreement” violated the law. (A “parking agreement” is a term referring to the potential buyer of a business having a third party buy stock in the business before the acquisition to both hide his interest in the purchase.) Trump settled with the government for $750,000.

ab91de8a No.3752219

1988: Trump was investigated by the U.S. Attorney for money-laundering. As Barrett wrote in the New York Daily News earlier this year, a federal investigation into Trump's role in helping alleged mobster Robert Hopkins launder money by purchasing two apartments in Trump Tower was dropped after Trump announced that he'd raise money for the mayoral campaign of the sitting U.S. Attorney — Rudy Giuliani.

1990: The SEC investigated whether Trump violated the law in buying and selling stock. USA Today broke the story, reporting that the SEC was looking into whether Trump and the investment bank Bear, Stearns partnered to commit insider trading. The allegation, the newspaper reported, was that Bear, Stearns gave Trump a heads-up on big purchases placed by other clients. The investigation doesn't seem to have gone anywhere.

1991: Trump's father is caught buying casino chips in lieu of giving Trump a loan. At the height of Trump's financial troubles, his father Fred Trump purchased $3.5 million in gaming chips from one of Trump's casinos, Trump Castle, infusing the business with cash. New Jersey regulators deemed the purchase illegal financial assistance, and the casino eventually accepted a $65,000 fine and admitted to violating the law.

1991: Trump Plaza is fined for discrimination. As reported by USA Today earlier this year, Trump Plaza casino was fined $200,000 for discrimination after it was determined that the casino's pit bosses would rotate craps dealers who weren't white men off the tables when alleged mobster Robert Libutti came to play. Later that year, Trump's Atlantic City casinos were also fined for giving Libutti nine luxury cars.

1992: A congressional report links Trump's businesses to Asian organized crime. Mentions of Trump businesses are sprinkled throughout a 1992 report on Asian organized crime in the United States. Crime bosses who ran the Chinatown bus system put together trips to Trump businesses in Atlantic City, the report alleges, but other people with links to organized crime booked shows at Trump venues and in 1987, one was indicted on a charge of providing kickbacks to executives at Trump Castle. More specifically, Danny Leung was a vice president at Trump Taj Mahal who was known by law enforcement to be linked to organized crime syndicates.

ab91de8a No.3752220

File: 1725220685971.jpg (23.57 KB, 364x238, Itjustkeepsgettingworse.jpg)

2000: Trump fined for failing to disclose anti-gaming political ads. In 2000, Trump spent over $300,000 lobbying against proposed new casinos run by Native American groups, including $150,000 in newspaper ads. Those newspaper ads didn't identify the sponsor, a violation of lobbying rules. As a result, Trump agreed to a $250,000 fine and to run ads admitting his role in the effort.

2002: The Securities and Exchange Commission took action against Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts for “misleading” earnings reports. In the first-ever agency action of its kind, the SEC “found that Trump Hotels, through the conduct of its chief executive officer, its chief financial officer and its treasurer, violated the antifraud provisions of the Securities Exchange Act by knowingly or recklessly issuing a materially misleading press release.”

2010 and 2013: States investigate Trump University. In 2010, the state of Texas opened an investigation into the business practices of Trump University, the now-infamous real estate seminar program run by Trump. Three years later, the state of New York filed a fraud lawsuit against the business. (The recent legal fight over Trump University has been centered on class-action lawsuits against the “school” filed in California.)

2011: A criminal case looking at misrepresentations to Trump Soho tenants was closed after the tenants settled. A group of people who'd bought condominiums in the recent Trump Soho development said that Trump and his employees told them that units were selling more quickly than was the case, creating an artificial sense of demand. The Times reported that a criminal investigation was opened, but when Trump settled with the tenants, a stipulation of the settlement was that they tell prosecutors that they didn't want the investigation to proceed. The case was closed.

ab91de8a No.3752221

2016: The state of New York opens an investigation into the Trump Foundation. After Post reporting revealed a number of questionable practices by the Trump Foundation, the state's attorney general opened an investigation into the foundation's practices.

2016: The Trump Foundation pays a fine for an improper campaign contribution. That reporting also uncovered a gift made from the foundation (a 501(c)(3)) to a political committee run by Florida attorney general Pam Bondi. That's not allowed, and the foundation paid a fine of $2,500.


ab91de8a No.3752222

File: 1725221133585.png (441.13 KB, 512x512, You-fucking-clown-of-a-man.png)

These were all crimes he was prosecuted for BEFORE he became president.

Your cult leader is a sleezy, wierdo, pedophile, criminal who counts on the fact that you are too stupid to see through his grift and for 8 years he's been correct. You are THAT stupid.

7a6e0787 No.3752223

What the fuck does ANY of this A.I. generated spam shit have to do with Trump announcing he was running for President in 2022 and indictments being filed right after that, in 2023.

7a6e0787 No.3752225

File: 1725221273853.jpeg (6.87 KB, 225x225, images (53).jpeg)

ab91de8a No.3752226

It's not A.I. spam, it's an article from the Washington Post. I just copy and pasted it so that EVERYONE can see how ridiculously long the list of Donald Trump's crimes were BEFORE he became president.

You keep claiming that he is only being charged because of politics but he's been a life long criminal. It's nothing new for him to be in court. He's just a grifter and you are a pathetic, loser, moron for falling for his grift.

7a6e0787 No.3752228

File: 1725221604334.jpg (79.79 KB, 1024x768, 61Auv7VLuIL.jpg)

Donald takes office Jan. 20
3B shitting his pants the same day.
Antifa and BLM burning half the USA down.
Trump having hundreds of indictments filed against the top figures in the Biden administration.
3B shitting his pants again.
And that's just Day 1.

7a6e0787 No.3752229

File: 1725222033000.jpg (73.69 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-….jpg)

The far-left Washington Post.
Well, that's just THE GOD'S TRUTH IN PRINT isn't it.
From a source that's been successfully sued numerous times themselves over time, for LYING.

The TRUTH is,
until he announced that he was RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN.

IF you still CLAIM he was, then PROVE IT.

7a6e0787 No.3752231

File: 1725222594005.png (189.06 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240901-162416.png)

And I'm also telling you, as I told you for months about Joe Biden, that Harris WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT. She's just too awful.
The movement AGAINST here has already started, and it's COMING FROM THE LEFT.
Everything is happening just as I predicted to you months ago.
They will swap her out for another candidate within the next 30 days or so.
And then you can start waving your little blue flag again, "Will you kill yourself when XXXX wins", (whoever their new candidate will be, probably Newsome).

Are you going to kill yourself when Trump is elected for the 3rd time on Nov. 5.

f11b121b No.3752232

File: 1725223790221.jpg (37.64 KB, 375x562, Fiona8893.jpg)


They should replace her with Tim. SAVE US ALL from having a president thats incoherent.

We had 4 years of Biden's incoherent shit. We don't need 4-8 years of Kamala's incoherent word salads.

She's a drugged up crack whore that just knows how to talk in circles with buzzwords.

Save us from this era of retard presidents. That started after Obama left.

ab91de8a No.3752233

File: 1725223861689.jpeg (137.11 KB, 968x894, Law-and-order.jpeg)

The "Abandon Biden" campaign was a campaign ran by Republicans. That's why Fox News is interviewing two Republicans who lead it.

Democrats are 100% behind Harris and that scares the shit out of you, doesn't it? A minority, woman, president will be in control of America and SCOTUS just gave her unlimited power to do anything she wants.

Maybe you should think about fleeing to Russia with Rush Limbaugh?

a52c0658 No.3752236

Holy fucking shit you people are retarded

You realize a party just appointed a candidate after the primaries and basically told voters to go with it or vote trump, and both parties essentially rigged the election down to the last 2 by deciding who and who would not run correct?

You do not live in a democracy. Your shit flinging is of no consequence. You can vote for Vlad, or you can vote for Imir, but at the end of the day you are voting for The Oligarchy. It's just a question of which part of it is going to screw you harder for the next 4 years

The only moral option you have is to absolutely refuse both candidates and physically prevent them from taking office on these grounds. A criminal and an appointee have no place in democracy.

d9bb4397 No.3752238

Cry while I vote Kamala

d9bb4397 No.3752239

Yeah dk, you crazy motherfucker, you are literally word salad.

a52c0658 No.3752240

Everyone the democrats told "dont run, you cant beat trump, only the one We All Support can" is crying too, im sure, because they had to put the tenets of democracy under their career as a party bitch.

It doesn't really matter who you vote for because trumps win and loss were both rigged elections btw

f11b121b No.3752241

File: 1725227120298.png (417.41 KB, 512x512, fiona765.png)


Our real president is netanyahu.

For weeks now these shitty youtubers keep going "Israel is going to collapse"

But it won't collapse as long as american tax payers have a single cent to take and send over there.

45930b54 No.3752242

I'm quite the degenerate myself. The difference is that I keep it behind closed doors with like-minded adults. I don't go having gay sex in the senate. I don't read books to children with my cock hanging out. I don't literally parade around naked in public.

The Democrats campaigned on the other side being "weird", and the main point is that people in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.

ebdd4c4d No.3752243

The big difference is the Republicans are so fond of the "fear and smear," and Trump's biggest opponent is himself.
The Democrats' strategy of "letting Trump make a total ass of himself" is still quite successful.

Just today that dumbfuck suggested it was Democrats who were responible for him getting shot at, never mind that the shooter was a registered Republican.

I'm not psychic or get messages from God, but I predict after November 5th Trump and his goons will scream about "voter fraud" even though there wasn't any of consequence last time they threw their tantrums.

45930b54 No.3752244

Nobody ever voted for Harris, nobody likes her, and after almost 4 years as vice president, she's done absolutely nothing other than fuck up every task she was given astronomically.

The polls are fake and gay, and you'd have to be in the single digit IQs to believe them. Trump wins by a landslide against her without massive rigging.

4a761d4e No.3752246

File: 1725231814119.png (388.76 KB, 600x600, IMG_6067.png)

Chat gpt can’t vote XDDDD

42d52fd1 No.3752247

Talk about strawmen, Democrats don't do that shit either. If we have to own the fringe nutters who support our party, then you have to own Milo Yamacropolis, the pedophilia proponent.

624d13fb No.3752248

>both parties essentially rigged the election down to the last 2 by deciding who and who would not run correct? You do not live in a democracy.

That's what democracy is though. We are approaching perfect democracy instead of the dysfunctional janky version we had before.
Read about Chinese democracy if you want to understand how the system works. They've already achieved what we've been trundling toward for the past 100 years.

7a6e0787 No.3752254

The USA was founded as, and is, A REPUBLIC.
Find me 1 time the word "democracy" is used in the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, or The Bill of Rights

I'm waiting.

Republic is FREEDOM
Democracy is SLAVERY.

No wonder the Chinese love the latter.

45930b54 No.3752255

Milo was talking about his own abuse, you disingenuous faggot.

And who is it promoting drag queens reading to children? Who is it that cries about censorship when we try to stop it?

You faggots are STILL screeching about 'book bannings' in Florida, in response to books of a sexual nature being removed from school libraries, and you cry censorship when they ban teachers from talking to children about sex.

a08e1b12 No.3752256

LOL! Milo is a piece of shit, and so are you.

a08e1b12 No.3752257

Milo the gross faggot attention whore credited being raped by a priest for his "success". Said it should happen to all little boys. Which is so on brand for Republicans when you think about it. "My pappy beat the shit out of me, and I turned out fine! We need to keep beating our kids senseless or they'll be weak!"

7a6e0787 No.3752258

PEDO3B loves this shit

4a761d4e No.3752259

File: 1725239265309.png (1.22 MB, 1344x1239, IMG_6312.png)

7a6e0787 No.3752267

And that's where you're wrong
Nobody and nothing has to teach me to hate something like that.

7a6e0787 No.3752270

File: 1725244098256.png (182.37 KB, 635x1024, zero-cal-gallon-1.png)

Guess you won't be getting any, huh.

32c52ed9 No.3752271

Can we all stop acting surprised every time a homo is outed as a pedophile? It's getting silly at this point. We have the numbers. Everyone knows what's going on.

7a6e0787 No.3752272

File: 1725245127667.png (897.46 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240901-223457.png)

Oh this is so funny….. In 2020 California promised blacks "Reparations for Slavery" to get their votes, even though California was never a slave state…. and none of them alive now was ever enslaved…. California promised them something like $80 Million each which was in total many times more than the annual state budget for everything,…. to come from white people who were never slave owners. Well, now they are telling them they won't be getting it and as expected they are ready to Burn, Loot, and Murder. Who besides stupid, lazy, ignorant blacks are even surprised by this? You should hear some of the stupid shit they are saying, like "We bin waitin' 400 years fo' dis, now you be cheatin' us out of it." …..LOL

45930b54 No.3752273

I don't give a shit what else you think about him or me, but when he talked about pederasty, that was him coping with his own abuse. He was the victim in the situation he was discussing. He was in no way advocating it.

45930b54 No.3752274

Literally every religion other than Christianity.

94de8d7d No.3752276

I wasted my precious time to look up the exact quote, you piece of shit.

“In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationships — the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable sort of rock.” - Milo talking about boys as young as 13 years old

d39bede4 No.3752277


At one point he refers to the possibility of relationships between 13-year-olds and 25- or 28-years-olds, claiming “these things do happen, perfectly consensually”.

He claims there is an “arbitrary and oppressive” idea of consent, and that “people are messy and complex, and in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the coming of age relationships,” are places in which “those older men help those young boys to discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable rock where they can’t speak to their parents.”

He is interrupted by one of the presenters, who said: “This sounds like priest molestation to me.”

Mr Yiannopoulos replies: “And do you know what? I’m, grateful to Father Michael, I wouldn’t give nearly as good head if it wasn’t for him.”

Mr Yiannopoulos then claims the presenters of The Drunken Peasants do not understand the definition of paedophilia and that it does not include examples of children aged 13 who are “sexually mature”.

“You’re misunderstanding what paedophilia means. Paedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. Paedophilia is an attraction to children who have not yet reached puberty,” he claims.

ab91de8a No.3752278

File: 1725249215487.png (48.91 KB, 424x419, Not-a-liberal.png)

>Milo Yamacropolis
I don't even know who this is, but he's a conservative pedophile proponent according to google.

ab91de8a No.3752279

File: 1725250297438.jpeg (114.62 KB, 680x583, GVsXQHyXMAAUGZN.jpeg)

>Democracy is SLAVERY.
You only think Democracy is slavery if your view of the world is so horrifying and repulsive to the vast majority of people that you think your very existence will be made illegal.

Maybe the problem you have is you?

ae33dac9 No.3752281

Exactly. The Nazi's argument was that liberals have to own drag queen story hour. The response was that cuntservatives have to own Milo Yamacropolis, the actual pedophile enabler.

ab91de8a No.3752282

File: 1725254301914.jpg (46.58 KB, 618x800, ff440b5be81faa395cf13643e5….jpg)

If some drag queen wants to read to kids why wouldn't we "own" that? Is kindness to children bad in the opinion of conservatives or are they just mad that the tranny is a better person than 99% of conservatives?

15da6d55 No.3752283


Drag queens story hours are political now, wether they want it or not.

Do we need to let people with MAGA caps read to children ?
Do we need to let people with swastika read to children ? After all he nazi party is legal in the USA.
Do you want KKK members in full white robe read to children ?
Do you want pastors wearing crosses to go read to the children of atheists and muslims at school ?

Let's leave the children be.

def4d90d No.3752284

just set up a national tranny discord reading channel. that eazy

7a6e0787 No.3752288

Conservatives don't usually read stories to children with their dicks hanging out.

7a6e0787 No.3752289

You said this about Trump and were asked to prove it's true, but you won't.
When called out to prove some bullshit you posted is true, you always run away.
Why is that?

And this one also, it's another bullshit Trump claim you made that can't be true or the media would be all over it.
So why don't you prove this claim and the other one you made are true? Or is it just more shit you found on some leftist websites?
We're waiting.

ab91de8a No.3752290

File: 1725275835547.png (349.13 KB, 616x656, Proof-of-non-delivery.png)

7a6e0787 No.3752293

All you're doing is quoting lying LEFTIST sources, the very thing I asked you not to do.

And thanks for confirming you're 3B, by answering.

Now PROVE that what you claim is true,
We're all waiting.

ab91de8a No.3752294

What sources would you accept?

ab91de8a No.3752295

In other news…
Trump supporters are nutting their pants at the idea of an army of Hell's Angels (The violent street gang who smuggle drugs, guns, and force women into prostitution) riding to Aurora Colorado because they think a Venezuelan violent street gang has taken over the city. There is a video of armed men searching an apartment building for someone in Aurora who are in a local gang but they didn't "take over the city" or the apartment building (Which was a tenement in such bad condition it was previously condemned by the city and forced to shut down now.)

Of course the Hell's Angels are not riding in to help the cops take back the city from the gang. They aren't riding in at all. There are a hand full of MAGA chuds who went to Aurora and found nothing happening but that hasn't stopped Fox News from running the story as if it is 100% true.

ab91de8a No.3752297

How about Breitbart? They are bat shit insane enough for you to think they are smart like you, right?


or how about this article where they say Biden didn't give Trump enough credit for negotiating the peace deal that released the 5000 terrorists?


Are those "Left wing media"?

45930b54 No.3752298

So you see nothing wrong with strangers giving candy to children, then? I mean, that's just kindness? That's all you see happening there?

538e8531 No.3752299

"Terrorists" are just militants that America/Israel isn't currently funding.

99364eb8 No.3752300

You just described Halloween, shit-for-brains. The difference with drag queen story hour is that it's always hosted in public venues (libraries, schools, bookstores) with plenty of parents attending. When I was a kid, my parents let me go trick-or-treating with a group of friends. I received free candy from strangers playing dress-up - some even wearing makeup - and I was never molested. To the best of my knowledge, none of my friends were ever molested trick-or-treating either.

2d9c9cda No.3752301

Church tho you will catch a buttfucking as a child

2d9c9cda No.3752302

File: 1725285699569.jpeg (86.76 KB, 915x614, bg6yyx377cmd1.jpeg)

He's like the toddler who shows you their age with how many fingers they holding up, except his dancing is "guess how much money I have stacked up this high!"

And I guess some people do grosser jobs for less money so..

22f8675b No.3752304

File: 1725286056431.jpeg (73.76 KB, 467x766, 117mo3k31emd1.jpeg)

Normally I couldn't care less but since it is so important to Trump I love this. I love the massive Harris rallies. May it eat at his soul endlessly.

0c31b9db No.3752305


22f8675b No.3752306

Lol it even makes maggots mad

0c31b9db No.3752307

No, I'm a Democrat,
But the Old School kind.
Even I can see when you've jumped the shark.

22f8675b No.3752308

File: 1725287391223.png (351.14 KB, 990x767, 4bz72eup0amd1.png)

All the photos of pedonald smiling are

A) forced smiles, or
B) AI generated

For the Arlington ones, he has a 'Used Car Salesman' fake smile


1cb437f5 No.3752310

File: 1725287609786.jpeg (63.93 KB, 600x1024, IMG_6314.jpeg)

We can assume the opposite is true,
Kamala has artificial support, the solders were ordered to smile(or offered some benefit/compensation) if not fully AI

0c31b9db No.3752311

File: 1725287658245.jpg (44.92 KB, 640x480, JFK-and-Donald_Trump-Assoc….jpg)

22f8675b No.3752312

You have brain worms, maggot

22f8675b No.3752313

File: 1725288039435.jpeg (86.15 KB, 470x766, xbwiqkyfhamd1.jpeg)

22f8675b No.3752314

File: 1725288545912.jpeg (695.79 KB, 1079x959, 0zk3i99mtdmd1.jpeg)

He respects nothing, but demands reverence from his cult members

Any Veteran who supports him at this point is not only disrespecting themselves, but the rest of their brothers and sisters, too.

There's no convincing anyone new that he's not a POS, so the only thing left is to lean into being a POS and try to get his most ardent supporters to cheat on his behalf.

6e60bb02 No.3752316

File: 1725289256886.png (629.53 KB, 823x1280, IMG_6093.png)

> "pedonald"
You should know that fake allegation does not influence anyone.

22f8675b No.3752318

Nah pedonald raped 12 year olds with Epstein. Prove he didn't.

22f8675b No.3752319

File: 1725289688026.jpeg (215.56 KB, 596x842, nxqhtckqszld1.jpeg)

Keep lowering taxes

7a6e0787 No.3752320

Motherfucker, you're the only one making these allegations, prove he DID.
When are you going to jail for YOUR crimes.
Justice will catch up with you someday, even though you think it won't.

6e60bb02 No.3752321

Kamala Harris raped 12 year olds with Epstein. Prove she didn't.

22f8675b No.3752322

File: 1725290163060.jpeg (183.74 KB, 1134x1080, hp5fu5xl57md1.jpeg)

She might overturn

22f8675b No.3752323

7a6e0787 No.3752325

33e4bbef No.3752326

File: 1725291922884.jpeg (544.17 KB, 2048x2048, bo603k9ku0md1.jpeg)

The "I won't apologize for a joke" line was super cringe. 

Like…dude, even disregarding everything else, that "joke" was stupid enough to warrant an apology all on its own.

There's #therightcantmeme and then there's…whatever new level of hell you need to dig to get to how bad Vladimir Futon sucks at making a funny.

7a6e0787 No.3752328

The difference is, Biden's 'win' was stolen.
Trump's would not be.
But you're a Libby and don't see, nor care, about the difference, do you.

7a6e0787 No.3752329

Got banned at least once for it, didn't you.
You're fucking lucky you didn't get arrested.

7a6e0787 No.3752330

This thread has reached its bump limit.

33e4bbef No.3752331


33e4bbef No.3752333

File: 1725292505564.jpeg (233.61 KB, 1200x1188, aulz6w01z1md1.jpeg)

Flip flopping

bd5ae695 No.3752335

File: 1725293669764.png (181.71 KB, 588x501, not_just.png)

So the ADL got in a scrap with this guy?


33e4bbef No.3752336

Lol post something sane challenge

33e4bbef No.3752337

File: 1725294514926.png (1.78 MB, 1200x923, op4ebu6sn1md1.png)

Pedonald the rapist is killing his own campaign

7a6e0787 No.3752338

File: 1725294579250-0.jpg (77.02 KB, 894x894, 71AyBFwm2sL._UF894,1000_QL….jpg)

File: 1725294579251-1.jpeg (52.7 KB, 1000x617, TMissed.jpeg)

What the little DEMOCRAT voter, DEMOCRAT donor, with DEMOCRAT parents, who registered as a fake Republican (RINO) got was exactly what he had planned for Trump instead.
Play stupid games,
Win stupid prizes.

4e013963 No.3752339

I guess the Trump supporter who got merc'd at that rally won a stupid prize too, huh?

4e013963 No.3752341

At least Babbitt arguably earned her stupid prize.

bfe30b96 No.3752342

…and no one cares.

bfe30b96 No.3752343

At least George Floyd earned his stupid prize.

22f8675b No.3752344

Yeah they really were brain broken to find out the shooter was a registered Republican.

22f8675b No.3752345

The cop that murdered him earned prison.

ddba5362 No.3752347

The democrat shooter contributed to far left causes through the left-wing "actblue." What the democrat shooter did way back when he first registered to vote does not matter.

ddba5362 No.3752348

Pedo Harris raped 12 year olds with Epstein. Prove she didn't.

d21238cd No.3752349

File: 1725296920340.jpeg (373.34 KB, 772x2054, IMG_6317.jpeg)

She can’t
Literally after the 2020 election theft one of the things democrats did was make the VP certification of election results a ceremonial task.

They lied to pence claiming it was only ceremonial and that he HAD to certify

Now it it actual law that’s it HAS to be certified

a73b245a No.3752350

Funny how everyone instantly forgot about Corey Comperatore. His existence contradicted the narrative that it was all God's will. God protected Trump (the chosen one) but seemingly turned a blind eye to one of Trump's supporters.

45930b54 No.3752351

Drag is a fetish. It is inherently sexual.

052c45d3 No.3752352

Wrong again, shit-for-brains.

d69d2453 No.3752353

File: 1725299440240.png (2.47 MB, 1080x1920, IMG_6318.png)

That’s one of the most nonsensical approaches to understanding Gods will I’ve ever heard
“IF God saved trump then absolutely no one else can die!”
That’s not how that works at all, if God saved trump and trump was saved then Gods will is done. Period. Bystanders getting kill doesn’t invalidate anything.

0a285d28 No.3752354

Trump lost the last election and will probably lose the upcoming election. But unlike you, I'm not arrogant enough to proclaim that's God's will.

d69d2453 No.3752355

File: 1725301373385.jpeg (220.6 KB, 1170x918, IMG_6307.jpeg)

Read it again dumass

I’m not proclaiming anything

ab91de8a No.3752356

File: 1725301634527.png (1.6 MB, 1280x1024, City Girl.png)

When I was a kid we had a Pastor telling Bible stories at the library every Saturday. Where was your outrage then? Where was your outrage when we had the mandatory Christian prayer in schools? You're okay with the government being heavy-handed as long as it's the government being heavy-handed in your favor.

You have no problem whatsoever with the government allowing individuals to promote their ideas as long as those ideas match your ideas. How weak and afraid you must be that your ideas are frail and worthless that you can't even allow any form of competition for them.

ab91de8a No.3752357

So you're okay with the Taliban as long as Trump is okay with the Taliban. Once again the party of law and order!

ab91de8a No.3752358

When you say I'm an old school Democrat that means you're a dixiecrat, a racist, pro elitist, conservative, who thinks that people should be allowed to marry children. That's the kind of old school Democrats that we kicked out of the party and they became Republicans. See Joe Mansion as an example.

ab91de8a No.3752359

Doesn't matter! Scotus gave Biden unlimited power as long as he's using his office. If the Democrats really want to steal the election and Trump really does win, they'll just have him killed because what are you going to do? Your conservative courts gave him immunity! They don't need to cheat! They don't even need to hold an election! Biden can just end democracy right now and declare himself King for her Queen! Unto the law that your party made a reality, that's perfectly legal as long as it's done using an executive order.

188d4288 No.3752360

That post was giving the okay to drag story hour because there is no chance of kids getting molested. The case was made that trick-or-treating is more dangerous in that regard, but even then it doesn't happen. No one said anything about the role of government. Learn reading comprehension.

cc7b1072 No.3752363

>Your conservative courts gave him immunity!
Read the decision bro. The supreme court goes through a lot of time and effort making sure their decisions can be understood by the common man. Why do you spit on their hard work?

Do you really not know what drag is? Priests aren't sex workers. That's the difference. How small is your mind that you aren't able to grasp that without outside help?

Kids aren't for having sex with. Simple as that. And no, you don't need to 'get them ready' for sex so they are good to go on their 18th birthday. That's creepy as fuck too.

7a6e0787 No.3752364

PEDO3B posting pedo stuff again
What more proof is needed as to what he is,
And what he likes,
and what he does.

15da6d55 No.3752367

>When I was a kid we had a Pastor telling Bible stories at the library every Saturday. Where was your outrage then? Where was your outrage when we had the mandatory Christian prayer in schools?

When you were a kid.

Things change, and it's not a reason to replace one ideology by another.
Woke and LGBT is a religion at this point ; you see people get excommunicated ( canceled ) and game labeled as fascist and boycotted ( put into the Index Librorum Prohibitorum ) because they don't have enough POC or LGBT in them.

Society is no longer homogenous, keep religion out of schools and library, because nowadays there are kid comming from muslims, buddhists, new age households and you can't not hurt their belief with Pastor story hour or Drag Queen story hour.

d21238cd No.3752368

File: 1725305876500.png (164.01 KB, 639x704, IMG_6320.png)

Biggest obstacle democ-rats have to overcome

d21238cd No.3752369

File: 1725305973860.png (319.14 KB, 501x767, IMG_6321.png)

They certainly do change

ab91de8a No.3752372

File: 1725308474808.png (1.56 MB, 1024x1280, Come To Bed.png)

My bad, I was agreeing, but I didn't make clear that in the later part of the post I was talking to the MAGA chud who was arguing against you.

I was posting on my phone using voice while cooking so it was rambly. My bad!

ab91de8a No.3752373

And thanks to the wonders of AI, I will never run out of things to post that trigger you and make you go into a hissy fit! Buckle up, Buttercup!

ab91de8a No.3752374

Trump tried. He just failed miserably because he was not prepared. This time the rich people are all behind him wanting to set up their own oligarchy just like Russia has. That's what project 2025 is. They realized he's too stupid to do it himself so they are making him a road map that even an idiot could follow.

63f357f0 No.3752375

File: 1725309063122.png (3.74 MB, 1440x2800, IMG_6322.png)

Billionaire Trump is a failure??
That means there is no harm in electing him a second time

22f8675b No.3752376

File: 1725311129827.png (593.49 KB, 1024x1024, ymcts9qlp3md1.png)

7a6e0787 No.3752377

This thread has reached it's bump limit.

a9b09c51 No.3752379

You're not smart enough to use A.I.
That much is obvious from all your posts here..
You just find stupid shit others have made and post it here.

7106be6b No.3752381

You're the smart one, voting for a rapist pedophile who fucks children with a billionaire jew named Epstein. Maga don't talk about Epstein much anymore do they. Epstein.

7106be6b No.3752382

File: 1725313945259.png (171.6 KB, 639x767, t3on266p8fmd1.png)

Vladimir Futon lieing on TV

22f8675b No.3752383

File: 1725314419772.jpeg (7.76 MB, 4096x5461, ljmdgia7nfmd1.jpeg)

She was 12

63f357f0 No.3752384

File: 1725314746706.jpeg (92.25 KB, 720x395, IMG_6324.jpeg)

Unless you have a picture of Trump on his island this is meaningless. He has untold thousands of pictures with unknown thousands of people.

22f8675b No.3752388

File: 1725318075455.jpeg (145.94 KB, 2000x1187, fjc32oxqvfmd1.jpeg)

Keep explaining why you voting for a Pedophile rapist

22f8675b No.3752389

File: 1725318669286.jpeg (63.38 KB, 583x767, f0lm55qqsfmd1.jpeg)

His elderly brain is cooked

ab91de8a No.3752394

File: 1725320901855.jpg (81.28 KB, 832x1216, c141f8884b938a0a20cd8ac485….jpg)

>Billionaire Trump…
You mean the guy hawking NFTS, hats, shoes, and bit coins while his debt collectors line up to drain him of every last dime he has and the state takes everything he owns to pay the taxes he illegally evaded paying?

News flash: Rich people don't need to sell cheap trash to gullible rubes like they are a crack addict who knocked over a Footlocker store.

ab91de8a No.3752395

File: 1725321021885.png (3.02 MB, 3300x2550, b4b7fb805af302cd56d62f7405….png)

Hey, Steam! Hows that loyalty to Trump working out for you? You know what is on Trump's to-do list for 2025? Cutting funding to help you own a house and passing legislation to reduce your vet benefits!

Don't believe me? Click on this handy tool which explains in detail and provides direct links to, the Project 2025 Republican playbook for Trump's presidency.

Just choose a topic you care about and see what the wealthy, elitist, racists who think they are your betters are planning once Trump gets into office.


437afd20 No.3752396

File: 1725321723281.jpg (162.45 KB, 800x1422, HD-wallpaper-anime-girl-an….jpg)


Ok I suppose. I already own a house, and I'm pretty stable, don't know what you're implying

Its pretty sad when even just "owning a house" is considered "wealthy" by democrats.

437afd20 No.3752399

File: 1725322002033.jpg (53.47 KB, 512x512, download.jpg)

Its not like anyone could take it from me, when I say I own it, I don't mean I'm paying mortgage, I bought it in cash. It is mine, same with my vehicles, nothing can take them from me.

Seriously, get a life Jews. Not everything belongs to the banks.

In before Jewish "REEEEE"

34b47269 No.3752404

Stop paying taxes for ten years get back to me on how much you #stupid fuck#

a9b09c51 No.3752406

File: 1725325821485.png (560.99 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240902-210639.png)

Did you know you can donate to President Donald J. Trump at this official site also:


Thank you for your support!

d0ad0359 No.3752408

45930b54 No.3752409

File: 1725328120550.jpg (51.19 KB, 669x768, 3665853c5da4d4b6f4bf92630f….jpg)

Illegal immigrants are already taking their jobs, though.

bd5ae695 No.3752411

File: 1725328356988.png (1.28 MB, 1299x834, 786.png)

America needs to stop being a shithead to Venezuela.

They don't want you overthrowing thier government to steal thier oil. Fuck off already.

And stop stealing.

41ce25e3 No.3752415

The dictator lost.
But we know you love that and hate amarican democracy. You should move to Venezuela!

15da6d55 No.3752418


No X for Brazilians, that sucks but you can do without.

No Starlink for Brazillians, now we are on to something. Call Musk a shithead all you want, Starlink delivers an usefull service, to businesses too.

6a933887 No.3752423

Starlinks are like rent scooters littering the streets - they abuse the lack of rules to sell you stuff and annoy the hell out of everyone else in the process - and cause accidents and issues.

Nobody thought anyone would be crazy enough to spam 50,000 satellites into orbit. The sheer number alone means that even a small failure percentage means dozens of uncontrolled re-entries a year and a good probability of littering fields and people's homes with debris.

Then the other issue is that it competes with local businesses, so it actually retards development in underdeveloped countries where phone operators and cable/fiber operators can't get a start with a more robust and independent infrastructure because people are already using Starlink. With Musk behind the button, your country's internet will then be under the whim of an unstable American billionaire.

6a933887 No.3752424

Plus, the whole Starlink system is more like a crappier version of a cellular network. It uses more power, it's slower, it's mostly stationary for the end user because of tracking requirements, and it costs more.

People in rural areas using it as a substitute for proper infrastructure are really shooting themselves in the foot, because they're substituting a sub-par service instead of demanding the real thing.

d69d2453 No.3752426

They can stomp their feet and demand all they want, the telecoms have repeatedly proven they don’t give a damn.
They only reason most people even have phone(later dialup and dsl internet) is because congress passed a law declaring a home phone a human right(call police/fire)

ab91de8a No.3752428

File: 1725352057437.jpg (67.72 KB, 850x850, sample-10cc23e764486423797….jpg)

Steam claims to be a wounded vet with his medical bills paid for and a monthly Dole in the government. You know, those things project 2025 want to take away.

But those are just veterans benefits click the other policy link and hear about how our new "Christian nation" will be only for straight people and how pornography will be outlawed. Kiss your furry fetish goodbye once Trump gets at the office. Just look at what they've already done to cub porn and they haven't even passed any legislation yet. People are taking it down just because of the fear of these christofascists getting into power. Your fetish is next whatever that might be.

ab91de8a No.3752429

Considering they don't release the crime data for this year until next year, I'm pretty sure this headline is 100% bullshit.

ab91de8a No.3752430

I'm sure that random link is totally legitimate and not just a way for someone to take your money. It would be hilarious if someone was taking all that money and using it to fund four more years of Democrat rule.

ab91de8a No.3752431

Check out the terms of service on that web page. It legitimately says that they can use the money anytime they want, anyway they want and you can get no refunds unless they choose to give you one out of the kindness of your heart. It's 100% a scam. Oh and they are also reselling your information so prepare for endless texts, calls and emails because they've marked you as the sucker you are.

a9b09c51 No.3752432

Don't forget to donate.
Help Trump win,
So the evil Democrats cannot continue to destroy the USA.
They have already proven they are incapable of running the country in every single way,
So we're taking it back

a9b09c51 No.3752433

It would be funny when Trump wins
If he declares the Democrat Party a Terrorist Organization.
It would be oh so richly deserved.

a9b09c51 No.3752434

File: 1725355572488-0.png (324.14 KB, 467x459, 8b1.png)

File: 1725355572488-1.jpeg (83 KB, 940x480, df7514d26fa34bf6ed94ebb45….jpeg)

Any more bullshit to post, serial shitposter?
You just can't win with your lies, can you.

16f76882 No.3752437

File: 1725361768961.jpg (77.22 KB, 640x640, lovingteddybear.jpg)

So, would you like to share that Tox ID of yours, or your public email? There are some links I'd like to send you of good professors talking about solutions that don't involve you dying a horrible death getting torn apart by zombies, illegal aliens or niggеrs, or your implanted one world gov kill-switch getting triggered.
You're not going to have to stare the monster into the eye listening to them, they are not "redpilling" headline grabbing types, but methodical and instead focus on doable solutions.

16f76882 No.3752438

File: 1725361898825.jpg (338.19 KB, 900x900, adog.jpg)

Whoops, meant to address Steam, who's hiding from me.

1f47b439 No.3752439


>We financed both sides of every war since Napleon.

Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Leipzig 1813

12832d6d No.3752444

You were wrong about the covid vaccines, schizo. No one cares what you think.

ab91de8a No.3752452

Part of the 2025 platform is to ban all pornography. Conservatives consider everything furry to be a form of pornography.

PS: that's a cardboard cutout of trump, he would have his security forces beat the shit out of you before he would allow a lowly, freak like you to touch him.

a9b09c51 No.3752453

No, it isn't.
They got permission first.

ab91de8a No.3752454

If people want to donate to Trump then let them donate to Trump directly. This is obviously a scam. And as much as I think Trump supporters are idiots they don't deserve to have their shit stolen.

Mods should really remove this scam site and ban the link. Trump supporters are people too, barely.

6a933887 No.3752455

>the telecoms have repeatedly proven they don’t give a damn.

Oh, you mean the government raised monopolies that became the organizations and agencies to regulate themselves?

The problem is that the telecoms own both the network and the services provided therein, so of course they try to min-max the system. Minimum effort, maximum profit. Meanwhile in other countries, governments passed laws that the telecom infrastructure has to be shared among service providers, causing the markets to split into internet access providers and network companies, where the network companies make money by expanding service and selling it to the access providers. That caused countries like Finland, which have only 16 people per square km on average, to have country-wide 99% access to DSL at reasonable prices.

6a933887 No.3752456

In other words, other countries solved the natural monopoly issue of telecom networks by effectively declaring them as public service (albeit privately owned), kinda like roads.

The same was attempted in the US but the FCC refuses to make the call, because they're controlled by the telecoms.

ab91de8a No.3752457

File: 1725391835110.jpeg (269.87 KB, 1000x960, 86dw1eci6xld1.jpeg)

You seriously think that Donald Trump went to a furry con and posed with all the freaks for photos?

ab91de8a No.3752458

File: 1725392013258.png (1 MB, 1024x1024, full.png)

Also the FCC doesn't have the authority to do that. That's something that Congress would have to pass and as long as Republicans control any single part of government that will never happen. They will always be there to protect the interest of the money elite.

ab91de8a No.3752459

File: 1725392415778.jpg (109.52 KB, 832x1216, GVMxQTwXIAAksgL.jpg)

Republicans are once again attempting to overturn birthright citizenship. This time they are claiming in court that Kamala Harris can't be president because one of her parents was a black person and the pre-civil war court case of Dred Scott says that black people don't have the rights of full citizenship or to even use the justice system in any way because the Constitution never specifically said black people are people and that they should be included.

Of course, the Dred Scott decision was overturned and the 14th amendment guarantees the rights of citizenship to everyone born in America but that's not going to stop conservatives from being racist.

cb48e5f8 No.3752461

File: 1725395234626.jpeg (97.87 KB, 479x900, IMG_6330.jpeg)

Every time

25ac505d No.3752462

File: 1725397617603.jpg (89.18 KB, 850x1443, bugs_67.jpg)


Mexico is fed up with the migrants going to the usa deciding to stay in mexico instead.

25ac505d No.3752463

File: 1725397840209.jpg (251.49 KB, 1280x1653, mouse766.jpg)


You created this fucking migrant problem america with your sanctions on 1/3rd the planet combined with spreading that bs american dream lie across the globe.

And your dumb 20+ year war on the middle east is why the eu is flooded with muslims fleeing war and poverty.

0d798de7 No.3752465

File: 1725399960817-0.png (204.9 KB, 596x519, 1717426395938913.png)

File: 1725399960817-1.jpg (57.1 KB, 681x527, 1725025746600611.jpg)

You're blaming the wrong demographic for immigration and US actions in the middle east, also the problems in mexico

25ac505d No.3752466

File: 1725400694215.jpg (325.26 KB, 2048x1727, gay6655.jpg)


Until she starts sending military aid to Israel, supporting the ADL, trying to fill the government with zionists, etc.

She's fine.

45930b54 No.3752467

Why don't they defend their fucking border, then?

45930b54 No.3752468

File: 1725402286440-0.png (544.74 KB, 826x565, 982186695dc497436a49dc317e….png)

File: 1725402286440-1.png (933.17 KB, 1889x3184, 8fa6cd843c9fc297349385d125….png)

c56a6437 No.3752469

Maybe because Mexico has more pressing issues. Y'know, like the drug cartels?

25ac505d No.3752470

File: 1725402490062.jpg (78.41 KB, 850x739, 664344.jpg)


Why should mexico bankrupt itself trying to fix america's fuck up? While dumb ass america jokes about invading mexico.

Go defend your own border with your printed money.

45930b54 No.3752471

Nigga you just said it's their problem.

108aae80 No.3752472

Apparently it's easier to drive immigrants to America's southern border than keeping them from crossing into Mexico to begin with. Which makes it America's problem. Are you really too stupid to understand that?

04b63723 No.3752473

Look at Mexico's southern border compared to the US/Mexico border. If they can't defend that tiny ass strip it's their fault

7d19e126 No.3752474

File: 1725408377259.jpeg (116.65 KB, 517x768, IMG_6326.jpeg)

The migrants show up on the us boarder with good shoes(after 3000 miles) and charged phones and a packed lunch, they were already being bussed by NGOs (or trains)

This will free up NGO funds for other illicit operations while Mexicans pay for the transport.

ab91de8a No.3752477

File: 1725415195123.jpeg (421.85 KB, 1792x3360, 54674b28bec2c71d3bf1f0e18….jpeg)

The people who are getting bus rides to the Port of entry are the people who went through the process to legally immigrate while staying in Mexico. You know, that process that Republicans keep saying they should do?

You know how Republicans always say if people come here legally they're welcome, right? Well this is what that looks like!

These are the people who went through the process and are coming here legally. Congratulations! You got what you asked for.

22f8675b No.3752478

Nothing from nazi chan is true

22f8675b No.3752479

Everyone realized that Republicans are a terrible deal

22f8675b No.3752481

File: 1725416535155.jpeg (65.23 KB, 720x720, wuy7ub650mmd1.jpeg)

266b7702 No.3752491

File: 1725424438199.png (371.82 KB, 642x364, roxdtj9vbomd1.png)

a9b09c51 No.3752500

File: 1725428695146.jpeg (11.77 KB, 225x225, images (55).jpeg)

Poor little 3B,
Your tiny leftist mind just can't comprehend.

ab91de8a No.3752503

File: 1725431412569.webm (4.27 MB, 426x240, Idontcareaboutyou.webm)

It takes a lot of stupid to think the guy who shits on gold plated toilets will ever care about the trailer trash who votes for him.

He never cared about any of you, but don't take my word for it! Trump will gladly tell you himself how much he only wants you alive long enough to vote for him.

a9b09c51 No.3752504

File: 1725431792725.jpeg (9.53 KB, 201x250, images (56).jpeg)

34b84533 No.3752507

File: 1725437509156-0.jpg (496.42 KB, 1080x2198, 20240811_230345.jpg)

File: 1725437509156-1.jpg (342.3 KB, 1080x852, 20240803_050716.jpg)

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File: 1725437509156-4.jpg (972.43 KB, 1080x2325, Screenshot_20240105-155636….jpg)

>Still voting for pedo Trump
Make sense. Pedo together STRONG, after all.
Noting like the republicans good ol tactics of "POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK"

e0bd2b0a No.3752509

Pedo Harris raped 12 year olds with Epstein. Are you still voting for Pedo Harris?

34b84533 No.3752511

File: 1725441322528.jpeg (23.16 KB, 474x316, th (19) (4).jpeg)

Pic or it didn't happen retard.

27155705 No.3752512

Pedo Harris raped 12 year olds with Epstein. Prove it didn't happen.

b70ac65e No.3752513

She did, she was actually running epstine island and 5 other islands

1f47b439 No.3752514

File: 1725446170337.jpg (222.48 KB, 800x600, 6ee88957c8bbf74af64e5c5263….jpg)

16c9fc51 No.3752518

File: 1725450728584-0.jpg (52.82 KB, 640x480, jeffrey-epstein-mugshot-64….jpg)

File: 1725450728584-1.jpg (303.04 KB, 1024x768, sddefault.jpg)

LISTEN to the entire Trump interview podcast HERE:

Former President Donald Trump told computer scientist and podcaster Lex Fridman that he would “be inclined” to release the client list of disgraced financier and convicted sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein if reelected president.

“Why do you think so many smart, powerful people allowed him to get so close?” Fridman asked President Trump during Tuesday’s episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast.

“He was a good salesman,” Trump replied. “He had some nice assets that he’d throw around like islands, but a lot of big people went to that island. But fortunately, I was not one of them.”

Fridman noted, “It’s just very strange for a lot of people that the list of clients that went to the island has not been made public,” to which Trump replied, “Yeah, it’s very interesting isn’t it? Probably will be, by the way.”

“So if you are able to, you’ll be–” Fridman said, to which President Trump replied, “I’d certainly take a look at it.”

Trump added that the files on President John F. Kennedy are “Interesting, because it’s so many years ago.”

“You know, they do that for danger too, because you know, it endangers certain people,” the 45th president said. “So Kennedy is very different from the Epstein thing.”

“But yeah, I’d be inclined to do the Epstein — I’d have no problem with it,” President Trump added, to which Fridman replied, “That’s great to hear.”

The podcaster then asked President Trump, “What gives you strength when you’re getting attacked? You are one of the most attacked people in the world.”

“I think you can’t care that much,” Trump said. “I know people that care so much about everything, like what people are saying. You can’t care too much because you end up choking.”

22f8675b No.3752519

Release the video of pedonald fucking that child

22f8675b No.3752520

File: 1725452996966.png (516.48 KB, 1080x1080, fys3jxrllomd1.png)

405444b9 No.3752521

I wonder who he thinks is behind his botched assassination attempt.

a9b09c51 No.3752522

Because it exposes 3B for all the hundreds of times he has claimed Trump was on the island, that he raped girls, that he was on the flight logs, NONE OF THAT IS TRUE.

Trump says he will release the flight logs, watch some VERY interesting names show up… Obama….. Biden….. many more.

Keep this link active where 3B cannot bump it off.
If you value the TRUTH, which 3B does not.

22f8675b No.3752523

If the post is ranting about 3B it's the same one nazi guy with nazi lies. Just ignore it

22b76e7a No.3752524

File: 1725454203361.jpeg (87.72 KB, 720x502, yvbwk5m8ilmd1.jpeg)


22b76e7a No.3752526

File: 1725454671245.png (3.75 MB, 1920x1920, 0axx5e5b2nmd1.png)

a9b09c51 No.3752527

TRUMP to release Epstein client list, his name was never on it, 3B lying the whole time.


Link to Trump interview podcast above.

Deliberately keeping someone bumped off is a BANNABLE OFFENSE, 3B PUKE.

16f76882 No.3752528

File: 1725456973263.jpg (588.16 KB, 2975x3850, bitchplease.jpg)

There's literally no one here but bots, shills and spies. Quit blowing your load over fake things.

Hey Steam! Do you still want to know (from the official source) about how dogs get to go to heaven?

110c43e8 No.3752529

> Trump says he will release the flight logs, watch some VERY interesting names show up… Obama….. Biden….. many more.
And Pedo Harris, of course. She is infamous for raping 12 year olds with Epstein.

45930b54 No.3752530

That's cult language.

ea1df2ec No.3752538

Disagreement with nazis of is normal human behavior weirdo nazi fucker.

Kill yourself.

7fdb8a24 No.3752540

File: 1725460174550.jpeg (533.57 KB, 855x637, IMG_6333.jpeg)

Don’t laugh
Don’t laugh
Don’t laugh

ea1df2ec No.3752541

File: 1725460235252.jpeg (104.68 KB, 1024x768, v24vlmpk4smd1.jpeg)

He will never get revenge.

7fdb8a24 No.3752542

I can’t begin to tell you how incompetent the migrants are. They are more likely to destroy than complete the job.

ea1df2ec No.3752543

File: 1725460283759.png (250.97 KB, 753x767, 0p4hs3hq9nmd1.png)

Didn't trump's ex wife fall down the stairs and die conveniently delaying a court appearance for him and kids?

ea1df2ec No.3752545

File: 1725460388796.jpeg (16.66 KB, 480x360, 3pd5wsb6jsmd1.jpeg)

7fdb8a24 No.3752555

Releasing the client list, it’s like Trump is daring them to shoot him again

ea1df2ec No.3752556

Daring registered Republicans to shoot him again?

ea1df2ec No.3752557

File: 1725465097763.jpeg (105.43 KB, 1200x874, r3n7fejn4lmd1.jpeg)

ab91de8a No.3752558

Hey… hey… MAGAt… Donald's buddy Jeff died August 10, 2019. Donald was president until January 20, 2021. Why didn't he release the list like he said he would if he isn't on it?

a9b09c51 No.3752559

Nobody was asking for it then.


a9b09c51 No.3752560

At least the little DEMOCRAT shooter who donated to DEMOCRAT causes and had DEMOCRAT parents and who registered as a fake republican got what he deserved.

Registering as a fake Republican RINO should be an automatic death sentence.

e71f33e7 No.3752563

Hey, remember when he also promised to release his tax returns like every other president? And then he didn't. And then you continued to believe his lies. Because you're a goddamn imbecile.

a9b09c51 No.3752564

File: 1725468865261.jpg (84.77 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x10….jpg)

His tax returns have been released for anyone who wants to look at them to see .
Prove to me they are not.

ab91de8a No.3752565

Notice he says he values the TRUTH, not facts or reality. That's the most honest thing he has ever said.

ab91de8a No.3752566

Some of Trump's tax returns were leaked but they were not released. He was very upset that they were leaked because he didn't want people knowing how much of a criminal, liar, cheat and the general scumbag he is.

ab91de8a No.3752567

Who would get to discern who is or is not a RINO in your murder fantasy? Is it you?

ab91de8a No.3752568

File: 1725469419074.jpg (85.73 KB, 685x900, GWj0lF0XEAA9zak.jpg)

In other news, one of Trump's largest donors is very upset that politicians he paid for are allowing a bill to be heard in Congress which would give his workers the right to not take his phone call and do whatever he tells them on their days off. But remember Republicans are "the party of small government", right?!

a9b09c51 No.3752569

And in other news, 3B posts more shitposts that nobody cares about or replys to, and could read in the news themselves if they were actually important enough to want to bother.

ab91de8a No.3752570

File: 1725471501740.jpg (150.62 KB, 336x336, Triggered12.jpg)

a9b09c51 No.3752572

File: 1725472032739.jpeg (49.99 KB, 768x372, img_7640-768x372.jpeg)

UPDATE: At least four people are reportedly dead with approximately 30 injured.

An active shooter situation at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, about 40 miles northeast of Atlanta, is believed to have left four dead and approximately 30 injured on Wednesday morning.

The school was placed on a hard lockdown, which was suspended at approximately 11:30 am, according to reports.

Per an early report from the New York Post, “At least one person is dead and a suspect is in custody after authorities responded to a report of an active shooter at a northern Georgia high school on Wednesday.” The number has now grown, according to law enforcement sources. More casualties may be expected.

590262e8 No.3752574

SSRI status and internet radicalization history?

The US needs some first amendment and psych care changes right now. How does a country go from one mild mass shooting a decade closely mirroring mass stabbings in asia to daily, without any appreciable change in civilian firearms and often, more restrictions?

If the equipment did not change, the people did. Changing the equipment will not change the people. It will create a lull while they get more creative.

aa31c286 No.3752576

File: 1725473898546.jpeg (236.99 KB, 941x1006, IMG_6342.jpeg)

And nothing of value…

a9b09c51 No.3752578

File: 1725474366682.jpg (42.19 KB, 600x600, fposter,small,wall_texture….jpg)



ea1df2ec No.3752579

File: 1725474379556.jpeg (172.48 KB, 627x828, 7un446jf0nmd1.jpeg)


ea1df2ec No.3752580

File: 1725474429692.jpeg (79.05 KB, 642x766, tw4dgc34btmd1.jpeg)

Don't forget to kill yourself when your cult leader loses

c709dc73 No.3752586

File: 1725475149263.jpeg (5.53 KB, 225x224, download (9).jpeg)

lol lol
lol lol

eeec1744 No.3752592

Invoking Epstein is such a lazy form of attack. From long experience of browsing these threads I know one aspect in which the left and the right really are just as bad as one another: in their desperate, pathetic attempts to smear the other side as a not-so-secret-club of child molesters and rapists. As if that was super important. Or even relevant to the conversation.

d21238cd No.3752593

File: 1725484343015.jpeg (469.6 KB, 1170x896, IMG_6335.jpeg)

>the right is a bad as the left
EXACTLY what a far left lunatic would say!!!

ea1df2ec No.3752594

You're in a cult.

ea1df2ec No.3752595

File: 1725485237186.jpeg (138.51 KB, 1024x761, kmt1l4ttcomd1.jpeg)

Let him cook himself

010ee9dd No.3752597

File: 1725487866834.jpg (675.7 KB, 1855x1453, Screenshot_20240904_151213….jpg)

1cb437f5 No.3752598

File: 1725488368364.png (1.73 MB, 1000x1600, IMG_6339.png)

lol head of an enormous bank says Kamala
That’s a ringing endorsement of Trump if I ever heard one.

22f8675b No.3752599


22f8675b No.3752600

File: 1725492095632.jpg (146.9 KB, 1024x562, 2c1ymokjrtmd1.jpg)


2166de25 No.3752602

What would happen is this. Some ugly dysgenic Malaysian guy who has never set foot in America will say something outlandish. Then a dog faced Israeli woman will say something retarded. Then the beanie man will call for civil war.

Then you'll come back here screaming about 'right wing naizs'. We don't need to guess. This stupid script plays out every day.

Aren't you supposed to be losing your shit about Tucker talking to a right winger anyway?

d21238cd No.3752603

File: 1725493288335.png (267.47 KB, 594x848, IMG_6344.png)

Everything on TV is a lie

a293dfa6 No.3752604

Guns don't kill people. Niggers kill people.

We need common sense nigger control laws.

22f8675b No.3752605

Look at the racists so excited that FINALLY its not a WHITE INCEL doing the MASS SHOOTINGS

d21238cd No.3752609

File: 1725494751105-0.jpeg (518.96 KB, 1170x1071, IMG_6347.jpeg)

File: 1725494751105-1.jpeg (251.31 KB, 915x1077, IMG_6099.jpeg)

It’s already been said, Jews aren’t white.
They themselves claim to be non-white

22f8675b No.3752610

Yes you're a nazi obsessed about being white and jews.
Kill yourself.

22f8675b No.3752611

File: 1725496314353.jpeg (64.29 KB, 889x500, rvofjoyj7vmd1.jpeg)

22f8675b No.3752612

File: 1725496394523.jpg (550.11 KB, 1322x1266, Screenshot_20240904_173358….jpg)

Looks like Tim pool didn't know he was a Russian agent. Oh yeah and more Republicans are endorsing Kamala.

2b1bf6d8 No.3752616

N­i­­­­­gg­er­s­­­­­­­ are racist and stupid true.

22f8675b No.3752618

Kill yourself Nazi fucker

22f8675b No.3752619

File: 1725499683514.jpeg (241.41 KB, 1624x2111, 4ae8t1zkmumd1.jpeg)

22f8675b No.3752620

File: 1725500053847.jpeg (183.97 KB, 946x2048, GWqr-PaXgAAoziU.jpeg)

One of the victims in the school shooting was Mason Schermerhorn, a student with autism

ec840bb5 No.3752621

Just a nigger, so no loss. If he didn't die now he simply would have been shot to death later on while trying to rob a liquor store.

22f8675b No.3752623

And you'll wonder why Kamala won too

22f8675b No.3752624

File: 1725502042320.jpeg (77.95 KB, 799x767, owj5vcch9wmd1.jpeg)

c709dc73 No.3752627

This thread has exceeded its bump limit.
Links to previous entries in it are not working correctly.

c8ce642b No.3752628

The bump limit is 500 posts. The link to other post problem is a much larger number of posts. You accomplish nothing by talking about "bump limit."

22f8675b No.3752629

This post has hit its nazi limit

22f8675b No.3752630

File: 1725503283936.jpeg (1.03 MB, 3435x4365, pn7tvrma0wmd1.jpeg)

d96fb6d4 No.3752631

Daily reminder that Pedo Harris raped 12 year olds with Epstein.

c709dc73 No.3752632

We're wondering when it's a white shooter EVER??
The most mixed-race population on Earth is Brazil and its crime is astronomical.The shooter in the 1989 Montreal school massacre was mixed-race. The Canadian media hid this fact.

22f8675b No.3752634

Lol @MAGA Racists with bots and proxies

22f8675b No.3752636

File: 1725504204051.jpg (261.9 KB, 1856x1947, Screenshot_20240904_194330….jpg)

b70ac65e No.3752639

File: 1725504921958-0.jpeg (301.27 KB, 951x997, IMG_5141.jpeg)

File: 1725504921958-1.jpeg (848.56 KB, 1170x1201, IMG_6309.jpeg)

Am I supposed to trust these numbers?

22f8675b No.3752641

Yes nazi your nazi cartoon agrees with you.
Have you tried killing yourself?

22f8675b No.3752642

File: 1725506066159.jpg (220.31 KB, 1779x2000, bafkreifpiuk657eqw3xakdhfo….jpg)

ab91de8a No.3752646

File: 1725507529692.png (316.4 KB, 720x704, Screenshot_20240904-232349.png)

There is no secret about that. Economists are openly saying it. America is better off under Harris.

2e3076b5 No.3752648

The racist nigger dishonestly posted raw data which only shows the total. Since, in total, there are more normal people than niggers, the true problem of nigger violence is hidden.

Display the data as percentage or as per capita and the vast extent of nigger gun violence is clear.

ab91de8a No.3752649

File: 1725508612158.jpeg (137.47 KB, 832x1216, ab7efc8d3a1f13fd5b28373f4….jpeg)

No one takes anyone who screams the n word every 3 seconds with any level of seriousness. You are a racist clown and it is truly pathetic how much effort you put in to be one.

22f8675b No.3752653

File: 1725509086908.jpg (107.34 KB, 2000x1097, bafkreifuz6payum5ydg6s5hos….jpg)

"The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of other people's children." - conservatives

ab91de8a No.3752664

File: 1725517769341.jpg (35.91 KB, 444x444, GWrX5xbWkAAzcjj.jpg)

Why did any of you believe that this guy named, "Colt Gray" was a black guy just because some racist piece of shit told you so?

He was a 14 year old white kid, raised by a conservative father and groomed into gun culture. He had already been interviewed by the feds once when he was 13 for posting pictures of himself with his father's guns and threatening his classmates. Unfortunately, because it's a red state, there are no laws to stop someone from doing that.

982a5e0b No.3752668

c709dc73 No.3752671

That's a girl.
So we got us another tranny murderer.,

c709dc73 No.3752672

Are you going to kill yourself after Harris kills herself because she will not be President?

c709dc73 No.3752673

….says the CLOWN who screams the 'N' word every other post,
Please leave your brain to science after you kill yourself so we can find out what's wrong with it.

ab91de8a No.3752674

File: 1725525684607.jpg (115.02 KB, 1600x900, skynews-neo-nazis-blood-tr….jpg)

Yes, Nazis. Your party is the home of the American Nazi. Don't take my word for it, the Nazis will gladly tell you themselves!

c709dc73 No.3752678

File: 1725526689123.jpeg (80.91 KB, 680x601, GWo-8C3WgAEDWu_.jpeg)

Tim Walz's entire family is backing President Trump!

"We're his family, and believe us when we tell you that Tim is not fit to be vice-president, it would destroy the country."

Imagine how horribly bad you have to be when YOUR OWN PARENTS say that you are not fit to be vice president!!

c78fba69 No.3752679

File: 1725529270480.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1376, IMG_6338.jpeg)

Don’t be a leftist, they are the ones who lie, that’s his extended family, aunts and cousins

His brother(not pictured) has also condemned him.

c504d126 No.3752681


Nice AI photos, faggot.

50a8e22c No.3752682

File: 1725531591594.jpg (101.97 KB, 1000x708, nigger.jpg)

> the n word…

c709dc73 No.3752683

File: 1725532030011.png (247.8 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240905-062629.png)

Run the picture through Foto Forensics or something similar
It will show you that it is real.


Sorry to burst your bubble, NOT.

22f8675b No.3752689

File: 1725540350676.jpeg (93.37 KB, 616x767, 62korc7o6wmd1.jpeg)

22f8675b No.3752690

File: 1725540394907.jpeg (45.74 KB, 507x500, odheojxp4zmd1.jpeg)

84d30657 No.3752697

More Dead Nig Nogs

ab91de8a No.3752700

Don't be an idiot. That whole image is fake. Look at it! Most of the people in the image have 3 fingers, the guy on the left has a flipper-hand and the sunglasses in the old lady's lap are three sizes too big for a human head.

It's obviously, BLATANTLY, A.I. generated.

c8ce642b No.3752704

Also the guy on the left in that fake image has bizarrely mismatched ears. The one on his right is sort of normal but his left ear has an enormously pendulous ear lobe. Pure AI nightmare stuff.

538e8531 No.3752709

I don't fucking understand the Russia bullshit. Why does everyone chimp out about Russia posting memes and paying people to shill for them? It should be trivially easy to make memes proving all of their narratives wrong, right? Bro, just make counter-arguments that are more compelling than theirs. If you can't, than maybe you are just gay and dumb.

538e8531 No.3752711

>Feds receive a credible threat tip about a violent schizo
>Feds sit back and let whatever happens happen, and that's if they don't try grooming them directly via the internet
>"oops he was on our radar lol! guess you'd better give us more emergency powers and expanded gun control laws!"
Many such cases.

d7728952 No.3752713

Except that's bullshit because there are never new gun restrictions. Democrats bitch and moan, Republicans mutter "thoughts and prayers", nothing gets done, and cycle continues. Oh yeah, and if the feds actually did anything to prevent the shooting, retards like you would screech, "You can't gun grab on suspicion of future crime! Minority Report!!1!"

ea1df2ec No.3752715

File: 1725551681386.jpg (359.09 KB, 1856x606, Screenshot_20240905_085543….jpg)

ea1df2ec No.3752716

File: 1725551844576.jpeg (64.35 KB, 1024x572, o5u10nfytzmd1.jpeg)


"I got grazed in the ear by a bullet or maybe some glass! I'll wear a maxi pad on my ear for DAYS!…


"9/11! Never Forget! NEVER FORGET!"

d21238cd No.3752717

File: 1725552213514.png (389.78 KB, 800x568, IMG_6352.png)

There are laws that let guns be confiscated/restricted if a person has issues, however that’s not good enough for the gun grabbers, they want anyone with bad reasons to be able to report a gunowner as making them feel unsafe.
For example: you have a bad breakup with a person and he says “she’s crazy and she shouldn’t have a gun!” That makes her vulnerable to attack from her exboyfriend because she will no longer have a gun to protect herself.

Or your crazy Trump neighbor sees your Tim walz political sign, reports the walz supporter as crazy and he can’t go hunting anymore because fuck him.

Anyone for any reason is a bad deal and WILL be exploited. Just look at California and their laws around land development. Anyone for NO REASON at all can stop a development and put it under review untill 20 agency’s are satisfied it can continue (each of these reviews might cost a million or more)
But why would people report a land development you ask? Because I don’t want a fucking homeless shelter in my neighborhood!!! That will bring my property values down! No more housing development for regular people either because supply and demand, I want to restrict the supply making my land more valuable!

An open reporting system would literally put TENS of MILLIONS of Americans at risk(especially with the gangs being given free reign in democrat sanctuary cities)

538e8531 No.3752725

File: 1725557912588.jpg (177.79 KB, 747x906, 1635944776331.jpg)

Yes, there are. Even the Trump administration implemented a bump stock ban after the very fucking weird Las Vegas shooting.

I'm fine with locking schizos up forever. It's not like they're going to do anything other than wander around the streets stabbing people, so who cares?

c709dc73 No.3752726

Nice new shiny multiple proxies 3B.
So you can answer yourself all day long.

c709dc73 No.3752727

I enlarged it and don't see anything like that.
Nothing like that at all.
A couple of them have their fingers bent, like anyone might do.

This fake image detection site ALSO says it is real:


How do you explain that?

ab91de8a No.3752730

>I don't get why letting an enemy nation influence stupid American voters into voting for a president which will tank the American economy while kidding Putin's ass is bad.
Then you're a moron!

405444b9 No.3752739

did he order a russian hose on ebay lol

c1cb1660 No.3752749

That's exactly how Trump got bump stocks banned. Though that's since been overturned.

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