b0089dc9 No.3748759[View All]
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>>3747537Congratulations on 50 threads.
This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
859 posts and 599 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. 19460e77 No.3750611
>>3750610Seriously, how much of a lying sack of shit do you have to be for the fucking klan to side with the black guy?!?
2afffe96 No.3750612
>>3750601>>Anonymous 08/18/24 (Sun) 04:40:57 8ef27b9f No.3750601>>3750600Kill yourself nazi fucker
Hi, 3B.
7f3a9265 No.3750615
Projection as usual. The Mueller investigation found that there was plenty of reason to be suspicious that Trump was colluding with Russia - but came short of declaring it “proof” because various Republicans refused to cooperate with the investigation and/or blocked access to evidence.
Basically: “Wow, there’s an awful lot of smoke coming out of this building. We can’t get access to where the fire likely is, but people should probably evacuate.”
Five things we know for sure:
Russia spent $1.2 million per month on huge social media bot/troll farms, almost all to benefit Trump.
Trump asked Russia, on network TV, to hack into Hillary Clinton’s email, and right after he asked, they did.
Trump admires Putin and his methods. He’s never condemned him for the Ukraine invasion other than to say it wouldn’t have happened on his watch. (I interpret that as: “If I was president, Putin could have taken whatever he wanted and Ukraine wouldn’t have fought back”).
Trump extorted Zelenskyy, threatening to block military aid already approved by Congress unless Ukraine released a public statement that they were investigating Hunter Biden.
Trump was negotiating with Putin to build Trump Tower Moscow and reportedly promised to gift him the entire top floor penthouse.
9a02d168 No.3750616
>>3750615The muller investigation was delayed because it implicated democrats. What a coincidence that the report was released immediately after the statutes of limitation expired.
Trump never extorted Zelenskyy, he asked for help and released the funds before the help was given. Extortion is impossible with that scenario
7f3a9265 No.3750620
Trump a few weeks ago had to be feeling pretty good about things and now I'm sure he's reeling. What a difference between a few weeks ago and today. The Democratic party is supercharged and the White Christian Nationalist party is an almost dead car battery with maybe one last engine start left. Time for the Trump campaign to check to see if they have roadside assistance…🤔
6c511d3a No.3750622
>>3750602As real as Kamala's crowds lol
7f3a9265 No.3750624
I despise Trump but I always RSVP to his campaign that I’m attending and then tell them to eff off and stop texting me after the rally starts. People have been doing this to Dump since 2020. I like to think they see big numbers signed up, book a way too big venue like they always do and then stare at empty seats.
e3196dfe No.3750625
>>3750624In your own mind you're now a hero of the people, right?
44c9623c No.3750627
>>3750567Prove it.
Prove there actually even IS a "God."
Easy answer: You can't. All you have is "Take my word for it!"
Prostitution may be the "oldest profession," but the oldest con job is religion.
7f3a9265 No.3750628
>>3750567Your retardation is limitless christkike
2afffe96 No.3750631
>>3750628Hey, how's it hangin' atheistFag?
Don't worry, I'm like no Christian you've ever encountered before.
If you want to call me something, you can refer to me as The Punisher.
If you're not too big of a Chicken shit, email me at
[email protected]I have something for you.
7f3a9265 No.3750632
>>3750631Do your mass shooting and suicide by cop already christKIKE
you worship a jew.
2afffe96 No.3750633
>> ID: 7f3a9265
Over 20 SPAM automated robot meme posts in the last 6 hours from this ID.
Why is this ID allowed to continue to SPAM and disrupt this board?
7f3a9265 No.3750634
It's fun to study the faces of the crowd behind Trump. The absolute mixture of confusion and boredom shows it's slipping away.
Also littered with paid attendees.
7f3a9265 No.3750635
>>3750633Kill yourself nazi or cry more like a bitch
2afffe96 No.3750637
>>3750627Oh, don't worry, you'll get all the proof you need soon enough.
Sooner than you think, actually.
And the world will be rid of you, YAY.
Any questions?
Contact me.
[email protected] 7f3a9265 No.3750639
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
7f3a9265 No.3750645
>>37506441234 that's my luggage combination!
db073681 No.3750651
>>3750643Did you just get your first AoL setup CD in the mail last week or what?
859ab893 No.3750654
>>3750591She died, dude. It says "murder" right on the infographic.
85ed716f No.3750655
>>3750620Niggers are racist and ignorant true.
0a6cd457 No.3750657
>>3750643You think the mods are going to take time out of their lives to track down someone IRL and report them to the cops because they posted a meme on the internet that hurt your feelings? How do you picture that conversation going with the FBI?
The mods: Officer! You need to act fast! Someone on the internet was being mean to a white boy!
The FBI: We have a whole department of anti-terrorism that could be described as "Someone on the internet being mean to white boys." Can you be more specific?
0a6cd457 No.3750661
>>3750660After listening to what Trump said about the Tariffs I honestly think he doesn't know what one is. I think he is just that stupid. I think, he thinks, that the U.S. government can create a law which forces China to tax companies in China then the Chinese government has to hand the money over to America.
That's not how it works, obviously. America is not the ruler of China.
7f3a9265 No.3750662
>>3750660Ya, they aren't staying beyond their contracted time
e426387c No.3750666
>>3750661>>3750664Not only does this idiot not understand that tariffs get added to Chinese goods when they are imported (and the U.S. gets ALL THAT MONEY), but his Fake Kamala Graph conveniently is not inflation-adjusted, showing how those "gains" are more than wiping out by Biden/Kamala inflation.
And of course, the Democrats are now trying the Naz-i tactic of blaming their stupid mistakes on the Jews. Don't you know that people actually remember WWII? I guess not.
0a6cd457 No.3750667
>>3750664No, that's not how it works. America can't force China to force it's companies to pay taxes.
Let me explain it to you like you're a child.
You want to buy a new Xbox. Microsoft wants to sell you a new Xbox. To sell you one, they have to make it using parts that they have to buy from China.
They buy the parts like they have always done but now, because Trump is in office Microsoft has to pay the U.S. Government 60% of the cost they paid to the Chinese company.
This raises the cost of manufacturing the XBox, which in turn raises the price
you have to pay for it.
At no point does anything in China actually change because American presidents can't change the tax laws in China.
The only person paying more money in taxes is the American company and they pass that cost on to you. That's how tariffs work.
6c511d3a No.3750669
>>3750657>Who was president in 2021?>>3750661>What is inflation?>>3750660I don't see him on stage? How long was this from him being on stage?
2afffe96 No.3750670
This thread has reached its bump limit.
f4059a62 No.3750671
>>3750670> This thread has reached its bump limit.So what's your point, you retarded nigger? This thread is pinned. Bump limit is irrelevant.
44c9623c No.3750673
>>3750637You've got jack shit to back up your claim.
0a6cd457 No.3750680
>>3750669You can see him walking off the stage. That picture shows only the people deep enough in the cult to stay until his rambling, insane, rant was done.
7f3a9265 No.3750681
>>3750646Hillbillies are so fuckin stupid
6c511d3a No.3750713
>>3750680I don't see shit. Do you have anything better than a 100kb blur? Doesn't matter anyway, you already admitted to this being hours over-schedule. Not everyone has limitless free time.