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You messed with me~

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1a69a0d8 No.3745741[View All]

I'm buying expensive wine if this will finally happen.

Who do you think will be in charge next?
317 posts and 223 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

2af4c020 No.3751426

File: 1724526078642.png (412.26 KB, 1276x366, thanks.png)

Wow I can believe that Null (Joshua Moon) of Kiwifarms was doxxed and hanged for being a traitor. His poor fat neck broke when he struggled on the rope, ROT IN PAIN.

990d211c No.3751427

BY THE WAY, Kiwifarms was redirected from FA because MOST FA/DISCORD MODS (known pedophiles) ARE KF MODS. Discord mods also love hanging around for fun!

bf5a2f24 No.3751439

> manically unhinged schizoid
Yes, ok.

ab7e3c93 No.3751489

Well duh!
Backstabbing, racing for popularity
Who in the world isn't.

Did they got the hacker or did they just ignore them?

9c582245 No.3751506

Quit samefagging. It's blatantly obvious.
You even forgot to change your name one time.

ab7e3c93 No.3751517

Eat your meds schitzo gramps.

0305ca19 No.3751535


You're just reading drama threads to find a good cause to indulge your rage. Your rage is what's isolating you. This is not helping.

f114b894 No.3751538

File: 1724626041004.jpg (206.22 KB, 1600x1600, gey_fox.jpg)


Cope, Joseph.

2af4c020 No.3751568

File: 1724677454602.jpg (132.48 KB, 481x457, The Robbed Ring cover3 alt.jpg)

That's not Helelos you dorkface. We all know he's going to dethrone Null so just help him.
Me personally I'd never doing something adventurous like that. I'm broke as heck bros!

9251ddc2 No.3751576

Have you tried applying for disability? I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything, but you might be able to. If there's something ever so slightly wrong with you and I think you have approval from a doctor, you can get a good amount of money to live off.

2af4c020 No.3751595

File: 1724713903158.png (109.12 KB, 221x449, hehe.png)

I applied 3 days ago.
Takes about a year to get?
No new job yet…even fast food turns down flakes like me!
Thankfully I have commissions during my rent grace period (2 months waved by the temple, 3 months per year by church)
I might be able to catch up on 20% of the cash that was stolen from me before the year ends!
-crosses fingers-

9f606c8a No.3751601


All I hear these days is they are working on making disability way harder to get.

2af4c020 No.3751602

File: 1724719011657.jpg (281.79 KB, 908x623, Praywishav.jpg)

Why in God's glorious love is living so difficult on this beautiful planet?
Mankind is the dumbest, least caring species when it comes to overall species and world survival.
One mass extinction event is likely to happen before the system spits me out basic living needs.
Fer cripes sake it's easier to drug the water supply of a city with fentanyl and wipe out the populace than it is to house and feed a small section of the city.
Dragoneer dying woke me up to how fragile and short life is.
But he's dead and I'm not (yet), so I will help myself and others for as long as I still breathe.

9251ddc2 No.3751616

That's crazy that it takes so long. Things will work out for you, though. I can feel it.

Klaus Swab has said there are going to be multiple shock events in the coming years, and the next plandemic is right around the corner. Don't take any vaccines.

0e41ca33 No.3751644

be a better person

7c4e30d5 No.3751800

File: 1724875553607.png (261.93 KB, 1181x680, no_furry.png)

Is this gone now too?

0c560a0d No.3752876

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HEADS UP; SpottedSqueak just died! Pic related. I bought the last of his stuff, and all missing posts from KP, all included in the link below;


Rest of his stuff is on KP;

5f5d27b6 No.3752897

reddit is pretty much the bloody shit stain of 4chan

2af4c020 No.3752901

File: 1725717884924.jpg (199.85 KB, 741x635, 1112.jpg)

>died suddenly
Pipsqueak is not legally or actually dead until further evidence.

53703355 No.3752943

Why would you even say that, you fucking asshole?

408f56a2 No.3753591

File: 1726219573000.jpg (532.48 KB, 2048x1534, Dragoneer funeral photo.jpg)

Most of ,Neer's family are well to do, live decent lives, but 'Neer was the black sheep of the family.

28be8130 No.3754538

>all smiles on a sunny day


anyways my guess is he died from infected lungs. he mentioned using a cpap and those things often come with humidifiers. if he didnt take good care to wash it daily it could easily lead to stuff growing in the humidifier and then getting pushed into his lungs via cpap pushing o2 into his lungs

8e33094c No.3754549

He died from the "vaccine".

c7c0a4a7 No.3754567

File: 1727193873143.webm (5.72 MB, 427x240, How_Can_I_Be_Saved.webm)

Hundreds of millions died from the deathshot, billions will die from it soon, but Neer's probably still alive or died weeks/months ago, and then these threads are being watched/stoked by truly wicked people to see if the lie "takes".

If you want to get saved before the antichrist gets revealed, which will be soon, stick to the KJV Bible and find a pastor (which includes truly devout Christians - they count as pastors and saints according to the Bible) that isn't a faggot, luciferian or pedo to explain it to you (watching videos could work), otherwise you won't understand it and can't be saved. Ever read some (unadulterated) Scripture and couldn't get the meaning at all? That's why (and because you were unsaved).
The Ethiopian eunuch required God's Word to be read/interpreted to him (by a true Christian) before he began to understand it.
There's almost no pastor who isn't going to hell, that'll be easy for you to find - everything's almost perfectly censored now, and I mean everything. You'll need to look for one (or a genuine true Christian, or even a Christian doggie you already know) who doesn't preach mainstream BS - be earnest in your searching.
The Internet is changing, people are being altered and changed and so is all life on the planet, the next few weeks/months will be very eventful.

c7c0a4a7 No.3754568

File: 1727193993367.webm (5.77 MB, 854x480, How_do_I_Get_Saved.webm)

You don't want to be unsaved and following the antichrist/devil (by default) when shit goes down, you'll regret it for all eternity in hell if you do, and I know I'm talking to 99% reprobates/monsters/AI here at this point. Turn away from the devil and his children and their lies/works now and only focus on Jesus Christ - He's the only One who can save anyone. On some level you know it's true, and if you'll open the door, He'll sup with you. What a wonderful promise!
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 KJV

All you need to do to be saved is to believe that everyone including you is a sinner, and that you deserve hell as a result, and that Jesus Christ is the son of God resurrected and that He died for you so that you may have eternal life, with Him in Heaven - He already has a mansion built for you, if you'll turn to Him, and He is the only way to His Father!
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 KJV

Just believe, but verify with and study the KJV Bible because the antichrist will pretend to be Jesus Christ, and it's important to read God's Word in order to be able to discern the lies from the truth in the last days (which we're in now).
Is there anyone here remaining who isn't a pedo, bot or zombie? It's you who I'm talking to, even the "jews" and related ilk. The time for scoffing's over.

c7c0a4a7 No.3754570

File: 1727194521939.webm (5.83 MB, 427x240, What-is-Prayer.webm)

Spoiler: Will the beast "overcome" the saints (Christians)? Yes, he will. Nevertheless, our eternal life is guaranteed by the only one who can guarantee it, and many Christians will make it to the very end nonetheless - know that no matter what happens, Jesus Christ and His angels will be swift and victorious. There's a lot of Scripture that explains all this (including Christians' earthly bodies also being saved until the end), but Revelation 20:10's good to know:
“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”
Trust in Jesus, and don't corrupt yourself with violence and hatred.

All you need to do to receive everlasting life, with a new and perfect unvaxxed body, in a perfect place, is to believe in Jesus Christ:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 KJV

c7c0a4a7 No.3754571

File: 1727194620684.webm (4.38 MB, 427x240, Free-Gift.webm)

Disclaimer: I don't fully endorse the attached videos on how to get saved (especially the mixed up Adventists or even most Baptists nowadays), they were just something I had available before going to doggie bed again, but do generally agree with the content nonetheless. Thankfully, getting saved is so easy, it's more difficult for the devil to corrupt its message - don't forget that once you're saved you're always saved, even if you still shove/take things up your ass (although you shouldn't). Also - you're not expected to get all emotional over your past sins; just be honest about having sinned without dwelling on things or re-living them, that's not necessary. Do your own research in regards to getting saved (stay away from anyone who denies that Jesus Christ is the only way), and don't leave things to chance.
Once we turn to Him, He will set us free - the devil and his children will never let go of their followers, they will try to pull them down to hell with them.

Anyway, very tired, should have done doggie work but did this instead, doggie bed nao, etc.

23e6b946 No.3754574

Or read some history and understand why the vast majority of theologins who study this stuff as a career are atheists.

There was no talking snake. There was a village a few miles away that worshipped a snake wrapped around a pole who were the 'enemy.'

What you're promolgating is a mythology created to fool the 'general populus' into joining an organization that siphons money from them. Period. It was put together and canonized 300 years after Jesus by the same people that killed him and the same people he was fighting against to start with.

You don't worship Jesus. You don't worship God. You worship Mithra because of sneaky romans. Congrats and hope you enjoy all of the child sacrifice.

0e41ca33 No.3754582

holier than thou syndrome

23e6b946 No.3754595

Good job describing literally every religion ever.

a6cb4853 No.3754597

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a6cb4853 No.3754598

5f5d27b6 No.3754600

sucks that a controlling content hoarding patent enthusiast and basically all around server-perv died. may he continue to victimize young artists in his death.

7ffda905 No.3754680


Yes. Its all Bullshit and FlimFlam while making the suckers pay "or else"..

c9460e86 No.3754692


MY GOD, install an adblocker, you fucking retard.


a6cb4853 No.3754706

File: 1727407371581.jpeg (129.63 KB, 1086x1051, Screenshot_26-9-2024_2321….jpeg)


Calling someone a retard while acting like a retard over petty shite Is much more retarded.

a6cb4853 No.3754725

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a6cb4853 No.3754731

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a1c16e00 No.3754738


Always gives me a chuckle that Mr. Hackerman can't even evade a wordfilter.

a6cb4853 No.3754744

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c7c0a4a7 No.3754858

File: 1727620865037.jpg (108.55 KB, 854x480, Believe-in-Jesus.jpg)

Remember - once saved, always saved; no matter what you choose to take up your rectum!
Salvation is easy, no need for 10 steps as described in the above videos, but they can help if you need encouragement. If you're doubting your salvation, which happens to most or all Christians at some point, this prayer (and Scripture below) can help you.
However, I suggest you refer to God as "Heavenly Father" and pray in the name of "Your Son Jesus Christ", just to get rid of any dangerous (((ambiguity))).

"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."
Acts 16:30-31 (KJV)

Don't forget to study the KJV Bible, start with the New Testament first, Book of John and then from Matthew to Revelation - ask Jesus or the Heavenly Father or Holy Ghost to help you interpret it, if you're having trouble. The Internet is now too censored for you to find good pastors, unless you make a very serious effort - beware the fakes, they're everywhere.

98869504 No.3755191

Since people here are always up to date on the latest gossip, I have a question: What is up with the mods on FA now? I see chatter about certain topics and themes getting the banhammer despite no new updates on site policy, so what gives?

ecc36dc4 No.3755214

I would say it is a free-for-all now that there is no central authority (correct me if I'm off base here) so that emboldens mods to abuse their position because they don't like something.

8761b88e No.3755227

there has always been that dumb chatter

66848a48 No.3755285

social engineer some credibility

5982e304 No.3755316

It only takes 10 seconds to call you a retard.

866d35e7 No.3755328

The name is Mudd. Harcourt Fenton Mudd.

772b3232 No.3755330

Wasn't he also once charged with "penetrating a space whale"?

af06b742 No.3755401

>Wasn't he also once charged with "penetrating a space whale"?

Seems so!


a5a96cc8 No.3767417

saving this classic

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