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You messed with me~

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1a69a0d8 No.3745741[View All]

I'm buying expensive wine if this will finally happen.

Who do you think will be in charge next?
302 posts and 208 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

cf3c359c No.3750917

File: 1724214646269.png (124.55 KB, 600x852, snapshot_kiwifarms.st_1724….png)

They seem annoyed about it at kiwifarms.

ec837834 No.3750921

File: 1724215227526.png (134.36 KB, 1196x1205, image.png)


b34a1522 No.3750924

>One of the top threads is about what a fuckup YMS is
Wew lad, I'm sure he's thrilled about that.

608b6d57 No.3750925

Someone just bought the domain and redirected to Kiwi Farms. All the data on the servers should be intact. That's my understanding from outside sources.

b34a1522 No.3750927

That doesn't really explain how he got access to every single account Dragoneer owned. The only way that happens is if he used the same password for everything, and I'd bet my bottom dollar that he did.

3c1d2320 No.3750929

Unless the hacker has Neer's password and merely redirected the domain name to a different address. That could be likely if neer really did use the same password for every damn thing.

37182510 No.3750932

Didn't his boyfriend die recently or something?

0e41ca33 No.3750954

indian site rippers using it to train massive data models

d2f19b22 No.3750955

>Get into FA's registrar because the password was something simple like "mortgage."
>Update the DNS record of FA to point to servers you control.
>Run email password recovery on a bunch of connected accounts.
>Because all the accounts were registered with *@furaffinity.net addresses, you now have access to all newly received emails.
>Change all the passwords and take control of all the accounts.
Give or take some details, this is probably how it happened. In fact, they might even be able to access the server if FA runs on a VPS service that's also connected to an @furaffinity.net email. Getting access to a VNC is a lot like getting access to the physical terminal.

b34a1522 No.3750959

File: 1724247795313.png (49.8 KB, 445x250, 6316613-331be109521e1e54fc….png)

No, they just broke up. Adam's sidekick Scoot died of a brain bleed after a wrestling match a couple of months ago. Which really fucking sucks for him, because Scoot was the only funny person that Adam has to feature on his channel. Now all he's got is his boring gay roommate and the incredibly coom-brained tranny that makes his highlight reels.

Seriously, this thing's tits get larger with every commission.

f7a6b89e No.3750960

File: 1724247940436.jpg (123.48 KB, 1280x906, IMG_20240726_105619_096.jpg)

I like how y'all are such social fuck ups that social hacking doesn't even fly on your radar. Whenever someone dies it's insanely easy to sad mom voice a few guys on the phone and get their shit.

2b78f8bb No.3750984

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6313724e No.3750986

He also couldh've keep all passwords on paper, and someone took it off his cold dead body

608b6d57 No.3751000

At this point, it seems most likely someone got ahold of one of his electronic devices with passwords stored on it e.g. laptop, phone, tablet. Just speculating.

2af4c020 No.3751080

File: 1724312693090.jpg (951.1 KB, 1016x766, andre2-moshed-06-29-17-52-….jpg)

Discord/FA staff have hands in Kiwifarms. Neer's death is ultimately meaningless greed like his life.
His father's funeral was 20 grand+?
It costs about $200 with beer to retcon his legacy and erase his internet presence.
Welcome to Hellside; you're here forever.

e2a0ec5d No.3751096

File: 1724320845991.png (953.81 KB, 1600x2500, e1a587b539a2960395917d3add….png)

meh, I have the standard veterans' life insurance policy. I'm just going to end up being a another tooth in dayton's VA graveyard, since I'm classified as 100% disabled and I'm eligible for it.

The money is because living people for some reason like spending a bunch of money on the dead, but I have like 3 people irl who know me, tops? People like funerals, I've never been to a wedding, funeral, or anything like that, so I don't understand the appeal.

Well that, and I'd really prefer a professional clean up team dispose of all of my… less than publicly displayable possessions.

e2a0ec5d No.3751097

File: 1724321023299.png (4.63 MB, 4096x4096, 52424a7d41df14c0addfffd4c4….png)

I'm defiantly going to be one of those cases where the preacher is like "he uhm, well he really loved his dog…" the buffet is on your left.

2af4c020 No.3751099

File: 1724323528690.png (43.56 KB, 227x140, d11bc5d5f58a00cae8da50407e….png)

Boo hoo he's still fucking dead and his last posts were bitchy worthless virtue signals, degenerate furshit and suicide-baiting his suicide.
$30k funeral, Squiggles panhandling…come the fuck on.
When she dies it's another giant money drain for what?
She costs $20 to be killed and less to erase her internet signature and history.

2af4c020 No.3751101

File: 1724323974417.jpg (17.78 KB, 200x200, toyle-moshed-07-09-14-48-3….jpg)

Bros, I had pneumonia last week and I didn't go to the doctor because I was in jail. Now I'm super strong, ready to rebuild bridges and overcoming my ego.
I will never give up.
-collapses into bed with resume in hand-

e2a0ec5d No.3751103

File: 1724326469026.png (2.83 MB, 1600x1920, 52b0bb3936d758bd3ed1c93602….png)

well, he died doing what he loved… pandering for money and more RAM's. May his legacy live on.

e2a0ec5d No.3751104

File: 1724326596081.jpg (131.02 KB, 850x971, 0d170fcab217857d4c334e7e5c….jpg)

Also didn't Squiggles divorce him after like 3 days? How does she play into the money thing?

e2a0ec5d No.3751105

File: 1724326919107.png (1.06 MB, 1100x977, 0dc7e83e1f0bb71431df92900d….png)

Well I guess she did take 50% of his entire net value, so maybe shes going in for seconds and taking 50% of his death money?

She's ambitious, I'll give her that.

e2a0ec5d No.3751106

alimony payments are a bitch, she's going to miss those things.

9251ddc2 No.3751123

Listen "Toyle", assuming you're actually sick, these things will get you better. Manuka honey, fenugreek and mullein leaf. Mix these together in some tea and it'll go away fast.

2af4c020 No.3751145

Those are good to have once I have food money.
Thank you, I'll note these.

e56158af No.3751164

File: 1724357357333.jpg (19.23 KB, 335x78, adblock.jpg)

Lmao this shows up if you try blocking the header begging for gibs on FA

0c560a0d No.3751179

File: 1724363854619.jpg (42.11 KB, 450x495, dcd92e36fc7028571870a9a7f4….jpg)

eating cupcakes

0c560a0d No.3751373

File: 1724489536361.jpg (214.96 KB, 635x671, dead.jpg)

FurryArtPile, BlueTaboo, Furocity, etc. All dead.

Do you think SoFurry or Pedobunny will take over the enormous userbase of FA some day?

0c560a0d No.3751374

File: 1724489804371.jpg (40.63 KB, 395x425, BlueTabooLogo.jpg)

2af4c020 No.3751426

File: 1724526078642.png (412.26 KB, 1276x366, thanks.png)

Wow I can believe that Null (Joshua Moon) of Kiwifarms was doxxed and hanged for being a traitor. His poor fat neck broke when he struggled on the rope, ROT IN PAIN.

990d211c No.3751427

BY THE WAY, Kiwifarms was redirected from FA because MOST FA/DISCORD MODS (known pedophiles) ARE KF MODS. Discord mods also love hanging around for fun!

bf5a2f24 No.3751439

> manically unhinged schizoid
Yes, ok.

ab7e3c93 No.3751489

Well duh!
Backstabbing, racing for popularity
Who in the world isn't.

Did they got the hacker or did they just ignore them?

9c582245 No.3751506

Quit samefagging. It's blatantly obvious.
You even forgot to change your name one time.

ab7e3c93 No.3751517

Eat your meds schitzo gramps.

0305ca19 No.3751535


You're just reading drama threads to find a good cause to indulge your rage. Your rage is what's isolating you. This is not helping.

f114b894 No.3751538

File: 1724626041004.jpg (206.22 KB, 1600x1600, gey_fox.jpg)


Cope, Joseph.

2af4c020 No.3751568

File: 1724677454602.jpg (132.48 KB, 481x457, The Robbed Ring cover3 alt.jpg)

That's not Helelos you dorkface. We all know he's going to dethrone Null so just help him.
Me personally I'd never doing something adventurous like that. I'm broke as heck bros!

9251ddc2 No.3751576

Have you tried applying for disability? I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything, but you might be able to. If there's something ever so slightly wrong with you and I think you have approval from a doctor, you can get a good amount of money to live off.

2af4c020 No.3751595

File: 1724713903158.png (109.12 KB, 221x449, hehe.png)

I applied 3 days ago.
Takes about a year to get?
No new job yet…even fast food turns down flakes like me!
Thankfully I have commissions during my rent grace period (2 months waved by the temple, 3 months per year by church)
I might be able to catch up on 20% of the cash that was stolen from me before the year ends!
-crosses fingers-

9f606c8a No.3751601


All I hear these days is they are working on making disability way harder to get.

2af4c020 No.3751602

File: 1724719011657.jpg (281.79 KB, 908x623, Praywishav.jpg)

Why in God's glorious love is living so difficult on this beautiful planet?
Mankind is the dumbest, least caring species when it comes to overall species and world survival.
One mass extinction event is likely to happen before the system spits me out basic living needs.
Fer cripes sake it's easier to drug the water supply of a city with fentanyl and wipe out the populace than it is to house and feed a small section of the city.
Dragoneer dying woke me up to how fragile and short life is.
But he's dead and I'm not (yet), so I will help myself and others for as long as I still breathe.

9251ddc2 No.3751616

That's crazy that it takes so long. Things will work out for you, though. I can feel it.

Klaus Swab has said there are going to be multiple shock events in the coming years, and the next plandemic is right around the corner. Don't take any vaccines.

0e41ca33 No.3751644

be a better person

7c4e30d5 No.3751800

File: 1724875553607.png (261.93 KB, 1181x680, no_furry.png)

Is this gone now too?

0c560a0d No.3752876

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HEADS UP; SpottedSqueak just died! Pic related. I bought the last of his stuff, and all missing posts from KP, all included in the link below;


Rest of his stuff is on KP;

5f5d27b6 No.3752897

reddit is pretty much the bloody shit stain of 4chan

2af4c020 No.3752901

File: 1725717884924.jpg (199.85 KB, 741x635, 1112.jpg)

>died suddenly
Pipsqueak is not legally or actually dead until further evidence.

53703355 No.3752943

Why would you even say that, you fucking asshole?

408f56a2 No.3753591

File: 1726219573000.jpg (532.48 KB, 2048x1534, Dragoneer funeral photo.jpg)

Most of ,Neer's family are well to do, live decent lives, but 'Neer was the black sheep of the family.

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